Conversation with #botb at 2/2/2013 4:04:37 PM on (irc)

(4:04:37 PM) The topic for #botb is: [#botb] | beware the netsåöot | Winter Chip is a thing 7 HOURS REMAIN | <rainwarrior> vortex tracker 2 just became 27% less warcrime | | WC8 Synclisten Sat. 23:30 UTC at [6:30p EST]
(4:05:07 PM) kfaraday: wolly i still can't stop laughing at eyes considered harmful
(4:05:15 PM) kfaraday: i want to fave it but i don't want to risk revealing your position
(4:05:16 PM) wollybutt: yeah why make good music and then talk it down when you could be making bad music and talking it up
(4:05:27 PM) wollybutt: oh you can do that
(4:05:28 PM) null1024: that's the spirit
(4:05:32 PM) kfaraday: oh :) ok
(4:05:36 PM) wollybutt: i forgot my password to that account already
(4:05:39 PM) kfaraday: hahah
(4:05:43 PM) wollybutt: i think it's "cantbelieveitsnotbutter"
(4:05:49 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(4:06:05 PM) lainlives: wollybutt: this will have to do until i find the xm
(4:06:08 PM) Grumskiz: oh god...the mp3 compression makes the track sound horrible
(4:06:10 PM) Grumskiz: anything I can do?
(4:06:13 PM) null1024: we're almost at 200 entries, neato
(4:06:14 PM) wollybutt: lainlives wow thanx
(4:06:23 PM) Jangler: Grumskiz: are you using VBR
(4:06:23 PM) wollybutt: THE CHIPTECH
(4:06:25 PM) kfaraday: grumskiz you can rerrender the mp3 and upload
(4:06:32 PM) null1024: and here I was thinking we wouldn't break 170
(4:06:34 PM) wollybutt: i wish there was a new site like 8bc
(4:06:37 PM) wollybutt: a site like soundcloud
(4:06:42 PM) wollybutt: with no respect for the dignity of music
(4:06:44 PM) wollybutt: just like me
(4:06:45 PM) null1024: ahahahaha
(4:06:48 PM) Grumskiz: I'm talking about a not yet uploaded song...the gameboy one remember?
(4:06:56 PM) Grumskiz: Jangler, no I was using CBR
(4:06:59 PM) Jangler: use VBR
(4:07:00 PM) kfaraday: :D music is a living creature
(4:07:06 PM) kfaraday: there is no pain to be had over bringing one into the world
(4:07:09 PM) lainlives: wollybutt: any music is noise to someone, which means any noise is music to someone right?
(4:07:16 PM) Grumskiz: alright, will try that
(4:07:18 PM) Grumskiz: thanks
(4:07:19 PM) lainlives: therefore any music you make should be 'good' to SOMEONE out there
(4:07:21 PM) wollybutt: lainlives YEAH
(4:07:30 PM) Jangler: three incorrect statements >:D
(4:07:32 PM) lainlives: also, need to reboot
(4:07:37 PM) wollybutt: i dunno what i don't like about soundcloud
(4:07:42 PM) lainlives: because jackd dont like to unhook my soundcard
(4:07:44 PM) Jangler: i don't like soundcloud either
(4:07:46 PM) wollybutt: it somehow makes music utterly disposable while putting musicians on a pedestal
(4:07:53 PM) Jangler: it is really full of itself somehow
(4:07:56 PM) wollybutt: and tehre are more practical concerns with the ui
(4:08:03 PM) wollybutt: chahaha chiptech.mp3
(4:08:07 PM) ***lainlives misses when TDS was active
(4:08:14 PM) wollybutt: TDS was Fackin' Cool
(4:08:17 PM) wollybutt: i was a bit late to the party
(4:08:40 PM) lainlives: MONO accepted anything really, as he claimed it to be more of a 'playground' to grow instead of isolating it to single genre's etc
(4:08:43 PM) kfaraday: chipi-tech
(4:09:03 PM) ipi is now known as ipibusi
(4:09:05 PM) lainlives: and its UI was great, unlike FEKKIN SOUNDCLOUD OH GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT ABORTION
(4:09:08 PM) Jangler: Grumskiz: you could also use mono if you're not already
(4:09:26 PM) lainlives: anyway, reboot, jackd is being a bitch again
(4:09:31 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Quit: I ACCIDENTALLY THE X).
(4:09:34 PM) Grumskiz: I have managed to record it in its stereo "glory" :3
(4:09:34 PM) golgibody: Good suggestion. :)
(4:09:39 PM) golgibody: :(
(4:09:57 PM) Grumskiz: also vbr sounds a lot better, thanks again
(4:10:03 PM) Jangler: no probs
(4:10:08 PM) kfaraday: hehee
(4:10:23 PM) kfaraday: is anyone entering an Epilogue Track a la ipibusi's summer chip 2 module
(4:10:32 PM) ipibusi: hahaha
(4:11:15 PM) ElHuesudoII left the room (quit: Quit: Saliendo).
(4:11:27 PM) wollybutt: lainlives its ui was great because MONO STOLE IT FROM 8BC, IP THEFT, BURN MONO AT THE STAKE
(4:11:46 PM) Jangler: ninja mono
(4:12:04 PM) kfaraday: me and jangler are stealing more things than we can remember for our new--wait i didn't say anything
(4:12:06 PM) wollybutt: the guy who ran 8bc claimed to have invented a 3 column design with the songs list in the middle
(4:12:14 PM) Jangler: heheh
(4:12:14 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(4:12:16 PM) Jangler: stealing is good
(4:12:16 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Grumskiz - Ice Cavern :: gameboy ::
(4:12:17 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 197 entries!
(4:12:17 PM) wollybutt: for your new design of kitchen tiles
(4:12:22 PM) Jangler: "stealing" is good
(4:12:23 PM) kfaraday: stealing is good :D
(4:12:23 PM) KentaKurodani left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(4:12:25 PM) Jangler: stealing is bad
(4:12:28 PM) kfaraday: oh
(4:12:29 PM) kfaraday: yes :)
(4:12:53 PM) lainlives: jackd is annoying at times
(4:13:00 PM) wollybutt: i paid £18 for a video editor today
(4:13:04 PM) wollybutt: lo £~
(4:13:13 PM) wollybutt: I hope you're in heaven and Gay
(4:13:38 PM) lainlives: piracy isnt stealing per se, but im not saying its good
(4:13:40 PM) Jangler: if you haven't plowed a dude at least one you won't fit in in heaven
(4:14:12 PM) wollybutt: heaven's pretty big, if you can fit into A Dude you can probably fit into heaven
(4:14:19 PM) kfaraday: :D yes
(4:14:31 PM) Jangler: lainlives: the context of "stealing is good" was patentable stuff, not media
(4:14:59 PM) lainlives: ah, but still, stealing insists you 'removed' an item from someone else
(4:15:03 PM) Jangler: yeah
(4:15:06 PM) wollybutt: the context was patentable stuff, not people's private collections of family heirlooms and treasured pictures of their dead relatives and pets
(4:15:13 PM) Jangler: that's why i corrected it to "stealing"
(4:15:16 PM) lainlives: wollybutt: ah xD
(4:15:32 PM) wollybutt: i would say that piracy is closer to fraud than theft but what do i know
(4:15:32 PM) Jangler: patentable stuff, not merchant ships on the open seas
(4:15:42 PM) wollybutt: ok i just made that up really
(4:16:01 PM) kfaraday: jangler haha
(4:16:03 PM) wollybutt: fraud seems to be a crime where you illegally get things from people without taking it from them
(4:16:35 PM) wollybutt: BUTT
(4:17:20 PM) cmc left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(4:17:29 PM) wollybutt is now known as luttybowl
(4:17:38 PM) Tux [] entered the room.
(4:17:43 PM) luttybowl: Ey Tux
(4:17:48 PM) Tux: hey
(4:17:49 PM) luttybowl: Whats Up
(4:18:04 PM) Tux: i guess i can talk again O____
(4:18:47 PM) Jangler: the linux mascot, tux, was chosen because of linux aficionados' notable predilection for formal wear
(4:19:04 PM) Tux: yesh
(4:20:26 PM) Jangler: slack wear linux
(4:21:08 PM) luttybowl: is that where fedora got its name from too
(4:21:14 PM) kfaraday: HAHA
(4:21:22 PM) Jangler: yes, luttybowl
(4:21:35 PM) Tux: redhat
(4:21:36 PM) Tux: yea
(4:21:47 PM) kfaraday: hey that owns
(4:21:52 PM) luttybowl: people on the internet tend to make fun of other people on the internet by accusing them of owning a fedora
(4:22:02 PM) luttybowl: also what do penguins really have to do with formal wear
(4:22:10 PM) luttybowl: they don't wear anything OR have a concept of formality
(4:22:54 PM) Jangler: fedora is better than a top hat
(4:23:04 PM) Tux: i have a fedora
(4:23:20 PM) Jangler: there is some kid on campus who wears a steampunk-lookin' top hat
(4:23:27 PM) SatoriKomeiji: !compo
(4:23:28 PM) luttybowl: the only hats i own are wolly beany things
(4:23:28 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 197 entries :: submission deadline 2h 43s :: final results 17d 2h 8m 42s ::
(4:23:45 PM) kfaraday: it'll get there lol
(4:24:10 PM) Jangler: yeah i just have thems too
(4:24:32 PM) Jangler: there is some other kid who always wears a cowboy hat
(4:27:02 PM) Jangler: let's write a version of the Big Linux Hacker Manual (don't remember what it is called) that is full of such disinformation
(4:27:08 PM) lainlives: luttybowl: almost actually
(4:27:25 PM) lainlives: Red Hat was made by a guy who was known for his red fedora
(4:27:49 PM) Jangler: who the hell wears a red fedora
(4:27:57 PM) lainlives: Fedora is basically a community supported 'cutting edge' distro that red hat essentially uses as a testing bed for new software
(4:28:28 PM) lainlives: Jangler: creepy looking developer types obviously
(4:28:56 PM) Jangler: and pimps maybe
(4:29:18 PM) Jangler: flamboyant performers
(4:29:23 PM) Jangler: fwamboyant
(4:29:39 PM) Willow: will voting be immediately available
(4:29:52 PM) Jangler: i sure hope so
(4:30:08 PM) xterm: yeah i thought that was sort of the point of the synclisten
(4:30:11 PM) Willow: it'd be interesting to be able to get voting out of the way in one night
(4:30:13 PM) xterm: to encourage more voting
(4:30:18 PM) xterm: yeah!
(4:30:28 PM) kfaraday: hopefully it will be :)
(4:30:31 PM) Willow: despite the fact that we'll be here until 4 am
(4:30:36 PM) kfaraday: : ))
(4:30:38 PM) xterm: is that how long is it kf?
(4:30:43 PM) Willow: how do the pixels fit into it
(4:30:46 PM) Jangler: you could record your votes manually and enter them later if not
(4:30:48 PM) kfaraday: lemme get a hinge on time
(4:30:53 PM) xterm: true jangler
(4:30:54 PM) kfaraday: uhh WOW
(4:30:56 PM) kfaraday: HAHA
(4:31:04 PM) kfaraday: party's now at seven hours i'm sorry you guys
(4:31:11 PM) kfaraday: this'll be a voyage
(4:31:14 PM) ec2013: 3 more entires~
(4:31:15 PM) xterm: oh thats not even so bad
(4:31:16 PM) xterm: 1:30am
(4:31:18 PM) xterm: bring it on
(4:31:18 PM) kfaraday: :3
(4:31:25 PM) Willow: erg
(4:31:32 PM) Willow: can we have like planned breaks somewhere along the way
(4:31:37 PM) xterm: NEIN
(4:31:40 PM) kfaraday: there are ten minute intermissions
(4:31:43 PM) xterm: oh
(4:31:45 PM) Willow: ok gud
(4:31:48 PM) kfaraday: placed strategically alongst the way
(4:31:49 PM) Willow: xterm don't be a boob
(4:31:52 PM) kfaraday: for MY SAKE you guys
(4:32:02 PM) kfaraday: : )
(4:32:04 PM) xterm: xte__rm
(4:32:07 PM) Zephemeros [] entered the room.
(4:32:13 PM) kfaraday: zeppph :D
(4:32:35 PM) kfaraday: glad ye could make it
(4:33:00 PM) Jangler: maiden voyage
(4:33:04 PM) Zephemeros: hello sirs
(4:33:27 PM) null1024: <kfaraday> party's now at seven hours i'm sorry you guys -- christ
(4:33:32 PM) Willow: ^
(4:33:37 PM) luttybowl: what is the mod filesize limit
(4:33:41 PM) Jangler: i'll probably be there for most of it
(4:33:45 PM) luttybowl: 64k?
(4:33:45 PM) Jangler: luttybowl: 64k i think
(4:33:49 PM) luttybowl: that's some bullshit m8
(4:33:49 PM) null1024: luttybowl: 64k on the site
(4:34:03 PM) luttybowl: dog wants to submit a 144k
(4:34:07 PM) null1024: the absolute largest a MOD can be is either 1 or 2MB IIRC
(4:34:22 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(4:34:29 PM) kfaraday: oh! is it still a legal mod then
(4:34:34 PM) null1024: but BotB's only .MOD entry format is 64k
(4:34:39 PM) kfaraday: :-(
(4:34:46 PM) xterm: wildchops
(4:34:52 PM) kfaraday: does dog still have his wildchip entry
(4:35:03 PM) kfaraday: oh! he does
(4:35:06 PM) xterm: hawg wyldechip
(4:35:23 PM) Zephemeros: still haven't gotten around to making something for winter chip gah
(4:35:28 PM) Zephemeros: I'm so lazy
(4:35:31 PM) kfaraday: still time!! :D
(4:35:41 PM) Willow: ha
(4:35:43 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(4:35:45 PM) kfaraday: you have 150% more time than a regular ohc
(4:35:51 PM) kfaraday: oh
(4:35:52 PM) Willow: about 2.5 hours left
(4:35:58 PM) kfaraday: hee i thought that
(4:35:58 PM) Zephemeros: lol
(4:35:59 PM) Zephemeros: damn
(4:36:01 PM) kfaraday: but now it's slightly under 2 hours
(4:36:03 PM) kfaraday: still enough
(4:36:15 PM) pfcode left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(4:37:08 PM) xterm: time to track furiously and with great vengeance
(4:37:50 PM) Willow: I wonder...
(4:38:38 PM) null1024: !compo
(4:38:38 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 197 entries :: submission deadline 1h 45m 32s :: final results 17d 1h 53m 31s ::
(4:38:46 PM) Willow: hmm I wonder what the word for 'chip' would be in cherokee...
(4:38:52 PM) chipchampion [] entered the room.
(4:38:52 PM) BotB: Smeesh?!?!?!111
(4:38:53 PM) mode (+o chipchampion) by ChanServ
(4:39:12 PM) Jangler: KFF makes an alt account and submits another hour of music before the entry period ends
(4:39:25 PM) Willow: lol
(4:39:33 PM) null1024: ahahahaha
(4:39:36 PM) Willow: jangler do you midi
(4:39:41 PM) Felix [] entered the room.
(4:39:44 PM) Jangler: i don't even know how to midi
(4:39:47 PM) Willow: hmm
(4:39:51 PM) Jangler: i have a midi controller though
(4:39:54 PM) Zephemeros: #doyouevenmidi
(4:39:56 PM) ***null1024 uses Anvil Studio for MIDI muzak
(4:40:02 PM) Willow: I could 2HC something decent, maybe
(4:40:08 PM) kfaraday: uses sibelius ( 'w')
(4:40:17 PM) null1024: it takes too damn long to do anything with a piano roll
(4:40:23 PM) golgibody: :O MIDI
(4:40:37 PM) Willow: SHUD EYE
(4:40:48 PM) Felix left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(4:41:42 PM) null1024: kfaraday: so, what order will the songs be played in? submission order? reverse submission order?
(4:42:24 PM) kfaraday: submission order~
(4:42:48 PM) null1024: kk
(4:42:49 PM) SatoriKomeiji: Roger - you da man!
(4:43:51 PM) null1024: man, if IT2TIA was fixed, I'd make a quick little TIA song
(4:44:18 PM) Willow: ᎪᎵ ᎠᏲᎵ - goli ayoli...winter CHILD
(4:44:53 PM) Willow: ugwatalvda - is what this dictionary says means 'chip'
(4:44:55 PM) Willow: :s
(4:45:32 PM) Willow: goli ugwatalvda...winter chip?
(4:47:47 PM) Willow: I don't even know what I would do
(4:47:50 PM) Willow: for a 2hc
(4:48:07 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Warlord - Leftovers :: adlib ::
(4:48:08 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 198 entries!
(4:48:58 PM) BotB: Warlord - Leftovers :: mp3 now available ::
(4:49:12 PM) rainwarrior: !battle
(4:49:13 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 198 entries :: submission deadline 1h 34m 58s :: final results 17d 1h 42m 57s ::
(4:49:19 PM) kfaraday: : ))
(4:50:48 PM) GreaseMonkey [] entered the room.
(4:52:15 PM) Willow: oh less than 2 hours now :s
(4:52:25 PM) Willow: we'll break 200 anyway~
(4:53:01 PM) Warlord: I can still submit one tune if we need it to get to 200 ;P
(4:53:38 PM) golgibody: kfaraday, you should submit the sid you were working on. :)
(4:53:44 PM) BotB: dog has logged in.
(4:53:48 PM) BotB: dog reaches Level 6 Chipist with 206pnts
(4:54:18 PM) chipchampion has changed the topic to: [#botb] | beware the netsåöot | Winter Chip is a thing 1.5 HOURS REMAIN | <rainwarrior> vortex tracker 2 just became 27% less warcrime | | WC8 Synclisten Sat. 23:30 UTC at [6:30p EST]
(4:54:36 PM) kfaraday: :D golgibody i have
(4:54:37 PM) Warlord: beeper pooper stuff that I wrote like 6+ months ago. was supposed to be for some musicdisk, which does not appear to have gotten ever published
(4:59:06 PM) SatoriKomeiji: HAHA we have 6:59:59 of WC8 renders right now
(4:59:25 PM) SatoriKomeiji: and Benus removal has no render right now
(4:59:29 PM) luttybowl: bloody hell m8
(4:59:29 PM) kfaraday: i'm litearlly fast approaching the space i gave myself for the playlist on the spreadsheet hahahah
(4:59:37 PM) kfaraday: never thought i'd reach that
(4:59:38 PM) luttybowl: 7 hours 7 HOURS
(4:59:49 PM) kfaraday: the winter chip fackin ring cycle
(4:59:50 PM) golgibody: I hope KungFuFurby enters an hour long entry last minute
(5:00:20 PM) Willow: ᏧᏁᎳ ᎢᎦ ᎪᎵ ᎤᏆᏔᎸᏓ
(5:00:25 PM) Willow: nine winter chips (lol)
(5:00:31 PM) Willow: er
(5:00:32 PM) kfaraday: :DD
(5:00:34 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: dog - a pile of leaves :: wildchip ::
(5:00:34 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 199 entries!
(5:00:35 PM) Willow: eight winter chips*
(5:00:39 PM) kfaraday: eight living chipz
(5:00:42 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Slimeball - VIC 20 gangsta :: vic20 ::
(5:00:42 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 200 entries!
(5:00:44 PM) ***null1024 is so glad he entered that 11 minute tune ;3
(5:00:46 PM) SatoriKomeiji: aaaAAAA
(5:00:47 PM) null1024: 200 entries
(5:00:48 PM) kfaraday: HOHHHHHH
(5:00:51 PM) Willow: actually I used the dead count word
(5:00:52 PM) Tux: WOAH
(5:00:58 PM) Grumskiz: D:
(5:01:00 PM) rainwarrior: hey can anyone recommend a good stopwatch program for windows?
(5:01:01 PM) Willow: so it's just eight
(5:01:04 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: jrlepage - Dream Destination :: nsf ::
(5:01:05 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 201 entries!
(5:01:07 PM) luttybowl: dog's entry might possibly be 19 minutes long
(5:01:10 PM) Willow: awshit
(5:01:13 PM) golgibody: Entry explosion!
(5:01:35 PM) BotB: jrlepage - Dream Destination :: mp3 now available ::
(5:01:58 PM) jrlepage: I think that about wraps it up for me
(5:02:16 PM) null1024: oh my dog
(5:02:18 PM) kfaraday: luttybowl is just the same thing repeated over and over again?!?!
(5:02:21 PM) null1024: it's longer than mine ;-;
(5:02:21 PM) KungFuFurby [] entered the room.
(5:02:27 PM) Jangler: it's longer than anime
(5:02:38 PM) kfaraday: no!! anime is 23 minutes on average
(5:02:38 PM) KungFuFurby: Well done on getting past 200 entries!
(5:02:42 PM) ***Willow dances to shocks tune
(5:02:44 PM) kfaraday: normalising for ads and ending themes
(5:02:53 PM) kfaraday: KFF it's a great time :D
(5:03:00 PM) kfaraday: looking forward to hearing yer entries
(5:03:01 PM) KungFuFurby: :D
(5:03:11 PM) Tux: anime is probably the same length as that incredibly long c64 entry
(5:03:16 PM) kfaraday: : ) yes
(5:03:22 PM) luttybowl: kfaraday yea
(5:03:24 PM) Jangler: let's be an anime
(5:03:27 PM) Jangler: together
(5:03:33 PM) KungFuFurby: If my calculations are correct, it'll be two and a half hours before the synclisten begins.
(5:03:40 PM) luttybowl: one and a half i think
(5:03:44 PM) kfaraday: one and a half :D
(5:03:46 PM) Willow: 1.5s
(5:03:47 PM) Tux: im gonna be haruhi genderswap
(5:03:49 PM) Tux: f*** you all
(5:04:02 PM) SatoriKomeiji: yeah i realize i shouldn't sleep
(5:04:10 PM) KungFuFurby: Oh, it's listed for 6:30 PM EST. So that means one and a half hours.
(5:04:13 PM) kfaraday: satori never sleeps
(5:04:18 PM) Jangler: my alter anime is "ego"
(5:04:19 PM) null1024: actually, dog's entry isn't really 19 minutes
(5:04:28 PM) luttybowl: it is really 19 minutes
(5:04:29 PM) null1024: it just loops a billion times ;P
(5:04:32 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(5:04:43 PM) luttybowl: do you have an anti-looping bias
(5:04:45 PM) KungFuFurby: I can make some Japanese-esque music.
(5:04:47 PM) kfaraday: i do~
(5:04:48 PM) Jangler: i certainly do
(5:05:00 PM) luttybowl: dog is trying to challenge your deeply ingrained assumptions about music
(5:05:04 PM) kfaraday: the world is not kind to looped citizens in this day and age >:)
(5:05:09 PM) luttybowl: if you truncate his song you will totally miss the point
(5:05:49 PM) ***null1024 likes his assumptions about music, and will use his tongue as a murder implement on those who dare try to challenge it
(5:06:02 PM) Jangler: mm
(5:06:26 PM) KungFuFurby: My C64 entry has an irregular loop because of the way I set up the loop: I didn't let all three of them go back to the exact same point in music.
(5:06:33 PM) kfaraday: yes :)
(5:06:41 PM) golgibody: <luttybowl> do you have an anti-looping bias <-- Yes!
(5:06:43 PM) Willow: sounds fun
(5:06:49 PM) kfaraday: a skilful sidestep of the anti-looping bias
(5:06:59 PM) Willow: I mean, loop has it purpose
(5:07:04 PM) luttybowl: why not embrace the loop
(5:07:13 PM) golgibody: I will be a man instead and straight out admit I despise loops >:)
(5:07:29 PM) luttybowl: women wouldn't do things like that
(5:07:35 PM) golgibody: No, they wouldn't!
(5:07:42 PM) KungFuFurby: I can usually detect loop points within songs.
(5:07:50 PM) luttybowl: they'd say "oooh i don't know... it's not really my cup of tea"
(5:07:53 PM) luttybowl: BE A MAN
(5:07:58 PM) ***luttybowl throws a twix at golgibody
(5:08:15 PM) Tux: golgibody
(5:08:19 PM) Tux: you are a true man
(5:08:22 PM) Tux: yea
(5:08:24 PM) golgibody: Thank you Tux. :)
(5:08:32 PM) golgibody: I hope you turn into haruhi one day so we can marry
(5:08:39 PM) Tux: lmfao yesh
(5:08:41 PM) SatoriKomeiji: no :(
(5:09:03 PM) Tux: wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(5:09:08 PM) SatoriKomeiji: Sad.
(5:09:11 PM) Tux: Sad.
(5:09:17 PM) Tux: Impolite.
(5:10:15 PM) KungFuFurby: I've actually used a game boy tracker at least one time before (using a Game Boy emulator). I might consider going for it again... not for the last few hours, though.
(5:10:26 PM) Willow: lol someone tagged my piece 'elvish'
(5:10:38 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.
(5:10:41 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Warlord - Rock Bottom :: zxbeep ::
(5:10:42 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 202 entries!
(5:11:20 PM) BotB: Warlord - Rock Bottom :: mp3 now available ::
(5:11:31 PM) commandycan: halfway there
(5:11:32 PM) Willow: so the listening party is going to be hosted in here?
(5:11:38 PM) Willow: halfway to what
(5:11:40 PM) SatoriKomeiji: The LAst Laugh
(5:11:43 PM) commandycan: 404 entries
(5:11:46 PM) Willow: o
(5:11:48 PM) commandycan: we can do it
(5:11:52 PM) null1024: hahaha
(5:11:53 PM) Jangler: we can do it
(5:12:03 PM) skinnyhead: WHOA
(5:12:03 PM) kfaraday: LMFAO
(5:12:04 PM) skinnyhead: OVER 200
(5:12:09 PM) null1024: a 7 hour listening party will be excessive
(5:12:10 PM) skinnyhead: #YIKI
(5:12:11 PM) Grumskiz: everyone now...1 song every 5 minutes!!1
(5:12:16 PM) null1024: imagine a 14 hour one
(5:12:17 PM) kfaraday: well uhh null
(5:12:22 PM) kfaraday: HAHA
(5:12:26 PM) kfaraday: don't test these guys they'll do it
(5:12:31 PM) null1024: ahahahaha ;3
(5:12:36 PM) Grumskiz: i fear they will x.x
(5:12:40 PM) Jangler: general blobular enter every categor
(5:12:44 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: dog - reach for the stars :: chipbattle_art ::
(5:12:45 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 203 entries!
(5:12:49 PM) kfaraday: :DD
(5:12:51 PM) skinnyhead: DOG
(5:12:53 PM) goluigi: synclisten in 1 hour 18 mins!
(5:12:59 PM) SatoriKomeiji: reach for the STARS
(5:13:06 PM) Willow: did you say how you were going to handle pixels
(5:13:15 PM) kfaraday: not yet
(5:13:15 PM) FoD: climb every mountain high, and REACH
(5:13:18 PM) luttybowl: you shoudl show them all at the end probably
(5:13:22 PM) kfaraday: i've got a plan tho. they'll be on the stream
(5:13:23 PM) skinnyhead: out of reach
(5:13:24 PM) luttybowl: OR show them in between sections
(5:13:32 PM) luttybowl: so people can go to the toilet
(5:13:40 PM) kfaraday: i've broken it up into intermissions so i'm just gonna show the chip art on stream that's in that section
(5:13:51 PM) kfaraday: then during intermission i change them
(5:13:57 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(5:14:33 PM) ***KungFuFurby is listening to own's Wildchip entry.
(5:14:59 PM) kfaraday: :3 i love that one
(5:15:15 PM) kfaraday: slimbool better up that vic20 render
(5:15:18 PM) kfaraday: i'm not doing it for him!!
(5:15:44 PM) golgibody: Slacker!
(5:16:37 PM) SatoriKomeiji: someone render benus removal
(5:16:57 PM) kfaraday: i've got a render for it :)
(5:17:01 PM) kfaraday: just need slimeball's really
(5:17:13 PM) SatoriKomeiji: so that i can up this all-in-one rar with consistent ID3 tags
(5:17:18 PM) kfaraday: haaaa
(5:17:21 PM) SatoriKomeiji: i am doing it
(5:17:32 PM) kfaraday: only dork and admins can do it in the first 24 hours i think
(5:18:01 PM) SatoriKomeiji: but nobody did it in at least 5 previous WCs
(5:18:06 PM) BotB: MEGAmorrison reaches Level 3 Chipist with 58pnts
(5:18:10 PM) chipchampion: admins cant render immediately
(5:18:15 PM) kfaraday: aah :-(
(5:18:18 PM) Jangler: yeap
(5:18:33 PM) null1024: what's the grace period again?
(5:18:44 PM) luttybowl: 24 awa
(5:19:26 PM) luttybowl: there were rars of all the non mp3 entries in previous winterchimps
(5:19:32 PM) luttybowl: mp3 isn't even chiptune
(5:20:29 PM) Willow: [5:10pm] Willow: so the listening party is going to be hosted in here?
(5:20:51 PM) SatoriKomeiji:
(5:20:55 PM) BotB: Farmers reach for the stars to sow perfect dates - The National -- the secret to good dates, confides abdulla abdulla jedam al mazrouei, is in the stars. Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax
(5:21:01 PM) sublmnl2 [] entered the room.
(5:21:44 PM) kfaraday: willow on livestream
(5:21:45 PM) kfaraday: chat'll be in here
(5:22:15 PM) Willow: mmk
(5:23:14 PM) sublaptp3 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 194 seconds).
(5:24:12 PM) sublmnl left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 195 seconds).
(5:24:13 PM) SatoriKomeiji: !compo
(5:24:13 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 203 entries :: submission deadline 59m 57s :: final results 17d 1h 7m 56s ::
(5:24:20 PM) chipchampion has changed the topic to: [#botb] | beware the netsåöot | Winter Chip is a thing ONE HOURS REMAIN | <rainwarrior> vortex tracker 2 just became 27% less warcrime | | WC8 Synclisten Sat. 23:30 UTC at [6:30p EST]
(5:24:28 PM) SatoriKomeiji: WC8 OHC
(5:26:35 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: gyms - all i did was sit :: nsf ::
(5:26:35 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 204 entries!
(5:26:38 PM) kfaraday: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(5:26:42 PM) luttybowl: gymz
(5:26:45 PM) BotB: gyms - all i did was sit :: mp3 now available ::
(5:26:46 PM) kfaraday: THE PRODIGAL
(5:26:48 PM) kfaraday: eeeeeeeeeeeee
(5:27:01 PM) luttybowl: the gail drop
(5:28:18 PM) ec2013 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(5:28:27 PM) ec2013 [] entered the room.
(5:28:30 PM) goluigi: i missed the 200 mark :(
(5:28:36 PM) golgibody: I didn't. :)
(5:28:40 PM) kfaraday: :3 hey you're just in time for the 205 mark!!
(5:28:47 PM) goluigi: i was ohc'ing on modulez!
(5:28:55 PM) kfaraday: :D that's great!
(5:28:56 PM) ***null1024 was going to, but eh
(5:28:59 PM) icesoldier [] entered the room.
(5:29:02 PM) goluigi: it was a good chip pack
(5:29:15 PM) goluigi: it had lays samps and doritos samps
(5:29:22 PM) SatoriKomeiji: hey ices
(5:29:26 PM) icesoldier: hey
(5:29:28 PM) Tux: LAYS
(5:29:29 PM) goluigi: hey nicetas
(5:29:29 PM) kfaraday: in this time of cataclysmic hype your love of compo still compels you to greater and greater heights
(5:29:31 PM) luttybowl: let's get to 225 because hurrah base 5 woof woof
(5:29:34 PM) kfaraday: yer good ppl luigi
(5:29:35 PM) luttybowl: nO
(5:29:37 PM) luttybowl: sory
(5:29:43 PM) Jangler: base 15
(5:29:43 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(5:29:52 PM) goluigi: have we passed the 7 hour mark
(5:29:54 PM) Tux: svetlana
(5:29:55 PM) kfaraday: yes
(5:29:59 PM) SoiledBargains [] entered the room.
(5:30:00 PM) goluigi: how long is it
(5:30:00 PM) SatoriKomeiji:
(5:30:04 PM) BotB: A001597 - OEIS Page info: HTML, Javascript
(5:30:05 PM) Tux: can you offer slimeball some svetlaway
(5:30:08 PM) kfaraday: just over i think lol
(5:30:09 PM) SatoriKomeiji: list of benchmarks
(5:30:10 PM) kfaraday: haven't calculated yet
(5:30:13 PM) frantic [] entered the room.
(5:30:17 PM) Svetlana: fuck
(5:30:29 PM) Svetlana: kfaraday: when is the synclisten
(5:30:34 PM) kfaraday: hour from now
(5:30:39 PM) SatoriKomeiji: 7:24:18 of renders!
(5:30:43 PM) kfaraday: !
(5:30:43 PM) goluigi: woohoo!
(5:30:44 PM) Svetlana: oh well
(5:30:45 PM) null1024: excessive
(5:30:47 PM) Jangler: 9 hours
(5:30:50 PM) Svetlana: i'll miss it
(5:30:53 PM) goluigi: 90 hours
(5:30:53 PM) Jangler: we can 9 hour
(5:30:54 PM) SatoriKomeiji: pending 2 renders
(5:30:55 PM) goluigi: 900 hours
(5:30:56 PM) Jangler: 90 hour
(5:30:58 PM) goluigi: 9001 hours
(5:31:00 PM) kfaraday: we can definitely 9 hour
(5:31:04 PM) kfaraday: i can at least
(5:31:06 PM) goluigi: 7hc
(5:31:07 PM) kfaraday: i hope my computer can
(5:31:10 PM) null1024: haha
(5:31:15 PM) SatoriKomeiji: i hope i can
(5:31:20 PM) Tux: i can't do nine hours
(5:31:21 PM) Tux: goddammit
(5:31:21 PM) goluigi: i tincan
(5:31:31 PM) kfaraday: this computer will be crowned in fucking valhalla if it manages to survive this stream
(5:31:34 PM) Tux: i have to head to an IRL party
(5:31:35 PM) Tux: fuck
(5:31:39 PM) Jangler: haha oh no
(5:31:45 PM) goluigi: irl listening party
(5:31:46 PM) kfaraday: shoutouts to Remilia, my computer
(5:31:54 PM) SatoriKomeiji: HA
(5:32:21 PM) tristendo: hi my vgm is fucked over :(
(5:32:27 PM) kfaraday: tristendo oh no :-(
(5:32:30 PM) Svetlana: i wish i lived in a country with decent internet
(5:32:31 PM) goluigi: :(
(5:32:32 PM) kfaraday: you still have an hour!
(5:32:38 PM) tristendo: I didnt give the fm instruments proper volume
(5:32:40 PM) Svetlana: i wish i lived in a decent country
(5:32:49 PM) tristendo: you have to use the vge to actually listen :(
(5:33:13 PM) tristendo: w/e I cant beat the others any ways brb
(5:33:25 PM) null1024: tristendo: did you use VGM:MM?
(5:33:25 PM) golgibody: You can still submit!
(5:33:28 PM) BotB: Warlord has logged out
(5:33:30 PM) kfaraday: tristendo!!! you must submit :-(
(5:33:35 PM) kfaraday: it is all in the fun
(5:33:43 PM) kfaraday: submit in yr secret alt :)
(5:33:51 PM) BotB: icesoldier has logged in.
(5:34:13 PM) null1024: just drop the TL on your PSG instruments, unless you didn't separate between FM and PSG ones...
(5:34:13 PM) luttybowl: tristendo did submit
(5:34:18 PM) luttybowl: 03 ))))))))))oh ui gue
(5:34:19 PM) luttybowl: F (
(5:34:20 PM) kfaraday: he has a vgm luttybowl :D
(5:34:21 PM) luttybowl left the room (quit: ).
(5:34:24 PM) skinnyhead: I keep earning playa points
(5:34:26 PM) skinnyhead: why is this
(5:34:30 PM) kfaraday: cuz u a playa
(5:34:38 PM) skinnyhead: yea n-word ; - )
(5:34:41 PM) SoiledBargains: skinnyhead it's all because of Slimeball.
(5:34:45 PM) kfaraday: my nakama
(5:34:46 PM) skinnyhead: LOL
(5:34:47 PM) SoiledBargains: TRUST ME
(5:34:50 PM) ipibusi: !battle
(5:34:51 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 204 entries :: submission deadline 49m 20s :: final results 17d 57m 19s ::
(5:34:56 PM) kfaraday: !!!!
(5:35:01 PM) skinnyhead: I assume it's a comment getting liekd a lot but I dunno which
(5:35:01 PM) SatoriKomeiji: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(5:35:02 PM) RushJet1 [] entered the room.
(5:35:08 PM) kfaraday: rushjettttt
(5:35:12 PM) SatoriKomeiji: hola soy!
(5:35:18 PM) ipibusi: did rj make an entry this year??
(5:35:23 PM) commandycan: not yet
(5:35:26 PM) BotB: Captain Dork has logged in.
(5:35:27 PM) skinnyhead: kushjet1
(5:35:27 PM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(5:35:28 PM) commandycan: he's still got a good hour
(5:35:33 PM) RushJet1: entry for what >:D
(5:35:38 PM) skinnyhead: oh nothing
(5:35:40 PM) kfaraday: > : )
(5:35:46 PM) icesoldier: I don't think I can OHC something in Sunvox on my laptop for wildchip while I'm hanging out with my family...
(5:35:49 PM) SatoriKomeiji: O______________O
(5:35:53 PM) ipibusi: YES you CAN
(5:35:58 PM) kfaraday: YEAH YOU CAN
(5:36:08 PM) RushJet1: guess i could crank something out in 45 mins for wc7
(5:36:09 PM) icesoldier: something *worthwhile*, then
(5:36:09 PM) BotB: Captain Dork - Benus removal :: mp3 now available ::
(5:36:10 PM) Willow: kk plugged it on the facebooks
(5:36:10 PM) Jangler: you can do it
(5:36:11 PM) RushJet1: or fuck it
(5:36:14 PM) kfaraday: i've ohced at my grandma's house with no headphones
(5:36:17 PM) kfaraday: rushjet do itttttt
(5:36:23 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: xterm - nightshifter (falling off the bridge) :: mod24k ::
(5:36:23 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 205 entries!
(5:36:23 PM) kfaraday: do iiiiiiiiiiittttt
(5:36:44 PM) kfaraday: rushjet destinies
(5:37:16 PM) ec2013: who thinks we can get it to 300
(5:37:19 PM) golgibody: :D
(5:37:19 PM) kfaraday: HAHAHA
(5:37:28 PM) ***null1024 doesn't want to
(5:37:36 PM) ec2013: !compo
(5:37:36 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 205 entries :: submission deadline 46m 34s :: final results 17d 54m 33s ::
(5:37:40 PM) kfaraday: let's try and get more discrete song entries than wc6
(5:37:46 PM) kfaraday: we're at 175 so far
(5:37:46 PM) ec2013: WE CAN DO IT
(5:38:05 PM) kfaraday: actually probably slightly more lol
(5:38:09 PM) kfaraday: wc6 i think was 183 songs?
(5:38:17 PM) SatoriKomeiji: HAHA WHAT
(5:38:21 PM) kfaraday: yea lmao
(5:38:27 PM) kfaraday: there was no chipart format in wc6
(5:38:32 PM) kfaraday: so all those entries are music
(5:38:44 PM) SatoriKomeiji: we have 176 right now
(5:38:53 PM) SatoriKomeiji: well actually 178
(5:38:56 PM) kfaraday: i think 177 with slim and xterm
(5:39:01 PM) kfaraday: i might be missing out loads lol
(5:39:05 PM) kfaraday: need to do a count at the end
(5:39:37 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday this is a silly last-minute thing, but can this also be a synclisten?
(5:39:59 PM) kfaraday: HAHAHA
(5:40:00 PM) SatoriKomeiji: where ar da missing renders :(
(5:40:04 PM) kfaraday: yeah okay. that sounds good
(5:40:08 PM) kfaraday: i'll see if i can set one up
(5:40:16 PM) SoiledBargains: If not that, can it be noted here in the log when songs change?
(5:40:21 PM) asiekierka [] entered the room.
(5:40:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh, good.
(5:40:31 PM) kfaraday: yea actually
(5:40:31 PM) xterm: well just subtract however many chip arts
(5:40:36 PM) kfaraday: someone note whenever the song changes
(5:40:41 PM) SoiledBargains: Optimally, the queue message should come before the song ends. <3
(5:40:44 PM) SatoriKomeiji: there are 27
(5:40:47 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday for nine hours?
(5:40:54 PM) SoiledBargains: We'll need shifts!!
(5:40:55 PM) xterm: 205 - 27
(5:40:56 PM) kfaraday: heee
(5:41:00 PM) SoiledBargains: Dibs on first shift!!
(5:41:01 PM) SatoriKomeiji: !calc 205-27
(5:41:02 PM) BotB: SatoriKomeiji: 178
(5:41:07 PM) goluigi: golgibody
(5:41:07 PM) kfaraday: who's gonna be my official wc8 synclisten helper~
(5:41:12 PM) kfaraday: (s)
(5:41:23 PM) golgibody: goluigi
(5:41:28 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(5:41:36 PM) ***SoiledBargains raises hand for at least the first couple of hours
(5:41:37 PM) SatoriKomeiji: tux
(5:41:38 PM) KungFuFurby: I have a question. What inaccuracies does MilkyTracker have with exporting .mod files?
(5:41:39 PM) goluigi: was the panning too much on my modulez ohc entry :(
(5:41:40 PM) kfaraday: (skins name) yes thanks for offering to take part goluigi!!
(5:41:47 PM) Tux: yes?
(5:41:53 PM) golgibody: goluigi: let's see!
(5:41:53 PM) ipibusi: eXpOrTiNg
(5:41:57 PM) kfaraday: ipi aaaaaaa
(5:42:00 PM) goluigi: hey you VOTED mine last
(5:42:08 PM) Tux: what satorikomeiji
(5:42:09 PM) kfaraday: xterm and slim i need renderz
(5:42:10 PM) SatoriKomeiji: ChAsM oF eVeRlAsTiNg DeAtH aNd DeSpAiR
(5:42:13 PM) SoiledBargains: > i'll see if i can set one up Oh I thought you meant you were going to have some fancy scriptin's
(5:42:19 PM) kfaraday: particularly slim
(5:42:21 PM) goluigi: i only went up to 4 and B
(5:42:41 PM) xterm: yeah imma rendar now kfaraday
(5:42:46 PM) kfaraday: :3 danke~
(5:43:41 PM) ec2013: i can submit 95 entries
(5:43:55 PM) goluigi: submit 95 30 min entries
(5:44:00 PM) golgibody: I liked the other better. >:)
(5:44:11 PM) goluigi: lol
(5:44:16 PM) golgibody: The panning wasn't off
(5:44:30 PM) goluigi: i dont think i deserved second anyway hahahaha
(5:44:32 PM) kfaraday: why da f is steam open
(5:44:37 PM) goluigi: i spent 40 mins on the first pattern
(5:44:37 PM) kfaraday: close you silly goose!!!
(5:44:50 PM) commandycan: honk honk
(5:45:02 PM) SatoriKomeiji: honk
(5:45:11 PM) kfaraday: i don't think my comp just be me talking
(5:45:20 PM) kfaraday: andle skype right now so it'll just be me talking
(5:45:29 PM) kfaraday: wow
(5:45:31 PM) kfaraday: okay
(5:45:36 PM) golgibody: Oh wait
(5:45:39 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Captain Dork - Winter Gayms :: chipbattle_art ::
(5:45:39 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 206 entries!
(5:45:45 PM) kfaraday: :D
(5:45:49 PM) BotB: Captain Dork has logged out
(5:45:54 PM) commandycan: that art
(5:45:56 PM) commandycan: and he drops the mic
(5:46:01 PM) tristendo: its one of my best crap genesis tune
(5:46:02 PM) tristendo: s
(5:46:07 PM) kfaraday: tristendo :DD
(5:46:10 PM) tristendo: Im naming the genre crapgenesis
(5:46:13 PM) SatoriKomeiji: JPEG
(5:46:17 PM) golgibody: Yeah, I'll probably in for the first hour of so of the synclisten just so I can hear your voice. ( 'w')
(5:46:18 PM) goluigi: is puke7 here
(5:46:22 PM) kfaraday left the room.
(5:46:26 PM) goluigi: or b-bO_Obz
(5:46:34 PM) tristendo: boobsnoodz
(5:46:43 PM) commandycan: bube
(5:46:47 PM) ***SoiledBargains trying to make a text list of entries for ease of synclistening...
(5:46:48 PM) goluigi: b-bO__Obz i MEAN
(5:47:29 PM) SoiledBargains: The HTML for the div.grid_8 that lists all of the entries is 6362 lines.
(5:48:48 PM) kfaraday [] entered the room.
(5:48:54 PM) kfaraday: sorry i'm still here lol
(5:48:59 PM) kfaraday: i closed out of botb by accident
(5:49:01 PM) SoiledBargains: I may need RegEx help from somebody once I figure out what things need removing in a CSS-selector style.
(5:49:02 PM) ipibusi is now known as ipi
(5:49:07 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday:
(5:49:10 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 16:46:25] * SoiledBargains trying to make a text list of entries for ease of synclistening...
(5:49:10 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 16:47:06] <SoiledBargains> The HTML for the div.grid_8 that lists all of the entries is 6362 lines.
(5:49:18 PM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(5:49:21 PM) kfaraday: i've got a list. uhh
(5:49:25 PM) kfaraday: it's in spreadsheet form
(5:49:28 PM) kfaraday: if you can work with that
(5:49:51 PM) SoiledBargains: As long as I can copy and paste stuff from Excel into a text file...
(5:50:02 PM) kfaraday: or satorikomeji has got like a huge list of perfectly id tagged renders
(5:50:10 PM) kfaraday: and can probably give you a list through like a foobar thing
(5:50:26 PM) SatoriKomeiji is now known as HertzDevil
(5:50:29 PM) SoiledBargains: I'd be interested, yes!
(5:50:30 PM) kfaraday: :)
(5:50:34 PM) CaptBeard [] entered the room.
(5:50:38 PM) CaptBeard: hey guys
(5:50:42 PM) CaptBeard: when's the livingstream
(5:50:45 PM) SoiledBargains: As long as the actual title of the song is listed in it.
(5:50:47 PM) kfaraday: hey beard! just in time~ half an hour or so
(5:51:03 PM) icesoldier left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(5:51:04 PM) skinnyhead: hey soiledbargains how come YOU'RE a parasite
(5:51:09 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(5:51:09 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(5:51:18 PM) SoiledBargains: skinnyhead about the same reason you are! :(
(5:51:19 PM) CaptBeard: awesome
(5:51:19 PM) kfaraday: locked up in political botb prison
(5:51:21 PM) CaptBeard: wicked cool
(5:51:24 PM) CaptBeard: radical
(5:51:32 PM) skinnyhead: ah
(5:51:36 PM) skinnyhead: how long have you been one?
(5:51:43 PM) goluigi: is scrub like community service
(5:51:44 PM) SoiledBargains: Last Sunday night.
(5:51:49 PM) skinnyhead: oh
(5:51:53 PM) skinnyhead: you're getting off soon lol
(5:51:54 PM) goluigi: i have to do community service
(5:52:05 PM) goluigi: on botb
(5:52:09 PM) chipchampion: #scrublounge
(5:52:30 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil I'd like that list (playlist?) you have of WC7
(5:53:14 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Interrobang Pie - Pride Break :: nsf ::
(5:53:15 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 207 entries!
(5:53:30 PM) commandycan: yay
(5:53:33 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I hear ya
(5:53:44 PM) SoiledBargains: At first I wondered what the heck I was going on.
(5:53:49 PM) SoiledBargains: -I
(5:53:49 PM) ipi: ill render an mp3 and ID3 TAG IT
(5:54:01 PM) SoiledBargains: Good enough
(5:54:10 PM) commandycan: i think i id3 tagged my mp3s :y
(5:54:16 PM) commandycan: if it is what i think it is
(5:54:23 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday will you be looking more at the livestream chat or IRC?
(5:54:26 PM) BotB: xterm - nightshifter (falling off the bridge) :: mp3 now available ::
(5:54:53 PM) HertzDevil: which is better, rar, 7z, or zip
(5:55:07 PM) SoiledBargains: For a list?
(5:55:14 PM) HertzDevil: mp3 archive
(5:55:20 PM) kfaraday: hey can any of you dudes make a marquee as a gif
(5:55:43 PM) kfaraday: have like a big long gif of every chip art going in like a horizontal line
(5:55:54 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil if that's a playlist format that will open in Notepad++ then ZIP.
(5:55:56 PM) kfaraday: about the width of five and a bit entries
(5:56:28 PM) BotB: Interrobang Pie - Pride Break :: mp3 now available ::
(5:56:51 PM) skinnyhead: this sucks
(5:56:57 PM) skinnyhead: I won't be able to enter anything else
(5:57:03 PM) kfaraday: oh no :-(
(5:57:04 PM) skinnyhead: I guess all you get is wildchip from me
(5:57:07 PM) skinnyhead: lame :(
(5:57:10 PM) ipi: that's fine!!
(5:57:10 PM) kfaraday: hey i'm settin up lol
(5:57:13 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(5:57:22 PM) skinnyhead: byt hey at least I have these blue christmas lights in my room
(5:57:29 PM) skinnyhead: my room is illuminated by blue
(5:57:45 PM) ipi: its 2 feb
(5:57:57 PM) ipi: why do you still have christmas decorations up
(5:58:20 PM) commandycan: i still have christmas lights in my room because they give of a nice glow when i sleep
(5:58:27 PM) commandycan: and i am afraid of the dark because i am a literal child
(5:58:36 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: jrlepage - The Last Hour of Winter :: aym ::
(5:58:36 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 208 entries!
(5:58:56 PM) BotB: jrlepage - The Last Hour of Winter :: mp3 now available ::
(6:00:05 PM) null1024: by teh way, after-deadline entry might be possible, I don't recall Puke fixing that, so don't fucking do it
(6:00:14 PM) ipi: yeah!!!!!
(6:00:18 PM) BotB: anewuser has logged in.
(6:00:28 PM) ipi: i think we've annoyed puke way too much this winter chip
(6:00:48 PM) xterm: hehe kfaraday is clacky
(6:01:53 PM) xterm:
(6:02:14 PM) CaptBeard: late entries wow
(6:02:28 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil status report? :3
(6:02:46 PM) ipi: CaptBeard - it ends in ~30 mins
(6:02:59 PM) Willow: nice shock
(6:03:12 PM) HertzDevil: still waiting for slimeball's render
(6:03:15 PM) Willow: hertzmagick
(6:03:26 PM) Willow: er, no relation
(6:03:30 PM) Willow: didn't realize you were in here lol
(6:03:37 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil I don't need the MP3s themselves, you know.
(6:03:39 PM) BotB: Warlord has logged in.
(6:03:44 PM) HertzDevil: yeah
(6:03:54 PM) HertzDevil: i know
(6:04:18 PM) FoD: 20 minutes remaining :O
(6:06:10 PM) ipi: yeah!!
(6:06:23 PM) null1024: the stream is open right now btw, even though things aren't playing yet
(6:06:26 PM) SoiledBargains: w00t hi f0d!!
(6:06:37 PM) CaptBeard: it's fod woohoo
(6:06:42 PM) FoD: hey SoiledBargains
(6:06:46 PM) null1024: so go open the stream
(6:06:48 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 you should put the stream in the topic
(6:06:49 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(6:06:58 PM) null1024: SoiledBargains: it has been in the topic
(6:06:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Sup FoD?
(6:07:03 PM) null1024: for ages
(6:07:27 PM) null1024: the superbowl happened?
(6:07:28 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh, I didn't see it. :x
(6:07:28 PM) null1024: wat
(6:07:43 PM) FoD: winter chip, that's what's up
(6:07:50 PM) BotB: anewuser has logged out
(6:07:55 PM) Strobe: woops, i accidently slept for 4 hours :o
(6:07:59 PM) Strobe: good morning once again
(6:08:02 PM) SoiledBargains: That's okay!
(6:08:06 PM) SoiledBargains: Join us for the stream!
(6:08:08 PM) Strobe: i dreamt up a game though
(6:08:33 PM) SoiledBargains: I like how Beard is the only not-n00b that's chatting in the stream chat.
(6:08:44 PM) Strobe: NinjaGanja, like paperboy, but you run on the streets delivering ganja to your fellow neighbours and you have mad skills to avoid the cops.
(6:09:06 PM) lunar left the room (quit: ).
(6:09:20 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(6:09:26 PM) commandycan: soiledbargains how dare you
(6:09:31 PM) HertzDevil: rude
(6:09:33 PM) commandycan: i thought we bonded and now im a n00b
(6:09:48 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: jrlepage - Snowy Story :: wildchip ::
(6:09:48 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 209 entries!
(6:10:11 PM) SoiledBargains: commandycan OH WHOOP SORRY
(6:10:30 PM) commandycan: :(((((
(6:10:30 PM) HertzDevil: !compo
(6:10:31 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 209 entries :: submission deadline 13m 40s :: final results 17d 21m 39s ::
(6:10:46 PM) ec2013: how long until the stream?
(6:10:51 PM) ipi: <SoiledBargains> I like how Beard is the only not-n00b that's chatting in the stream chat. WHATEVER
(6:10:53 PM) Willow: 20 minutes
(6:11:03 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: dog - fanfare of the common dog :: amigamod ::
(6:11:03 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 210 entries!
(6:11:45 PM) ***null1024 has XChat and the stream chat tiled
(6:11:47 PM) ec2013: i thought it was an hour
(6:11:50 PM) null1024: so I can see them both
(6:11:51 PM) ***Willow rephreshes
(6:12:07 PM) Willow: oh god a scientologist ad
(6:12:33 PM) BotB: jrlepage - Snowy Story :: mp3 now available ::
(6:13:08 PM) SoiledBargains: WC7 Livestream: Queue Hey guys how is this?
(6:13:17 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ Script-ed!!
(6:13:20 PM) BotB: dog - fanfare of the common dog :: mp3 now available ::
(6:13:28 PM) ipi: nice!!
(6:13:34 PM) ipi: lime again tho
(6:13:35 PM) SoiledBargains: All I need is a text file.
(6:13:43 PM) ipi: lustycanadian.txt
(6:13:46 PM) null1024: adblock is the ideal thing
(6:13:51 PM) SoiledBargains: ipi I didn't know that was a problem! :O
(6:13:52 PM) commandycan: oh god
(6:13:53 PM) xterm: only one more music entry to tie wc6
(6:14:00 PM) xterm: two more to beat it, 10 mins :P
(6:14:01 PM) ipi: no its not
(6:14:05 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh good!
(6:14:07 PM) ipi: its a joke :)
(6:14:08 PM) xterm: yeah
(6:14:15 PM) ***null1024 should do a last minute gameboy track
(6:14:23 PM) null1024: but I won't
(6:14:27 PM) Willow: uh
(6:14:46 PM) xterm: i think chip champ got em all
(6:14:49 PM) null1024: all except GB, VIC, and TIA
(6:15:02 PM) luttybowl [] entered the room.
(6:15:08 PM) null1024: I'd have done them all if VIC and TIA weren't such a pain in the ass ;333
(6:15:14 PM) luttybowl: .msg nickserv identify cantbelieveitsnotbutter
(6:15:17 PM) null1024: GB, I just didn't think about it
(6:15:20 PM) luttybowl: helo guys ~
(6:16:51 PM) goluigi: helluttybowl
(6:16:52 PM) goluigi: :)
(6:16:59 PM) SoiledBargains: hello!!
(6:18:11 PM) SoiledBargains: Okay, so just so I have the logistics straight... kfaraday, you're waiting for stuff from HertzDevil, while I'm waiting for the list from him as well?
(6:18:13 PM) Tux left the room (quit: Quit: On the other hand, you have different fingers.).
(6:18:22 PM) HertzDevil: what list
(6:18:44 PM) Willow: is there a way to count the number of ppl online
(6:18:57 PM) HertzDevil: what format exactly
(6:19:15 PM) KungFuFurby: There are 23 people logged on at the moment.
(6:19:17 PM) SoiledBargains: Plain text in the format of "Entry — Artist"
(6:19:19 PM) ***null1024 is using both
(6:19:22 PM) SoiledBargains: one per line
(6:19:33 PM) BotB: Slimeball - VIC 20 gangsta :: mp3 now available ::
(6:19:38 PM) KungFuFurby: And 76 are logged on in the IRC chat.
(6:19:39 PM) null1024: your call
(6:19:48 PM) KungFuFurby: Request sastisfied, kfaraday. :Dd
(6:19:55 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(6:20:08 PM) skinnyhead: skinnyhead: UGH
(6:20:09 PM) skinnyhead: kfaradau has disabled participation in the chat room.
(6:20:09 PM) commandycan: heh
(6:20:11 PM) xterm: 4 mins!!!!
(6:20:12 PM) SoiledBargains: If anyone could lend me some RegEx help instead with filtering this HTML, that would be great.
(6:20:13 PM) skinnyhead: -_-
(6:20:13 PM) Strobe: :o
(6:20:15 PM) Willow: nigga I was midsentence lol
(6:20:17 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Fearofdark - A Compo Of Epic Proportions :: sap ::
(6:20:18 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 211 entries!
(6:20:20 PM) xterm: :o
(6:20:24 PM) SoiledBargains: I can't mess with 6362 lines of code that quickly.
(6:20:24 PM) skinnyhead: FOD
(6:20:28 PM) Strobe: we broke the 211 barrier :o
(6:20:31 PM) commandycan: haha
(6:20:33 PM) golgibody: Hehehe :D
(6:20:33 PM) xterm: strobe jajaja
(6:20:35 PM) goluigi: wow congratz
(6:20:37 PM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(6:20:41 PM) Playa705 [] entered the room.
(6:20:44 PM) luttybowl: what do you wanna do soiledbargains
(6:20:48 PM) Playa705 is now known as sethdonut
(6:20:53 PM) goluigi: hi dzzzzzz
(6:20:54 PM) FoD: Yes, the big 211
(6:20:58 PM) Willow: yes
(6:21:00 PM) ipi: yes
(6:21:05 PM) skinnyhead: ye
(6:21:15 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: TristEndo - Take one for teh team :: sgen ::
(6:21:16 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 212 entries!
(6:21:20 PM) goluigi: LOL
(6:21:20 PM) skinnyhead: AAAA
(6:21:23 PM) skinnyhead: 212
(6:21:23 PM) golgibody: :O
(6:21:24 PM) commandycan: hah
(6:21:24 PM) sethdonut: FFUUUU
(6:21:25 PM) Willow: uhhh
(6:21:28 PM) ipi: it says moderater only
(6:21:29 PM) Willow: someone with adblock try that lol
(6:21:30 PM) skinnyhead: LE Meme : - )
(6:21:33 PM) tristendo: that was close
(6:21:34 PM) SoiledBargains: luttybowl one sec
(6:21:42 PM) HertzDevil: !battle
(6:21:43 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 212 entries :: submission deadline 2m 28s :: final results 17d 10m 27s ::
(6:21:46 PM) Willow: .-.
(6:21:49 PM) luttybowl: if yer on loinx you can just run html2txt
(6:22:02 PM) luttybowl: if yer on widnos you can uh open a html file in openoffice and save as text?
(6:22:04 PM) SoiledBargains: I need div.gird_8 from the entries page, code right here:
(6:22:06 PM) commandycan: bloop
(6:22:08 PM) Willow: bloop
(6:22:12 PM) null1024: blop
(6:22:13 PM) sethdonut: BIDOULOOP
(6:22:28 PM) commandycan: bidolou-ep*
(6:22:31 PM) null1024: bidoof
(6:22:37 PM) CaptBeard: okay here
(6:22:44 PM) Willow: 7 million
(6:22:45 PM) goluigi: 17
(6:22:45 PM) SoiledBargains: And I need all of these play counts, donload and listen text, and HTML tags removed...
(6:22:47 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Shock - End of Chapter 8 :: gameboy ::
(6:22:47 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 213 entries!
(6:22:50 PM) Willow: I was close
(6:22:51 PM) goluigi: 213!!!!
(6:22:55 PM) Willow: hmm
(6:22:56 PM) commandycan: hah
(6:22:57 PM) Strobe: ahahahahahahah
(6:23:00 PM) goluigi: lets get to 225 :)
(6:23:00 PM) ipi: !battle
(6:23:01 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: submission deadline 1m 10s :: final results 17d 9m 9s ::
(6:23:02 PM) Strobe: I have no further comments.
(6:23:03 PM) sethdonut: L.O.L.
(6:23:05 PM) ipi: 1 min compo
(6:23:06 PM) goluigi: 1m 10s
(6:23:07 PM) goluigi: yesh
(6:23:10 PM) goluigi: wait
(6:23:12 PM) jrlepage: I hope this wins
(6:23:13 PM) goluigi: if im a scrub
(6:23:14 PM) Willow: maybe they helped .-.
(6:23:15 PM) ipi: we're lepage's only friend
(6:23:17 PM) goluigi: could i vote now
(6:23:20 PM) goluigi: and then revote
(6:23:23 PM) null1024 has changed the topic to: [#botb] | beware the netsåöot | Winter Chip is a thing [plz stop entering ;3] | <rainwarrior> vortex tracker 2 just became 27% less warcrime | | WC8 Synclisten Sat. 23:30 UTC at [6:30p EST]
(6:23:24 PM) goluigi: when my INF goes up
(6:23:28 PM) SoiledBargains: ahhaha
(6:23:29 PM) Willow: hmm I should get my headphones
(6:23:31 PM) goluigi: :(
(6:23:35 PM) goluigi: !compo
(6:23:35 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: submission deadline 35s :: final results 17d 8m 34s ::
(6:23:35 PM) ec2013: 40 seconds
(6:23:36 PM) Strobe: 30 seconds to reach 250
(6:23:38 PM) Strobe: gogogogogogogog
(6:23:38 PM) null1024 has changed the topic to: [#botb] | beware the netsåöot | Winter Chip is a thing [plz stop entering ;3] | <rainwarrior> vortex tracker 2 just became 27% less warcrime | | WC8 Synclisten NOW
(6:23:39 PM) goluigi: 35 secs
(6:23:54 PM) Willow: !compo
(6:23:54 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: submission deadline 16s :: final results 17d 8m 15s ::
(6:23:58 PM) sethdonut: i really hope these new sounds were hitting the keyboard until sound came out
(6:24:03 PM) goluigi: !compo
(6:24:03 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: submission deadline 7s :: final results 17d 8m 6s ::
(6:24:04 PM) KungFuFurby: I timed my listening of my NES Winter Concert song to end... not quite at zero, but the song just ended.
(6:24:09 PM) goluigi: !compo
(6:24:09 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: submission deadline 1s :: final results 17d 8m ::
(6:24:12 PM) goluigi: yesh
(6:24:14 PM) commandycan: yaaaay
(6:24:16 PM) HertzDevil: !battle
(6:24:17 PM) xterm-logger: dingdingding
(6:24:19 PM) KungFuFurby: All done at 213.
(6:24:20 PM) goluigi: !compo
(6:24:21 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: voting deadline 17d 2m 49s :: final results 17d 7m 49s ::
(6:24:21 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 213 entries :: voting deadline 17d 2m 48s :: final results 17d 7m 48s ::
(6:24:25 PM) Willow: boattime
(6:24:26 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(6:24:28 PM) HertzDevil:
(6:24:29 PM) miau: l0l so much for last minute entry
(6:24:32 PM) CaptBeard: voting on all these songs
(6:24:35 PM) Grumskiz: poor miau
(6:24:36 PM) CaptBeard: dese songs
(6:24:38 PM) miau: nsf no expansionz
(6:24:39 PM) goluigi: i will vote LATER so i dont get a GRAY AURA
(6:24:41 PM) Willow: so are we doing this in order or reverse order
(6:24:50 PM) Willow: even more on the site itself, eh?
(6:24:56 PM) skinnyhead: AIGHT
(6:24:58 PM) CaptBeard: it's time for the ultimate
(6:24:59 PM) skinnyhead: I have returned
(6:25:03 PM) skinnyhead: with cooked mushrooms : - )
(6:25:08 PM) BotB: Shock - End of Chapter 8 :: mp3 now available ::
(6:25:09 PM) tristendo: kfaraday brbohcing
(6:25:11 PM) KungFuFurby: Party in five minutes.
(6:25:13 PM) SoiledBargains: Ummm I haven't even gotten close to making that easy to do.
(6:25:18 PM) HertzDevil:
(6:25:25 PM) BotB: Fearofdark - A Compo Of Epic Proportions :: mp3 now available ::
(6:25:28 PM) null1024: kfaraday: what are you eating?
(6:25:29 PM) SoiledBargains: I'm looking at less song listening and more manual copying and pasting.
(6:25:39 PM) goluigi: he is eating crack
(6:25:39 PM) tristendo: no the other one
(6:25:41 PM) skinnyhead: damn
(6:25:43 PM) sethdonut: this is primo data entry
(6:25:46 PM) null1024: ah
(6:25:46 PM) skinnyhead: without the shells?
(6:25:47 PM) goluigi: he is eating his dad
(6:25:50 PM) null1024: ahaha
(6:25:57 PM) Strobe: om nom nom crack
(6:25:58 PM) goluigi: kfaraday why
(6:26:04 PM) goluigi: why did you eat your dad
(6:26:05 PM) skinnyhead: ro sunflower seeds!
(6:26:06 PM) Grumskiz left the room.
(6:26:07 PM) skinnyhead: they have shells!
(6:26:08 PM) goluigi: kfaradad
(6:26:13 PM) Strobe: THIS HAS A THIN LAYER OF SKIN 8==========================D
(6:26:18 PM) skinnyhead: EW
(6:26:18 PM) skinnyhead: EW
(6:26:19 PM) skinnyhead: EW
(6:26:19 PM) skinnyhead left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(6:26:20 PM) sethdonut: pumpkin seeds > sunflower
(6:26:22 PM) goluigi: LOL
(6:26:22 PM) commandycan: ha
(6:26:27 PM) HertzDevil: SoiledBargains i may manually make a csv of all winter chips
(6:26:38 PM) skinnyhead [] entered the room.
(6:26:42 PM) goluigi: owned
(6:26:43 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: Slimeball - Hello, the last place is mine, thank you. :) :: chipbattle_art ::
(6:26:43 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 214 entries!
(6:26:50 PM) goluigi: LOL
(6:26:50 PM) null1024: what
(6:26:52 PM) null1024: stop
(6:26:56 PM) skinnyhead: HAHAHA
(6:26:56 PM) Strobe: haahahahhaahah
(6:26:56 PM) goluigi: at least it isnt a song
(6:26:56 PM) null1024: seriously, stop
(6:27:01 PM) FoD: NO
(6:27:05 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(6:27:09 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.
(6:27:11 PM) golgibody: Sad.
(6:27:12 PM) commandycan: uh oh
(6:27:13 PM) KungFuFurby: :o
(6:27:15 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(6:27:16 PM) tristendo: give me a minute
(6:27:18 PM) Strobe: this is what i call last minute submissions
(6:27:19 PM) ec2013 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(6:27:24 PM) skinnyhead: POOL'S CLOSED
(6:27:26 PM) commandycan: i cant see it
(6:27:34 PM) goluigi: what the fuf do all these categories mean
(6:27:34 PM) Ares64 [] entered the room.
(6:27:48 PM) KungFuFurby: It's a smiley face!
(6:27:50 PM) epic_caterpillar [] entered the room.
(6:27:51 PM) HertzDevil: aaaaA he put that comma in the title again
(6:27:51 PM) KungFuFurby: :D
(6:28:00 PM) KungFuFurby:,%20the%20last%20place%20is%20mine,%20thank%20you.%20_%29.png
(6:28:13 PM) BotB: NEW ENTRY :: miau - aaaaaaaaa :: nsf ::
(6:28:13 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII now has 215 entries!
(6:28:14 PM) skinnyhead: kfarday
(6:28:15 PM) ipi: why do i see INTERROBANG PIE
(6:28:16 PM) miau: l0l
(6:28:17 PM) ipi: GROSSSS
(6:28:17 PM) sethdonut: WHAT
(6:28:17 PM) skinnyhead: stream the irc chat
(6:28:18 PM) xterm-logger: goddammmit
(6:28:19 PM) goluigi: what do all these voting categories mean
(6:28:20 PM) miau: I R HAXOR
(6:28:22 PM) KungFuFurby: :o
(6:28:25 PM) goluigi: LOL
(6:28:26 PM) SoiledBargains: miau hahaha
(6:28:29 PM) goluigi: hahahaha
(6:28:31 PM) HertzDevil: STOP
(6:28:33 PM) golgibody: :D
(6:28:34 PM) null1024: miau: ...
(6:28:38 PM) goluigi: this is hilarious
(6:28:44 PM) ipi: what if i enter an entry right before voting ends
(6:28:47 PM) ipi: recieve 0 votes
(6:28:48 PM) CaptBeard: we'd probably panic if another entry happens
(6:28:49 PM) ipi: and get 0th place
(6:28:50 PM) goluigi: yes
(6:28:53 PM) SoiledBargains: Does someone here have a playlist?
(6:28:55 PM) Rocco [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(6:28:59 PM) CaptBeard: enter another entry right at the end of the stream
(6:28:59 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday no puke will
(6:29:04 PM) Willow: velcome rocco
(6:29:09 PM) kfaraday: hello~
(6:29:10 PM) Rocco: Oy mate
(6:29:12 PM) goluigi: roccobotte
(6:29:13 PM) ipi: rocco roccs
(6:29:14 PM) jrlepage: sup rocco
(6:29:17 PM) ipi: roccs my soccs
(6:29:18 PM) Willow: rocco is from vgmusic/omidia
(6:29:19 PM) jrlepage: long time no speakie
(6:29:21 PM) HertzDevil: rocco chan
(6:29:22 PM) null1024: the modern life of rocco
(6:29:25 PM) ipi: oh!!
(6:29:26 PM) goluigi: WHAT DO ALL THESE MEAN???
(6:29:26 PM) KungFuFurby: Whenever you're ready.
(6:29:38 PM) SoiledBargains: Rocco's Modern Life? xD
(6:29:42 PM) skinnyhead: I want to rate all 7's
(6:29:45 PM) HertzDevil: goluigi they mean NOTHING lol
(6:29:45 PM) Rocco: That'd be Rocko.
(6:29:46 PM) skinnyhead: so I can get a heart
(6:29:47 PM) ipi: goluigi whatever you like
(6:29:48 PM) Rocco: I get a lot of his mail.
(6:29:53 PM) Jangler: sinklisten is now?
(6:29:58 PM) HertzDevil: our INF is so low we should only vote all 7 or all 1
(6:29:59 PM) Willow: nowish
(6:29:59 PM) null1024: goluigi: the categories for voting
(6:29:59 PM) ipi:
(6:30:00 PM) gyms [] entered the room.
(6:30:02 PM) goluigi: why are there 5 voting categories what is this
(6:30:03 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(6:30:04 PM) sethdonut: folder: "put of despair"
(6:30:08 PM) sethdonut: *pit
(6:30:08 PM) commandycan: hello gyms
(6:30:08 PM) Jangler: sinklisten is now?
(6:30:12 PM) ipi: goluigi is a major compo noob
(6:30:13 PM) goluigi: yesh
(6:30:15 PM) goluigi: yesh
(6:30:17 PM) Jangler: i failed
(6:30:22 PM) gyms: hi commandycan :)
(6:30:23 PM) Strobe: Beer!
(6:30:23 PM) goluigi: im a noob
(6:30:24 PM) sethdonut: "please"
(6:30:25 PM) FoD: beer? That reminds me...
(6:30:26 PM) goluigi: in general
(6:30:28 PM) CaptBeard: BEER
(6:30:30 PM) null1024: no more? daww
(6:30:32 PM) CaptBeard:
(6:30:32 PM) goluigi: kfaraMOM
(6:30:37 PM) Willow: lol capt
(6:30:38 PM) Ares64: poop
(6:30:49 PM) null1024: that typing speed ;3
(6:30:55 PM) null1024: look at the words fly
(6:30:56 PM) Willow: clipclopclipclop
(6:30:57 PM) goluigi: not voting until tomorrow!
(6:31:04 PM) null1024: clack click clackety clack
(6:31:09 PM) sethdonut: kleckikleckiklecki
(6:31:10 PM) Rocco: Mechanical keyboard ftw
(6:31:11 PM) Strobe: insane number of people online at the same time on the botb userlist
(6:31:13 PM) goluigi: because i dont want a grayayayay aurara
(6:31:13 PM) Willow: when's the sync ETA -- I might go grab something from ze fridge
(6:31:14 PM) KungFuFurby: I can hear typing...
(6:31:20 PM) Strobe: the winterchip rush ;)
(6:31:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe you should have seen earlier!
(6:31:28 PM) sethdonut: HA
(6:31:33 PM) Strobe: :D
(6:31:37 PM) skinnyhead: yea
(6:31:44 PM) skinnyhead: I have a quickfire
(6:31:46 PM) ***null1024 just has a somewhat assy laptop keyboard
(6:31:48 PM) commandycan: this is going to be a wild ride
(6:31:49 PM) tristendo: rendering
(6:31:50 PM) skinnyhead: it has no numpad though :(
(6:31:53 PM) commandycan: hopefully no bones involved
(6:31:55 PM) null1024: although I do love the feel of it
(6:31:56 PM) Rocco: Same, Skinny! Love this thing.
(6:32:03 PM) skinnyhead: it's v nice
(6:32:05 PM) Pootie [] entered the room.
(6:32:05 PM) tristendo: Its riddled with errors
(6:32:07 PM) null1024: it does have issues with rollover
(6:32:08 PM) tristendo: so shit
(6:32:09 PM) asiekierka left the room (quit: Quit: Quit message removed due to a complaint by #mzx @
(6:32:19 PM) sethdonut: is that the complete waveform of all the songs up there??
(6:32:32 PM) ipi: i doubt it
(6:32:36 PM) ipi: which song
(6:32:48 PM) ipi: very cool
(6:32:48 PM) tristendo: and it got raised to 300bpm instead of 140 xS
(6:32:53 PM) goluigi: i cannot wait for kungfufurby's SID ENTRY
(6:33:03 PM) null1024: zed ex beeper ;3
(6:33:11 PM) Strobe: looks like a beeper even with the upwards bias!
(6:33:12 PM) commandycan: fed ex beeper
(6:33:12 PM) ***null1024 knows that's the right way to say that, but stiiiil
(6:33:21 PM) null1024: er, stilll
(6:33:23 PM) skinnyhead: zee x beepre
(6:33:25 PM) goluigi: zix
(6:33:25 PM) null1024: more ls less is
(6:33:28 PM) HertzDevil: kungfufurby provides background music for all intermissions
(6:33:29 PM) epic_caterpillar: wait for jem apples
(6:33:53 PM) Jangler: the SPC is my favorite
(6:34:02 PM) sethdonut: couple of songs, then a break, a tiny break between songs, a BIG BLOCK and then intermissions...
(6:34:02 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh hey I'm just editing the page with jQuery...
(6:34:04 PM) sethdonut: what's the format here
(6:34:07 PM) SoiledBargains: Maybe I'll have a list...
(6:34:09 PM) Strobe: next time i will submit elevator music for all categories
(6:34:14 PM) null1024: do it
(6:34:17 PM) goluigi: good
(6:34:20 PM) epic_caterpillar: jem apples needs 3 see it
(6:34:21 PM) sethdonut: oh, all of that?
(6:34:22 PM) sethdonut: haha ok
(6:34:27 PM) null1024: start
(6:34:30 PM) Jangler: haha
(6:34:33 PM) sethdonut: *commensh*
(6:34:35 PM) goluigi: getting CHEAPS
(6:34:39 PM) null1024: 7 hour :U
(6:34:48 PM) null1024: yes
(6:34:54 PM) null1024: hahaha
(6:35:01 PM) gyms: 7 hours holy shit
(6:35:01 PM) null1024: lemme grab some munch/drink
(6:35:05 PM) CaptBeard: first the furby orchestra special
(6:35:07 PM) ipi: livestream from your toilet seat
(6:35:08 PM) KungFuFurby: This is going to end too late for me, but I'll stick around for probably one to begin with.
(6:35:09 PM) HertzDevil: 7:36:19 from 184 renders, 498.4MB
(6:35:10 PM) sethdonut: this is almost as long as the feature film War and Peace
(6:35:11 PM) sethdonut: no joke
(6:35:20 PM) Jangler: mumble mumble chicken mumble
(6:35:22 PM) HertzDevil: 2 renders missing
(6:35:28 PM) AyakaSuda left the room (quit: Quit: Metal Slug: Where being fat increases your fire power!).
(6:35:31 PM) commandycan: well i'm aiming to be here for all 7 hours
(6:35:31 PM) KungFuFurby: They are the most recent entries.
(6:35:37 PM) commandycan: and voting on every song!
(6:35:40 PM) Jangler: i'll have to eat a meal at some point
(6:35:44 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(6:35:45 PM) sethdonut: i'm with ya commandycan
(6:35:50 PM) Jangler: or i could just DEAL WITH HUNGER
(6:35:50 PM) ipi: yeah!!
(6:35:54 PM) commandycan: im eating RIGHT NOW
(6:35:57 PM) ***null1024 will have to shower at some point
(6:35:58 PM) commandycan: what a coincidence
(6:35:59 PM) null1024: and eat, etc
(6:36:00 PM) Ares64: spefG*Wtbheu83H9\'
(6:36:01 PM) ipi: skinnyhead is voting all entries 7
(6:36:05 PM) skinnyhead: : - )
(6:36:06 PM) ironclad [] entered the room.
(6:36:09 PM) Jangler: hearty hearty love
(6:36:09 PM) HertzDevil: YES
(6:36:10 PM) ipi: phazon!!
(6:36:13 PM) ironclad: ay yo
(6:36:14 PM) commandycan: that's awfully skinny-headed of him
(6:36:14 PM) skinnyhead: heart heart
(6:36:15 PM) null1024: pure hearts
(6:36:16 PM) commandycan: hello phazon
(6:36:17 PM) HertzDevil: yo oy
(6:36:18 PM) goluigi: hey phazon :)
(6:36:21 PM) Abigail [] entered the room.
(6:36:24 PM) HertzDevil: phazon yo oy
(6:36:25 PM) skinnyhead: THE DOGZON
(6:36:28 PM) ironclad: yeaaa
(6:36:31 PM) Pootie: oh hey
(6:36:34 PM) HertzDevil: ???? blue phazon ????
(6:36:36 PM) Svetlana: quick link me the stream before my isp decides to be a scam again
(6:36:37 PM) skinnyhead: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, DJ DogZon Has Arrived '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,
(6:36:37 PM) goluigi: hello pootie
(6:36:40 PM) Pootie: Nice entry yeye
(6:36:42 PM) Jangler: 9
(6:36:42 PM) HertzDevil: ???? red phazon ????
(6:36:43 PM) kfaraday:
(6:36:46 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(6:36:47 PM) Pootie: hey there goluigi
(6:36:50 PM) gyms: drunken livestream host, go for it
(6:36:54 PM) Pootie: oh boy
(6:37:00 PM) sethdonut: thanks
(6:37:00 PM) CaptBeard: it's gyms hey gyms
(6:37:01 PM) gyms: kfaraday, get krunk
(6:37:02 PM) SoiledBargains: I get to do the fancy text, don't I? :P
(6:37:06 PM) sethdonut: pinot?
(6:37:07 PM) Svetlana: //////////////
(6:37:08 PM) Svetlana: //////////////
(6:37:08 PM) Svetlana: //////////////
(6:37:08 PM) Svetlana: //////////////
(6:37:08 PM) Svetlana: //////////////
(6:37:09 PM) golgibody: Yeah, get drunk. :)
(6:37:10 PM) xterm-logger: hahah
(6:37:12 PM) golgibody: I'll get drunk too!
(6:37:20 PM) goluigi: wow delinquents
(6:37:23 PM) ipi: darn i have nothing in tho!!
(6:37:26 PM) CaptBeard: how do you do a big text
(6:37:31 PM) skinnyhead: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, anyone who gets drunk here will die '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,
(6:37:34 PM) goluigi: ^
(6:37:37 PM) commandycan: skinnyhead i dont believe u
(6:37:40 PM) asiekierka [] entered the room.
(6:37:40 PM) null1024: anyone who dies here will drink
(6:37:43 PM) skinnyhead: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, it is true '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,
(6:37:49 PM) Jangler: stop w/ shinytext
(6:37:52 PM) KungFuFurby: Do I see the waveform of the first render in the live stream?
(6:37:53 PM) Svetlana: ok yeah pages aren't loading
(6:37:53 PM) skinnyhead: :(
(6:37:55 PM) Svetlana: nothing is working
(6:38:00 PM) goluigi: its 2shiny4jangler's old old eyes
(6:38:05 PM) golgibody: Watch out for flying Jangler boots
(6:38:05 PM) gyms: someone paypal me six dollars for beer, i'm poor atm lolol
(6:38:12 PM) Jangler: hehe
(6:38:16 PM) ipi: its fine for me svetlana
(6:38:26 PM) Svetlana: ipi that's because you're not in brazil :)
(6:38:28 PM) sethdonut: gyms what's your e-mail
(6:38:35 PM) ipi: oh right
(6:38:42 PM) Jangler: wine open.nsf
(6:38:58 PM) commandycan: i give it a 7 for shit-in-pants
(6:39:05 PM) null1024: wine virtuansf.exe open.nsf
(6:39:07 PM) null1024: ;3
(6:39:13 PM) Jangler: nice
(6:39:15 PM) Willow: ...
(6:39:17 PM) skinnyhead: spooky doorsqueak
(6:39:19 PM) sethdonut: sloooooow dooor opeeennn
(6:39:20 PM) Willow: dat door
(6:39:24 PM) commandycan: its a SKELETON
(6:39:26 PM) Jangler: that wasn't a door
(6:39:27 PM) ipi: and then we find kfaraday
(6:39:29 PM) ipi: HANGED
(6:39:29 PM) sethdonut: calculated waiting period
(6:39:32 PM) golgibody: :D
(6:39:38 PM) null1024: that noise
(6:39:40 PM) Willow: jesus
(6:39:41 PM) sethdonut: lol
(6:39:43 PM) Jangler: kfaraday's pet hingepile
(6:39:46 PM) golgibody: He's playing with the door just to mess with us!
(6:39:46 PM) null1024: it is made by satan
(6:39:49 PM) skinnyhead: DAAAAD
(6:39:53 PM) tristendo: ok im upping now
(6:39:54 PM) skinnyhead: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD
(6:39:57 PM) Zephemeros: DAAAAAD
(6:40:00 PM) HertzDevil: DAAAAAAAAAD
(6:40:02 PM) ipi: father
(6:40:04 PM) gyms: sethdonut, naw i'm jk man, haha. i appreciate it tho : ))
(6:40:04 PM) sethdonut: DAUD
(6:40:06 PM) KungFuFurby: It's Pre-Compo Furby time!
(6:40:11 PM) BotB: PreCompoFurby.wav - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage Page info: HTML, CSS
(6:40:15 PM) HertzDevil: ????????????????
(6:40:23 PM) Willow: ...?
(6:40:24 PM) goluigi: time to submit my last entry :))
(6:40:27 PM) ipi: no
(6:40:30 PM) KungFuFurby: :o
(6:40:31 PM) null1024: <HertzDevil> ƒ¢ƒ¿ƒ¿ƒ¿ƒ¿ƒ¿ƒ¿ƒÂ wat
(6:40:31 PM) Zephemeros: hello my host kfaraday
(6:40:32 PM) HertzDevil: ?D???p?p?p?p?p?p?t
(6:40:36 PM) goluigi: lol i was jk wow!!!!!!!!
(6:40:37 PM) commandycan: hahaha
(6:40:42 PM) commandycan: goluigi delinquent
(6:40:44 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(6:40:46 PM) Zephemeros: heheheHEHEHEHEHE
(6:40:47 PM) ipi: pwnd
(6:40:47 PM) xterm-logger: wc8exploiter
(6:40:48 PM) b-bO__Obz left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(6:40:53 PM) goluigi: yes
(6:40:57 PM) null1024: 26 people
(6:40:59 PM) BotB: TristEndo - Take one for teh team :: mp3 now available ::
(6:41:00 PM) b-bO__Obz [] entered the room.
(6:41:01 PM) mode (+o b-bO__Obz) by ChanServ
(6:41:03 PM) HertzDevil: :
(6:41:03 PM) ironclad: mmmm furbs
(6:41:04 PM) tristendo: ok it
(6:41:05 PM) HertzDevil: )
(6:41:08 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(6:41:09 PM) tristendo: s up
(6:41:11 PM) ***KungFuFurby bows.
(6:41:18 PM) Jangler: ^OO^
(6:41:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing: The Furby Orchesta Special — KungFuFurby —
(6:41:25 PM) goluigi: i will write down all my votes an vote next week!
(6:41:25 PM) sethdonut: :B
(6:41:31 PM) goluigi: and
(6:41:33 PM) Jangler: hehe the fucking lead instrument is gold
(6:41:35 PM) commandycan: yes
(6:41:37 PM) null1024: ahaha
(6:41:37 PM) Willow: lol
(6:41:38 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(6:41:40 PM) Strobe: haahhah that vibrato
(6:41:41 PM) commandycan: oo ee ee
(6:41:41 PM) goluigi: peter
(6:41:42 PM) ipi: yes!!
(6:41:42 PM) CaptBeard: it BEGINS
(6:41:42 PM) FoD: what
(6:41:42 PM) sethdonut: what a kick-off
(6:41:43 PM) Willow: amazing
(6:41:44 PM) golgibody: Yeah, best lead instrument
(6:41:46 PM) Yibbon [] entered the room.
(6:41:49 PM) skinnyhead: this is me singing
(6:41:50 PM) HertzDevil: YESH
(6:41:51 PM) HertzDevil: YIBBON
(6:41:53 PM) Willow: oh god it's long too
(6:41:54 PM) Yibbon: aaaaaaaaaaaa
(6:41:54 PM) null1024: distressing
(6:41:55 PM) skinnyhead: I am actually singing this
(6:41:56 PM) Pootie: oh
(6:42:01 PM) golgibody: That voice is GOLD for heart-magic!
(6:42:01 PM) Strobe: it sounds sad and fun at the same time :D
(6:42:06 PM) Yibbon: is that a furby sound
(6:42:06 PM) CaptBeard: aaaa
(6:42:08 PM) null1024: this lead is frightening ;3
(6:42:10 PM) Willow: it's like the singing goat
(6:42:13 PM) gyms: livestream compression adds some charm to the sound or something, sounds different
(6:42:15 PM) ipi: furby shows his true colours
(6:42:15 PM) flowerinth [flowerinth@] entered the room.
(6:42:16 PM) Willow: but more amazing
(6:42:17 PM) Jangler: haha goatsong.nsf
(6:42:19 PM) SoiledBargains: Wowowow
(6:42:19 PM) sethdonut: breakdown
(6:42:20 PM) null1024: pianoooo
(6:42:21 PM) commandycan: what this lead is actually very majestic
(6:42:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Clear samples!
(6:42:30 PM) Willow: oh panning fun
(6:42:32 PM) null1024: that is the clearest SNES piano
(6:42:39 PM) Strobe: null1024 thats what i thought
(6:42:39 PM) sethdonut: i should pop on headphones
(6:42:47 PM) Yibbon: chrono trigger unreleased track
(6:42:49 PM) commandycan: should you not vote in areas where the song might not be applicable?
(6:42:56 PM) SoiledBargains: This is why I like SNES sound over Genesis sound.
(6:42:57 PM) Jangler: vote in everything
(6:42:57 PM) tristendo: so cool
(6:42:59 PM) HertzDevil: where is miau's render
(6:43:02 PM) commandycan: ok ty jangler
(6:43:02 PM) Jangler: don't take the categories too seriously
(6:43:03 PM) Strobe: some really nice quality samples here
(6:43:04 PM) HertzDevil: the last render
(6:43:04 PM) Willow: however you vote, just vote consistently
(6:43:09 PM) CaptBeard: this is really good quality ja
(6:43:18 PM) HertzDevil: remote render
(6:43:18 PM) ***null1024 likes FM because it's sexier
(6:43:27 PM) null1024: but you can't do silly samples in FM :P
(6:43:30 PM) CaptBeard: snes can use fm samples
(6:43:31 PM) ***KungFuFurby is voting on images at the moment.
(6:43:36 PM) Svetlana: well then i guess i will not vote this winterchip
(6:43:37 PM) Willow: oh god this is going to be stuck in my head
(6:43:37 PM) miau: s incoming i need to get mp3 gear rdy
(6:43:42 PM) null1024: CaptBeard: but they will sound like ass
(6:43:53 PM) CaptBeard: yeah probably
(6:43:53 PM) HertzDevil: :))
(6:43:54 PM) Yibbon: \msg HertzDevil me
(6:43:55 PM) Jangler: hoop looks like i'm going to eat now
(6:44:03 PM) flowerinth: :))
(6:44:06 PM) Strobe: is it only my Save button that is so big it pushes down the 7 radio button?
(6:44:08 PM) goluigi: bye jangley jangler
(6:44:13 PM) ipi: no strobe
(6:44:15 PM) Willow: KungFuFurby: this kinda reminds me of BoF2
(6:44:21 PM) sethdonut: i see dozens of furbies spinning under chandeliers
(6:44:25 PM) Fezuke [] entered the room.
(6:44:25 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(6:44:28 PM) Willow: is that a coincidence
(6:44:29 PM) ipi: key change
(6:44:31 PM) skinnyhead: furby_roatae.gif
(6:44:35 PM) Willow: oh god he kinda detunes
(6:44:35 PM) sethdonut: surrounded by pre-WW1 Russian dignitaries
(6:44:40 PM) null1024: haha
(6:44:40 PM) HertzDevil: the circle of furbies
(6:44:48 PM) golgibody: :D That lead is the best lead of winter chip
(6:44:51 PM) CaptBeard: he forgot to add drums and tranposes those by an octave
(6:45:01 PM) null1024: stick
(6:45:07 PM) commandycan: whoa
(6:45:09 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(6:45:11 PM) ironclad: oh shit
(6:45:11 PM) sethdonut: WHWHAHAHAA
(6:45:12 PM) Willow: LOL
(6:45:13 PM) null1024: techno
(6:45:13 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(6:45:13 PM) ironclad: just got real
(6:45:13 PM) tristendo: lol
(6:45:13 PM) ipi: woah
(6:45:14 PM) Zephemeros: that escalated quickly
(6:45:14 PM) Willow: WHAT
(6:45:14 PM) sethdonut: WHATgF
(6:45:14 PM) commandycan: the furbys are going inside out
(6:45:15 PM) xterm-logger: YEAH
(6:45:15 PM) golgibody: MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAT
(6:45:18 PM) gyms: haha
(6:45:18 PM) Yibbon: this entry lmao
(6:45:20 PM) commandycan: lmao golgibody
(6:45:23 PM) null1024: orch hits
(6:45:26 PM) FoD: techno furby
(6:45:27 PM) KungFuFurby: Oh kah tee!!!
(6:45:27 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(6:45:28 PM) sethdonut: @@@@@@_@@@@@@@
(6:45:29 PM) null1024: real 1995 techno
(6:45:30 PM) skinnyhead: kfarday is probably already drunk
(6:45:31 PM) SoiledBargains: The theater just caught on fire
(6:45:31 PM) CaptBeard: the furbies begin to rebel against the goats taking over furby mountain
(6:45:32 PM) Rocco: Mama mia? Now I want pizza.
(6:45:34 PM) ironclad: this is amazing lmao
(6:45:36 PM) Willow: I am in tears
(6:45:40 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(6:45:41 PM) null1024: all 8s
(6:45:41 PM) ipi: woah
(6:45:43 PM) null1024: ;333333
(6:45:45 PM) ipi: all furbs
(6:45:45 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(6:45:46 PM) Yibbon: phazon FUCKS
(6:45:48 PM) sethdonut: DANCE BATTLE
(6:45:49 PM) Willow: what
(6:45:50 PM) tristendo: lol its so awesome :D
(6:45:59 PM) xterm-logger: YEAAAAAAA
(6:46:01 PM) Strobe: xD
(6:46:02 PM) FoD: hahahaa
(6:46:03 PM) Willow: hahaha
(6:46:04 PM) Zephemeros: this is really fucking good
(6:46:05 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(6:46:05 PM) Fezuke: lol
(6:46:05 PM) goluigi: yeaaaaaa
(6:46:07 PM) FoD: this is awesome
(6:46:12 PM) CaptBeard: this is really good
(6:46:14 PM) Strobe: ahhahahahaha, i have no comments
(6:46:15 PM) sethdonut: wow-tilt++++
(6:46:15 PM) ipi: wowowwow
(6:46:27 PM) skinnyhead: THE PANNING
(6:46:30 PM) Willow: ...
(6:46:31 PM) skinnyhead: HOLY FUCK
(6:46:32 PM) sethdonut: chikichikichiki
(6:46:33 PM) CaptBeard: i can't hear the panning
(6:46:34 PM) commandycan: the numbers keep going higher and higherr
(6:46:35 PM) Yibbon: THAT PITCHING
(6:46:37 PM) CaptBeard: because i have only one speaking
(6:46:48 PM) Willow: you're missing out :s
(6:46:48 PM) HertzDevil: i can't hear the panning i have only one ear
(6:46:50 PM) CaptBeard: reminds me a bit of how jet set radio uses samples
(6:46:50 PM) HertzDevil: fact
(6:46:59 PM) goluigi: which ear
(6:47:01 PM) ironclad: oh it's YIB
(6:47:02 PM) sethdonut: ^ CaptBeard
(6:47:02 PM) HertzDevil: right
(6:47:07 PM) null1024: this is so 1995
(6:47:08 PM) gyms: chicago house furby
(6:47:10 PM) mq [] entered the room.
(6:47:11 PM) ipi: hertzdevil :(
(6:47:14 PM) commandycan: yes i want a space jam
(6:47:15 PM) FoD: wackachickawoooow
(6:47:15 PM) null1024: I can see this in a fucking Ridge Racer game ;3
(6:47:16 PM) ironclad: chicago
(6:47:20 PM) BotB: skinnyhead2000 reaches Level 9 Playa with 816pnts
(6:47:23 PM) asiekierka left the room (quit: Quit: Quit message removed due to a complaint by #mzx @
(6:47:23 PM) Ares64: oh no
(6:47:26 PM) null1024: at least this part
(6:47:26 PM) sethdonut: ^ nulll024
(6:47:27 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(6:47:28 PM) kfaraday: the transitions are flawless
(6:47:30 PM) skinnyhead: HEARTY HEARTY LOVE LOVE
(6:47:31 PM) luttybowl: i can hear music
(6:47:33 PM) luttybowl: who is this
(6:47:37 PM) luttybowl: who made this music
(6:47:39 PM) ipi: bow chicka wow wow
(6:47:39 PM) kfaraday: look on stream :)
(6:47:43 PM) goluigi: quickly make a song 100% panned to the left
(6:47:45 PM) Yibbon: how do I VOTE
(6:47:46 PM) null1024: luttybowl: KungFuFurby
(6:47:49 PM) luttybowl: oh KFF's 8 minute rave anthem
(6:47:53 PM) goluigi: you go on the entries
(6:47:55 PM) goluigi: yibbon
(6:47:57 PM) ironclad: just go to the entry yib
(6:47:58 PM) Willow: longfade
(6:47:59 PM) kfaraday:
(6:48:03 PM) BotB: KungFuFurby - The Furby Orchestra Special :: Battle of the Bits -- welcome to the furby orchestra special for winter chip viii! i'm kungfufurby, the composer of this special, and we hope you enjoy the show. Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:48:09 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: fbi in da club — Beard —
(6:48:13 PM) Ares64: yiEPpe;.
(6:48:22 PM) flowerinth: cool
(6:48:23 PM) Rocco: It just does this for another minute, right?
(6:48:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Getting close to making this automated.
(6:48:25 PM) sethdonut: kfaraday: it would be a great if you could post links to each entry as they come
(6:48:26 PM) goluigi: waka chaka waow
(6:48:28 PM) null1024: quackitchiwaaaou
(6:48:32 PM) kfaraday: :) already being done~
(6:48:34 PM) sethdonut: :)
(6:48:36 PM) ***kfaraday pats soiled
(6:48:36 PM) golgibody: In the beginning, there was KungFuFurby, and KungFuFurby had a groove.
(6:48:37 PM) rainwarrior: !battle
(6:48:38 PM) Willow: my heart magic is fade lol
(6:48:39 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 215 entries :: voting deadline 16d 23h 38m 31s :: final results 16d 23h 43m 31s ::
(6:48:40 PM) golgibody: And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.
(6:48:41 PM) Willow: fading*
(6:48:42 PM) Ares64: yaey
(6:48:45 PM) golgibody: And while one day viciously throwing down on his snes, KungFuFurby boldy declared,
(6:48:47 PM) rainwarrior: oh it ended eh?
(6:48:50 PM) golgibody: “Let there be HOUSE!”
(6:48:50 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(6:48:51 PM) null1024: almost over
(6:48:52 PM) commandycan: im getting dizzy
(6:48:53 PM) golgibody: and house music was born.
(6:48:55 PM) HertzDevil: patashu!
(6:48:58 PM) commandycan: and this is only the first entry
(6:49:01 PM) SoiledBargains: wakkachikaWOW
(6:49:03 PM) sethdonut: well, i'm done. Great stream everyone!
(6:49:04 PM) commandycan: hello patashu
(6:49:09 PM) SoiledBargains: Now Playing: fbi in da club — Beard —
(6:49:10 PM) ipi: rip winter chip 8
(6:49:10 PM) FoD: dat ritardando
(6:49:12 PM) ipi: its over
(6:49:13 PM) SoiledBargains: oh waoot
(6:49:13 PM) tristendo: its just going go
(6:49:14 PM) goluigi: rainwarrior, the whole synclisten ended
(6:49:15 PM) Ares64: oh no
(6:49:15 PM) HertzDevil: this is the 5th longest entry
(6:49:15 PM) Willow: LOL
(6:49:19 PM) skinnyhead: BEAUTIFUL
(6:49:21 PM) Yibbon: why are there so many categories
(6:49:23 PM) BotB: miau - aaaaaaaaa :: mp3 now available ::
(6:49:23 PM) null1024: impressive
(6:49:23 PM) SoiledBargains: not really sorry
(6:49:26 PM) golgibody: That was beautiful!
(6:49:26 PM) commandycan: hertzdevil dont tell me that nooo
(6:49:28 PM) rainwarrior: are you listening from the beginning?
(6:49:30 PM) ipi: goooddd soiled!!
(6:49:34 PM) Ares64: ooooooooooh this onel.
(6:49:36 PM) rainwarrior: like, in submission order?
(6:49:40 PM) KungFuFurby: The song ended because the furby got busted by his master.
(6:49:47 PM) HertzDevil: yes!
(6:49:47 PM) SoiledBargains: Starting
(6:49:48 PM) HertzDevil: all renders!
(6:49:56 PM) Yibbon: nsf
(6:49:56 PM) SoiledBargains: Ooooh!
(6:49:58 PM) CaptBeard: i just came back when i heard my song
(6:49:59 PM) commandycan: i can visualize the fbi
(6:50:00 PM) Ares64: beard aka the guy who nabbed my instrumentws.
(6:50:01 PM) luttybowl: are we doing all of them in one go
(6:50:01 PM) ipi: panning
(6:50:02 PM) null1024: dangerous
(6:50:05 PM) goluigi: bread i love this
(6:50:08 PM) CaptBeard: it's not a good song
(6:50:10 PM) ipi: who used stereo seperate
(6:50:12 PM) null1024: luttybowl: intermissions will be a thing
(6:50:12 PM) kfaraday: luttybowl short breaks :)
(6:50:14 PM) CaptBeard: it's just a test, technically
(6:50:14 PM) sethdonut: comin' to get you
(6:50:17 PM) luttybowl: yeah
(6:50:19 PM) SoiledBargains: This does not sound liek NSF!!
(6:50:20 PM) goluigi: a good test
(6:50:20 PM) Ares64: testin MY insTUMRENTS
(6:50:22 PM) luttybowl: but not breaks that i can go to bed in
(6:50:26 PM) kfaraday: :3 yes
(6:50:26 PM) commandycan: tum rents
(6:50:27 PM) null1024: haha
(6:50:31 PM) Ares64: yeppers.
(6:50:38 PM) CaptBeard: pretty much, i only used your siren-y instrument
(6:50:39 PM) Svetlana: holy shit i need to murder something
(6:50:42 PM) golgibody: Nice unce you made there Beard
(6:50:49 PM) Ares64: nopers beard
(6:50:50 PM) ipi: yeah this is swell tho
(6:50:51 PM) rainwarrior: oh right the synclisten
(6:50:54 PM) KungFuFurby:
(6:50:55 PM) Ares64: what about that duty bass
(6:50:57 PM) rainwarrior: I guess I'll listen for a bit maybe
(6:50:57 PM) Ares64: and that leady thing
(6:50:58 PM) BotB: Beard - fbi in da club :: Battle of the Bits -- technically i trashed this, but lets just upload this so i have a regular nsf entry Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:50:59 PM) Ares64: and most o' it
(6:51:11 PM) Ares64: i think only the noise i didnt make :v
(6:51:13 PM) sethdonut: you earned 1 Criticist points.
(6:51:18 PM) CaptBeard: the lead may be, i don't remember as the ftm is gone
(6:51:18 PM) Ares64: yeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haw.
(6:51:27 PM) CaptBeard: i still like my other songs better
(6:51:34 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: One Last Present — Baycun —
(6:51:35 PM) CaptBeard: the bass i made myself though
(6:51:37 PM) KungFuFurby:
(6:51:39 PM) Yibbon: boss fight
(6:51:41 PM) BotB: Baycun - One Last Present :: Battle of the Bits -- a song i wrote a little before christmas. pretty much inspired by reflection and nostalgia on holiday seasons past. Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:51:44 PM) Svetlana: irc is literally the only thing this allegedly 10mbps connection is currently good for
(6:51:44 PM) sethdonut: "that was.... that."
(6:51:53 PM) Yibbon: THE IMAGE
(6:51:54 PM) KungFuFurby: Oh, pardon me, the links are now being posted.
(6:51:57 PM) gyms: haha
(6:51:57 PM) jrlepage: yes good
(6:52:05 PM) HertzDevil: yes good
(6:52:18 PM) rainwarrior: what are you using to make this visual display, kfaraday?
(6:52:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: Now Playing — Baycun —
(6:52:24 PM) Patashu_ [] entered the room.
(6:52:24 PM) Patashu left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Patashu_!
(6:52:25 PM) kfaraday: a foobar thing :)
(6:52:25 PM) BotB: Baycun - One Last Present :: Battle of the Bits -- a song i wrote a little before christmas. pretty much inspired by reflection and nostalgia on holiday seasons past. Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:52:26 PM) Yibbon: xsplit?
(6:52:27 PM) sethdonut: I FUCKING LOVE
(6:52:28 PM) sethdonut: LOVE THIS ONE
(6:52:28 PM) HertzDevil: can every BotBr provide accurate IPA pronunciation of their name
(6:52:32 PM) Patashu_ left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(6:52:33 PM) ipi: vrc6
(6:52:33 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(6:52:34 PM) Zephemeros: fuck
(6:52:36 PM) Zephemeros: good
(6:52:36 PM) luttybowl: who made this one
(6:52:37 PM) CaptBeard: this song is nice
(6:52:38 PM) Zephemeros: so good
(6:52:38 PM) sethdonut: i had it stuck in my head
(6:52:39 PM) HertzDevil: ponies
(6:52:40 PM) Ares64: uh-ress 64
(6:52:40 PM) sethdonut: all day today
(6:52:41 PM) Ares64: jk
(6:52:44 PM) Ares64: air e's 64
(6:52:47 PM) jrlepage: hey this is pretty good :)
(6:52:47 PM) gyms: ponies
(6:52:47 PM) goluigi: i remember when he showed me this like a month ago :)
(6:52:50 PM) luttybowl: oh baycun
(6:52:50 PM) Yibbon: HertzDevil that would require unicode extensions no one possesses
(6:52:52 PM) luttybowl: i can read now
(6:52:56 PM) FoD: I like that snare
(6:52:58 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(6:53:07 PM) sethdonut: heart-magic +++++++++++
(6:53:11 PM) skinnyhead: a bit loud for me
(6:53:12 PM) FoD: this is pretty :)
(6:53:16 PM) skinnyhead: my ears are sensitive though
(6:53:17 PM) skinnyhead: so
(6:53:20 PM) ipi: volume is a bit loud
(6:53:20 PM) CaptBeard: same, the lead is loud but the song is nice
(6:53:28 PM) rainwarrior: foobar lets you play with images and stuff?
(6:53:31 PM) CaptBeard: so with voting...
(6:53:32 PM) null1024: filtery
(6:53:35 PM) gyms: charming lead, wow
(6:53:36 PM) CaptBeard: how does that work? heart-magic and all that
(6:53:37 PM) kfaraday: nah that's xsplit lol
(6:53:37 PM) goluigi: i told baycun he needs to set his amp on 4x and not 1x :)
(6:53:39 PM) skinnyhead: IM GIVING EVERYONE 7S
(6:53:39 PM) commandycan: i like this solo
(6:53:40 PM) skinnyhead: HEART
(6:53:41 PM) skinnyhead: HEART
(6:53:47 PM) ipi: love this lead
(6:53:51 PM) HertzDevil: i am giving everything 7 or 1
(6:53:51 PM) ipi: SKINNYHEAD
(6:53:52 PM) Willow: I like the richness going on in the background
(6:53:55 PM) skinnyhead: PIE
(6:53:57 PM) sethdonut: if you feel this song deep in your heart, it exudes HEART MAGIC
(6:53:58 PM) kfaraday: hertz lmao
(6:53:59 PM) skinnyhead: WE WILL HEART BROS
(6:53:59 PM) Willow: hertz, you some sort of radical
(6:54:02 PM) jrlepage: dem phat chords~
(6:54:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Oooh chords
(6:54:03 PM) ipi: frick off :((
(6:54:03 PM) CaptBeard: hmm
(6:54:07 PM) skinnyhead: HAHAHA
(6:54:08 PM) HertzDevil: this is what i do when my INF diminishes
(6:54:14 PM) kfaraday: LOL
(6:54:18 PM) ipi: haha
(6:54:21 PM) skinnyhead: SCRUB
(6:54:21 PM) golgibody: :D
(6:54:21 PM) CaptBeard: maybe i need to refresh i feel i'm about 2 seconds behind
(6:54:26 PM) null1024: pauses in song
(6:54:33 PM) luttybowl: Butt
(6:54:33 PM) CaptBeard: and refreshed
(6:54:38 PM) skinnyhead: baycun
(6:54:41 PM) luttybowl: how long has the stream been going
(6:54:41 PM) Ares64: l9l-\
(6:54:41 PM) Willow: that snare is nice
(6:54:42 PM) null1024: woah
(6:54:43 PM) luttybowl: did i miss much
(6:54:43 PM) commandycan: this is some koji kondo business
(6:54:43 PM) skinnyhead: has come a long way
(6:54:44 PM) CaptBeard: nice song, it was nice
(6:54:47 PM) null1024: song just jumped for me
(6:54:47 PM) luttybowl: (read: did i miss anything by me)
(6:54:48 PM) kfaraday: luttybowl not much at all :)
(6:54:49 PM) sethdonut: this is the third song
(6:54:51 PM) ipi: luttybowl this is the third song
(6:54:52 PM) kfaraday: nope :D
(6:54:52 PM) skinnyhead: I'm glad he started modules
(6:54:55 PM) luttybowl: o kool
(6:55:05 PM) Yibbon: I can
(6:55:10 PM) goluigi: baycun has come a long way :)
(6:55:12 PM) goluigi: yes
(6:55:17 PM) sethdonut: i am in love with that
(6:55:19 PM) sethdonut: SONG
(6:55:26 PM) platosha_ [~platosha@] entered the room.
(6:55:26 PM) miau left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(6:55:27 PM) ipi: nice!!
(6:55:27 PM) goluigi: its a good time sig experiment
(6:55:31 PM) golgibody: It's goluigi time!
(6:55:32 PM) commandycan: gokuigi i cant wait
(6:55:36 PM) goluigi: golgicore 1
(6:55:39 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: battery acid — goluigi —
(6:55:41 PM) golgibody: golgicore all 7s
(6:55:42 PM) BotB: goluigi - battery acid :: Battle of the Bits -- this is a pretty neat little catchy tune i made :) i had a lot of fun reducing it from 44 kb down to the specified 24 kb haha. in doing so t Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:55:47 PM) goluigi: why do you read the descriptions :(
(6:55:47 PM) Yibbon: I can't stick around the IRC, but I'll be listening to the entire synclisten, ttyl everyone.
(6:55:52 PM) luttybowl: STALEMATE-CORE
(6:55:53 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(6:55:53 PM) sethdonut: oh god this was another one that got stuck in my head today
(6:55:58 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.core
(6:55:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Starting: battery acid — goluigi
(6:56:03 PM) SoiledBargains: KEYGENCORE
(6:56:06 PM) golgibody: Baycuncore
(6:56:07 PM) Ares64: arps
(6:56:08 PM) Ares64: arpssss
(6:56:11 PM) SoiledBargains: The best keygen music
(6:56:13 PM) Strobe: "whats this 8 bit poop crap"
(6:56:14 PM) CaptBeard: it's pretty keygenist
(6:56:18 PM) golgibody: Strobe :D
(6:56:19 PM) commandycan: this is pretty goluigi
(6:56:20 PM) goluigi: i agree with STROOOOBE
(6:56:21 PM) Strobe: ;)
(6:56:21 PM) skinnyhead: IM HALFWAY DONE WITH VOTING
(6:56:23 PM) goluigi: :)
(6:56:26 PM) skinnyhead: EVERYTHING HAS GOTTEN ALL 7S
(6:56:30 PM) goluigi: skinnyhead watch you get gray
(6:56:34 PM) goluigi: because you voted so earlyu
(6:56:35 PM) ipi: ^
(6:56:36 PM) goluigi: early
(6:56:37 PM) skinnyhead: HAHAHAHA
(6:56:46 PM) golgibody: Panning!
(6:56:52 PM) golgibody: The sound of surround
(6:56:53 PM) ipi: pantastic
(6:56:59 PM) null1024: the aura system makes no sense, even puke7 admits it ;P
(6:57:02 PM) CaptBeard: pretty good
(6:57:05 PM) sethdonut: very BRODYQUEST
(6:57:11 PM) null1024: at least the implementation, not so the concept
(6:57:16 PM) FoD: I kinda like my aura
(6:57:17 PM) commandycan: uh oh im a little grey already
(6:57:26 PM) commandycan: im green with grey outlines :y
(6:57:27 PM) ipi: i want my white back :(
(6:57:28 PM) FoD: I'm tempted to vote a little tacktically just so I can keep it
(6:57:29 PM) sethdonut: breakdown
(6:57:33 PM) CaptBeard: don't be racist against gray auras
(6:57:35 PM) kfaraday: fod heheheh
(6:57:42 PM) platosha left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 194 seconds).
(6:57:43 PM) goluigi: i already voted slimeball's chipart all 7s :)
(6:57:43 PM) ipi: this is swell!!
(6:57:46 PM) skinnyhead: IM GONNA BE GRAY
(6:57:49 PM) Strobe: skinnyhead you are now a zombie!
(6:57:49 PM) golgibody: goluigi <3
(6:57:52 PM) goluigi: skinnyhead STOP!!!!
(6:57:54 PM) ***null1024 is barely reddish grey
(6:57:55 PM) Strobe: and all your votes will be removed
(6:58:01 PM) goluigi: im writing all my votes down
(6:58:05 PM) goluigi: and voting at the last second
(6:58:06 PM) CaptBeard: IT'S OKAY TO BE GRAY
(6:58:08 PM) commandycan: im voting on all the chip arts after this
(6:58:09 PM) skinnyhead: HAHA
(6:58:10 PM) goluigi: i want a bright blue skull!
(6:58:11 PM) skinnyhead: IM A ZOMBI
(6:58:11 PM) kfaraday: skinnyhead no ( ;n;)
(6:58:13 PM) CaptBeard: GRAY PRIDE
(6:58:19 PM) goluigi: skinnyhead why are you a zombi
(6:58:20 PM) gyms: ^
(6:58:24 PM) skinnyhead: IDK
(6:58:28 PM) gyms: @gaypride
(6:58:31 PM) ironclad: zombiU
(6:58:33 PM) ipi: !botbr skinnyhead2009
(6:58:33 PM) SoiledBargains: skinnyhead is a zombi now??
(6:58:33 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(6:58:34 PM) Patashu left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Patashu_))).
(6:58:35 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(6:58:35 PM) gyms: gray* lol
(6:58:36 PM) skinnyhead: I VOTED TOO MUCH IM PRETTY SURE
(6:58:39 PM) null1024: song stop'd here
(6:58:39 PM) ipi: !botbr skinnyhead2000
(6:58:39 PM) BotB: skinnyhead2000 :: Lvl 9 Playa ::
(6:58:43 PM) lob31: ironclad skinnyhead
(6:58:49 PM) golgibody: Why is everybody saying skinnyhead is a zombi when he is a mummi
(6:58:54 PM) goluigi: LMAO WHAT
(6:58:55 PM) HertzDevil: i will be partitioning the MP3 archive by the first two digits of the entry ID
(6:58:55 PM) ipi: i think you've just been banned
(6:58:56 PM) CaptBeard: he's a zombi U
(6:59:00 PM) goluigi: WHY IS HE A MUMMI
(6:59:02 PM) ipi: you complete cock
(6:59:06 PM) Willow: this is growing on me
(6:59:07 PM) gyms: zombu
(6:59:08 PM) Strobe: woops, i mean mummi!
(6:59:11 PM) skinnyhead: WHAT
(6:59:14 PM) skinnyhead: IM BANNED?
(6:59:15 PM) ironclad: w0w lob
(6:59:16 PM) CaptBeard: skinnyhead is now banned
(6:59:16 PM) HertzDevil: sad
(6:59:18 PM) sethdonut: loop twice and fade out...
(6:59:18 PM) golgibody: Sad.
(6:59:19 PM) goluigi: Sad.
(6:59:19 PM) CaptBeard: for being optimistic
(6:59:21 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(6:59:21 PM) CaptBeard: Sad
(6:59:22 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.
(6:59:22 PM) ironclad: Sad.
(6:59:22 PM) ipi: sad
(6:59:22 PM) HertzDevil:
(6:59:24 PM) lob31: Sad.
(6:59:24 PM) jrlepage: Sad.
(6:59:27 PM) goluigi: who BANNED him
(6:59:28 PM) commandycan: nooooo
(6:59:29 PM) jrlepage: #yiki
(6:59:30 PM) goluigi: RUDE
(6:59:31 PM) skinnyhead: we should mourn
(6:59:33 PM) HertzDevil: #yiki
(6:59:34 PM) skinnyhead: the loss of me
(6:59:37 PM) CaptBeard: cabbage soup?
(6:59:38 PM) skinnyhead: #YIKI
(6:59:39 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: Springwell — Baycun —
(6:59:40 PM) golgibody: Yes. Real.
(6:59:42 PM) null1024: that didn't fade at all
(6:59:42 PM) Ares64: yUMMERS.
(6:59:44 PM) sethdonut: no fade out ;_;
(6:59:44 PM) BotB: Baycun - Springwell :: Battle of the Bits -- something. i really can't think of much to say about it, besides it being largely inspired by giving up the ghost by dj shadow. wha Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(6:59:44 PM) Willow: CONGRATULATIONS
(6:59:50 PM) null1024: that just cut to voice
(6:59:50 PM) Yibbon: BRITISH
(6:59:52 PM) CaptBeard: springwell by baycum
(6:59:55 PM) Yibbon: BRITISH
(6:59:55 PM) golgibody: :D
(6:59:58 PM) goluigi: oh im retarded and forgot the fade :(
(6:59:59 PM) gyms: ponies
(7:00:06 PM) Ares64: neither of mine fade out
(7:00:06 PM) Ares64: loal
(7:00:07 PM) goluigi: its a loopy tune though
(7:00:14 PM) skinnyhead: MY AURAS GRAY TOO
(7:00:16 PM) BotB: dog has logged out
(7:00:17 PM) skinnyhead: HAHAHA
(7:00:17 PM) CaptBeard: oh wow
(7:00:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Started
(7:00:21 PM) Strobe: blaghkgajhghja
(7:00:23 PM) CaptBeard: this is loud
(7:00:26 PM) HertzDevil: ponies
(7:00:30 PM) gyms: what on earth?
(7:00:33 PM) goluigi: plz unmummi skinnyhead
(7:00:37 PM) Willow: dem hi hats
(7:00:42 PM) goluigi: petition to unmummi skinnyhead
(7:00:44 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.
(7:00:48 PM) CaptBeard: this song is gentle like fluttershy
(7:00:51 PM) null1024: look at that superclipped waveform
(7:00:54 PM) mq: why is skinnyhead mummi
(7:00:56 PM) skinnyhead: say Sad. if you want me unmummi'd
(7:01:02 PM) goluigi: Sad.
(7:01:03 PM) sethdonut: decision to go chronologically was good b(o_o)d
(7:01:04 PM) skinnyhead: ok assholes
(7:01:06 PM) ipi: HAPPY
(7:01:12 PM) commandycan: ippy
(7:01:13 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(7:01:14 PM) Willow: if I tag something with multiple words, does it lump them together
(7:01:14 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(7:01:19 PM) Strobe: well that was a short one
(7:01:19 PM) FoD: aww :(
(7:01:21 PM) Willow: oh god was that it
(7:01:23 PM) CaptBeard: gokuigi
(7:01:27 PM) goluigi: golgicore 2
(7:01:28 PM) Willow: I hadn't even voted :s
(7:01:30 PM) skinnyhead: GOKUigi
(7:01:30 PM) ipi: oops
(7:01:33 PM) Rocco: I liked that one. It needed to do more things
(7:01:35 PM) sethdonut: pronounce :3
(7:01:36 PM) ipi: i've voted more 6's than 7's
(7:01:37 PM) skinnyhead: idk why im mummi'd
(7:01:40 PM) goluigi: ask strobe
(7:01:41 PM) goluigi: or puke
(7:01:44 PM) SoiledBargains: playing: Spiritistic Aloofness (Ni) (wtf) — goluigi —
(7:01:44 PM) CaptBeard: because you voted all 7s?
(7:01:45 PM) commandycan: ooooo
(7:01:46 PM) skinnyhead: is it really because of votes
(7:01:51 PM) Willow: mmm rich
(7:01:51 PM) BotB: Patashu reaches Level 3 Chipist with 59pnts
(7:01:53 PM) kfaraday: hee sorry if my voice is a bit runny
(7:01:54 PM) CaptBeard: or maybe it's because they think you're a nazi
(7:01:55 PM) XyzMobile [~androirc@] entered the room.
(7:01:56 PM) commandycan: goluigi dont breathe in my ear pls
(7:01:56 PM) sethdonut: DKC2-esque
(7:01:56 PM) kfaraday: i will try and enunciate
(7:01:57 PM) Willow: oh my
(7:02:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Very ambient so far
(7:02:03 PM) XyzMobile: AHHHHHHHH
(7:02:05 PM) SoiledBargains: Holy crap
(7:02:06 PM) commandycan: this is some metroid business
(7:02:09 PM) golgibody: This is pretty smooth. :)
(7:02:11 PM) Willow: ice rain, bitches
(7:02:13 PM) Yibbon: dustforce soundtrack anyone?
(7:02:15 PM) SoiledBargains: HI XYZ!!
(7:02:16 PM) skinnyhead: I have 21 inf
(7:02:17 PM) commandycan: omg dustforce
(7:02:20 PM) skinnyhead: can I still vote
(7:02:21 PM) sethdonut: this song warms my heart
(7:02:21 PM) ipi: this is nice
(7:02:22 PM) kfaraday: waterworld diving more like~
(7:02:23 PM) skinnyhead: upon being a mummi
(7:02:27 PM) skinnyhead: what can't mummis do
(7:02:29 PM) CaptBeard: this song is heartmagic for me
(7:02:33 PM) goluigi: HOW TO VOTE
(7:02:35 PM) XyzMobile: Hopefully I can stream on phone. Probably can't irc at the same time
(7:02:38 PM) Rocco: Those big sections of the waveform frighten me.
(7:02:46 PM) CaptBeard: woah, this is nice
(7:02:53 PM) luttybowl: thissong is calm
(7:02:54 PM) null1024: Rocco: yeeah, hahaha
(7:02:58 PM) sethdonut: ^ Rocco
(7:03:00 PM) null1024: it'll be calm than lous
(7:03:03 PM) null1024: er, loud
(7:03:06 PM) skinnyhead: what can't mummis do
(7:03:07 PM) jrlepage: most wintery tune so far
(7:03:08 PM) Zephemeros: dat filter
(7:03:08 PM) Patashu: goluigi: you should make the hi-hat hits different velocities or something
(7:03:09 PM) Patashu: it's pretty cool!
(7:03:16 PM) HertzDevil: :))
(7:03:21 PM) CaptBeard: what program did you make it with?
(7:03:21 PM) luttybowl: sounds like the apex twins
(7:03:24 PM) Zephemeros: renoise
(7:03:25 PM) CaptBeard: i wish kulor entered
(7:03:26 PM) ipi: renoise
(7:03:27 PM) Zephemeros: apparentlyu
(7:03:30 PM) ipi: iT SAYS RENOISE
(7:03:33 PM) CaptBeard: renoise is something i need to try out
(7:03:33 PM) null1024: mmkay, not that loud
(7:03:39 PM) HertzDevil: apoc twins
(7:03:40 PM) null1024: renoise is pretty nice
(7:03:42 PM) ***Willow bobs
(7:03:56 PM) sethdonut: crescendo-it-to-it
(7:03:59 PM) null1024: I don't use it that much because I spend all day fiddling with effects
(7:04:02 PM) null1024: and not actually tracking
(7:04:10 PM) SoiledBargains: :O
(7:04:15 PM) HertzDevil:
(7:04:19 PM) ipi: upcoming big pop
(7:04:25 PM) kfaraday: eeee
(7:04:25 PM) CaptBeard: it's woah
(7:04:28 PM) Rocco: Ooh, well done.
(7:04:29 PM) ipi: bassy
(7:04:30 PM) CaptBeard: this part is the best
(7:04:32 PM) ipi: yeah nice!!
(7:04:34 PM) null1024: this bit is nice
(7:04:40 PM) luttybowl: kfaraday how did you make this player thing you are using
(7:04:42 PM) CaptBeard: it reminds me of a homestuck flash
(7:04:43 PM) luttybowl: it's cool and nice
(7:04:48 PM) CaptBeard: he used foobar
(7:04:51 PM) kfaraday: luttybowl it's a foobar plugin :)
(7:04:52 PM) Ares64: homestuckkk
(7:04:56 PM) sethdonut: 31 viewers
(7:05:00 PM) luttybowl: kfaraday wow
(7:05:03 PM) goluigi: 2^5 now
(7:05:07 PM) ipi: <CaptBeard> it reminds me of a homestuck flash // ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING
(7:05:08 PM) kfaraday: WOW nice ending
(7:05:10 PM) Rocco: Aww, was hoping it 'd be a little crazier at the end. But pretty.
(7:05:11 PM) CaptBeard: yes ares i recently got into homestuck and am waiting for a new update
(7:05:12 PM) Ares64: ipi
(7:05:13 PM) Ares64: more like
(7:05:15 PM) sethdonut: oh, oh yeah
(7:05:15 PM) Ares64: i-die
(7:05:18 PM) Ares64: the update JUST happened beard
(7:05:19 PM) ipi: who
(7:05:19 PM) goluigi: :(
(7:05:20 PM) golgibody: Good job goluigi
(7:05:22 PM) CaptBeard: it di?
(7:05:23 PM) goluigi: dont kill ipi
(7:05:23 PM) CaptBeard: finally
(7:05:24 PM) goluigi: thx you
(7:05:24 PM) mq: wtf
(7:05:24 PM) golgibody: You have my sevens ;3
(7:05:26 PM) Ares64: did you read the
(7:05:28 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh we're doing chipart
(7:05:29 PM) mq: I fucking hate homestuck
(7:05:29 PM) Ares64: massive new one
(7:05:31 PM) CaptBeard: i read EVERY page
(7:05:33 PM) HertzDevil: 36 minutes remaining
(7:05:36 PM) luttybowl: what a beautiful snowman
(7:05:39 PM) CaptBeard: woah massive
(7:05:39 PM) mq: Holy shit
(7:05:44 PM) mq: how are you not dead yet
(7:05:45 PM) mq: beard
(7:05:47 PM) CaptBeard: i need to read this update
(7:05:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: Lord of the Ravine — Strobe —
(7:05:51 PM) Zephemeros: strobe?
(7:05:53 PM) Zephemeros: spc?
(7:05:54 PM) mq: homestuck kills my brain
(7:05:55 PM) Zephemeros: fuck. yes.
(7:05:57 PM) jrlepage: ohgodstrobe
(7:05:58 PM) CaptBeard: mq i pushed through some parts
(7:05:58 PM) Yibbon: strobe!
(7:05:59 PM) Strobe: Good afternoon!
(7:05:59 PM) null1024: this is my favorite strobe song of all of them
(7:06:00 PM) SoiledBargains: Started
(7:06:01 PM) Ares64: good for you mq :3
(7:06:03 PM) ipi: straight into it!!
(7:06:03 PM) CaptBeard: but when it's good it's good
(7:06:07 PM) goluigi: PANNING
(7:06:08 PM) Willow: dat extreme panning
(7:06:09 PM) HertzDevil: You heard it from Yibbon...
(7:06:11 PM) SoiledBargains: Also log viewers we did Janglers' chipart thing
(7:06:16 PM) SoiledBargains: *'s
(7:06:16 PM) golgibody: Panning like an AMIGA!
(7:06:17 PM) luttybowl: this reminds me of the gangster music that was in the midnight club PSP game
(7:06:17 PM) Rocco: Rerouting power to right ear
(7:06:18 PM) CaptBeard: woah it's like some mother 3 shiz
(7:06:23 PM) SoiledBargains: trumpets
(7:06:25 PM) Willow: Rocco lol
(7:06:27 PM) sethdonut: ^ CaptBeard
(7:06:28 PM) HertzDevil: trumpets
(7:06:30 PM) goluigi: this doesnt even sound strobey :o
(7:06:31 PM) ipi: i think ill vote for the chipart after the sream
(7:06:32 PM) luttybowl: actually no it reminds me of "UK FUNKY" i misrepremeberd
(7:06:34 PM) goluigi: sounds good tho
(7:06:49 PM) CaptBeard: fight against pigmask tank
(7:06:50 PM) Ares64: listening to all of this makes me feel very not confident about my entries
(7:06:54 PM) CaptBeard: same ares
(7:06:55 PM) kfaraday: hee~
(7:06:57 PM) mq: ravine of the dead
(7:06:58 PM) luttybowl: ares64 don't worry
(7:06:59 PM) ***Ares64 slinks away into the shadows
(7:07:00 PM) sethdonut: ^ Are64 :)
(7:07:02 PM) luttybowl: one of mine is coming up
(7:07:07 PM) ipi: wow this is great
(7:07:08 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:07:13 PM) CaptBeard: woah this is totally mother 3-like
(7:07:15 PM) CaptBeard: i love this
(7:07:16 PM) goluigi: yea good work mr.strobe
(7:07:18 PM) rainwarrior: this one is cool
(7:07:25 PM) luttybowl: strobe this is the worst song i have ever heard and whoever created it should die, don't you agree?
(7:07:27 PM) sethdonut: the instrumentation is killer. yeah.
(7:07:27 PM) mq: homestuck really became bad ever since trolls were introduced
(7:07:29 PM) Strobe: oh yer too kind
(7:07:43 PM) CaptBeard: mq yeah the first troll intro was really hard to read
(7:07:49 PM) CaptBeard: but it's getting better imo
(7:07:51 PM) luttybowl: its probably your strangest entry strobe
(7:07:58 PM) Strobe: luttybowl hahahahaha
(7:07:58 PM) luttybowl: sounds nothing like any other music on earth
(7:08:01 PM) ipi: strobe - i like the melody
(7:08:04 PM) Rocco: Dat ending haha
(7:08:10 PM) Strobe: i ran out of space
(7:08:11 PM) null1024: it sounds SNES RPGlike enough ;P
(7:08:11 PM) CaptBeard: i mostly read it for the jokes and also to see how hussie trolls the viewers
(7:08:12 PM) luttybowl: probably because it has orchestral instruments doing smooth portamento over a reggaeton beat
(7:08:13 PM) ipi: ameeeeeeeeeeeega
(7:08:17 PM) sethdonut: pronounce ":3"
(7:08:17 PM) Strobe: i used too much too samples ;)
(7:08:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: A Tribute to Tempest — Baycun —
(7:08:21 PM) goluigi: baycun golgi entry spam
(7:08:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing
(7:08:29 PM) skinnyhead: loud
(7:08:31 PM) CaptBeard: i used to be like "ugggh so many homestuck fans i bet it sucks i'll read it to see how bad it is oh god it's good"
(7:08:33 PM) luttybowl: acidjazzed evening is by timbaland
(7:08:37 PM) luttybowl: who told you it was by tempest
(7:08:41 PM) luttybowl: seriously get your facts right
(7:08:44 PM) sethdonut: Welcome to Planet Space!
(7:08:45 PM) CaptBeard: this is a really good timbaland remix
(7:08:51 PM) golgibody: :D
(7:08:52 PM) goluigi: lmfao luttybowl
(7:09:00 PM) CaptBeard: you forgot the lyrics
(7:09:03 PM) Rocco: Loud, but good use of real-estate. Could stand to be more center-panned, even.
(7:09:05 PM) null1024: it is teh same song with all the notes rearranged ;3
(7:09:07 PM) Zephemeros: you know you can get sued for copyright violations right?
(7:09:12 PM) Zephemeros: timbaland is gonna sue you
(7:09:14 PM) Patashu: the arps need to like
(7:09:14 PM) Zephemeros: take this down.
(7:09:15 PM) Patashu: go somewhere
(7:09:16 PM) CaptBeard: DO IT
(7:09:18 PM) CaptBeard: NELLY FURTADO
(7:09:23 PM) kfaraday: acidjazzed bomonosis :)
(7:09:24 PM) CaptBeard: BEST SONG
(7:09:31 PM) xterm-logger: KungFuFurtado
(7:09:35 PM) Strobe: bacon seems to make happy bunny chip stuff!
(7:09:40 PM) luttybowl: bacon lol
(7:09:40 PM) goluigi: yes :)
(7:09:41 PM) luttybowl: BACON
(7:09:44 PM) ipi: yes!!
(7:09:45 PM) CaptBeard: it sounds a lot like acidjazzed evening
(7:09:50 PM) CaptBeard: like, if you look into it
(7:09:52 PM) luttybowl: strobe i make hapy bunny chip stuff too :(
(7:09:52 PM) goluigi: it is the same samps :)
(7:09:53 PM) CaptBeard: but it's good
(7:10:00 PM) CaptBeard: i knew the drums were the same
(7:10:02 PM) ipi: are we 8 songs in
(7:10:05 PM) goluigi: bacon songs are easy to spot out :)
(7:10:07 PM) goluigi: yes
(7:10:07 PM) Rocco: The progression is getting kind of disorienting.
(7:10:10 PM) goluigi: 8 songs in
(7:10:10 PM) ipi: good
(7:10:16 PM) null1024: that arp bugs me ;P
(7:10:18 PM) Strobe: luttybowl no you make strobecore remember
(7:10:18 PM) CaptBeard: same
(7:10:19 PM) sethdonut: the arps could sync a little better
(7:10:22 PM) mq: holy shit
(7:10:23 PM) mq: 215 entries
(7:10:25 PM) CaptBeard: that darn arp
(7:10:27 PM) Patashu: the arp is waaay too low period
(7:10:27 PM) mq: wtf
(7:10:33 PM) Patashu: it was a good idea for maybe 15 seconds
(7:10:35 PM) ipi: mq: including art, that is
(7:10:35 PM) xterm-logger: arpsy collins
(7:10:37 PM) CaptBeard: we may to have to split the stream up
(7:10:38 PM) luttybowl: strobe, strobecore and happy bunny chiptunes are the same thing
(7:10:39 PM) ipi: the stream is ~7 hours???
(7:10:40 PM) Patashu: drums not helping either
(7:10:42 PM) Strobe: its not a bad entry though!
(7:10:43 PM) golgibody: The stuck note! :O
(7:10:45 PM) null1024: stuck
(7:10:46 PM) CaptBeard: oh my god this note
(7:10:46 PM) sethdonut: STRAP IN IRI
(7:10:46 PM) Zephemeros: dat stuck lead
(7:10:47 PM) FoD: oooooooooooooooooooooooo
(7:10:47 PM) luttybowl: STUCK NOTE
(7:10:48 PM) sethdonut: *IPI
(7:10:49 PM) luttybowl: all 7s
(7:10:50 PM) null1024: fadeout
(7:10:51 PM) CaptBeard: it HURTS
(7:10:51 PM) Willow: doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(7:10:52 PM) commandycan: ow
(7:10:53 PM) sethdonut: eeesh
(7:10:53 PM) luttybowl: i didnt like it until the stuck note
(7:10:54 PM) sethdonut: EAA
(7:10:54 PM) ipi: ow
(7:10:55 PM) null1024: ahaha
(7:10:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Queue: ice fields — Chip Champion —
(7:10:59 PM) sethdonut: pronounce :3
(7:11:00 PM) goluigi: it is pretty nice actually other than a few quirks :)
(7:11:00 PM) BotB: Chip Champion - ice fields :: Battle of the Bits -- nothing but ice for miles Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(7:11:01 PM) SoiledBargains: WC7 Livestream: Queue next entry.. nightshifter (falling off the bridge) — xterm —
(7:11:01 PM) Patashu: this has been a test of the emergency chiptune system
(7:11:02 PM) Patashu: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(7:11:03 PM) Rocco: @Willow: heh
(7:11:03 PM) ipi: downvoting for that
(7:11:05 PM) Patashu: arp arp arp arp arp arp arp arp
(7:11:10 PM) Zephemeros: uuuhhh
(7:11:11 PM) CaptBeard: this song is good
(7:11:11 PM) commandycan: i can hear the ice
(7:11:13 PM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: no
(7:11:15 PM) FoD: interesting intro
(7:11:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Started
(7:11:19 PM) ipi: mmmm this is niiice
(7:11:20 PM) goluigi: vibrato
(7:11:21 PM) Willow: cruncheh
(7:11:22 PM) null1024: cold song
(7:11:23 PM) SoiledBargains: xterm I thought the script was ready
(7:11:26 PM) null1024: audibly cold
(7:11:28 PM) sethdonut: crrurujnnnchchh
(7:11:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Also this is cold and cute.
(7:11:36 PM) sethdonut: the music is shivering
(7:11:39 PM) CaptBeard: if that note would actually wave up and down notally it would be a bit kulor-like
(7:11:39 PM) ipi: this is realllyy nice
(7:11:40 PM) golgibody: A dungeon of ice!
(7:11:43 PM) Zephemeros: this actually sounds like winter, what?
(7:11:48 PM) sethdonut: haha yeah!
(7:11:48 PM) CaptBeard: i'm actually really cold right now because my house has broken heat systems
(7:11:52 PM) ipi: themed chip ha
(7:11:54 PM) CaptBeard: so yeah this song
(7:11:57 PM) Zephemeros: heat systems
(7:12:00 PM) ***null1024 is in Florida, I have no inspiration to make cold music
(7:12:03 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(7:12:04 PM) Willow: oooh
(7:12:05 PM) null1024: 'tis always warm
(7:12:07 PM) Willow: was that a bass
(7:12:08 PM) Patashu: zephemeros: it's possible to influence how warm/cold your tune feels by picking duty cycles and how much reverb. or something like that, it's a bit hard to explain
(7:12:15 PM) CaptBeard: i'm dying of cold make me warm baby
(7:12:26 PM) CaptBeard: the noise matters a lot too
(7:12:27 PM) null1024: might fit in a metroidlike on the SMS
(7:12:28 PM) Rocco: Loving the scratchy effects.
(7:12:28 PM) Patashu: but I think low duty cycles, low reverb = warmer, high duty cycles (closer to 50%), high reverb = cooler
(7:12:31 PM) Patashu: yeah, the noise is big too
(7:12:35 PM) CaptBeard: this noise reminds me of shuffling through snow
(7:12:43 PM) luttybowl: it's possible to influence how warm/cold your tune feels by calling it "ice fields" and putting "nothing but ice for miles" in the description
(7:12:44 PM) Patashu: and the noise is GREAT in this
(7:12:44 PM) HertzDevil: this is sweet
(7:12:45 PM) CaptBeard: also it's very metroid-like i love it
(7:12:46 PM) FoD: wait, was that a subtle time sig change?
(7:12:49 PM) Patashu: luttybowl: yeah there's that too
(7:12:51 PM) Zephemeros: I menat like, I'm surprised someone actually submitted something that corresponds to the theme of the competition
(7:12:52 PM) HertzDevil: genuine to nintendo
(7:12:56 PM) sethdonut: i like the desperate, remote sound to this
(7:13:05 PM) luttybowl: i don't think winter is the theme
(7:13:10 PM) Willow: this is quite the gem
(7:13:15 PM) Zephemeros: SMS has no duty cycles :(
(7:13:23 PM) ipi: even worse
(7:13:24 PM) goluigi: isnt SMS fm synth
(7:13:25 PM) luttybowl: all duty cycles apart from 50% are crap anyway
(7:13:28 PM) jrlepage: you can fake a 25% wave using 2 channels...
(7:13:28 PM) ipi: SMS' bass range sucks
(7:13:30 PM) CaptBeard: what no goluigi
(7:13:31 PM) null1024: goluigi: japanese SMS is
(7:13:32 PM) goluigi: sorry im a n000000b
(7:13:34 PM) BotB: FRESH n00b :: brellasi
(7:13:35 PM) goluigi: oh
(7:13:35 PM) CaptBeard: that's sega genesis
(7:13:37 PM) luttybowl: white person SMS is three channels of square
(7:13:40 PM) FoD: one of my faves so far I think
(7:13:44 PM) null1024: luttybowl: yeah ;-;
(7:13:45 PM) BotB: HydraForce Engage: brellasi :: :: PS= No :: INF= None :: LOC= United States, Golde :: AN= :: LHU= :: Conclusion= Not a spammer
(7:13:46 PM) CaptBeard: time for emilies
(7:13:46 PM) luttybowl: and japan SMS is the same but with FM
(7:13:49 PM) Zephemeros: SMS is digital MP3 powered
(7:13:57 PM) SoiledBargains: NOw playing: emilies — ant1
(7:14:00 PM) BotB: ant1 - emilies :: Battle of the Bits -- emilies play in schism or i'll rind you to a pup Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(7:14:02 PM) CaptBeard: sms runs on floppy disks
(7:14:02 PM) Patashu: what's the time sig
(7:14:03 PM) Patashu: gogogogo
(7:14:06 PM) luttybowl: all 7s for sure
(7:14:07 PM) Rocco: Last one for me. till later.
(7:14:12 PM) jrlepage: the Japanese SMS had an expansion with OPLL sound
(7:14:13 PM) Patashu: it's like 11/8 or something
(7:14:13 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:14:13 PM) luttybowl: this song is going to win
(7:14:14 PM) Ares64: 5/4 ???
(7:14:15 PM) FoD: sounds like 13/8
(7:14:17 PM) null1024: clip pipalbip pluck
(7:14:17 PM) CaptBeard: this song is too advanced imo
(7:14:18 PM) mq: best one so far
(7:14:20 PM) ipi: see ya rocco
(7:14:21 PM) kfaraday: 11/8
(7:14:21 PM) Patashu: yeah 11/8
(7:14:21 PM) FoD: I hear 6 and a half
(7:14:22 PM) jrlepage: 11/8
(7:14:24 PM) Willow: 13
(7:14:24 PM) Ares64: nope i am wrong.[
(7:14:26 PM) ipi: i hear 0/0
(7:14:26 PM) Zephemeros: interesting time signature
(7:14:27 PM) Willow: or that
(7:14:28 PM) SoiledBargains: yaay script works
(7:14:28 PM) Ares64: \i am foolers
(7:14:29 PM) jrlepage: definitely 11/8
(7:14:30 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.
(7:14:35 PM) Willow: yeah, 11
(7:14:36 PM) mq: I hear sounds
(7:14:36 PM) null1024: look at that waveform
(7:14:36 PM) goluigi: Sad.
(7:14:37 PM) kfaraday: Sad.
(7:14:38 PM) ipi: subtle scream
(7:14:38 PM) jrlepage: Sad.
(7:14:39 PM) Willow: "almost 6"
(7:14:42 PM) null1024: so weird
(7:14:45 PM) skinnyhead: 11/8 like 23rd cent life am i RIGHT FOD
(7:14:46 PM) sethdonut: FF9 final battle
(7:14:46 PM) golgibody: Those screams ( 'w')
(7:14:47 PM) goluigi: skinny did you find out why did you mummi
(7:14:47 PM) KungFuFurby: Scream a song.
(7:14:48 PM) SoiledBargains: aaaaaAaAaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAA
(7:14:49 PM) luttybowl: it's the time signature where you write your song in 4/4 and then put random SBx commands throughout it
(7:14:56 PM) CaptBeard: hell's theme song
(7:15:00 PM) goluigi: i meant
(7:15:04 PM) commandycan: im scared
(7:15:05 PM) CaptBeard: this is horrifying
(7:15:09 PM) goluigi: skinnyhead did you find out why you got banned
(7:15:09 PM) Willow: this is super
(7:15:10 PM) Ares64: this is pretty cool
(7:15:11 PM) CaptBeard: emily is dead
(7:15:13 PM) skinnyhead: no
(7:15:14 PM) jrlepage: this is what dracula listens to to go to sleep
(7:15:15 PM) FoD: skinnyhead damn you're right actually
(7:15:15 PM) CaptBeard: emily is dead
(7:15:18 PM) golgibody: This is a song with atmosphere
(7:15:19 PM) Patashu: I am dead
(7:15:19 PM) skinnyhead: I'm really banned?
(7:15:20 PM) goluigi: :(((
(7:15:20 PM) CaptBeard: emily was found dead
(7:15:21 PM) Patashu: good night
(7:15:21 PM) Yibbon: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(7:15:22 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard haha
(7:15:22 PM) goluigi: idk
(7:15:26 PM) goluigi: banned meaning mummi
(7:15:28 PM) null1024: giygas comes
(7:15:29 PM) mq: you're mummid
(7:15:30 PM) skinnyhead: I'm just a mummi
(7:15:30 PM) Willow: lol
(7:15:31 PM) Rocco: OK one more.
(7:15:32 PM) luttybowl: thaht was my song thanx for listening
(7:15:38 PM) Willow: someone said "human centipede" in the tags
(7:15:41 PM) CaptBeard: yeah strobecore
(7:15:43 PM) sethdonut: :D
(7:15:47 PM) SoiledBargains: WC7 Livestream: Now playing... Circuit Angel 3 — Strobe
(7:15:51 PM) Rocco: And I'm already glad I stayed.
(7:15:52 PM) SoiledBargains: YES
(7:15:56 PM) CaptBeard: Club Circuit Angel
(7:15:57 PM) ipi: wow
(7:15:58 PM) goluigi: i'm impressed by the techniques used in this module :)
(7:15:58 PM) xterm-logger: wafflestep
(7:15:58 PM) jrlepage: WC8 Soiledbargains
(7:15:59 PM) Ares64: ooh
(7:16:00 PM) commandycan: wow
(7:16:00 PM) Patashu: OMG
(7:16:00 PM) ipi: wow frick me
(7:16:01 PM) jrlepage: not WC7
(7:16:01 PM) SoiledBargains: This is how I feel about my script actually working
(7:16:01 PM) Patashu: THE DRUMS
(7:16:05 PM) Patashu: I CAME
(7:16:06 PM) Zephemeros: wc7?
(7:16:07 PM) CaptBeard: this is nice
(7:16:09 PM) SoiledBargains: jrlepage fix'd!
(7:16:11 PM) Zephemeros: wc8
(7:16:11 PM) Willow: paranoia vibes
(7:16:13 PM) jrlepage: ,( -w-)b
(7:16:14 PM) Strobe: lawlz
(7:16:15 PM) null1024: the song doesn't impress me as much as the technique strobe uses
(7:16:16 PM) SoiledBargains: This did not exist back then, I assure you
(7:16:16 PM) SoiledBargains: !!
(7:16:18 PM) commandycan: well i said wow so i guess in wow-tilt this gets a 7
(7:16:18 PM) sethdonut: i think you'd need three drummers to do that practically
(7:16:25 PM) kfaraday: <333
(7:16:27 PM) CaptBeard: tired of eating the circuit off the hard strobecore
(7:16:32 PM) null1024: the first channel is so dense you could mute the rest
(7:16:32 PM) SoiledBargains: BURGER KING
(7:16:32 PM) luttybowl: why arent you playing this with hardpans
(7:16:34 PM) Patashu: Strobe: omg you are amazing
(7:16:34 PM) ipi: "circuit angel mamaamamamchine"
(7:16:36 PM) Patashu: omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
(7:16:37 PM) null1024: and it'd still sound full
(7:16:37 PM) luttybowl: seriously have you no respect for the millenia-old amiga traditionz
(7:16:37 PM) XyzMobile: Full screen or no screen
(7:16:42 PM) CaptBeard: this is amazing
(7:16:43 PM) luttybowl: LAMERZ FUK OFF!
(7:16:44 PM) Strobe: luttybowl :DDDDD
(7:16:44 PM) CaptBeard: i love voice samples
(7:16:45 PM) kfaraday: luttybowl TRADITTIONZZZ
(7:16:46 PM) ipi: FRICK
(7:16:48 PM) SoiledBargains: I had to mute the others out to make out what it said.
(7:16:50 PM) XyzMobile: Can't "particpate" much
(7:16:54 PM) CaptBeard: if you use voice samples right you get auto-7s
(7:16:55 PM) XyzMobile: Just idly watch
(7:16:59 PM) XyzMobile: Gheyyyyyyyyyyy
(7:17:16 PM) luttybowl: strobe you are going to get 1st place and 2nd place
(7:17:20 PM) luttybowl: i can't tell what order though
(7:17:24 PM) null1024: hahaha
(7:17:29 PM) Ares64: wah
(7:17:30 PM) Strobe: unlikely!
(7:17:30 PM) ipi: HAHAH
(7:17:31 PM) CaptBeard: okay i got both my speakers perfectly working for a bit
(7:17:38 PM) luttybowl: zanzan didnt enter and rushjet1 didnt enter (?) so you have no competition
(7:17:39 PM) CaptBeard: they'll break when i change the volume again
(7:17:46 PM) CaptBeard: but wow two speakers makes this amazing
(7:17:48 PM) Strobe: luttybowl zanzan did enter!
(7:17:49 PM) sethdonut: my cat is sitting in my lap on his back, perfectly still, listening to this
(7:17:54 PM) sethdonut: except his tail is FLAILING WILDLY
(7:17:54 PM) Strobe: and rainwarrior entered!
(7:17:54 PM) goluigi: burgers
(7:17:56 PM) goluigi: angel
(7:18:01 PM) goluigi: mm mmm m machine
(7:18:01 PM) BotB: n00b CONfirmED :: brellasi
(7:18:08 PM) CaptBeard: seth your cats tail is being blown away
(7:18:12 PM) skinnyhead: wait
(7:18:14 PM) SoiledBargains: WC7 Livestream: Queue next entry.. emilies — ant1 —
(7:18:15 PM) skinnyhead: I'm a troll now
(7:18:16 PM) skinnyhead: not a mummi
(7:18:18 PM) SoiledBargains: aww crap
(7:18:20 PM) ironclad: mmmm good entr
(7:18:20 PM) goluigi: lol
(7:18:21 PM) sethdonut: the subwoofer is p high over haere
(7:18:22 PM) CaptBeard: emilies?
(7:18:23 PM) ipi: that was a perfect length
(7:18:25 PM) XyzMobile: Yeah, I'll just catch the replay
(7:18:26 PM) commandycan: emilies by goluigi
(7:18:27 PM) HertzDevil: song length percentiles!
(7:18:27 PM) HertzDevil: 3 64 77 92 106 119.5 133 150 173 228 1414
(7:18:28 PM) skinnyhead: what can't trolls do
(7:18:29 PM) goluigi: at least you're not a mummi
(7:18:31 PM) CaptBeard: all entries are replaced by emilies
(7:18:31 PM) null1024: skinnyhead: vote
(7:18:34 PM) Rocco: Kay, I'm out till after the raid =D G/L doods.
(7:18:34 PM) Patashu: strobe: can you get Circuit Angel 3 in a rhythm game somehow
(7:18:35 PM) Patashu: cuz
(7:18:36 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Flowergirl in Candyland — goluigi
(7:18:38 PM) Patashu: mmmmmmm
(7:18:39 PM) skinnyhead: ok THAT makes sense
(7:18:40 PM) ipi: nutcracker!!
(7:18:41 PM) xterm: cover
(7:18:42 PM) FoD: err..
(7:18:43 PM) Rocco left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [SeaMonkey 2.15.1/20130118191213]).
(7:18:46 PM) goluigi: not REALLY
(7:18:46 PM) commandycan: this is mozart obv
(7:18:46 PM) skinnyhead: at least I'm not a skull
(7:18:48 PM) mq: 1
(7:18:48 PM) ipi: uh
(7:18:48 PM) luttybowl: "inspired" by the nutcracker
(7:18:49 PM) CaptBeard: flowergal in candyland
(7:18:50 PM) skinnyhead: I'm GRAY : - )
(7:18:51 PM) SoiledBargains: ooooOOOO
(7:18:51 PM) mq: rated 1
(7:18:52 PM) ipi: uhhh
(7:18:53 PM) Zephemeros: here comes the drop
(7:18:54 PM) luttybowl: oh well ic an't talk
(7:18:54 PM) Ares64: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(7:18:57 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:18:57 PM) CaptBeard: oooh yeah
(7:18:58 PM) luttybowl: my next song starts with a cover too
(7:18:59 PM) FoD: the audience is listening
(7:19:01 PM) Strobe: funky
(7:19:02 PM) ipi: oh nice haha
(7:19:04 PM) sethdonut: aw yah
(7:19:05 PM) null1024: FoD: ahaha
(7:19:06 PM) sethdonut: get down
(7:19:09 PM) BotB: Necrophageon reaches Level 3 Chipist with 53pnts
(7:19:14 PM) goluigi: kfaraday said i could do a little thingy so yea!
(7:19:18 PM) null1024: single voice THX noise
(7:19:35 PM) xterm: jajaja
(7:19:37 PM) CaptBeard: very classic
(7:19:39 PM) sethdonut: yes awesome
(7:19:40 PM) ipi: goluigi this is fantasticccc
(7:19:40 PM) CaptBeard: very funky!
(7:19:41 PM) skinnyhead: flowerdog in candydog
(7:19:42 PM) goluigi: thx
(7:19:49 PM) CaptBeard: i think it's his best song in here
(7:19:54 PM) Ares64: ok
(7:19:57 PM) Patashu: good
(7:19:59 PM) Ares64: am i allowed to remove my entries
(7:20:00 PM) xterm: arpflex
(7:20:00 PM) null1024: that overriding arp sounds silly
(7:20:03 PM) HertzDevil:
(7:20:04 PM) null1024: Ares64: noep
(7:20:08 PM) goluigi: speed 02 :)
(7:20:08 PM) Ares64: mot)(a fuck
(7:20:10 PM) CaptBeard: although i feel that part kinda breaks the whole funk
(7:20:13 PM) SoiledBargains: funkk
(7:20:15 PM) sethdonut: nice song structure
(7:20:16 PM) CaptBeard: this whole funk is nice
(7:20:26 PM) goluigi: i didnt want it to get too repetitive
(7:20:27 PM) Zephemeros: 486 is so 1989
(7:20:29 PM) Zephemeros: get a pentium
(7:20:30 PM) mq: what's that graph Hertz?
(7:20:31 PM) Zephemeros: fool
(7:20:32 PM) CaptBeard: yeah, understandable
(7:20:35 PM) null1024: all about the pentiums
(7:20:40 PM) HertzDevil: song lengths in seconds
(7:20:41 PM) sethdonut: this needs a 14 year old punk girl singing over it
(7:20:44 PM) HertzDevil: in ascending order
(7:20:47 PM) luttybowl: zephemeros you can't fit a pentium AND a modem into the average nightclub
(7:20:51 PM) luttybowl: do you know anything about computers
(7:20:55 PM) null1024: ahahaha
(7:20:55 PM) HertzDevil: there are two 3-second entries
(7:20:59 PM) ipi: ahah
(7:21:00 PM) Zephemeros: FUCK
(7:21:01 PM) Zephemeros: k
(7:21:01 PM) sethdonut: :B
(7:21:05 PM) null1024: change
(7:21:11 PM) HertzDevil: flowerinth girl
(7:21:30 PM) Willow: 11 guests on the site atm
(7:21:31 PM) CaptBeard: IN MY HEART
(7:21:37 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(7:21:38 PM) skinnyhead: im not like other girls : - )
(7:21:40 PM) ipi: oh nice key change
(7:21:43 PM) SoiledBargains: skinnyhead haha
(7:21:47 PM) XyzMobile left the room (AndroIRC).
(7:21:47 PM) Zephemeros: why the long face?
(7:21:52 PM) skinnyhead: im a horce
(7:21:53 PM) goluigi: wow badum shish
(7:21:54 PM) golgibody: Good truck driver's gear change :)
(7:21:56 PM) KungFuFurby: Time passes by unusually fast when you're listening to music.
(7:22:00 PM) goluigi: ^
(7:22:03 PM) ipi: skinnyhead the pony LOSER
(7:22:03 PM) HertzDevil: ^
(7:22:06 PM) HertzDevil: HA
(7:22:07 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(7:22:08 PM) sethdonut: ^
(7:22:08 PM) xterm: this track is good :)
(7:22:08 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:22:11 PM) skinnyhead: FUCK AKLL OF YOu
(7:22:14 PM) Zephemeros: indeed
(7:22:14 PM) goluigi: Sad.
(7:22:17 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(7:22:18 PM) sethdonut: ooo
(7:22:19 PM) Willow: oshi
(7:22:19 PM) HertzDevil:
(7:22:21 PM) Patashu: I love the kind of overlapping arps here
(7:22:22 PM) HertzDevil:
(7:22:22 PM) skinnyhead: SO WHAT IF IM A BRONY!!!!!!!!!!
(7:22:23 PM) ipi: yeah goluigi quit ytpmv
(7:22:25 PM) skinnyhead: Sad.core
(7:22:25 PM) Patashu: it's so dense and interesting
(7:22:26 PM) Willow: mas energia
(7:22:26 PM) Strobe: i like this 8 bit poop crap!
(7:22:29 PM) ipi: go into mod production
(7:22:31 PM) ipi: mod prod
(7:22:32 PM) skinnyhead: good riddance
(7:22:34 PM) goluigi: thanks you mr.strobey
(7:22:35 PM) golgibody: THAT ENDING
(7:22:36 PM) skinnyhead: ytpmv sucks
(7:22:36 PM) null1024: detune end
(7:22:37 PM) null1024: ;3
(7:22:41 PM) mq: skinny now the brony
(7:22:41 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry.. Versa Versa — kfaraday —
(7:22:42 PM) Willow: there's your thx
(7:22:43 PM) golgibody: Bonus points for the ending. :)
(7:22:46 PM) sethdonut: pronounce :3
(7:22:47 PM) skinnyhead: skinnybrony
(7:22:50 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Versa Versa — kfaraday
(7:22:52 PM) Ares64: mornin'
(7:22:52 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(7:22:53 PM) Zephemeros: wow
(7:22:53 PM) SoiledBargains: w0000t!!!
(7:22:53 PM) HertzDevil: honestly i don't think strobe understands the underlying history behind "8bit poop crap"
(7:22:54 PM) xterm: CRACK
(7:22:54 PM) ipi: oh yes this one
(7:22:55 PM) FoD: I already know how I feel about this one :D
(7:22:57 PM) null1024: zanzanlike
(7:22:58 PM) ipi: this one's great
(7:23:00 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(7:23:00 PM) Strobe: :DDDD
(7:23:00 PM) goluigi: CRACK MUZIK
(7:23:01 PM) HertzDevil: BABS SEED BAD APPLE
(7:23:03 PM) sethdonut: *convulses*
(7:23:05 PM) Strobe: Sounds like happy zanzan-core
(7:23:05 PM) luttybowl: we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very-
(7:23:05 PM) luttybowl: we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very-
(7:23:05 PM) luttybowl: we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are ver
(7:23:05 PM) luttybowl: y- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very- we are very-
(7:23:07 PM) SoiledBargains: zanzan crack
(7:23:10 PM) goluigi: spam
(7:23:13 PM) HertzDevil: SCHLECHT
(7:23:15 PM) CaptBeard: i think babs seed is one of the worst mlp songs ever and yet everyone loves it
(7:23:16 PM) rainwarrior: if you're reading the comments on music entries you should also read the comments on the chip battle art ;)
(7:23:16 PM) goluigi: Banned. Blocked.
(7:23:25 PM) HertzDevil: i kepy my promise
(7:23:30 PM) sethdonut: REVERSE
(7:23:30 PM) CaptBeard: this is very unique
(7:23:31 PM) ipi: mokimaF
(7:23:32 PM) HertzDevil: *kept
(7:23:32 PM) skinnyhead: Goodbye.
(7:23:35 PM) skinnyhead: Troll.
(7:23:53 PM) skinnyhead: we are very
(7:23:54 PM) SoiledBargains: REVERSE
(7:23:54 PM) ipi: slow
(7:23:55 PM) skinnyhead: COTE
(7:23:57 PM) ipi: fast?
(7:24:00 PM) ipi: fast
(7:24:02 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(7:24:03 PM) KungFuFurby: System failure imminent.
(7:24:04 PM) Strobe: xD
(7:24:05 PM) null1024: silly
(7:24:06 PM) SoiledBargains: we are very slow fast? fast
(7:24:07 PM) ipi: uh
(7:24:08 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(7:24:09 PM) Willow: kf is that a telephone operator slice
(7:24:10 PM) golgibody: doop
(7:24:10 PM) ipi: oh its still going
(7:24:13 PM) null1024: this is zanzan by kfaraday
(7:24:15 PM) ipi: oh it stopped
(7:24:16 PM) goluigi: brick wall :(
(7:24:18 PM) ipi: oh i died
(7:24:20 PM) HertzDevil: that dpcm retrig
(7:24:21 PM) skinnyhead: SHOUTOUT ME
(7:24:22 PM) CaptBeard: zanfaraday
(7:24:23 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry.. Boomerang kisses — crabbandicoot —
(7:24:24 PM) skinnyhead: KFARDAY
(7:24:26 PM) commandycan: well hello marque
(7:24:27 PM) sethdonut: pronounce :3
(7:24:28 PM) skinnyhead: FUQ YOU
(7:24:31 PM) goluigi: i wish it had a better ending but it was really good
(7:24:31 PM) mq: ooh gameboy
(7:24:32 PM) CaptBeard: boomerang kisses
(7:24:35 PM) Ares64: oh NO
(7:24:36 PM) mq: gemboi
(7:24:36 PM) Ares64: MINES NEXT
(7:24:40 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Boomerang kisses — crabbandicoot
(7:24:41 PM) ***Ares64 hides
(7:24:47 PM) CaptBeard: time for ares64 to get listened to
(7:24:48 PM) Strobe: that mp3 compression
(7:24:52 PM) SoiledBargains: clicky
(7:24:54 PM) FoD: F F F F F F F
(7:24:54 PM) null1024: that mp3 compression ;-;
(7:24:54 PM) SoiledBargains: oh daer
(7:24:55 PM) Ares64: eep
(7:24:56 PM) CaptBeard: dis compression
(7:24:56 PM) SoiledBargains: more clikc
(7:24:57 PM) xterm: aieeee pan
(7:24:57 PM) null1024: my ears
(7:24:58 PM) sethdonut: whoa
(7:24:59 PM) commandycan: oh no
(7:24:59 PM) Willow: ow
(7:24:59 PM) jrlepage: this panning displeases me
(7:25:01 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:25:03 PM) CaptBeard: it kinda hurts
(7:25:04 PM) FoD: what the panning?
(7:25:04 PM) Ares64: this is pain.
(7:25:04 PM) SoiledBargains: my pears
(7:25:04 PM) Willow: uh
(7:25:05 PM) xterm: aksahkghsdkg
(7:25:05 PM) luttybowl: ok the stream stoped wrkig
(7:25:06 PM) CaptBeard: clicks
(7:25:07 PM) kfaraday: feel the love
(7:25:08 PM) sethdonut: i'm just laughing
(7:25:09 PM) HertzDevil:
(7:25:10 PM) CaptBeard: clicks
(7:25:10 PM) null1024: this panning is painful
(7:25:10 PM) Zephemeros: ugh
(7:25:13 PM) Willow: binaural beats
(7:25:15 PM) ipi: this is bad for headphones
(7:25:16 PM) mq: lo
(7:25:20 PM) Ares64: ARGH.
(7:25:20 PM) HertzDevil: kfaraday remember not to read out url
(7:25:21 PM) mq: lol stereo is fine
(7:25:23 PM) CaptBeard: i can actually feel my ears being punched
(7:25:25 PM) null1024: the melody is a bit cute
(7:25:27 PM) null1024: but my ears
(7:25:31 PM) commandycan: yes
(7:25:32 PM) golgibody: Gameboy chiptunes in stereo are always painful ( -w-)
(7:25:34 PM) commandycan: just a tinge of heart magic
(7:25:35 PM) CaptBeard: i'm using speakers
(7:25:42 PM) Patashu left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 190 seconds).
(7:25:47 PM) goluigi: now slimeball if you think MY PANNING is bad...
(7:25:48 PM) luttybowl: hey this is the worst render
(7:25:50 PM) luttybowl: what is this
(7:25:53 PM) HertzDevil: ehhhh
(7:25:54 PM) flowerinth: cute bean song
(7:26:00 PM) HertzDevil: flowerinth!
(7:26:03 PM) luttybowl: 32kbps abr joint stereo or something
(7:26:03 PM) flowerinth: :~)
(7:26:04 PM) mq: I should pan all my songs
(7:26:04 PM) null1024: the worst bit is that gameboy panning is intended to be heard only with headphones
(7:26:07 PM) ipi: oh wow
(7:26:09 PM) ipi: there we go
(7:26:11 PM) golgibody: Yes goluigi, you're a pro panner compared to the fools who designed the gameboy :)
(7:26:16 PM) Willow: oh it drops out, finally
(7:26:20 PM) Willow: this I can deal with ;D
(7:26:24 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(7:26:27 PM) goluigi: i started only using p4 to pB :)
(7:26:28 PM) CaptBeard: sorta repetitive though
(7:26:30 PM) luttybowl: this is nice actually
(7:26:33 PM) luttybowl: makes me think of Dating
(7:26:35 PM) sethdonut: alright, now i really must be getting my headphones out
(7:26:39 PM) commandycan: i want to like this :((((
(7:26:40 PM) goluigi: second movement is cool :)
(7:26:48 PM) CaptBeard: it's sorta just eh for me
(7:26:48 PM) Strobe: nothing wrong with this entry, it is fine :)
(7:26:56 PM) CaptBeard: it's not bad
(7:26:57 PM) goluigi: it wasnt bad
(7:26:58 PM) mq: : ()
(7:27:00 PM) goluigi: just a rocky start
(7:27:09 PM) CaptBeard: back 2 clicks
(7:27:14 PM) Ares64: ouch
(7:27:17 PM) skinnyhead: : - )
(7:27:18 PM) SoiledBargains: 2bad2click
(7:27:25 PM) null1024: this bit is a bit messy
(7:27:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now that's a skinnyhead!
(7:27:26 PM) ipi: uh
(7:27:27 PM) sethdonut: ah that's better
(7:27:29 PM) golgibody: >:\/()E
(7:27:33 PM) skinnyhead: EXACTLY
(7:27:33 PM) HertzDevil: the minor arp god
(7:27:37 PM) sethdonut: right speaker a touch overpowering
(7:27:43 PM) CaptBeard: the arp
(7:27:47 PM) Ares64: thems are some cool arps
(7:27:49 PM) FoD: could use some rhythmic variation
(7:27:50 PM) skinnyhead: c|: - 3
(7:27:55 PM) CaptBeard: oh there we go
(7:27:57 PM) kfaraday: UNCE
(7:27:58 PM) goluigi: this song just needed some more cleanup
(7:27:58 PM) CaptBeard: dancy gameboy music
(7:28:01 PM) sethdonut: oonceoonceoonce
(7:28:01 PM) ipi: ah
(7:28:02 PM) SoiledBargains: UNNTZZ
(7:28:03 PM) Willow: awshit
(7:28:03 PM) goluigi: full of good ideas
(7:28:04 PM) kfaraday: finally damn
(7:28:04 PM) CaptBeard: UNTZ
(7:28:06 PM) CaptBeard: UNTZUNTZUNTZ
(7:28:08 PM) skinnyhead: I AM TWERKING TO THIS SONG
(7:28:09 PM) kfaraday: i was waiting for the untz
(7:28:13 PM) luttybowl: someone should rerender this once the stream is done
(7:28:13 PM) CaptBeard: TWERK IT BABY
(7:28:15 PM) xterm-logger: untz nutz
(7:28:18 PM) ipi: lasers
(7:28:18 PM) commandycan: tschstchtschhhh
(7:28:18 PM) null1024: untzzz
(7:28:19 PM) goluigi: just needs more cleanup :)
(7:28:20 PM) sethdonut: buttz buttz buttz
(7:28:23 PM) luttybowl is now known as wollybutt
(7:28:30 PM) HertzDevil: too pentatonic
(7:28:32 PM) xterm-logger: (7:28:18 PM) ipi: lasers
(7:28:34 PM) SoiledBargains: Good untz
(7:28:35 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(7:28:39 PM) Strobe: wollybutt good afternoon
(7:28:40 PM) null1024: no such thing as too pentatonic ;3333
(7:28:41 PM) Patashu: omggg
(7:28:42 PM) Patashu: my computer froze
(7:28:44 PM) wollybutt: strobe hi strobe
(7:28:46 PM) wollybutt: stroeb hi
(7:28:48 PM) Patashu: I came back as soon as I could
(7:28:48 PM) goluigi: !entry pentatonic
(7:28:49 PM) BotB: Svetlana - it is literally impossible to make a song that is not pentatonic at all no exceptions ever.xm ::
(7:28:49 PM) wollybutt: Strobe how ar eyou
(7:28:55 PM) null1024: hahaha
(7:28:56 PM) kfaraday: pentacynthion
(7:28:59 PM) HertzDevil: nO
(7:29:04 PM) wollybutt: STROBE M Y A S S
(7:29:04 PM) HertzDevil: shut uP
(7:29:06 PM) CaptBeard: by the way are we gonna die when hertzdevil's entry comes on
(7:29:06 PM) ipi: goluigi i thought that was another wc8 entry
(7:29:08 PM) kfaraday: FUC OF NOT FUNY
(7:29:08 PM) sethdonut: lol
(7:29:12 PM) goluigi: no
(7:29:13 PM) skinnyhead: P E R I C Y N T H I O N C O R E
(7:29:15 PM) goluigi: that was an ohc entry :)
(7:29:16 PM) goluigi: ipi
(7:29:16 PM) CaptBeard: because we might die because it's amazing
(7:29:19 PM) null1024: panning
(7:29:19 PM) xterm-logger: poik
(7:29:27 PM) CaptBeard: now
(7:29:31 PM) CaptBeard: ARES64 IT IS YOUR TURN
(7:29:31 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... WITH LOVE FOR WCVIII — crabbandicoot —
(7:29:32 PM) goluigi: that wasnt bad but just needed more polish
(7:29:33 PM) Ares64: oh NO
(7:29:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... WITH LOVE FOR WCVIII — crabbandicoot
(7:29:37 PM) CaptBeard: oh wait
(7:29:38 PM) sethdonut: this image is awesome
(7:29:39 PM) ipi: greyscale niceness
(7:29:39 PM) sethdonut: well done
(7:29:44 PM) wollybutt: v. good pictu
(7:29:46 PM) Strobe: looks like grey bacon on it
(7:29:49 PM) CaptBeard: HAHA
(7:29:50 PM) wollybutt: well do
(7:29:54 PM) CaptBeard: i like this song
(7:29:55 PM) sethdonut: subliminal bacon
(7:29:56 PM) skinnyhead: Lol
(7:29:58 PM) skinnyhead: lOl
(7:29:58 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Does This Even Have A Title (Answer: No) — Ares64 —
(7:29:59 PM) skinnyhead: loL
(7:30:00 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Does This Even Have A Title (Answer: No) — Ares64
(7:30:01 PM) HertzDevil: No
(7:30:02 PM) wollybutt: defeatistcore!!!!!!!
(7:30:03 PM) goluigi: defeatistcore
(7:30:04 PM) ipi: nice!!
(7:30:04 PM) Ares64: yippee
(7:30:05 PM) HertzDevil: I Don't Want That
(7:30:08 PM) CaptBeard: dis SUX
(7:30:09 PM) Willow: hawt
(7:30:13 PM) ipi: all tag this with defeatistcore
(7:30:14 PM) goluigi: aw yea battle musix
(7:30:15 PM) wollybutt: ~~~!!!!!!!defeatistcore!!!!!!!~~~
(7:30:16 PM) CaptBeard: seriously though this is nice
(7:30:16 PM) SoiledBargains: rockrockock
(7:30:16 PM) skinnyhead: Im Very Hungry
(7:30:16 PM) commandycan: soudns like mega man
(7:30:17 PM) FoD: zabutom vibes
(7:30:18 PM) jrlepage: I like dis
(7:30:18 PM) sethdonut: ufck eyah
(7:30:20 PM) Strobe: this doesn't really suck
(7:30:24 PM) null1024: nes metal
(7:30:25 PM) FoD: from the intro
(7:30:25 PM) kfaraday: it does not :)
(7:30:25 PM) Willow: ninja gaiden stuffs
(7:30:27 PM) goluigi: this is really cool
(7:30:30 PM) jrlepage: bonus points for triangle drums
(7:30:31 PM) sethdonut: ^ null
(7:30:31 PM) commandycan: heh
(7:30:32 PM) HertzDevil: why am i the only one who faves this
(7:30:33 PM) skinnyhead: zabutomcore
(7:30:40 PM) HertzDevil: this is good
(7:30:40 PM) mq: !entry joe
(7:30:41 PM) BotB: chipchop - the burning hearth of mr joe the sloppy.nsf ::
(7:30:43 PM) wollybutt: STROBE DOESNT REALLY SUCK THIS 8===================D
(7:30:47 PM) commandycan: waaaa
(7:30:48 PM) Willow: I'm only first now hearing it , hertz
(7:30:50 PM) Ares64: wait
(7:30:51 PM) mq: !entry joe choe
(7:30:52 PM) Ares64: im being compared to zabutom
(7:30:53 PM) BotB: goluigi - joe choe.xm ::
(7:30:53 PM) HertzDevil: sad
(7:30:54 PM) SoiledBargains: w00t
(7:30:56 PM) Ares64: my life has led up to this moment
(7:30:58 PM) SoiledBargains: It is singing!!!
(7:30:59 PM) null1024: ahahahahahahaha
(7:31:02 PM) skinnyhead: !entry Sad.
(7:31:03 PM) BotB: Beard - 2sad.nsf ::
(7:31:03 PM) sethdonut: ^ Ares64
(7:31:05 PM) CaptBeard: it reminds me of scott pilgrums
(7:31:08 PM) wollybutt: i think it sounds like blink182 to be honest
(7:31:11 PM) CaptBeard: the lead, that's all
(7:31:15 PM) wollybutt: but in a good way
(7:31:18 PM) xterm: defeatist man
(7:31:19 PM) skinnyhead: scottpilgrimcore
(7:31:23 PM) CaptBeard: maizecore
(7:31:24 PM) FoD: Ares64 that's a good thing :)
(7:31:25 PM) Willow: it's bot some blinkish vibes, yeah
(7:31:27 PM) skinnyhead: scott pill grum
(7:31:27 PM) HertzDevil: !entry natsume
(7:31:27 PM) BotB: madbrain - Oskari leads the investigation ::
(7:31:28 PM) kfaraday: i tagged it let's fighting love
(7:31:34 PM) xterm: ajajaja
(7:31:34 PM) commandycan: haha
(7:31:35 PM) skinnyhead: !seen obama
(7:31:38 PM) CaptBeard: maize aaaaa
(7:31:38 PM) HertzDevil: !entry shatter
(7:31:39 PM) BotB: MisfitChris - Shattered Skys.nsf ::
(7:31:42 PM) Patashu: ares64, this is really good
(7:31:43 PM) HertzDevil: !entry duck
(7:31:44 PM) BotB: anewuser - redducksuxs-TINCANER.nsf ::
(7:31:51 PM) CaptBeard: yeah it's good you should be proud
(7:31:52 PM) HertzDevil: shatterduck tunez
(7:31:53 PM) Ares64: descending sequence bc im uncreative
(7:31:57 PM) sethdonut: in spite of what has been said i'm taking the vote "categories" very literally
(7:32:00 PM) ipi: ares64 shut up you're great
(7:32:01 PM) CaptBeard: "i can't compose originals i suck" - ares64
(7:32:03 PM) null1024: no fade
(7:32:05 PM) sethdonut: aw
(7:32:06 PM) Patashu left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(7:32:08 PM) Ares64: im 2lazy2fadce
(7:32:09 PM) null1024: -8
(7:32:09 PM) xterm: lol cant be arsed to fade it out
(7:32:10 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(7:32:10 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Loading Dock — Anti-Cheat —
(7:32:11 PM) CaptBeard: "yes you can" -beard
(7:32:13 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Loading Dock — Anti-Cheat
(7:32:29 PM) Ares64: "yes we can" -obama
(7:32:30 PM) skinnyhead: hey guys am I ugly? the camera just turned on I'm no model..................
(7:32:37 PM) HertzDevil: TRACK 16 now
(7:32:38 PM) ipi: uglyhead
(7:32:39 PM) kfaraday: oops :-)
(7:32:41 PM) KungFuFurby: All done with voting on images. Doing them in between voting sessions for the songs.
(7:32:42 PM) CaptBeard: show us your boobies skinny
(7:32:44 PM) skinnyhead: : - (
(7:32:47 PM) skinnyhead: No
(7:32:50 PM) commandycan: oh hey we got to the double digits a bit ago
(7:32:51 PM) HertzDevil: 016/186
(7:32:58 PM) wollybutt: too many notes in this song sorry
(7:32:58 PM) CaptBeard: wow we're really far
(7:33:06 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:33:07 PM) golgibody: Wow I hear a gameboy entry with no hardpans!
(7:33:09 PM) skinnyhead: skip to my entry so I can go to bed
(7:33:09 PM) CaptBeard: what is this touhou poop crap
(7:33:09 PM) kfaraday: just the right amount of notes ( *w*)
(7:33:12 PM) golgibody: Bonus points!
(7:33:13 PM) kfaraday: i really like this entry honestly
(7:33:15 PM) CaptBeard: just kidding it's pretty okay
(7:33:22 PM) ipi: gameboy has a really distinct vibrato
(7:33:24 PM) mint left the room (quit: ).
(7:33:26 PM) ipi: that's a weird thing to say
(7:33:28 PM) Patashu: this is good melodically but doesn't have enough... effects? interesting timbres? I guess
(7:33:28 PM) CaptBeard: i feel it's not polished and doesn't change much at all
(7:33:33 PM) kfaraday: those unison bits are infectious
(7:33:37 PM) Patashu: also, it loops pretty quickly
(7:33:38 PM) CaptBeard: but it's alright
(7:33:47 PM) sethdonut: and fade
(7:33:49 PM) sethdonut: nice
(7:33:49 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Blast Off To The Stars and Beyond — KungFuFurby —
(7:33:50 PM) KungFuFurby: Next one gives me an intermission. :)
(7:33:52 PM) HertzDevil: yeaa
(7:34:01 PM) goluigi: yeeeeeeea
(7:34:04 PM) ironclad: blast off into bea
(7:34:05 PM) ipi: ah i listened to this one
(7:34:08 PM) ipi: it's greaaaaaat
(7:34:08 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Blast Off To The Stars and Beyond — KungFuFurby
(7:34:09 PM) Patashu: safety not guaranteed
(7:34:19 PM) null1024: launch
(7:34:21 PM) CaptBeard: i like this one
(7:34:22 PM) ironclad: hes about to blast off into bea
(7:34:25 PM) FoD: awesome introduction
(7:34:28 PM) HertzDevil: 6th longest entry
(7:34:34 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(7:34:36 PM) CaptBeard: yes i love this intro
(7:34:39 PM) ipi: if you make another ytpmv entry i will pee everywhere
(7:34:40 PM) skinnyhead: THEY ARE SOUNDING THE ALARMS
(7:34:41 PM) sethdonut: warning sirens
(7:34:45 PM) null1024: danger danger
(7:34:45 PM) ipi: *reference
(7:34:51 PM) Ares64: this reminds me of action 52
(7:34:52 PM) ironclad: ytpmv entry what
(7:34:52 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(7:34:53 PM) golgibody: I like the low squares
(7:34:54 PM) Willow: nice
(7:34:54 PM) Baycun: I'm back.
(7:34:56 PM) sethdonut: QUICK MAN ALERT CONTROL
(7:34:58 PM) skinnyhead: YTPMV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(7:34:59 PM) goluigi: yo baycun
(7:35:01 PM) CaptBeard: yeah his orchestra was totally ytpmvish
(7:35:03 PM) ***Willow bobs
(7:35:03 PM) HertzDevil: LIGHTS.
(7:35:04 PM) Baycun: Can I have a link to the livestream again?
(7:35:05 PM) skinnyhead: bakin
(7:35:05 PM) HertzDevil: CAMERA.
(7:35:05 PM) Patashu: such interesting sounds
(7:35:06 PM) HertzDevil: ACTION 52
(7:35:08 PM) golgibody: It's what I like about the AY
(7:35:10 PM) goluigi:
(7:35:10 PM) skinnyhead: ACTION 52
(7:35:12 PM) Patashu: woaaahh
(7:35:13 PM) null1024: that bass
(7:35:13 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(7:35:14 PM) CaptBeard: is that a dpcm?
(7:35:16 PM) skinnyhead: FUCK OFF NICETAS
(7:35:17 PM) jrlepage: yes
(7:35:17 PM) null1024: that dpcm
(7:35:17 PM) commandycan: waw
(7:35:18 PM) Patashu: sounds like DPCM yes
(7:35:19 PM) ipi: earthbound esque chords
(7:35:20 PM) CaptBeard: love it
(7:35:23 PM) golgibody: .nsf tunes need more dpcm chords
(7:35:27 PM) sethdonut: subtle horror voice in bg
(7:35:27 PM) KungFuFurby: Yup, there is DPCM in there. And lots of it, too!
(7:35:28 PM) CaptBeard: this is really aaagood
(7:35:29 PM) ironclad: lazer league
(7:35:29 PM) Ares64: lol using dpcm
(7:35:42 PM) null1024: plinks
(7:35:43 PM) Ares64: lazer league is better than this i am sorry.
(7:35:45 PM) null1024: very nice
(7:35:46 PM) skinnyhead: IM
(7:35:47 PM) skinnyhead: FIRIN
(7:35:48 PM) skinnyhead: MY
(7:35:49 PM) ipi: rude!!
(7:35:49 PM) skinnyhead: LAZER
(7:35:53 PM) skinnyhead: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(7:35:54 PM) Ares64: im joking im joking
(7:35:55 PM) null1024: arps
(7:35:56 PM) Ares64: ;;
(7:35:57 PM) CaptBeard: DOCTOR OCTOGAONAPUS!!!!
(7:35:59 PM) KungFuFurby: Lazer Leage didn't even have any actual music to begin with.
(7:36:00 PM) Ares64: this is tasty
(7:36:02 PM) ironclad: reminds me of that computer log thing from fcm9
(7:36:04 PM) KungFuFurby: Lazer League*
(7:36:06 PM) HertzDevil: are you defiling lazer league
(7:36:09 PM) ipi: light amplification by ZTIMULATED emission of radiation
(7:36:11 PM) KungFuFurby: Sorry.
(7:36:14 PM) HertzDevil: dank
(7:36:15 PM) golgibody: Computer log was cool!
(7:36:16 PM) FoD: I'm not sure what to think of the background chords
(7:36:26 PM) CaptBeard: i like them, they add atmosphere
(7:36:26 PM) null1024: rave chords
(7:36:28 PM) KungFuFurby: I am the same person that did the Computer Log entry from Famicompo 9. :D
(7:36:28 PM) Willow: lol
(7:36:29 PM) kfaraday: :) gameboy camera
(7:36:32 PM) CaptBeard: this part is some kirby stuff
(7:36:33 PM) ironclad: OH
(7:36:34 PM) Willow: I love those rave chords
(7:36:35 PM) CaptBeard: and then
(7:36:35 PM) SoiledBargains: This song has some great chaos in it!
(7:36:36 PM) Willow: more of that
(7:36:39 PM) ironclad: well that explains it then
(7:36:42 PM) null1024: 7 braintech
(7:36:45 PM) sethdonut: arppppppra
(7:36:45 PM) SoiledBargains: Wonderful pads and good channel management
(7:36:46 PM) CaptBeard: kulor/tim follin-like arps?
(7:36:48 PM) HertzDevil: lazer league is a religious entity
(7:36:49 PM) null1024: random everything else
(7:36:52 PM) jrlepage: kungfufurby any chance we'll get to see the source for this?
(7:36:57 PM) golgibody: 7 thumb blister!
(7:36:59 PM) goluigi: this is cool :)
(7:37:00 PM) CaptBeard: key cahnge
(7:37:03 PM) xterm-logger: yeah this is good
(7:37:03 PM) KungFuFurby: Which one?
(7:37:04 PM) CaptBeard: and it's perfect
(7:37:11 PM) jrlepage: blast off to the start and beyond
(7:37:19 PM) ironclad: blast off into bea
(7:37:23 PM) Ares64: my ears
(7:37:25 PM) HertzDevil: blast off to the point of origin
(7:37:25 PM) Patashu: omg, the phasing
(7:37:25 PM) CaptBeard: beadonnnn lol mickey house
(7:37:26 PM) Patashu: :D
(7:37:28 PM) Ares64: ok thank
(7:37:29 PM) sethdonut: *)_0000--
(7:37:32 PM) Strobe: there was a note
(7:37:36 PM) ipi: this part reminds me of the toad track from mario kart 64
(7:37:37 PM) ipi: not sure why
(7:37:38 PM) goluigi: are we 19 entries in including songs
(7:37:39 PM) kfaraday: this bit right here
(7:37:40 PM) kfaraday: aaaaaa
(7:37:41 PM) Ares64: toads turnpike omg
(7:37:42 PM) goluigi: i mean including art
(7:37:43 PM) commandycan: toad's turnpike yo
(7:37:44 PM) golgibody: Yay!
(7:37:49 PM) ipi: yeah that was it
(7:37:51 PM) golgibody: I like ma7 transpose
(7:37:52 PM) FoD: nice chord changes
(7:37:53 PM) HertzDevil: 17/186
(7:37:54 PM) jrlepage: this is amazing.
(7:37:54 PM) golgibody: maj7*
(7:37:56 PM) kfaraday: shivers all over
(7:37:57 PM) commandycan: this is where he gets star power and runs over an 18 wheeler
(7:37:58 PM) Ares64: i know nothing of chords
(7:37:58 PM) ipi: yeah KFF
(7:37:59 PM) ipi: you're great
(7:38:00 PM) FoD: and transpositions
(7:38:00 PM) goluigi: okay
(7:38:01 PM) Jangler: ma7 and ma9 transpose is real good
(7:38:01 PM) Ares64: this is where i fall down
(7:38:01 PM) goluigi: thx
(7:38:03 PM) Willow: reminds me of SMT/MT a bit
(7:38:04 PM) CaptBeard: shivers all over, you must be
(7:38:06 PM) Willow: that choir
(7:38:06 PM) CaptBeard: CUMMMMMMMMMING
(7:38:06 PM) ipi: this is so frickin good
(7:38:07 PM) sethdonut: oh yes
(7:38:11 PM) Ares64: careful beard.
(7:38:12 PM) sethdonut: this brings me somewhere else
(7:38:13 PM) jrlepage: I'm enjoying this.
(7:38:17 PM) sethdonut: rad as hell
(7:38:18 PM) golgibody: There is semen on all our chairs now!
(7:38:20 PM) wollybutt: hyu
(7:38:22 PM) xterm-logger: jajjaaj
(7:38:22 PM) wollybutt: go
(7:38:25 PM) null1024: terrible chair semen
(7:38:27 PM) HertzDevil: careful my friend or you'll RATTLE 'N SHAKE
(7:38:28 PM) ironclad: cat semen
(7:38:33 PM) xterm-logger: terrible chair semen.xm
(7:38:34 PM) Willow: wat
(7:38:35 PM) null1024: ironclad: eew
(7:38:36 PM) CaptBeard: RATTLE ME BOONS
(7:38:37 PM) commandycan: careful or you're snake rattle and roll
(7:38:38 PM) HertzDevil: careful my friend
(7:38:43 PM) Strobe: im glad i didn't listen to this before i entered my nsf entry
(7:38:48 PM) KungFuFurby: You asked for it. Here's the source .it file:
(7:38:49 PM) HertzDevil: there's a frightening glow
(7:38:50 PM) sethdonut: subtle horror voice now less subtle
(7:38:51 PM) jrlepage: strobe: same
(7:38:51 PM) null1024: Strobe: ahaha
(7:38:55 PM) KungFuFurby: Converter using mukunda's it2nsf.
(7:38:55 PM) Strobe: this is why i submit before i listen to stuff
(7:38:55 PM) golgibody: strobe and KungFuFurby are the gods of DPCM
(7:39:01 PM) Ares64: dying
(7:39:02 PM) KungFuFurby: We are arriving at our destination.
(7:39:02 PM) CaptBeard: aaaaaaaaoooooooooooo <---wicked choir
(7:39:03 PM) kfaraday: space jam drumbeat
(7:39:14 PM) HertzDevil: i thought it's FTM
(7:39:15 PM) CaptBeard: everybody get up it's time to blast off to the stars
(7:39:16 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(7:39:22 PM) Baycun: how can you write something this long and not lose focus
(7:39:23 PM) mq: hey
(7:39:24 PM) ironclad: Mad.
(7:39:27 PM) mq: what's the brain heart thing
(7:39:30 PM) mq: in winterchip
(7:39:31 PM) Willow: aw shit
(7:39:32 PM) SoiledBargains: I like this part!!
(7:39:33 PM) Yibbon: iron Clad.
(7:39:34 PM) sethdonut: good question Baycun
(7:39:34 PM) ipi: baycun MAGIC
(7:39:35 PM) Jangler: it's pretty repetitive
(7:39:38 PM) goluigi: iron Sad.
(7:39:39 PM) Ares64: i wrrote both of my entries in 3 hours or less
(7:39:40 PM) kfaraday: mq whatever you want it to mean :)
(7:39:40 PM) ironclad: YibBad.
(7:39:44 PM) Ares64: bc i lose focus if i dont
(7:39:45 PM) HertzDevil: rit.
(7:39:47 PM) Jangler: easier to write long repetitive stuff than long varied stuff
(7:39:52 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh wait not yet...
(7:39:52 PM) mq: nooooo
(7:39:54 PM) HertzDevil: lies
(7:39:55 PM) KungFuFurby: I compose my music on an iMac G5 running Mac OS X 10.4.11.
(7:39:55 PM) Ares64: and then i try to come back to it
(7:39:56 PM) Strobe: seems someone stole the end from his previous SPC entry
(7:39:56 PM) null1024: only the longest walk took me more than a few hours
(7:39:58 PM) KungFuFurby: We are landing now.
(7:40:00 PM) skinnyhead: SOUNDING THE ALARMS
(7:40:04 PM) CaptBeard: i thought we were listening to batpuncher for a second
(7:40:04 PM) Willow: 10.4 huh
(7:40:07 PM) CaptBeard: i was confused
(7:40:08 PM) sethdonut: LOSING OXYGEN
(7:40:09 PM) null1024: CaptBeard: ahaha
(7:40:10 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh wait nevermind it is my favorite
(7:40:10 PM) kfaraday: kff writes literal chip symphonic poems
(7:40:12 PM) sethdonut: BACK TO THE SHUTTLE
(7:40:12 PM) kfaraday: i'm in love
(7:40:18 PM) SoiledBargains: GET TO THE SHUTTA
(7:40:19 PM) KungFuFurby: You have landed.
(7:40:19 PM) golgibody: :D
(7:40:19 PM) FoD: this has some great imagery
(7:40:30 PM) ironclad: farts
(7:40:31 PM) HertzDevil: is this ET lol
(7:40:32 PM) sethdonut: footsteps
(7:40:34 PM) Willow: wat
(7:40:35 PM) KungFuFurby: GAME OVER
(7:40:35 PM) SoiledBargains: FoD I know, right?!
(7:40:35 PM) ipi: rip
(7:40:35 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(7:40:36 PM) FoD: hahaaa
(7:40:36 PM) ironclad: WILHELM
(7:40:37 PM) Strobe: aahahahahah
(7:40:37 PM) SoiledBargains: RIP
(7:40:38 PM) sethdonut: "is he alive?"
(7:40:38 PM) Baycun: WILHELM
(7:40:38 PM) CaptBeard: you die
(7:40:38 PM) Zephemeros: wilhelm scream?
(7:40:40 PM) sethdonut: "NO ANYMORE"
(7:40:40 PM) Zephemeros: k
(7:40:40 PM) Willow: LOL
(7:40:41 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dance of the Grenadier — Chip Champion —
(7:40:41 PM) HertzDevil: WIP
(7:40:43 PM) Baycun: whoops
(7:40:49 PM) HertzDevil: 018/186
(7:40:53 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dance of the Grenadier — Chip Champion
(7:40:54 PM) CaptBeard: zx beper
(7:41:00 PM) skinnyhead: my ears are flaring
(7:41:01 PM) Ares64: omg
(7:41:01 PM) HertzDevil: zx bea
(7:41:03 PM) sethdonut: good narrative quality right off
(7:41:04 PM) Ares64: this is RLY COOL
(7:41:05 PM) Patashu: beep beepp
(7:41:05 PM) HertzDevil: ZX SCC
(7:41:07 PM) sethdonut: but, er
(7:41:09 PM) sethdonut: oh!
(7:41:10 PM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut agreed, bro!
(7:41:12 PM) Patashu: wow look at thatfucking waveform
(7:41:14 PM) Strobe: beepers always destroy ears
(7:41:18 PM) skinnyhead: ZXSCC
(7:41:28 PM) sethdonut: teehee
(7:41:29 PM) mint [] entered the room.
(7:41:29 PM) Willow: wow
(7:41:33 PM) null1024: the octave choice doesn't help my ears
(7:41:33 PM) BotB: brellasi :: new avatar ::
(7:41:34 PM) Baycun: aghhhhhhh beeper is scaaaaaaaaaary
(7:41:35 PM) wollybutt: this is teh best one so far
(7:41:37 PM) Ares64: this is GREAT
(7:41:37 PM) jrlepage: heart-magic level is maximum
(7:41:39 PM) wollybutt: all 7s
(7:41:40 PM) Jangler: beeper is great
(7:41:41 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(7:41:43 PM) HertzDevil: 7-7-7-1-7
(7:41:44 PM) ipi: tgis is great!!
(7:41:47 PM) FoD: Strobe yeah :/
(7:41:49 PM) ***null1024 loves beeper otherwise
(7:41:52 PM) CaptBeard: this is good for beeper
(7:42:00 PM) HertzDevil: all 7 now
(7:42:01 PM) CaptBeard: it really tries to fill up the beeper, i like that
(7:42:06 PM) FoD: this is pretty good for beeper though
(7:42:11 PM) kfaraday: THIS is inspired by the nutcracker
(7:42:12 PM) kfaraday: : )
(7:42:13 PM) CaptBeard: there's still another good beeper entry though
(7:42:14 PM) jrlepage: captbeard ur mom fills up the beeper
(7:42:18 PM) sethdonut: teeheeeheeeee
(7:42:22 PM) CaptBeard: ur right jrlepage
(7:42:23 PM) ipi: owned
(7:42:24 PM) CaptBeard: ;_;
(7:42:25 PM) Ares64: apply cold water to burned area
(7:42:35 PM) CaptBeard: i gotta go the store and get some sunlotion
(7:42:36 PM) Jangler: !entry wind
(7:42:37 PM) BotB: Interrobang Pie - windswept hair salon for rad motorcyclists.nsf ::
(7:42:39 PM) CaptBeard: i just got burned
(7:42:40 PM) Jangler: !entry wind-up
(7:42:41 PM) BotB: Chip Champion - wind-up ladies ::
(7:42:42 PM) sethdonut: i love the stream of consciousness that comes in chat to this
(7:42:43 PM) ipi: hahah buce end
(7:42:47 PM) ipi: *nice
(7:42:48 PM) SoiledBargains: Yes it is
(7:42:49 PM) skinnyhead: hey my aura isn't gray
(7:42:50 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... chunter wups — kfaraday —
(7:42:51 PM) skinnyhead: it's really cool
(7:42:51 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... chunter wups — kfaraday
(7:42:58 PM) SoiledBargains: It better win!!
(7:43:03 PM) CaptBeard: squaresville rock by
(7:43:05 PM) goluigi: viiiiinter ships
(7:43:09 PM) ***Jangler basks
(7:43:12 PM) Ares64: i shouldve made a chipart
(7:43:14 PM) ***SoiledBargains basks
(7:43:15 PM) Ares64: it wouldve been the best
(7:43:21 PM) CaptBeard: well you didn't
(7:43:22 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Squaresville Rock — KungFuFurby —
(7:43:26 PM) CaptBeard: it's too late to apologize
(7:43:27 PM) goluigi: SHORT KFF ENTRY
(7:43:27 PM) HertzDevil: a non-long entry
(7:43:27 PM) goluigi: ASDFASDFASDF
(7:43:28 PM) Baycun: oh man i don't want my beeper entry to play ;~;
(7:43:31 PM) wollybutt: the mystery at squaresville rock
(7:43:32 PM) Patashu: SEEE GAAAA
(7:43:39 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Squaresville Rock — KungFuFurby
(7:43:43 PM) CaptBeard: bouncy
(7:43:52 PM) sethdonut: gravel rock
(7:43:55 PM) CaptBeard: discordant arps?
(7:43:58 PM) Patashu: the waveform looks like a disembodied spine
(7:44:01 PM) golgibody: No these arps are good
(7:44:02 PM) goluigi: 7 for thumb blister
(7:44:05 PM) sethdonut: ^ Patashu
(7:44:09 PM) null1024: hipitche
(7:44:17 PM) CaptBeard: ooh
(7:44:18 PM) FoD: whaa
(7:44:20 PM) CaptBeard: that's pretty nice
(7:44:24 PM) commandycan: weee
(7:44:26 PM) sethdonut: wow, haha
(7:44:28 PM) golgibody: I like the fierce jammin'
(7:44:32 PM) Patashu: this song sounds like a stepmania dump song
(7:44:33 PM) null1024: those high pitched plinks hurt a bit
(7:44:37 PM) BotB: brellasi :: bio update ::
(7:44:37 PM) null1024: periodic bass
(7:44:38 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(7:44:39 PM) Patashu: with the random super fast melodies over nothing
(7:44:39 PM) goluigi: holy shit all these boonz
(7:44:44 PM) golgibody: Yay disco bass!
(7:44:45 PM) kfaraday: patashu hahaha
(7:44:45 PM) CaptBeard: the plinks, i can actually feel them in my heart
(7:44:45 PM) skinnyhead: PREPARE FOR LOUD
(7:44:51 PM) ipi: WOAH
(7:44:53 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(7:44:54 PM) Ares64: ooh
(7:44:54 PM) KungFuFurby: I was attempting some square wave hi-hats.
(7:44:56 PM) Patashu: LOL
(7:45:00 PM) ipi: i was unprepared
(7:45:02 PM) golgibody: I felt in the seventies for a moment there
(7:45:05 PM) sethdonut: WA! where was THAT this whole song
(7:45:09 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Return of DJ Funkyman — ant1 —
(7:45:17 PM) FoD: this entry
(7:45:19 PM) commandycan: i like it already
(7:45:19 PM) ipi: ive been looking forward to this one
(7:45:22 PM) CaptBeard: go
(7:45:23 PM) CaptBeard: activate
(7:45:26 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(7:45:28 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Return of DJ Funkyman — ant1
(7:45:29 PM) KungFuFurby: Gah!
(7:45:31 PM) skinnyhead: BEAUTIFUL
(7:45:32 PM) null1024: ahahahahaha
(7:45:33 PM) CaptBeard: i laughed as soon as i heard it
(7:45:34 PM) sethdonut: o_o
(7:45:34 PM) goluigi: gao
(7:45:34 PM) Patashu: LMAO
(7:45:34 PM) Yibbon: OH NO
(7:45:35 PM) commandycan: lmao
(7:45:36 PM) Ares64: JESUS
(7:45:38 PM) ipi: hahahaha
(7:45:38 PM) Willow: lol
(7:45:39 PM) mq: lmao
(7:45:39 PM) CaptBeard: GO
(7:45:40 PM) ironclad: this RULES
(7:45:40 PM) Strobe: :D
(7:45:42 PM) goluigi: LOL
(7:45:42 PM) CaptBeard: ACTIVATW
(7:45:42 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahahaha
(7:45:42 PM) CaptBeard: GO
(7:45:43 PM) KungFuFurby: Isn't this so funky man?
(7:45:44 PM) golgibody: These moans
(7:45:44 PM) CaptBeard: ACTIVATE
(7:45:44 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(7:45:45 PM) HertzDevil: YEA
(7:45:46 PM) goluigi: Great.
(7:45:48 PM) FoD: featuring dev
(7:45:49 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:45:50 PM) null1024: this is sonically interesting
(7:45:53 PM) Baycun: wait do we give ratings in each category or just choose one?
(7:45:54 PM) Jangler: i can't feel my udder
(7:45:55 PM) golgibody: This is love making music
(7:45:59 PM) goluigi: 7 for shit in pants
(7:45:59 PM) sethdonut: "I can't feel my... butter"
(7:46:00 PM) Strobe: wollybutt DJ Presets
(7:46:01 PM) commandycan: heart magic 7
(7:46:02 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:03 PM) ipi: baycun: all
(7:46:03 PM) Ares64: im having sex right now with my hand
(7:46:04 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:05 PM) Ares64: this
(7:46:06 PM) Willow: just make it consistent baycon
(7:46:07 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:09 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:09 PM) skinnyhead: I CANT FEEL MY GIRTH
(7:46:10 PM) FoD: GEER
(7:46:10 PM) CaptBeard: GO
(7:46:11 PM) Baycun: oh k
(7:46:11 PM) Ares64: makes things a ton better
(7:46:11 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:12 PM) Strobe: i like how this isn't even remotely chip ;)
(7:46:14 PM) Jangler: sop
(7:46:15 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:16 PM) golgibody: :D
(7:46:17 PM) wollybutt: strobe i made it in IT
(7:46:19 PM) KungFuFurby: This one's got this strange attraction for me.
(7:46:20 PM) SoiledBargains: I can't feel my urinal
(7:46:20 PM) sethdonut: ^ Strobe haha
(7:46:21 PM) null1024: that is the widest voting split I've made
(7:46:21 PM) CaptBeard: this actually is decent
(7:46:23 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:24 PM) golgibody: I like these donks
(7:46:24 PM) skinnyhead: i cant feel my girth
(7:46:25 PM) HertzDevil: ANT1 - YOU DA MAN!
(7:46:26 PM) commandycan: guhr
(7:46:28 PM) CaptBeard: i don't know why i like this
(7:46:32 PM) ironclad: DJ FUNKYMAN
(7:46:34 PM) CaptBeard: DJ FUNKYMA-A-A-AN
(7:46:37 PM) HertzDevil: DJ
(7:46:37 PM) FoD: this is worryingly enjoyable
(7:46:38 PM) HertzDevil: FUNKY
(7:46:38 PM) HertzDevil: MAN
(7:46:41 PM) ***SoiledBargains is waiting for any chip part
(7:46:44 PM) ipi: dj funkygamecritic
(7:46:48 PM) null1024: that maaaan sounds like the Genesis playing samples
(7:46:49 PM) ironclad: there we go
(7:46:50 PM) ***CaptBeard is waiting for ACTIVATE
(7:46:51 PM) null1024: with those stutters
(7:46:51 PM) Ares64: mmm
(7:46:52 PM) skinnyhead: im twerking to this
(7:46:52 PM) null1024: ;33333333
(7:46:55 PM) CaptBeard: MMM
(7:46:56 PM) goluigi: hey there is probably a TRIANGLE WAVE
(7:46:59 PM) goluigi: in the samps
(7:46:59 PM) KungFuFurby: I can't feel much better.
(7:47:00 PM) KungFuFurby: Time to get mellow.
(7:47:01 PM) epic_caterpillar: this is a good track
(7:47:01 PM) goluigi: so its cheap
(7:47:01 PM) sethdonut: mm
(7:47:02 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(7:47:04 PM) golgibody: This gets 7 for penis magic
(7:47:06 PM) Willow: lol
(7:47:07 PM) null1024: what is this
(7:47:09 PM) HertzDevil: wqow
(7:47:10 PM) Patashu: :O
(7:47:12 PM) sethdonut: complete 180
(7:47:12 PM) Patashu: suddenly, melodic
(7:47:15 PM) Willow: this is cool
(7:47:19 PM) CaptBeard: GO
(7:47:20 PM) ipi: nice
(7:47:23 PM) sethdonut: jungle tension
(7:47:26 PM) Jangler: this whole thing is FM btw
(7:47:27 PM) skinnyhead:
(7:47:27 PM) Jangler: no samples
(7:47:28 PM) KungFuFurby: Isn't DJ so funky, man?
(7:47:29 PM) skinnyhead: the ZON
(7:47:29 PM) commandycan: the funkyman has indeed returned
(7:47:34 PM) wollybutt: jangler its actually beeper
(7:47:36 PM) ironclad: skinnyhead me
(7:47:37 PM) wollybutt: zx spectrum beeper
(7:47:40 PM) CaptBeard: wow that IS a funky dj
(7:47:40 PM) skinnyhead: THE ZON
(7:47:41 PM) Jangler: oh beeper! my bad
(7:47:46 PM) HertzDevil: cute!!
(7:47:47 PM) SoiledBargains: HELLO?
(7:47:48 PM) ipi: so ************
(7:47:48 PM) wollybutt: did you hear that arp at the end
(7:47:50 PM) skinnyhead: I LAUGHED
(7:47:50 PM) wollybutt: it was chip as fuck
(7:47:52 PM) null1024: ring, ring
(7:47:52 PM) goluigi: this reminds me of the ohc on mod_shrine the other day
(7:47:54 PM) commandycan: lmao
(7:47:54 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Mutable — Interrobang Pie —
(7:47:57 PM) CaptBeard: probably done by nes
(7:48:00 PM) KungFuFurby: Actually, that's a phone ringing.
(7:48:03 PM) ipi: oh its me
(7:48:06 PM) Patashu: what genre is SAP
(7:48:07 PM) goluigi: YOU SCREWED UP THE READING
(7:48:07 PM) goluigi: WOW
(7:48:12 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Mutable — Interrobang Pie
(7:48:13 PM) CaptBeard: next ohc: make a song using only GO ACTIVATE samples
(7:48:14 PM) mq: OWO
(7:48:18 PM) CaptBeard: now its time for ipi
(7:48:18 PM) Jangler: i really like this one
(7:48:18 PM) null1024: bass
(7:48:19 PM) skinnyhead: the more drunk kfarday gets the less he can read these descriptions
(7:48:21 PM) null1024: thick bass
(7:48:22 PM) wollybutt: captbeardi have done that many times
(7:48:23 PM) CaptBeard: i like ipi so yeah
(7:48:25 PM) HertzDevil: pious chiptune
(7:48:26 PM) FoD: yeah, I really liek this one too
(7:48:27 PM) null1024: like cold honey
(7:48:28 PM) goluigi: i love ipi
(7:48:30 PM) goluigi: but he doesnt love me
(7:48:31 PM) CaptBeard: it's a boss battle
(7:48:32 PM) goluigi: :(
(7:48:34 PM) golgibody: :(
(7:48:35 PM) HertzDevil: all 7
(7:48:36 PM) FoD: probs my fave pokey entry
(7:48:37 PM) wollybutt: i think i even got into the 8bc top 10 with a song that was only the go sample and nothing else
(7:48:37 PM) sethdonut: this is crushing my head in its sonic vice
(7:48:41 PM) ipi: goluigi i love you lots
(7:48:42 PM) SoiledBargains: holy crap
(7:48:42 PM) CaptBeard: yeah same here
(7:48:43 PM) Willow: hmm 5
(7:48:44 PM) ipi: you're a darling
(7:48:44 PM) ironclad: this one vaguely reminds me of link's awakening
(7:48:45 PM) skinnyhead: yeah this is really MUTABLE *mutes stream* t(-_-t)
(7:48:46 PM) Jangler: second favorite pokey of all time
(7:48:53 PM) CaptBeard: i love this part
(7:48:54 PM) Patashu: this is nifty
(7:48:57 PM) CaptBeard: it's the progression
(7:49:01 PM) CaptBeard: it's amazing.
(7:49:01 PM) sethdonut: :)
(7:49:03 PM) SoiledBargains: SAP gold 'prolly
(7:49:06 PM) Strobe: i can only make strobecore with pokey
(7:49:07 PM) sethdonut: get higher
(7:49:11 PM) skinnyhead: I'd vote this all 7s
(7:49:12 PM) skinnyhead: but uh
(7:49:13 PM) null1024: this bit is nice
(7:49:14 PM) skinnyhead: I'm a troll
(7:49:15 PM) Willow: this is pretty groovy
(7:49:16 PM) ipi: hahaha
(7:49:18 PM) CaptBeard: my pokey is probably my worst entry
(7:49:18 PM) commandycan: chromatic progressions make me go like unfff
(7:49:20 PM) goluigi: strone can only make wafflecore in general
(7:49:21 PM) ipi: skinnyhead you're a FOOL
(7:49:21 PM) sethdonut: ^ skinnyhead lol
(7:49:22 PM) Willow: the 5 is smooth
(7:49:28 PM) Patashu: oh, this is atari?
(7:49:28 PM) Patashu: amazing
(7:49:29 PM) CaptBeard: i can't wait till my wildchip comes on i actually love that one
(7:49:31 PM) skinnyhead: : - /
(7:49:31 PM) goluigi: hey plz untroll fatassfeet
(7:49:35 PM) goluigi: aka skinnyhead
(7:49:36 PM) FoD: very dancable 5/4
(7:49:39 PM) Jangler: >:|
(7:49:40 PM) SoiledBargains: Patashu: Atari 8-bit computer you know
(7:49:42 PM) CaptBeard: this is probably one of my favorite pokey songs EVER
(7:49:45 PM) null1024: also the 5200
(7:49:45 PM) FoD: well, it's 4/4 now
(7:49:48 PM) Patashu: yeah, it took me a moment
(7:49:49 PM) FoD: but earlier on
(7:49:52 PM) Jangler: this is 32/4 duh
(7:49:57 PM) goluigi: what entry number is this
(7:49:58 PM) sethdonut: very, very pleasurable progression
(7:49:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Soloss
(7:49:59 PM) skinnyhead: I want kf to play my wildchip in front of FAMOUS PPL......................................................................
(7:50:00 PM) CaptBeard: the only one that compares imo is kulor - elementary school supernova
(7:50:01 PM) ipi: it changes from 5/4 to 3/4 to 5/4 to 4/4 now to 5/4
(7:50:03 PM) goluigi: this is kajingsol style 15/16
(7:50:05 PM) goluigi: okay
(7:50:06 PM) wollybutt: i think its 9999/9998
(7:50:08 PM) commandycan: actually that was 1 2 3 1 2 not 5/4 distinct difference
(7:50:15 PM) CaptBeard: this is just great job ipi
(7:50:18 PM) commandycan: nobody counts to 5
(7:50:20 PM) CaptBeard: i can't feel my
(7:50:23 PM) Jangler: yeah i don't even know what 5 is
(7:50:27 PM) skinnyhead: I always make tunes in my head that are 7/4 but never transcribe them :(
(7:50:28 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Have Ye Beard? — Chip Champion —
(7:50:32 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Have Ye Beard? — Chip Champion
(7:50:40 PM) goluigi: as musicians we only know how to count to 4 and we only know the first seven letters of the alphabet
(7:50:42 PM) wollybutt: 1 2 3 1 2 is easier to call 5/4 than alternating 3/4 2/4
(7:50:43 PM) sethdonut: been staring at that all stream
(7:50:43 PM) SoiledBargains: lololololoLSDJ
(7:50:44 PM) ipi: olollooolllol
(7:50:46 PM) Jangler: wudderful
(7:50:54 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Jill Sandwich — Kommisar —
(7:50:58 PM) ipi: ah kommisar
(7:50:58 PM) golgibody: dammit kfaraday learn how to pronounce olOLOLOLOloLOLOLOloolOlloL
(7:51:03 PM) Patashu: incoming KOMMISAR
(7:51:05 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha golgibody
(7:51:06 PM) commandycan: that is goku
(7:51:06 PM) goluigi: what entry number is this
(7:51:07 PM) CaptBeard: jill sandwich haha
(7:51:10 PM) HertzDevil: my waifu
(7:51:11 PM) HertzDevil: MY WAIFU
(7:51:16 PM) ipi: this and his wildchip are great
(7:51:19 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Jill Sandwich — Kommisar
(7:51:20 PM) commandycan: chi chi goku #1 couple 2012
(7:51:23 PM) HertzDevil: wait
(7:51:23 PM) wollybutt: HARD
(7:51:23 PM) ironclad: JS93
(7:51:24 PM) HertzDevil: NOT ANYMORE
(7:51:26 PM) Ares64: oh
(7:51:26 PM) CaptBeard: i'm tired of eating crumbs off the hard jill sandwich
(7:51:26 PM) commandycan: lmao
(7:51:27 PM) Ares64: my goodness
(7:51:28 PM) null1024: that heaviness
(7:51:29 PM) SoiledBargains: A little OW and a little OH HEY
(7:51:32 PM) HertzDevil: KOMMISAR divorced with me
(7:51:33 PM) null1024: broken HDD
(7:51:38 PM) Ares64: i can't win
(7:51:39 PM) goluigi: someone tell me what ENTRY NUMBER THIS IS!!
(7:51:41 PM) CaptBeard: i actually like how DIRTY this is
(7:51:41 PM) ***Ares64 dies
(7:51:45 PM) Willow: dance partay
(7:51:46 PM) commandycan: i can dig it
(7:51:47 PM) ***skinnyhead twerks
(7:51:49 PM) sethdonut: Ares dies
(7:51:50 PM) HertzDevil: 22/186
(7:51:51 PM) Jangler: svetlanacore
(7:51:53 PM) ipi: yesss
(7:51:53 PM) commandycan: was that
(7:51:56 PM) CaptBeard: i love me some DIRTY bass
(7:51:57 PM) Strobe: is this even a valid GB entry, that is my question ;)
(7:52:02 PM) commandycan: where is that sample from
(7:52:02 PM) Patashu: strobe it is
(7:52:04 PM) null1024: stream just cut out for me
(7:52:10 PM) Jangler: it's fine for me
(7:52:12 PM) CaptBeard: not for me
(7:52:13 PM) null1024: mmkay, back
(7:52:13 PM) ipi: commandycan it is hertzdevil
(7:52:14 PM) CaptBeard: try refreshing
(7:52:15 PM) HertzDevil: !g kommisar jill sandwich
(7:52:15 PM) BotB:
(7:52:15 PM) Willow: it works here
(7:52:21 PM) commandycan: oh ic
(7:52:22 PM) Patashu: lsdj lets you mix wav and percussion on wav
(7:52:22 PM) ipi: hertzdevil is a small touhou girl
(7:52:24 PM) Jangler: yeah wait what does the WAV track mean
(7:52:24 PM) ipi: irl
(7:52:24 PM) wollybutt: stroom werx 4 me
(7:52:27 PM) Strobe: the PCM sounds very high quality!
(7:52:29 PM) Willow: I approve of this message
(7:52:35 PM) HertzDevil: the POWER
(7:52:36 PM) Patashu: jangler: basically it means 'gameboy magic happens here'
(7:52:39 PM) null1024: that PCM sounds extra past the WAV channel
(7:52:41 PM) golgibody: Gameboy entries shouldn't be valid unless there's a .gbs or other source file ;3
(7:52:43 PM) goluigi: how many chiparts have we had
(7:52:45 PM) Patashu: but for lsdj it means 'one arbitrary waveform + one sample channel'
(7:52:46 PM) goluigi: so far
(7:52:49 PM) wollybutt: is there an lsdj or somethin uploaded
(7:52:50 PM) goluigi: 4?
(7:52:50 PM) HertzDevil: 27
(7:52:53 PM) Jangler: just a mp3
(7:52:53 PM) HertzDevil: oh
(7:52:54 PM) sethdonut:
(7:52:56 PM) goluigi: no i mean in the stream
(7:52:56 PM) wollybutt: he might have mixed it in abletone
(7:53:00 PM) HertzDevil: i DON'T keep track
(7:53:05 PM) goluigi: WOW
(7:53:08 PM) CaptBeard: hey kfaraday are you going to add more chiparts
(7:53:11 PM) SoiledBargains: Finally, the URL stuff is handled automatically, too!
(7:53:12 PM) ipi: i think we're up to 110/5 entries
(7:53:12 PM) kfaraday: :) yep
(7:53:15 PM) kfaraday: during the intermission
(7:53:17 PM) ipi: 22
(7:53:20 PM) Jangler: 110/5 time
(7:53:30 PM) SoiledBargains: I get to read what's going on in here.
(7:53:31 PM) wollybutt: jangler wow
(7:53:31 PM) CaptBeard: play some smooth jazz during the intermission
(7:53:34 PM) commandycan: oh
(7:53:35 PM) commandycan: drill dozer
(7:53:36 PM) commandycan: duh
(7:53:37 PM) mq: 22 etnries?
(7:53:38 PM) ipi: i have given 70% 7's so far
(7:53:41 PM) mq: entries wtf
(7:53:42 PM) commandycan: nice description sleuthing, me
(7:53:45 PM) kfaraday: ipi <33
(7:53:45 PM) SoiledBargains: oooo
(7:53:45 PM) goluigi: this is amazing
(7:53:48 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(7:53:50 PM) commandycan: wow
(7:53:51 PM) SoiledBargains: phazzin'
(7:53:53 PM) Jangler: quarter note tied to sixteenth note gets the beat
(7:53:53 PM) Willow: .-.
(7:53:58 PM) CaptBeard: refreshing because i keep losing slight sync
(7:53:59 PM) goluigi: this is probably one of my fav entries in the whole compo
(7:54:09 PM) ipi: ^
(7:54:10 PM) wollybutt: jangler yo4ur sil9
(7:54:12 PM) Willow: this is solid
(7:54:14 PM) CaptBeard: it's very impressive
(7:54:19 PM) Jangler: should i vote lower because dubious? O_o
(7:54:19 PM) ipi: its really catchy
(7:54:23 PM) Willow: oh it keeps goin'
(7:54:23 PM) wollybutt: soiled bhaji
(7:54:24 PM) ipi: Jangler no
(7:54:25 PM) wollybutt: vote 0
(7:54:31 PM) Jangler: okay i voted everything -1
(7:54:33 PM) ipi: jangler just enjoy life <3
(7:54:34 PM) kfaraday: it is probably legit lol
(7:54:35 PM) commandycan: gj
(7:54:38 PM) HertzDevil: AAAAAA
(7:54:39 PM) goluigi: i voted skinnyhead an 8
(7:54:43 PM) goluigi: which is actually a 1 LOL!!!!!
(7:54:44 PM) skinnyhead: thx
(7:54:44 PM) goluigi: jk
(7:54:48 PM) ipi: i wonder what skinnyhead voted
(7:54:50 PM) ipi: hahaaha
(7:54:51 PM) Jangler: LSDJ + something doesn't seem like gameboy but i don't know how this things works
(7:54:51 PM) goluigi: yea
(7:54:53 PM) skinnyhead: FUCK YOU
(7:54:56 PM) ipi: <3
(7:54:59 PM) goluigi: too bad he cant anymore :(((()))(())()
(7:55:00 PM) kfaraday: jangler hmm
(7:55:03 PM) wollybutt: this doesnt really sound like 1xGB but who knows
(7:55:04 PM) skinnyhead: I HAVE A COOL AURA NOW THOUGH
(7:55:05 PM) kfaraday: maybe he meant he loaded samples into the wav
(7:55:06 PM) mq: how do you make these sounds from a gameboy
(7:55:07 PM) skinnyhead: SO t(-_-t)
(7:55:09 PM) CaptBeard: skinnyhead voted all 1s
(7:55:12 PM) Patashu: mq: lsdj
(7:55:21 PM) Willow: ...
(7:55:22 PM) wollybutt: hey Innocent Until Proven Guilty
(7:55:23 PM) CaptBeard: this is so noice
(7:55:24 PM) null1024: mq: crazy high player rate
(7:55:25 PM) skinnyhead: U Noided Nicetas?
(7:55:28 PM) null1024: which LSDJ has
(7:55:29 PM) KungFuFurby: HAI YAH!
(7:55:31 PM) Jangler: noid'd
(7:55:37 PM) null1024: impossible at 60hz
(7:55:41 PM) wollybutt: does lsdj really have a crazy high player rate
(7:55:44 PM) null1024: yes
(7:55:46 PM) ironclad: easygoing lesbians final boss nicetas?
(7:55:47 PM) ipi: key change
(7:55:48 PM) Patashu: iirc you can overclock lsdj
(7:55:51 PM) Patashu: I don't know how high though
(7:55:56 PM) Willow: oh lord
(7:56:02 PM) null1024: it's either 2 or 3x
(7:56:04 PM) CaptBeard: pcm drummin
(7:56:06 PM) null1024: I can't remember
(7:56:12 PM) jrlepage: the GB has a PCM channel?
(7:56:12 PM) Ares64: hit a drum i get wicked
(7:56:15 PM) Patashu: yes
(7:56:15 PM) jrlepage: news to me.
(7:56:16 PM) HertzDevil: something else
(7:56:18 PM) HertzDevil: in private
(7:56:18 PM) Willow: the next one up is a GB wildchip from kommisar
(7:56:19 PM) sethdonut: interesting pan
(7:56:21 PM) SoiledBargains: ja, 4-bit pcm
(7:56:22 PM) Patashu: have you guys never heard of LSDJ before
(7:56:22 PM) flowerinth: p sure gameboy can be over clocked by x2
(7:56:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Let's see if this works...
(7:56:35 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Return of DJ Funkyman — ant1 —
(7:56:42 PM) Patashu: more kommisar \o/
(7:56:42 PM) ***null1024 is just referring to LSDJ's native player speed
(7:56:42 PM) skinnyhead: LSDJ Is New Drug
(7:56:48 PM) goluigi: good title
(7:56:50 PM) KungFuFurby: Uh oh. Wrong one.
(7:56:54 PM) Jangler: lol
(7:56:55 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... infected by the wc8 cells — null1024 —
(7:56:59 PM) SoiledBargains: fffffff
(7:57:00 PM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(7:57:03 PM) ***Willow prepares his anus
(7:57:04 PM) wollybutt left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(7:57:05 PM) CaptBeard: and another good one
(7:57:06 PM) goluigi: smae thing
(7:57:08 PM) goluigi: same
(7:57:11 PM) CaptBeard: i think this one is better than the last one
(7:57:17 PM) ***sethdonut is groovin'
(7:57:17 PM) Ares64: ooh~
(7:57:18 PM) null1024: this is better
(7:57:21 PM) ipi: i think its better but i cant vote it any higher
(7:57:24 PM) Jangler: a lot better
(7:57:26 PM) kfaraday: ipi hahaha
(7:57:27 PM) commandycan: lmao
(7:57:28 PM) Jangler: i did not like the last one
(7:57:29 PM) Willow: ^______^
(7:57:38 PM) mq: ^_^
(7:57:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Bayoen~ — Kommisar
(7:57:44 PM) goluigi: i actually liked his other one better but a bit earrapey
(7:57:45 PM) SoiledBargains: w00t
(7:57:48 PM) SoiledBargains: FOR REAL WORKZ
(7:57:50 PM) sethdonut: this one has a lot more heart-magic than the last one
(7:57:53 PM) Baycun: almost all the ones i've heard so far are great
(7:57:56 PM) null1024: is that Athena from KOF
(7:57:58 PM) sethdonut: also: Super Mario Bros. 1 world end??
(7:58:04 PM) null1024: psychoooo
(7:58:05 PM) SoiledBargains:
(7:58:07 PM) ipi: arpppsssss
(7:58:08 PM) FoD: aarrrpppss
(7:58:09 PM) BotB: Kommisar - Bayoen~ :: Battle of the Bits -- 1x raw lsdj + pocket puyo 4's sound test menu. had to record this like 4 times to get the voice sync right. sorta pissed that gb category h Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(7:58:11 PM) SoiledBargains: ARPS
(7:58:12 PM) commandycan: i like this a lot
(7:58:12 PM) mq: 16 days to vote right
(7:58:13 PM) Ares64: eeeee
(7:58:19 PM) golgibody: A continuous string of bVI-bVII-I cadences
(7:58:21 PM) mq: or are people ending the voting period earlier
(7:58:26 PM) ipi: this is super cathcy and bouncy and lovely i lovvvee it
(7:58:31 PM) Willow: arpalicious
(7:58:31 PM) goluigi: cathcy
(7:58:34 PM) CaptBeard: very bouncy yeah
(7:58:36 PM) ipi: nice panning
(7:58:36 PM) mq: cathy
(7:58:41 PM) HertzDevil: still 6.5725 hours to go, sans breaks and intermissions
(7:58:41 PM) mq: cathy's house
(7:58:47 PM) ipi: !!!!
(7:58:48 PM) sethdonut: the panning is jiggling my eyeballs loose
(7:58:49 PM) Jangler: yeah Kommisar's summer chip gameboy was bVI-bVII-I ad infinitum too
(7:58:52 PM) sethdonut: (in a good way)
(7:59:01 PM) Patashu: what does bVI mean?
(7:59:02 PM) golgibody: It's like listening to a song in dorian mode
(7:59:04 PM) null1024: those arps are odd
(7:59:12 PM) Baycun: have no idea either
(7:59:14 PM) SoiledBargains: Hey null1024, I gotta brb food, do you mind if you... take advantage of my script?
(7:59:18 PM) BotB: sethdonut reaches Level 5 Chipist with 109pnts
(7:59:20 PM) Baycun: what's dorian mode????
(7:59:26 PM) ***null1024 was going to eat soon too actually
(7:59:27 PM) sethdonut: o
(7:59:30 PM) goluigi: C D Eb F G A Bb
(7:59:30 PM) Jangler: Patashu: in C major, the chord Ab C Eb
(7:59:34 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler how about you?
(7:59:35 PM) commandycan: dorian is a transvestite with purple hair
(7:59:37 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Nom Time — sc —
(7:59:38 PM) Jangler: SoiledBargains: wat
(7:59:40 PM) Patashu: oh, interesting
(7:59:41 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Nom Time — sc
(7:59:41 PM) CaptBeard: time to feel strange
(7:59:44 PM) HertzDevil: 24/186
(7:59:45 PM) mq: it's when you make a portrait with your soul in it
(7:59:46 PM) ipi: non time
(7:59:47 PM) Jangler: gnome time
(7:59:57 PM) KungFuFurby: Om nom nom...
(7:59:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler I need to eat, I will make a trigger that you can call to make my script say things.
(8:00:02 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... infected by the wc8 cells — null1024 —
(8:00:02 PM) ipi: non time by jrlepage
(8:00:09 PM) ipi: sacr? dieu
(8:00:09 PM) Jangler: that's my trigger
(8:00:15 PM) sethdonut: the strange madness arises
(8:00:16 PM) jrlepage: um, no
(8:00:24 PM) jrlepage: I mean
(8:00:26 PM) jrlepage: euh, non
(8:00:34 PM) CaptBeard: drop it
(8:00:38 PM) ipi: ta
(8:00:44 PM) goluigi: wtf is going on
(8:00:44 PM) goluigi: oh
(8:00:46 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... infected by the wc8 cells — null1024
(8:00:47 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Strange Waves of Strangeness — acmfan —
(8:00:50 PM) HertzDevil: this is
(8:00:52 PM) HertzDevil: WINNER
(8:00:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Strange Waves of Strangeness — acmfan
(8:01:03 PM) platosha_ left the room (quit: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep).
(8:01:03 PM) null1024 is now known as null|food
(8:01:03 PM) jrlepage: best nsf
(8:01:05 PM) ipi: "bass"
(8:01:10 PM) kfaraday: really like this one :3
(8:01:10 PM) goluigi: lmao
(8:01:13 PM) HertzDevil: this is euphoric
(8:01:15 PM) goluigi: i dont know why im laughing
(8:01:15 PM) ipi: is that smb3 dpc
(8:01:16 PM) CaptBeard: the noise things are cool
(8:01:16 PM) ipi: m
(8:01:19 PM) commandycan: the kind of bass that sits on your wall and sings country
(8:01:19 PM) FoD: ooohh
(8:01:19 PM) sethdonut: the robots are rising up
(8:01:23 PM) HertzDevil: no
(8:01:24 PM) goluigi: this is 7 for shit in pants and brain tech
(8:01:24 PM) Strobe: :D
(8:01:25 PM) FoD: detuning
(8:01:25 PM) golgibody: microtones!
(8:01:32 PM) HertzDevil: smb3 timpanis are not allowed to be this hgih pitched
(8:01:35 PM) HertzDevil: THE X00 DPCM
(8:01:36 PM) golgibody: This is the cutting edge of new music
(8:01:37 PM) ipi: bass dpcm
(8:01:39 PM) Jangler: the noises does not sound like bass to me
(8:01:40 PM) KungFuFurby: I hear Super Mario Bros. 3 DPCM samples...
(8:01:48 PM) HertzDevil: the timpanis are not
(8:01:51 PM) CaptBeard: this is strange.
(8:01:52 PM) HertzDevil: some others might be
(8:01:53 PM) Willow: yeah
(8:01:57 PM) golgibody: Yeah this is hot. :)
(8:01:57 PM) FoD: interesting concept
(8:02:01 PM) Willow: I was getting a SMB vibe
(8:02:02 PM) HertzDevil: i voted all 7s
(8:02:02 PM) Baycun: this is not music intended to make you happy....
(8:02:03 PM) ipi: theres this one plink at the end of the really major bit
(8:02:04 PM) golgibody: The triangle lead is good
(8:02:24 PM) Ares64: i can see where the title stems from
(8:02:29 PM) HertzDevil:
(8:02:29 PM) HertzDevil:
(8:02:30 PM) skinnyhead: how much time left in this stream approx.
(8:02:31 PM) Baycun: banette icon is pretty fitting
(8:02:37 PM) HertzDevil: 6,5725 hours skinnyhead
(8:02:39 PM) skinnyhead: YESH LOL
(8:02:41 PM) HertzDevil: plus speaking
(8:02:45 PM) HertzDevil: and intermissions
(8:02:48 PM) skinnyhead: I said yesh fuck my life
(8:02:50 PM) CaptBeard: it lasts a while
(8:02:54 PM) Jangler: and intermezzos
(8:02:55 PM) CaptBeard: it's over
(8:02:57 PM) Jangler: and mezzanines
(8:02:58 PM) golgibody: Hahahhaha who tagged it as spiritual hymn
(8:03:02 PM) golgibody: I love you :3
(8:03:03 PM) Willow: I was a fan of the 3+5 for like
(8:03:03 PM) FoD: kinda wish it went somewhere else
(8:03:06 PM) Willow: a few measures :s
(8:03:07 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Rumble in the Prairie — Kommisar —
(8:03:09 PM) CaptBeard: zx beeper
(8:03:11 PM) skinnyhead: spiritual hymen
(8:03:14 PM) Strobe: uh oh beeper
(8:03:16 PM) CaptBeard: by kommisar aka he's going to destroy this
(8:03:16 PM) Strobe: turn down volume
(8:03:18 PM) mq: kommisar rows
(8:03:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Rumble in the Prairie — Kommisar
(8:03:22 PM) FoD: loudness
(8:03:27 PM) chunter [] entered the room.
(8:03:27 PM) HertzDevil: Ouch !!
(8:03:28 PM) HertzDevil: Painful
(8:03:29 PM) sethdonut: o__o
(8:03:31 PM) FoD: ohh the loudness
(8:03:32 PM) Strobe: :D
(8:03:32 PM) mq: chunter wup
(8:03:34 PM) Ares64: awesome
(8:03:34 PM) skinnyhead: O_______________O
(8:03:34 PM) goluigi: Sad.
(8:03:35 PM) ipi: ive learnt to expect loudness from zxb tho
(8:03:39 PM) Yibbon: fuck me in the ass
(8:03:39 PM) CaptBeard: it was loud so i turned down my speaker and now i'm in mono again
(8:03:39 PM) Baycun: this is cute for beeper
(8:03:44 PM) Patashu: is that phasing or duty cycle modulation?
(8:03:44 PM) Ares64: i need to figure out how to work that zxb
(8:03:44 PM) kfaraday: sorry for getting confused in advance lol
(8:03:45 PM) sethdonut: "chunter wup" well said
(8:03:47 PM) skinnyhead: THE DRUMS
(8:03:50 PM) skinnyhead: KILLED MY EARS
(8:03:54 PM) kfaraday: i keep thinkinmg i'm ahead of where i am
(8:03:54 PM) CaptBeard: okay back to stereo
(8:04:00 PM) HertzDevil:,ugen4yjzp08qimp,di647z0nwqk8n79,wk94torja2ady2p
(8:04:02 PM) CaptBeard: i like this part
(8:04:03 PM) HertzDevil: all mp3s
(8:04:04 PM) commandycan: how are you gonna listen to the other entries skinnyhead
(8:04:04 PM) BotB: My Files -- mediafire is the simplest free online storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax
(8:04:07 PM) HertzDevil: with proper id3 tags
(8:04:10 PM) FoD: ipi i suppose so, seeing as it's incapable of any dynamics
(8:04:12 PM) chunter: nbn entered
(8:04:12 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler: PM !sl to me or say it here to progress. !sl back if you go too far (will queue the last one).
(8:04:20 PM) skinnyhead: I DONT KNOW COMMANDYCAN
(8:04:21 PM) Jangler: okay cool
(8:04:22 PM) FoD: but still
(8:04:24 PM) Jangler: got it, SoiledBargains
(8:04:24 PM) golgibody: This is pretty good for a beeper
(8:04:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Also funkky
(8:04:27 PM) sethdonut: this is nice
(8:04:32 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler :D !!
(8:04:35 PM) SoiledBargains: brbfood guys
(8:04:39 PM) skinnyhead: I'm probably gonna miss my entry ('m' )
(8:04:40 PM) KungFuFurby: My estimate is that my C64 entry will be playing in... two to three hours.
(8:04:43 PM) SoiledBargains: On behalf of kfaraday, thank you for flying!!
(8:04:44 PM) chunter: kfaraday: nice stream screen
(8:04:48 PM) skinnyhead: I have to bedtime in a couple of hours
(8:04:53 PM) skinnyhead: I gotta get up at 8 tomorrow
(8:04:53 PM) FoD: nice bass sound
(8:05:00 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Helicopter — sc —
(8:05:03 PM) HertzDevil: KungFuFurby your C64 entry will be played in 3.52 hours
(8:05:06 PM) commandycan: ha
(8:05:08 PM) sethdonut: lol
(8:05:10 PM) sethdonut: WHAT
(8:05:11 PM) sethdonut: yeah
(8:05:11 PM) goluigi: FALE
(8:05:15 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Helicopter — sc
(8:05:16 PM) skinnyhead: nicetas when will mine be playeed
(8:05:18 PM) sethdonut: :3c
(8:05:18 PM) kfaraday: >n<
(8:05:20 PM) CaptBeard: woah the new homestuck update was crazy
(8:05:21 PM) chunter: are we going from beginning to end or end to beginning?
(8:05:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Don't forget about that part, Jangler. :D
(8:05:27 PM) skinnyhead: fuck homestuck
(8:05:28 PM) sethdonut: first to last
(8:05:29 PM) golgibody: AHH YEAH
(8:05:29 PM) kfaraday: beginning to end
(8:05:30 PM) ipi: hertz when will pride break play
(8:05:31 PM) Patashu: lol the dpcm
(8:05:31 PM) golgibody: AMEN BREAK!
(8:05:33 PM) HertzDevil: skinnyhead 4.21 hours
(8:05:35 PM) ***SoiledBargains now brbforreal
(8:05:36 PM) Willow: @Hertz how long has this been going on?
(8:05:36 PM) chunter: can I get another amen
(8:05:37 PM) Abigail: I like skinnyhead
(8:05:39 PM) skinnyhead: 4.20
(8:05:39 PM) Strobe: nice Amen for being DPCM!
(8:05:41 PM) golgibody: Heart magic for the amen break!
(8:05:42 PM) Abigail: he knows what's up
(8:05:43 PM) HertzDevil: pride break 6.33
(8:05:52 PM) sethdonut is now known as tortellini__soup
(8:05:54 PM) goluigi: all i know is when skinnyhead's is going to play he will still be a troll #owned #lmfao
(8:05:59 PM) Willow: is it me or is the melody being drowned out
(8:06:00 PM) Jangler: cold tortellini
(8:06:04 PM) skinnyhead: FUCK YOU GOLUIGI
(8:06:06 PM) skinnyhead: jk
(8:06:07 PM) skinnyhead: ily
(8:06:07 PM) Ares64: Squidward Tortellini
(8:06:08 PM) ipi: well at least he could never vote on his own track anywa
(8:06:08 PM) ipi: y
(8:06:10 PM) goluigi: ;) jk ilu 2
(8:06:14 PM) skinnyhead: Squidward Tennisballs
(8:06:26 PM) HertzDevil: apocynthion 1.75
(8:06:32 PM) kfaraday: just testing a new way of going to the next track lol
(8:06:32 PM) Abigail: I should do something terrible but awesome for the next winterchip
(8:06:34 PM) CaptBeard: squidward skinnyballs
(8:06:35 PM) skinnyhead: PERICYNTHION DRIVE
(8:06:40 PM) kfaraday: on the fly innovation
(8:06:46 PM) skinnyhead: fod made pericynthion drive
(8:06:49 PM) ipi: apocynthia drive
(8:06:51 PM) mq: :3
(8:06:54 PM) mq: ε:
(8:06:56 PM) Jangler: i made pericyan
(8:06:58 PM) Ares64: i should submit better entries to the next winter chip
(8:07:01 PM) skinnyhead: PERICYAN
(8:07:11 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... easy vibe — antischwerkraft —
(8:07:19 PM) goluigi: ε===D
(8:07:23 PM) skinnyhead: EW
(8:07:24 PM) skinnyhead: GORSS
(8:07:26 PM) chunter: good drums
(8:07:28 PM) Baycun: i fkin love that bass drum
(8:07:30 PM) mq: lmfao wow
(8:07:33 PM) Patashu: mmmmm
(8:07:36 PM) Patashu: so sweet
(8:07:41 PM) Jangler: i really like this one
(8:07:42 PM) ipi: mm that kick is good
(8:07:45 PM) mq: [18:06] <goluigi> ε===D
(8:07:46 PM) goluigi: 7 for heart magic
(8:07:47 PM) mq: grossest penis
(8:07:53 PM) ipi: this one isnt to my taste
(8:07:55 PM) Strobe: mellow kicks :o
(8:07:56 PM) Jangler: this is the entry that made me take a second look at sunvox
(8:07:57 PM) Ares64: i dont like the kick
(8:07:59 PM) Ares64: its lamers
(8:08:14 PM) Jangler: sunvox DrumSynth snare doesn't sound good no matter what though
(8:08:19 PM) Strobe: the kick is fine for the track!
(8:08:24 PM) golgibody: Yeah, sunvox has no g00d drums. :(
(8:08:31 PM) goluigi: this is a nice tune :)
(8:08:31 PM) Jangler: the hi-hats are fine in drumsynth
(8:08:32 PM) CaptBeard: this is cool
(8:08:32 PM) kfaraday: yes the kick is good :)
(8:08:38 PM) Jangler: you can always import samples though
(8:08:40 PM) goluigi: i actually like the arps
(8:08:43 PM) ipi: ooh that lead
(8:08:58 PM) ipi: im not sure what doxic's talking about in the comments
(8:09:01 PM) ipi: the arps arent that loud
(8:09:09 PM) Jangler: i agree
(8:09:09 PM) Patashu: the arps in this are really cool
(8:09:10 PM) goluigi: yea
(8:09:13 PM) Jangler: they work well for the tune
(8:09:14 PM) kfaraday: they are enveloping :)
(8:09:15 PM) KungFuFurby: Really mellow.
(8:09:16 PM) CaptBeard: i feel the arps are getting kinda hard to listen to
(8:09:19 PM) goluigi: the arps pretty much made this song
(8:09:20 PM) FoD: they're a little loud towards the low end
(8:09:24 PM) CaptBeard: but eh
(8:09:31 PM) Ares64: i dont particulatrly like this lol sorry
(8:09:32 PM) tortellini__soup is now known as sethdonut
(8:09:47 PM) Baycun: i kind of like how muted and... underwatery the arps sound
(8:09:53 PM) goluigi: yea
(8:09:54 PM) sethdonut: delicious hot tortellini
(8:10:03 PM) sethdonut: this song's p hot too
(8:10:04 PM) Jangler: !entry cold tortellini
(8:10:04 PM) BotB: architect1 - Cold Tortellini ::
(8:10:05 PM) golgibody: The lead sounds like it's tired of living
(8:10:13 PM) chunter: the arps sound like SID triangles
(8:10:14 PM) sethdonut: lolol
(8:10:21 PM) golgibody: The arps are cool though
(8:10:22 PM) chunter: it's very SID technique and quite good
(8:10:25 PM) kfaraday: little repetitive~
(8:10:27 PM) kfaraday: nice tho
(8:10:28 PM) chunter: wish it didn't loop so much
(8:10:32 PM) Jangler: yeah
(8:10:37 PM) chunter: but its such a great idea that I don't mind
(8:10:38 PM) golgibody: Remember to tag it as loopy
(8:10:43 PM) Jangler: i don't really get bored of it though
(8:10:43 PM) chunter: this bit is very sid-ish too
(8:10:49 PM) Jangler: the texture is interesting enough
(8:11:02 PM) chunter: welcome back
(8:11:06 PM) skinnyhead: OH GOD
(8:11:08 PM) skinnyhead: ZX
(8:11:11 PM) CaptBeard: more zx
(8:11:13 PM) CaptBeard: woohoo
(8:11:13 PM) commandycan: man im yawning just thinking about how long this is gonna be
(8:11:13 PM) Jangler: i know this artist used to make actual SID tracks so that explains the SID sound
(8:11:14 PM) Ares64: yay
(8:11:28 PM) CaptBeard: defleSID is the new sid 2013
(8:11:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... easy vibe — antischwerkraft
(8:11:32 PM) CaptBeard: oh wow
(8:11:34 PM) sethdonut: aw
(8:11:36 PM) Zephemeros: uhhhh
(8:11:38 PM) sethdonut: that was a good description
(8:11:39 PM) ipi: wow
(8:11:40 PM) Ares64: hm
(8:11:41 PM) Patashu: buzz beeep
(8:11:41 PM) golgibody: I like this
(8:11:42 PM) kfaraday: soiled~ next one
(8:11:49 PM) Strobe: :D
(8:11:50 PM) Jangler: coolstuff
(8:11:50 PM) null|food is now known as null1024
(8:11:52 PM) CaptBeard: is this a natural beeper?
(8:11:52 PM) golgibody: It sounds like renaissance polyphonic chant
(8:11:53 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... levels of doom — irrlicht project —
(8:11:59 PM) Jangler: what
(8:12:00 PM) Jangler: wait
(8:12:01 PM) golgibody: Not anymore :P
(8:12:02 PM) kfaraday: this is irrlicht projcet
(8:12:03 PM) kfaraday: heheh
(8:12:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... levels of doom — irrlicht project
(8:12:05 PM) null1024: this reminds me of a PC-98 touhou song
(8:12:06 PM) kfaraday: :D
(8:12:06 PM) Willow: very nice
(8:12:09 PM) null1024: one of them
(8:12:10 PM) sethdonut: good harmonic progression
(8:12:10 PM) Jangler: i didn't realize i had to do it twice
(8:12:11 PM) HertzDevil: null NO
(8:12:14 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:12:18 PM) golgibody: Touhou fagzz
(8:12:18 PM) commandycan: haha
(8:12:26 PM) HertzDevil: ZUN does not even use 3/4 that often
(8:12:27 PM) CaptBeard: i want to hear plusrek's nsf entry
(8:12:28 PM) Patashu: wow
(8:12:29 PM) sethdonut: tofu gas
(8:12:31 PM) Patashu: I would love to hear this on non-beeper
(8:12:36 PM) golgibody: Yeah
(8:12:37 PM) null1024: HertzDevil: melody wise
(8:12:38 PM) Patashu: it feels like it's too good for its medium
(8:12:41 PM) Ares64: plrusek l;olool=0okl
(8:12:42 PM) CaptBeard: it'd be really nice on a non-beep yea
(8:12:42 PM) HertzDevil: still no
(8:12:44 PM) sethdonut: ^ Patashu
(8:12:53 PM) golgibody: This tune is too good for the beepr
(8:12:58 PM) kfaraday: oh maaaan
(8:13:01 PM) null1024: this bit is the best
(8:13:03 PM) CaptBeard: yeah i like that
(8:13:07 PM) chunter: nicely done
(8:13:08 PM) sethdonut: O_OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(8:13:10 PM) golgibody: I like the thick sound
(8:13:10 PM) Patashu: waooooow
(8:13:12 PM) Patashu: I'm flying
(8:13:12 PM) commandycan: wow
(8:13:13 PM) CaptBeard: i actually like the dirt and grit
(8:13:14 PM) Strobe: it is an impressing beeper
(8:13:17 PM) Jangler: yeah
(8:13:20 PM) Patashu: ok, this is best zx beeper of all time
(8:13:22 PM) null1024: this bit, not so much
(8:13:22 PM) CaptBeard: so yeah it should just stay on zx beeper
(8:13:29 PM) sethdonut: i think... this just transcended the material plane
(8:13:32 PM) null1024: too fluttery
(8:13:37 PM) ipi: wow
(8:13:37 PM) CaptBeard: it's better than chronos
(8:13:42 PM) CaptBeard: and that's how you do it
(8:13:44 PM) golgibody: :P
(8:13:45 PM) Willow: [8:12pm] sethdonut: i think... this just transcended the material plane <--- this
(8:13:46 PM) Jangler: how did chords
(8:13:50 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dyria Mox — Chip Champion —
(8:13:51 PM) CaptBeard: i don't know
(8:13:56 PM) null1024: all 7s
(8:13:57 PM) Ares64: wow
(8:13:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dyria Mox — Chip Champion
(8:13:59 PM) null1024: this song
(8:14:03 PM) Willow: a snes lol
(8:14:03 PM) golgibody: Timpani!
(8:14:07 PM) Willow: surely you meant spc
(8:14:08 PM) Patashu: hello, metroid
(8:14:09 PM) golgibody: Timpani always means quality
(8:14:10 PM) Strobe: metroidish :o
(8:14:14 PM) HertzDevil: super metroid samps
(8:14:14 PM) Ares64: bleh so much slow and quiet stuff
(8:14:15 PM) CaptBeard: time to travel in a big evil alien planet
(8:14:15 PM) Jangler: metroidish
(8:14:16 PM) HertzDevil: 100% accurate
(8:14:16 PM) Jangler: yeah
(8:14:17 PM) Ares64: bleh bleh bleh bleh
(8:14:18 PM) Strobe: hahhahaah
(8:14:19 PM) Willow: yeah, definitely got a metroid vibe
(8:14:19 PM) Strobe: it was
(8:14:20 PM) HertzDevil: HAHA
(8:14:20 PM) Zephemeros: this is good
(8:14:22 PM) ipi: oh nice
(8:14:25 PM) null1024: that super real SNES fade in lead
(8:14:25 PM) CaptBeard: i like this
(8:14:26 PM) mq: fj5q2fisojaiworewfdsxvckwr
(8:14:27 PM) Strobe: this is metroid samples so it screams
(8:14:27 PM) sethdonut: i'm on a dinosaur hunt
(8:14:27 PM) Willow: oh where is that bass from
(8:14:28 PM) chunter: 90s found
(8:14:30 PM) Strobe: xD
(8:14:31 PM) CaptBeard: it's very 90s
(8:14:32 PM) ipi: yeah metroid for sure
(8:14:33 PM) CaptBeard: i love that
(8:14:40 PM) Willow: is that bass metroid?
(8:14:42 PM) Jangler: 90s PC VGM
(8:14:42 PM) golgibody: Hehehe chipchampion again with the egyptisms
(8:14:44 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(8:14:48 PM) null1024: this song is one of 2 that I've given all 7s
(8:14:49 PM) Jangler: all the samps are super metroid i think
(8:14:54 PM) HertzDevil: yes
(8:14:56 PM) chunter: nice chord
(8:14:58 PM) CaptBeard: chipchamp isn't as egyptism as fezuke
(8:15:02 PM) sethdonut: so nice
(8:15:03 PM) Strobe: i can spot super metroid samps a hundred miles away
(8:15:03 PM) Fezuke: lolol
(8:15:09 PM) Ares64: howdy there fezuke
(8:15:11 PM) CaptBeard: fezuke's here oh hey
(8:15:12 PM) Jangler: chipchamp does a lot of dorian and phrigian stuff
(8:15:13 PM) CaptBeard: how's it going
(8:15:16 PM) Grookie left the room.
(8:15:21 PM) Fezuke: but you're right lol
(8:15:23 PM) Fezuke: and hi
(8:15:24 PM) Jangler: incl. phrygian dominant
(8:15:34 PM) Ares64: so much musical terminology
(8:15:35 PM) CaptBeard: nice for you to be here, never even noticed
(8:15:35 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:15:37 PM) Ares64: im just sat here like
(8:15:46 PM) HertzDevil: wtf boom
(8:15:47 PM) commandycan: ima mixolydian dat gurl
(8:15:49 PM) Ares64: idk man
(8:15:50 PM) goluigi: wtf
(8:15:51 PM) goluigi: boom
(8:15:56 PM) CaptBeard: fezuke, you should've entered
(8:15:57 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:16:00 PM) Ares64: thats exactly what im talkin abotu
(8:16:02 PM) golgibody: jrlezuke, YOu should'
(8:16:05 PM) Fezuke: nah, too egyptism lol
(8:16:05 PM) golgibody: 've entered
(8:16:06 PM) CaptBeard: would've been great
(8:16:07 PM) golgibody: ;_;
(8:16:12 PM) ipi: loop?
(8:16:13 PM) chipchampion: hey all those samples are super metroid yes except a hat pedal
(8:16:15 PM) ***Ares64 slinks away into the shadows, never to be seen again
(8:16:18 PM) CaptBeard: i know you're not always desert scaled
(8:16:19 PM) golgibody: -1 for loop :P
(8:16:23 PM) sethdonut:
(8:16:28 PM) sethdonut: oh, that's what that is
(8:16:31 PM) null1024: fadeout
(8:16:33 PM) goluigi: phrygian ahahahahahahaha
(8:16:34 PM) Fezuke: meh
(8:16:34 PM) sethdonut: i love codifying music
(8:16:45 PM) commandycan: im partial to ionian scales
(8:16:46 PM) CaptBeard: candy cane king
(8:16:48 PM) null1024: that song really captured SNESness
(8:16:49 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Candy Cane King — Jangler —
(8:16:54 PM) Willow: jangla
(8:16:55 PM) sethdonut: ^ nulll024
(8:17:00 PM) kfaraday: <33 this one
(8:17:01 PM) ipi: pan
(8:17:01 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Candy Cane King — Jangler
(8:17:01 PM) sethdonut: HAHA YES
(8:17:04 PM) null1024: panning
(8:17:06 PM) skinnyhead: panpan
(8:17:09 PM) FoD: panbelllooo
(8:17:10 PM) CaptBeard: SUGAR RUSH
(8:17:11 PM) sethdonut: Goldeneye 007
(8:17:14 PM) commandycan: this chord is going all over my ears
(8:17:15 PM) null1024: fmish
(8:17:15 PM) goluigi: jangler progression
(8:17:16 PM) HertzDevil: sugar man
(8:17:17 PM) ipi: seth YES
(8:17:18 PM) Willow: I find myself looking left-right
(8:17:21 PM) golgibody: I like this fretless bass sound
(8:17:22 PM) ipi: thats what i though
(8:17:23 PM) Strobe: :D
(8:17:23 PM) ipi: t
(8:17:25 PM) CaptBeard: these chords are ice
(8:17:26 PM) HertzDevil: SUGAR MAN
(8:17:31 PM) HertzDevil: BIRTHDAY SONG
(8:17:36 PM) ipi: ooohohohhhhh
(8:17:36 PM) Willow: very smooth
(8:17:45 PM) KungFuFurby: Do I hear Cave Story samples?
(8:17:48 PM) Jangler: yes!
(8:17:51 PM) sethdonut: oh, this one got rated very high...
(8:17:56 PM) null1024: that organya synth
(8:18:01 PM) ipi: yeh!!!
(8:18:03 PM) CaptBeard: yesss
(8:18:05 PM) sethdonut: +favorites
(8:18:06 PM) CaptBeard: very cave storyish
(8:18:08 PM) ipi: cave story for sure
(8:18:10 PM) golgibody: Now it sounds like doom music
(8:18:12 PM) null1024: yes
(8:18:20 PM) null1024: this bit is neat
(8:18:25 PM) kfaraday: this section ( *oo*)
(8:18:28 PM) null1024: strange, but neat
(8:18:30 PM) chunter: nice groove
(8:18:38 PM) sethdonut: i like that you can't know how to expect where it goes
(8:18:46 PM) ipi: are we 28 songs in?
(8:18:47 PM) chunter: it sounds like an ELP track with less phallic organs
(8:18:48 PM) mq: oh shit cave story
(8:18:51 PM) goluigi: janglercore is cool :)
(8:18:54 PM) Jangler: phallic organs haha
(8:18:56 PM) goluigi: yes cave stor
(8:18:58 PM) mq: jangcore
(8:18:59 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(8:18:59 PM) goluigi: story
(8:19:01 PM) HertzDevil: 13/8
(8:19:03 PM) sethdonut: dat PAN
(8:19:10 PM) Jangler: good call hertzie
(8:19:14 PM) HertzDevil: dank
(8:19:18 PM) KungFuFurby: I'll be right back after listening to this entry. That's because the next one is mine. :)
(8:19:32 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... 24 Sixth Minutes — KungFuFurby —
(8:19:33 PM) CaptBeard: i liked that
(8:19:40 PM) HertzDevil: 31/186
(8:19:46 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... 24 Sixth Minutes — KungFuFurby
(8:19:52 PM) HertzDevil: we are 16.666667% finished
(8:19:55 PM) Willow: groveh
(8:19:56 PM) golgibody: Aw yeah. OONTZ
(8:19:57 PM) KungFuFurby: This one was recorded using the real Impulse Tracker and DOSBox. :)
(8:20:01 PM) Willow: gooveh, even
(8:20:01 PM) kfaraday: hertz already?!
(8:20:03 PM) mq: can you have time signatures like 3/7
(8:20:07 PM) Ares64: no
(8:20:09 PM) Patashu: waooow!
(8:20:10 PM) Ares64: not that i know of
(8:20:10 PM) Patashu: the phasing, nice
(8:20:12 PM) Jangler: mq: not unless you're a sociopath
(8:20:14 PM) HertzDevil: yes
(8:20:18 PM) chipchampion: chunter it sounds like an ELP track with less phallic organs ajajjjaajajaj
(8:20:22 PM) kfaraday: three septuplets in a bar haha
(8:20:25 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:20:28 PM) ipi: oh nice
(8:20:29 PM) CaptBeard: THESE CHORDS
(8:20:29 PM) mq: they should make time signatures like that
(8:20:30 PM) CaptBeard: YES
(8:20:32 PM) Willow: hot
(8:20:33 PM) CaptBeard: i love these chords
(8:20:33 PM) kfaraday: you could do it but it'd be exceedingly difficult to be heard like that
(8:20:35 PM) commandycan: q
(8:20:39 PM) sethdonut: Vumvumvumvumv7umvumvuvm
(8:20:44 PM) CaptBeard: they're very 90s racing game esque
(8:20:44 PM) mq: 8/7 ?
(8:20:45 PM) Willow: I am now wet
(8:20:45 PM) kfaraday: could do it like polyrhythmed on another beat
(8:20:47 PM) Ares64: the weirdest time signature i've used was 5/16
(8:20:48 PM) HertzDevil: this is my fav KFF entry
(8:20:49 PM) Jangler: yeah it's theoretically possibly but not practically useful
(8:20:53 PM) null1024: this is a neat entry
(8:20:56 PM) golgibody: Yeah, rickroll snare motif!
(8:20:56 PM) chunter: yeah, this sounds like it was left out of f zero
(8:20:59 PM) HertzDevil: is this super c
(8:20:59 PM) null1024: this bit is a bit too loud
(8:21:01 PM) Ares64: normally i stick to 4/4
(8:21:01 PM) HertzDevil: no
(8:21:05 PM) golgibody: yes
(8:21:15 PM) HertzDevil: whatever contra for snes is called
(8:21:15 PM) gamma [] entered the room.
(8:21:21 PM) ipi: the phase differencing is great
(8:21:22 PM) null1024: HertzDevil: contra 3
(8:21:23 PM) Willow: contra 3?
(8:21:25 PM) chipchampion: ALIEN WARZ
(8:21:26 PM) HertzDevil: ooh
(8:21:31 PM) sethdonut: we are now inside of a long tube
(8:21:34 PM) golgibody: minor 9ths
(8:21:41 PM) null1024: very filtery sound
(8:21:41 PM) goluigi: i love these chords
(8:21:43 PM) chunter: The box just said C
(8:21:48 PM) chunter: or was it Super C
(8:21:54 PM) HertzDevil: C3
(8:21:57 PM) Willow: oh wow, it keeps goin'
(8:21:58 PM) KungFuFurby: A simple inversion and some very small pitch changes are all you need. :)
(8:21:58 PM) goluigi: 7 for shit in pants because holy shit this is a 24k
(8:21:59 PM) chunter: nice motif here
(8:22:00 PM) null1024: the NES one was Super C
(8:22:01 PM) Jangler: hehe adventure time tag
(8:22:03 PM) Willow: is it really 6 minutes long
(8:22:04 PM) CaptBeard: it's time for 90s space racing
(8:22:13 PM) ironclad: how did this fit into 24k
(8:22:14 PM) ipi: WIllow: 4 mins
(8:22:15 PM) ironclad: wow
(8:22:16 PM) Willow: oh ok
(8:22:20 PM) null1024: there was Contra, Super C, and then Contra 3: The Alien Wars [SNES]
(8:22:21 PM) ipi: ooh
(8:22:23 PM) CaptBeard: i love this
(8:22:23 PM) Willow: oh
(8:22:24 PM) goluigi: if i was just listening to these without knowing the category, i would have thought this a wildchip
(8:22:25 PM) KungFuFurby: Part of this was related to using lots of looping.
(8:22:25 PM) Baycun: ahhhhh too good
(8:22:29 PM) Willow: 24*(1/6)
(8:22:31 PM) Jangler: yeah impressive brain-tech
(8:22:31 PM) golgibody: I wonder what this sample is
(8:22:33 PM) Willow: herpdederp
(8:22:41 PM) golgibody: Is it a pitch-bent furby?
(8:22:43 PM) ipi: low quality sample
(8:22:43 PM) Strobe: furby seems to like to make long songs :D
(8:22:45 PM) KungFuFurby: Nope.
(8:22:48 PM) null1024: this sample reminds me of one in Soukyugurentai
(8:22:53 PM) null1024: except all noisy
(8:22:54 PM) chunter: There is a thread about how you can slam a lot of columns into IT and they'll compress
(8:22:55 PM) goluigi: mr.strobe, yes
(8:22:55 PM) KungFuFurby: It's extra low-quality to fit into that .it file.
(8:23:00 PM) chunter: if you have enough repetition
(8:23:01 PM) Willow: aye
(8:23:01 PM) chipchampion: hey furby make this extra long
(8:23:06 PM) chipchampion: 8================================================================D
(8:23:12 PM) ipi: haha
(8:23:14 PM) sethdonut: more sections! more beatz!
(8:23:14 PM) Strobe: oh dear
(8:23:15 PM) null1024: chipchampion: it's broken in half ;-;
(8:23:19 PM) SoiledBargains left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:23:20 PM) CaptBeard:
(8:23:20 PM) null1024: that poor penis
(8:23:26 PM) kfaraday: that poop penis
(8:23:28 PM) Jangler: haha your weiner is okay on my screen
(8:23:29 PM) Willow: oh my
(8:23:32 PM) mq: ε===================================================================D
(8:23:32 PM) KungFuFurby: It's already jam-packed, unless you want me to loop it twice in the recording.
(8:23:32 PM) CaptBeard: this image is what skinny head should be doing
(8:23:36 PM) null1024: twerk
(8:23:38 PM) Jangler: uh i wonder if this'll still work
(8:23:55 PM) Jangler: !sl
(8:23:55 PM) Soiled|LinLap [] entered the room.
(8:23:56 PM) sethdonut: pleasing fade
(8:24:01 PM) sethdonut: way to be
(8:24:03 PM) goluigi: cheating
(8:24:04 PM) CaptBeard: next image is 14 minutes long
(8:24:06 PM) null1024:
(8:24:07 PM) Jangler: !sl
(8:24:08 PM) null1024: play
(8:24:09 PM) CaptBeard: how does kungfufurby do this
(8:24:09 PM) BotB: Anti-Cheat - Attack of the Toy Air Plains :: Battle of the Bits -- little plastic air plains try to take over the living room. Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(8:24:10 PM) Ares64: oh goodness.
(8:24:12 PM) Strobe: i like air plains
(8:24:15 PM) goluigi: owwwwww
(8:24:16 PM) ipi: air plains
(8:24:17 PM) Jangler: Soiled|LinLap halp
(8:24:18 PM) goluigi: but nice
(8:24:19 PM) Ares64: eep
(8:24:19 PM) mq: best entry
(8:24:21 PM) Jangler: owch
(8:24:21 PM) golgibody: Hehehehe
(8:24:21 PM) Baycun: ooough
(8:24:24 PM) ipi: that lead is supersonic
(8:24:24 PM) Strobe: :D the beeps
(8:24:26 PM) Soiled|LinLap: !!
(8:24:27 PM) ipi: ooh tempo change
(8:24:28 PM) golgibody: Special FX is the cutest beeper engine
(8:24:30 PM) null1024: special fx is a hard driver to use
(8:24:31 PM) ***Soiled|LinLap runs to the basement
(8:24:31 PM) Jangler: supertonic
(8:24:35 PM) KungFuFurby: Very small pulse waves.
(8:24:38 PM) CaptBeard: especiale fx
(8:24:39 PM) HertzDevil: too loud
(8:24:42 PM) sethdonut: this has surpising amounts of heart-magic
(8:24:46 PM) Jangler: you can make special fx sound good if you do spacey chords
(8:24:48 PM) mq: this is cuter than the cutest cutie in cutieville cutie
(8:24:55 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(8:24:58 PM) CaptBeard: wow ow
(8:25:01 PM) goluigi: lmao mq
(8:25:02 PM) sethdonut: this song lights my thighs on fire
(8:25:06 PM) SoiledBargains [] entered the room.
(8:25:08 PM) KungFuFurby: Very short.
(8:25:10 PM) CaptBeard: it's good for beepr i guess
(8:25:12 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh hey I pinged-out
(8:25:14 PM) Jangler: !sl
(8:25:14 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Attack of the Toy Air Plains — Anti-Cheat
(8:25:18 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... A NES Winter Chip Concert — KungFuFurby —
(8:25:22 PM) Jangler: oops!
(8:25:27 PM) HertzDevil: oh no!
(8:25:30 PM) null1024: CaptBeard: strobe's beeper ;3
(8:25:30 PM) Ares64: oh no
(8:25:32 PM) null1024: wait till it
(8:25:33 PM) Willow: every time I vote I get a chippist and criticist point?
(8:25:35 PM) chunter: this sounds like a pokey
(8:25:40 PM) sethdonut: HAHA my comment
(8:25:40 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:25:45 PM) ipi: sance
(8:25:45 PM) SoiledBargains: Hey!
(8:25:51 PM) SoiledBargains: You don't rush descriptioncore!!
(8:25:55 PM) Strobe: DCPCM :o
(8:25:57 PM) null1024: also my beeper ;3
(8:26:07 PM) commandycan: jesus kfaraday
(8:26:08 PM) FoD: go kayfarady goo
(8:26:08 PM) golgibody: dammit kfaraday, try to pronounce it clearly. >:(
(8:26:10 PM) null1024: gasp
(8:26:11 PM) Strobe: :D
(8:26:11 PM) ipi: woahj
(8:26:15 PM) Ares64: goodfness
(8:26:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... A NES Winter Chip Concert — KungFuFurby
(8:26:16 PM) sethdonut: *clapping*
(8:26:19 PM) HertzDevil: next time when you do this kfaraday
(8:26:20 PM) chunter: breathe
(8:26:20 PM) CaptBeard: time for giant song!
(8:26:21 PM) goluigi: also my beeper ;3
(8:26:22 PM) Baycun: good joj
(8:26:22 PM) Jangler: more wultz
(8:26:23 PM) Willow: ::applause::
(8:26:24 PM) Ares64: we're in for the long haul here.
(8:26:25 PM) goluigi: null uncovered
(8:26:27 PM) HertzDevil: BY-NC-SA
(8:26:31 PM) ironclad: oh wow 14 mins lol
(8:26:32 PM) golgibody: Waltz magic! ( *o*)
(8:26:43 PM) ipi: 14 minutes
(8:26:48 PM) commandycan: well if my pizza comes during this song this will be the only song i miss :y
(8:26:53 PM) mq: approximately 28 times longer than most my songs
(8:26:55 PM) sethdonut: god this is magical
(8:27:00 PM) CaptBeard: commandy i had papa johns today was good
(8:27:04 PM) ipi: this is nice so far though
(8:27:11 PM) Jangler: papa johns is ok
(8:27:17 PM) null1024: man, I want pizza now
(8:27:18 PM) skinnyhead: $10
(8:27:21 PM) commandycan: getting my pizza from the pizza hut.
(8:27:23 PM) skinnyhead: Thanks Have a Good Day
(8:27:26 PM) commandycan: the hut of pizza, as it were.
(8:27:26 PM) mq: dominos pizza is shit
(8:27:26 PM) Jangler: pizza hut is ok
(8:27:28 PM) Soiled|LinLap: I'm having Goodcents for dinner.
(8:27:31 PM) mq: fuck dominos
(8:27:32 PM) Baycun: like a rainbow
(8:27:34 PM) CaptBeard: pizza hut is good but stopped getting them against i found a bunch of mosquitos in the pizza
(8:27:34 PM) Baycun: fading
(8:27:36 PM) mq: pizza hut is worse
(8:27:36 PM) null1024: mq: it's distressingly region specific
(8:27:36 PM) goluigi: i got dominos
(8:27:37 PM) golgibody: I like this pitch bend in it
(8:27:39 PM) sethdonut: kungfufurby has quite a penchant for the dramatic.
(8:27:40 PM) goluigi: i got domnios
(8:27:41 PM) Baycun: in the twinkling of an eye
(8:27:41 PM) Soiled|LinLap: I love dominos!
(8:27:43 PM) Jangler: dominos pizza is like a poor man's papa john's
(8:27:44 PM) ipi: i could order dominos but it's 1:26
(8:27:44 PM) CaptBeard: dominos is one of the best imo
(8:27:44 PM) skinnyhead: HAHA BAYCUN GETS IT
(8:27:45 PM) null1024: pizza hut is not really pizza
(8:27:46 PM) Soiled|LinLap: I made a song about it! My first!!
(8:27:49 PM) Soiled|LinLap: !entry
(8:27:49 PM) BotB: architect1 - qwoeir.nsf ::
(8:27:50 PM) Willow: I bought a 14 inch pizza from kroger yesterday for $5.50
(8:27:50 PM) null1024: but it tastes interesting
(8:27:51 PM) Baycun: gone too soon...
(8:27:53 PM) CaptBeard: dominos is GOOD the crust it good
(8:27:56 PM) Soiled|LinLap: !entry dominos
(8:27:56 PM) BotB: Soiled Bargains - ::
(8:27:57 PM) mq: my family loves dominos too much
(8:27:57 PM) kfaraday: soiled hahah
(8:27:59 PM) kfaraday: :D
(8:27:59 PM) ipi: <Jangler> dominos pizza is like a poor man's papa john's // poor man's except that it costs ?????????????????????????
(8:28:00 PM) null1024: papa johns is okay
(8:28:08 PM) CaptBeard: [20:26] <CaptBeard> pizza hut is good but stopped getting them against i found a bunch of mosquitos in the pizza
(8:28:10 PM) null1024: even a bad papa johns is better than most dominoes
(8:28:12 PM) Jangler: a rich poor man's papa john's
(8:28:15 PM) Willow: ew
(8:28:15 PM) CaptBeard: a bunch of mosquitos in the pizza
(8:28:19 PM) mq: wtf
(8:28:21 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Jangler haha
(8:28:22 PM) goluigi: best pizza=home made
(8:28:25 PM) commandycan: didnt you order that as a topping
(8:28:25 PM) mq: yeah
(8:28:25 PM) null1024: goluigi: yes
(8:28:26 PM) mq: yeah
(8:28:32 PM) CaptBeard: hmmm yeah commandy
(8:28:32 PM) null1024: too much work though ;P
(8:28:34 PM) mq: I don't even like pizza anymore
(8:28:35 PM) HertzDevil: none pizza with left half beef
(8:28:38 PM) ipi: (this song is good)
(8:28:38 PM) null1024: easier to just call the number and wait
(8:28:39 PM) cak [] entered the room.
(8:28:40 PM) CaptBeard: yellow fever on my pizza please
(8:28:44 PM) Jangler: PJs bbq chickens is good
(8:28:45 PM) CaptBeard: we got papa johns, extra cheese
(8:28:50 PM) mq: diarrhea on pizza
(8:28:50 PM) kfaraday:
(8:28:51 PM) null1024: speed
(8:28:52 PM) ipi: (this song is not pizza)
(8:28:53 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(8:28:54 PM) goluigi: this is the 15th soda i've drank today
(8:28:55 PM) ipi: woah
(8:28:56 PM) kfaraday: reminder~
(8:28:56 PM) ipi: woahhhaha
(8:28:57 PM) Patashu: speed up!
(8:28:58 PM) null1024: song speed up yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(8:29:00 PM) CaptBeard: extra cheese is the best pizza, and add toppings on the extra cheese
(8:29:02 PM) sethdonut: :(
(8:29:02 PM) mq: wtf
(8:29:02 PM) Willow: oh here we go
(8:29:03 PM) CaptBeard: oh yeah it's faster
(8:29:07 PM) Strobe: speeds :o
(8:29:10 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(8:29:11 PM) mq: goluigi drinking too much soda
(8:29:13 PM) null1024: this bit is nice
(8:29:13 PM) Willow: oh my god it's 14 mins long
(8:29:14 PM) mq: wtf 15 sodas
(8:29:15 PM) Jangler: oh come i didn't want to hear that a second time
(8:29:17 PM) ipi: aww yeah
(8:29:18 PM) Jangler: that broke the flow for me
(8:29:21 PM) Willow: we should have totally done the break first ha
(8:29:23 PM) Jangler: Oh Come
(8:29:24 PM) kfaraday: there's a few long songs :3
(8:29:26 PM) Baycun: he's gonna die dude
(8:29:32 PM) null1024: this part is very nice
(8:29:35 PM) kfaraday: !
(8:29:36 PM) Baycun: too many soads
(8:29:37 PM) mq: you're gonna get AIDS and die
(8:29:38 PM) ipi: woah
(8:29:40 PM) chunter: don't do a then b then c, just do c
(8:29:44 PM) CaptBeard: this is really woah
(8:29:44 PM) kfaraday: that fuckin magic bit
(8:29:48 PM) Jangler: this part is good yeah
(8:29:50 PM) CaptBeard: dpcm choir
(8:29:51 PM) mq: getting AIDS from AIDS valley 2
(8:29:54 PM) null1024: the song should have started around here, haha
(8:29:55 PM) mq: shervin
(8:29:59 PM) chunter: I will explain as politely as I can in the comments when I get to it
(8:30:00 PM) null1024: first bit was very boring
(8:30:02 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(8:30:05 PM) goluigi: master shervinius
(8:30:05 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(8:30:06 PM) kfaraday: you need the first bit
(8:30:07 PM) Jangler: yeah it didn't need that generic waltz intro
(8:30:10 PM) Willow: 5ths, eh?
(8:30:15 PM) kfaraday: it makes this bit so much fresher
(8:30:24 PM) ***sethdonut raises his fist
(8:30:24 PM) CaptBeard: generic waltz intro makes this part even better
(8:30:25 PM) Jangler: it could have used a DIFFERENT intro but that one doesn't really work IMO
(8:30:25 PM) null1024: kfaraday: I'll accept that
(8:30:27 PM) goluigi: wow nice MANIPULATION
(8:30:28 PM) Jangler: just incongruous
(8:30:31 PM) null1024: but you don't need as much of it
(8:30:31 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:30:37 PM) ***Soiled|LinLap finally has the stream up
(8:30:37 PM) goluigi: -1 for manipulation
(8:30:43 PM) sethdonut: 37 viewers
(8:30:43 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(8:30:43 PM) chunter: the swing in this section rules
(8:30:44 PM) Willow: jangler, I suppose we'll have to see what the other 10 minutesshow
(8:30:48 PM) Jangler: haha yes
(8:30:51 PM) Willow: maybe it was a relevant theme
(8:31:02 PM) CaptBeard: i like this part
(8:31:05 PM) Jangler: yes i am forgetting that this is longcat
(8:31:09 PM) FoD: gotta love 6/8 swing :)
(8:31:11 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Glorious chips as I eat my sandwich. In both ways, actually.
(8:31:14 PM) goluigi: yes fod
(8:31:19 PM) null1024: shit in pants got bumped up 2 points from that section
(8:31:20 PM) Jangler: but it's still a valid criticism if generic waltz is a major theme ;)
(8:31:21 PM) CaptBeard: i can't detect time signatures...
(8:31:23 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(8:31:27 PM) ipi: i can detect time
(8:31:28 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ^
(8:31:30 PM) ipi: using my clock
(8:31:33 PM) null1024: time is an illusion
(8:31:34 PM) sethdonut: ^ CaptBeard
(8:31:36 PM) goluigi: it is 18:30
(8:31:37 PM) mq: holy siht
(8:31:38 PM) CaptBeard: i sorta know how they sound but i can't detect them
(8:31:38 PM) Baycun: captbeard same
(8:31:39 PM) chunter: the detune pads are gorgious but kff has always been good at that ;)
(8:31:41 PM) ipi: 1:30*
(8:31:41 PM) Soiled|LinLap: I can detect when the time is right
(8:31:46 PM) Soiled|LinLap: With my no I'm not going to do it
(8:31:46 PM) null1024: pants doubly so ;3
(8:31:48 PM) goluigi: ipi shut up: (((((((((((((((
(8:31:50 PM) sethdonut: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(8:31:51 PM) goluigi: jk ilu
(8:31:52 PM) mq: god damn it why does everyone say time is an illusion
(8:31:54 PM) CaptBeard: i can detect yo mama when she's havin SEX with ME
(8:31:59 PM) sethdonut: lol
(8:31:59 PM) Ares64: gross
(8:32:00 PM) Baycun: i am bad at noticing time signatures, most of the time don't even know what time signature the stuff i write is in
(8:32:01 PM) null1024: CaptBeard: not with that dick
(8:32:05 PM) Soiled|LinLap: hahaha
(8:32:06 PM) null1024: </burn>
(8:32:07 PM) KungFuFurby: It's 8:31 PM my time.
(8:32:08 PM) Willow: wow
(8:32:09 PM) FoD: we're not even half way through this
(8:32:10 PM) chunter: destructionnnnnnnnnn-pure energy
(8:32:11 PM) Ares64: i dont even know what key my stuff is in most of the time
(8:32:12 PM) FoD: song
(8:32:16 PM) commandycan: huh
(8:32:18 PM) Ares64: i dont know anything about my songs i just
(8:32:19 PM) goluigi: i just write 4/4 because i am a BORING BORE
(8:32:22 PM) Ares64: sorta write them
(8:32:26 PM) Jangler: we're not even half way through this... song
(8:32:27 PM) ipi: interesting bit heree...
(8:32:28 PM) sethdonut: "feels like challenging a tough monster to a race across an enormous glacier"
(8:32:28 PM) goluigi: although i've done 6/8 and 15/8
(8:32:28 PM) null1024: ^ goluigi
(8:32:29 PM) goluigi: but like ONCE
(8:32:32 PM) mq: I write in like anything
(8:32:34 PM) mq: that works
(8:32:35 PM) goluigi: well 3 times acutally
(8:32:40 PM) CaptBeard: impressive
(8:32:40 PM) kfaraday: this bit aaaa
(8:32:41 PM) sethdonut: "halfway through... powering through a big setback. that monster is tough, but you aren't gonna let it beat you."
(8:32:43 PM) null1024: I've only done one song in not 4/4
(8:32:44 PM) goluigi: mq writes in 15/16
(8:32:50 PM) null1024: it was in 3/4 which is just as easy though
(8:32:52 PM) kfaraday: seth :DD
(8:32:53 PM) goluigi: i've done 3 songs in not 4/4
(8:32:55 PM) goluigi: all ohc entries
(8:32:56 PM) Jangler: i've never written a song in time singature
(8:32:57 PM) mq: I don't even pay attention to the time signature
(8:33:00 PM) Willow: lol for a second I thought we were headed straight into Gradius territory
(8:33:01 PM) goluigi: lmao jangler
(8:33:02 PM) kfaraday: jangler hi5
(8:33:07 PM) Jangler: hahaha
(8:33:16 PM) sethdonut: time! mr time! can i get your signature?
(8:33:21 PM) ***sethdonut is shot
(8:33:22 PM) HertzDevil: half
(8:33:23 PM) ipi: hah
(8:33:24 PM) goluigi: :(
(8:33:25 PM) Jangler: True Musicin Do'nt Need Time
(8:33:33 PM) Willow: donut
(8:33:33 PM) goluigi: rip dz
(8:33:34 PM) ipi: Time?
(8:33:35 PM) Baycun: rip in peace
(8:33:37 PM) CaptBeard: true music people don't need music
(8:33:38 PM) Jangler: haha ipi
(8:33:40 PM) kfaraday: repost if ur a strong independent chipist
(8:33:40 PM) CaptBeard: they write while deaf
(8:33:49 PM) sethdonut: lmao
(8:33:50 PM) ipi: who dont need no man
(8:33:51 PM) CaptBeard: i track deaf and blind
(8:33:57 PM) commandycan: no thats goluigi that does that
(8:34:01 PM) chunter: rush n attack
(8:34:04 PM) Willow: .-.
(8:34:06 PM) CaptBeard: also i use my nubs because my hands were cut off
(8:34:11 PM) CaptBeard: to improve my tracking
(8:34:11 PM) Jangler: null1024 could probably track blind and deaf at this point
(8:34:14 PM) goluigi: i track deaf and blind too
(8:34:18 PM) null1024: I actually might
(8:34:19 PM) ipi: i track with my tounge
(8:34:22 PM) ipi: taste da chipz
(8:34:23 PM) CaptBeard: wow goluigi
(8:34:24 PM) CaptBeard: nice job
(8:34:27 PM) HertzDevil: good
(8:34:28 PM) kfaraday: anti-cheat's flashing WOAH is how i feel about this right now
(8:34:29 PM) HertzDevil: nice colours
(8:34:35 PM) null1024: that chord
(8:34:37 PM) goluigi: me tracking real
(8:34:40 PM) Willow: uh what
(8:34:41 PM) null1024: is terrifying
(8:34:42 PM) mq: kfaradau: join #botb on for chat!!!
(8:34:47 PM) Jangler: hey that note was bad
(8:34:51 PM) Jangler: timbres don't match dammit
(8:34:51 PM) kfaraday: :)
(8:34:52 PM) Zephemeros:
(8:34:52 PM) goluigi: bad notes
(8:34:54 PM) HertzDevil: bad dpcm note cut
(8:34:58 PM) goluigi: what is a bad note
(8:35:01 PM) Jangler: C#
(8:35:02 PM) CaptBeard: very progressive
(8:35:05 PM) FoD: muddy chords
(8:35:06 PM) kfaraday: goluigi a mythic being
(8:35:07 PM) Willow: that was a curious way to instigate pants shitting, KungFuFurby
(8:35:09 PM) null1024: it is a note that is bad
(8:35:18 PM) KungFuFurby: Pardon me. That was caused by a sample size limit.
(8:35:19 PM) CaptBeard: c# is a good note
(8:35:23 PM) ipi: misbehaving note
(8:35:24 PM) Willow: o
(8:35:26 PM) Jangler: C# is bad in any context
(8:35:28 PM) HertzDevil: impious note
(8:35:29 PM) CaptBeard: unless you're 2edgy4me
(8:35:30 PM) Jangler: okay not really
(8:35:31 PM) kfaraday: jangler hahaha
(8:35:33 PM) ipi: that dppcm
(8:35:36 PM) Jangler: this bit is neat
(8:35:36 PM) goluigi: c# is the worst note but Db is a great note
(8:35:36 PM) null1024: those samples
(8:35:36 PM) CaptBeard: woah that sounds faggotron-like
(8:35:40 PM) commandycan: aw
(8:35:41 PM) Jangler: yeah Db is nice
(8:35:47 PM) kfaraday: :3
(8:35:49 PM) ipi: C is the best note for sure
(8:35:49 PM) KungFuFurby: The filesize limit is 32,768-128=32,640.
(8:35:49 PM) mq: C# D# E F# G A#
(8:35:49 PM) sethdonut: chip makes you a lot more aware of microintonation
(8:35:50 PM) commandycan: i prefer notating in c#
(8:35:52 PM) CaptBeard: it was going aaa but in different notes
(8:35:53 PM) goluigi: any # note=bad
(8:35:54 PM) Jangler: Db is also a good programming language
(8:35:54 PM) commandycan: because i like problems
(8:35:58 PM) goluigi: yes
(8:35:59 PM) mq: write in this key: C# D# E F# G A#
(8:36:00 PM) kfaraday: c# minor is a bit balky i'm not a fan
(8:36:07 PM) Ares64: nope mq
(8:36:07 PM) kfaraday: db major is lush and moonlighty~
(8:36:10 PM) ipi: ooh
(8:36:11 PM) Willow: how much time do you think you spent on this KungFuFurby
(8:36:11 PM) sethdonut: YEAH
(8:36:13 PM) Ares64: i write in C D# F F# G A#
(8:36:14 PM) Ares64: :v
(8:36:14 PM) Jangler: hey if you're playing a horn flat notes are more in-tune than sharp notes
(8:36:17 PM) KungFuFurby: it2nsf takes blocks of 128 bytes for DPCM samples.
(8:36:21 PM) Soiled|LinLap: DEEP cords
(8:36:24 PM) Willow: ooh nice chords here
(8:36:25 PM) sethdonut: "a little over three quarters... POWER HARMONIES, but is it enough to beat the bad guy??"
(8:36:33 PM) Soiled|LinLap: haha
(8:36:33 PM) commandycan: a minor best minor no fuss no muss
(8:36:35 PM) kfaraday: f# major versus gb major ( *o*)
(8:36:44 PM) Baycun: how can you not rate this anything but all 7's, just considering how long it must have took
(8:36:44 PM) HertzDevil: 277 Hz is good
(8:36:52 PM) goluigi: 277HzDevil
(8:36:54 PM) ipi: commandycan likes a minor
(8:36:59 PM) Jangler: i don't vote based on time spent, that's how
(8:36:59 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ipi no u
(8:37:02 PM) null1024: I'm actually a bit glad I didn't try to connect my long-runner the whole way through
(8:37:03 PM) commandycan: uh oh
(8:37:04 PM) Jangler: >:D
(8:37:04 PM) sethdonut: well, it's got heart magic. and i did shit my pants a minute ago
(8:37:06 PM) commandycan: ive been had
(8:37:09 PM) goluigi: wow EW
(8:37:10 PM) kfaraday: null haha
(8:37:12 PM) mq: If writing longer music gets you all 7s
(8:37:16 PM) kfaraday: you have more than 16 entries in this contest
(8:37:16 PM) ipi: tracked by the government
(8:37:17 PM) kfaraday: INVALID
(8:37:19 PM) KungFuFurby: @Willow: Probably a few weeks.
(8:37:24 PM) mq: I could've just made some song that holds one note for 30 minutes
(8:37:25 PM) Baycun: that's not the only factor taken in obviously GEEZ
(8:37:29 PM) null1024: I wrote 8 songs IIRC for my long runner ;3
(8:37:34 PM) kfaraday: :D
(8:37:35 PM) chunter: sethdonut: is the shit in pants because you're waiting for intermission to use toilet?
(8:37:35 PM) commandycan: and ACTUALLY i like b minor
(8:37:36 PM) Ares64: i wrote 2 songs
(8:37:36 PM) commandycan: so there
(8:37:39 PM) Ares64: halfassedly
(8:37:40 PM) HertzDevil: one of the songs in action 52 is 54 minutes long
(8:37:40 PM) Ares64: ;;
(8:37:41 PM) HertzDevil: thank you
(8:37:47 PM) goluigi: mq you could have made a 24k
(8:37:48 PM) Jangler: haha chunter
(8:37:48 PM) goluigi: like that
(8:37:49 PM) Ares64: lots of them prob. are
(8:37:50 PM) KungFuFurby: Although overall, it probably took me at least a day to put it all in there. That's non-stop.
(8:37:52 PM) goluigi: 30mins of a note
(8:37:57 PM) mq: ya
(8:37:58 PM) mq: ye
(8:38:00 PM) Willow: I like the cut out there
(8:38:00 PM) mq: I mean
(8:38:01 PM) kfaraday: kungfufurby <3
(8:38:02 PM) sethdonut: I COULD TAKE 10 MORE MINUTES OF THIS
(8:38:03 PM) Ares64: cuz of poor loop point programming
(8:38:04 PM) HertzDevil: lazer league ad infinitum
(8:38:04 PM) CaptBeard: to think that this is still going on wow
(8:38:04 PM) sethdonut: LET'S DO THIS
(8:38:05 PM) ipi: i forgot how this song started
(8:38:06 PM) kfaraday: your music is the best
(8:38:06 PM) null1024: s/8/7
(8:38:06 PM) sethdonut: GOOOOOOOOOOOO
(8:38:09 PM) Soiled|LinLap: GET UP
(8:38:09 PM) CaptBeard: and it's still good
(8:38:09 PM) ipi: with a waltz right?
(8:38:10 PM) goluigi: me too
(8:38:15 PM) Soiled|LinLap: AND FIGH-- wait what are we doing?
(8:38:16 PM) goluigi: i dont remember this song
(8:38:17 PM) goluigi: what is this
(8:38:18 PM) sethdonut: "tempo increase... gaining strength..."
(8:38:21 PM) null1024: arise from the ashes of despair into a new hope
(8:38:21 PM) mq: this is giving me ebola
(8:38:21 PM) HertzDevil: E B E D# B G#
(8:38:23 PM) Ares64: 0 7 12 16 ??????
(8:38:23 PM) CaptBeard: oh i thought it was american theme
(8:38:28 PM) ipi: ^
(8:38:35 PM) ipi: i would have vomited
(8:38:36 PM) sethdonut: "suddenly it seems all too easy! brushing aside all worldly notions of physicality, you ascend into the sky. the race no longer matters."
(8:38:37 PM) Jangler: sar spangle baner
(8:38:37 PM) null1024: america: the theme song ;3
(8:38:38 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(8:38:43 PM) Soiled|LinLap: hahha
(8:38:45 PM) CaptBeard: ipi hates america
(8:38:48 PM) CaptBeard: terroist
(8:38:52 PM) null1024: terr'rist
(8:38:52 PM) ipi: yeah boiii
(8:38:54 PM) Soiled|LinLap: terroist
(8:38:57 PM) Jangler: terr'r'r'r'r'r''rr
(8:38:58 PM) CaptBeard: osama bin lipi
(8:38:59 PM) sethdonut: terst
(8:39:00 PM) ironclad: terrorists win
(8:39:01 PM) goluigi: terrorapist
(8:39:05 PM) chunter: CaptBeard: "Hail to the Chief"
(8:39:05 PM) golgibody: ipi being interrobanged at guantanamo bay
(8:39:06 PM) Jangler: terrorists win
(8:39:07 PM) HertzDevil: !seen laden
(8:39:10 PM) Baycun: I am a real american....
(8:39:12 PM) ipi: terrorist points
(8:39:12 PM) CaptBeard: interrosama pie laden
(8:39:15 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:39:16 PM) Baycun: Fight for the rights of every man....
(8:39:16 PM) Jangler: terrorist points haha
(8:39:21 PM) sethdonut is now known as Kathryn
(8:39:22 PM) kfaraday: golgibody gahah
(8:39:24 PM) commandycan: those are actually pedagogist points
(8:39:25 PM) Jangler: hold botb hostage
(8:39:25 PM) Soiled|LinLap: REAL AM'RICANS
(8:39:28 PM) Kathryn: what's the scoop
(8:39:30 PM) goluigi: rainbow dash gets interrobanged by ipi
(8:39:31 PM) HertzDevil: ^commandycan
(8:39:32 PM) Kathryn is now known as sethdonut
(8:39:33 PM) Jangler: commandycan haha
(8:39:38 PM) chunter: null1024: America- Fuck yeah
(8:39:38 PM) HertzDevil: interracial gangbang pie
(8:39:40 PM) CaptBeard: ipi buys lyra sextoy
(8:39:42 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:39:42 PM) null1024: ;3
(8:39:43 PM) commandycan: hertzdevil why
(8:39:45 PM) goluigi: LMAO
(8:39:46 PM) CaptBeard: it's on the botb news
(8:39:48 PM) HertzDevil: :)
(8:39:53 PM) ipi: hahahaa
(8:39:53 PM) golgibody: So that's why he changed his name ;(
(8:39:56 PM) HertzDevil: yewa
(8:39:58 PM) Soiled|LinLap: What is?
(8:39:59 PM) commandycan: i will never look at ipi the same
(8:40:00 PM) HertzDevil: masha'llah
(8:40:01 PM) ipi: to hide from the puke police
(8:40:04 PM) Jangler: return to A sections
(8:40:06 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Pretty song
(8:40:08 PM) HertzDevil: allhumdulilah
(8:40:08 PM) KungFuFurby: And thus we conclude our... er... wild waltz journey.
(8:40:11 PM) CaptBeard: that was nice!
(8:40:14 PM) null1024: long chord
(8:40:16 PM) Jangler: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPA form
(8:40:16 PM) Patashu: beautiful <3
(8:40:17 PM) spinnybread [] entered the room.
(8:40:17 PM) CaptBeard: i liked it, especially the whole thing
(8:40:19 PM) sethdonut: makes me happy i'm in the wild category
(8:40:20 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Bravo! Bravo!!
(8:40:21 PM) ipi: GOOD SONG!!
(8:40:22 PM) spinnybread: fuck my internet
(8:40:25 PM) FoD: that was lovely
(8:40:26 PM) chunter: ahhh
(8:40:26 PM) HertzDevil: i am going to pee right now
(8:40:27 PM) commandycan: gracious
(8:40:29 PM) CaptBeard: oh no it's me to start off the intermission
(8:40:32 PM) ironclad: nicetas can pee?
(8:40:34 PM) Jangler: everyone pees simultaneously
(8:40:34 PM) Willow: ME TOO
(8:40:34 PM) ironclad: wtf
(8:40:35 PM) Baycun: my favorite part was probably all of it
(8:40:36 PM) ipi: 10 minute piss
(8:40:37 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Jangler !sl for the heck of it
(8:40:41 PM) Ares64: oh no it's time for me to probably go to bed because im damn tired
(8:40:41 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... afrikan drummer team — Beard —
(8:40:42 PM) commandycan: a new record
(8:40:42 PM) Willow: bbiam
(8:40:42 PM) CaptBeard: good i need to take my dog out
(8:40:44 PM) Soiled|LinLap: thx
(8:40:52 PM) sethdonut: "psssssh"
(8:40:54 PM) ipi: wssssssssssssssssssssss
(8:40:55 PM) CaptBeard: who is that woman
(8:40:56 PM) Strobe: KungFuForever
(8:40:58 PM) Soiled|LinLap: hahah
(8:41:01 PM) CaptBeard: tell her to leave
(8:41:02 PM) chunter: inb4 some relative of faraday's is heard saying "Turn that shite off and go to bed"
(8:41:03 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ^ CaptBeard
(8:41:06 PM) Soiled|LinLap: err
(8:41:07 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:41:07 PM) CaptBeard: tell her she'll never understand chiptune
(8:41:08 PM) Soiled|LinLap: the woman part
(8:41:10 PM) commandycan: he left his microphone on
(8:41:10 PM) commandycan: lmao
(8:41:12 PM) FoD: hahaha
(8:41:13 PM) sethdonut: HAHAHAHA
(8:41:14 PM) Strobe: xD
(8:41:15 PM) tristendo: back from whatever I was doing
(8:41:16 PM) HertzDevil: YESH
(8:41:16 PM) Soiled|LinLap: hahahah
(8:41:16 PM) spinnybread: HA
(8:41:20 PM) ipi: hahah
(8:41:21 PM) sethdonut: "you got your microphone on"
(8:41:22 PM) cak: when did the syncplay start?
(8:41:27 PM) spinnybread: NICE ONE
(8:41:28 PM) sethdonut: aha?
(8:41:29 PM) spinnybread: KFARDAY
(8:41:31 PM) goluigi: 2 hours ago
(8:41:33 PM) sethdonut: ohhhhhh
(8:41:34 PM) golgibody: Nooooo don't turn of your microphone :(
(8:41:38 PM) ipi: auugh
(8:41:39 PM) CaptBeard: i hope you turned her into a chiptune
(8:41:42 PM) cak: 2 hours...geez
(8:41:44 PM) b-bO__Obz left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:41:45 PM) Strobe: i like to hear ambient mic noise
(8:41:48 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Wasn't that his little brother?
(8:41:49 PM) CaptBeard: ohc: make song out of kfaraday's voice
(8:41:54 PM) Soiled|LinLap: I couldn't make it out.
(8:41:56 PM) sethdonut: i feel llike a voyeur
(8:41:56 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:41:57 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(8:41:57 PM) b-bO__Obz [] entered the room.
(8:41:58 PM) mode (+o b-bO__Obz) by ChanServ
(8:42:24 PM) Soiled|LinLap: brb
(8:42:28 PM) HertzDevil: 6 more hours of music to go
(8:42:32 PM) Strobe: xD
(8:42:34 PM) commandycan: i am ready
(8:42:37 PM) Ares64: im not
(8:42:40 PM) cak: good christ
(8:42:42 PM) HertzDevil: actually 5.97 something
(8:42:48 PM) Jangler: i have prepared my body with oils
(8:42:51 PM) CaptBeard: show us the chipart
(8:42:57 PM) sethdonut: (ff61015025bd0150ff61)ff89ff9e
(8:42:57 PM) CaptBeard: also we're not doing this all night right
(8:43:00 PM) CaptBeard: we're splitting this up?
(8:43:05 PM) goluigi: no
(8:43:07 PM) commandycan: no this is a one and done run
(8:43:13 PM) CaptBeard: oh golly
(8:43:13 PM) Ares64: im not stayin
(8:43:14 PM) ipi: captbeard all night
(8:43:14 PM) goluigi: we're going until midnight
(8:43:16 PM) commandycan: do you like my rhymes!???
(8:43:17 PM) Jangler: all night
(8:43:17 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:43:19 PM) golgibody: We're doing it in one go because we are MEN
(8:43:20 PM) Strobe: intermission
(8:43:21 PM) HertzDevil: 1.14 till apoc, 3.63 till skinnyhead's, 5.75 till pride break
(8:43:22 PM) CaptBeard: i can handle it
(8:43:23 PM) Ares64: u guys gotta tell me how my second entry is received
(8:43:23 PM) sethdonut: all night
(8:43:24 PM) BotB: Title: going to the store , Uploaded by: lewandowskidavid , Views: 12 124 846 , Cat: Comedy
(8:43:24 PM) goluigi: hi kfaramom
(8:43:25 PM) golgibody: Yay
(8:43:27 PM) ipi: we're going from midnight
(8:43:29 PM) sethdonut: put your mum on
(8:43:32 PM) commandycan: haha
(8:43:33 PM) Jangler: play pinoa
(8:43:33 PM) goluigi: yes
(8:43:33 PM) HertzDevil: i am recording his voice
(8:43:35 PM) golgibody: kfaraday give us some piano improv! <3
(8:43:35 PM) HertzDevil: through goldwave
(8:43:36 PM) spinnybread: 3.63 :)
(8:43:37 PM) sethdonut: ...
(8:43:39 PM) HertzDevil: nowhere to hide
(8:43:39 PM) Jangler: make ur dad play piano
(8:43:42 PM) sethdonut: MICHAEL JACKSON
(8:43:43 PM) goluigi: kfaramom hi
(8:43:46 PM) ipi: make your dad get a botb account
(8:43:49 PM) commandycan: nooooo
(8:43:50 PM) HertzDevil: okay i am peeing real
(8:43:52 PM) Jangler: :) :)
(8:43:52 PM) kfaraday: fearofdark - kerblammo (8th place, winter chip 7)
(8:43:54 PM) golgibody: God damnit that's not a piano
(8:43:54 PM) KungFuFurby: An hour and fifty minutes until my 22 minute C64 entry. It's the last one I produced. :D
(8:43:55 PM) Jangler: kerblamms
(8:43:55 PM) golgibody: </3
(8:43:56 PM) goluigi: is this the next song
(8:43:58 PM) CaptBeard: okay
(8:44:00 PM) commandycan: that is the opposite of a pipano
(8:44:00 PM) ipi: guess the song
(8:44:01 PM) commandycan: piano even
(8:44:02 PM) HertzDevil: kfarf is trying to censor his family
(8:44:05 PM) CaptBeard: yes goluigi
(8:44:06 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:44:07 PM) sethdonut: nooo play pianooo
(8:44:09 PM) commandycan: i guess that the song is afrikan drummer team
(8:44:11 PM) HertzDevil: the faraday family
(8:44:14 PM) kfaraday: nah intermission :)
(8:44:16 PM) CaptBeard: it's kerblammo
(8:44:17 PM) skinnyhead left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 380 seconds).
(8:44:22 PM) Jangler: badass beeper
(8:44:23 PM) goluigi: :(
(8:44:26 PM) HertzDevil: :(
(8:44:26 PM) CaptBeard: this song is much better
(8:44:27 PM) ipi: this is zxbeeper you fools
(8:44:27 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(8:44:30 PM) null1024: this is sexy beeper
(8:44:31 PM) CaptBeard: than afrikan drummers
(8:44:31 PM) goluigi: spinnybread Sad.
(8:44:33 PM) commandycan: bbbbbbbb
(8:44:35 PM) CaptBeard: sad
(8:44:36 PM) ipi: zexy beeper
(8:44:39 PM) CaptBeard: Sad.
(8:44:40 PM) golgibody: CaptSpinnyBread
(8:44:49 PM) KungFuFurby: What song is this?
(8:44:55 PM) Jangler: !entry kerblammo
(8:44:56 PM) CaptBeard: turn on...
(8:44:56 PM) BotB: Fearofdark - Kerblammo ::
(8:45:02 PM) ElHuesudoII [~ElHuesudo@] entered the room.
(8:45:02 PM) ipi: play this
(8:45:05 PM) ipi: !entry poop
(8:45:05 PM) BotB: Shock - poopybooby.vgm ::
(8:45:10 PM) golgibody: Nice pokey tune Beard, I like how you made it sound like a beeper. :)
(8:45:12 PM) HertzDevil: !entry interracial
(8:45:12 PM) BotB: rainwarrior - patrick duffy mask.vgm ::
(8:45:13 PM) commandycan: haha
(8:45:16 PM) HertzDevil: !entry gangbang
(8:45:17 PM) BotB: Beard - langangbang.vgm ::
(8:45:19 PM) HertzDevil: !entry piw
(8:45:20 PM) BotB: architect1 - spiwfsjk.xm ::
(8:45:22 PM) HertzDevil: !entry pie
(8:45:22 PM) BotB: Cantide - OHC00791 chipped away - almost to pieces.xm ::
(8:45:23 PM) ***Soiled|LinLap is back
(8:45:26 PM) Soiled|LinLap: !entry dinner
(8:45:26 PM) rainwarrior: interracial?
(8:45:26 PM) BotB: Beard - yum dinner.png ::
(8:45:27 PM) CaptBeard: !entry butthole
(8:45:28 PM) Ares64: !entry vicissitude
(8:45:28 PM) BotB: TristEndo - BUTTHOLEPALLICE7000000.panda ::
(8:45:28 PM) BotB: KungFuFurby - get in the super retro groove.spc ::
(8:45:31 PM) ipi: !play bum
(8:45:32 PM) Ares64: oh no
(8:45:36 PM) HertzDevil: !entry !calc
(8:45:37 PM) BotB: iamgreaser - ::
(8:45:37 PM) Ares64 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(8:45:39 PM) ipi: rip
(8:45:41 PM) commandycan: !entry commandycheng
(8:45:41 PM) BotB: zanzan - sexisscary.xm ::
(8:45:42 PM) kfaraday: architecet1 - Cold Tortellini (15th place, winter chip 7)
(8:45:43 PM) golgibody: :D
(8:45:45 PM) CaptBeard: !entry entry
(8:45:46 PM) BotB: trap15 - ohcentry1.png ::
(8:45:46 PM) kfaraday: *architect1
(8:45:48 PM) rainwarrior: how does patrick duffy mask come up for interratial?
(8:45:56 PM) Jangler: coal tortoise
(8:46:03 PM) ipi: technical problems
(8:46:05 PM) Soiled|LinLap: Wait, what his he playing??
(8:46:06 PM) HertzDevil: decent dpcm-less music
(8:46:08 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ipi haha
(8:46:13 PM) Jangler: COAL TORTOISE
(8:46:21 PM) cak: dpcm is overrated
(8:46:24 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ^
(8:46:26 PM) commandycan: cool tortis
(8:46:27 PM) Jangler: dpcm makes you less of a person
(8:46:32 PM) Soiled|LinLap: ^ haha
(8:46:32 PM) commandycan: lies
(8:46:34 PM) HertzDevil: lies
(8:46:35 PM) ipi: !entry Cold Tortellini
(8:46:36 PM) BotB: architect1 - Cold Tortellini ::
(8:46:37 PM) golgibody: People who hate DPCM don't know how to use it.
(8:46:37 PM) commandycan: dpcm implies manliness
(8:46:41 PM) GreaseMonkey: ooh,
(8:46:41 PM) CaptBeard: so kungfufurby is not a person
(8:46:44 PM) Jangler: hehe i'm not serious
(8:46:46 PM) GreaseMonkey: i did that in IT2.14p5
(8:46:49 PM) CaptBeard: dpcm is great if you use it right
(8:46:51 PM) GreaseMonkey: on a real computer with a real SB16
(8:46:54 PM) HertzDevil: kungfufurby is not a person, kungfufurby is a furby
(8:46:55 PM) null1024: what is this song
(8:46:57 PM) GreaseMonkey: running fake DOS
(8:46:58 PM) Patashu: omg, the microtonality
(8:46:58 PM) Patashu: or w/e
(8:46:59 PM) GreaseMonkey: (FreeDOS)
(8:47:01 PM) KungFuFurby: :D
(8:47:02 PM) kfaraday: intermission :)
(8:47:04 PM) Jangler: detunings
(8:47:08 PM) cak: i'm an expert at is still overrated
(8:47:17 PM) KungFuFurby: Kah ay-ay oo-nye. :)
(8:47:17 PM) chunter: GreaseMonkey: freedos is real
(8:47:18 PM) null1024: dpcm is a thing
(8:47:18 PM) goluigi: De-Personising-Cactus-Module
(8:47:19 PM) Jangler: zan has done some nice dpcm things
(8:47:21 PM) cak: well maybe not an 'expert'
(8:47:22 PM) Jangler: strobe has too
(8:47:27 PM) goluigi: filter
(8:47:27 PM) CaptBeard: dpcm is nice if you use choirs
(8:47:28 PM) null1024: I'm too lazy to use DPCM
(8:47:29 PM) ElHuesudoII: Delta pulse code manliness
(8:47:41 PM) CaptBeard: nice colors
(8:47:45 PM) KungFuFurby: Intermission ends at xx:50, I presume?
(8:47:48 PM) kfaraday: yea lol
(8:47:50 PM) HertzDevil:
(8:47:52 PM) kfaraday: !entry daveservice
(8:47:53 PM) BotB: iamgreaser - daveservice ::
(8:47:53 PM) BotB: DPCM - Definition by AcronymFinder -- acronym finder: definition of dpcm. what does dpcm stand for? Page info: HTML, CSS, Javascript
(8:47:54 PM) ***null1024 is making a sandwich to eat
(8:48:00 PM) CaptBeard: play some smooth jazz
(8:48:02 PM) golgibody: DAVESERVICE!
(8:48:03 PM) goluigi: a jill sandwich
(8:48:03 PM) CaptBeard: intermission jazz
(8:48:07 PM) ipi: play make you love me
(8:48:08 PM) golgibody: I love daveservice
(8:48:10 PM) HertzDevil: Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
(8:48:16 PM) golgibody: It's one of my favs ( 'w')
(8:48:16 PM) chunter: lol
(8:48:17 PM) kfaraday: iamgreaser - daveservice (117th place, summer chip i)
(8:48:20 PM) Jangler: ten minutes of a 30 second bossa nova circle of fifths loop
(8:48:24 PM) golgibody: AH YEAH!
(8:48:26 PM) ipi: decreto presidente consiglio ministri
(8:48:29 PM) golgibody: REVERB PIANO
(8:48:33 PM) CaptBeard: it's piano.
(8:48:34 PM) ironclad: this is so 90s
(8:48:43 PM) CaptBeard: i can imagine a girl singing to this
(8:48:45 PM) CaptBeard: she's echoing
(8:48:47 PM) chunter: it's the synchronized chords
(8:48:47 PM) HertzDevil: lmfoa
(8:48:49 PM) golgibody: That was great!
(8:48:52 PM) ipi: good
(8:48:56 PM) golgibody: :)
(8:49:00 PM) CaptBeard: i thought you had to show more chipart
(8:49:01 PM) ipi: i long for another midi category :(
(8:49:06 PM) Jangler: bear pong
(8:49:06 PM) HertzDevil is now known as HertzDevil[A]
(8:49:06 PM) ***HertzDevil[A] is set as away : Reason(insha'llah)
(8:49:12 PM) goluigi: play a 14 minute song in one minute
(8:49:16 PM) golgibody: We could organize a MIDI OHC right now!
(8:49:17 PM) sethdonut: i walked weird and twisted my butt muscle
(8:49:19 PM) sethdonut: great
(8:49:43 PM) ipi: golgibody> We could organize a MIDI OHC right now! //nobody knows how to make midi tho
(8:49:45 PM) ipi: i tried
(8:49:48 PM) golgibody: Yeah :(
(8:49:50 PM) golgibody: All n00bz
(8:49:54 PM) Jangler: willow wins of 1 entries
(8:49:57 PM) ipi: midi revolt
(8:50:00 PM) KungFuFurby: Time almost over.
(8:50:02 PM) goluigi: golgibody and goluigi are one
(8:50:02 PM) Soiled|LinLap left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 190 seconds).
(8:50:05 PM) Willow: what
(8:50:07 PM) goluigi: double ohcist points
(8:50:07 PM) sethdonut: i think it's easier to go from tracker to midi roll
(8:50:08 PM) KungFuFurby: MIDI is too inconsistent for me.
(8:50:08 PM) golgibody: :)
(8:50:13 PM) HertzDevil[A] is now known as HertzDevil
(8:50:14 PM) ***HertzDevil is no longer away : Gone for 1 mins 7 secs
(8:50:19 PM) golgibody: We have the same aura too ^o^
(8:50:25 PM) Willow: I was taking a shower
(8:50:25 PM) goluigi: wait what
(8:50:26 PM) goluigi: we do
(8:50:27 PM) commandycan: arr
(8:50:27 PM) sethdonut: hey so is "chip hop" a real thing
(8:50:31 PM) sethdonut: because it should be
(8:50:35 PM) Jangler: it is
(8:50:36 PM) golgibody: We're soulmates! ;3
(8:50:38 PM) goluigi: my aura is green
(8:50:39 PM) goluigi: wtf
(8:50:41 PM) Baycun: yep
(8:50:43 PM) goluigi: it hasnt changed
(8:50:45 PM) golgibody: Press F5
(8:50:51 PM) Baycun: Ever heard chicago chiphop?
(8:50:54 PM) Willow: also we can't do a MIDI ohc and listen at the same time
(8:50:54 PM) HertzDevil: my aura just turned from orange-green to brown-orange
(8:50:56 PM) goluigi: YELLOW
(8:50:57 PM) goluigi: YESH
(8:50:58 PM) sethdonut: no Baycun
(8:51:02 PM) CaptBeard: it's time to begin
(8:51:04 PM) KungFuFurby: Time over?
(8:51:06 PM) Baycun: so great
(8:51:07 PM) chunter: chip-hop is a thing, yes
(8:51:08 PM) goluigi: im not dun voting tho
(8:51:11 PM) commandycan: in the chip bin
(8:51:12 PM) CaptBeard: TIME OVER
(8:51:13 PM) sethdonut: :)
(8:51:14 PM) rainwarrior left the room (quit: Quit: okay).
(8:51:16 PM) ipi: fish and chips
(8:51:17 PM) HertzDevil: the time is now
(8:51:22 PM) goluigi: slimeball <33333
(8:51:23 PM) Baycun: i would send it to you on skype
(8:51:26 PM) Baycun: but you never get on
(8:51:33 PM) commandycan: well we should confirm racial equality
(8:51:34 PM) golgibody: Although I'm a little gray on the edges. ;(
(8:51:38 PM) ipi: no
(8:51:41 PM) golgibody: Probably because I'm older than you
(8:51:42 PM) goluigi: im not dun voting
(8:51:46 PM) ipi: have your chipart
(8:51:52 PM) spinnybread: oh shit
(8:51:53 PM) goluigi: slimeball, its only because i gave your chipart all 7's :)
(8:51:53 PM) sethdonut: (014ffe4f014fff61)
(8:51:54 PM) spinnybread: am I late
(8:51:57 PM) golgibody: <3
(8:51:57 PM) CaptBeard: time 4 afrikans
(8:52:03 PM) Jangler: jamaican bobsled team
(8:52:04 PM) SoiledBargains: w00t!
(8:52:08 PM) SoiledBargains: I'm hear just in time.
(8:52:15 PM) HertzDevil: 34/186
(8:52:16 PM) Baycun: sethdonut, chicago chiphop was a ytpmv fad years ago
(8:52:23 PM) Baycun: like, the first 15 seconds anyways
(8:52:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... afrikan drummer team — Beard
(8:52:27 PM) spinnybread: fuck ytpmv
(8:52:31 PM) ironclad: lol chicago chiphop
(8:52:33 PM) ironclad: me
(8:52:41 PM) SoiledBargains: lol
(8:52:43 PM) golgibody: Chicago Beard
(8:52:52 PM) SoiledBargains: you should have the time just spin around the playlist
(8:52:53 PM) golgibody: Beard making music from before he was born!
(8:52:54 PM) HertzDevil: spinny bread
(8:53:00 PM) CaptBeard: i like how the song flows but eh
(8:53:03 PM) HertzDevil: !g the most disrespectful rotating piece of bread
(8:53:16 PM) spinnybread: :I
(8:53:17 PM) Baycun: Beard making music on da moon!!
(8:53:19 PM) HertzDevil: !
(8:53:22 PM) BotB: MandraSigma has logged in.
(8:53:27 PM) CaptBeard: wow we're quiet today
(8:53:29 PM) Jangler: oh jesus what did my voted do
(8:53:34 PM) Jangler: my voted broked the paged
(8:53:34 PM) commandycan: damon mooncrusher
(8:53:39 PM) Strobe: stream on!
(8:53:42 PM) golgibody: MC Beard in the house!
(8:53:47 PM) ***sethdonut Googles "ytpmv"
(8:53:48 PM) CaptBeard: :p
(8:53:54 PM) commandycan: what is ui doing there
(8:53:57 PM) null1024: uiface
(8:54:00 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Her Eyes Were Like Laser Guns — Jangler —
(8:54:04 PM) goluigi: !entry ytpmv
(8:54:04 PM) BotB: kfaraday - penguindance.nsf ::
(8:54:09 PM) HertzDevil: HAHA
(8:54:10 PM) CaptBeard: jangler it's your time to shine
(8:54:18 PM) Jangler:
(8:54:22 PM) commandycan: engines
(8:54:24 PM) commandycan: choo choo
(8:54:25 PM) sethdonut: youtube poop music video. got it
(8:54:26 PM) golgibody: Baycun's aura has turned blood red. :O
(8:54:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Her Eyes Were Like Laser Guns — Jangler
(8:54:40 PM) sethdonut: YEA! this bites my brain ever so gently
(8:54:44 PM) null1024: I actually don't like this song, even though it's pretty well composed
(8:54:47 PM) commandycan: mine has turned old sock grey
(8:54:52 PM) null1024: mine is purest grey
(8:54:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Ooh
(8:54:58 PM) SoiledBargains: I like this
(8:55:07 PM) commandycan: this is some target practice progression
(8:55:08 PM) commandycan: oooo
(8:55:08 PM) ipi: my aura has not changed
(8:55:09 PM) Willow: nice
(8:55:10 PM) null1024: oh, I got darker grey than when I last looked
(8:55:10 PM) CaptBeard: nobody commented on how mine sounded really :o
(8:55:16 PM) CaptBeard: by the way this song is really good
(8:55:18 PM) chunter: circle fifths
(8:55:22 PM) Willow: I'm still red/blue/purple
(8:55:25 PM) spinnybread: my aura is beautiful : - )
(8:55:26 PM) CaptBeard: i like the way it rolls off the ears
(8:55:27 PM) chunter: for the people who don't know how to hear it yet ;)
(8:55:30 PM) Jangler: circle of fifths and transposey chords
(8:55:31 PM) FoD: I like my red skulls
(8:55:33 PM) kfaraday: it's a circle of everything except fifths hee
(8:55:38 PM) null1024: haha
(8:55:40 PM) spinnybread: mine goes from like purple to orange
(8:55:42 PM) Jangler: hey there were some fifths in there
(8:55:43 PM) spinnybread: then again
(8:55:45 PM) golgibody: I-Pie is never going to be white again because we are voting. >:)
(8:55:47 PM) spinnybread: I'm color blind
(8:55:48 PM) cak is now known as cakaway
(8:55:51 PM) spinnybread: so do I REALLY know
(8:55:52 PM) ipi: :(
(8:56:03 PM) CaptBeard: voting is so looong
(8:56:10 PM) Willow: I like dat syncopation
(8:56:11 PM) commandycan: drrrrr
(8:56:13 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Sweet Dreams — Doxic —
(8:56:15 PM) tristendo: lets 9hc
(8:56:17 PM) golgibody: CaptBeard, I like how your aura is almost black, but no skulls
(8:56:23 PM) commandycan: drrrr is actually the sound effect of a body being transformed through the side of a mountain
(8:56:25 PM) SoiledBargains: lol ui's avatar
(8:56:27 PM) ironclad: Elwood
(8:56:29 PM) CaptBeard: what really
(8:56:30 PM) HertzDevil: drrrrrrrrrrr
(8:56:31 PM) Baycun: Sweet Dreams - Elwood
(8:56:32 PM) CaptBeard: it used to be blue
(8:56:34 PM) Patashu: no dpcm, final destination
(8:56:36 PM) ironclad: HAH
(8:56:37 PM) ironclad: beat you
(8:56:38 PM) Willow: ha tristendo
(8:56:40 PM) CaptBeard: oh wait
(8:56:43 PM) sethdonut: i dig that this was inspired by melancholy
(8:56:47 PM) ipi: ooh
(8:56:47 PM) CaptBeard: you're right, i think
(8:56:49 PM) null1024: 7 heartmagic
(8:56:52 PM) sethdonut: ^
(8:56:54 PM) HertzDevil: phaaze
(8:56:57 PM) CaptBeard: wait no mine is blue
(8:56:59 PM) goluigi: wait
(8:57:00 PM) tristendo: hangin out
(8:57:01 PM) goluigi: so is it
(8:57:02 PM) null1024: that triangle isnice
(8:57:03 PM) tristendo: hi willow
(8:57:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Sweet Dreams — Doxic
(8:57:04 PM) goluigi: the earlier you vore
(8:57:04 PM) null1024: er, is nice
(8:57:04 PM) spinnybread: the ZON
(8:57:06 PM) goluigi: vote
(8:57:10 PM) goluigi: the more likely you get gray?
(8:57:11 PM) commandycan: goluigi gross
(8:57:12 PM) Willow: how you doin' boss
(8:57:13 PM) CaptBeard: my aura is blue, isn't it?
(8:57:14 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(8:57:15 PM) Roofie [] entered the room.
(8:57:15 PM) ipi: dont auras change after compos finish
(8:57:18 PM) null1024: goluigi: I dunno
(8:57:21 PM) ***SoiledBargains a little late there, thx for the reminder, Jang
(8:57:23 PM) null1024: ipi: no, immediately
(8:57:24 PM) goluigi: no mine changed
(8:57:28 PM) FoD: ipi I don't think so
(8:57:32 PM) ipi: hm
(8:57:32 PM) goluigi: let me vote on some entries
(8:57:33 PM) cakaway left the room (quit: Quit: Web client closed).
(8:57:33 PM) Alpha_C left the room (quit: Quit: z).
(8:57:41 PM) null1024: on vote, you'll notice your aura changing
(8:57:45 PM) commandycan: no my aura has changed from green to grey after voting like 5 times
(8:57:48 PM) tristendo: pretty good, going to be a loner geek ircer again for a bit :D
(8:57:54 PM) kfaraday: really lovely :3
(8:57:56 PM) mq: is your aura only affected by major compos
(8:57:57 PM) null1024: and big compos have insane aura shifts
(8:57:58 PM) CaptBeard: yeah my aura is blue but i haven't voted yet
(8:57:59 PM) SoiledBargains: ARPS
(8:58:02 PM) Jangler: reminds me of some U2
(8:58:02 PM) Roofie: Sorry I am so late
(8:58:05 PM) golgibody: Auras change right after voting
(8:58:06 PM) goluigi: roofie
(8:58:06 PM) sublaptop [] entered the room.
(8:58:07 PM) goluigi: hi
(8:58:07 PM) CaptBeard: i bet it'll be RED like the BLOOD I CRY
(8:58:09 PM) goluigi: good dog
(8:58:13 PM) golgibody: But you only see it when your browser updates it
(8:58:16 PM) commandycan: wharf
(8:58:17 PM) Roofie: Roof roof goluigi!
(8:58:17 PM) null1024: each song is like 3 OHCs worth of aura shift, haha
(8:58:23 PM) Willow: hmm I'm thinking I may just listen to this on speakers for a while while I do something else and vote later
(8:58:32 PM) golgibody: lalalalalalala arps!
(8:58:36 PM) ironclad: wtf dont take 2 nubs from me
(8:58:37 PM) mq: hi roofie
(8:58:37 PM) goluigi: what are ack points
(8:58:37 PM) sethdonut: wake up doxic!
(8:58:38 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(8:58:39 PM) Jangler: it doesn't really make sense for aura to change instantly
(8:58:39 PM) ironclad: rip
(8:58:40 PM) commandycan: i am committed to voting on everything
(8:58:43 PM) Roofie: hi mq!
(8:58:46 PM) Jangler: it should wait until all them votes are in
(8:58:52 PM) golgibody: Yeah, it should. :3
(8:58:55 PM) SoiledBargains: Nice ending!
(8:58:58 PM) ipi: good!!!
(8:59:00 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Nuclear Winter — Doxic —
(8:59:09 PM) HertzDevil: nuclear
(8:59:11 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Nuclear Winter — Doxic
(8:59:16 PM) commandycan: merry christmas
(8:59:17 PM) sethdonut: ;3
(8:59:18 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(8:59:21 PM) HertzDevil: okuu! rmember the basics of nuclear fusion!
(8:59:23 PM) null1024: FM-mass
(8:59:28 PM) SoiledBargains: OOh nice change to minor stuff.
(8:59:35 PM) commandycan: osu! tatakae!
(8:59:45 PM) CaptBeard: good song
(8:59:46 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(8:59:48 PM) ***spinnybread remembers the basics of nuclear fusion
(8:59:50 PM) Baycun: happy
(8:59:53 PM) null1024: more dangerous sounding as it goes on
(8:59:54 PM) Baycun: christopher columbus
(8:59:54 PM) ipi: oohhh
(8:59:55 PM) Baycun: ...
(8:59:57 PM) Baycun: daaaaaaaaaaay
(8:59:57 PM) sethdonut: oh... oh!
(8:59:59 PM) Abigail left the room (quit: Quit: <RoyKirbs> Friends don't let friends play Kinect.).
(9:00:00 PM) commandycan: dudlduoudo is what this lead sounds like
(9:00:07 PM) spinnybread: pizza day
(9:00:08 PM) sethdonut: dulduouo
(9:00:11 PM) kfaraday: sounds like merry christmas~
(9:00:13 PM) Patashu: it's the VRC7 bell
(9:00:19 PM) sethdonut: dllidolo
(9:00:23 PM) commandycan: makes me think of splatterhouse
(9:00:24 PM) mq: dildo
(9:00:24 PM) Roofie: i liek pizza
(9:00:27 PM) null1024: very dangerous sounding now
(9:00:31 PM) spinnybread: dog
(9:00:32 PM) spinnybread: Dog
(9:00:34 PM) sethdonut: Dong
(9:00:35 PM) Roofie: DOG
(9:00:35 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:00:38 PM) spinnybread: Sad.core
(9:00:40 PM) Roofie: i am dog
(9:00:48 PM) mq: yey
(9:00:49 PM) kfaraday: dog !
(9:00:52 PM) Roofie: :)
(9:00:59 PM) Roofie: hi kfaraday
(9:01:02 PM) ipi: nice
(9:01:04 PM) null1024: that FM trumpet
(9:01:04 PM) sethdonut: the attention to detail shows
(9:01:07 PM) null1024: is nice
(9:01:11 PM) ipi: this is great
(9:01:16 PM) Roofie: this is very good doxie
(9:01:19 PM) HertzDevil:
(9:01:21 PM) ipi: ive never heard doxic's music before
(9:01:23 PM) null1024: I like the VRC7 patches, but I can't be arsed to make a nice VRC7 track
(9:01:39 PM) Jangler: i do not connect with this track much for some reason
(9:01:43 PM) Roofie: yes null1024 it is a lot of work
(9:01:44 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(9:01:44 PM) Jangler: i'm voting it nicely anyway
(9:02:06 PM) null1024: things changed
(9:02:07 PM) Roofie: this thing goes a lot of place
(9:02:13 PM) null1024: oooh
(9:02:16 PM) ipi: woah!!
(9:02:17 PM) Roofie: wow
(9:02:18 PM) SoiledBargains: breakking down
(9:02:21 PM) ipi: where did that come from
(9:02:22 PM) null1024: menacingly exciting
(9:02:23 PM) CaptBeard: doxic makes some yummy stuff
(9:02:28 PM) kfaraday: :) he does
(9:02:32 PM) commandycan: i heard a mario world sound effect
(9:02:33 PM) sethdonut: this is *ahem* wild
(9:02:35 PM) Jangler: he got mad potential
(9:02:38 PM) ipi: hahaha commandycan
(9:02:40 PM) Roofie: i think this is very good at illustrating nuclear winter
(9:02:40 PM) goluigi: my aura is going WACK
(9:02:42 PM) ipi: i heard it
(9:02:52 PM) sethdonut: ghostly
(9:02:53 PM) Roofie: whatever that is
(9:02:56 PM) HertzDevil: this sounds like god and the smilies
(9:03:00 PM) CaptBeard: i haven't started voting yet
(9:03:02 PM) ipi: FRICK FOF
(9:03:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Holy crap
(9:03:06 PM) commandycan: this aint killer7
(9:03:07 PM) CaptBeard: i'll give you an aura update when i do
(9:03:07 PM) Roofie: wow
(9:03:08 PM) Oerg866: Hey
(9:03:09 PM) HertzDevil: titel theme
(9:03:10 PM) SoiledBargains: With the title it totally works
(9:03:11 PM) sethdonut: let the moment land
(9:03:11 PM) Oerg866: Anyone from NL here?
(9:03:11 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Chip Star — Anti-Cheat —
(9:03:15 PM) SoiledBargains: and is REALLY creepy
(9:03:17 PM) golgibody: Yeah
(9:03:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Chip Star — Anti-Cheat (entry Chip Star — Anti-Cheat215)
(9:03:18 PM) golgibody: Me
(9:03:21 PM) SoiledBargains: golgibody no
(9:03:23 PM) SoiledBargains: no u
(9:03:24 PM) Roofie: yay antichort
(9:03:26 PM) ironclad: Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
(9:03:28 PM) golgibody: Wat wil je!
(9:03:31 PM) HertzDevil: 38/186
(9:03:33 PM) Oerg866: Query!
(9:03:34 PM) Oerg866: :D
(9:03:34 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Scylla — Strobe —
(9:03:41 PM) CaptBeard: slap me
(9:03:43 PM) Roofie: hoe gaat ie?
(9:03:48 PM) sethdonut: :o
(9:03:48 PM) CaptBeard: it's time for a strobe zx
(9:03:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Scylla — Strobe (entry Scylla — Strobe215)
(9:03:53 PM) KungFuFurby: :o
(9:03:55 PM) golgibody: Nou, eigenlijk, best wel wauw!
(9:03:56 PM) commandycan: whoaaa
(9:03:57 PM) FoD: wwhhahaaa
(9:03:59 PM) CaptBeard: yeah WOAH
(9:04:02 PM) sethdonut: EGAD
(9:04:02 PM) Jangler: hehe good ol' fake intro
(9:04:03 PM) Patashu: WOAH
(9:04:03 PM) SoiledBargains: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(9:04:04 PM) Patashu: OMG
(9:04:04 PM) ipi: WOAH
(9:04:04 PM) Patashu: strobe
(9:04:05 PM) Zephemeros: oh my
(9:04:06 PM) Roofie: haaaa
(9:04:07 PM) Patashu: HAVE MY BABIES
(9:04:07 PM) HertzDevil: yeaa
(9:04:07 PM) commandycan: doink
(9:04:09 PM) spinnybread: : - )
(9:04:09 PM) CaptBeard: THE CLAPS
(9:04:14 PM) SoiledBargains: Wait this beeper.
(9:04:15 PM) Strobe: sorry for the insanely loud clap/clicks xD
(9:04:16 PM) SoiledBargains: HOLY CRAP
(9:04:16 PM) sethdonut: PAC-MAN DON'T DIE
(9:04:18 PM) Strobe: i couldnt fix that
(9:04:21 PM) commandycan: this is nuts
(9:04:22 PM) SoiledBargains: oeyvbqwecachgjaksx
(9:04:23 PM) Patashu: strobe teach me how to do this
(9:04:23 PM) Patashu: I want
(9:04:24 PM) Patashu: to
(9:04:24 PM) CaptBeard: IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE
(9:04:25 PM) Patashu: make
(9:04:25 PM) chunter: claps
(9:04:26 PM) Patashu: this kind of music
(9:04:26 PM) chunter: lol
(9:04:28 PM) Patashu: SO BAD ;_;
(9:04:28 PM) ipi: i have reached 103 7's given
(9:04:29 PM) Patashu: it hurts inside
(9:04:30 PM) Roofie: i like the loud clicketys strobe
(9:04:32 PM) SoiledBargains: WINNER?
(9:04:33 PM) Baycun: no pac-man, drugs are baaad
(9:04:35 PM) chunter: shit in pants found
(9:04:37 PM) CaptBeard: ZX WINNER
(9:04:40 PM) SoiledBargains: woah
(9:04:47 PM) SoiledBargains: woah woah waoh woah woah waoh woah woah waoh
(9:04:49 PM) commandycan: i think it swallowed a reaper
(9:04:50 PM) FoD: thumb-blisters everywhere
(9:04:51 PM) sethdonut: pussies
(9:04:58 PM) Patashu: omgggggg
(9:04:59 PM) ***sethdonut smokes crack
(9:05:02 PM) sethdonut: WHOAAAA HOLY SHIT
(9:05:03 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ CaptBeard
(9:05:04 PM) Roofie: owww dog whistle owwww
(9:05:05 PM) Patashu: robot music
(9:05:08 PM) Roofie: ouch
(9:05:15 PM) Strobe: I used tritone!
(9:05:16 PM) null1024: no fade
(9:05:16 PM) spinnybread: guys calm down
(9:05:18 PM) sethdonut: LOL
(9:05:19 PM) spinnybread: it's STROBE
(9:05:19 PM) null1024: tritone is fun
(9:05:20 PM) Roofie: zedex
(9:05:21 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... iXERiON — null1024 —
(9:05:23 PM) null1024: ;3
(9:05:29 PM) CaptBeard: this'll be a beeper entry
(9:05:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... iXERiON — null1024 (entry 46/215)
(9:05:38 PM) spinnybread: fedex spectrum
(9:05:43 PM) HertzDevil: bad
(9:05:43 PM) Roofie: ga
(9:05:44 PM) HertzDevil: ap
(9:05:44 PM) Jangler: dat kick
(9:05:45 PM) CaptBeard: wow i'm sorry but
(9:05:47 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:05:52 PM) CaptBeard: after that last entry
(9:05:55 PM) kfaraday: nice time sig :)
(9:05:56 PM) SoiledBargains: hah
(9:05:57 PM) Roofie: ups spectrum (they dropped it and broke it)
(9:05:59 PM) CaptBeard: i don't know what zx should be anything
(9:06:01 PM) sethdonut: so righteous is this sound
(9:06:01 PM) chunter: isn't ixerion the lesbian mecha anime thing from 20 years ago?
(9:06:07 PM) CaptBeard: this is good too though
(9:06:07 PM) null1024: chunter: I dunno
(9:06:18 PM) SoiledBargains: <@null1024> ...yes
(9:06:18 PM) null1024: I just named it something technical sounding ;3
(9:06:30 PM) Roofie: this is good
(9:06:34 PM) kfaraday: chunter knows every anime and anime-sounding word known to mankind
(9:06:36 PM) HertzDevil: is it iczer
(9:06:42 PM) Strobe: I also name stuff "technical sounding" or "robolove" sounding
(9:07:01 PM) chunter: found
(9:07:10 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... pinky plinky thingy — null1024 —
(9:07:11 PM) Jangler: iczer girl
(9:07:12 PM) Roofie: you made a very good graphical thing kfaraday
(9:07:15 PM) sethdonut: bababapepepe BUM
(9:07:18 PM) null1024: this next song isn't that good ;P
(9:07:18 PM) ipi: end :(
(9:07:24 PM) Jangler: 35 viewies is nice
(9:07:26 PM) SoiledBargains: hah
(9:07:26 PM) chunter: my brother collected anime stuff since we were teens, I've always had access
(9:07:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... pinky plinky thingy — null1024 (entry 47/215, 0.219% complete)
(9:07:29 PM) chunter: nice song
(9:07:30 PM) kfaraday: roofie thanks :3
(9:07:53 PM) HertzDevil: 40/186
(9:07:56 PM) chunter: doesn't sound brain dead to me
(9:08:02 PM) Roofie: it is good
(9:08:04 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil oh yeah that's right!!
(9:08:09 PM) Jangler: the octave range on SMS does suck
(9:08:09 PM) mq:
(9:08:09 PM) chunter: sounds like it was left off monster world 3
(9:08:13 PM) mq: I love my aura :)
(9:08:16 PM) null1024: chunter: it needs 2 octaves more on the low-end
(9:08:19 PM) null1024: 2
(9:08:29 PM) null1024: and it has 2 useless octaves high up
(9:08:31 PM) HertzDevil: :))))
(9:08:31 PM) chunter: null1024: oh, that I agree with but it can't be helped
(9:08:34 PM) Roofie: yes that is weird
(9:08:42 PM) chunter: in fact you did a good job coping
(9:08:56 PM) Roofie: so that explains why SMS music always sounds high and poopy
(9:09:03 PM) null1024: yes
(9:09:08 PM) Roofie: i was wondering
(9:09:09 PM) null1024: no fade
(9:09:11 PM) chunter: yeah, it was made for ice cream trucks
(9:09:14 PM) sethdonut: ouch
(9:09:15 PM) Strobe: make Dubstep with SMS
(9:09:15 PM) null1024: hahaha
(9:09:15 PM) Jangler: you can sacrifice a square channel and white noise to the SMS gods for periodic noise
(9:09:16 PM) sethdonut: ;)
(9:09:17 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... moonlit prowler — Chip Champion —
(9:09:17 PM) Roofie: hahaha chunter
(9:09:18 PM) Jangler: which makes decent bass
(9:09:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... moonlit prowler — Chip Champion (entry 48/215, 22.326% complete)
(9:09:24 PM) commandycan: ooooaa
(9:09:25 PM) null1024: Jangler: not worth it
(9:09:30 PM) null1024: this adlib track is amazing
(9:09:32 PM) commandycan: beorrrrn
(9:09:33 PM) Roofie: yay for OPL
(9:09:33 PM) Baycun: aw yea
(9:09:35 PM) golgibody: Yeah, cool roar at the end
(9:09:38 PM) chunter: Strobe: I tried, it sucked
(9:09:40 PM) CaptBeard: next is one of my favorite nes entries
(9:09:46 PM) sethdonut: dat bass drum
(9:09:46 PM) golgibody: Chipchamp is a real virtuoso with these obscure trackers
(9:09:48 PM) CaptBeard: with plusrek's ending of the second universe
(9:09:52 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil for the sake of less code I'm just going to leave it as is. It is entry count, after all.
(9:09:54 PM) Jangler: chipchamp has highest dex i think
(9:09:57 PM) CaptBeard: adlib should've had more entries.
(9:10:07 PM) HertzDevil: :)
(9:10:10 PM) Strobe: Fun fact: I started on an Adlib entry, but it sucked so much that i didn't even want to enter it as a troll entry.
(9:10:10 PM) golgibody: I was working on an adlib, but didn't finish. ;(
(9:10:19 PM) golgibody: I'll save it for summer chip since it was decent!
(9:10:19 PM) Roofie: i cant make adlib work right
(9:10:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe you should have!
(9:10:25 PM) chipchampion: strobe: :(
(9:10:27 PM) null1024: my adlib is a bit tat, especially compared to this one, but I like mine
(9:10:28 PM) Strobe: it was a disaster
(9:10:30 PM) SoiledBargains: HEY BABE LOOK AT MY AXE
(9:10:32 PM) HertzDevil: UN
(9:10:32 PM) chunter: If I care I may experiment again, with very fast player I could fake an interesting bass tone on SMS
(9:10:35 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ SoiledBargains this part
(9:10:37 PM) null1024: Strobe: what did you use to make it?
(9:10:42 PM) Strobe: AMusic
(9:10:44 PM) chunter: but I couldn't keep it in tune so i made the tune I made instead
(9:10:46 PM) Strobe: which is a fine editor
(9:10:52 PM) null1024: AMusic isn't bad
(9:10:54 PM) Roofie: ooh this is good
(9:10:56 PM) null1024: but I like using RAD more
(9:10:56 PM) AyakaSuda [] entered the room.
(9:10:59 PM) sethdonut: that moment landed well
(9:11:25 PM) Roofie: pregnant paws
(9:11:26 PM) null1024: that guitar is really sample-like
(9:11:31 PM) goluigi: kfaraday's aura looks amazing with his profile pic
(9:11:37 PM) goluigi:
(9:11:42 PM) null1024: and those drums are amazing
(9:11:45 PM) goluigi: the red and the blue
(9:11:54 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Ending of The Second Universe — plrusek —
(9:11:54 PM) sethdonut: (3002225602c7220002c722563002)
(9:11:57 PM) chunter: Roofie: wut
(9:11:57 PM) sethdonut: that was a good one
(9:12:05 PM) Strobe: xD
(9:12:08 PM) CaptBeard: plusrek. i say plus-reck
(9:12:10 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Ending of The Second Universe — plrusek (entry 49/215, 22.791% complete)
(9:12:20 PM) CaptBeard: this song is niiiice
(9:12:21 PM) Roofie: wut wut?
(9:12:27 PM) SoiledBargains: butt butt
(9:12:32 PM) Roofie: i said wut wut
(9:12:33 PM) HertzDevil: no plrusek multichip :(
(9:12:33 PM) spinnybread: pl rusek
(9:12:34 PM) KungFuFurby: These entries are pretty nice. :)
(9:12:38 PM) spinnybread: poland rusek
(9:12:42 PM) CaptBeard: why didn't he do a multichip
(9:12:42 PM) Baycun: everything plrusek does is fantastic
(9:12:43 PM) Fezuke: yep
(9:12:46 PM) spinnybread: pl ru se
(9:12:51 PM) spinnybread: poland russia sweden k
(9:12:51 PM) Strobe: hectic and nice!
(9:12:52 PM) null1024: too arpy for me ;3
(9:12:53 PM) SoiledBargains: Wait... old BotB account?
(9:12:56 PM) Strobe: this is danceable
(9:12:56 PM) null1024: it's a nice song actually
(9:13:00 PM) Patashu: this song owns
(9:13:01 PM) Patashu: I love it
(9:13:01 PM) CaptBeard: too arpy
(9:13:02 PM) mq is now known as mJ
(9:13:03 PM) Jangler: wait is it hax
(9:13:05 PM) CaptBeard: I'M TWERKING IT
(9:13:06 PM) spinnybread: yeah
(9:13:10 PM) spinnybread: I'm not a fan of the arps
(9:13:11 PM) ***CaptBeard twerks it
(9:13:11 PM) SoiledBargains: How is it haxX?
(9:13:15 PM) Roofie: there is no "too arpy"
(9:13:22 PM) ***SoiledBargains dls
(9:13:23 PM) Roofie: arfy
(9:13:25 PM) KungFuFurby: Didn't come up as using extra chips.
(9:13:33 PM) CaptBeard: i'm be right back
(9:13:39 PM) HertzDevil: technical beautifly
(9:13:41 PM) Roofie: all my songs have arfs
(9:13:41 PM) ***sethdonut jiggles
(9:13:43 PM) spinnybread: I think it's just the amount of clicks he gave the arps just didn't do it for me
(9:13:44 PM) spinnybread: eh
(9:13:47 PM) Jangler: arfs hehe
(9:13:47 PM) SoiledBargains: Confirmed— nothing fishy here
(9:13:53 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:13:59 PM) Roofie: yes spinnybread i like my arfs to be longer
(9:14:06 PM) spinnybread: all my songs have arfs and woofs and barks
(9:14:08 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Arcana Symbiosis — Strobe —
(9:14:09 PM) Roofie: not 0xx arfs
(9:14:10 PM) ***mJ pushes Roofie with a force of 1 dyne
(9:14:14 PM) sethdonut: the presence of the waveform gave that build away a little too much
(9:14:17 PM) sethdonut: :)
(9:14:17 PM) null1024: this song is hax
(9:14:19 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Arcana Symbiosis — Strobe (entry 50/215, 23.256% complete)
(9:14:28 PM) null1024: fucking hax
(9:14:30 PM) kfaraday: lotta nsfs
(9:14:31 PM) Patashu: WHAT
(9:14:32 PM) ipi: ah yeas this one
(9:14:33 PM) Patashu: how is this nsf
(9:14:33 PM) Patashu: omg
(9:14:35 PM) KungFuFurby: Ah yes. This one has excellent DPCM usage.
(9:14:38 PM) ipi: superpcm
(9:14:39 PM) HertzDevil: new
(9:14:39 PM) commandycan: that echo
(9:14:40 PM) null1024: Patashu: that's recorded DPCM
(9:14:42 PM) spinnybread: nue
(9:14:42 PM) HertzDevil: no
(9:14:43 PM) HertzDevil: ftm
(9:14:45 PM) KungFuFurby: Not SuperNSF.
(9:14:52 PM) ipi: ah
(9:14:55 PM) commandycan: wow
(9:14:55 PM) ipi: just goodf dpcm then
(9:14:57 PM) null1024: that's also some of the cleanest DPCM I've heard
(9:14:58 PM) KungFuFurby: But it almost sounds like it.
(9:14:59 PM) Patashu: I'm fucking impressed
(9:14:59 PM) Roofie: wow that was a neat filter effect
(9:15:01 PM) ipi: low pass
(9:15:12 PM) chunter: filtration
(9:15:12 PM) Jangler: why is my computer super hot
(9:15:16 PM) sethdonut: lol
(9:15:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Whoever gave the tag "supernsf" on that entry should be both ashamed and giddy that he/she fooled me.
(9:15:17 PM) spinnybread: befause
(9:15:22 PM) ipi: cause im in it
(9:15:23 PM) spinnybread: you're hot jangler ;)))
(9:15:28 PM) Jangler: yo thanks
(9:15:29 PM) Strobe: well it says "almost supernsf"
(9:15:29 PM) SoiledBargains: Because somehow I fell for a tag. xD
(9:15:30 PM) Strobe: ;)
(9:15:33 PM) SoiledBargains: OH
(9:15:38 PM) SoiledBargains: Nevermind
(9:15:41 PM) SoiledBargains: Carry on!!
(9:15:51 PM) SoiledBargains: THE BEST TRIANGLE ECHO EVER
(9:15:55 PM) SoiledBargains: I must say.
(9:15:56 PM) BotB: epic_caterpillar reaches Level 6 Chipist with 173pnts
(9:15:57 PM) Roofie: wow
(9:16:01 PM) SoiledBargains: I love the 2a03 tri
(9:16:01 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... La lune du minuit éternel — Kommisar —
(9:16:02 PM) sethdonut: heh
(9:16:08 PM) ipi: my aura changed to cyan/blue
(9:16:08 PM) Jangler: gonna takabrik to let my compy cooldown
(9:16:10 PM) null1024: triple nsf
(9:16:14 PM) spinnybread: HAHAHA PI
(9:16:16 PM) SoiledBargains: jrlepage 2/10 pronounciation?
(9:16:17 PM) spinnybread: NO WHITE FOR YOU
(9:16:18 PM) SoiledBargains: *nun
(9:16:19 PM) ipi: i think it changes occasinally
(9:16:20 PM) spinnybread: FCKER
(9:16:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... La lune du minuit éternel — Kommisar (entry 51/215, 23.721% complete)
(9:16:29 PM) ipi: i like this colour
(9:16:32 PM) ipi: its reallllllyyyy nice
(9:16:32 PM) sethdonut: my body is ready
(9:16:37 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(9:16:38 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(9:16:39 PM) CaptBeard: i
(9:16:39 PM) null1024: my aura isn't as dark grey as it was 2 songs ago
(9:16:42 PM) CaptBeard: i am going to start voting
(9:16:45 PM) Strobe: makes me think of megaman 2 quickman
(9:16:46 PM) goluigi: IPI YOU DIRTY LITTLE BOY
(9:16:49 PM) Strobe: just slightly
(9:16:52 PM) Roofie: yes those too
(9:16:53 PM) CaptBeard: wish my aura luck.
(9:16:53 PM) goluigi: it is now BLUE
(9:16:56 PM) HertzDevil: sAD
(9:17:01 PM) ipi: but isnt it a NICE colour??!
(9:17:01 PM) Roofie: woofs and tweets
(9:17:03 PM) sethdonut: things got slightly quieter than they should be.
(9:17:04 PM) Jangler: i wish my aura would stop being angerskulls but i don't think there's a chance of that happening
(9:17:06 PM) ipi: i think its nice
(9:17:10 PM) CaptBeard: also i didn't know fod made a sap entry
(9:17:12 PM) goluigi: you wanted white so badly lol
(9:17:14 PM) CaptBeard: oh goodness must listen soon
(9:17:15 PM) Roofie: this is a good drum groove
(9:17:16 PM) ipi: but
(9:17:17 PM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut yeah DPCM is a little too loud, ain't it?
(9:17:19 PM) null1024: this is nice
(9:17:19 PM) SoiledBargains: WOAH
(9:17:20 PM) ipi: where is cyan/blue
(9:17:23 PM) SoiledBargains: We have 81 people!!
(9:17:25 PM) spinnybread: sAD
(9:17:26 PM) null1024: loud dpcm is fine
(9:17:30 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:17:31 PM) spinnybread: Sad,
(9:17:33 PM) null1024: it's not overbearing
(9:17:35 PM) kfaraday: 34 viewers on stream too :D
(9:17:36 PM) Patashu: this isn't as good as the original La lune du minuit éternel
(9:17:37 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 it seems to drain it out for me, though.
(9:17:38 PM) ipi: its not that loud for me
(9:17:39 PM) sethdonut: :)
(9:17:40 PM) Patashu: kommisar needs more famitracker experience
(9:17:42 PM) Patashu: rofl
(9:17:44 PM) spinnybread: PIE
(9:17:46 PM) sethdonut: this song makes me happy
(9:17:47 PM) CaptBeard: WOAH i can't vote
(9:17:49 PM) spinnybread: YOU HAVE 1337 BOONS
(9:17:49 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Usagi Cosmo Raiders — kfaraday —
(9:17:51 PM) sethdonut: needs to be twice as long tho
(9:17:53 PM) CaptBeard: what's happening
(9:17:55 PM) ipi: b1338.20
(9:17:56 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(9:18:01 PM) CaptBeard: okay it's back to normal
(9:18:04 PM) CaptBeard: 1201.43 here
(9:18:08 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Usagi Cosmo Raiders — kfaraday (entry 52/215, 24.186% complete)
(9:18:09 PM) FoD: I hope this wins
(9:18:09 PM) null1024: neck-o
(9:18:14 PM) Roofie: lies
(9:18:15 PM) spinnybread: b1337.99
(9:18:16 PM) sethdonut: KFARADAY
(9:18:17 PM) Roofie: that was a triangle
(9:18:22 PM) HertzDevil: Usage
(9:18:26 PM) Roofie: you said vrc6 and nothing else you pony
(9:18:26 PM) sethdonut: this was ALSO stuck in my head yesterday
(9:18:30 PM) CaptBeard: here we go
(9:18:32 PM) Strobe: lets slam kfaraday's entry totally, while he is on the stream, so we can hear him cry a bit
(9:18:36 PM) sethdonut: here we goooooo
(9:18:38 PM) CaptBeard: YEAH
(9:18:39 PM) Jangler: haha Strobe
(9:18:42 PM) null1024: ahahahahahaha
(9:18:43 PM) Roofie: :D
(9:18:43 PM) kfaraday: boooo~
(9:18:44 PM) Baycun: ...pony...?
(9:18:45 PM) CaptBeard: wow dis song is 4 nerds....
(9:18:45 PM) Strobe: I'm a bad person.
(9:18:53 PM) sethdonut: *farts on this song*
(9:18:57 PM) HertzDevil: tewi
(9:18:57 PM) CaptBeard: listen to the.....
(9:18:59 PM) Jangler: What Nerd Would Like This Song
(9:19:01 PM) Strobe: I can't slam it, sorry, this is good.
(9:19:02 PM) Roofie: MICHAEL JACKSON?
(9:19:03 PM) ipi: woah
(9:19:08 PM) sethdonut: haha
(9:19:10 PM) CaptBeard: What Would Jangler Do when listening to this song
(9:19:11 PM) Patashu: omg this song
(9:19:11 PM) null1024: -7 all categories
(9:19:13 PM) commandycan: michael jordan, actually
(9:19:16 PM) chipchampion: slam poetry
(9:19:23 PM) goluigi: -7 lmfao null
(9:19:25 PM) ipi: woah
(9:19:27 PM) HertzDevil: smb ref
(9:19:29 PM) sethdonut: attack of the tiny, bitey, bit children
(9:19:30 PM) spinnybread: whoa
(9:19:31 PM) FoD: kfaraday I'd love you forever if you shared the ftm ;)
(9:19:31 PM) spinnybread: whoa
(9:19:31 PM) ipi: WoahH!HNJ"EDRfmvb ',
(9:19:31 PM) CaptBeard: this song is amazing seriously
(9:19:32 PM) Strobe: i like that 0.2 second part of SMB
(9:19:32 PM) spinnybread: whao
(9:19:41 PM) Strobe: well almost
(9:19:41 PM) SoiledBargains: Symphonic!
(9:19:42 PM) spinnybread: #YIKI
(9:19:46 PM) HertzDevil: #YIKI
(9:19:46 PM) SoiledBargains: ooh phazzy
(9:19:47 PM) Jangler: i heard if you vote everything -7 your aura is butts
(9:19:51 PM) ipi: i wonder when one of kf's wc8 entries won't have a load of vibrato in it
(9:19:57 PM) kfaraday: :))
(9:19:58 PM) Jangler: your aura is rainwarrior's picture of testicles
(9:20:00 PM) null1024: vibrato is the best
(9:20:03 PM) null1024: Jangler: ;-;
(9:20:07 PM) Strobe: that would be like asking me to stop making strobecore
(9:20:08 PM) ironclad: phazzy
(9:20:09 PM) ipi: your aura is lustycanadian.txt
(9:20:14 PM) Jangler: hahaha
(9:20:30 PM) goluigi: yes
(9:20:33 PM) Strobe: this is not random at all :D
(9:20:33 PM) ipi: two bits and a...
(9:20:34 PM) commandycan: twrrrrr
(9:20:35 PM) ipi: uh
(9:20:39 PM) sethdonut: rofl
(9:20:45 PM) Jangler: bits and a haircut two boons
(9:20:51 PM) Jangler: shave
(9:20:53 PM) ipi: yeah thats it
(9:20:58 PM) ipi: thats it for real
(9:21:04 PM) sethdonut: oof, rught in the feels
(9:21:08 PM) ipi: oh a melody
(9:21:13 PM) commandycan: dont be fooled
(9:21:16 PM) sethdonut: bring it home!
(9:21:26 PM) Jangler: masterful
(9:21:27 PM) Roofie left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]).
(9:21:29 PM) commandycan: mmf
(9:21:31 PM) SoiledBargains: NEAT-O
(9:21:34 PM) CaptBeard: what should i do
(9:21:35 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(9:21:39 PM) CaptBeard: do i really have to vote on every entry
(9:21:39 PM) ipi: woahh
(9:21:40 PM) Roofie [] entered the room.
(9:21:43 PM) ipi: CAPTBEARD
(9:21:43 PM) ipi: YES
(9:21:44 PM) ipi: YOU
(9:21:45 PM) ipi: DO
(9:21:48 PM) CaptBeard: :(
(9:21:53 PM) Jangler: vote on all or two bits
(9:21:54 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Siamese Clowns — Strobe —
(9:21:54 PM) goluigi: why WOULDNT you
(9:21:57 PM) commandycan: you are the welcome
(9:21:59 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:22:03 PM) CaptBeard: i'll vote after the stream
(9:22:03 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ commandycan
(9:22:09 PM) CaptBeard: this is 2 much 3 handle
(9:22:10 PM) spinnybread:
(9:22:11 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:22:13 PM) ipi: ah this one
(9:22:15 PM) SoiledBargains: I'll vote on the stream: 25602735
(9:22:16 PM) Strobe: im so sorry for this one.
(9:22:19 PM) Roofie: the irc was being lagy
(9:22:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Siamese Clowns — Strobe (entry 53/215, 24.651% complete)
(9:22:23 PM) golgibody: You don't need to be sorry Strobe!
(9:22:33 PM) sethdonut: o_o
(9:22:34 PM) CaptBeard: woah this is cool
(9:22:36 PM) SoiledBargains: UH OH
(9:22:37 PM) commandycan: im scared
(9:22:37 PM) golgibody: Yeah :)
(9:22:38 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:22:38 PM) ipi: telephone
(9:22:39 PM) Roofie: !!
(9:22:39 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(9:22:41 PM) ironclad: oh god is that the default
(9:22:41 PM) sethdonut: L:MAMO
(9:22:42 PM) Patashu: OMG
(9:22:42 PM) null1024: all 1s
(9:22:43 PM) Patashu: OMGGG
(9:22:44 PM) commandycan: yay
(9:22:44 PM) CaptBeard: this is the best entry in winterchip
(9:22:45 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahaha
(9:22:46 PM) golgibody: This is exceptionally cute for a strobe entry
(9:22:49 PM) KungFuFurby: Makes a very unusual Space Jam entry.
(9:22:50 PM) mJ: yay
(9:22:50 PM) ipi: this is great
(9:22:51 PM) commandycan: clowns in thuh club
(9:22:55 PM) SoiledBargains: CLOWNS
(9:22:56 PM) mJ: why is this mario sounding
(9:22:58 PM) Jangler: i likes this
(9:22:59 PM) SoiledBargains: IN MY SPACESHIP?
(9:22:59 PM) sethdonut: laughing:my actual mouth off
(9:23:03 PM) commandycan: because steel drum
(9:23:04 PM) KungFuFurby: Er... matchup for Space Jam.
(9:23:06 PM) Baycun: come on and slam
(9:23:07 PM) chunter: it's mario kart/luigi mansion crossover
(9:23:07 PM) Roofie: mj cuz it has steel drum
(9:23:14 PM) mJ: ah
(9:23:16 PM) Strobe: its such a silly entry :D
(9:23:21 PM) Jangler: sounds like SOULJA BOY
(9:23:25 PM) Strobe: i have no idea why i decided to submit it, but hey!
(9:23:27 PM) golgibody: It's heart magic!
(9:23:28 PM) HertzDevil: SOULJA BOY
(9:23:30 PM) Jangler: i'm glad you did
(9:23:34 PM) CaptBeard: soulja strobe
(9:23:45 PM) Baycun: #swag
(9:23:45 PM) CaptBeard: i do jenkum
(9:23:47 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(9:23:48 PM) FoD: The title is fitting I must say
(9:23:48 PM) ipi: YES
(9:23:49 PM) golgibody: I love this
(9:23:49 PM) SoiledBargains: wow
(9:23:49 PM) Patashu: woowwww
(9:23:55 PM) ipi: instrument modulation
(9:23:56 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe don't be sorry
(9:23:58 PM) sethdonut: brain-tech+++++
(9:24:01 PM) Tux [] entered the room.
(9:24:02 PM) SoiledBargains: We love your non-Strobe core
(9:24:02 PM) CaptBeard: do you vote in every catagory
(9:24:05 PM) mJ: mJ = the only michael Jackson
(9:24:07 PM) CaptBeard: or do you vote only one
(9:24:08 PM) goluigi: tux hi
(9:24:08 PM) ipi: YES BEARD
(9:24:09 PM) commandycan: honk honk
(9:24:15 PM) Tux: hi sherwyn
(9:24:16 PM) kfaraday: year of the strobe
(9:24:16 PM) mJ: tux is a hi
(9:24:17 PM) CaptBeard: shut up GAMZEE
(9:24:18 PM) ipi: you're a major compo noob for sure
(9:24:18 PM) Jangler: yes Strobe doing non-Strobe stuff makes me hap
(9:24:26 PM) Tux: tux ahoy
(9:24:29 PM) SoiledBargains: hahah hap
(9:24:30 PM) spinnybread: FUCK HOMESTUCK
(9:24:30 PM) sethdonut: it was all a dream...
(9:24:31 PM) ipi: that telephone
(9:24:32 PM) ipi: frick
(9:24:34 PM) KungFuFurby: Out of fuel.
(9:24:35 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... WinterchipVIII — Kajingsol —
(9:24:36 PM) HertzDevil: sAD.
(9:24:36 PM) mJ: yes fuck homestuck
(9:24:40 PM) spinnybread: Sad,
(9:24:42 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... WinterchipVIII — Kajingsol (entry 54/215, 25.116% complete)
(9:24:43 PM) Baycun: well uh fuck compton
(9:24:45 PM) ironclad: Bad.
(9:24:45 PM) CaptBeard: no u
(9:24:47 PM) SoiledBargains: Cajunsoul
(9:24:48 PM) FoD: my eyes!
(9:24:49 PM) ironclad: Mad.
(9:24:50 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(9:24:50 PM) goluigi: Great.
(9:24:51 PM) ironclad: Lad.
(9:24:51 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:24:55 PM) spinnybread: Lad.
(9:24:56 PM) commandycan: who is gayluigi????
(9:24:58 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(9:24:58 PM) null1024: sad
(9:24:59 PM) goluigi: Pad.
(9:24:59 PM) mJ: whoo
(9:24:59 PM) CaptBeard: kajingsol wins
(9:25:01 PM) SoiledBargains: "Beautiful"
(9:25:02 PM) ipi: mama luigi
(9:25:02 PM) goluigi: Fad.
(9:25:04 PM) CaptBeard: Rad.
(9:25:04 PM) HertzDevil: Pad.
(9:25:04 PM) goluigi: Rad.
(9:25:08 PM) null1024: mad
(9:25:10 PM) ***KungFuFurby facepalms.
(9:25:11 PM) sethdonut: ad
(9:25:12 PM) Baycun: shut the fuck up bitch ya can't sing
(9:25:13 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... the quest for cool — Chip Champion —
(9:25:13 PM) CaptBeard: me and goluigi are connected
(9:25:14 PM) golgibody: gayluigi!
(9:25:17 PM) ipi: i hope she made lotsa spaghetti
(9:25:19 PM) spinnybread: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, Sad. '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,
(9:25:23 PM) goluigi: yesh
(9:25:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... the quest for cool — Chip Champion (entry 55/215, 25.581% complete)
(9:25:29 PM) CaptBeard: !entry honkhonk
(9:25:29 PM) HertzDevil: ???? wtf ????
(9:25:29 PM) ironclad: well said
(9:25:30 PM) Jangler: you know what the bagel in brocklyn
(9:25:30 PM) BotB: Syniphas - HONKHONKMOTHERFUCKER.xm ::
(9:25:30 PM) golgibody: I see a flying boot!
(9:25:32 PM) SoiledBargains: chipchampion very good question
(9:25:36 PM) HertzDevil: 20 percent
(9:25:36 PM) spinnybread: Anthony BEARallo
(9:25:37 PM) SoiledBargains: especially his birthdayzz
(9:25:38 PM) CaptBeard: !entry honkhonk.txt
(9:25:39 PM) BotB: Beard - honkhonk.txt ::
(9:25:42 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(9:25:42 PM) SoiledBargains: He seems to have lost those!
(9:25:43 PM) ipi: happy progression
(9:25:49 PM) Patashu: hey
(9:25:53 PM) Patashu: how do I download all of WC8 at once
(9:25:55 PM) Jangler: unfortunately, pokey
(9:25:56 PM) Roofie: arf arf arf
(9:26:01 PM) SoiledBargains: ooh
(9:26:07 PM) Strobe: chipchampion goes chipchampion!
(9:26:07 PM) CaptBeard: i've been voting in only one category this whole time
(9:26:07 PM) golgibody: :P
(9:26:07 PM) spinnybread: woof
(9:26:08 PM) spinnybread: arf
(9:26:10 PM) spinnybread: bark
(9:26:11 PM) SoiledBargains: arfs
(9:26:12 PM) CaptBeard: time to completely revote
(9:26:15 PM) commandycan: barfs
(9:26:16 PM) ipi: haaaa
(9:26:22 PM) chunter: very lovely sounds
(9:26:23 PM) ipi: ascending chords YES
(9:26:24 PM) commandycan: bad arps need to me named barfs
(9:26:25 PM) Baycun: should've asked earlier ya DOOF
(9:26:27 PM) sethdonut: this swings well
(9:26:29 PM) spinnybread: dfg
(9:26:32 PM) chunter: pokey is such a bitch to make sound right
(9:26:36 PM) Roofie: hahahaha candy
(9:26:36 PM) SoiledBargains: dfgds
(9:26:37 PM) sethdonut: i am swaying side to side
(9:26:44 PM) spinnybread: yes I have figured it out
(9:26:45 PM) Jangler: whole tone
(9:26:47 PM) Jangler: +1
(9:26:47 PM) spinnybread: Sad.
(9:26:48 PM) SoiledBargains: 82 people!!
(9:26:49 PM) null1024: this song is nice
(9:26:49 PM) SoiledBargains: !peak
(9:26:50 PM) sethdonut: my torso is a noodle to this beat
(9:26:54 PM) HertzDevil: !p
(9:26:57 PM) HertzDevil: !p 2323
(9:26:57 PM) SoiledBargains: TMAnna RIP
(9:27:00 PM) SoiledBargains: RIP TMAnna
(9:27:01 PM) HertzDevil: !post 2323
(9:27:04 PM) kfaraday:
(9:27:05 PM) Strobe: very nice SAP track
(9:27:06 PM) golgibody: Hahaha
(9:27:07 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(9:27:08 PM) Roofie: iiiiiiiiiiiii
(9:27:09 PM) golgibody: I love this
(9:27:11 PM) golgibody: Swing!
(9:27:12 PM) golgibody: <3
(9:27:13 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:27:15 PM) ipi: wowow!!
(9:27:18 PM) Jangler: swingtime
(9:27:19 PM) FoD: +1 for swing
(9:27:19 PM) ipi: this is greaet omg
(9:27:20 PM) Jangler: time sigs
(9:27:22 PM) Roofie: wow
(9:27:23 PM) Jangler: +1 for time sigs
(9:27:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Swingawswinga
(9:27:28 PM) ipi: oohh
(9:27:29 PM) Roofie: yes jangle
(9:27:33 PM) CaptBeard: so really, every category?
(9:27:36 PM) ipi: yes
(9:27:37 PM) spinnybread: I want rushjet1 to remake every song in WC8 in SWING
(9:27:42 PM) CaptBeard: i don't want to screw it up. darn it.
(9:27:42 PM) ipi: haha
(9:27:48 PM) spinnybread: like he did in that soundtrack
(9:27:50 PM) sethdonut: Quack! Quack!!
(9:27:52 PM) spinnybread: holy fuck
(9:27:53 PM) commandycan: yes, that one
(9:28:04 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... gigamega — null1024 —
(9:28:05 PM) Roofie: QUACKADELIC
(9:28:09 PM) Tux: okay im voting now
(9:28:09 PM) ironclad: return to control reprise
(9:28:10 PM) spinnybread: ARFadelic
(9:28:12 PM) HertzDevil: moga men
(9:28:17 PM) Roofie: ROOFadelic
(9:28:17 PM) HertzDevil: ???? moga men ????
(9:28:18 PM) spinnybread: MOGA MEN
(9:28:21 PM) ipi: 2^9 2^6
(9:28:21 PM) HertzDevil: ???? MOGA MEN ????
(9:28:22 PM) CaptBeard: i can't vote on all these entries
(9:28:26 PM) commandycan: moggle mong
(9:28:28 PM) golgibody: It's null one-o-two-four, not null-twenty-four >:(
(9:28:32 PM) Jangler: you got 3weeks
(9:28:32 PM) SoiledBargains: even if
(9:28:33 PM) Roofie: DOGbox
(9:28:34 PM) HertzDevil: ???? M O G A M E N ????
(9:28:34 PM) Strobe: DocksBox
(9:28:35 PM) CaptBeard: that's like so time consuming to figure out all the categories for voting for
(9:28:36 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... gigamega — null1024 (entry 56/215, 26.047% complete)
(9:28:39 PM) Jangler: ten twenty four
(9:28:39 PM) ipi: doxicbox
(9:28:40 PM) null1024: it's null ten-twenty-four
(9:28:40 PM) HertzDevil: DOGEbox
(9:28:42 PM) Tux: it'd be better if you could download a bitpack like in ohcs
(9:28:44 PM) golgibody: >:(
(9:28:45 PM) Roofie: DOGE!
(9:28:47 PM) Fezuke left the room (quit: ).
(9:28:49 PM) kfaraday: ten twenty four is less syllables ( -w-)
(9:28:53 PM) SoiledBargains: Tux I think you mean votepack
(9:28:57 PM) golgibody: LAZY
(9:28:59 PM) Strobe: almost sound Amiga gameish
(9:29:01 PM) Roofie: DOGE :)
(9:29:05 PM) kfaraday: well. it's the same but it's easier
(9:29:07 PM) kfaraday: haha
(9:29:08 PM) HertzDevil: Entry 84xx:
(9:29:08 PM) HertzDevil: Entry 85xx:
(9:29:08 PM) HertzDevil: Entry 86xx:
(9:29:08 PM) HertzDevil: Entry 87xx:
(9:29:09 PM) Tux: oh yea
(9:29:12 PM) BotB: -- Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax
(9:29:17 PM) CaptBeard: yeah i may vote but it'll be after the stream
(9:29:26 PM) CaptBeard: i voted on a few entries but only in one category, because i wasn't sure what to do
(9:29:30 PM) CaptBeard: i never voted in a major compo before
(9:29:34 PM) Roofie: what is those links hurtsdevli
(9:29:39 PM) HertzDevil: i compiled these ZIPs with human effort
(9:29:43 PM) SoiledBargains: ooho
(9:29:47 PM) kfaraday: hertzella deville
(9:29:47 PM) goluigi: my aura is stagnant :(
(9:29:52 PM) sethdonut: this song is industry
(9:29:53 PM) Jangler: haha kfaraday
(9:29:56 PM) Roofie: he actually placed the stuff into the zips by hand
(9:29:56 PM) xterm-logger: stagflation
(9:29:58 PM) sethdonut: sonic 1
(9:29:58 PM) kfaraday: it'll update before too long :)
(9:30:00 PM) CaptBeard: me like these song
(9:30:04 PM) Jangler: stagflation
(9:30:08 PM) ipi: goluigi you have SKULLS
(9:30:11 PM) commandycan: o:
(9:30:12 PM) ipi: disGUSTing
(9:30:13 PM) mJ: stagflation yes
(9:30:16 PM) spinnybread: moga men
(9:30:16 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Megameng II — Chema64 —
(9:30:18 PM) mJ: stagnant inflation :o
(9:30:18 PM) Jangler: deadw8 loss
(9:30:23 PM) Roofie: giga meng
(9:30:24 PM) spinnybread: moga man
(9:30:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Megameng II — Chema64 (entry 57/215, 26.512% complete)
(9:30:27 PM) HertzDevil: REAL MOGA MEN
(9:30:29 PM) goluigi: i WANT skulls but not red :(
(9:30:33 PM) Roofie: MORGUE MEN
(9:30:38 PM) Jangler: cyanskulls
(9:30:40 PM) sethdonut: mongoloud man
(9:30:41 PM) ipi: megacheng
(9:30:41 PM) goluigi: yes
(9:30:43 PM) HertzDevil: moga
(9:30:44 PM) HertzDevil: moga
(9:30:44 PM) commandycan: this is most tropical
(9:30:46 PM) HertzDevil: meng
(9:30:47 PM) Strobe: just hearing 0.01 seconds of the noise gives the Pokey away
(9:30:47 PM) mJ: can I have white skull
(9:31:05 PM) ipi: lots of vibrato
(9:31:05 PM) eightbitbubsy: hahaha
(9:31:07 PM) spinnybread: moga CHENG
(9:31:09 PM) Roofie: WaRbLy ViBrAtO
(9:31:10 PM) BotB: Title: An Inconvenient Truth , Uploaded by: freddiew , Views: 4 099 202 , Cat: lang=
(9:31:10 PM) CaptBeard: fine i'll vote but after the stream
(9:31:13 PM) spinnybread: MEGACHENG
(9:31:14 PM) CaptBeard: probably days from now
(9:31:16 PM) sethdonut: HawaiinBikerGang-Man
(9:31:20 PM) ipi: <ipi> megacheng //too slow
(9:31:23 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(9:31:25 PM) Jangler: you're too slow
(9:31:30 PM) ***kfaraday 2slow
(9:31:32 PM) HertzDevil: haha spinnybread PWND
(9:31:32 PM) chipchampion: laters
(9:31:37 PM) Jangler: i like this new comment notation
(9:31:37 PM) Baycun: I'm voting right now just based on gut reaction.
(9:31:42 PM) kfaraday: laserdicks :)
(9:31:43 PM) chipchampion left the room (quit: Quit: laserdicks).
(9:31:44 PM) Baycun: Probably shouldn't do that but idc
(9:31:47 PM) Jangler: voting based on gut reaction is best i think
(9:31:48 PM) sethdonut: Baycun: ditto
(9:31:56 PM) kfaraday: baycun same heheh
(9:31:57 PM) commandycan: i agree
(9:31:58 PM) Roofie: laser cats
(9:32:00 PM) commandycan: that's why i'm doing it.
(9:32:00 PM) HertzDevil: ______________ spinnybread == loser ______________
(9:32:01 PM) Jangler: it's silly to upvote stuff you don't like (maybe)
(9:32:01 PM) FoD: Baycun yeah, I'm doing the same thing pretty much
(9:32:03 PM) Roofie: i hate laser cats
(9:32:05 PM) Roofie: loser cats
(9:32:06 PM) KungFuFurby: This material sounds a bit too similar to some other pokey entries...
(9:32:07 PM) spinnybread: \\\\\\\\\\\ i a ree ///////////
(9:32:08 PM) sethdonut: i'll vote within first 20 or so sec, then revisit it at the end
(9:32:10 PM) mJ: yeah
(9:32:18 PM) Baycun: oh never mind it is a good thing!!!!! ??? !!
(9:32:19 PM) Jangler: it's hard to make pokeys sound dissimilar
(9:32:22 PM) Jangler: unless you're zan?
(9:32:27 PM) ipi: i guess?
(9:32:32 PM) HertzDevil: zoy
(9:32:35 PM) Jangler: !entry neopet
(9:32:36 PM) BotB: zanzan - let me tell you 'bout my neopet ::
(9:32:36 PM) Roofie: pokeys always sound pukey
(9:32:38 PM) CaptBeard: i can't vote out of gut reaction
(9:32:41 PM) kfaraday: fod has a very nice pokey from last year :)
(9:32:41 PM) MrRoboto [Mibbit@] entered the room.
(9:32:44 PM) kfaraday: might play it in the intermission
(9:32:46 PM) CaptBeard: it's too hard to even understand what the categories MEAN!
(9:32:57 PM) kfaraday: beard they're like that on purpose
(9:32:58 PM) kfaraday: heheh
(9:33:00 PM) spinnybread: no
(9:33:02 PM) Roofie: that is the idea beard
(9:33:02 PM) ipi: yeah that one was great
(9:33:04 PM) goluigi: vote all of them the same then :o
(9:33:04 PM) Fezuke [] entered the room.
(9:33:05 PM) FoD: kfaraday unfortunately it still sounds pokey-ish
(9:33:06 PM) spinnybread: play fods motorway album
(9:33:08 PM) spinnybread: aLL OF IT
(9:33:10 PM) Baycun: that's what i do
(9:33:12 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(9:33:15 PM) Willow: when is the next intermission timed for approximately?
(9:33:17 PM) kfaraday: motorway listening party
(9:33:23 PM) spinnybread: YES
(9:33:24 PM) CaptBeard: i'm voting starting on the next song
(9:33:31 PM) CaptBeard: i'll vote by the song from now on and do the rest later
(9:33:35 PM) sethdonut: bit repetitive, this
(9:33:35 PM) Roofie: ooh that is a good idea to do voting
(9:33:36 PM) kfaraday: willow: 40 minutes from now
(9:33:37 PM) Jangler: neopet sounds like no other pokey i've hurd
(9:33:38 PM) FoD: hahaa
(9:33:38 PM) SoiledBargains: this is pretty coooooooooool
(9:33:41 PM) spinnybread: I listen to motorway all the time in school
(9:33:42 PM) Willow: k
(9:33:43 PM) spinnybread: it's goo
(9:33:50 PM) Willow: I'm just now tuning back in
(9:33:51 PM) Baycun: ya i'm not gonna stay the whole stream, what i do hear i'll vote on
(9:33:53 PM) Roofie: teacher: STOP LISTENING TO MOTORWAY
(9:33:57 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Featherblade — Chema64 —
(9:33:58 PM) spinnybread: YEA
(9:34:01 PM) Willow: needed to grub/do something not music related
(9:34:02 PM) CaptBeard: kill teacher
(9:34:06 PM) SoiledBargains: Synthcart <#
(9:34:08 PM) SoiledBargains: *<3
(9:34:09 PM) null1024: ;3
(9:34:09 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Featherblade — Chema64 (entry 58/215, 26.977% complete)
(9:34:15 PM) Jangler: teacher live them fod alone
(9:34:17 PM) spinnybread: I'm gonna wait until my entry then I'm gonna go to bed
(9:34:20 PM) null1024: heh
(9:34:22 PM) spinnybread: 8 hours of sleep whatup
(9:34:29 PM) ipi: im staying up for the WHOLE THING
(9:34:31 PM) sethdonut: delicious digital potatos
(9:34:33 PM) Roofie: oh yes i liek this
(9:34:35 PM) ipi: or i will die trying
(9:34:36 PM) spinnybread: o_O)
(9:34:38 PM) Willow: drumkick fun
(9:34:47 PM) CaptBeard: it's pretty okay
(9:34:49 PM) SoiledBargains: <sethdonut> delicious digital potatos I don't even understand it, but... yes
(9:34:50 PM) ipi: this one doesnt appeal to me
(9:34:55 PM) CaptBeard: i have to admit it's a bit more generic than i like
(9:34:56 PM) Jangler: this makes me feel pretty okay inside
(9:34:56 PM) CaptBeard: i
(9:34:56 PM) null1024: it's okay
(9:35:02 PM) Willow: lol jangler
(9:35:09 PM) Strobe: it is comfy
(9:35:10 PM) Roofie: it is too major scale major major
(9:35:18 PM) kfaraday: :)
(9:35:20 PM) Roofie: but the riddims
(9:35:20 PM) chunter: interesting tones in this
(9:35:21 PM) kfaraday: hey it's a MAJOR BATTLE
(9:35:24 PM) Jangler: hahaha
(9:35:24 PM) FoD: needs some sort of modulation
(9:35:24 PM) goluigi: i voted one category a 1 on one entry and i have red skullz what is this
(9:35:25 PM) sethdonut: it does have a pop sensibility to it
(9:35:30 PM) Willow: how u moot'ms
(9:35:32 PM) SoiledBargains: chords
(9:35:32 PM) sethdonut: it's uplifting and sentimental
(9:35:36 PM) ipi: woah that chord
(9:35:37 PM) golgibody: Yeah, it sounds like pop music
(9:35:37 PM) SoiledBargains: poop a sensibility
(9:35:39 PM) CaptBeard: i just voted a few songs
(9:35:40 PM) null1024: it is pop music
(9:35:42 PM) Roofie: yes, like pop music, it has 3 notes
(9:35:42 PM) ipi: very minor
(9:35:42 PM) ***sethdonut poops
(9:35:43 PM) MrRoboto left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(9:35:44 PM) Willow: uh is that a flute
(9:35:47 PM) kfaraday: the rhythms are very well done actualy haha
(9:35:48 PM) CaptBeard: let's check my aura--oh it hasn't changed
(9:35:49 PM) Strobe: makes me think a bit about Tetris Attack
(9:35:54 PM) Willow: ha strobe
(9:35:55 PM) CaptBeard: i think it MAY be a bit darker
(9:35:55 PM) Jangler: this is too long
(9:35:56 PM) Strobe: has kind of the same feeling
(9:35:57 PM) Willow: I can see that
(9:36:01 PM) Roofie: yes tetris attack had terrible music
(9:36:06 PM) Strobe: it did not!
(9:36:08 PM) chunter: Don't take this the wrong way: there are black keys too
(9:36:10 PM) Jangler: mine is getting magenta-er
(9:36:11 PM) SoiledBargains: C64 teim ?
(9:36:12 PM) golgibody: :D
(9:36:12 PM) Strobe: but it had comfy music :D
(9:36:12 PM) goluigi: beard, you're a blue skull
(9:36:13 PM) Willow: yoshi's theme
(9:36:13 PM) ipi: ooh
(9:36:14 PM) FoD: nice ending though
(9:36:17 PM) CaptBeard: i don't see it goluigi
(9:36:20 PM) Roofie: no i'm sorry i'm thinking about tetris worlds strobe
(9:36:22 PM) goluigi: f5 refresh
(9:36:28 PM) goluigi: empty dat cache
(9:36:38 PM) CaptBeard: oh no, i see it
(9:36:39 PM) SoiledBargains: tad that cache
(9:36:40 PM) CaptBeard: i'm scared guys
(9:36:42 PM) golgibody: Long ending is long
(9:36:43 PM) mJ: tetris attack wtf
(9:36:44 PM) null1024: shift+f5
(9:36:46 PM) CaptBeard: i don't wanna be a skull ;-;
(9:36:47 PM) goluigi: bread you have a good aura
(9:36:48 PM) Willow: lol tetris worlds
(9:36:49 PM) Jangler: denoument
(9:36:52 PM) golgibody: lol owned
(9:36:53 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Aurora Digitalis — ElHuesudoII —
(9:36:54 PM) mJ: is that the US version of panel de pon
(9:36:57 PM) Baycun: how do you quit irc
(9:36:58 PM) sethdonut: heart-magic++, brain-tech---
(9:36:58 PM) Willow: that is not a pot-friendly game
(9:37:05 PM) CaptBeard: at least blue skulls are better than black ones
(9:37:11 PM) SoiledBargains: already important
(9:37:11 PM) CaptBeard: i hate black, i hope i don't get black.
(9:37:12 PM) goluigi: hey
(9:37:12 PM) Baycun: my flash crashed and i have to start up chrome again
(9:37:15 PM) goluigi: black is better than red
(9:37:17 PM) Roofie: tetris worlds was full of stock loops from sample CDs
(9:37:17 PM) goluigi: red is DUM
(9:37:17 PM) golgibody: :P
(9:37:19 PM) ipi: i have only voted 2.22% 3's and 4's
(9:37:20 PM) Strobe: xD
(9:37:23 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Aurora Digitalis — ElHuesudoII (entry 59/215, 27.442% complete)
(9:37:28 PM) mJ: goluigi is black irl
(9:37:28 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... 90s pr0n — Chema64 —
(9:37:33 PM) Willow: roofie: I still love the game tho
(9:37:33 PM) sethdonut: voted my first all-7s on that image
(9:37:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... 90s pr0n — Chema64 (entry 60/215, 27.907% complete)
(9:37:38 PM) Baycun: PLZ i'm stupid how do i QUIT ohc
(9:37:40 PM) Baycun: shit
(9:37:41 PM) HertzDevil: yeaaa
(9:37:42 PM) Baycun: irc
(9:37:45 PM) Roofie: yes willow teh game is fun without teh musics
(9:37:47 PM) mJ: wtf what are you on Baycun
(9:37:48 PM) goluigi: !ohc
(9:37:48 PM) BotB: We ALL love OHCs, but none is currently runningz :)))))))
(9:37:50 PM) goluigi: oh
(9:37:51 PM) Willow: oh plz
(9:37:51 PM) goluigi: wtf
(9:37:54 PM) Willow: the music is half the fun
(9:37:55 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... sulfamethoxazole — Svetlana —
(9:38:02 PM) ironclad: I associate this one
(9:38:04 PM) Willow: also I loved cascade mode for some reason
(9:38:05 PM) Baycun: !quit
(9:38:07 PM) Baycun: nope
(9:38:07 PM) golgibody: Hahaha
(9:38:08 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... sulfamethoxazole — Svetlana (entry 61/215, 28.372% complete)
(9:38:09 PM) golgibody: That ugh
(9:38:10 PM) Baycun: din't work
(9:38:10 PM) SoiledBargains: hah
(9:38:11 PM) FoD: whoa panning
(9:38:13 PM) golgibody: Well played :3
(9:38:14 PM) Roofie: !!
(9:38:15 PM) sethdonut: O_______________O
(9:38:15 PM) ipi: woah
(9:38:16 PM) golgibody: Panning of course!
(9:38:18 PM) null1024: amigamod
(9:38:19 PM) commandycan: well hey
(9:38:22 PM) Jangler: vibratoes
(9:38:23 PM) goluigi: obv svet entry
(9:38:26 PM) golgibody: Amiga = authentic hardpans
(9:38:27 PM) Roofie: i did not know that livestream did stereo
(9:38:27 PM) Baycun left the room.
(9:38:30 PM) Willow: I must be lagging a few seconds in the stream
(9:38:31 PM) null1024: blatant svet amiga
(9:38:31 PM) Roofie: it did not used to
(9:38:34 PM) BotB: 8bitbubsy has logged in.
(9:38:35 PM) commandycan: pizza strings yay
(9:38:37 PM) mJ: lmao wow
(9:38:37 PM) FoD: pizz strings funk
(9:38:42 PM) Strobe: we have no bacon left
(9:38:44 PM) Jangler: age of empires plux
(9:38:45 PM) CaptBeard: it's nice
(9:38:46 PM) Roofie: hi there FooD
(9:38:47 PM) spinnybread: piss strings
(9:38:51 PM) sethdonut: exteeeeme pan
(9:38:52 PM) commandycan: no pizza
(9:38:52 PM) spinnybread: FOOD
(9:38:52 PM) Willow: I'm not even using headphones atm and I can feel that panpot ridiculousness
(9:38:57 PM) FoD: FearofDiet
(9:39:01 PM) Roofie: hahahaha
(9:39:05 PM) Svetlana: no pan no gain
(9:39:06 PM) chunter: Willow: it's MOD
(9:39:07 PM) spinnybread: FearofBikes
(9:39:10 PM) Baycun_ [] entered the room.
(9:39:15 PM) Willow: wat about it
(9:39:15 PM) Baycun_: aghhhhhh
(9:39:15 PM) chunter: LCR or death
(9:39:17 PM) Roofie: i like this a lot svetlana
(9:39:18 PM) spinnybread: FearofDICK
(9:39:24 PM) commandycan: well then
(9:39:24 PM) CaptBeard: FearOfDark
(9:39:24 PM) Svetlana: :)
(9:39:25 PM) mJ: lmao
(9:39:26 PM) golgibody: I like these pizzicato strings
(9:39:26 PM) CaptBeard: oh wait
(9:39:31 PM) null1024: funky
(9:39:31 PM) golgibody: Pizzicato strings are not very svetcore
(9:39:33 PM) Jangler: these plux are aoe as shit
(9:39:34 PM) goluigi: my aura is so dum :(
(9:39:35 PM) Willow: this is pretty groovy
(9:39:35 PM) Roofie: FullOfDork
(9:39:36 PM) mJ: LCR circuits
(9:39:36 PM) spinnybread: fearofdick is homophobia
(9:39:38 PM) Roofie: sorry
(9:39:41 PM) eightbitbubsy: there's no panning standard on MOD, so associating MOD with 100% stereo separation is just stupid. Amiga did hardware mixing this way, but that's just one thing
(9:39:46 PM) Roofie: that was a mean joke i just made
(9:39:46 PM) ipi: <spinnybread> fearofdick is homophobia
(9:39:47 PM) chunter: pizza strings sound like sd01
(9:39:52 PM) null1024: you could be a female with fear of dick
(9:39:52 PM) golgibody: :O
(9:39:54 PM) goluigi: fearofdirtywords
(9:39:54 PM) golgibody: bubsyyyyy
(9:39:55 PM) HertzDevil: fear of dad]
(9:39:56 PM) commandycan: dang
(9:39:56 PM) SoiledBargains: MODcccsdf
(9:39:57 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Weenies — Mush —
(9:39:58 PM) sethdonut: !((0(ff61?oAoff40ff61)0))!
(9:40:02 PM) eightbitbubsy: !((0(ff61´oAoff40ff61)0))!
(9:40:03 PM) HertzDevil: PEENY WEENY
(9:40:03 PM) ipi: nice end!!
(9:40:06 PM) spinnybread: im laughing so hard at my joke fuck me
(9:40:08 PM) golgibody: If Amiga did hardware mixing this way, you do it the amiga way!
(9:40:11 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(9:40:11 PM) KungFuFurby: :D
(9:40:11 PM) sethdonut: lol
(9:40:15 PM) Jangler: yeah it's AMIGAMOD
(9:40:17 PM) HertzDevil: my peeny weeny
(9:40:18 PM) Roofie: ooh weeny
(9:40:20 PM) golgibody: You are not an authentic amiga lover bubsy. ;(
(9:40:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Weenies — Mush (entry 62/215, 28.837% complete)
(9:40:24 PM) Roofie: i love weenees
(9:40:29 PM) Yibbon: peeny weenie
(9:40:29 PM) ipi: vibrato
(9:40:29 PM) mJ: yay
(9:40:30 PM) commandycan: i can only imagine what the vrc6 sounded like
(9:40:32 PM) mJ: I like this one
(9:40:38 PM) eightbitbubsy: golgibody, I have an Amiga 4000 with Picasso IV 4MB, which is a rare graphics card
(9:40:39 PM) eightbitbubsy: I think so, dude
(9:40:49 PM) CaptBeard: can you play crysis on it
(9:40:54 PM) Jangler: lol
(9:40:54 PM) Roofie: pling pling pling pling
(9:40:57 PM) Strobe: at very low settings
(9:41:01 PM) eightbitbubsy: at Amiga settings
(9:41:02 PM) Strobe: with 1 frame per year
(9:41:03 PM) mJ: at optimal settings
(9:41:05 PM) golgibody: Don't take it personally, it wasn't meant that way. ;3
(9:41:12 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... store your chips in the freezer — Someone —
(9:41:14 PM) golgibody: It's mainly a silly BotB inside thing
(9:41:17 PM) sethdonut: got a good workout from that one
(9:41:17 PM) Jangler: you can play crysis but it comes out all 2D with 4-color sprites
(9:41:19 PM) golgibody: This whole HARDPANS issue
(9:41:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... store your chips in the freezer — Someone (entry 63/215, 29.302% complete)
(9:41:43 PM) Strobe: waffles :o
(9:41:45 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... the mall underwater — Chip Champion —
(9:41:46 PM) eightbitbubsy: :------O
(9:41:56 PM) epic_caterpillar: it is lagging..~
(9:41:59 PM) null1024: hardpans are designed for TV speakers
(9:42:02 PM) epic_caterpillar: for me at least
(9:42:02 PM) Roofie: underwater malls are hard to shop at
(9:42:06 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... the mall underwater — Chip Champion (entry 64/215, 29.767% complete)
(9:42:07 PM) sethdonut: fuck yeah narrative
(9:42:07 PM) null1024: not for headphones
(9:42:08 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(9:42:10 PM) Strobe: Damn, i need to start making descriptions of my tunes.
(9:42:11 PM) SoiledBargains: Descriptive... :o
(9:42:15 PM) ipi: descriptioncore
(9:42:15 PM) golgibody: Harpans are designed for radio on the other side of the living room. :)
(9:42:15 PM) CaptBeard: he forgot to shift the thing
(9:42:16 PM) Strobe: instead of just "Good day."
(9:42:16 PM) goluigi: change the ARROW!!!!!
(9:42:17 PM) CaptBeard: this is good
(9:42:18 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ Strobe
(9:42:24 PM) ipi: mmmmmmmm nice
(9:42:25 PM) kfaraday: oops :3
(9:42:26 PM) goluigi: kfaraday plz change the arrow
(9:42:26 PM) sethdonut: Chip Champion is absolutely killing it with his prologues
(9:42:27 PM) Roofie: i like to make descriptions
(9:42:32 PM) kfaraday: d0n
(9:42:33 PM) CaptBeard: i'm getting to become a pure blue skull
(9:42:36 PM) CaptBeard: how do you get a skull?
(9:42:36 PM) null1024: this is nice
(9:42:37 PM) Jangler: descriptins are good
(9:42:41 PM) Roofie: yes
(9:42:46 PM) CaptBeard: i love blue but this skull is weird
(9:42:49 PM) Roofie: they describe things which is a good thing to do
(9:42:51 PM) eightbitbubsy: golgibody,
(9:42:55 PM) null1024: too much clipping on sines
(9:43:01 PM) null1024: sines shouldn't clip at all
(9:43:03 PM) Jangler: don't clip the senis
(9:43:10 PM) Strobe: the sines were deep i can admit that
(9:43:15 PM) null1024: this bit is a bit empty
(9:43:16 PM) CaptBeard: so far almost all my votes are the same
(9:43:17 PM) Roofie: senis clipped = kinda square
(9:43:17 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(9:43:18 PM) commandycan: no no no please dont shake the senis
(9:43:21 PM) SoiledBargains: MEANWHILE INSIDE THE AMIGA
(9:43:26 PM) null1024: SoiledBargains: oooooo
(9:43:28 PM) Strobe: the most "empty" chipchampion track so far!
(9:43:33 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(9:43:36 PM) sethdonut: got my first weird ear pang
(9:43:38 PM) Roofie: this is minimal and i liek that
(9:43:39 PM) ipi: but its niiice!!
(9:43:39 PM) Jangler: maj mins
(9:43:45 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 wat
(9:43:46 PM) Willow: my stream just died
(9:43:49 PM) SoiledBargains: I was talking about eightbitbubsy's photo
(9:43:50 PM) CaptBeard: my senis
(9:43:56 PM) Jangler: maj chord min transpos
(9:43:57 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(9:44:01 PM) skinnyhead [] entered the room.
(9:44:05 PM) Jangler: everyone like maj chord min transpos
(9:44:07 PM) Willow: wtf
(9:44:10 PM) Roofie: kinda has that bontempi organ thing to it
(9:44:12 PM) CaptBeard: my sister said "this music is great i love piano music"
(9:44:12 PM) null1024: nice end
(9:44:17 PM) CaptBeard: she also doesn't know anything about music
(9:44:18 PM) SoiledBargains: pretty!
(9:44:19 PM) eightbitbubsy: :D
(9:44:19 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ null1024
(9:44:19 PM) Willow: it's obviously not my internet because yall are blowing up my screen with comments
(9:44:20 PM) sethdonut: ending was nice
(9:44:22 PM) HertzDevil: bleep bloop music
(9:44:24 PM) Strobe: working for me :o
(9:44:24 PM) golgibody: Everything is okay here!
(9:44:25 PM) goluigi: yesh
(9:44:27 PM) sethdonut: works here
(9:44:28 PM) commandycan: im just hearing music!
(9:44:28 PM) SoiledBargains: Good here
(9:44:28 PM) Patashu: ok for me
(9:44:29 PM) null1024: stream is fine here
(9:44:30 PM) ipi: works fine
(9:44:30 PM) KungFuFurby: Stream is working perfectly fine here.
(9:44:31 PM) FoD: working fine over here
(9:44:32 PM) epic_caterpillar: it was lagging for a sec there...
(9:44:33 PM) golgibody: Who is complaining! >:(
(9:44:33 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(9:44:36 PM) Roofie: it is good
(9:44:37 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Beauty of the Void — Baycun —
(9:44:38 PM) null1024: but it does drop out sometimes, I dunno
(9:44:41 PM) epic_caterpillar: maybe is just me
(9:44:43 PM) Baycun_: it cuts out a little for me but probably my ship internet
(9:44:44 PM) HertzDevil: ponies
(9:44:45 PM) CaptBeard: OOOO this one is for gyms is my favorite
(9:44:45 PM) chunter: stream is fine in USA
(9:44:45 PM) golgibody: :D
(9:44:46 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Beauty of the Void — Baycun (entry 65/215, 30.233% complete)
(9:44:51 PM) null1024: lies
(9:44:52 PM) goluigi: gee it sure is BORING around here
(9:44:53 PM) sethdonut: :)
(9:44:59 PM) null1024: SPC is the easiest ;3
(9:44:59 PM) golgibody: I like how you put your soul into it when you say these comments
(9:45:03 PM) HertzDevil: this sounds exactly like that mlp entry in fcm9
(9:45:06 PM) chunter: actually, there's a brony picture on baycun's av
(9:45:10 PM) null1024: loud
(9:45:11 PM) Baycun_: goluigi you said that when I posted it and I still don't get it!!!!
(9:45:13 PM) sethdonut: "i find great appeal in your sensibilities of melody resolution"
(9:45:14 PM) sethdonut: i maintain this
(9:45:16 PM) goluigi: ipi rapes baycun
(9:45:16 PM) ipi: volume control please
(9:45:16 PM) Jangler: somehow these chromes aren't rubbing my jive nicely
(9:45:17 PM) goluigi: irl
(9:45:17 PM) golgibody: Hey this is cool
(9:45:17 PM) goluigi: thanks
(9:45:21 PM) null1024: this sounds really familiar
(9:45:25 PM) spinnybread left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 202 seconds).
(9:45:26 PM) null1024: really familiar
(9:45:29 PM) ipi: goluigi i dont even like bacon irl
(9:45:34 PM) ***Roofie wakes up moot
(9:45:37 PM) SoiledBargains: Sines
(9:45:38 PM) goluigi: no ipi his avatar
(9:45:40 PM) CaptBeard: yeah it sounds sorta familiar
(9:45:41 PM) Jangler: no one actually likes bacon in reality
(9:45:42 PM) xterm-logger: sinus
(9:45:43 PM) golgibody: This is really good
(9:45:46 PM) CaptBeard: bacon is great
(9:45:47 PM) golgibody: Hey, I like bacon!
(9:45:48 PM) Roofie is now known as mootbooxle
(9:45:49 PM) goluigi: baycun, it's about your description
(9:45:49 PM) Svet|away is now known as Svetlana
(9:45:50 PM) Strobe: short :D
(9:45:50 PM) cak [] entered the room.
(9:45:51 PM) CaptBeard: but yeah it's similar to...
(9:45:51 PM) goluigi: goog song tho
(9:45:51 PM) Baycun_: ;____________;
(9:45:51 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... This One's For Gyms — mootbooxle —
(9:45:52 PM) Willow: ...
(9:45:54 PM) golgibody: Jangler, what you chattin about. >:(
(9:45:55 PM) sethdonut: that was refreshing
(9:45:56 PM) chunter: CaptBeard: it's the chords
(9:46:00 PM) SoiledBargains: w00tbooxle
(9:46:03 PM) HertzDevil: gyms!
(9:46:10 PM) mootbooxle: yay Gyms
(9:46:11 PM) commandycan: hurrah
(9:46:11 PM) FoD: <3
(9:46:12 PM) Jangler: i'm projecting my opinions onto every1
(9:46:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... This One's For Gyms — mootbooxle (entry 66/215, 30.698% complete)
(9:46:16 PM) eightbitbubsy: and golgibody just in case you don't think I'm an Amigan enough -- I wrote the most accurate ProTracker replayer for non-Amiga platforms, and foobar2000 is using it
(9:46:17 PM) CaptBeard: YES
(9:46:18 PM) CaptBeard: love this song
(9:46:19 PM) commandycan: 1-2
(9:46:20 PM) Willow: Am I the only one suffering with this stream
(9:46:21 PM) CaptBeard: it sounds so nostalgic
(9:46:22 PM) sethdonut: 1-2
(9:46:24 PM) null1024: drum kick
(9:46:25 PM) CaptBeard: it IS heart-magic imo
(9:46:27 PM) ***SoiledBargains pretends he's drumming
(9:46:28 PM) sethdonut: oh, oh yeah
(9:46:30 PM) CaptBeard: like heart-magic 7
(9:46:31 PM) goluigi: credits music
(9:46:31 PM) null1024: 7 heart magic, yes
(9:46:32 PM) mootbooxle: thanks CaptBeard :)
(9:46:38 PM) SoiledBargains: mootbooxle you're here!!!
(9:46:39 PM) sethdonut: heart-magic all over my face and eyes
(9:46:42 PM) goluigi: this is good credits music
(9:46:43 PM) SoiledBargains: HELLO AND THIS IS GOOD
(9:46:44 PM) eightbitbubsy: follin arps
(9:46:47 PM) ipi: good!!
(9:46:48 PM) CaptBeard: this is very addictive imo
(9:46:52 PM) CaptBeard: i love this entry
(9:46:57 PM) chunter: nice feel in this
(9:46:58 PM) mootbooxle: Yes I was trying to be very Follin-y
(9:47:03 PM) SoiledBargains: One of the few entries I've actually downloaded
(9:47:04 PM) Jangler: >:V( )E
(9:47:04 PM) Svetlana: i said it once i'll said it again
(9:47:05 PM) Svetlana: no pan no gain
(9:47:09 PM) mootbooxle: <3
(9:47:11 PM) Baycun_: oh man i was getting bored with these songs this brings me right back fantastic
(9:47:12 PM) commandycan: i enjoy this
(9:47:12 PM) CaptBeard: no pan no zan
(9:47:13 PM) eightbitbubsy: no pan no panus
(9:47:17 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(9:47:18 PM) commandycan: :))))))
(9:47:19 PM) goluigi: why is my aura so dumb :(
(9:47:24 PM) null1024: that pan is actually really nice
(9:47:24 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(9:47:25 PM) chunter: mootbooxle: sadly I think if you got the follin vibe I wouldn't have liked it as much, take that how you want
(9:47:27 PM) null1024: but it's wrong
(9:47:30 PM) SoiledBargains: mootbooxle did you see if stereo was enabled in NSFLive when you rendered this?
(9:47:30 PM) Patashu: lovely percussion
(9:47:30 PM) chunter: nice vocal tone here
(9:47:32 PM) sethdonut: this one got rated really high...
(9:47:33 PM) Svetlana: because auras are dumb
(9:47:39 PM) golgibody: <eightbitbubsy> and golgibody just in case you don't think I'm an Amigan enough -- I wrote the most accurate ProTracker replayer for non-Amiga platforms, and foobar2000 is using it <-- I told you not to take it personally. ;(
(9:47:42 PM) mootbooxle: SoiledBargains it is stereo ON PURPOSE
(9:47:42 PM) null1024: auras are kind of dumb right now
(9:47:43 PM) chunter: this sound is why I didn't bother with NSF
(9:47:44 PM) eightbitbubsy: golgibody, :(
(9:47:46 PM) golgibody: It wasn't meant so!
(9:47:47 PM) SoiledBargains: OH!!
(9:47:49 PM) eightbitbubsy: but it hurt my manly feelings
(9:47:55 PM) Jangler: he accidentally the stereo
(9:47:55 PM) golgibody: It is a silly BotB thing
(9:47:56 PM) CaptBeard: voted highly!
(9:47:56 PM) ipi: WhO cAres About panning ANYWYAFYUAWEKoptjl[dfyk];g,jhk
(9:47:58 PM) Willow: ok
(9:48:05 PM) SoiledBargains: mootbooxle you'll still get votes!!
(9:48:09 PM) SoiledBargains: >:D
(9:48:10 PM) goluigi: people with floppy EARS
(9:48:11 PM) mootbooxle: it is not accidentally stereo
(9:48:12 PM) ipi: esp from me
(9:48:14 PM) sethdonut: this is very George and Jonathan to me
(9:48:15 PM) mootbooxle: I like stereo
(9:48:18 PM) golgibody: I know you're a more authentic amiga man than most here. ;)
(9:48:22 PM) null1024: eightbitbubsy: say, will you ever do the front end to be able to save .MOD? it would be the ideal .MOD program
(9:48:25 PM) cak: it is wildchip after all
(9:48:28 PM) commandycan: guhh
(9:48:29 PM) eightbitbubsy: tracking in mono is just stupid, unless you're using an ancient format, or doing a specific chip style
(9:48:30 PM) Willow: if this stream keeps aids'ing I'll have to come back later
(9:48:34 PM) kfaraday: this'd still sound amazing without panning lol
(9:48:35 PM) SoiledBargains: > I bow to you, Mr. Donut.
(9:48:45 PM) golgibody: This would sound more amazing without panning. :)
(9:48:47 PM) ***null1024 does mono because he usually ends up listening to his music with only one speaker
(9:48:49 PM) CaptBeard: aids valley = stream
(9:48:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Is Willow our only problem Brian with the stream?
(9:48:50 PM) sethdonut: >_>
(9:48:51 PM) mootbooxle: I like it in mono too
(9:48:57 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... awaken, new world! — null1024 —
(9:49:00 PM) eightbitbubsy: null1024, the MOD save routine is in the source code, but I haven't implemented any "edit GUI text" routine yet, so I thought I'd do that before putting a SAVE button
(9:49:04 PM) null1024: ah
(9:49:11 PM) commandycan: booooobs
(9:49:13 PM) Yibbon: UHHH HAAUUAH UUAH
(9:49:17 PM) ipi: woah
(9:49:17 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday doesn't know what boobiesqueeze ios?
(9:49:18 PM) mootbooxle: squeeze my boobayz
(9:49:18 PM) goluigi: BOOBIESQUEEZER
(9:49:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... awaken, new world! — null1024 (entry 67/215, 31.163% complete)
(9:49:19 PM) HertzDevil: yibbon
(9:49:21 PM) CaptBeard: boobie lol funny
(9:49:21 PM) null1024: I love this entry.
(9:49:26 PM) SoiledBargains: *is
(9:49:27 PM) HertzDevil: yibbon funny
(9:49:28 PM) commandycan: boobiecore
(9:49:30 PM) CaptBeard: we're not even half way through are we
(9:49:33 PM) ipi: no
(9:49:35 PM) null1024: CaptBeard: noep ;3
(9:49:36 PM) mootbooxle: :D :D :D :D
(9:49:36 PM) HertzDevil: no
(9:49:36 PM) Patashu: mmmm
(9:49:37 PM) Yibbon: this is my entry :)
(9:49:38 PM) commandycan: captbeard not even
(9:49:40 PM) sethdonut: breakdown... OF SOCIETY
(9:49:40 PM) goluigi: null1024 this is like your best song ever
(9:49:41 PM) Yibbon: hope you all enjoy
(9:49:42 PM) HertzDevil: fuc of yibbon
(9:49:43 PM) sethdonut: nowhere left... TO TURN
(9:49:46 PM) xterm-logger: "31.163% complete"
(9:49:48 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard my synclisten script includes that info now.
(9:49:50 PM) Jangler: yes this might be my favorite null?
(9:49:51 PM) Patashu:!.xm
(9:49:51 PM) sethdonut: surviving... DAY TO DAY
(9:49:53 PM) Patashu: how do I download this
(9:49:55 PM) mootbooxle: so really, people are upset that I render my NSFs in stereo?
(9:50:00 PM) Strobe: sine slide bdrums :o
(9:50:02 PM) ipi: <Jangler> yes this might be my favorite null? //same
(9:50:02 PM) sethdonut: how can one man...
(9:50:03 PM) cak: no way dude
(9:50:04 PM) ipi: moot NO
(9:50:05 PM) sethdonut: how can one woman...
(9:50:09 PM) Jangler: Patashu: remove funky characters until it works
(9:50:10 PM) mootbooxle: good ipi
(9:50:11 PM) Strobe: mootbooxle i can't say that i care no!
(9:50:12 PM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut ? ?? ?
(9:50:14 PM) Jangler: from the URL, i mean
(9:50:15 PM) null1024: Strobe: pingpong sine ;3
(9:50:18 PM) mootbooxle: cuz I like it that way
(9:50:19 PM) cak: stereo sounds sweet
(9:50:25 PM) mootbooxle: :)
(9:50:27 PM) Yibbon: when will it be 36.7879% complete, ie 1/e %
(9:50:29 PM) mootbooxle: thanks cak
(9:50:32 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler that : and // are the ultimate funky
(9:50:34 PM) chunter: tempo
(9:50:34 PM) sethdonut: just rattling off intuitive images
(9:50:34 PM) mootbooxle: nice to see you, btw
(9:50:35 PM) golgibody: I like this pad
(9:50:39 PM) HertzDevil: I'm very hungry.
(9:50:41 PM) HertzDevil: Give me the chips.
(9:50:46 PM) eightbitbubsy: chips4u
(9:50:47 PM) commandycan: no, i dont want that
(9:50:50 PM) SoiledBargains: Yibbon I dunno set up a proportion1!
(9:50:54 PM) mootbooxle: null1024 this is very nice
(9:50:58 PM) HertzDevil: I'm very hungry.
(9:50:58 PM) null1024: thanks
(9:50:58 PM) mootbooxle: I like the textures
(9:51:01 PM) AyakaSuda left the room (quit: Quit: Metal Slug: Where being fat increases your fire power!).
(9:51:02 PM) HertzDevil: CIR
(9:51:05 PM) Willow left the room (quit: Quit: balls).
(9:51:07 PM) Jangler: "!" is almost certainly what is messing it up
(9:51:10 PM) ***SoiledBargains drops pizza on HertzDevil
(9:51:15 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler yep
(9:51:15 PM) HertzDevil: but i think it is the comma
(9:51:17 PM) mootbooxle: DROP A TRAIN ON EM
(9:51:17 PM) golgibody: You know, that wasn't too bad!
(9:51:19 PM) xterm-logger: PIZZADROP
(9:51:20 PM) Svetlana: Server not found
(9:51:20 PM) Svetlana: Firefox can't find the server at
(9:51:21 PM) SoiledBargains: mootbooxle hahah
(9:51:23 PM) sethdonut: cool
(9:51:25 PM) Svetlana: newsflash: google is down
(9:51:25 PM) HertzDevil: opera master race
(9:51:25 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... RVAS — Chip Champion —
(9:51:26 PM) CaptBeard: Give me the s3xmod.
(9:51:27 PM) goluigi: TUX
(9:51:27 PM) mootbooxle: hahahah SB :D
(9:51:33 PM) chunter: Svetlana: that's not good
(9:51:33 PM) Tux: WHAT
(9:51:34 PM) goluigi: YOUR AURA IS SO COOL
(9:51:36 PM) CaptBeard: NO! I don't want that.
(9:51:37 PM) null1024:
(9:51:38 PM) null1024: easy
(9:51:38 PM) Svetlana: first downtime in like 17 years or so
(9:51:40 PM) BotB: Page info: HTML
(9:51:41 PM) SoiledBargains: looo
(9:51:43 PM) goluigi: i want your aura :(
(9:51:43 PM) SoiledBargains: lolol
(9:51:44 PM) Tux: WHAT AURA
(9:51:44 PM) Yibbon: loalaoaldoalo
(9:51:44 PM) chunter: Svetlana: change nameserver to or something
(9:51:44 PM) CaptBeard: lemme see
(9:51:45 PM) GreaseMonkey: *s3xmodit
(9:51:47 PM) mootbooxle: lolololol MOOOOOOOOG
(9:51:48 PM) null1024: just get rid of the rest of the text
(9:51:52 PM) goluigi:
(9:51:52 PM) null1024: you just need the entry number
(9:51:54 PM) GreaseMonkey: xm sucks
(9:51:55 PM) CaptBeard: WOAH TUXXY
(9:51:55 PM) Svetlana: chunter i use
(9:51:56 PM) CaptBeard: I LIKE IT
(9:51:56 PM) GreaseMonkey: but yeah
(9:51:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... RVAS — Chip Champion (entry 68/215, 31.628% complete)
(9:52:01 PM) chunter: hmm
(9:52:01 PM) mootbooxle is now known as MOOGbooxle
(9:52:03 PM) Tux: lmao what
(9:52:04 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 you're right!!
(9:52:05 PM) Abigail [] entered the room.
(9:52:08 PM) ipi: thick!!
(9:52:08 PM) CaptBeard: uh oh mine is getting more red
(9:52:10 PM) SoiledBargains: DUH
(9:52:14 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 good thinking!!
(9:52:14 PM) Tux: death to haruhi f********
(9:52:19 PM) goluigi: mine is alreddy red :(
(9:52:25 PM) golgibody: :(
(9:52:25 PM) ***sethdonut skanks
(9:52:26 PM) kfaraday: how's my voice volume btw
(9:52:28 PM) CaptBeard: I don't want that!
(9:52:28 PM) SoiledBargains: whoever originally asked that question, remove the entire file name with random junk.
(9:52:30 PM) Tux: i officially have a death to haruhi aura
(9:52:34 PM) Tux: no!!!!!!
(9:52:34 PM) golgibody: Your voice volume is just fine!
(9:52:34 PM) null1024: it's like, there's an entry number, why do you need the name other than to be pretty
(9:52:36 PM) Svetlana is now known as Svet|away
(9:52:36 PM) mJ: lol
(9:52:37 PM) goluigi: i want BLUE death to arabs
(9:52:38 PM) commandycan: just peachy, kfaraday
(9:52:39 PM) MOOGbooxle: it's just right kfaraday
(9:52:39 PM) kfaraday: : ) danke
(9:52:40 PM) HertzDevil: haruhi found dead in palestine regions
(9:52:40 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I don't even know, so probably fine.
(9:52:44 PM) ipi: mine has a touch of yellow AGAIN
(9:52:45 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday no no
(9:52:48 PM) golgibody: goluigi has a Baycun aura ^o^
(9:52:49 PM) kfaraday: hertz lmao
(9:52:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Thank you.
(9:52:54 PM) kfaraday: :)))
(9:52:57 PM) CaptBeard: this is good stuff
(9:52:59 PM) goluigi: baycun's aura is DUM
(9:53:02 PM) sethdonut: solid isolation of voices. keeps things moving.
(9:53:03 PM) CaptBeard: voting 1 on everything because dmf
(9:53:05 PM) sethdonut: diggin it
(9:53:07 PM) CaptBeard: sorry bro dude
(9:53:09 PM) goluigi: red auras are almost as dum as gray
(9:53:13 PM) CaptBeard: jk ofc
(9:53:13 PM) Jangler: haruhi isn't even a real
(9:53:16 PM) eightbitbubsy: help the weird man face animation on the stream is making me explode
(9:53:17 PM) CaptBeard: beard is real
(9:53:18 PM) goluigi: yes
(9:53:19 PM) Jangler: it's not even anime
(9:53:20 PM) eightbitbubsy: it needs to be removed
(9:53:22 PM) MOOGbooxle: yeah sethdonut! I like that there is plenty sonic space!
(9:53:28 PM) Jangler: okay ignore that
(9:53:32 PM) HertzDevil: !entry palestine
(9:53:33 PM) BotB: Strobe - lalaaaawwawawawaawsall.nsf ::
(9:53:36 PM) KungFuFurby: Not voting this one high.
(9:53:42 PM) goluigi: wow rude
(9:53:42 PM) tristendo left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(9:53:50 PM) HertzDevil: rude dude with attitude
(9:53:55 PM) Tux: i get that she isn't real jangler wow!!!!
(9:53:56 PM) CaptBeard: wow rudie
(9:54:01 PM) ipi: kungfufurby the hedgehog
(9:54:02 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Green Tea — Doxic —
(9:54:02 PM) chunter: intresting use of tempo here
(9:54:04 PM) Jangler: hehe Tux
(9:54:05 PM) commandycan: rude dudes and stoner bros
(9:54:07 PM) CaptBeard: aids is next
(9:54:14 PM) MOOGbooxle: BAD DUDES
(9:54:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Green Tea — Doxic (entry 69/215, 32.093% complete)
(9:54:20 PM) Baycun_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(9:54:24 PM) Yibbon: SID the best soundchip
(9:54:24 PM) MOOGbooxle: oooooh!
(9:54:28 PM) xterm-logger: whoa wat
(9:54:30 PM) SoiledBargains: Analog filters <3
(9:54:30 PM) CaptBeard: this is cool
(9:54:32 PM) goluigi: wow this is really good
(9:54:33 PM) MOOGbooxle: NICE
(9:54:34 PM) Jangler: nice nice
(9:54:34 PM) golgibody: Oh wow cool
(9:54:34 PM) CaptBeard: how does it sound like that
(9:54:37 PM) FoD: this is awesome
(9:54:38 PM) Strobe: uis avatar works great with this tune
(9:54:38 PM) golgibody: This has a samba beat!
(9:54:40 PM) Willow [] entered the room.
(9:54:41 PM) HertzDevil: mine
(9:54:41 PM) FoD: excellent sounds
(9:54:41 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ CaptBeard analog filters
(9:54:42 PM) golgibody: Samba beats <3
(9:54:43 PM) Yibbon: ringmod
(9:54:44 PM) ipi: nice!!
(9:54:45 PM) Yibbon: ringmod
(9:54:45 PM) ***null1024 likes the chromatic scale thing ;3
(9:54:47 PM) CaptBeard: nice!!
(9:54:48 PM) Willow: una vez mas
(9:54:49 PM) MOOGbooxle: love the filter sweeps!
(9:54:51 PM) HertzDevil: convoluted remi
(9:54:51 PM) ipi: samba circus esque
(9:54:52 PM) null1024: also, filters
(9:54:54 PM) sethdonut: this is crazy
(9:54:58 PM) SoiledBargains: SID is pretty neat for that reason.
(9:55:02 PM) Willow: relink plox
(9:55:03 PM) Yibbon: link
(9:55:05 PM) Tux: oh god i love jrlepage's entries
(9:55:07 PM) MOOGbooxle: NIEC
(9:55:08 PM) kfaraday:
(9:55:12 PM) BotB: Doxic - Green Tea :: Battle of the Bits -- i wouldn't listen to the sid if i was you... :| my very first sid ever, it was fun to play with ;p Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(9:55:20 PM) CaptBeard: voted
(9:55:21 PM) Jangler: this good
(9:55:27 PM) goluigi: doxic's best yet
(9:55:27 PM) Jangler: even if the melody is nonses
(9:55:31 PM) kfaraday: :333
(9:55:35 PM) CaptBeard: OH NO i'm getting redder
(9:55:35 PM) kfaraday: it is the good kind of nonsense~
(9:55:36 PM) SoiledBargains: Commented with "Exemplification of the filterization!!
(9:55:36 PM) MOOGbooxle: was Roofie being annoying?
(9:55:37 PM) SoiledBargains: "
(9:55:38 PM) goluigi: this is actually cool
(9:55:39 PM) Yibbon: I am trying to vote on everything
(9:55:40 PM) CaptBeard: my skull is getting embarassing
(9:55:41 PM) Tux: apparantely i'm still not done voting WTF
(9:55:43 PM) goluigi: BEARD VOTE NICER!!!!
(9:55:45 PM) Jangler: yes i like a lot of nones music
(9:55:50 PM) CaptBeard: i'm actually voting nicer
(9:55:53 PM) CaptBeard: and i'm getting redder
(9:55:59 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... AIDS Valley 2 (feat ko0x) — goluigi —
(9:55:59 PM) xterm-logger: auras are borken
(9:56:00 PM) MOOGbooxle: I hope Roofie was not bothering you guys too much, I'm trying to make him quit smoking
(9:56:03 PM) commandycan: aids valley
(9:56:04 PM) sethdonut: beard? oh i thought it was CaptBread this whole time
(9:56:04 PM) CaptBeard: time for weegee
(9:56:09 PM) CaptBeard: hhaahaa
(9:56:12 PM) HertzDevil: where'a gayluuigi
(9:56:14 PM) goluigi: golgicore 4
(9:56:15 PM) chunter: MOOGbooxle: smoking what?
(9:56:16 PM) goluigi: hi
(9:56:20 PM) CaptBeard: bread is a running joke
(9:56:20 PM) ***Willow tries t load that stream again
(9:56:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Aww no SMK entries... :(
(9:56:23 PM) CaptBeard: beard is the real name
(9:56:24 PM) MOOGbooxle: cigarettes, he chain smokes
(9:56:25 PM) Jangler: mario kart
(9:56:26 PM) goluigi: just you wait
(9:56:29 PM) SoiledBargains: golgibody how could you?!!
(9:56:29 PM) commandycan: koopa aids
(9:56:30 PM) ipi: go!!
(9:56:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... AIDS Valley 2 (feat ko0x) — goluigi (entry 70/215, 32.558% complete)
(9:56:33 PM) chunter: oic
(9:56:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh wait nevermind
(9:56:36 PM) Zephemeros: holy crap
(9:56:38 PM) Willow: ok
(9:56:38 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(9:56:38 PM) sethdonut: XD
(9:56:39 PM) SoiledBargains: YAY
(9:56:40 PM) null1024: that fade in
(9:56:41 PM) golgibody: Mario kart amiga version
(9:56:42 PM) commandycan: whoaaa seperate ways goluigi version
(9:56:42 PM) Zephemeros: that was unexpected
(9:56:43 PM) eightbitbubsy: tb-303 bass
(9:56:46 PM) Zephemeros: amazing
(9:56:49 PM) Yibbon: can't wait until we get to Apocynthion Drive- my collab with HertzDevil!
(9:56:50 PM) SoiledBargains: I was thinking no SMK, but you did
(9:56:51 PM) skinnyhead: AIDS VALLEY
(9:56:53 PM) CaptBeard: it wins a good heart-magic and wow-tilt
(9:56:53 PM) SoiledBargains: And I didn't read the title
(9:56:54 PM) Willow: well, either it's the stream or my computer is about to die
(9:56:55 PM) HertzDevil: fuc of yibbon
(9:56:55 PM) kfaraday: yib :))
(9:56:56 PM) MOOGbooxle: MEW MEW MEW MEW
(9:56:59 PM) ironclad: YIB
(9:57:00 PM) HertzDevil: ?????????@???????@????????????
(9:57:02 PM) Strobe: that classic mario kart bass
(9:57:03 PM) chunter: valley indeed
(9:57:03 PM) eightbitbubsy: is it just me or is every sample out of tune
(9:57:05 PM) ironclad: SHUT UP LOL
(9:57:06 PM) Jangler: everyone is HertzDevil
(9:57:07 PM) null1024: what are you typing HertzDevil
(9:57:08 PM) commandycan: lmao
(9:57:11 PM) Strobe: Djumpp.
(9:57:13 PM) MOOGbooxle: yes! eightbitbubsy
(9:57:14 PM) skinnyhead: THE BASS IS SHIT BUT I LOVE IT
(9:57:15 PM) ipi: i am not HertzDevil
(9:57:18 PM) ipi: i am nicetas_c
(9:57:21 PM) Jangler: djumpp unchained
(9:57:24 PM) kfaraday: smk bass is life
(9:57:24 PM) skinnyhead: Fuck The Hertz Devil
(9:57:26 PM) commandycan: mega man x kart
(9:57:26 PM) Jangler: nicetas.c
(9:57:28 PM) MOOGbooxle is now known as nicetit_c
(9:57:28 PM) HertzDevil: my god tier unicode client
(9:57:30 PM) sethdonut: kart racing with your life on the line
(9:57:30 PM) golgibody: Respect the nicetas cheng
(9:57:31 PM) CaptBeard: hert the hertz devil
(9:57:33 PM) Jangler: HertzDevil was a bot all along
(9:57:33 PM) Willow: ...why the hell is it doing this
(9:57:34 PM) ipi: this is super great
(9:57:35 PM) nicetit_c: eeeeeeeeee
(9:57:39 PM) kfaraday: eeeeeeee
(9:57:40 PM) HertzDevil: what the FUCK
(9:57:44 PM) Yibbon: eeeeeeeeee
(9:57:45 PM) commandycan: lmao
(9:57:46 PM) Jangler: a lot of floating eyes
(9:57:51 PM) HertzDevil: you are all SOCIOPATHS
(9:57:52 PM) goluigi: wow hertzdevil No Cussing Please
(9:57:53 PM) null1024: HertzDevil: I have utf-8 encoding here, that just looks like mojibake
(9:57:53 PM) kfaraday: (ewe )
(9:57:54 PM) golgibody: :D
(9:57:55 PM) nicetit_c: :D
(9:57:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Commented: "Finally, a real full-length SPC SMK thing. Ever.
(9:57:57 PM) SoiledBargains: "But in desperate need of a better name."
(9:57:59 PM) Jangler: eeeeeeee ----@
(9:58:02 PM) ipi: lasat lap ahah
(9:58:03 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:58:04 PM) FoD: FINAL LAP
(9:58:05 PM) sethdonut: LOOL
(9:58:06 PM) Yibbon: You were creating several tracks for a mario cup soundtrack? Hmm... interesting... I've done soundtracks on a much grander scale.
(9:58:06 PM) CaptBeard: i love that
(9:58:06 PM) null1024: haha
(9:58:07 PM) HertzDevil: hahaha oh my god
(9:58:08 PM) commandycan: that was nice
(9:58:10 PM) goluigi: really LONG last lap
(9:58:11 PM) null1024: long last lap ;3
(9:58:12 PM) Patashu: HURRY UP!
(9:58:13 PM) KungFuFurby: Final lap.
(9:58:15 PM) SoiledBargains: goluigi hahaha
(9:58:17 PM) goluigi: he fell of 16 times
(9:58:18 PM) skinnyhead: Fck Yib
(9:58:18 PM) sethdonut: GET THE BOOST
(9:58:18 PM) eightbitbubsy: help harmonics
(9:58:18 PM) Jangler: one-upped
(9:58:19 PM) nicetit_c: maaaaaan this is good
(9:58:19 PM) goluigi: off
(9:58:20 PM) commandycan: decided to go in reverse
(9:58:20 PM) nicetit_c: LAST PLACE
(9:58:24 PM) KungFuFurby: Please pass go and collect 200 dollars.
(9:58:29 PM) ipi: i wish you could shoot things at lakitu and wipe off his smug little face
(9:58:30 PM) nicetit_c: Fishin' Lakitu tiem
(9:58:37 PM) CaptBeard: OH GOD
(9:58:38 PM) CaptBeard: mine is next
(9:58:41 PM) ipi: yesssss somg
(9:58:41 PM) nicetit_c is now known as Roofie
(9:58:43 PM) Jangler: hey goluigi this is good
(9:58:44 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard hahaha
(9:58:45 PM) FoD: This just +1ed
(9:58:45 PM) Yibbon: why does it sound like mario paint
(9:58:46 PM) HertzDevil: press b to moonjump
(9:58:46 PM) SoiledBargains: OWNED
(9:58:46 PM) goluigi: thx
(9:58:51 PM) ironclad: nicetits
(9:58:52 PM) Roofie: hey was moot bothering you guys?
(9:58:53 PM) eightbitbubsy: the bass is crazy
(9:58:55 PM) sethdonut: 6/8
(9:58:56 PM) CaptBeard: this is my last real song
(9:58:56 PM) HertzDevil: infinite banana
(9:58:57 PM) eightbitbubsy: acid bass on acid
(9:59:00 PM) golgibody: Oh wow cool
(9:59:01 PM) sethdonut: (place in the race)
(9:59:03 PM) HertzDevil: lewis acid
(9:59:05 PM) golgibody: I like this speed up at the end
(9:59:07 PM) skinnyhead is now known as FckTheNicetasChow
(9:59:07 PM) CaptBeard: yes
(9:59:09 PM) SoiledBargains: eightbitbubsy the bass isn't that trippy
(9:59:10 PM) Yibbon: the acid bass is really good
(9:59:11 PM) SoiledBargains: OOOH
(9:59:11 PM) goluigi: oops magically portaled to a new track
(9:59:12 PM) SoiledBargains: WOAH
(9:59:13 PM) HertzDevil: NATIVE FAITH
(9:59:14 PM) FckTheNicetasChow: Fuck The Nicetas C how
(9:59:14 PM) CaptBeard: good job goluigi
(9:59:16 PM) Yibbon: AAAAAAAAA
(9:59:16 PM) Roofie: this is s good
(9:59:18 PM) Yibbon: NATIVE FAITH
(9:59:18 PM) FckTheNicetasChow is now known as skinnyhead
(9:59:19 PM) ipi: this is so goooooooooooooooooooooooooood
(9:59:21 PM) ipi: omggg cvmszfx
(9:59:22 PM) Willow: Let me try to skype with someone to see if I'm dipping and don't know it
(9:59:25 PM) SoiledBargains: This is going to get in some important top 7
(9:59:27 PM) Roofie: SO GOOD
(9:59:27 PM) commandycan: hiv beach 2
(9:59:30 PM) eightbitbubsy: WOUAGH BENIS PENIS AH BOY
(9:59:33 PM) skinnyhead: HIV BEACH
(9:59:34 PM) SoiledBargains: Or else I will piss blood in anger.
(9:59:37 PM) Roofie: hahahaha commandycan
(9:59:42 PM) golgibody: :D
(9:59:43 PM) ipi: hahaha victory!!
(9:59:43 PM) golgibody: That ending
(9:59:43 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(9:59:44 PM) sethdonut: brain-tech+++++++
(9:59:45 PM) SoiledBargains: Roofie haha
(9:59:46 PM) FoD: awesome entry
(9:59:47 PM) Roofie: hahahahaha PERFECT
(9:59:48 PM) skinnyhead: gonorrhea plains 2
(9:59:48 PM) SoiledBargains: also hahaha
(9:59:50 PM) null1024: great
(9:59:50 PM) CaptBeard: eee
(9:59:51 PM) HertzDevil: THE ENDING LMFAO
(9:59:51 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Based Blitz Barrage — Beard —
(9:59:53 PM) CaptBeard: eee
(9:59:58 PM) SoiledBargains: "that was good— next entry
(10:00:02 PM) Jangler: ever been dragged out to the sidewalk and beaten until you PISS BLOOD
(10:00:06 PM) golgibody: ordacity
(10:00:06 PM) chunter: nice stinger
(10:00:09 PM) Roofie: did they already play my song?
(10:00:09 PM) skinnyhead: gonohhrea plains 2
(10:00:11 PM) SoiledBargains: "Made of MilkyTracker?"
(10:00:15 PM) CaptBeard: haha
(10:00:19 PM) Strobe: xD
(10:00:19 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:00:20 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:00:20 PM) skinnyhead: MADE OF MILKYTRACKER
(10:00:21 PM) eightbitbubsy: golgibody, that's actually how you pronounce it
(10:00:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Based Blitz Barrage — Beard (entry 71/215, 33.023% complete)
(10:00:23 PM) ironclad: milkytracker is quite the delicacy
(10:00:25 PM) ironclad: actually
(10:00:26 PM) golgibody: Dorian mode!
(10:00:27 PM) HertzDevil: made of milkytracker
(10:00:29 PM) HertzDevil: #yiki
(10:00:30 PM) ironclad: goes well with soup
(10:00:31 PM) goluigi: oh wow
(10:00:33 PM) goluigi: this is neat
(10:00:34 PM) kfaraday: #yiki
(10:00:35 PM) skinnyhead: #YIKI
(10:00:40 PM) Roofie: oh i remember listening to this over and over
(10:00:42 PM) null1024: this reminded me of a song from Sonic Unleashed
(10:00:43 PM) SoiledBargains: holy shit road
(10:00:43 PM) ipi: mmmmm nice!!
(10:00:43 PM) sethdonut: another kart-racer tune
(10:00:47 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(10:00:47 PM) CaptBeard: hehe
(10:00:48 PM) null1024: but more mellow
(10:00:53 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(10:00:59 PM) goluigi: i like everything about this
(10:01:03 PM) sethdonut: Coconut Beach
(10:01:04 PM) Roofie: i like the moving parallel chords
(10:01:04 PM) skinnyhead: gonorrhea plains 2
(10:01:05 PM) goluigi: this is beard's best beat yet
(10:01:05 PM) SoiledBargains: So a little less deserving of an actual track...
(10:01:07 PM) eightbitbubsy: RUGRATS KART RACER X2
(10:01:09 PM) SoiledBargains: pad
(10:01:10 PM) ipi: mmmmm
(10:01:10 PM) SoiledBargains: s
(10:01:14 PM) ipi: mmmMMMmmmMMmmMmmMm
(10:01:16 PM) ipi: m
(10:01:16 PM) null1024: strings
(10:01:16 PM) HertzDevil: rugrats??
(10:01:16 PM) Jangler: needs more chords less dorians
(10:01:19 PM) HertzDevil: RUGRATS?????
(10:01:19 PM) Jangler: otherwise it's good
(10:01:20 PM) ***SoiledBargains taps feet to percussion.
(10:01:23 PM) xterm-logger: herpes castle 3
(10:01:25 PM) chunter: null1024: as long as it's not sonic dark brotherhood
(10:01:26 PM) eightbitbubsy: wow, this is nice as fak
(10:01:26 PM) FoD: sorta wish the progression would change
(10:01:27 PM) commandycan: eightbitbubsy rugrats kart racer would have man going "bwahh" samples
(10:01:28 PM) SoiledBargains: Good rythm and all!!
(10:01:29 PM) Strobe: flat frequency range! but it makes it listenable at higher volume!
(10:01:30 PM) goluigi: WOW
(10:01:30 PM) golgibody: Beard this is one of your best songs yet
(10:01:33 PM) CaptBeard: thanks
(10:01:36 PM) HertzDevil: REACH FOR THE STARS
(10:01:36 PM) kfaraday: jangler it would be a great entrant in rain's 2 cod dangling on a line ohc
(10:01:37 PM) kfaraday: :))
(10:01:40 PM) goluigi: MY AURA IS THE SAME AS JRLEPAGE'S WOW!!!
(10:01:41 PM) golgibody: REACH FOR THE STARS
(10:01:45 PM) goluigi: i am a lusty canadian irl
(10:01:46 PM) Jangler: yarbs
(10:01:47 PM) FoD: this is nice tho
(10:01:47 PM) commandycan: goluigi i am proud
(10:01:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Beards is some sort of kart racing freak on acid that makes wonderful songs.
(10:01:51 PM) Roofie: this riddim is the ducks nuts Captbeard
(10:01:55 PM) golgibody: goluigi, you're not yellow anymore. ;_;
(10:01:55 PM) CaptBeard: it's nice to see live feedback
(10:01:56 PM) ipi: goluigi ahah
(10:01:59 PM) CaptBeard: i feel happy
(10:02:02 PM) SoiledBargains: LIVE
(10:02:02 PM) null1024: chunter: wait, are you implying there's a Sonic game with bad music? ;PPP
(10:02:04 PM) SoiledBargains: FROM #BOTB
(10:02:07 PM) Yibbon: what the fuck is the open files tab called in illustrator
(10:02:07 PM) SoiledBargains: THIS IS FEEDBACK
(10:02:08 PM) null1024: other than Sonic 4
(10:02:08 PM) goluigi: slimeball i wasnt yellow an hour ago :(
(10:02:10 PM) goluigi: i was BLUE
(10:02:10 PM) commandycan: sonic her peeeees
(10:02:11 PM) golgibody: :(
(10:02:12 PM) CaptBeard: FoD i agree with my non-changing of progression but i tried with the strings
(10:02:13 PM) goluigi: and it was COOL
(10:02:14 PM) goluigi: and GOOD
(10:02:16 PM) kfaraday: slymboele
(10:02:17 PM) goluigi: and now im red :(
(10:02:19 PM) golgibody: :(
(10:02:28 PM) CaptBeard: thanks for saying it's nice though, one of my favorite artists saying that means a lot
(10:02:28 PM) commandycan: you fear the grey
(10:02:32 PM) SoiledBargains: Wait one second
(10:02:33 PM) commandycan: i am forever grey
(10:02:33 PM) sethdonut: percussion is so choice
(10:02:34 PM) goluigi: my aura isnt budging
(10:02:34 PM) SoiledBargains: How is this chip?
(10:02:36 PM) golgibody: Now I'm the holy side of goluigi and you're the dark side
(10:02:39 PM) chunter: null1024: search youtube during break, with cursor on the X
(10:02:40 PM) CaptBeard: it's made in milkytracker
(10:02:41 PM) SoiledBargains: oh duh milky
(10:02:42 PM) skinnyhead: FearofGray
(10:02:42 PM) goluigi: yes
(10:02:42 PM) SoiledBargains: fuuuuuuuuuuuuh
(10:02:44 PM) SoiledBargains: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
(10:02:46 PM) SoiledBargains: buuuuuuuuuuuuh
(10:02:49 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard's on point
(10:02:50 PM) skinnyhead: FoG
(10:02:51 PM) Roofie: hahahahaha
(10:02:54 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:02:55 PM) HertzDevil: ???? guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ????
(10:02:57 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... When Sudoku Gets Serious — Fearofdark —
(10:02:58 PM) null1024: that bad, huh
(10:03:04 PM) Yibbon: yyeeeeah
(10:03:04 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(10:03:05 PM) CaptBeard: now sudoku will get serious
(10:03:07 PM) commandycan: epic
(10:03:09 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... When Sudoku Gets Serious — Fearofdark (entry 72/215, 33.488% complete)
(10:03:10 PM) mJ: I like this one
(10:03:10 PM) Zephemeros: this is gonna be awesome
(10:03:13 PM) CaptBeard: i like this song
(10:03:13 PM) FoD: dam
(10:03:13 PM) chunter: nice title
(10:03:16 PM) ipi: love this one
(10:03:18 PM) SoiledBargains: FoDTehBeeper
(10:03:20 PM) FoD: I exported the mp3 way too loud
(10:03:20 PM) mJ: morphogenetic sorrow
(10:03:22 PM) ironclad: hardcore sudoku
(10:03:24 PM) Strobe: the zx beeper clicks are so loud xD
(10:03:26 PM) HertzDevil: sounds like an actual wonderswan song
(10:03:27 PM) sethdonut: chikchickkkchickkhcik
(10:03:28 PM) goluigi: tux has the best aura
(10:03:30 PM) CaptBeard: i love the note progression!
(10:03:31 PM) kfaraday: as is the beep :3
(10:03:32 PM) golgibody: Yeah, beepola exports everything too loud. >:(
(10:03:34 PM) Roofie: moot aborted his zx beep song when he heard this song
(10:03:34 PM) goluigi: 2jelly of tux
(10:03:35 PM) ironclad: WONDERSWAN
(10:03:37 PM) Jangler: note progression hehe
(10:03:45 PM) Yibbon: how was this recorded
(10:03:45 PM) Willow: it looks like...I'm getting dos'd? #lolthisisretarded
(10:03:47 PM) HertzDevil: wonderswan :)
(10:03:50 PM) Jangler: you can always re-normalize to a lower volume
(10:03:51 PM) SoiledBargains: <sethdonut> chikchickkkchickkhcik <--- this
(10:03:57 PM) ironclad: #swag
(10:03:58 PM) Tux: my aura is death to haruhi therefore it is the best
(10:04:05 PM) Jangler: s/re-/
(10:04:06 PM) goluigi: no thats not WY
(10:04:07 PM) goluigi: WHY
(10:04:08 PM) Jangler: /
(10:04:10 PM) goluigi: its because its BLUE
(10:04:11 PM) Roofie: FoD you are great
(10:04:14 PM) kfaraday: i normalised them before hand heheh~ it might be my fault
(10:04:15 PM) ipi: ^
(10:04:19 PM) sethdonut: tasty
(10:04:20 PM) eightbitbubsy: this tune has some very nice ideas, imo, but could need some polishing
(10:04:25 PM) CaptBeard: voted high
(10:04:27 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:04:33 PM) CaptBeard: i think it doesn't actually need polishing but it needs more
(10:04:34 PM) chunter: how do you polish a 1 bit beeper?
(10:04:37 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:04:39 PM) cak: holy crap that's some dc offset
(10:04:39 PM) eightbitbubsy: oh SHIT nevermind, didn't know it was a 1 bit beeper
(10:04:41 PM) Zephemeros: fearofdark? needs polishing?
(10:04:41 PM) Zephemeros: haha
(10:04:45 PM) kfaraday: cak welcome to beeper :D
(10:04:48 PM) Patashu: loll
(10:04:49 PM) CaptBeard: it's wonderful song
(10:04:50 PM) commandycan: it needs MORE BEEPERS
(10:04:51 PM) Jangler: wave amplitude isn't even nearly a perfect measure of intensity
(10:04:52 PM) CaptBeard: it is wonderful
(10:04:56 PM) Roofie: yes cak beeper with the crazy DC offset
(10:05:03 PM) Patashu: btw
(10:05:07 PM) Patashu: why do all beeper waveforms do that
(10:05:07 PM) CaptBeard: love the arps, especially when you see he remade the patterns to make the arps
(10:05:07 PM) sethdonut: high vote...
(10:05:07 PM) SoiledBargains: s/crazy/>0
(10:05:08 PM) Tux: okay i honestly hate the zx chip
(10:05:09 PM) eightbitbubsy: Jangler, what are you talkign about
(10:05:11 PM) Roofie: i always fix the DC in my renders
(10:05:12 PM) SoiledBargains: *s/crazy/>0/
(10:05:12 PM) CaptBeard: he had to change the speed
(10:05:14 PM) MS: This is in my opinion the perfect song :)
(10:05:22 PM) ipi: this is super niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
(10:05:23 PM) eightbitbubsy: define "intensity" in audible sense
(10:05:25 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh Hi MS!!
(10:05:27 PM) goluigi: my aura is getting redder and redder
(10:05:28 PM) goluigi: why
(10:05:30 PM) golgibody: :(
(10:05:31 PM) Jangler: squares sound louder than sines with the same amplitude
(10:05:32 PM) goluigi: : (
(10:05:32 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... baston_basher — plrusek —
(10:05:37 PM) golgibody: They don't want us to be together
(10:05:37 PM) Jangler: por ejemplo
(10:05:37 PM) null1024: that ending was silly
(10:05:39 PM) MS: Perfect melodies. Perfect
(10:05:41 PM) Yibbon: oooooh
(10:05:43 PM) sethdonut: all this chip is starting to put pins in my left ear
(10:05:45 PM) goluigi: nooo golgibody :(
(10:05:45 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... baston_basher — plrusek (entry 73/215, 33.953% complete)
(10:05:45 PM) golgibody: Argh
(10:05:46 PM) commandycan: gaston basher
(10:05:46 PM) HertzDevil: yib
(10:05:47 PM) SoiledBargains: panning
(10:05:47 PM) golgibody: That surround
(10:05:48 PM) CaptBeard: tf2 sample
(10:05:49 PM) eightbitbubsy: DRINK BLASTOLA COLA
(10:05:51 PM) SoiledBargains: surround
(10:05:52 PM) sethdonut: must... perservere
(10:05:53 PM) ipi: nice
(10:05:53 PM) Yibbon: yesh
(10:05:54 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard TF2 sample?
(10:05:57 PM) FoD: null1024 yes it was
(10:05:59 PM) chunter: sethdonut: turn down treble
(10:05:59 PM) Patashu: jangler: because it spends 100% of its time at max amplitude, sine doesn't
(10:06:01 PM) Jangler: what is pan
(10:06:01 PM) CaptBeard: well it sounded like it
(10:06:02 PM) eightbitbubsy: pads + arps :D
(10:06:05 PM) FoD: I appreciate the comments btw :)
(10:06:06 PM) Yibbon: we approach the natural definition of the time constant
(10:06:06 PM) Roofie: Giggle Cream: it makes dessert funny
(10:06:08 PM) CaptBeard: like the tf2 theme, DOO
(10:06:09 PM) Jangler: Patashu: right
(10:06:10 PM) BotB: Tilde reaches Level 7 Chipist with 284pnts
(10:06:18 PM) sethdonut: treble is the most fun part >_<
(10:06:21 PM) ipi: i like plrusek's music
(10:06:23 PM) CaptBeard: me too
(10:06:24 PM) Jangler: i should've said
(10:06:24 PM) ipi: plrusex
(10:06:33 PM) eightbitbubsy: Patashu, a square can never be 100% duty
(10:06:36 PM) CaptBeard: half red, half blue
(10:06:39 PM) skinnyhead: poland russia sweden K
(10:06:43 PM) Patashu: eight bit bubsy, 50% max up 50% max down is 100% max
(10:06:46 PM) goluigi: half red half blue is cool :)
(10:06:48 PM) chunter: eightbitbubsy: that's called "off"
(10:06:53 PM) HertzDevil: half orange half blue
(10:06:56 PM) CaptBeard: i like this song the more i hear it
(10:06:56 PM) Tilde [] entered the room.
(10:06:56 PM) Jangler: these pans are weird
(10:06:59 PM) goluigi: i like in between auras
(10:07:01 PM) Roofie: right Patashu
(10:07:02 PM) Patashu: this song is cool
(10:07:02 PM) Tilde: I'm level 7 now :>
(10:07:11 PM) kfaraday: :D
(10:07:12 PM) Tilde: And my aura is a sexy blue~
(10:07:14 PM) Patashu: I love the blend of arp and chords
(10:07:14 PM) Yibbon: is plusrek here
(10:07:19 PM) mJ: i luv my aura
(10:07:22 PM) goluigi: tilde fuf you and your good aura
(10:07:25 PM) SoiledBargains: chordsadagh
(10:07:27 PM) SoiledBargains: FUF
(10:07:28 PM) Willow: it's actually the livestream that's ruining my stream appreciation, apparently
(10:07:30 PM) Tilde: I will hold onto it forever
(10:07:31 PM) Roofie: my aura is green becuz i have not voted ever
(10:07:32 PM) chunter: did tl enter?
(10:07:32 PM) eightbitbubsy: Patashu, yes, but the amplitude changes because of the current change
(10:07:34 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... I Remember — Strobe —
(10:07:35 PM) goluigi: kajingsol your aura is good
(10:07:36 PM) Tilde: Unless there is a better one
(10:07:39 PM) CaptBeard: i don't remember
(10:07:44 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... I Remember — Strobe (entry 74/215, 34.419% complete)
(10:07:45 PM) CaptBeard: please forgive me for whatever i do
(10:07:45 PM) Willow: it's trying to connect on unauthorized ports...repeatedly
(10:07:51 PM) CaptBeard: when i don't remember botb
(10:07:53 PM) mJ: I'm michael Jackson
(10:07:58 PM) mJ: or milijoule
(10:07:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Willow don't you mean depreciation? :D
(10:08:00 PM) HertzDevil: "well the beginning did and then it all changed what is this 8 bit poop crap"
(10:08:01 PM) ipi: nice!!
(10:08:05 PM) CaptBeard: i like the drum
(10:08:14 PM) Willow: no, I mean I can't appreciate it
(10:08:17 PM) SoiledBargains: percooshon
(10:08:19 PM) Tilde: I can't join the livestream because I have to work on this track :<
(10:08:22 PM) ironclad: deadmau5 - I Remember
(10:08:26 PM) Roofie: the accordion part in this is so badass
(10:08:29 PM) sethdonut: ack i broke speakers
(10:08:29 PM) SoiledBargains: Willow oh I just read your message again
(10:08:30 PM) xterm-logger: deadmau five
(10:08:31 PM) mJ: deadmau5 - Strobe
(10:08:33 PM) SoiledBargains: WHOOSP
(10:08:38 PM) kfaraday: !seen wollybutt
(10:08:38 PM) commandycan: johnny headgear and the dead mouse 5
(10:08:38 PM) golgibody: deadmau5 - Strobe
(10:08:42 PM) Strobe: :o
(10:08:42 PM) ironclad: deadn4zrin
(10:08:44 PM) SoiledBargains: 34.4% there guys!!
(10:08:45 PM) Jangler: wasp
(10:08:47 PM) CaptBeard: getting closer to apocynthion drive
(10:08:49 PM) chunter: this doesn't sound like strobe
(10:08:49 PM) Roofie: hahahahaha commandyan
(10:08:51 PM) CaptBeard: we're gonna all die then
(10:08:51 PM) Tilde: wasp wasp
(10:08:53 PM) Patashu: this song is great
(10:08:54 PM) Patashu: so buzzy
(10:08:54 PM) kfaraday: no tmanna :-o
(10:08:57 PM) Tilde: ~ the sound wasps make
(10:09:00 PM) Roofie: T-Manna
(10:09:08 PM) SoiledBargains: wasp colonization theme song
(10:09:09 PM) Roofie: Team Anna
(10:09:10 PM) Jangler: tmanna died in a horableable acident
(10:09:13 PM) SoiledBargains: Roofie ahahaha
(10:09:15 PM) Jangler: acid ent
(10:09:17 PM) chunter: but it's nice to hear strobe not just doing strobe
(10:09:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler quick make another one
(10:09:22 PM) Patashu: wait
(10:09:26 PM) Patashu: how is this NOT strobe
(10:09:27 PM) Patashu: it's so strobe
(10:09:31 PM) Strobe: hahahahaha
(10:09:32 PM) Jangler: okay... aaaaaaaand... DONE
(10:09:32 PM) goluigi: yes
(10:09:34 PM) ipi: !seen TMAnna
(10:09:35 PM) sethdonut: yes i fixed it just in time
(10:09:36 PM) eightbitbubsy: Strobe == 20MB XM files which can destroy your sanity (warning)
(10:09:37 PM) sethdonut: THAT RULED
(10:09:41 PM) ipi: yep dead
(10:09:42 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... mountain tapir — ant1 —
(10:09:45 PM) Roofie: oh yay ant1
(10:09:46 PM) Zephemeros: ant1
(10:09:47 PM) Zephemeros: yes
(10:09:49 PM) commandycan: mountain taper
(10:09:50 PM) chunter: Patashu: well, I'm not watching the mod at the same time...
(10:09:52 PM) ipi: <3
(10:09:55 PM) Roofie: ant1 is nice guy
(10:09:56 PM) HertzDevil: ant1 <3 kfaraday
(10:10:00 PM) FoD: haha
(10:10:11 PM) chunter: ...but it's not in minor key and there's no wall of.... strobeness
(10:10:16 PM) Yibbon: AAAAAAAAA
(10:10:18 PM) commandycan: so that's how xxx is pronounced
(10:10:19 PM) HertzDevil: thanks JSR
(10:10:21 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:10:28 PM) ipi: thanks JSR!!! kiss kiss kiss
(10:10:29 PM) SoiledBargains: 2004?
(10:10:30 PM) Zephemeros: really upsetting :(
(10:10:30 PM) eightbitbubsy: kfaraday, you're an amazing narrator
(10:10:31 PM) Yibbon: thanks jrlpage!!
(10:10:31 PM) sethdonut: :-*
(10:10:32 PM) commandycan: haha
(10:10:33 PM) Patashu: 2004?
(10:10:34 PM) Strobe: ahahhahaah
(10:10:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... mountain tapir — ant1 (entry 75/215, 34.884% complete)
(10:10:40 PM) Tilde: kfaraday's narrating without me? :<
(10:10:42 PM) CaptBeard: what is this
(10:10:45 PM) HertzDevil: this is good ye
(10:10:45 PM) golgibody: Next time you should kiss the microphone :)
(10:10:46 PM) goluigi: what is my aura
(10:10:47 PM) Patashu: how do you make these sounds in nsf
(10:10:49 PM) Patashu: is that tri?
(10:10:52 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(10:10:53 PM) Jangler: do we really do 3 mins of this
(10:10:53 PM) null1024: sickeningly cute
(10:10:54 PM) KungFuFurby: Yes.
(10:10:55 PM) Zephemeros: yeah
(10:10:55 PM) golgibody: Yeah
(10:10:55 PM) Patashu: I am kinda confused
(10:10:56 PM) Strobe: longest description ever for a triangle tune!
(10:10:58 PM) golgibody: Heart magic!
(10:11:00 PM) skinnyhead: I just realized I've been saying kfarday instead of kfaraday this whole entire time I'm gonna kms
(10:11:01 PM) Roofie: inky blinky jinky stinky and sue
(10:11:03 PM) Strobe: okay there are squares too
(10:11:10 PM) Strobe: :o
(10:11:13 PM) Zephemeros: try 24 0 in the arpeggio section of the instrument editor
(10:11:13 PM) sethdonut: description longer than song :)
(10:11:15 PM) SoiledBargains: Speaking of his NSFs, I was just listening to one of his first BotB tunes the other day...
(10:11:17 PM) commandycan: hahahaha
(10:11:19 PM) chunter: intonation
(10:11:21 PM) SoiledBargains: huh?
(10:11:26 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... pasta salad — ant1 —
(10:11:31 PM) Yibbon: HEHE
(10:11:34 PM) SoiledBargains: paesta
(10:11:38 PM) CaptBeard: apocynthion drive drives closer
(10:11:38 PM) Tilde: Well, I'll join you guys laters, if I can.
(10:11:40 PM) commandycan: srs
(10:11:41 PM) ironclad: this is sewious
(10:11:42 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:11:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... pasta salad — ant1 (entry 76/215, 35.349% complete)
(10:11:44 PM) goluigi: lmfao
(10:11:45 PM) Jangler: ant1's new avatar is good but his old avatar was good too! HELP
(10:11:45 PM) CaptBeard: this
(10:11:46 PM) CaptBeard: is
(10:11:46 PM) skinnyhead: APOCYNTHION DRIVE
(10:11:47 PM) SoiledBargains: serrus
(10:11:47 PM) Tilde: Hope this is goin' on for a while.
(10:11:48 PM) CaptBeard: sewious
(10:11:48 PM) Roofie: SEWIOUSLY
(10:11:49 PM) ipi: Serious
(10:11:50 PM) skinnyhead: IT IS COMING
(10:11:52 PM) HertzDevil: aaaaa
(10:11:53 PM) SoiledBargains: THIS IS SERIOUS
(10:11:53 PM) HertzDevil: AAA
(10:11:57 PM) Strobe: antcore
(10:11:59 PM) SoiledBargains: DAMN SERIOUS
(10:12:01 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe haha
(10:12:03 PM) skinnyhead: WHERE IS MECKZ
(10:12:03 PM) commandycan: paster salid
(10:12:04 PM) CaptBeard: lenny tuck and ming ming too
(10:12:06 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha this is cute
(10:12:07 PM) chunter: ant1 is serious fucking business
(10:12:07 PM) Tilde left the room.
(10:12:07 PM) skinnyhead: WHERE IS MECKZ
(10:12:10 PM) Zephemeros: you make fun of speech impediments but most likely have one yourselves
(10:12:11 PM) ironclad: idk
(10:12:13 PM) eightbitbubsy: this is the song you hear when you enter the insanity hospital. And it plays every morning (and midnight)
(10:12:15 PM) CaptBeard: we're wonderpets and we'll rape you
(10:12:15 PM) SoiledBargains: idkkid
(10:12:16 PM) sethdonut: anddddddd
(10:12:19 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:12:20 PM) sethdonut: QUIET
(10:12:25 PM) commandycan: stop pls
(10:12:27 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahaha
(10:12:29 PM) SoiledBargains: 2004
(10:12:30 PM) ipi: all 1s
(10:12:31 PM) sethdonut: haha
(10:12:31 PM) Patashu: nice, serious song
(10:12:33 PM) CaptBeard: oh goodness
(10:12:33 PM) Yibbon: here it goes
(10:12:33 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Apocynthion Drive — HertzDevil —
(10:12:35 PM) HertzDevil: yea
(10:12:36 PM) CaptBeard: we're gonna die
(10:12:39 PM) CaptBeard: it's time to die.
(10:12:42 PM) goluigi: time 2 die
(10:12:42 PM) skinnyhead: YES
(10:12:44 PM) skinnyhead: YES
(10:12:45 PM) skinnyhead: YES
(10:12:47 PM) sethdonut: sure, why not
(10:12:48 PM) chunter: 88888888
(10:12:49 PM) HertzDevil: INCORRECT DEIXIS
(10:12:49 PM) flowerinth: hertzdevil
(10:12:51 PM) CaptBeard: the intermission never ends
(10:12:53 PM) CaptBeard: because we die
(10:12:53 PM) ipi: here we go
(10:12:57 PM) flowerinth: hertzdevil
(10:12:58 PM) eightbitbubsy: here we go.wav
(10:13:00 PM) Roofie: ROOF ROOF
(10:13:01 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Apocynthion Drive — HertzDevil (entry 77/215, 35.814% complete)
(10:13:03 PM) goluigi: METAL
(10:13:03 PM) SoiledBargains: WOAH
(10:13:04 PM) FoD: oooh boyy
(10:13:05 PM) commandycan: derkerkdkrkerk
(10:13:07 PM) Patashu: Mmmmhhghhh
(10:13:08 PM) ipi: yeah!!
(10:13:11 PM) HertzDevil: SOCIOPATH
(10:13:11 PM) Patashu: I'm already hype
(10:13:11 PM) eightbitbubsy: this is ANGRY FREQUENCIES
(10:13:12 PM) skinnyhead: FUCK YEA
(10:13:13 PM) xterm-logger: \m/
(10:13:15 PM) Strobe: :D
(10:13:16 PM) CaptBeard: WOW
(10:13:18 PM) kfaraday: SOCIOPATH
(10:13:19 PM) sethdonut: thumb-blister+++++++++
(10:13:23 PM) KungFuFurby: Here comes really hard boss!
(10:13:23 PM) Jangler: chimptones won
(10:13:23 PM) SoiledBargains: This is my first time listening to a lot of this, and the only thing I can say...
(10:13:25 PM) golgibody: SOCIOPATH
(10:13:26 PM) Strobe: this is hectic stuff
(10:13:31 PM) SoiledBargains: this is the best Winterchip ever.
(10:13:34 PM) HertzDevil: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, SOCIOPATH '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%
(10:13:35 PM) ipi: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(10:13:37 PM) Patashu: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(10:13:38 PM) KungFuFurby: ;)
(10:13:39 PM) goluigi: sociopath
(10:13:39 PM) Jangler: haha
(10:13:39 PM) Strobe: hhahahahaahahahahha
(10:13:40 PM) Patashu: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
(10:13:40 PM) SoiledBargains: Whole lot of variety!!
(10:13:42 PM) KungFuFurby: Crazy!!!
(10:13:44 PM) Zephemeros: holy damn
(10:13:45 PM) SoiledBargains: sociopath
(10:13:46 PM) SoiledBargains: ARPS
(10:13:47 PM) Jangler: bahahahaha
(10:13:48 PM) eightbitbubsy: what's wrong with this tune? Sociopath wtf
(10:13:48 PM) Strobe: I LOVE THIS
(10:13:48 PM) CaptBeard: my heart beats to the song
(10:13:50 PM) null1024: it's rather nice
(10:13:50 PM) SoiledBargains: REAL ARPS
(10:13:54 PM) skinnyhead: ARFS
(10:13:57 PM) goluigi: arf arf
(10:13:58 PM) null1024: but it still gets 6s
(10:13:59 PM) Jangler: 7 in sociopath-magic
(10:14:00 PM) skinnyhead: ARFS
(10:14:03 PM) kfaraday: ALL 6s
(10:14:04 PM) CaptBeard: this song was designed to have your heart connect to it, make it BEAT to the song
(10:14:04 PM) HertzDevil: arfs
(10:14:08 PM) skinnyhead: '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, ARFS '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,
(10:14:09 PM) HertzDevil: HAHA KF
(10:14:11 PM) null1024: also, 7 for shit in pants
(10:14:11 PM) goluigi: all 7'ing this so my AURA is good
(10:14:12 PM) CaptBeard: don't you see we were born to die to this song
(10:14:16 PM) eightbitbubsy: CaptBeard, haha :D
(10:14:16 PM) CaptBeard: when it ends, our hearts end
(10:14:21 PM) skinnyhead: #YIKI
(10:14:23 PM) Patashu: omgggg
(10:14:26 PM) Patashu: wooowww!!!!
(10:14:27 PM) Tux: arfs > arps
(10:14:28 PM) FoD: I love the fds in this bit
(10:14:29 PM) Patashu: oomommgggg
(10:14:32 PM) ironclad: this is the first entry I'm giving a 7 for shit in pants
(10:14:33 PM) Patashu: I have no words
(10:14:34 PM) Roofie: yes TUX
(10:14:35 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(10:14:35 PM) eightbitbubsy: then I'd play it at the lowest possible playback frequency
(10:14:36 PM) Roofie: ARTS
(10:14:39 PM) Roofie: ARFS
(10:14:40 PM) lainlives [] entered the room.
(10:14:41 PM) HertzDevil: my boons ogm
(10:14:42 PM) CaptBeard: i give it a 7 in the last three categories
(10:14:43 PM) Tux: ARFS
(10:14:45 PM) Tux: ARFS
(10:14:46 PM) MS: Boss music :D
(10:14:48 PM) commandycan: hahaha hertzdevil
(10:14:56 PM) meckz left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(10:14:58 PM) SoiledBargains: EVERYONE: Tag this entry with "sociopathy"
(10:14:58 PM) lainlives left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(10:14:59 PM) null1024: my shit in pants and brain tech categories are extremely highly correlated
(10:15:04 PM) ipi: <SoiledBargains> EVERYONE: Tag this entry with "sociopathy" //yes!!
(10:15:10 PM) HertzDevil: everyone tag this with sociopathy
(10:15:12 PM) meckz [] entered the room.
(10:15:13 PM) xterm: shit in brain / pants-tech
(10:15:14 PM) kfaraday: all my categories in this are highly correlated
(10:15:16 PM) ipi: unfortuanetly this is one about 20 songs i have all 7'd
(10:15:21 PM) Tux: gotta love that motorcycle effect
(10:15:23 PM) BotB: entry#The Current System :: NO OFUND!! =0 Battle of the Bits -- where n00bs come to fight for creative supremacy in the digital arts. all n00bz!! :p Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:15:24 PM) kfaraday: ipi hahaha
(10:15:24 PM) ipi: maybe 30
(10:15:26 PM) Jangler: u got ceiling'd
(10:15:28 PM) CaptBeard: heart-magic = nostalgia, brain-tech = the skillfull craft, thumb-blister = destroying the chip, wow-tilt = impress, shit-in-pants = beyond impress, completely destroy what you expected
(10:15:29 PM) HertzDevil: and every other conjugation of sociopathy
(10:15:36 PM) ipi: spoilers
(10:15:38 PM) kfaraday: the range of the top twenty will all be between 31 and 34
(10:15:41 PM) ironclad: ah THERE is mex
(10:15:45 PM) SoiledBargains: We're not even half way through
(10:15:46 PM) HertzDevil: YESH
(10:15:47 PM) kfaraday: lovecompoExtreme
(10:15:50 PM) SoiledBargains: This is a good thing!
(10:15:52 PM) KungFuFurby: This would be an awesome final battle theme.
(10:15:53 PM) Strobe: I now want to remake my NSF entry.
(10:15:54 PM) ipi: ah mex!!
(10:15:58 PM) Jangler: 2 nosy
(10:16:00 PM) null1024: lemme go shower, I've heard this song [it's great]
(10:16:00 PM) Strobe: can we extend the submission period
(10:16:02 PM) HertzDevil: haha strobe ;))
(10:16:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe hahahaha
(10:16:04 PM) Jangler: 2 much nose
(10:16:06 PM) HertzDevil: straub
(10:16:10 PM) Roofie: did you start from the last entry or from the first?
(10:16:11 PM) Tux: wow i f***ed up the link
(10:16:12 PM) meckz: i thought i was connected but apparently the irc was broken for me
(10:16:13 PM) CaptBeard: where's mex
(10:16:14 PM) CaptBeard: oh
(10:16:16 PM) CaptBeard: hey mex
(10:16:18 PM) eightbitbubsy: wow nice
(10:16:22 PM) ipi: YES this is my fave section
(10:16:23 PM) commandycan: my favorite part
(10:16:23 PM) skinnyhead: b420.67
(10:16:25 PM) ipi: so lovellyyyyyyyy
(10:16:26 PM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil you know you fucked everything up when Strobe goes nuts.
(10:16:28 PM) kfaraday: RUN THRU THE SUN
(10:16:28 PM) xterm: !entry current
(10:16:29 PM) BotB: Strobe - The Current System ::
(10:16:29 PM) sethdonut: such... DRIVE
(10:16:30 PM) SoiledBargains: in a good way
(10:16:32 PM) CaptBeard: this part is AMAZING
(10:16:34 PM) sethdonut: INCREDIBLE!!
(10:16:40 PM) ipi: the man who doesnt 7 this will make my cry
(10:16:42 PM) HertzDevil: at least kf changed my old wyvern avatar to NAZRIN
(10:16:47 PM) Jangler: ipi: >:D
(10:16:49 PM) CaptBeard: your what cry
(10:16:50 PM) SoiledBargains: s/fucked/did amazingly good/
(10:16:55 PM) FoD: best fds bit
(10:16:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Really wrong word.
(10:16:58 PM) Yibbon: this sucks
(10:16:59 PM) Yibbon: ass
(10:17:02 PM) meckz: I AGREE
(10:17:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Wow
(10:17:04 PM) ironclad: fck yib
(10:17:04 PM) goluigi: good
(10:17:05 PM) meckz: fuck this shit
(10:17:06 PM) SoiledBargains: Way too quiet now
(10:17:09 PM) sethdonut: 16th notes make me hot
(10:17:15 PM) FoD: dynamics
(10:17:16 PM) meckz: it sounds terrible
(10:17:16 PM) kfaraday: <33
(10:17:17 PM) CaptBeard: you better go cool off
(10:17:18 PM) HertzDevil: fck yib
(10:17:19 PM) Roofie left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(10:17:20 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:17:28 PM) Yibbon: for once
(10:17:30 PM) Yibbon: the spazzy face
(10:17:33 PM) Yibbon: is RELEVANT
(10:17:35 PM) Yibbon: TO THE MUSIC
(10:17:35 PM) SoiledBargains: What refresh rate was this done in?!
(10:17:35 PM) eightbitbubsy: actually, this song does have a lot of annoying parts
(10:17:37 PM) Patashu: wow jesus
(10:17:37 PM) sethdonut: with this extra tall glass of HertzDevil ;)
(10:17:38 PM) HertzDevil: You heard it from Yibbon...
(10:17:41 PM) meckz: shut up chris
(10:17:42 PM) Roofie [] entered the room.
(10:17:42 PM) Patashu: I want to know how you make sounds like this in nsf
(10:17:43 PM) kfaraday: !!\( o A O ) / !!!!!!
(10:17:43 PM) HertzDevil: 60
(10:17:46 PM) HertzDevil: 60 Hz
(10:17:47 PM) HertzDevil: sizty
(10:17:47 PM) ironclad: 60 hz
(10:17:51 PM) CaptBeard: sizty
(10:17:52 PM) skinnyhead: Fuck The Hertz Devil
(10:17:52 PM) Yibbon: 6 Hz
(10:17:53 PM) Jangler: 60 hugz
(10:17:58 PM) CaptBeard: Hert The Hertz Devil
(10:18:02 PM) ironclad: 1 hZ
(10:18:04 PM) SoiledBargains: <-- look at that tag
(10:18:07 PM) skinnyhead: hurt's devil
(10:18:07 PM) BotB: HertzDevil - Apocynthion Drive :: Battle of the Bits -- apocynthion is when the moon locates at the farthest point to everything else (read: everything else). staying with more persistence than ev Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:18:08 PM) commandycan: 1 hert
(10:18:08 PM) Strobe: Well i can with confidence say that this entry probably will rank higher than place 100.
(10:18:11 PM) skinnyhead: hurts devli
(10:18:14 PM) FoD: Patashu Have you seen the ftm for this?
(10:18:16 PM) Strobe: that is my prediction
(10:18:17 PM) Patashu: I have not
(10:18:18 PM) Jangler: LOL hugetag
(10:18:19 PM) CaptBeard: this entry is amazing
(10:18:20 PM) ipi: hahaha that tag
(10:18:22 PM) sethdonut: hugetag
(10:18:23 PM) FoD: it's pretty insane
(10:18:25 PM) CaptBeard: sociopath
(10:18:27 PM) CaptBeard: what is with that
(10:18:28 PM) chunter: Strobe: that's in the upper half
(10:18:29 PM) Yibbon: this deserves to fucking WIN I don't care
(10:18:29 PM) SoiledBargains: HUEGTAG
(10:18:32 PM) Jangler: my firefox actually CHANGES FONTS because the normal one doesn't have a size large enough
(10:18:33 PM) Patashu: oh, there's an ftm download
(10:18:33 PM) Patashu: YES
(10:18:34 PM) sethdonut: OOF! right in the feels
(10:18:35 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard add to the tag
(10:18:37 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler hahah
(10:18:39 PM) cak: hellish
(10:18:39 PM) SoiledBargains: Screenshot?
(10:18:42 PM) KungFuFurby: I'm probably going to depart for the night either during the intermission or after a few more entries.
(10:18:43 PM) FoD: it only works in the new beat though
(10:18:48 PM) FoD: *beta
(10:18:50 PM) meckz: it will win it is inevitable
(10:18:53 PM) ipi: ^
(10:18:53 PM) HertzDevil: firefox is BAD
(10:18:54 PM) sethdonut: Boom
(10:18:54 PM) skinnyhead: new beat
(10:18:57 PM) Roofie: slayer made a NES game
(10:18:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Amazing!!
(10:18:58 PM) skinnyhead: NEW BEA
(10:18:59 PM) ***CaptBeard dead
(10:19:01 PM) ipi: boom intermession
(10:19:01 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... hello may i enter even though i am a dog — dog —
(10:19:02 PM) HertzDevil: firefox turns arial black into arial medium
(10:19:03 PM) Patashu: waooowww
(10:19:07 PM) skinnyhead: BOOM
(10:19:07 PM) eightbitbubsy: HertzDevil, you should definitely try to compose something in symphonic orchestral style, you're very good with mixed vibes/emotions, and the change between them
(10:19:07 PM) sethdonut: hello may i enter even though i am a dog
(10:19:10 PM) commandycan: that was a good song
(10:19:10 PM) skinnyhead: I DROPPED THE BOMB
(10:19:11 PM) sethdonut: piano
(10:19:11 PM) ironclad: of course the next entry is a dog
(10:19:11 PM) flowerinth: f*k
(10:19:13 PM) ironclad: I cannot escape
(10:19:15 PM) sethdonut: dad on piano
(10:19:17 PM) ipi: play fimublwinter tritide
(10:19:19 PM) xterm-logger: dawg
(10:19:19 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday absolutely nothing
(10:19:20 PM) skinnyhead: stream motorway
(10:19:22 PM) SoiledBargains: or that song again
(10:19:22 PM) Jangler: yo i'm getting mixed signals
(10:19:24 PM) FoD: 4:33
(10:19:29 PM) Roofie: dog music coming dog music dog music
(10:19:31 PM) ironclad: 433 yes
(10:19:32 PM) skinnyhead: STREAM ALL OF MOTORWAY IN 10 MINUTES
(10:19:33 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler consistency
(10:19:34 PM) ipi: 4:33 paulstretched
(10:19:36 PM) goluigi: dog music
(10:19:37 PM) goluigi: all 7's
(10:19:38 PM) eightbitbubsy: kfaraday, say "WOW BENIS PENIS AH MAN DEVEN GALLO WHAT A MAN!!"
(10:19:39 PM) Jangler: CON
(10:19:42 PM) FoD: haha
(10:19:43 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:19:43 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:19:45 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:19:45 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:19:47 PM) skinnyhead: senisd
(10:19:47 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:19:54 PM) Jangler: null1024 is king of CON
(10:19:54 PM) golgibody: senis
(10:19:54 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:19:55 PM) skinnyhead: YEAH
(10:19:55 PM) sethdonut: rest, sweet ears...
(10:19:58 PM) skinnyhead: SPEED IT UP LOL
(10:20:01 PM) xterm-logger: senis,
(10:20:01 PM) ***sethdonut pets ears
(10:20:02 PM) KungFuFurby: !entry pull over
(10:20:02 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:20:02 PM) BotB: zanzan - Pull Over (x fears zanzan) ::
(10:20:03 PM) meckz:
(10:20:06 PM) CaptBeard: dog is the kicker for the next part
(10:20:06 PM) BotB: Title: Let's Try Bass Fishing (PS Vita) Trailer , Uploaded by: PlaystationNGP , Views: 2 347 , Cat: Gaming
(10:20:09 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:20:10 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:20:10 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:20:11 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:20:11 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:20:12 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:20:12 PM) CaptBeard left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(10:20:12 PM) Jangler: yes play pull over :)
(10:20:14 PM) FoD: yeah, play zanzan's entry :)
(10:20:14 PM) skinnyhead: HAHAHA
(10:20:15 PM) chunter: does dhg have a botb acct?
(10:20:16 PM) commandycan: shigesato itoi pro bass fishing
(10:20:17 PM) cak: hetfield out
(10:20:18 PM) goluigi: HAHAHAH
(10:20:19 PM) goluigi: LOL
(10:20:21 PM) kfaraday: strobe - cockshisdaap.xm (random ohc, 5th place)
(10:20:22 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday throw that sociopathy tag into the stream video
(10:20:22 PM) ipi: !botbr dog
(10:20:22 PM) BotB: dog :: Lvl 6 Chipist ::
(10:20:25 PM) Jangler: you must pull over
(10:20:26 PM) golgibody: Aww yeah!
(10:20:27 PM) skinnyhead: DOG
(10:20:29 PM) golgibody: cockshisdaap!
(10:20:37 PM) Strobe: ahhaahhahaah
(10:20:37 PM) golgibody: :)
(10:20:42 PM) ironclad: stream some Let's Try Bass Fishing
(10:20:42 PM) SoiledBargains: wrong tracker but lol I remember this one!
(10:20:46 PM) SoiledBargains: I think I hosted it!!
(10:20:49 PM) CaptBeard [] entered the room.
(10:20:51 PM) FoD: what on earth
(10:20:51 PM) meckz: Let's Try Bass Fishing NEXT
(10:20:53 PM) CaptBeard: that's weird i never spammed
(10:20:55 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday WRONG TRACKER
(10:20:57 PM) skinnyhead: LETS TRY BASS FISHING
(10:20:57 PM) HertzDevil: BOTB JUST GAVE ME 4.20 BOONS
(10:21:00 PM) kfaraday: :))
(10:21:00 PM) Yibbon: let's fish!
(10:21:01 PM) meckz: new tracker
(10:21:01 PM) HertzDevil: BOTB JUST GAVE ME 4.20 BOONS
(10:21:03 PM) SoiledBargains: It gets stuck at the end kfaraday
(10:21:04 PM) Strobe: its okay, it looks just as intended anyway
(10:21:06 PM) skinnyhead: Let's Try Bass Fisting
(10:21:07 PM) kfaraday: ha really
(10:21:08 PM) FoD: Dxx exploition
(10:21:08 PM) HertzDevil: BOTB JUST GAVE ME 4.20 BOONS
(10:21:09 PM) CaptBeard: 420 smoke weed
(10:21:10 PM) kfaraday: oh well
(10:21:11 PM) Yibbon: fishing TIME
(10:21:12 PM) Strobe: i like that it cuts off short because i ran out of patterns
(10:21:15 PM) HertzDevil: phil fish
(10:21:18 PM) KungFuFurby: Insane playback.
(10:21:24 PM) meckz: Phil's Fish Market
(10:21:28 PM) SoiledBargains: !entry
(10:21:29 PM) BotB: miau - plzdiekthx.nsf ::
(10:21:30 PM) meckz: Let's Try Phil Fishing
(10:21:32 PM) goluigi: TUX WHY DO YOU HAVE A GOOD AVATAR
(10:21:35 PM) Jangler: let's try pull over
(10:21:40 PM) CaptBeard: i may just leave now
(10:21:42 PM) eightbitbubsy: Strobe, did you make a tool that converts the mod to this pattern-play jump insanitiness?
(10:21:42 PM) skinnyhead: !entry me
(10:21:43 PM) BotB: me - used book ::
(10:21:44 PM) chunter: is that the orders going from left to right like that?
(10:21:48 PM) Strobe: eightbitbubsy yes
(10:21:49 PM) meckz: does anyone here have a PS Vita?
(10:21:49 PM) CaptBeard: i got things to do i think
(10:21:49 PM) Willow left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 202 seconds).
(10:21:52 PM) CaptBeard: i'll just brb
(10:21:54 PM) ironclad: Let's Try Phishing and Stealing Identities
(10:21:55 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday!! :D
(10:21:56 PM) CaptBeard: till i came back
(10:21:57 PM) HertzDevil: !entry foreskin
(10:21:57 PM) BotB: Strobe - Syndicate Junction ::
(10:21:59 PM) Roofie: i have to leave kfaraday
(10:22:00 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 21:18:38]
(10:22:03 PM) SoiledBargains: it's
(10:22:06 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 21:21:40]
(10:22:07 PM) ipi: 7 mins left
(10:22:07 PM) KungFuFurby: xx:30 to end the break?
(10:22:08 PM) meckz: does anybody want to try some bass fishing with me?
(10:22:08 PM) Strobe: foreskin and one of my tunes come up
(10:22:12 PM) eightbitbubsy: 04:21:00
(10:22:16 PM) CaptBeard: Let's Try Actually Being Useful For Once In Your Life
(10:22:17 PM) Roofie: ROOF ROOF
(10:22:18 PM) HertzDevil: !entry weed
(10:22:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Bye roofie! :(
(10:22:19 PM) BotB: captainmarmalad - seaweed cipst (underwater level four) ::
(10:22:20 PM) Roofie: By :D
(10:22:23 PM) eightbitbubsy: kfaraday, if you don't say PENIS PENIS on the stream I'll ........
(10:22:23 PM) CaptBeard: !entry smoke weed
(10:22:24 PM) BotB: coda - ::
(10:22:25 PM) Roofie: bye bye bye
(10:22:28 PM) CaptBeard is now known as captbrb
(10:22:33 PM) HertzDevil: !entry PEENYWEENY
(10:22:34 PM) BotB: miau - shootingnoobwastetimenoob.nsf ::
(10:22:36 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday good thing I queued when we hit intermission!
(10:22:36 PM) chunter: meckz: I've been bass fishing before and I sucked
(10:22:39 PM) SoiledBargains: brb
(10:22:39 PM) ipi is now known as ipipiipii
(10:22:41 PM) kfaraday: :D
(10:22:45 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:47 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:49 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:50 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:50 PM) Roofie left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]).
(10:22:51 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:52 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:53 PM) SoiledBargains: yellow polka-dot bikini
(10:22:54 PM) commandycan: gross
(10:22:54 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:55 PM) HertzDevil: peeny weeny
(10:22:55 PM) HertzDevil left the room (Kicked by Jangler (HertzDevil)).
(10:22:56 PM) eightbitbubsy: P E N I S
(10:22:57 PM) kfaraday: surasshu - aheh! a very groovy song (1st place, winter chip III)
(10:23:00 PM) goluigi: lmfao
(10:23:01 PM) meckz: it's easier to try bass fishing NEXT on PS Vita
(10:23:06 PM) HertzDevil [] entered the room.
(10:23:09 PM) Jangler: :)
(10:23:13 PM) golgibody: :)
(10:23:18 PM) HertzDevil: sociopathy
(10:23:18 PM) goluigi: wankler you meanie :(
(10:23:19 PM) ironclad: you heard it from Yibbon...
(10:23:30 PM) meckz: nicetas
(10:23:30 PM) Jangler: HertzDevil was making fun of my weeny
(10:23:30 PM) meckz: tetryonics
(10:23:35 PM) xterm-logger: wacthing tux's avatar to this
(10:23:39 PM) goluigi: meeny weeny
(10:23:40 PM) Strobe: its a very groovy song aheh
(10:23:43 PM) golgibody: :D xterm
(10:23:51 PM) HertzDevil: "Anyway penis size is probaly the relative to the size of someones body...a rumor around my school is that is when youre gay your peeny weeny gets smaller..." - Yibbon
(10:23:51 PM) meckz: tetryonic bass fishing
(10:23:54 PM) kfaraday: okay intermission ends about 5 minutes from now
(10:23:57 PM) Tux: wait does it sync up at all
(10:23:58 PM) Tux: lmao
(10:23:59 PM) kfaraday: i deed it~
(10:24:16 PM) xterm-logger: tux not particularly but it's amusing anyway
(10:24:22 PM) ironclad: you heard it from Yibbon...
(10:24:22 PM) Tux: haha
(10:24:28 PM) Yibbon: STOP THAT
(10:24:29 PM) ipipiipii is now known as ipi
(10:24:31 PM) ironclad: LOL
(10:24:38 PM) HertzDevil: You heard it from Yibbon...
(10:24:40 PM) chunter: I wonder if I'm going to be up late enough to hear one of mine, and I also wonder if my wife will recognize it
(10:24:41 PM) Yibbon: AAAAAAA SHUT UP ALL OF YOU
(10:24:51 PM) goluigi: Rude
(10:24:54 PM) kfaraday: slimeball - da seventies (19th place, summer chip II)
(10:24:54 PM) eightbitbubsy: Yibbon has PENIS FEAR SYNDROME
(10:24:56 PM) meckz: A Website Filled With My
(10:24:56 PM) meckz: Game Maker
(10:24:56 PM) meckz: Media.
(10:24:58 PM) skinnyhead: FCK YIB
(10:24:59 PM) kfaraday: good penis
(10:25:03 PM) HertzDevil: FCK YIB
(10:25:03 PM) ipi: yes!!
(10:25:04 PM) chunter: I've had the stream on speaker and my wife didn't say "turn that shit off" yet
(10:25:06 PM) goluigi: good senis
(10:25:13 PM) SoiledBargains: chunter hahaha
(10:25:24 PM) ipi: chunter it is kfaraday's soothing voice
(10:25:26 PM) meckz: All Created By A 13 Year Old In Austraila.
(10:25:28 PM) Jangler: some of it turned me off a bit
(10:25:29 PM) SoiledBargains: I didn't know this entry existed
(10:25:29 PM) kfaraday: :)))
(10:25:33 PM) SoiledBargains: holy crap
(10:25:33 PM) skinnyhead: Thumbs Up If You Think Yibbon133 Is Stupid And Has Wasted Your Time
(10:25:34 PM) chunter: ipi: fwiw it just be
(10:25:36 PM) SoiledBargains: !entry da seventies
(10:25:36 PM) BotB: Slimeball - Da Seventies ::
(10:25:39 PM) Yibbon left the room (quit: Quit: THAT'S ENOUGH).
(10:25:39 PM) golgibody: :O
(10:25:40 PM) Jangler: saxarps
(10:25:45 PM) kfaraday: the arps~
(10:25:47 PM) ipi: sax arps
(10:25:48 PM) Strobe: that can't be legit sax playing
(10:25:51 PM) Jangler: haha
(10:25:52 PM) meckz: i made yibbon leave
(10:25:54 PM) ipi: legit sax playing for sure
(10:25:56 PM) chunter: she's used to robokabuto's FCM things where she can understand what the hell he's saying in between
(10:25:58 PM) skinnyhead: that's ME playing the sax actually
(10:25:59 PM) Strobe: oh
(10:26:00 PM) skinnyhead: live record
(10:26:00 PM) KungFuFurby:
(10:26:01 PM) sethdonut: DISCO CHIP!
(10:26:02 PM) Strobe: i see
(10:26:03 PM) BotB: Slimeball - Furby disco :: Battle of the Bits Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:26:06 PM) eightbitbubsy: sexing the sax
(10:26:14 PM) Jangler: slimball is a good guy
(10:26:25 PM) eightbitbubsy: too bad slimeball hates vibrato
(10:26:27 PM) eightbitbubsy: and it's audible
(10:26:27 PM) SoiledBargains: I have a word for this thing now:
(10:26:30 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:26:31 PM) SoiledBargains: streamlisten
(10:26:38 PM) Strobe: you need a 4FF on the chord channels
(10:26:40 PM) Jangler: nice windowsbell
(10:26:45 PM) Jangler: haha Strobe
(10:26:45 PM) captbrb is now known as CaptBeard
(10:26:52 PM) Jangler: play pull over at 2x speed
(10:26:52 PM) CaptBeard: .bak
(10:26:53 PM) SoiledBargains: One two minute one
(10:26:57 PM) CaptBeard: captbeardis.bak
(10:26:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler hahah
(10:27:00 PM) golgibody: No one else seems to. ;_;
(10:27:10 PM) kfaraday: mordekai - badwalk (140th place, winter chip VII)
(10:27:10 PM) CaptBeard: kfaraday make some jokes
(10:27:16 PM) eightbitbubsy: banging-on-the-door kickdrum \o/ (heard from another room)
(10:27:18 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:27:25 PM) Jangler: how about helicopter food, huh
(10:27:26 PM) ipi: its cute
(10:27:30 PM) Strobe: sub 100ths also need love
(10:27:32 PM) CaptBeard: kfaraday you should make some jokes
(10:27:33 PM) sethdonut: i like this.
(10:27:39 PM) kfaraday: jopke
(10:27:43 PM) skinnyhead: ( ' w ' )
(10:27:44 PM) kfaraday: tell me a funy kpoke
(10:27:53 PM) Strobe: this sounds like if i was playing the sax
(10:27:55 PM) skinnyhead: HERE'S YOUR FUCKING JOKE
(10:27:56 PM) CaptBeard: "my family was murdered"
(10:27:57 PM) Jangler: haha Strobe
(10:28:01 PM) skinnyhead: AMERICAS ECONOMY
(10:28:02 PM) CaptBeard: that's my original joke don't steal
(10:28:04 PM) ipi: funny joke: HertzDevil
(10:28:05 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe hahaha
(10:28:12 PM) golgibody: I will admit that my sax arps were partially inspired by Strobe's MIDIs
(10:28:12 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahahahha
(10:28:20 PM) CaptBeard: i just thought that hertzdevil's avatar was some anime thing sucking on a weewee
(10:28:28 PM) Jangler: lol
(10:28:28 PM) kfaraday: hahahahaha
(10:28:30 PM) golgibody: :D
(10:28:31 PM) Strobe: what on earth
(10:28:32 PM) HertzDevil: wtf!!!
(10:28:34 PM) skinnyhead: touhou is anime
(10:28:36 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:28:37 PM) skinnyhead: it IS
(10:28:38 PM) ipi: ive been wondering who golgibody was all this time
(10:28:39 PM) golgibody: Beard you dong
(10:28:40 PM) goluigi: inappropriate banned
(10:28:42 PM) ipi: slimeball in disguise
(10:28:46 PM) ironclad: a peeny weeny?
(10:28:47 PM) skinnyhead: beard you dongcopter
(10:28:49 PM) kfaraday: that is neither an anime character OR a weeny wow
(10:28:50 PM) golgibody: Yeah I-Pie :3
(10:28:50 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:28:50 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:28:51 PM) Jangler: it appears to be a moose eating chess
(10:28:51 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:28:51 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:28:52 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:28:52 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:28:53 PM) golgibody: senis
(10:28:53 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:28:54 PM) CaptBeard: deard you bong
(10:28:54 PM) HertzDevil:
(10:29:00 PM) ipi: NO WONDER you keep calling me frickin I-Pie
(10:29:01 PM) skinnyhead: penis
(10:29:01 PM) CaptBeard: penis,
(10:29:02 PM) skinnyhead: senis
(10:29:02 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:29:03 PM) skinnyhead: kenis
(10:29:03 PM) CaptBeard: kenis,
(10:29:04 PM) goluigi: YESH
(10:29:05 PM) CaptBeard left the room (Kicked by Jangler (CaptBeard)).
(10:29:06 PM) skinnyhead: benis
(10:29:06 PM) FoD: everywhere ;O
(10:29:07 PM) skinnyhead left the room (Kicked by Jangler (skinnyhead)).
(10:29:08 PM) ipi: dont go everywhere
(10:29:09 PM) ironclad: benis
(10:29:10 PM) goluigi: DOG ENTRY
(10:29:14 PM) golgibody: Flying janglerboots!
(10:29:15 PM) HertzDevil: FUNNY DOGE
(10:29:17 PM) skinnyhead [] entered the room.
(10:29:19 PM) goluigi: all 7's 4 dog
(10:29:21 PM) Jangler: doge that
(10:29:21 PM) skinnyhead: huck you
(10:29:24 PM) ironclad: I cannot escape
(10:29:26 PM) FoD: I haven't heard this entry yet
(10:29:28 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:29:29 PM) chunter:
(10:29:32 PM) sethdonut: ^ ironclad
(10:29:32 PM) BotB: Title: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Intermission Theme , Uploaded by: KillerofSpartans117 , Views: 14 332 , Cat: Entertainment
(10:29:33 PM) FoD: I don't know what to expect
(10:29:41 PM) skinnyhead: its beuatiful
(10:29:41 PM) Jangler: hahahaha
(10:29:45 PM) Strobe: :OOOO
(10:29:46 PM) Patashu: -ever-
(10:29:46 PM) SoiledBargains: first ever done by a dog
(10:29:47 PM) Strobe: a dog!
(10:29:51 PM) SoiledBargains: DOG CHIPTUNE
(10:29:52 PM) commandycan: i am impressed
(10:29:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Very impressive
(10:30:00 PM) KungFuFurby: I'll depart after listening to this song.
(10:30:01 PM) ipi: cute!!
(10:30:02 PM) golgibody: Yeah!
(10:30:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... hello may i enter even though i am a dog — dog (entry 78/215, 36.279% complete)
(10:30:07 PM) golgibody: choirs!
(10:30:10 PM) CaptBeard [] entered the room.
(10:30:11 PM) goluigi: DOG ENTRIES GET ALL 7'S
(10:30:12 PM) CaptBeard: woof
(10:30:13 PM) eightbitbubsy: whoouagh.smp
(10:30:14 PM) ipi: dog choirs
(10:30:15 PM) commandycan: so much heart magic
(10:30:16 PM) chunter: looks like a spaniel hybrid
(10:30:18 PM) golgibody: Dog is one of the coolest botbrs
(10:30:18 PM) goluigi: WOOF
(10:30:19 PM) Jangler: my dog does not make music very good like this at all
(10:30:19 PM) FoD: 7's everywhere
(10:30:19 PM) Patashu: sounds like earthbound
(10:30:29 PM) golgibody: Hahaha earthbound
(10:30:35 PM) SoiledBargains: BotB's Family Pet Submits to Winterchip
(10:30:36 PM) ipi: hhaha that chord
(10:30:39 PM) Patashu: kennelstuck
(10:30:41 PM) golgibody: :D that pitch bending
(10:30:42 PM) ironclad: I think the worst thing was when the entry after mine had dog in its title
(10:30:44 PM) SoiledBargains: VOTE DOG
(10:30:44 PM) commandycan: dogs love major chords
(10:30:45 PM) FoD: dog sirens
(10:30:45 PM) golgibody: Dog the creative genius
(10:30:46 PM) commandycan: known fact
(10:30:46 PM) ipi: i'm a cat person
(10:30:50 PM) ipi: all 1s
(10:30:57 PM) mJ: :I
(10:30:59 PM) cak: cats rule
(10:31:00 PM) golgibody: 1-Pie
(10:31:02 PM) Jangler: a cat-human hybrid
(10:31:02 PM) sethdonut: 7 heart-magic, 7 shit your pants
(10:31:03 PM) CaptBeard: who is going to stay up for like forever
(10:31:06 PM) HertzDevil: IPI IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE
(10:31:07 PM) KungFuFurby: I'm done here for the night. So long, everybody! :D
(10:31:08 PM) CaptBeard: i want rugrats samples in my songs
(10:31:09 PM) golgibody: :)
(10:31:11 PM) ipi: enemy of the dogs
(10:31:12 PM) CaptBeard: seee you kungfu!
(10:31:13 PM) commandycan: wooflie
(10:31:14 PM) skinnyhead: ANTI-BOTB
(10:31:14 PM) HertzDevil: cynthia rugrats
(10:31:16 PM) CaptBeard: bwaaah
(10:31:16 PM) sethdonut: woof
(10:31:18 PM) ipi: see ya KFF!!
(10:31:18 PM) CaptBeard: bwaaahbwaah
(10:31:19 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard probably me
(10:31:30 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... cpoy rites — Chip Champion —
(10:31:41 PM) golgibody: Hahahahaha
(10:31:46 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... cpoy rites — Chip Champion (entry 79/215, 36.744% complete)
(10:31:52 PM) CaptBeard: i'm scared
(10:31:53 PM) Jangler: CaptBeard: this guy
(10:31:53 PM) commandycan: that was so believable i thought you actually fell asleep kfaraday!
(10:31:57 PM) SoiledBargains: Post-production echoes??
(10:32:00 PM) SoiledBargains: commandycan hahah
(10:32:01 PM) KungFuFurby: Nice to be here at the synclisten... or at least the first four hours of it. :)
(10:32:02 PM) CaptBeard: my mom is planning to became more plain because--well you know
(10:32:12 PM) KungFuFurby left the room (See you next compo!).
(10:32:14 PM) CaptBeard: she wants to wear a prayer veil in church
(10:32:23 PM) xterm-logger: oops missed dogsong
(10:32:24 PM) CaptBeard: and not wear overly flamboyant things
(10:32:25 PM) Jangler: this is good tia
(10:32:30 PM) golgibody: Yeah, it's good tia
(10:32:32 PM) chunter: surprisingly musical
(10:32:33 PM) xterm-logger: songsog
(10:32:37 PM) ipi: tia sounds like pokey
(10:32:46 PM) Jangler: who is going to run the stream if kfaraday is asleeped
(10:32:47 PM) kfaraday: svetcore
(10:32:49 PM) BotB: MS reaches Level 1 Chipist with 34pnts
(10:32:50 PM) commandycan: a loud pokey
(10:32:50 PM) ipi: ME
(10:32:50 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(10:32:53 PM) sethdonut: my aura became skulls momentarily??
(10:32:54 PM) Strobe: it sounds like blend of beeper and pokey
(10:32:58 PM) SoiledBargains: MS congrats on being not n00b!!
(10:32:58 PM) golgibody: Yeah Svet influences.
(10:33:04 PM) HertzDevil: UGH
(10:33:09 PM) golgibody: ugh
(10:33:11 PM) chunter: CaptBeard: people will think her husband died or something
(10:33:26 PM) MS: Thanks!
(10:33:29 PM) commandycan: the dietanic
(10:33:31 PM) CaptBeard: yeah it's weird
(10:33:32 PM) commandycan: coincidence????
(10:33:33 PM) CaptBeard: i'm just scared
(10:33:38 PM) CaptBeard: she wants to become a "plain catholic"
(10:33:39 PM) ipi: the dietician
(10:33:42 PM) absolutezero [] entered the room.
(10:33:47 PM) CaptBeard: i gotta move out before she tries to force it on anyone else
(10:33:48 PM) mJ: 0K
(10:33:51 PM) commandycan: law abiding dietician
(10:33:58 PM) CaptBeard: she's already asking if i want to talk to a catholic preist
(10:33:59 PM) xterm-logger: ajajaja
(10:34:02 PM) ipi: nutritionist points
(10:34:08 PM) xterm-logger: ^
(10:34:21 PM) SoiledBargains: MS no prob!
(10:34:22 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Triman — acmfan —
(10:34:24 PM) HertzDevil: MOGATRIMAN
(10:34:25 PM) goluigi: WOW im not a skull anymore
(10:34:32 PM) ipi: STRANGE
(10:34:33 PM) golgibody: :O
(10:34:35 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Triman — acmfan (entry 80/215, 37.209% complete)
(10:34:35 PM) Jangler: it's pronunced "ack 'em F A N"
(10:34:36 PM) sethdonut: nope, def a skull now
(10:34:36 PM) Patashu: hello, acmfan
(10:34:37 PM) eightbitbubsy: golgibody, WOW PENIS you should do less drugs
(10:34:41 PM) commandycan: phoenix wright
(10:34:42 PM) goluigi: now if i can only become blue
(10:34:43 PM) ipi: no noise bass thank fuck
(10:34:46 PM) sethdonut: catchy
(10:34:47 PM) commandycan: oh not anymore
(10:34:47 PM) kfaraday: :))
(10:34:49 PM) CaptBeard: oh this song
(10:34:50 PM) HertzDevil: acmfan == sebamkfan (inside joke)
(10:34:53 PM) CaptBeard: this songs oddly familiar
(10:34:54 PM) Jangler: haha ipi
(10:34:55 PM) commandycan: only somewhat cornered
(10:35:01 PM) CaptBeard: i swear i've heard this
(10:35:21 PM) ironclad: BENIS WHAT
(10:35:21 PM) kfaraday: subversive circus music~
(10:35:22 PM) CaptBeard: voting gives me boons
(10:35:33 PM) HertzDevil: golden penis
(10:35:39 PM) CaptBeard: WE BENIS NOW
(10:35:43 PM) golgibody: acmfancore
(10:35:44 PM) goluigi: oops skullz again :(
(10:35:45 PM) Tux: lmao
(10:35:46 PM) Jangler: voting do not gab boons
(10:35:48 PM) BotB: funkmeisterfish - neurotic diarrhea :: Battle of the Bits -- i made this song in garadgeband on my imac Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:35:52 PM) Tux: why would you make something in garageband
(10:35:53 PM) HertzDevil: FUNKMEISTERFISH
(10:36:17 PM) ironclad: LOL FUNKY
(10:36:17 PM) HertzDevil: i wish his entry beats apoc
(10:36:27 PM) kfaraday: hee
(10:36:29 PM) commandycan: this is very repeaty
(10:36:32 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler and/or Strobe can you take over?
(10:36:33 PM) CaptBeard: yeah
(10:36:34 PM) SoiledBargains: I gotta brb
(10:36:35 PM) CaptBeard: i hate it
(10:36:35 PM) Jangler: "the one electronic"
(10:36:37 PM) epic_caterpillar: will this be recorded?
(10:36:39 PM) Jangler: yeah i can do it SoiledBargains
(10:36:43 PM) ***null1024 just got out of the shower
(10:36:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Alrighty.
(10:36:49 PM) Jangler: isn't TOE from that webcomic
(10:36:50 PM) SoiledBargains: I'll see if it works
(10:36:56 PM) ironclad: jake kaufman
(10:36:58 PM) SoiledBargains: You know, your thing
(10:37:00 PM) SoiledBargains: part
(10:37:04 PM) golgibody: Jake Kaufman :)
(10:37:06 PM) SoiledBargains: HI WHOEVER YOU ARE
(10:37:08 PM) HertzDevil: this will win nsf
(10:37:09 PM) ipi: BOT-BUH
(10:37:11 PM) BotB: MEGAmorrison - beautiful child at heart :: Battle of the Bits -- my song thank you Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:37:15 PM) Jangler: dammit someone conditioned me to respond to "jake"
(10:37:17 PM) ipi: yes!!
(10:37:19 PM) CaptBeard: you should code the spazface to only move when you talk
(10:37:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler g0!
(10:37:27 PM) CaptBeard: Jake Kaufman
(10:37:27 PM) ipi: peach YYUCK
(10:37:31 PM) kfaraday: beard HAHAHA
(10:37:31 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Elysium Integer — Duplica —
(10:37:33 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Elysium Integer — Duplica (entry 81/215, 37.674% complete)
(10:37:33 PM) HertzDevil: PEACH
(10:37:37 PM) SoiledBargains: okay cool it werks
(10:37:39 PM) SoiledBargains: off I brb
(10:37:43 PM) mJ: pokemoncore
(10:37:47 PM) CaptBeard: Jake Kaufman
(10:37:48 PM) SoiledBargains: Also this doesn't sound so GameBoyish
(10:37:48 PM) Jangler: he sampled a peach
(10:37:49 PM) SoiledBargains: w00t!!
(10:37:53 PM) SoiledBargains: !botbr virt
(10:37:54 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:01 PM) HertzDevil: !botbr virtjk
(10:38:02 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:07 PM) mJ: !botbr Virt
(10:38:07 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:09 PM) SoiledBargains: !botbr Jake Kaufman
(10:38:09 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:11 PM) SoiledBargains: lolololol
(10:38:14 PM) ***SoiledBargains goes brb
(10:38:15 PM) ipi: !botbr ipi
(10:38:16 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:18 PM) ipi: good
(10:38:20 PM) goluigi: !botbr nothere
(10:38:20 PM) kfaraday: virt ain't never been on botb lol
(10:38:21 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:27 PM) HertzDevil: !botbr BotBr
(10:38:27 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:29 PM) commandycan: !botbr wilson
(10:38:30 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(10:38:30 PM) CaptBeard: i like it!
(10:38:31 PM) Strobe: im sure ive seen virt?
(10:38:34 PM) null1024: this song is nice
(10:38:37 PM) Strobe: it is!
(10:38:43 PM) Patashu: this song rulez
(10:38:44 PM) CaptBeard: !botbr zabutom
(10:38:45 PM) BotB: zabutom :: Lvl 11 OHCist ::
(10:38:48 PM) mJ: :o
(10:38:48 PM) CaptBeard: oh he actually IS on here
(10:38:54 PM) ipi: actually this is real nice
(10:38:59 PM) mJ: admin here lol
(10:39:01 PM) ironclad: monster force
(10:39:02 PM) Jangler: it is p. okay
(10:39:03 PM) chunter: zabutom used to enter oftin
(10:39:04 PM) chunter: often
(10:39:07 PM) goluigi: why hasnt he been here since 2011 :(
(10:39:15 PM) chunter: he went to university I think
(10:39:15 PM) ironclad: because of monster force
(10:39:27 PM) Tux: yea
(10:39:28 PM) chunter: isn't he the one who plays with Bushla gear now?
(10:39:35 PM) ipi: i have 999 OHC points
(10:39:38 PM) golgibody: My votes are shifting further to the right the longer I listen to this
(10:39:40 PM) kfaraday: ipi :-o
(10:39:43 PM) kfaraday: :)))
(10:39:44 PM) BotB: MS reaches Level 2 Chipist with 41pnts
(10:39:50 PM) Jangler: ipi, never OHC again
(10:39:56 PM) ipi: but
(10:39:57 PM) goluigi: this bright red aura looks cool actually
(10:39:57 PM) goluigi: :o
(10:40:03 PM) kfaraday: kaj's lusty canadian heart grew seven sizes this day
(10:40:04 PM) ipi: nobody else must listen to an OHC of mine
(10:40:04 PM) golgibody: It's time to download I-Pie's OHC entries!
(10:40:07 PM) ipi: FRICK
(10:40:17 PM) commandycan: fracking
(10:40:17 PM) goluigi: ransom
(10:40:22 PM) commandycan: randsome
(10:40:23 PM) ipi: frick frack fuck
(10:40:25 PM) goluigi: if he doesnt go back to interrobang pie
(10:40:31 PM) goluigi: we download his entries
(10:40:38 PM) ipi: norwegian badarsery.ftm
(10:40:39 PM) goluigi: and make his ohcist points go off
(10:40:47 PM) kfaraday: badarsery :)))
(10:40:47 PM) chunter: ending
(10:41:02 PM) golgibody: :D golgi
(10:41:14 PM) Jangler: a bit like pinecones in ears
(10:41:15 PM) chunter: do we know duplica?
(10:41:17 PM) CaptBeard: lyceumexploiter reaches Level 34 Chipist with 999,999,999pnts
(10:41:18 PM) goluigi: so WILL YOU
(10:41:20 PM) Patashu: duplica is Kommisar's alt
(10:41:21 PM) goluigi: LMFAO
(10:41:23 PM) goluigi: BEARD
(10:41:24 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(10:41:24 PM) mJ: lol
(10:41:24 PM) ipi: hahahaaa
(10:41:26 PM) null1024: haha
(10:41:26 PM) Jangler: hehe bread
(10:41:26 PM) chunter: ok
(10:41:29 PM) CaptBeard: oh man i messed up the title
(10:41:34 PM) golgibody: tiny little earwigs crawling in my ear while metal is playing
(10:41:35 PM) CaptBeard: oh well
(10:41:40 PM) null1024: it's better than kommisar's entries under that name :P
(10:41:42 PM) chunter: neat pitchbends
(10:41:47 PM) FoD: nice blastbeats
(10:41:50 PM) xterm: retrigger :o
(10:42:02 PM) kfaraday: duplica is kommisar's real life sister iirc
(10:42:02 PM) commandycan: i want it to be less repetitive because i like the effects
(10:42:07 PM) ipi: ^
(10:42:08 PM) kfaraday: a family of chiptunerm,!!!
(10:42:12 PM) Jangler: lol
(10:42:17 PM) CaptBeard: oh
(10:42:19 PM) FoD: yeah, there are some nice effects
(10:42:21 PM) mJ: wtf 4 music thingies from the same person
(10:42:22 PM) Jangler: it's in their bloods
(10:42:26 PM) CaptBeard: i actually thought they were like, two of the same accounts
(10:42:27 PM) FoD: wish there was more to it though
(10:42:28 PM) mJ: in a row
(10:42:29 PM) CaptBeard: like alt accounts
(10:42:30 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(10:42:34 PM) HertzDevil: the kommi family
(10:42:35 PM) CaptBeard: i wish my sister was that cool
(10:42:40 PM) Jangler: technically nice but not musically nice
(10:42:41 PM) goluigi: my aura is mesmerizingly red
(10:42:43 PM) CaptBeard: but she's annoying and i'd trade sisters
(10:42:45 PM) kfaraday: :3
(10:42:53 PM) Patashu: hint: duplica can be kommisar's sister AND kommisar's alt at the same time
(10:42:57 PM) ipi: catface
(10:42:57 PM) chunter: My feeling of chipmetal is that you either end up with something that repeats a lot like this
(10:43:02 PM) Jangler: i am my own sister
(10:43:02 PM) golgibody: Hahahaa Patashu
(10:43:03 PM) cak left the room (quit: Quit: Web client closed).
(10:43:05 PM) kfaraday: patashu (- w - )
(10:43:08 PM) HertzDevil: ogm
(10:43:09 PM) chunter: or you get something that sounds like all these uncontrolled ideas puking out
(10:43:09 PM) commandycan: hahahahahaha
(10:43:32 PM) chunter: kommisar should change av to ash (or at least the boy trainer) for effect
(10:43:37 PM) MaxVdub [] entered the room.
(10:43:43 PM) golgibody: Hello Jake Kaufman
(10:43:50 PM) kfaraday: hello maxub
(10:43:52 PM) CaptBeard: that's not jake kaufman
(10:43:56 PM) CaptBeard: I'M JAKE KAUFMAN
(10:43:58 PM) Flaminglog [~Flaminglo@] entered the room.
(10:44:03 PM) xterm: Kake Jaufman
(10:44:04 PM) commandycan: jackie coughbrothers
(10:44:04 PM) sethdonut: OOO
(10:44:04 PM) chunter: not enough ideas puking out
(10:44:05 PM) golgibody: CaptVeard
(10:44:06 PM) Jangler: jake kaufman lives within each and every one of us
(10:44:13 PM) ipi: CaptKaufman
(10:44:19 PM) xterm: wat
(10:44:20 PM) null1024: no fade
(10:44:21 PM) sethdonut: that one bid for harmony at the end got me good
(10:44:25 PM) sethdonut: ended way too soon
(10:44:29 PM) MaxVdub: im andy kaufman
(10:44:41 PM) sethdonut: <........>
(10:44:43 PM) SoiledBargains: woah guys
(10:44:46 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... VIKINGFJORD — Duplica —
(10:44:47 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... VIKINGFJORD — Duplica (entry 82/215, 38.14% complete)
(10:44:47 PM) chunter: harmony is a bit obvious
(10:44:48 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Raspberry Syrup — Duplica —
(10:44:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Raspberry Syrup — Duplica (entry 83/215, 38.605% complete)
(10:44:50 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Flashback — Warlord —
(10:44:51 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Flashback — Warlord (entry 84/215, 39.07% complete)
(10:44:52 PM) kfaraday: : ))
(10:44:52 PM) Jangler: ( ....._.....)
(10:44:56 PM) Jangler: oh shit SoiledBargains
(10:44:58 PM) sethdonut: it is apprecitated all the same
(10:44:59 PM) ipi: hahaa
(10:45:00 PM) Strobe: hahahahahhaahah
(10:45:00 PM) Jangler: i done fucked up
(10:45:03 PM) HertzDevil: when i was still a brony musician i was recognized as jake kaufman
(10:45:08 PM) ipi: HAHAHAHA
(10:45:10 PM) CaptBeard: Jake Kaufman logged into Botb.
(10:45:12 PM) Jangler: /seppuku
(10:45:13 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:45:19 PM) CaptBeard: shut upppp
(10:45:22 PM) chunter: was that necessary
(10:45:25 PM) CaptBeard: no it wasn't,
(10:45:28 PM) CaptBeard: senis,
(10:45:28 PM) Jangler left the room (Kicked by Jangler (seppuku)).
(10:45:32 PM) ipi_ [~ipi@] entered the room.
(10:45:33 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:45:33 PM) Jangler [~brandon@] entered the room.
(10:45:34 PM) mode (+o Jangler) by ChanServ
(10:45:35 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:45:36 PM) goluigi: are you necessary
(10:45:37 PM) HertzDevil: SAD.
(10:45:37 PM) ***golgibody sets mode +b Jangler
(10:45:38 PM) kfaraday: Kicked by THE JANGLER
(10:45:40 PM) commandycan: that's when you stuff a frisbee down your throat
(10:45:43 PM) ipi_ left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(10:45:52 PM) CaptBeard is now known as JakeKaufman
(10:45:57 PM) JakeKaufman: i'm jake now
(10:45:57 PM) MaxVdub: whats with the FAce on the stream
(10:45:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Kicked by THE JANGLER <-- Jangler's default KICK message
(10:46:01 PM) Jangler: hahaha
(10:46:04 PM) SoiledBargains: !botbr ui
(10:46:04 PM) BotB: ui :: Lvl 26 Chipist ::
(10:46:05 PM) golgibody: Beard, join #mod_shrine, now!
(10:46:08 PM) SoiledBargains: ^ MaxVdub see link
(10:46:10 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Meltdown — Warlord —
(10:46:16 PM) SoiledBargains: Okay I need to go again now.
(10:46:18 PM) sethdonut: i'm watching for any tiny change in my aura color now...
(10:46:25 PM) Virt_ [] entered the room.
(10:46:27 PM) Virt_: NO I AM
(10:46:29 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe if Jangler forgets PM me !sl
(10:46:35 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(10:46:36 PM) Virt_: you should just go kill yourself
(10:46:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Meltdown — Warlord (entry 85/215, 39.535% complete)
(10:46:43 PM) JakeKaufman: k
(10:46:44 PM) ipi: haha
(10:46:47 PM) kfaraday: you guys are bordering on themaster_e levels of virt creepy now
(10:46:52 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(10:46:53 PM) commandycan: LMAO
(10:46:57 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(10:47:00 PM) ipi: hahahaaaa
(10:47:00 PM) JakeKaufman left the room (quit: Quit: seppuku).
(10:47:04 PM) Tux: LOL
(10:47:06 PM) Jangler: haha
(10:47:11 PM) Virt_: i reign supreme
(10:47:16 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(10:47:19 PM) ***SoiledBargains goes brbr
(10:47:23 PM) HertzDevil:
(10:47:23 PM) BotB: MS reaches Level 3 Criticist with 53pnts
(10:47:25 PM) HertzDevil: row 3331
(10:47:26 PM) BotB: Remix War 4 Musicians Only Sync - Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax
(10:47:28 PM) null1024: I know this is TIA, but ;-;
(10:47:29 PM) HertzDevil: row 3331
(10:47:32 PM) xterm-logger: deven gallo
(10:47:33 PM) Strobe: :D
(10:47:36 PM) commandycan: one day master e will be working at nintendo having coffee with reggie
(10:47:37 PM) Virt_: now i go back to giving my old songs to video game developers
(10:47:37 PM) commandycan: you'll see
(10:47:39 PM) Virt_: see you
(10:47:41 PM) Virt_: later
(10:47:42 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Tauros — Flaminglog —
(10:47:46 PM) chunter: lol
(10:47:48 PM) HertzDevil: 16:12:46 <cyril> god, this reminds me of Sam Ascher-Weisse
(10:47:48 PM) HertzDevil: 16:12:48 <Aussie> this already is 8-bit metal
(10:47:48 PM) HertzDevil: 16:12:50 <cyril> actually no
(10:47:48 PM) HertzDevil: 16:12:50 <cyril> Virt
(10:47:49 PM) ironclad: one of these days
(10:47:58 PM) HertzDevil: never forget
(10:47:58 PM) ironclad: master e is gonna finish raceway through the galaxy
(10:47:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Tauros — Flaminglog (entry 86/215, 40% complete)
(10:48:02 PM) sethdonut: great narration
(10:48:03 PM) ironclad: something he started in 2010
(10:48:04 PM) kfaraday: 40%!
(10:48:05 PM) commandycan: ironclad lmao
(10:48:24 PM) sethdonut: moving along nicely, the song and the stream
(10:48:37 PM) BotB: Slimeball :: bio update ::
(10:48:39 PM) null1024: this song is....... okay I guess
(10:48:40 PM) xterm: alright next ohc will be beatmatch to tux's avatar haruhicore compoop
(10:48:41 PM) MaxVdub: the drums remind me of hoofbeats
(10:48:43 PM) Jangler: the last 60% of the entries take 60% of the time
(10:48:46 PM) JakeKaufman [] entered the room.
(10:48:47 PM) null1024: jajaja
(10:48:53 PM) JakeKaufman is now known as CaptBeard
(10:48:55 PM) CaptBeard: okay i'm back
(10:48:57 PM) goluigi: tux
(10:48:58 PM) sethdonut: huh
(10:48:59 PM) Tux: yea name it haruhicore
(10:49:00 PM) CaptBeard: but not really, mom wants to go on
(10:49:03 PM) goluigi: fuck u and your amazing aura
(10:49:08 PM) goluigi: bright blue skull
(10:49:12 PM) CaptBeard is now known as captbrb
(10:49:15 PM) ipi: (mutable)
(10:49:15 PM) HertzDevil: shit
(10:49:16 PM) MaxVdub: 5/4
(10:49:17 PM) MaxVdub: damn
(10:49:20 PM) goluigi: that is exactly the aura i wanted
(10:49:23 PM) HertzDevil: i didn't update entry 8551
(10:49:24 PM) Tux: death to the pics that jangler hates!!!!!!!!!!!
(10:49:25 PM) AndroUser2 [] entered the room.
(10:49:25 PM) Jangler: 5/4 is a bit overdone maybe >:D
(10:49:32 PM) goluigi: now i have nauseating red
(10:49:32 PM) kfaraday: by ME maybe
(10:49:33 PM) kfaraday: ha ha ha
(10:49:35 PM) MaxVdub: this sounds exactly thesame as take 5
(10:49:37 PM) Jangler: hey i'm just spressin' my emotins
(10:49:43 PM) sethdonut: at least you don't have poo brown :(
(10:49:47 PM) goluigi: :(
(10:49:49 PM) sethdonut: :)
(10:49:51 PM) mJ: : (
(10:49:55 PM) BotB: Slimeball reaches Level 20 Chipist with 11677pnts
(10:50:00 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I've also given you the ability to !sl in the case Jangler forgets
(10:50:04 PM) Jangler: LOL
(10:50:05 PM) goluigi: congrats golgibody ;33333333
(10:50:05 PM) ipi: congrats
(10:50:06 PM) SoiledBargains: Congrats Slimebll!
(10:50:06 PM) chunter: this is a decent 5
(10:50:07 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Seldom Do I Roam — Flaminglog —
(10:50:08 PM) kfaraday: ooh :)
(10:50:10 PM) golgibody: Thank you. :3
(10:50:11 PM) kfaraday: what is !sl
(10:50:11 PM) sethdonut: woo
(10:50:13 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Seldom Do I Roam — Flaminglog (entry 87/215, 40.465% complete)
(10:50:19 PM) HertzDevil: my timp
(10:50:21 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday: Manually progresses my synclisten script
(10:50:22 PM) Jangler: it is the thing that was entrusted to me
(10:50:24 PM) Patashu left the room (quit: Quit: Soundcloud (Famitracker Chiptunes): MSN: , AIM: Patashu0 , YIM: patashu2 , Skype: patashu0 .).
(10:50:25 PM) kfaraday: oh neat
(10:50:27 PM) mJ: golgibody the Slimeball
(10:50:27 PM) AndroUser2 is now known as KentaKurodani
(10:50:28 PM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(10:50:31 PM) Jangler: but i keep forgetin
(10:50:31 PM) chunter: I think I'm at about 20 to 30 seconds of delay as I listen
(10:50:34 PM) null1024: this song has its moments where it gets very nice
(10:50:36 PM) kfaraday: jang you wanna take it :)
(10:50:36 PM) SoiledBargains: "!sl back" will queue the last entry if you go too far
(10:50:48 PM) HertzDevil: i made the timpanis
(10:50:50 PM) Virt_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(10:50:53 PM) Jangler: i will try my bestest
(10:50:54 PM) FoD: that bit was pretty cool
(10:50:55 PM) kfaraday: :)))
(10:50:57 PM) sethdonut: fighting an 8-bit bull
(10:50:58 PM) mJ: !sl
(10:50:58 PM) FoD: and this bit
(10:50:58 PM) MaxVdub: the timpani noise reminds me of mother 3
(10:50:59 PM) SoiledBargains: Right now, all ops and kfaraday can do it.
(10:51:04 PM) kfaraday: :3
(10:51:05 PM) Jangler: haha this is circuitous "mario gets the flag" music
(10:51:09 PM) Strobe: not enough cowbells in this WC
(10:51:10 PM) commandycan: hertzdevil if you have ever done a ninja gaiden cover i am going to steal those samps
(10:51:13 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler hahaha
(10:51:22 PM) kfaraday: it's very good~ heart magic increasing
(10:51:27 PM) sethdonut: agreed
(10:51:31 PM) sethdonut: OH YEAH
(10:51:33 PM) sethdonut: NICE
(10:51:36 PM) xterm: Strobe: you're right damn!!!
(10:51:36 PM) SoiledBargains: Wow I'm getting too distracted
(10:51:56 PM) BotB: sethdonut reaches Level 6 Criticist with 173pnts
(10:51:56 PM) commandycan: i almost forgot to vote on an entry because of master e discussion
(10:51:58 PM) Tux: okay how am i only halfway done with voting on this compo
(10:52:05 PM) kfaraday: mandy hahahaha
(10:52:08 PM) sethdonut: ding
(10:52:08 PM) ipi: hahaa
(10:52:20 PM) FoD: I'm voting as I go along
(10:52:23 PM) ipi: ^
(10:52:24 PM) kfaraday: yes :)
(10:52:24 PM) commandycan: same
(10:52:25 PM) ipi: it easy
(10:52:27 PM) HertzDevil: master e3e
(10:52:28 PM) commandycan: indeed
(10:52:30 PM) FoD: though I'm leaving out chipart entries
(10:52:30 PM) goluigi: this is blinding
(10:52:32 PM) ipi: i am still keeping track of my votes
(10:52:35 PM) kfaraday: these breakdowns are real cool
(10:52:38 PM) FoD: I don't really know how to vote for those
(10:52:42 PM) ipi: 58.51% 7's
(10:52:46 PM) commandycan: these chord outlines with vibrato are kind of weird
(10:52:49 PM) kfaraday: ipi HAHAHA
(10:52:49 PM) commandycan: but i like this
(10:52:51 PM) kfaraday: <3
(10:52:57 PM) kfaraday: all tha way
(10:53:08 PM) SoiledBargains: Let
(10:53:09 PM) MaxVdub: that was cool
(10:53:10 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dale más chiptune — ui —
(10:53:11 PM) SoiledBargains: 's see here...
(10:53:12 PM) ipi: i havent done chip art yet tho
(10:53:21 PM) mJ: oohee!
(10:53:22 PM) sethdonut: meh
(10:53:24 PM) FoD: haha
(10:53:25 PM) HertzDevil: Sad.
(10:53:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dale más chiptune — ui (entry 88/215, 40.93% complete)
(10:53:27 PM) Jangler: LOL
(10:53:32 PM) FoD: kfaraday I love your description readings
(10:53:37 PM) Jangler: ace narration, kfaraday
(10:53:37 PM) Strobe: meh!
(10:53:38 PM) SoiledBargains: what
(10:53:39 PM) MaxVdub: meh!
(10:53:39 PM) null1024: ooooiiiii
(10:53:40 PM) golgibody: Yeah, what FoD said. :)
(10:53:41 PM) kfaraday: oops!! this is actually a wildchip
(10:53:42 PM) xterm-logger: goluigi: that's a nice aura
(10:53:43 PM) SoiledBargains: This is not GB??
(10:53:44 PM) kfaraday: :) let me change that
(10:53:45 PM) ipi: 2006
(10:53:46 PM) golgibody: You're putting your soul into it <3
(10:53:46 PM) MaxVdub: xdamn sick beat
(10:53:49 PM) SoiledBargains: oh okay good!
(10:53:55 PM) commandycan: you've done it now!
(10:53:59 PM) xterm-logger: uifunk
(10:54:00 PM) kfaraday: B-)
(10:54:01 PM) sethdonut: ya
(10:54:02 PM) sethdonut: uh
(10:54:03 PM) sethdonut: get down
(10:54:06 PM) SoiledBargains: haha this is a spreadsheet?
(10:54:07 PM) ipi: !botbr goluigi
(10:54:07 PM) BotB: goluigi :: Lvl 13 OHCist ::
(10:54:09 PM) kfaraday: yes haha
(10:54:13 PM) commandycan: major key breakdowns are the best
(10:54:13 PM) chunter: beat
(10:54:17 PM) SoiledBargains: With animated GIF support?!
(10:54:24 PM) ipi: mine is still this blue
(10:54:45 PM) MaxVdub: this is chill as heck
(10:54:51 PM) xterm-logger: yeah ui is the man
(10:55:05 PM) ipi: better than anything i could make in 2006
(10:55:10 PM) Strobe: this is classic ui-core
(10:55:17 PM) goluigi: jangler, are major compo votes counted in joogle?
(10:55:19 PM) Tux: I LOVE THIS
(10:55:21 PM) Jangler: goluigi: nawp
(10:55:21 PM) BotB: Duplica - VIKINGFJORD :: Battle of the Bits -- 1x lsdj, dedicated to norwegian badassery. Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(10:55:22 PM) ***sethdonut sway side to side
(10:55:26 PM) Jangler: only public data
(10:55:34 PM) ***xterm-logger puts a lighter in the air
(10:55:34 PM) kfaraday: 7 heart-magic for ui <3
(10:55:39 PM) golgibody: Yeah :)
(10:55:43 PM) mJ: so loud
(10:55:48 PM) golgibody: ui is leetspeak for <3
(10:55:54 PM) Jangler: ooey
(10:56:09 PM) commandycan: i feel more russian right now
(10:56:15 PM) commandycan: now i dont know how i feel
(10:56:19 PM) FoD: bbrbrrrbrbrrrbrrrrrr
(10:56:19 PM) Jangler: rumbled
(10:56:22 PM) ipi: this is cool
(10:56:24 PM) MaxVdub: uhh you pronounce ll as a y sound kfaraday pinche puto
(10:56:29 PM) sethdonut: this song ruffles my feathers
(10:56:31 PM) Jangler: weeooeeooeeooeeooeeoo
(10:56:31 PM) kfaraday: !
(10:56:32 PM) Flaminglog: is there like a forum post describing how the voting works
(10:56:33 PM) kfaraday: thank you
(10:56:37 PM) goluigi: kfaraday, beard, and tux have pretty auras
(10:56:39 PM) golgibody: This is some good oontz
(10:56:41 PM) ipi: woah
(10:56:41 PM) Flaminglog: like, what are these categories meaning
(10:56:42 PM) ironclad: oh hey tony
(10:56:46 PM) Flaminglog: hi phayphay
(10:56:46 PM) chunter: La Batalla de los Mil Ninjas
(10:56:51 PM) Strobe: i feel ashamed over my gameboy entry when i listen to this
(10:56:52 PM) ironclad: ninjago
(10:56:52 PM) Jangler: Flaminglog: the only thing that matters is that you vote consistently
(10:56:55 PM) ipi: Flaminglog - they mean whatever you want
(10:56:58 PM) Flaminglog: oh
(10:57:01 PM) FoD: I'm kinda making up the catagories, lol
(10:57:02 PM) Flaminglog: that's cool then
(10:57:10 PM) kfaraday: HAHA my aura is so garish
(10:57:12 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... La Batalla de los 1000 Ninjas — mniacfrqcy —
(10:57:13 PM) Patashu: as long as your voting system is meaningful
(10:57:14 PM) sethdonut: <CaptBeard> heart-magic = nostalgia, brain-tech = the skillfull craft, thumb-blister = destroying the chip, wow-tilt = impress, shit-in-pants = beyond impress, completely destroy what you expected
(10:57:14 PM) Patashu: then vote
(10:57:17 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... La Batalla de los 1000 Ninjas — mniacfrqcy (entry 89/215, 41.395% complete)
(10:57:20 PM) sethdonut: if that helps
(10:57:30 PM) Flaminglog: oh hi patashu
(10:57:30 PM) commandycan: this got good
(10:57:34 PM) goluigi: ooooooh my aura is pretty :3
(10:57:35 PM) Patashu: hello!
(10:57:35 PM) kfaraday: the categories are: whatever makes a pretty shape on the voting graph
(10:57:36 PM) kfaraday: heheheh
(10:57:40 PM) MaxVdub: i could rave to this
(10:57:45 PM) chunter: "la bataya day los meal ninjas"
(10:57:50 PM) goluigi: i like my new aura
(10:58:00 PM) kfaraday: SKRILLEX
(10:58:04 PM) golgibody: SKRILLEX
(10:58:04 PM) ipi: dubstep
(10:58:06 PM) sethdonut: yeah i'm really feeling pressure to vote according to aura rather than song-level
(10:58:06 PM) chunter: fun song
(10:58:07 PM) ipi: hahah
(10:58:09 PM) xterm: lol dubstep
(10:58:11 PM) null1024: gbdub
(10:58:11 PM) Patashu: isn't this a stock lsdj instrument
(10:58:13 PM) MaxVdub: hahaha
(10:58:14 PM) Tux: SKILLET = SKRILLET
(10:58:21 PM) commandycan: krillex
(10:58:21 PM) Tux: SKRILLEX*
(10:58:22 PM) Tux: FUCK
(10:58:30 PM) null1024: skilletrex
(10:58:40 PM) xterm: skill t-rex
(10:58:41 PM) commandycan: skill e-books
(10:58:43 PM) golgibody: skrillsex
(10:58:55 PM) golgibody: OH YEAH
(10:58:59 PM) golgibody: Cowbells!
(10:59:06 PM) golgibody: Strobe, cowbells!
(10:59:08 PM) xterm: jajaj strobe must have known
(10:59:11 PM) cak [] entered the room.
(10:59:12 PM) sethdonut: we've come a long way with La Baralla de los 1000 Ninjas
(10:59:20 PM) kfaraday: :) yes
(10:59:25 PM) commandycan: it got better as it went
(10:59:26 PM) kfaraday: quite a journey of a piece~
(10:59:28 PM) FoD: some decent technical skill in this
(10:59:30 PM) ironclad: ninjago
(10:59:35 PM) chunter: meal ninjas
(10:59:46 PM) FoD: not sure whether I like it or not, but some really great elements
(10:59:51 PM) FoD: and it builds up nicely
(10:59:55 PM) ipi: this song reminds me of strobe
(10:59:59 PM) Jangler: everyone who makes gameboy music does stuff that i like from a technical perspective but not a musical perspective
(11:00:09 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:00:16 PM) golgibody: You have a point there
(11:00:22 PM) chunter: Jangler: I have reason to think it's a shortcoming in LSDJ or the gameboy
(11:00:27 PM) Jangler: crustiles diver
(11:00:31 PM) golgibody: It's a shortcoming in the gameboy
(11:00:37 PM) commandycan: hertzdevil are you being defiled
(11:00:41 PM) ipi: hertzdevil's girlfriend
(11:00:49 PM) skinnyhead left the room (quit: Quit: goodbye friends I am gone).
(11:00:57 PM) mJ: funky train has left the station
(11:00:59 PM) Jangler: fucky train has left
(11:01:00 PM) ipi: skinnyheaddd :((
(11:01:02 PM) golgibody: 阴茎
(11:01:06 PM) Patashu: There's something about LSDJ that makes all music in it sound similar
(11:01:09 PM) sethdonut: cant wait for this
(11:01:11 PM) Patashu: but I'm not sure if it's LSDJ's workflow/presets/etc
(11:01:13 PM) Patashu: or LSDJ's surrounding culture
(11:01:16 PM) Patashu: (maybe both)
(11:01:27 PM) kfaraday: patashu it really is the workflow
(11:01:27 PM) null1024: 7s
(11:01:28 PM) Jangler: circus of filths
(11:01:28 PM) mJ: lmfao
(11:01:28 PM) Patashu: hahah
(11:01:29 PM) HertzDevil: HAHA
(11:01:30 PM) Patashu: so funky
(11:01:30 PM) mJ: penis
(11:01:30 PM) kfaraday: when iw as making
(11:01:30 PM) captbrb: penis,
(11:01:35 PM) mJ: penis in chinese
(11:01:35 PM) captbrb: penis,
(11:01:36 PM) null1024: that SEGA sound
(11:01:36 PM) Jangler: yeah i expect it's the workflow
(11:01:37 PM) cak: i'm leaning toward the culture
(11:01:38 PM) golgibody: Oh wow
(11:01:44 PM) ipi: not what is expecting but its super nice
(11:01:44 PM) sethdonut: SEGAAAA
(11:01:44 PM) Jangler: and culture of course
(11:01:45 PM) ipi: owah
(11:01:45 PM) kfaraday: one it was like so inconvenient to write new notes and just make the same one but transposed
(11:01:46 PM) Strobe: someone used PCM claps!
(11:01:46 PM) kfaraday: haha
(11:01:51 PM) ipi: WOOOOAAAAMMMMMM
(11:01:57 PM) golgibody: Those PCM claps are good
(11:02:06 PM) goluigi: this is COOL
(11:02:10 PM) Strobe: and cymbals!
(11:02:10 PM) commandycan: oooo
(11:02:15 PM) Jangler: dorian's bane
(11:02:16 PM) mJ: ;o
(11:02:16 PM) commandycan: funk ice man lair
(11:02:16 PM) null1024: hnng
(11:02:20 PM) commandycan: dorans blade
(11:02:24 PM) Jangler: hehe
(11:02:24 PM) golgibody: the funky train has left the station, welcome back dorian train!
(11:02:32 PM) mJ: gradient aura
(11:02:41 PM) golgibody: Now a Lydian train
(11:02:41 PM) Patashu: how do you figure out which mode a song is in just by listening to it
(11:02:43 PM) Jangler: hey commandycan did you hear about NAJINSWORD V ZUBUFRUST
(11:02:46 PM) Patashu: do you have to specifically practice doing it?
(11:02:49 PM) Jangler: or however spelling
(11:02:52 PM) MaxVdub: ear training
(11:02:58 PM) Jangler: bear training
(11:03:00 PM) Patashu: cuz I've never done music theory class/ear training/etc
(11:03:03 PM) golgibody: Ear straining
(11:03:03 PM) commandycan: YEA SON
(11:03:17 PM) Jangler: i knew what dorians sounded like before i took any theory classes
(11:03:19 PM) ipi: ear train
(11:03:24 PM) Jenoki left the room (quit: Quit: leaving).
(11:03:30 PM) MaxVdub: i havent been paying attn to this song to much but i keep hearing blues scales over and over
(11:03:35 PM) null1024: haha
(11:03:43 PM) commandycan: najin maknoob
(11:03:43 PM) golgibody: Cm-F = dorian, Fmaj7-Em7 = lydian
(11:03:46 PM) golgibody: It's simple really!
(11:03:47 PM) FoD: dorians are the most common mode used in jazz
(11:03:50 PM) FoD: I think
(11:03:54 PM) Jangler: ii V
(11:03:57 PM) commandycan: ionian most common mode
(11:03:59 PM) MaxVdub: i would say
(11:04:01 PM) MaxVdub: ionian
(11:04:01 PM) MaxVdub: yeah
(11:04:04 PM) mJ: dorian = guy who puts his soul in his own picture
(11:04:05 PM) ipi: oohhohh
(11:04:06 PM) golgibody: Jangler, I know, just making it simple. :(
(11:04:07 PM) sethdonut: this is what plays in the background with Echo the Dolphin gets laid
(11:04:07 PM) commandycan: or aeoliajn
(11:04:08 PM) Jangler: ii V is a jazz idiom so you hear that sort of thing in jazz
(11:04:14 PM) commandycan: sethdonut lmao
(11:04:15 PM) sethdonut: *Ecco
(11:04:18 PM) Strobe: aoilian
(11:04:21 PM) chunter: FoD: bop and earlier jazz types don't even think in modes
(11:04:24 PM) Strobe: the mayonnaise scale
(11:04:26 PM) Strobe: thats what i use
(11:04:27 PM) HertzDevil: remind me when neurotic diarrhea plays
(11:04:27 PM) Jangler: golgibody: my comment was @ FoD, not @ you
(11:04:31 PM) golgibody: Yeah
(11:04:31 PM) cak: soylent green mode
(11:04:34 PM) golgibody: I figured
(11:04:36 PM) HertzDevil is now known as HertzDevil[A]
(11:04:37 PM) ***HertzDevil[A] is set as away : Reason(remind me when neurotic diarrhea plays)
(11:04:37 PM) mJ: @_@
(11:04:38 PM) kfaraday: !sl
(11:04:38 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Croustilles D'hiver 8 — Kommisar —
(11:04:42 PM) kfaraday: !sl
(11:04:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Croustilles D'hiver 8 — Kommisar (entry 90/215, 41.86% complete)
(11:04:46 PM) kfaraday: !sl
(11:04:46 PM) Jangler: nice
(11:04:46 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... funky train has left the station — Chip Champion —
(11:04:48 PM) kfaraday: !sl
(11:04:49 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... funky train has left the station — Chip Champion (entry 91/215, 42.326% complete)
(11:04:50 PM) kfaraday: !sl
(11:04:51 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... frozen chip — Beard —
(11:04:53 PM) golgibody: !sl
(11:04:55 PM) HertzDevil[A]: all 1
(11:04:55 PM) commandycan: snl
(11:04:58 PM) chunter: neat last chords
(11:05:01 PM) Flaminglog: wheee!
(11:05:05 PM) MaxVdub: whats with all the green highlighter text
(11:05:33 PM) MaxVdub: 2spooky
(11:05:43 PM) commandycan: !entry spooky
(11:05:44 PM) BotB: TristEndo - ::
(11:05:46 PM) Patashu: 2a07
(11:05:47 PM) Jangler: conspiracy-core
(11:05:47 PM) commandycan: dammit
(11:05:51 PM) commandycan: not the spooky entry i wanted
(11:05:55 PM) chunter: indeed
(11:06:02 PM) mJ: gud
(11:06:04 PM) goluigi: golgibody is literally one of the only people with a yellow aura
(11:06:05 PM) Jangler: spooky castles was a good game
(11:06:12 PM) HertzDevil[A]: !entry mao
(11:06:13 PM) BotB: goluigi - stoned bunny thing lmao.gif ::
(11:06:19 PM) HertzDevil[A]: !entry zedong
(11:06:19 PM) golgibody: :)
(11:06:19 PM) BotB: Captain Dork - mayhem at teh piggy house ::
(11:06:27 PM) commandycan: !entry thedong
(11:06:28 PM) BotB: ui - spanishbass.mp3 ::
(11:06:32 PM) HertzDevil[A]: !entry beadon
(11:06:32 PM) BotB: Chip Champion - dead ringer.xm ::
(11:06:37 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... frozen chip — Beard (entry 92/215, 42.791% complete)
(11:06:38 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... grunge it up — Svetlana —
(11:06:41 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... grunge it up — Svetlana (entry 93/215, 43.256% complete)
(11:06:43 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... New Lines — chunter —
(11:06:46 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... New Lines — chunter (entry 94/215, 43.721% complete)
(11:06:51 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... the longest walk — null1024 —
(11:06:55 PM) sethdonut: :)
(11:07:01 PM) golgibody: Major keys!
(11:07:02 PM) sethdonut: cute
(11:07:03 PM) golgibody: Heart magic!
(11:07:05 PM) null1024: that kick
(11:07:07 PM) Strobe: how do the SMS make that pop :o
(11:07:09 PM) ipi: cute yeah!!
(11:07:09 PM) Jangler: FUCK i went TOO FAR
(11:07:10 PM) null1024: how does that kick work
(11:07:10 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha null :D
(11:07:11 PM) commandycan: heawt
(11:07:12 PM) Strobe: is that a square
(11:07:15 PM) MaxVdub: major key best key
(11:07:19 PM) chunter: lol
(11:07:19 PM) HertzDevil[A]: far four
(11:07:20 PM) MaxVdub: key change!!!
(11:07:24 PM) kfaraday: HAHA that kick yes
(11:07:28 PM) kfaraday: that is awesome
(11:07:35 PM) FoD: whoa
(11:07:38 PM) Strobe: it sounds like HardStyle disco
(11:07:42 PM) Strobe: the kick that is
(11:07:43 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:07:44 PM) Jangler: yeah that sounds like thigh-slapping or something
(11:07:46 PM) FoD: key changes
(11:07:49 PM) commandycan: hamboning entry
(11:08:00 PM) Jangler: hambo break
(11:08:05 PM) commandycan: lmao
(11:08:17 PM) goluigi: 11:36 lmfao yesh
(11:08:19 PM) golgibody: nullfufurby
(11:08:23 PM) commandycan: oh god
(11:08:23 PM) sethdonut: ooo ya
(11:08:25 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... the longest walk — null1024 (entry 95/215, 44.186% complete)
(11:08:26 PM) commandycan: i didnt even see it
(11:08:28 PM) commandycan: whyyyy
(11:08:30 PM) chunter: thanks folks
(11:08:34 PM) null1024: yes
(11:08:37 PM) Jangler: i'm not sure i will survive
(11:08:39 PM) xterm: so nully
(11:08:41 PM) Strobe: oh dear, here comes null1024-forever-core!
(11:08:44 PM) Pootie: New arrangement of a song from Star Fox 2, and no, it does not stick to limitations. This is fakebit.
(11:08:45 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:08:49 PM) Xyz_39808 [~Xyz_39808@] entered the room.
(11:08:51 PM) chunter: btw kick is from 100 hz player
(11:08:54 PM) null1024: ah
(11:08:54 PM) sethdonut: gonna put this one on speaker and walk around the room
(11:08:55 PM) kfaraday: pooty poo!
(11:08:59 PM) Pootie: :D
(11:09:01 PM) sethdonut: put this sucka on blast
(11:09:03 PM) kfaraday: come to the stream with us~~
(11:09:06 PM) HertzDevil[A]: pr0nty p00!
(11:09:07 PM) Pootie: :OOO
(11:09:08 PM) kfaraday:
(11:09:11 PM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(11:09:12 PM) ipi: Xyz!!!!!
(11:09:13 PM) Xyz_39808: still going eh?
(11:09:16 PM) Pootie: pr0nty?
(11:09:17 PM) kfaraday: yeppers
(11:09:17 PM) chunter: hard to find 1
(11:09:20 PM) golgibody: Hahaha pr0nty
(11:09:23 PM) Xyz_39808: hi hi ippy
(11:09:24 PM) golgibody: Excellent
(11:09:42 PM) ipi: this is good so far
(11:09:45 PM) null1024: ;3
(11:09:52 PM) captbrb is now known as CaptBeard
(11:09:55 PM) ipi: woa
(11:10:00 PM) chunter: tempos
(11:10:01 PM) Patashu: this is nifty
(11:10:02 PM) ipi: woah what where did it go
(11:10:03 PM) CaptBeard: guess who's back
(11:10:06 PM) CaptBeard: back again
(11:10:06 PM) HertzDevil[A] is now known as Koishi
(11:10:07 PM) kfaraday: that little bit transition between you keep repeating between sections is so great
(11:10:10 PM) xterm: null1024 megamix 2013
(11:10:12 PM) null1024: ;333
(11:10:12 PM) Pootie: moderator only chat? >:c
(11:10:18 PM) kfaraday: pootie chat's in here~~
(11:10:18 PM) ipi: HertzDevil[A] is now known as Kosher
(11:10:19 PM) Pootie: owel i'm probably not gonna talk anyways lol
(11:10:19 PM) Strobe: i should start my next years Wildchip today.
(11:10:20 PM) null1024: not in here ;D
(11:10:23 PM) Xyz_39808: mannnn this commercial music kicks ass
(11:10:24 PM) Strobe: and make 2 hour track
(11:10:24 PM) null1024: Strobe: ahaha
(11:10:25 PM) Pootie: oh dfgdfdg
(11:10:26 PM) mJ: hej Pootie
(11:10:26 PM) kfaraday: chat's in here pootie!!
(11:10:27 PM) null1024: I should too ;3
(11:10:28 PM) kfaraday: : ))
(11:10:35 PM) Pootie: Hey mJ.
(11:10:38 PM) Xyz_39808: I see a silly face
(11:10:38 PM) commandycan: pootie magoo
(11:10:48 PM) chunter: Strobe: just make a constantly running track that begins tomorrow and ends when entries open
(11:11:07 PM) Jangler: improvise for 8 hours per day every day
(11:11:16 PM) Strobe: i should have just recorded this livestream, and add glitcheffects and reverb over it
(11:11:18 PM) Strobe: no one would notice
(11:11:20 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:11:21 PM) null1024: ahahahahahaha
(11:11:22 PM) Patashu: hahahaha
(11:11:27 PM) Xyz_39808: where did that gif even come from?
(11:11:29 PM) Pootie: hahahahahah
(11:11:32 PM) Pootie: aw
(11:11:40 PM) Jangler: it is ui's avatar
(11:11:46 PM) Jangler: !botbr ui
(11:11:47 PM) BotB: ui :: Lvl 26 Chipist ::
(11:11:50 PM) CaptBeard: i'm back
(11:11:54 PM) CaptBeard: oh man 11 minute entry again
(11:11:54 PM) Xyz_39808: where'd ui get it from?
(11:11:55 PM) ipi: again#
(11:12:03 PM) ipi: maybe it is ui
(11:12:03 PM) Jangler: i think that is Actually Ui
(11:12:08 PM) ipi: he is a floating head irl
(11:12:10 PM) Jangler: !pix ui
(11:12:11 PM) BotB: Pic of ui ---->
(11:12:13 PM) Patashu: I think it is WinDEU
(11:12:16 PM) Patashu: for anyone who recognizes that name
(11:12:25 PM) FoD: kfaraday how many songs is it till the nest intermission?
(11:12:33 PM) kfaraday: fod let's see~
(11:12:39 PM) null1024: that pic of UI looks vaguely like his av, but at the same time not
(11:12:40 PM) ipi: slooww
(11:12:43 PM) null1024: slooooooooooow
(11:12:44 PM) Koishi: which song right before intermission
(11:12:55 PM) Flaminglog: dat kick
(11:12:57 PM) Strobe: tjopp tjopp tjopp
(11:12:59 PM) Koishi: i want to make sure i can hear neurotic diarrhea
(11:13:01 PM) ipi: kick kick
(11:13:03 PM) kfaraday: 18 songs, about an hour to go but a lot of that is the last song on the list~~
(11:13:03 PM) golgibody: !pix kfaraday
(11:13:04 PM) BotB: Pic of kfaraday ---->
(11:13:04 PM) Jangler: dorin mode
(11:13:10 PM) Jangler: pix kfaraday!
(11:13:11 PM) ipi: koishi i'll ping you
(11:13:19 PM) mJ: kfaraday who is that in the background
(11:13:19 PM) golgibody: Hottie~
(11:13:24 PM) Jangler: kfaradad
(11:13:27 PM) kfaraday: :) yes
(11:13:29 PM) mJ: lol
(11:13:32 PM) Koishi: Execute me.
(11:13:34 PM) Xyz_39808: koishi?
(11:13:34 PM) Koishi: Execute me.
(11:13:35 PM) commandycan: no
(11:13:36 PM) commandycan: y
(11:13:40 PM) Jangler: for those of you who don't know, i am kfaraday's dad
(11:13:44 PM) commandycan: koishi is heartsdevil
(11:13:45 PM) null1024: oooooo
(11:13:46 PM) golgibody: !pix Jangler
(11:13:47 PM) BotB: No pic of Jangler yet! :(
(11:13:47 PM) MaxVdub: i want to hear kfaradad in background during stream
(11:13:47 PM) Pootie: oh hi kfaraday's dad
(11:13:47 PM) Xyz_39808: have I seen you on rizon????
(11:13:53 PM) kfaraday: jang the dad
(11:13:57 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:14:03 PM) commandycan: daddler
(11:14:03 PM) null1024: man, it's been forever since I've been on rizon
(11:14:04 PM) Flaminglog: kfaraday you look sorta like the noah from tribetwelve
(11:14:11 PM) MaxVdub: kfaradad listening to the wall
(11:14:12 PM) kfaraday: :3
(11:14:15 PM) golgibody: I think you look like Borat
(11:14:18 PM) CaptBeard: my mom is writing a list 'how to be more plain' for herself
(11:14:20 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(11:14:23 PM) CaptBeard: she wants to eat more pure like only herbs
(11:14:28 PM) kfaraday: i get the borat thing semi-regularly
(11:14:34 PM) golgibody: :3
(11:14:36 PM) Jangler: 1) get propellor 2) get wings 3) get cockpit
(11:14:39 PM) sethdonut: kfaraday looks like he's either one step away from joining a folk band or a step away from gaining 30 lbs of muscle
(11:14:40 PM) MaxVdub: what he looks nothing like borat
(11:14:40 PM) MaxVdub: wtf
(11:15:02 PM) golgibody: ;) ;) ;)
(11:15:02 PM) xterm: 3) get cock
(11:15:08 PM) Jangler: i am also borat, so that explains where kfaraday's borat-looks come from
(11:15:10 PM) ipi: like this bit
(11:15:10 PM) xterm: wget cock
(11:15:10 PM) CaptBeard: is that how to be more plai
(11:15:17 PM) chunter: what's the other sacha baron cohen character, the german thing
(11:15:19 PM) kfaraday: jangler hahahaha
(11:15:23 PM) kfaraday: bruno?
(11:15:24 PM) MaxVdub: this melody reminds me of something
(11:15:26 PM) commandycan: hitler
(11:15:29 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(11:15:35 PM) null1024: <MaxVdub> this melody reminds me of something <commandycan> hitler
(11:15:36 PM) null1024: ahaha
(11:15:37 PM) Jangler: godwin's law
(11:15:40 PM) MaxVdub: lol
(11:15:42 PM) commandycan: lmao
(11:15:45 PM) kfaraday: lmfao
(11:15:47 PM) MaxVdub: hitler's theme
(11:15:50 PM) Jangler: all 9's
(11:15:54 PM) null1024: ahahahahahaha
(11:15:56 PM) Koishi: 9
(11:16:14 PM) kfaraday: heeee
(11:16:16 PM) null1024: the next part is my favorite in the song
(11:16:20 PM) kfaraday: that transition gets me all the time
(11:16:27 PM) null1024: yeah, it's nice ;3
(11:16:42 PM) kfaraday: Nullcore for Babies Nullcore for Relaxation Nullcore for Lovers
(11:16:43 PM) Patashu: ooo, I love this part
(11:16:46 PM) Yibbon [] entered the room.
(11:16:48 PM) sethdonut: wow-tilt++
(11:16:53 PM) Strobe: null1024 this is the longest walk
(11:16:55 PM) null1024: yes
(11:17:03 PM) kfaraday: fourth longest walk :)
(11:17:03 PM) Jangler: this is the longest niiiight
(11:17:08 PM) Strobe: it sounds more like a powerwalk now though
(11:17:17 PM) Tux: !pic tux
(11:17:17 PM) BotB: No pic of tux yet! :(
(11:17:20 PM) Tux: f*********************
(11:17:23 PM) goluigi: LOL TUX
(11:17:27 PM) goluigi: you have a GRAY aura
(11:17:29 PM) goluigi: HAHAHAHA
(11:17:33 PM) Jangler: !gi tux
(11:17:36 PM) Jangler: !i tux
(11:17:36 PM) BotB:
(11:17:37 PM) BotB: First hit:;pid=1.7&amp;w=142&amp;h=155&amp;c=7&amp;rs=1
(11:17:39 PM) Strobe: that melody
(11:17:41 PM) Jangler: lol
(11:17:43 PM) Strobe: almost instant all 7s
(11:17:48 PM) commandycan: geee iiii tuuuuux
(11:17:53 PM) sethdonut: this makes me want to do pullups on a roadsign over a highway
(11:17:53 PM) Jangler: hahahaha
(11:17:56 PM) MaxVdub: carnival-ish
(11:17:57 PM) CaptBeard: gee it sure is boring around here
(11:17:58 PM) Jangler: i'm a computer
(11:18:08 PM) CaptBeard: i wonder what jake kaufman is up to
(11:18:10 PM) kfaraday: HEY KID
(11:18:12 PM) Tux: im almost a level 9 just because im voting
(11:18:13 PM) kfaraday: STOP ALL THE DOWNLOADIN
(11:18:16 PM) CaptBeard: HAHA
(11:18:19 PM) Jangler: :D :D
(11:18:21 PM) CaptBeard: yes KFARADAY
(11:18:30 PM) null1024: I probably should have stopped the song here
(11:18:38 PM) Strobe: i like that someone tagged it "nullfufurby"
(11:18:39 PM) CaptBeard:
(11:18:39 PM) null1024: but the next bit is nice, even if I don't like it as much ;P
(11:18:40 PM) kfaraday: Sensuous Nullcore 3CD set
(11:18:41 PM) Koishi: i am virt
(11:18:41 PM) BotB: Title: Hey Kid I'm a computer , Uploaded by: enforcerdub , Views: 131 878 , Cat: Comedy
(11:18:42 PM) Strobe: i couldnt agree more
(11:18:43 PM) Jangler: kfaraday: did you notice the mimimimimimimi lemonguy in the last adventuretime
(11:18:44 PM) Xyz_39808: you should stop the song in the year 2020
(11:18:44 PM) golgibody: J.S. 1024!
(11:18:50 PM) golgibody: I like those sidlead hammerons
(11:18:55 PM) kfaraday: haha the dungeon one?
(11:18:58 PM) kfaraday: haven't seen any past that
(11:19:03 PM) Jangler: it seemed like a GI joe PSA reference to me
(11:19:04 PM) Jangler: oh no
(11:19:06 PM) kfaraday: oh
(11:19:10 PM) Jangler: this week's one
(11:19:11 PM) kfaraday: i will be out on the look for it!!
(11:19:20 PM) Tux: okay yea make tux my pic
(11:19:21 PM) xterm: null was doing long songs before kff joined :)
(11:19:23 PM) Tux: !pic
(11:19:25 PM) Flaminglog: my attention span is not long enough to write a song that's this long
(11:19:26 PM) xterm: !song double
(11:19:29 PM) Tux: !pic tux
(11:19:29 PM) BotB: No pic of tux yet! :(
(11:19:31 PM) xterm: !entry double
(11:19:32 PM) BotB: coda - doubledickdongle.nsf ::
(11:19:32 PM) Tux: f********************
(11:19:33 PM) null1024: Flaminglog: neither is mine ;3
(11:19:34 PM) xterm: !entry doublew
(11:19:35 PM) BotB: b00daw - girlswithhandsinmypants.nsf ::
(11:19:37 PM) golgibody: I think this part sounds like cockshisdaap
(11:19:38 PM) null1024: this song is actually 8
(11:19:39 PM) xterm: !entry double w
(11:19:40 PM) BotB: null1024 - double width grin ::
(11:19:40 PM) ipi: !pix god
(11:19:40 PM) BotB: No pic of god yet! :(
(11:19:42 PM) commandycan: !entry sam
(11:19:42 PM) xterm: there we go lol
(11:19:43 PM) BotB: commandycan - hit by a flotsam.nsf ::
(11:19:45 PM) Xyz_39808: double dick dongle dohoho
(11:19:46 PM) Koishi: !entry longest
(11:19:47 PM) BotB: MandraSigma - TheLongestLine.xm ::
(11:19:49 PM) commandycan: success
(11:19:49 PM) CaptBeard: i didn't notice a gi joe psa reference in adventure time
(11:19:50 PM) null1024: double width grin is fun ;3
(11:19:53 PM) commandycan: sam filter is under my control
(11:19:54 PM) xterm: ja
(11:19:56 PM) CaptBeard: !seen god
(11:19:56 PM) sethdonut: a pleasant arp end to a pleasant song
(11:19:58 PM) goluigi: !pic ipi
(11:19:58 PM) BotB: No pic of ipi yet! :(
(11:20:02 PM) Koishi: !pic god
(11:20:02 PM) BotB: No pic of god yet! :(
(11:20:03 PM) Flaminglog: i wrote a song that was almost 6 minutes long once, but i didn't stay in the same style for more than like 30 seconds at a time
(11:20:04 PM) goluigi: !pic interrobang pie
(11:20:07 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... A Thousand Rainbow Gophers — Ares64 —
(11:20:11 PM) goluigi: !pic Interrobang Pie
(11:20:12 PM) BotB: No pic of Interrobang yet! :(
(11:20:15 PM) ipi: AWES
(11:20:18 PM) commandycan: !pic interracialgangbang
(11:20:19 PM) BotB: No pic of interracialgangbang yet! :(
(11:20:25 PM) Flaminglog: HAHAHHAA
(11:20:26 PM) sethdonut: !pic BotB
(11:20:27 PM) BotB: Pic of BotB ---->
(11:20:28 PM) commandycan: that is something to frown about, botb
(11:20:30 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... A Thousand Rainbow Gophers — Ares64 (entry 96/215, 44.651% complete)
(11:20:33 PM) goluigi: !pic goluigi
(11:20:33 PM) BotB: No pic of goluigi yet! :(
(11:20:35 PM) goluigi: yesh
(11:20:36 PM) Jangler: dorins agin
(11:20:38 PM) mJ: !pic mJ
(11:20:38 PM) BotB: No pic of mJ yet! :(
(11:20:39 PM) sethdonut: lol
(11:20:43 PM) Koishi: i can wait for at least an hour
(11:20:45 PM) kfaraday: jangler TWO COD
(11:20:45 PM) ipi: this is a good start
(11:20:47 PM) Jangler: who let these dorins loose
(11:20:47 PM) ipi: YES
(11:20:48 PM) null1024: that bass is nice
(11:20:50 PM) sethdonut: this is DAMN GOOD funk
(11:20:51 PM) Jangler: they're EVERYWHERE
(11:20:52 PM) goluigi: this sounds like a wing entry
(11:20:56 PM) mJ:
(11:20:57 PM) MaxVdub: :0
(11:20:58 PM) mJ: this is me
(11:21:00 PM) null1024: that kick and snare sound sidish
(11:21:01 PM) FoD: dayyuumm
(11:21:04 PM) Strobe: F01 F1F F01 F1F
(11:21:10 PM) goluigi: strobe i DID that
(11:21:10 PM) commandycan: dunkadunkadunka
(11:21:14 PM) null1024: this song wants to be a SID ;3
(11:21:15 PM) Yibbon: Motorway bonus track
(11:21:15 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:21:16 PM) chunter: yeah, this sounds like SID samples
(11:21:18 PM) kfaraday: strobe hahaha
(11:21:19 PM) golgibody: Hahaha yeah, this is some wingcore
(11:21:22 PM) Patashu: I think it's VRC6
(11:21:27 PM) Patashu: you can do a good SID impression on VRC6
(11:21:29 PM) Jangler: haha someone tagged it Jangler!!!
(11:21:31 PM) Patashu: with all da duty cycles
(11:21:34 PM) golgibody: ;3
(11:21:36 PM) CaptBeard: i don't know much about computers other than other than the one in my house my mom put a couple games on there and i play em
(11:21:39 PM) kfaraday: !
(11:21:41 PM) Jangler: someone who knows my dorian trigger
(11:21:42 PM) kfaraday: slimeball is GOLDEN
(11:21:44 PM) kfaraday: SUPER SAIYAN
(11:21:45 PM) Jangler: yes
(11:21:47 PM) golgibody: :O
(11:21:53 PM) cak left the room (quit: Quit: Web client closed).
(11:21:55 PM) kfaraday: he also got entry 100 and entry 200
(11:21:56 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(11:22:02 PM) chunter: yeah, comments say vrc6
(11:22:02 PM) golgibody: But not the last entry. ;(
(11:22:06 PM) kfaraday: ;-(
(11:22:09 PM) goluigi: F1F F01 song
(11:22:09 PM) golgibody: stupid miau~
(11:22:15 PM) chunter: in a way I'm disappointed
(11:22:16 PM) Xyz_39808: this is vrc6
(11:22:17 PM) kfaraday: stupid sexy miau-kun~ uguu
(11:22:22 PM) Jangler: fugu
(11:22:38 PM) commandycan: yougoo
(11:22:39 PM) Jangler: would've voted this higher if it were shorter
(11:22:48 PM) golgibody: Hehehehehe :P
(11:22:48 PM) kfaraday: heheh
(11:23:00 PM) Pootie: <goluigi> F1F F01 song
(11:23:02 PM) Pootie: oh jeez hahahah
(11:23:04 PM) chunter: there are a couple repeats of the main riff that don't need to be there
(11:23:04 PM) Strobe: I WOULD HAVE VOTED THIS HIGHER IF IT WERE SHORTER 8==========================D
(11:23:04 PM) kfaraday: the two loop and fadeout cult has silenced MANY protesters
(11:23:08 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:23:11 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha strobe :D
(11:23:15 PM) CaptBeard: this is nice
(11:23:16 PM) chunter: or one new chord would make a world of difference
(11:23:19 PM) Jangler: yeah
(11:23:22 PM) ipi: strobe i think it just loops
(11:23:24 PM) kfaraday: yes heheh
(11:23:29 PM) Xyz_39808: goluigi, that's just silly
(11:23:32 PM) Strobe: this is almost forevercore
(11:23:33 PM) Xyz_39808: F1F is wayyy to slow
(11:23:34 PM) Jangler: ouroboros dick
(11:23:34 PM) CaptBeard: make song, two loop, fade out, instant 7
(11:23:43 PM) CaptBeard: yeah the song lasts way too long i admit
(11:23:45 PM) sethdonut: ;)
(11:23:45 PM) CaptBeard: good song though
(11:23:46 PM) Flaminglog: oh shit
(11:23:47 PM) commandycan: make song, have ending, instant 11
(11:23:52 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:23:52 PM) sethdonut: it gets the people going
(11:23:54 PM) Flaminglog: i forgot to put fades on my entries
(11:23:54 PM) MaxVdub: lol
(11:23:54 PM) ipi: good yeah
(11:23:56 PM) kfaraday: make a song 0:00 long
(11:23:58 PM) kfaraday: instant ending
(11:23:58 PM) ipi: but too long i agree
(11:24:01 PM) commandycan: lmao
(11:24:04 PM) goluigi: the original song was a trolly song for an ohc i did with F0C F04 song and it was EXTREME SWING
(11:24:05 PM) ipi: hah
(11:24:06 PM) Jangler: hahahaha kfaraday
(11:24:09 PM) Flaminglog: bus to all-1 city, population THIS GUY
(11:24:19 PM) sethdonut: heh
(11:24:23 PM) CaptBeard: FOF FO1 is the best swing ja
(11:24:24 PM) ipi: no fade
(11:24:25 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... dum roll — Piastol —
(11:24:28 PM) Jangler: NEWCOMER PIASTOL
(11:24:30 PM) FoD: this one's pretty cool
(11:24:33 PM) CaptBeard: FFF F00
(11:24:33 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... dum roll — Piastol (entry 97/215, 45.116% complete)
(11:24:36 PM) FoD: if I remember correctly
(11:24:39 PM) sethdonut: mushroom house
(11:24:41 PM) Jangler: who IS this guy
(11:24:42 PM) goluigi: F00 STOPS the song
(11:24:43 PM) CaptBeard: oh i remember this one
(11:24:43 PM) commandycan: we're almost in triple digits :U
(11:24:43 PM) xterm-logger: so is this an alt for kf or what
(11:24:48 PM) chunter: everybody sing pink floyd's breathe along with the riff
(11:24:49 PM) Strobe: Dr.Mario feeling
(11:24:53 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:24:54 PM) Jangler: xterm-logger: nobody knows!
(11:24:56 PM) commandycan: im getting a fever alright
(11:24:58 PM) xterm-logger: :)
(11:24:58 PM) golgibody: These scales are so heart magic
(11:24:59 PM) Jangler: it is very mysterious
(11:24:59 PM) CaptBeard: i feel high from it
(11:25:01 PM) commandycan: DUM ROLL FEVER
(11:25:02 PM) sethdonut: dikadikadika-dikadikadika
(11:25:09 PM) CaptBeard: it's not my taste
(11:25:11 PM) commandycan: mike ditkamike ditkamike ditka
(11:25:12 PM) Xyz_39808: dpcm drums. poor tutorial. I vote negative 1
(11:25:17 PM) sethdonut: haha
(11:25:22 PM) kfaraday: the drums are a part of the tutorial!
(11:25:29 PM) Strobe: I this one is "interesting"
(11:25:30 PM) chunter: this is a 3/4
(11:25:34 PM) Xyz_39808: How to make drums. 1. Find drums. 2. Use them in the song
(11:25:35 PM) CaptBeard: i really don't like it much
(11:25:38 PM) chunter: I had trouble finding 1 right away
(11:25:41 PM) FoD: Kinda wish it was longer/had more developent
(11:25:43 PM) null1024: 3/4ths out of 7
(11:25:47 PM) CaptBeard: how to make a song. 1. open fl studio. 2. make song.
(11:25:50 PM) golgibody: It sounds like gyms
(11:25:51 PM) Flaminglog: i'm finding myself using heart-magic to rate the quality of the melodies in the entries
(11:25:51 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... voodoo sunday school — Chip Champion —
(11:25:52 PM) null1024: that's 0.75/7
(11:25:56 PM) golgibody: In a good way
(11:25:58 PM) Jangler: i likin' this one
(11:25:59 PM) sethdonut: CHIP CHAMPPP
(11:26:03 PM) commandycan: bonercore
(11:26:05 PM) commandycan: i am excite
(11:26:05 PM) null1024: Flaminglog: same
(11:26:07 PM) commandycan: very very excite
(11:26:10 PM) Jangler: exty
(11:26:11 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(11:26:13 PM) FoD: hahaha
(11:26:13 PM) CaptBeard: gyms songs have actual music development
(11:26:14 PM) Xyz_39808: How to make a cake. 1. Go to culinary school. 2. Do it your fucking self
(11:26:14 PM) commandycan: this is dance masters
(11:26:15 PM) Jangler: haha kfaraday
(11:26:20 PM) golgibody: Wrong song!
(11:26:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... voodoo sunday school — Chip Champion (entry 98/215, 45.581% complete)
(11:26:22 PM) null1024: and... penis
(11:26:26 PM) golgibody: Wrong wrong wrong!
(11:26:27 PM) MaxVdub: lmao
(11:26:28 PM) kfaraday: OOP
(11:26:28 PM) Jangler: wrong tracker
(11:26:29 PM) kfaraday: sorry
(11:26:35 PM) commandycan: hahaha
(11:26:35 PM) Xyz_39808: aww yeahh dat moombah rhythm
(11:26:40 PM) mJ: lmao
(11:26:44 PM) FoD: hahaha
(11:26:44 PM) sethdonut: haha
(11:26:45 PM) Jangler: seppuku, kfaraday
(11:26:47 PM) Strobe: oh thats why i was confused
(11:26:49 PM) MaxVdub: epic
(11:26:49 PM) null1024: there
(11:26:50 PM) ***kfaraday ( x_x)
(11:26:50 PM) ipi: haha
(11:26:53 PM) chunter: Flaminglog: it doesn't matter how you use the categories as long as they are uniform in your own votes
(11:26:57 PM) sethdonut: alright, getting this going
(11:27:00 PM) Strobe: this sounds more like the VIC i know
(11:27:01 PM) CaptBeard: woah
(11:27:02 PM) goluigi: flaminglog, good ME aura
(11:27:04 PM) CaptBeard: i like this vic
(11:27:06 PM) CaptBeard: it's neat.
(11:27:07 PM) goluigi: i had that aura like 5 mins ago
(11:27:12 PM) ***sethdonut shakes his groove thing
(11:27:12 PM) kfaraday: raggacore
(11:27:17 PM) commandycan: krunk
(11:27:17 PM) Jangler: i really do like this
(11:27:18 PM) Xyz_39808: sounds liek a terrible LPF oneverything. ohgodvic20why
(11:27:18 PM) chunter: did that break?
(11:27:27 PM) ***SoiledBargains back
(11:27:30 PM) golgibody: goluigi's aura is flipping every time he votes
(11:27:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Man this is weird
(11:27:32 PM) CaptBeard: hey soiled
(11:27:34 PM) SoiledBargains: Hi!
(11:27:39 PM) chunter: Xyz_39808: real vic 20 sounded like that
(11:27:43 PM) SoiledBargains: Back from the shower and other thigns!!
(11:27:44 PM) goluigi: my aura is cool
(11:27:51 PM) FoD: dat vibrato
(11:27:55 PM) commandycan: no it isnt goluigi do not kid yourself
(11:27:55 PM) ipi: !botbr goluiig
(11:27:55 PM) BotB: BotBr no found! =0
(11:27:56 PM) chunter: this is excellent considering the chip
(11:27:59 PM) CaptBeard: i'm becoming less red now
(11:28:00 PM) Flaminglog: that feeling when grey aura
(11:28:01 PM) ipi: !botbr goluigi
(11:28:02 PM) BotB: goluigi :: Lvl 13 OHCist ::
(11:28:04 PM) kfaraday: yes!! excellent vic20
(11:28:08 PM) CaptBeard: 1.5/4 red, rest is blue
(11:28:17 PM) chunter: this is probably best vic20 I've ever heard bar none
(11:28:18 PM) Jangler: 1.5/4 good time sig all 7s
(11:28:18 PM) CaptBeard: no skull thank ye beards
(11:28:24 PM) CaptBeard: ehh
(11:28:25 PM) kfaraday: heee
(11:28:28 PM) CaptBeard: i mean i love it
(11:28:28 PM) goluigi: 3/8
(11:28:30 PM) commandycan: goluigi ha that is my old aura you can keep it :^^^^^^^)
(11:28:31 PM) kfaraday: if he didn't do that fadeout on vic20 manually~
(11:28:31 PM) goluigi: revealed
(11:28:31 PM) Xyz_39808: real vic 20 sounded like trash
(11:28:32 PM) CaptBeard: but viznut
(11:28:33 PM) goluigi: bad timesing
(11:28:35 PM) SoiledBargains: I didn't know complex fractions of time signatures could exist!
(11:28:36 PM) CaptBeard: viznut is vic 20 master
(11:28:36 PM) ipi: i am still frickin blue
(11:28:36 PM) MaxVdub: how many chnnels does this chip have
(11:28:38 PM) goluigi: timesigz
(11:28:45 PM) Jangler: SoiledBargains: they actually can
(11:28:46 PM) CaptBeard: viznut made NEW waveforms for the vic 20
(11:28:48 PM) Jangler: but only sociopaths use them
(11:28:51 PM) sethdonut: woo!
(11:28:52 PM) CaptBeard: and he does voice modulation
(11:28:54 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Transient Ischemic Attack — Slimeball —
(11:29:02 PM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(11:29:03 PM) goluigi: yay me!
(11:29:05 PM) golgibody: Hahaha commodore ( -w-)
(11:29:05 PM) goluigi: golgicore!
(11:29:06 PM) GreaseMonkey: the vic 20 has 4 chns
(11:29:07 PM) SoiledBargains: The Commodore!
(11:29:08 PM) chunter: CaptBeard: isn't viznut the one who made music in the cassette port?
(11:29:13 PM) ipi: haha
(11:29:16 PM) goluigi: all slimeball entries are officially golgicore entries now
(11:29:20 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Transient Ischemic Attack — Slimeball (entry 99/215, 46.047% complete)
(11:29:21 PM) Jangler: vick has four chins
(11:29:24 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh yeah I remember this
(11:29:25 PM) SoiledBargains: really neat
(11:29:27 PM) GreaseMonkey: yeah basically the "new waveforms" are an abuse of how a johnson counter works
(11:29:29 PM) absolutezero left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 202 seconds).
(11:29:29 PM) null1024: your voice reminds me of medibot
(11:29:31 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:29:34 PM) BotB: Tuxxy Brown reaches Level 9 Criticist with 816pnts
(11:29:35 PM) kfaraday: yibbon :-(((
(11:29:37 PM) ipi: blast from tha past
(11:29:38 PM) commandycan: medibot??? why?
(11:29:39 PM) CaptBeard: kfaraday is great
(11:29:39 PM) Yibbon: hahahha
(11:29:41 PM) Jangler: seppuku SEPPUKU
(11:29:45 PM) CaptBeard: he slurs when he speaks just like me
(11:29:52 PM) commandycan: more of a pokecapn imo
(11:29:54 PM) Tux: yesh im a CRITIC
(11:30:00 PM) Flaminglog: MEHDIHBAWT
(11:30:03 PM) Xyz_39808: I keep staring at that UI face
(11:30:08 PM) goluigi: wow stop critizing my ytpmvs :((((
(11:30:11 PM) SoiledBargains: We're not even 50% there yet... D:
(11:30:19 PM) kfaraday: ALL NIGHT
(11:30:21 PM) chunter: a lot of good tia this year
(11:30:21 PM) goluigi: just kep ur onions to urself mmkay
(11:30:22 PM) kfaraday: #allnight
(11:30:22 PM) SoiledBargains: goluigi but everyone's a critic?
(11:30:22 PM) null1024: this is the best possible TIA song
(11:30:29 PM) sethdonut: it's Saturday Night Live
(11:30:29 PM) Jangler: this is the longest niiiiiiiight
(11:30:31 PM) null1024: it actually sounds like it's in tune
(11:30:32 PM) commandycan: spilled onions
(11:30:35 PM) ipi: mmm this one is nice
(11:30:39 PM) FoD: Sunday morning live
(11:30:41 PM) Jangler: bum bum bum bum bum bum BADAHHH
(11:30:43 PM) sethdonut: x_x
(11:30:53 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I may be up all night like I was a week ago today from the lyceum exploit
(11:30:55 PM) Yibbon: groovin
(11:31:01 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... intensive dangers — null1024 —
(11:31:10 PM) null1024: jeaaah
(11:31:15 PM) Yibbon: 1024 is NOT a power of 2
(11:31:17 PM) chunter: i can do without this bit
(11:31:19 PM) CaptBeard: yibbon...I wish I could give that comment 10 thumbs up...however liberal botb will only allow me one :(
(11:31:21 PM) Jangler: stream stoped
(11:31:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... intensive dangers — null1024 (entry 100/215, 46.512% complete)
(11:31:23 PM) sethdonut: oh yeah
(11:31:24 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 how?
(11:31:24 PM) kfaraday: it isn't?!
(11:31:25 PM) Xyz_39808: yibbon, BLASPHEMY
(11:31:25 PM) chunter: the rest of the song was awesome
(11:31:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler not for me
(11:31:28 PM) sethdonut: this was stuck in my head yesterday too
(11:31:28 PM) golgibody: Stream is still going strong!
(11:31:33 PM) MaxVdub: gr8 speaking
(11:31:37 PM) null1024: SoiledBargains: how?
(11:31:37 PM) golgibody: Oh man
(11:31:39 PM) kfaraday: yes!! still 32 people
(11:31:39 PM) ipi: alroity
(11:31:40 PM) commandycan: you like to play castlevania
(11:31:40 PM) golgibody: That brass is really cool
(11:31:41 PM) Yibbon: what comment is that
(11:31:42 PM) kfaraday: <3 u guys
(11:31:44 PM) golgibody: Demoscene brass!
(11:31:47 PM) chunter: snezz
(11:31:49 PM) CaptBeard: groovin
(11:31:51 PM) golgibody: Captain's spacesynth modules <3
(11:31:52 PM) Jangler: bras are really cool yeah
(11:31:54 PM) SoiledBargains: null1024 haha
(11:31:57 PM) Yibbon: I should get into SPC
(11:31:58 PM) SoiledBargains: I meant Yibbon
(11:31:58 PM) ipi: ooh
(11:32:07 PM) Xyz_39808: I have not played enough snes to know any source smaples
(11:32:08 PM) SoiledBargains: bras are really cool
(11:32:09 PM) commandycan: bras ensemble
(11:32:10 PM) null1024: this is one of my favorite entries
(11:32:18 PM) SoiledBargains: Nice samples. :D
(11:32:24 PM) commandycan: dj booty blip conductor
(11:32:25 PM) Strobe: null1024 ITS YOUR WORST ENTRY EVER
(11:32:26 PM) kfaraday: GUILLLE
(11:32:27 PM) Strobe: okay it is not
(11:32:28 PM) Patashu: xyz: basically all the most poopular/best RPGs are good for samples
(11:32:29 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(11:32:31 PM) golgibody: Slimeball, BotB gave you 39.59 boons and you earned 2 Chipist points.
(11:32:32 PM) CaptBeard: i hate it. it's horrible. i hate you. just kidding good entry good samps
(11:32:32 PM) Patashu: also
(11:32:33 PM) golgibody: I'm rich!
(11:32:34 PM) Patashu: -DKC series
(11:32:36 PM) Jangler: guile, a scheme interpreter
(11:32:38 PM) SoiledBargains: Wait
(11:32:42 PM) Patashu: -MMX because why not
(11:32:43 PM) Uuni left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(11:32:44 PM) SoiledBargains: golgibody is Slimeball?
(11:32:44 PM) null1024: Xyz_39808: I just ran spctool on a ff6 .RSN
(11:32:53 PM) mJ: yes
(11:32:57 PM) null1024: and ripped the samples right from the source
(11:32:57 PM) Xyz_39808: I have not played ff6
(11:32:58 PM) SoiledBargains: Who are you mJ?
(11:33:01 PM) SoiledBargains: ^
(11:33:04 PM) mJ: michael Jackson
(11:33:04 PM) null1024: 6 == 3 on the SNES
(11:33:05 PM) Xyz_39808: I juuuust finished FF1 over the summer
(11:33:05 PM) chunter: fwiw
(11:33:14 PM) Patashu: pretty much you want the FFs, romancing sagas/related, secret of mana/evermore and so on
(11:33:16 PM) commandycan: we gotta follow these samples right to the source if we want to find civilization
(11:33:17 PM) null1024: 6 is also widely considered to be one of the best
(11:33:24 PM) Yibbon: I have never completed a final fantasy game
(11:33:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Michael Javkson who ar eyou?
(11:33:29 PM) SoiledBargains: *are you
(11:33:30 PM) chunter: SNES scene has too much "LOL VGM" and not enough "look what I can do"
(11:33:30 PM) MaxVdub: earthbound samples best samples
(11:33:33 PM) ipi: i have never played final fantasy
(11:33:43 PM) Xyz_39808: Only snes rpgs I've gotten though were ChronoTrigger, LufiaII and Earthbound
(11:33:43 PM) CaptBeard: are we even 50 percent done
(11:33:44 PM) Jangler: jrpg is jrpg
(11:33:45 PM) sethdonut: ^ MaxVDub
(11:33:49 PM) commandycan: earthbound samples ok desu ka
(11:33:50 PM) Tux: wtf my aura is plain gray now
(11:33:50 PM) CaptBeard: earthbound has the BEST samps
(11:33:51 PM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday: kfaradau: join #botb on today!!! <-- fix'd
(11:33:52 PM) Tux: dammit
(11:33:59 PM) chunter: when I beat FF1 I vowed never to play the shit again
(11:34:00 PM) CaptBeard: i have an earthbound sample pack and it's unbeatable with snes
(11:34:02 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Nightmare — Tilde —
(11:34:13 PM) SoiledBargains: 2 2:41's
(11:34:14 PM) Yibbon: SID THE BEST
(11:34:21 PM) null1024: yesss
(11:34:23 PM) MaxVdub: tilde!!!!!
(11:34:24 PM) null1024: you are reading it
(11:34:28 PM) sethdonut: wow wahaat
(11:34:28 PM) commandycan: thats barbie
(11:34:30 PM) CaptBeard: WOW photo of obama firing gun
(11:34:32 PM) MaxVdub: wow
(11:34:33 PM) Xyz_39808: smooth RD
(11:34:33 PM) CaptBeard: he goes SKEET SHOOTING
(11:34:37 PM) MaxVdub: wow tilde wow
(11:34:38 PM) Yibbon: jesus cgristsf
(11:34:41 PM) CaptBeard: WOW VIOLENT BLOODY NSFW 2013...
(11:34:41 PM) commandycan: kid giving finger with red stuff on hand.jpeg
(11:34:44 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(11:34:45 PM) null1024: armless body's arm
(11:34:47 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(11:34:47 PM) sethdonut: owowowo
(11:34:47 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Nightmare — Tilde (entry 101/215, 46.977% complete)
(11:34:49 PM) golgibody: That laugh :D
(11:34:52 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:34:52 PM) Patashu: Buzz
(11:34:53 PM) MaxVdub: fucked up if true
(11:34:53 PM) ipi: creeepy
(11:34:56 PM) golgibody: I like this entry
(11:34:57 PM) Jangler: haha MaxVdub
(11:34:57 PM) sethdonut: kchhh
(11:34:57 PM) Yibbon: beeper
(11:34:58 PM) FoD: turning my headphones down for this one
(11:35:00 PM) Xyz_39808: rofl
(11:35:01 PM) golgibody: It doesn't sound like a sid at all
(11:35:01 PM) commandycan: crepe-y
(11:35:01 PM) Flaminglog: this entry makes me afraid
(11:35:02 PM) CaptBeard: ow
(11:35:06 PM) Flaminglog: instant 7 for shitinpants
(11:35:09 PM) golgibody: :3
(11:35:10 PM) commandycan: this is a different kind of shit in pantws
(11:35:14 PM) null1024: 7 braintech
(11:35:14 PM) CaptBeard: yeah it
(11:35:15 PM) sethdonut: ^ Flaminglog
(11:35:15 PM) Patashu: 1 for .dmf
(11:35:17 PM) Xyz_39808: Sexy time???
(11:35:22 PM) Jangler: musical equivalent of creepypasta
(11:35:23 PM) FoD: yeah this definitely wins the shit in pants catagory
(11:35:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler hahaha
(11:35:27 PM) golgibody: :)
(11:35:34 PM) ipi: this is great
(11:35:35 PM) FoD: I actually like this entry
(11:35:36 PM) Strobe: it sounds like someone made a tune and then slowed down the replay by 5000%
(11:35:40 PM) commandycan: there should be a horse sample
(11:35:41 PM) Xyz_39808: This is not very good quadraplegic pony music
(11:35:41 PM) commandycan: for night mare
(11:35:44 PM) FoD: but it's effing scary
(11:35:46 PM) commandycan: lmao xyz
(11:35:48 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:35:51 PM) CaptBeard: I peered down from my bed, and between the two of them, there she lay on her stomach, naked, with no arms or legs; not even stumps where they should have been. Like some glossy plastic figure. And I saw her face, with her otherwise comically large lips and teeth, staring straight at me. Before her armless body's arm wrapped itself around my neck and pinned me in place, I swore I saw some of those
(11:35:51 PM) CaptBeard: mouth muscles attempt some perverted smile. She still had a vagina, however, so I prepared myself for sex with the distorted figure.
(11:35:56 PM) chunter: tbh, this is a style/sound I've heard before, as this compares to the Ghouls n Ghosts music
(11:36:00 PM) commandycan: bad beard
(11:36:03 PM) xterm-logger: CaptBeard: lolol
(11:36:03 PM) golgibody: I really wouldn't know how to make the sid sound like this even if I tried
(11:36:05 PM) kfaraday: beard heheh
(11:36:06 PM) commandycan: no biscuit
(11:36:10 PM) chunter: but it's done extremely well here
(11:36:12 PM) Strobe: oh i like this
(11:36:17 PM) Yibbon: \msg HertzDevil g
(11:36:19 PM) Yibbon: FUCK
(11:36:21 PM) BotB: Fearofdark reaches Level 14 Chipist with 4341pnts
(11:36:22 PM) commandycan: lmfao
(11:36:24 PM) sethdonut: this should be in a film
(11:36:25 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(11:36:25 PM) ipi: forward slash
(11:36:25 PM) Jangler: egad
(11:36:29 PM) Xyz_39808: everyone message hezed with "g"
(11:36:30 PM) null1024: melody
(11:36:31 PM) ipi: jesus yibbon
(11:36:37 PM) CaptBeard: oh god
(11:36:39 PM) null1024: this is terrifying
(11:36:40 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard hahaha
(11:36:44 PM) CaptBeard: as soon as i voted on that song
(11:36:46 PM) Jangler: hertz screaming "FUC OF NOT FUNY"
(11:36:50 PM) CaptBeard: a skull appeared on my aura
(11:36:51 PM) Yibbon: he's gone
(11:36:51 PM) ipi: hes called Koishi at the moment tho
(11:36:55 PM) Yibbon: oh yes
(11:36:55 PM) CaptBeard: i'm ded met....
(11:37:05 PM) CaptBeard: this song will give you a skull aura DO NOT VOTE
(11:37:08 PM) null1024: by my own categories, this gets both 7s and 1s
(11:37:08 PM) Yibbon: everything in LaTeX is \
(11:37:10 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha quadriplegic ponies
(11:37:15 PM) sethdonut: ALREADY HAVE SKULLS AHAHAHA
(11:37:16 PM) Xyz_39808: Yibbon needs to learn to tabcomplete
(11:37:24 PM) sethdonut: LMAO
(11:37:27 PM) SoiledBargains: Yibbon this is nothing like LaTeX
(11:37:28 PM) Jangler: forward this song to 20 people or she will be on your bed at 4:30 am
(11:37:31 PM) SoiledBargains: whooh
(11:37:32 PM) Xyz_39808: yes good
(11:37:32 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:37:35 PM) goluigi: random noises
(11:37:39 PM) commandycan: if that were a nightmare i would've woken up a lot earlier and not remembered a thing
(11:37:39 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dogs Chase Cars — sethdonut —
(11:37:40 PM) Yibbon: \ok
(11:37:44 PM) Xyz_39808: Just gonna, clop for a bit
(11:37:44 PM) golgibody: Nobody on BotB has made such a scary song
(11:37:50 PM) ironclad: dogs
(11:37:50 PM) xterm-logger: chart topping radio hit
(11:37:55 PM) Jangler: doges
(11:37:56 PM) commandycan: doggs
(11:37:57 PM) SoiledBargains: hgaha
(11:37:57 PM) commandycan: lions
(11:38:00 PM) Xyz_39808: tart clopping radio hit
(11:38:02 PM) goluigi: wow my aura is a pearly purple :D
(11:38:02 PM) chunter: last note rules
(11:38:14 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dogs Chase Cars — sethdonut (entry 102/215, 47.442% complete)
(11:38:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Each entry gets us 0.46511627906976744186046511627907% further.
(11:38:22 PM) goluigi: 2happy
(11:38:27 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:38:28 PM) MaxVdub: dogs are cool
(11:38:28 PM) CaptBeard: I peered down from my bed, and between the two of them, there she lay on her stomach, naked, with no arms or legs; not even stumps where they should have been. Like some glossy plastic figure. And I saw her face, with her otherwise comically large lips and teeth, staring straight at me. Before her armless body's arm wrapped itself around my neck and pinned me in place, I swore I saw some of those
(11:38:28 PM) CaptBeard: mouth muscles attempt some perverted smile. Her blue fur shined in the moonlight, and her hooves were amazingly strong for not having any fingers. I remember now. Her name is Lyra. I bought her myself, for sexual purposes. The Lyra sex doll.
(11:38:32 PM) Jangler: oh jeez
(11:38:33 PM) kfaraday: HAHAHA
(11:38:36 PM) Patashu: lol
(11:38:39 PM) commandycan: oh nooooo
(11:38:43 PM) CaptBeard: ipi: the documentary
(11:38:44 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahaha
(11:38:50 PM) FoD: this is .... atmospheric
(11:38:50 PM) golgibody: :D Beard
(11:38:50 PM) null1024: isn't lyra the female character from Heart Gold/Soul Silver
(11:38:52 PM) chunter: why beard's mother is turning to church
(11:38:53 PM) ipi: ABSOLUTELY
(11:38:54 PM) SoiledBargains: sexual_purposes.txt
(11:38:55 PM) ipi: DISGUSTING
(11:38:58 PM) null1024: this song is nice
(11:39:00 PM) commandycan: ipi so THAT was your heinous rumor
(11:39:01 PM) golgibody: The music is very fitting for Beard's description
(11:39:01 PM) SoiledBargains: chunter haha
(11:39:02 PM) CaptBeard: because chunter, she wants to get even closer to god
(11:39:03 PM) Jangler: a rainbow dash body suit a rainbow dash fleshlight rainbow dash
(11:39:07 PM) CaptBeard: so she has to become less human to do so
(11:39:10 PM) Xyz_39808: I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of an armless body wrapping around anything
(11:39:17 PM) null1024: Xyz_39808: the arm is there
(11:39:18 PM) commandycan: gesticulating
(11:39:20 PM) MaxVdub: its actually a snake
(11:39:22 PM) null1024: but not attached at all
(11:39:23 PM) commandycan: like the cucumber from veggie tales
(11:39:25 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler NO
(11:39:28 PM) chunter: this is a pretty sound
(11:39:29 PM) ipi: that ohc was great
(11:39:30 PM) SoiledBargains: commandycan haha
(11:39:31 PM) Xyz_39808: lol not attached
(11:39:34 PM) chunter: a bit extreme but pretty
(11:39:34 PM) ipi: i loved it and cried
(11:39:36 PM) xterm-logger: a rainbow dash fleshlight <--- oh god
(11:39:42 PM) null1024: that is probably a thing
(11:39:43 PM) goluigi: ipi
(11:39:44 PM) Jangler: !entry CLASSIFIED
(11:39:45 PM) BotB: Slimeball - Classified - do not distribute - violators will be prosecuted.txt ::
(11:39:46 PM) MaxVdub: barkbarkbark
(11:39:50 PM) null1024: made from real horse vag
(11:39:53 PM) null1024: ;-;
(11:39:58 PM) Xyz_39808: the pinkie pie fleshlight would be best. It explodes with confetti
(11:39:58 PM) commandycan: whyyyyyyyyyy
(11:39:58 PM) CaptBeard: bad dragon has a horse fleshlight
(11:39:59 PM) SoiledBargains: xterm-logger congrats!!
(11:40:03 PM) commandycan: WHYYYYYY
(11:40:05 PM) SoiledBargains: You've said something to get Markov'd!@
(11:40:12 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha confetti
(11:40:12 PM) CaptBeard: [spoiler]i'd buy the dragoness fleshlight[/spoiler]
(11:40:13 PM) commandycan: this song is being tainted by horse vag discussion
(11:40:14 PM) chunter: Xyz_39808: sell them at conventions
(11:40:19 PM) sethdonut: lmao
(11:40:24 PM) SoiledBargains: commandycan hahaha
(11:40:27 PM) kfaraday: HAHA
(11:40:29 PM) kfaraday: yes you guys
(11:40:29 PM) ipi: hahaha
(11:40:33 PM) SoiledBargains: So... what's this song again?
(11:40:33 PM) kfaraday: no more horse vag discussion
(11:40:35 PM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: hahaah
(11:40:35 PM) ***SoiledBargains scrolls up
(11:40:36 PM) Xyz_39808: Horse taint, brilliant choice of words
(11:40:44 PM) Jangler: a bot that kicks you if you discuss horse vag
(11:40:49 PM) commandycan: ^^^^^^^^^^^
(11:40:51 PM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut!!
(11:40:54 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler haha
(11:40:57 PM) SoiledBargains: DO IT
(11:40:59 PM) sethdonut: HAHAHAHA
(11:41:02 PM) Xyz_39808: very nice sine-y chords
(11:41:04 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Wife Doesn't Like This Song (and Neither Do I) — chunter —
(11:41:05 PM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(11:41:12 PM) Tux: phew
(11:41:12 PM) SoiledBargains: waifu
(11:41:15 PM) goluigi: defatistcore
(11:41:18 PM) commandycan: so haruhi
(11:41:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Wife Doesn't Like This Song (and Neither Do I) — chunter (entry 103/215, 47.907% complete)
(11:41:27 PM) commandycan: live my laifu for my waifu
(11:41:34 PM) mJ: wtf
(11:41:36 PM) ironclad: wifer
(11:41:40 PM) mJ: how are we only 47.907% done
(11:41:41 PM) chunter: she literally said "I don't like this" while I was making it
(11:41:45 PM) mJ: it's been like 5 hours
(11:41:46 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:41:46 PM) CaptBeard: this is horrifying
(11:41:47 PM) sethdonut: oof
(11:41:53 PM) CaptBeard: we will never get through this
(11:41:56 PM) ironclad: its been like 7 actually
(11:41:59 PM) null1024: mJ: it's 7 hours of stuff
(11:42:02 PM) Tux: yes i will commandycan O______
(11:42:03 PM) mJ: even worse
(11:42:06 PM) CaptBeard: this will be done at like, 5 am
(11:42:07 PM) mJ: :o
(11:42:08 PM) null1024: and we had breaks
(11:42:08 PM) CaptBeard: est
(11:42:08 PM) chunter: the samples are the otis DOPE.MOD samples btw
(11:42:19 PM) SoiledBargains: !entry teamwork
(11:42:19 PM) BotB: Birdtron - hazey dreams.xm ::
(11:42:26 PM) sethdonut: crackin' open a cider here. in it for the long
(11:42:29 PM) SoiledBargains: Wow it got really quiet
(11:42:32 PM) kfaraday: hardpanzz
(11:42:40 PM) golgibody: AMIIIIIGAAAAAAAAAA!
(11:42:40 PM) Yibbon: hardpan
(11:42:43 PM) Yibbon: lmao
(11:42:44 PM) commandycan: amigo
(11:42:45 PM) gyms: yea, these pans are tickling my ears
(11:42:45 PM) BotB: Interrobang Pie :: bio update ::
(11:42:46 PM) kfaraday: oh god this is really really disoreinting
(11:42:51 PM) golgibody: Tickling :D
(11:42:52 PM) commandycan: ear-ticklin good
(11:43:02 PM) FoD: POW
(11:43:05 PM) sethdonut: KAPOW
(11:43:05 PM) commandycan: bwoshhh
(11:43:10 PM) BotB: Interrobang Pie :: bio update ::
(11:43:14 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... chip it and rule it — chipchop —
(11:43:17 PM) xterm-logger: w00000 chippity chops
(11:43:18 PM) Patashu: chipchop is a robot?
(11:43:18 PM) sethdonut: chip chip chop and you don't stop
(11:43:20 PM) Patashu: are you sure
(11:43:22 PM) SoiledBargains: Patashu yes
(11:43:26 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... chip it and rule it — chipchop (entry 104/215, 48.372% complete)
(11:43:27 PM) xterm-logger: all 7s
(11:43:27 PM) Yibbon: no it won't
(11:43:29 PM) Jangler: an entry by a dog and an entry by a robot
(11:43:35 PM) CaptBeard: i'm conflicted on if me and my mom should watch a show about gay guys dressing up as girls and laugh at it, or stay here
(11:43:37 PM) Strobe: more pannings :o
(11:43:41 PM) kfaraday: <3 this
(11:43:47 PM) Xyz_39808: that silince in the middle looks exciting
(11:43:48 PM) commandycan: shit-in-titanium drawers
(11:43:53 PM) Yibbon: lmfao
(11:43:54 PM) sethdonut: 41.800 boons!
(11:43:54 PM) kfaraday: heehee
(11:43:58 PM) kfaraday: excellent waveform for sure
(11:44:06 PM) CaptBeard: this is a work of art
(11:44:07 PM) FoD: Jangler yes, the diversity of entrants is really great
(11:44:10 PM) Xyz_39808: wtf is with that dc offset?
(11:44:11 PM) chunter: more pan action
(11:44:13 PM) commandycan: give that waveform the 10,000 dollars
(11:44:17 PM) SoiledBargains: ytpmv
(11:44:18 PM) Yibbon: THIS ISN'T SILENCE
(11:44:21 PM) MaxVdub: oh my god what is happening
(11:44:22 PM) Yibbon: THIS ISN'T SILENCE
(11:44:26 PM) sethdonut: lmao
(11:44:27 PM) kfaraday: silence is blank :)
(11:44:28 PM) Xyz_39808: WE WERE LIED TO
(11:44:28 PM) gyms: ant penis
(11:44:29 PM) Jangler: hahahaha
(11:44:31 PM) Flaminglog: oh
(11:44:32 PM) CaptBeard: the waveform has fooled you
(11:44:33 PM) Xyz_39808: how2 oscilliscope?
(11:44:33 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:44:39 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard stay here
(11:44:40 PM) sethdonut: the devil is talking to me
(11:44:42 PM) ipi: woah
(11:44:43 PM) CaptBeard: okay i'll stay here
(11:44:47 PM) gyms: wh wh wh whwhwhwh whw
(11:44:48 PM) golgibody: chipchopcore
(11:44:50 PM) FoD: this makes me feel starngely uncomfortable
(11:44:51 PM) ipi: <sethdonut> the hertzdevil is talking to me
(11:44:51 PM) Jangler: defeatistcore
(11:44:55 PM) Strobe: "scaryroboglitchcore"
(11:44:57 PM) Xyz_39808: sounds like some dave clarke shit
(11:44:58 PM) sethdonut: haha
(11:45:00 PM) ***CaptBeard screams from his room, "HEY MOM I GOTTA HANG OUT WITH MY VIRTUAL FRIENDS INSTEAD OKAY"
(11:45:01 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Frankenstein's Monster's Letterman's Jacket's Crazy Stories — Chip Champion —
(11:45:02 PM) commandycan: it speaks to me, it says "fuc of not funy"
(11:45:03 PM) gyms: that was tight
(11:45:07 PM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard hahaha
(11:45:16 PM) Jangler: he entered all 200some entries
(11:45:29 PM) Strobe: xD
(11:45:32 PM) gyms: haha
(11:45:37 PM) commandycan: jackets dont have eyes!
(11:45:37 PM) Jamiose left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(11:45:39 PM) SoiledBargains: The jacket's seeing things man
(11:45:39 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Frankenstein's Monster's Letterman's Jacket's Crazy Stories — Chip Champion (entry 105/215, 48.837% complete)
(11:45:43 PM) gyms: this is great
(11:45:48 PM) kfaraday: commandycan: that jacket has SEEN things man
(11:45:52 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler, where are you bro?!?!
(11:45:53 PM) ***sethdonut lights a cig
(11:45:57 PM) ***sethdonut adjusts leather jacket
(11:46:03 PM) ***sethdonut gets on his hog
(11:46:07 PM) ipi: all this track needs is mootbooxle talking over it sexily
(11:46:08 PM) commandycan: i dont believe it!
(11:46:13 PM) gyms: this reminds me of H.U.R.L.
(11:46:14 PM) Jangler: SoiledBargains: there'd be no drama without tensions between the Team Members
(11:46:15 PM) SoiledBargains: Sounds more like a leather jacket than a Letterman's jacket.
(11:46:16 PM) xterm-logger: ipi ^
(11:46:25 PM) SoiledBargains: Jangler haha
(11:46:26 PM) Xyz_39808: nice try chipchampion, you can't fool me, letterman's weren't INVENTED when Frankenstein was in school
(11:46:30 PM) Xyz_39808: Check and mate
(11:46:33 PM) xterm-logger: :o
(11:46:33 PM) Jangler: no one would watch our reality show, IRC Announcer Managers
(11:46:41 PM) commandycan: david letterman kind of looks like frankenstein
(11:46:42 PM) xterm-logger: Ops
(11:46:43 PM) Flaminglog: this is EXTREMELY soft grunge
(11:46:47 PM) commandycan: 's monster
(11:46:47 PM) xterm-logger: bad boys bad boys
(11:46:47 PM) Jangler: ops
(11:46:48 PM) sethdonut: it was a mash!
(11:46:52 PM) xterm-logger: whatcha gonna do when they kickban you
(11:46:53 PM) Xyz_39808: haha soft grunge
(11:47:03 PM) Amiose [] entered the room.
(11:47:03 PM) kfaraday: : )
(11:47:04 PM) CaptBeard: i like to have my beard licked by strobe
(11:47:04 PM) ***Patashu 's monster
(11:47:05 PM) kfaraday: chibi grunge
(11:47:08 PM) CaptBeard: preferably in the morning!
(11:47:11 PM) Patashu: wow, acmfan submitted 4:19 of zx beeper
(11:47:13 PM) Patashu: I cannot wait
(11:47:15 PM) gyms: what this music looks like to me
(11:47:18 PM) golgibody: :)
(11:47:23 PM) gyms: cats and frawgs
(11:47:30 PM) commandycan: mass hysteria
(11:47:32 PM) Xyz_39808: looks like 40% dirt
(11:47:34 PM) ipi: is that doom with farm animals
(11:47:37 PM) Jangler: hahaha
(11:47:39 PM) commandycan: that is funky barn
(11:47:40 PM) sethdonut: gyms: eeriely accurate
(11:47:41 PM) Xyz_39808: hahaha
(11:47:43 PM) Xyz_39808: I want this wad
(11:47:55 PM) gyms: it's h.u.r.l.
(11:47:55 PM) MaxVdub: lmo at that pic
(11:47:55 PM) kfaraday: HAHAHAHA
(11:47:57 PM) MaxVdub: *lma
(11:47:58 PM) kfaraday: blues ending
(11:47:58 PM) gyms: non violent doom clone
(11:48:02 PM) commandycan: this ending
(11:48:03 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:48:04 PM) MaxVdub: admn it i cant type
(11:48:05 PM) gyms: guns are now soap
(11:48:05 PM) SoiledBargains: NEATO
(11:48:07 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dis is the beep — acmfan —
(11:48:07 PM) CaptBeard: he got the letterman jacket BLUES
(11:48:07 PM) commandycan: i've always wanted to end a song like this
(11:48:09 PM) golgibody: Hehehehe, that cute drumfill
(11:48:12 PM) commandycan: but have never found the proper context
(11:48:12 PM) ipi: blues end yess
(11:48:22 PM) Xyz_39808: Archvile now raises barns
(11:48:30 PM) SoiledBargains: THE BEEP
(11:48:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dis is the beep — acmfan (entry 106/215, 49.302% complete)
(11:48:32 PM) Flaminglog: TWO LOOPS AND A FADE
(11:48:34 PM) Strobe: haahhahaahah
(11:48:35 PM) CaptBeard: owowowow
(11:48:35 PM) golgibody: Yay, special fx!
(11:48:38 PM) Flaminglog: INSTANT 7'S
(11:48:40 PM) Strobe: 4 minutes of Special FX
(11:48:41 PM) xterm-logger: offsetcore
(11:48:42 PM) golgibody: :)
(11:48:43 PM) commandycan: national anthem
(11:48:46 PM) gyms: instant migraine
(11:48:48 PM) golgibody: Hahaha national anthem
(11:48:51 PM) CaptBeard: 4 minutes of high-pitched special fx
(11:48:52 PM) FoD: 4:13 of special fx .. yay -_-
(11:48:53 PM) kfaraday: all the special fx entries are almost intentionally long
(11:48:53 PM) Xyz_39808: Namco-core
(11:48:54 PM) Jangler: oh deer
(11:48:55 PM) kfaraday: hahaha
(11:49:00 PM) goluigi: ear rape
(11:49:01 PM) Jangler: accidentally long
(11:49:02 PM) MaxVdub: ouch what is this chip from
(11:49:02 PM) Strobe: i think i will wake up all the dogs in the neighbourhood
(11:49:03 PM) FoD: worst engine
(11:49:06 PM) Jangler: oh god
(11:49:09 PM) golgibody: Next winter chip we should only allow special fx
(11:49:10 PM) MaxVdub: it sounds waful
(11:49:10 PM) MaxVdub: lol
(11:49:12 PM) CaptBeard: this HURTS
(11:49:12 PM) gyms: this engine sounds really nice on a real beeper tho
(11:49:14 PM) Jangler: i thought MUSIC BOX was the worst
(11:49:16 PM) commandycan: the little engine that made ears bleed
(11:49:17 PM) CaptBeard: why we are doing this
(11:49:22 PM) Xyz_39808: SOMEONE forgot to turn off accurate N163 emulation :\
(11:49:24 PM) CaptBeard: i can't take it
(11:49:26 PM) Patashu: wow
(11:49:26 PM) ***null1024 made a decent song in specialfx
(11:49:27 PM) goluigi: LISTEN YOUNG ONES
(11:49:28 PM) Patashu: how long does this loop for
(11:49:28 PM) Jangler: it's possible to write nice stuff in special fx
(11:49:29 PM) CaptBeard: haghahaha xyz
(11:49:31 PM) ipi: can i sleep thru this entry
(11:49:33 PM) Jangler: i think i did one in an OHC
(11:49:35 PM) goluigi: I HOPE ALL YOUR EARS BLEED
(11:49:36 PM) CaptBeard: yeah, jangler, people did it in this
(11:49:41 PM) null1024: but this is terrible
(11:49:42 PM) CaptBeard: but this entry is pain
(11:49:45 PM) golgibody: Instant YTPMVcore
(11:49:46 PM) goluigi: BLOODY FUCKIN EARS
(11:49:49 PM) FoD: musically it sn't that bad
(11:49:51 PM) commandycan: bloody tears
(11:49:54 PM) FoD: but the engine :(
(11:49:55 PM) Xyz_39808: this reminds me of jrlepage's teenager repellant
(11:49:55 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(11:49:58 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:50:00 PM) sethdonut: loooool
(11:50:01 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(11:50:03 PM) ipi: hah
(11:50:06 PM) gyms: this song is killing you youngn's, with your higher frequency hearabilities
(11:50:13 PM) kfaraday: HAHA
(11:50:14 PM) goluigi: how to get rid of all the "highschoolers" on botb: play this song
(11:50:15 PM) golgibody: Oh yeah
(11:50:18 PM) CaptBeard: BOTB must shut down because all the users are about to become deaf.
(11:50:19 PM) commandycan: lmao
(11:50:24 PM) golgibody: I should play this for my younger brother and see how he reacts
(11:50:28 PM) kfaraday: battle of second plummet
(11:50:28 PM) Flaminglog: So like is it not possible for the duty cycles to be higher than 2.5% square or something
(11:50:28 PM) Strobe: we need to equalize this track with a \ slope
(11:50:29 PM) gyms: haha
(11:50:29 PM) null1024: ;-;
(11:50:32 PM) Flaminglog: because that's what this sounds like
(11:50:32 PM) Jangler: a chemical reaction
(11:50:34 PM) Xyz_39808: Blast this shit in your car stereo
(11:50:34 PM) CaptBeard: they can hear the voices they make him kill himself
(11:50:34 PM) sethdonut: it sounds like my what it feels like when your body rejects a donor organ
(11:50:38 PM) ipi: i might have to vote my first 2
(11:50:40 PM) commandycan: play it for an infant and get arrested
(11:50:40 PM) kfaraday: seth LMFAO
(11:50:44 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(11:50:44 PM) ironclad: dog whistle
(11:50:44 PM) golgibody: At least there's no hardpans in specialFX!
(11:50:46 PM) SoiledBargains: that loop
(11:50:48 PM) Jangler: LOL the loop
(11:50:50 PM) Patashu: loop point detected
(11:50:51 PM) sethdonut: THAT LOOP
(11:50:53 PM) kfaraday: god it's exactly what it asdasfsdf
(11:50:53 PM) Patashu: can we just stop the song now
(11:50:54 PM) CaptBeard: this song actually has a "lavender town effect", kids can hear the frequences that make the people kill themselves
(11:50:55 PM) gyms: this should be bank of america commercial music
(11:50:56 PM) lob31: Oh my god can we just stop
(11:50:57 PM) xterm-logger: Xyz_39808: Blast this shit in your car stereo <--- lol
(11:50:59 PM) MaxVdub: epic loop
(11:51:01 PM) Strobe: you know what, i think im actually going crazy from this melody
(11:51:01 PM) ipi: fuck me
(11:51:02 PM) sethdonut: i'm laughing so hard
(11:51:06 PM) Jangler: hahahahaha
(11:51:08 PM) CaptBeard: this song is horrible
(11:51:09 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe hahaha
(11:51:12 PM) mJ: wtf is this
(11:51:16 PM) CaptBeard: musically it's bad and sound design is worse
(11:51:17 PM) Strobe: it sounds like something someone would play to hypnotize people
(11:51:19 PM) goluigi: !compo
(11:51:20 PM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 215 entries :: voting deadline 16d 18h 35m 50s :: final results 16d 18h 40m 50s ::
(11:51:20 PM) commandycan: there is an opposite to the brown note where your digestive system overlaps itself and you are turned inside out
(11:51:22 PM) lob31: Why would you make this and not go deaf
(11:51:26 PM) lob31: in the process
(11:51:27 PM) SoiledBargains: "WHAT IS THIS" —The Best YTPMVs
(11:51:27 PM) Flaminglog: i'm fucking crying
(11:51:33 PM) CaptBeard: should i vote all 7s
(11:51:33 PM) sethdonut: ^
(11:51:34 PM) FoD: I may gave been lying when I said it wasn't bad musically
(11:51:36 PM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(11:51:36 PM) kfaraday: scylla for second beeper silver
(11:51:36 PM) Xyz_39808: This song has not realized its true potential. It needs to be 2 octaves higher
(11:51:38 PM) kfaraday: behind this
(11:51:40 PM) Jangler: haha FoD
(11:51:40 PM) golgibody: I don't know why, but I'm tapping my foot to this
(11:51:41 PM) commandycan: lmao fod
(11:51:44 PM) mJ: Beard, I don't think any kid actually killed themself from hearing lavender town music
(11:51:45 PM) Jangler: Xyz_39808 yes
(11:51:46 PM) commandycan: its hard to defend this...
(11:51:47 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 22:51:09] <CaptBeard> should i vote all 7s
(11:51:47 PM) SoiledBargains: [Sat 22:51:10] <sethdonut> ^
(11:51:53 PM) gyms: stockholm syndrome or someshit, i'm liking this more and more
(11:51:53 PM) lob31: Two octaves higher I wouldn't be able to hear it anymore
(11:51:54 PM) kfaraday: fod hahaha
(11:51:58 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha gyms
(11:52:00 PM) Jangler: ^s are really dangerous in a busy chatroom
(11:52:01 PM) CaptBeard: just KILL me
(11:52:03 PM) Strobe: if i dont return after tonight, you know what caused it
(11:52:06 PM) kfaraday: you even have to recant on your irony
(11:52:07 PM) CaptBeard: i'm going to reup a fixed mp3
(11:52:08 PM) commandycan: little spatters of light
(11:52:08 PM) sethdonut: o
(11:52:13 PM) Jangler: RECANT
(11:52:13 PM) sethdonut: 4 MINUTES
(11:52:18 PM) CaptBeard: what
(11:52:22 PM) SoiledBargains: I LOVE THIS SONG BRO
(11:52:22 PM) CaptBeard: why
(11:52:25 PM) commandycan: ^
(11:52:27 PM) gyms: this will be the soundtrack to my dreams tonight, dammit
(11:52:28 PM) commandycan: that was to jangler's post
(11:52:28 PM) CaptBeard: this song is killing me
(11:52:29 PM) sethdonut: i'm voting all 7s
(11:52:30 PM) SoiledBargains: ORB GNOS SIHT EVOL I
(11:52:33 PM) commandycan: i was just a little late
(11:52:33 PM) Strobe: i actually like it, its so hypnotizing
(11:52:34 PM) kfaraday: gyms hahahaha
(11:52:34 PM) sethdonut: get like me
(11:52:34 PM) goluigi: how do you NOT like this
(11:52:37 PM) FoD: END
(11:52:38 PM) CaptBeard: is it just make or is it getting higher
(11:52:41 PM) Jangler: haha commandycan
(11:52:41 PM) SoiledBargains: haha gyms
(11:52:42 PM) golgibody: A young fellow compsing his first zx beeper tune using the standard engine. 7 for heart magic!
(11:52:43 PM) CaptBeard: it really IS like lavender town
(11:52:44 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Chain Reaction — Warlord —
(11:52:49 PM) Xyz_39808: Tonight, at gyms' place. A young man wakes up screaming
(11:52:49 PM) goluigi: BLOODY BLOODY EARS.BBSONG
(11:52:50 PM) commandycan: you cannot will this to end any faster fod
(11:52:52 PM) CaptBeard: this song actually has a "lavender town effect", kids can hear the frequences that make the people kill themselves
(11:52:53 PM) gyms: hahaha
(11:52:55 PM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(11:52:57 PM) Strobe: oh i can turn up the volume now
(11:52:59 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(11:52:59 PM) goluigi: ME!!!
(11:53:00 PM) sethdonut: ENCOOOOORE
(11:53:02 PM) commandycan: oh god
(11:53:02 PM) Patashu: proceed to place your headphones back in
(11:53:03 PM) SoiledBargains: Strobe haha
(11:53:04 PM) Xyz_39808: encore
(11:53:05 PM) gyms: ME! i do
(11:53:05 PM) xterm-logger: YEAH ENCORE
(11:53:05 PM) null1024: ;-;
(11:53:06 PM) gyms: again
(11:53:06 PM) Flaminglog: okay
(11:53:07 PM) gyms: agin
(11:53:08 PM) null1024: stop
(11:53:08 PM) ipi: ENCORE
(11:53:08 PM) Flaminglog: okay
(11:53:08 PM) CaptBeard: PLAY IT AGAIN
(11:53:09 PM) FoD: sethdonut oh god no
(11:53:09 PM) ***SoiledBargains clap clap clap clap clap clap
(11:53:10 PM) CaptBeard: PLAY IT AGAIN
(11:53:10 PM) goluigi: ME ME ME!!!
(11:53:10 PM) Flaminglog: OKAY
(11:53:12 PM) Jangler: Strobe goes missing; this melody is found scrawled on every square inch of his home
(11:53:12 PM) Flaminglog: FUCK
(11:53:12 PM) Xyz_39808: loop dat shit
(11:53:12 PM) commandycan: i gave that a decent score for shit pants
(11:53:12 PM) gyms: ENNCOOOORE
(11:53:13 PM) Flaminglog: OKAY
(11:53:13 PM) SoiledBargains: again
(11:53:14 PM) goluigi: play it again!!!
(11:53:14 PM) MaxVdub: YEA PLAY IT AGAIN
(11:53:16 PM) CaptBeard: awwww
(11:53:17 PM) null1024: hell itself makes that noise
(11:53:20 PM) Strobe: Jangler RITE!
(11:53:21 PM) SoiledBargains: hahahaah
(11:53:21 PM) golgibody: PLAY IT AGAIN YOU DORK
(11:53:25 PM) xterm-logger: i'm gonna have that in my head all night now
(11:53:27 PM) ipi: oh noo i have dropped below 50% 7's
(11:53:30 PM) sethdonut: my sides...
(11:53:30 PM) Patashu: "<Jangler> Strobe goes missing; this melody is found scrawled on every square inch of his home" what melody?
(11:53:31 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Chain Reaction — Warlord (entry 107/215, 49.767% complete)
(11:53:31 PM) ipi: its all acmfans fault
(11:53:31 PM) golgibody: kfaraday never commented on the actual songs until now. :D :D :D
(11:53:34 PM) gyms: cmon kfaraday, be more profesional you giggly fool : ))
(11:53:37 PM) xterm-logger: rofl
(11:53:37 PM) kfaraday: : )))
(11:53:45 PM) MaxVdub: poky wank
(11:53:50 PM) MaxVdub: sounds painful
(11:53:52 PM) kfaraday: gyms ANTI-PROFESSIONALISM FOREVER
(11:53:54 PM) ipi: i wish i entered after acmfan
(11:53:56 PM) Strobe: this is very nice pokeywank :o
(11:53:58 PM) gyms: haha, word
(11:53:58 PM) commandycan: you know, im sure that was a tactical decision by warlord
(11:54:01 PM) SoiledBargains: Oh I thought he said pokéwank
(11:54:05 PM) gyms: <3 warlord
(11:54:11 PM) Xyz_39808: it keeps CHANGING the duty cycle from our beloved .00003%
(11:54:13 PM) null1024: 6, 5, 5, 5, 4 is my most common vote
(11:54:15 PM) ipi: pok?wank would be a good entry
(11:54:18 PM) CaptBeard: this song is great
(11:54:18 PM) gyms: he will forever be that wrinkly monkey on the typwriter to me
(11:54:19 PM) null1024: I just noticed that
(11:54:24 PM) Patashu: Mmm
(11:54:25 PM) Patashu: I love this song
(11:54:25 PM) Flaminglog: it might be an unintended effect of the last song, but for some reason i feel compelled to give this song all 7's
(11:54:30 PM) null1024: ahahaha
(11:54:30 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:54:31 PM) ipi: i am on 49.68% 7's
(11:54:32 PM) kfaraday: hahahah
(11:54:36 PM) Patashu: Flaminglog nah, it's legitimately good
(11:54:39 PM) golgibody: The funny thing about acmfans song is that he's actually younger than us all ;3
(11:54:43 PM) chunter: awesomeness is getting the stream to play in my wireless phone by the bed
(11:54:46 PM) CaptBeard: acmfan needs to make covers of that song on every soundchip
(11:54:49 PM) xterm-logger: warlord can generally be counted upon for Quality
(11:54:54 PM) ipi: ^
(11:54:55 PM) CaptBeard: i'm going to cover it, no volume changing, for famitracker
(11:54:58 PM) CaptBeard: put it on famitracker forums
(11:55:01 PM) ipi: cover acmfan ohc
(11:55:01 PM) golgibody: Yeah, warlord is the undisputed king of raster
(11:55:04 PM) Jangler: you mean, covers of everything else on special FX
(11:55:07 PM) chunter: so though I'm going to bed in a little bit I'll still have the stream on
(11:55:07 PM) Flaminglog: oh he's lv. 26
(11:55:11 PM) golgibody: But I-Pie may be stealing the pokey gold from him!
(11:55:12 PM) Xyz_39808: cover that tune on trombone
(11:55:17 PM) Flaminglog: you don't get that high without being really good
(11:55:18 PM) ipi: !!
(11:55:22 PM) golgibody: ;3
(11:55:22 PM) gyms: damn guys, this is closest thing we have for a real slumber party
(11:55:28 PM) ipi: except
(11:55:28 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:55:30 PM) ipi: no frickin sleep
(11:55:31 PM) commandycan: haha
(11:55:31 PM) Jangler: ipi deserves pokey gold
(11:55:33 PM) kfaraday: you don't get that high B-) without being that high
(11:55:33 PM) Jangler: haha
(11:55:36 PM) Xyz_39808: go to sleep ipi
(11:55:40 PM) Jangler: what would a slumber party be with sleep
(11:55:41 PM) ipi: i wish i wish
(11:55:42 PM) kfaraday: absolutely not!!
(11:55:46 PM) kfaraday: wake all da time
(11:55:52 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Psy in Trance — kfaraday —
(11:55:52 PM) ipi: yeah i know i am very tired
(11:55:54 PM) commandycan: what is the sleepover equivalent to the acmfan song that just played
(11:56:00 PM) ipi: but i have dr pepper to keep me peppy
(11:56:02 PM) FoD: ohgodohgodohgod
(11:56:02 PM) SoiledBargains: OH YEH
(11:56:03 PM) commandycan: getting shit in your sleeping bag
(11:56:04 PM) SoiledBargains: OH MAN
(11:56:10 PM) SoiledBargains: HERE WE GO
(11:56:18 PM) goluigi: ILLEGAL
(11:56:19 PM) Xyz_39808: needs more psytrance
(11:56:19 PM) gyms: this is gud
(11:56:19 PM) goluigi: ILLEGAL
(11:56:20 PM) commandycan: yay
(11:56:20 PM) ipi: EXACTLY 50% 7 VOTES
(11:56:21 PM) goluigi: ILLEGAL
(11:56:21 PM) goluigi left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(11:56:21 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Psy in Trance — kfaraday (entry 108/215, 50.233% complete)
(11:56:21 PM) goluigi [] entered the room.
(11:56:23 PM) golgibody: Yay!
(11:56:24 PM) MaxVdub: oh god this
(11:56:24 PM) sethdonut: three fair uses = legal
(11:56:24 PM) null1024: ahahaha
(11:56:25 PM) goluigi: :(
(11:56:25 PM) golgibody: That beat!
(11:56:25 PM) commandycan: legal
(11:56:29 PM) SoiledBargains: Not as a dramatic reading as I was expecting
(11:56:30 PM) commandycan: fresh new beats
(11:56:31 PM) FoD: A
(11:56:31 PM) SoiledBargains: stySTYSTYSTYSYT
(11:56:32 PM) CaptBeard: oppan gangnam style
(11:56:32 PM) Jangler: kfaraday you really needed to scream that stuff
(11:56:35 PM) ipi: hahahaha
(11:56:36 PM) null1024: ;3
(11:56:36 PM) golgibody: :D
(11:56:38 PM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(11:56:38 PM) commandycan: ayyyyy
(11:56:39 PM) Yibbon: haha
(11:56:40 PM) Strobe: what on earth
(11:56:41 PM) ironclad: can I ytpmv this
(11:56:43 PM) ipi: hhaha
(11:56:44 PM) Patashu: omggg
(11:56:45 PM) goluigi: lmfao
(11:56:46 PM) kfaraday: absolutely!!!!
(11:56:46 PM) SoiledBargains: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
(11:56:46 PM) Patashu: this is so good
(11:56:48 PM) Yibbon: YTPMV IT
(11:56:48 PM) SoiledBargains: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
(11:56:48 PM) ipi: ironclad do it
(11:56:49 PM) sethdonut: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
(11:56:50 PM) ironclad: please let me ytpmv this
(11:56:50 PM) null1024: this is so fun
(11:56:53 PM) Xyz_39808: next level gangnam style
(11:56:54 PM) null1024: too fun
(11:56:55 PM) CaptBeard: you do it
(11:56:55 PM) Flaminglog: Wait how did you get the voice into the tracker
(11:56:55 PM) Strobe: :D
(11:56:56 PM) kfaraday: ironclad :)))
(11:56:58 PM) CaptBeard: PCM
(11:56:59 PM) SoiledBargains: WOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA STYLE
(11:57:01 PM) Strobe: hystericalcore
(11:57:01 PM) kfaraday: it'd be an honour~~
(11:57:01 PM) Zargon-:
(11:57:03 PM) gyms: kirby gangnam style
(11:57:04 PM) BotB: Classic Shoot - we agree, Charlie Sheen, Capri is hot! 22 yr old Capri Anderson is machine fucked and licked by robots. -- free hd porn video tube loaded with awesome xxx clips featuring both hot porn stars and sexy amateur girls. tons of great free porn movies a Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(11:57:05 PM) SoiledBargains: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
(11:57:05 PM) CaptBeard: this song is great
(11:57:06 PM) Zargon-: this is so aweosme!
(11:57:06 PM) Patashu: flaminglog: lsdj
(11:57:07 PM) commandycan: you scream at the game boy
(11:57:08 PM) Xyz_39808: SEXY LADYYYYYYYYYYYY
(11:57:10 PM) golgibody: Hahaahha gyms
(11:57:14 PM) SoiledBargains: haha
(11:57:15 PM) Jangler:
(11:57:17 PM) mode (+q Zargon-!*@*) by null1024
(11:57:20 PM) CaptBeard: SESSEE LADEHHHH
(11:57:22 PM) BotB: psy curve - Wolfram|Alpha -- the answer to psy Page info: HTML, Javascript
(11:57:23 PM) golgibody: :O
(11:57:26 PM) Patashu: hot damn
(11:57:27 PM) kfaraday: null HAHA
(11:57:27 PM) SoiledBargains: STYLE
(11:57:28 PM) Patashu: that was amazing
(11:57:28 PM) FoD: Staalllye
(11:57:30 PM) sethdonut: PIIIIIIIIIII
(11:57:32 PM) ipi: oppa chemistry
(11:57:33 PM) Xyz_39808: Op, Op , Op
(11:57:34 PM) SoiledBargains: WRRRRRRYYYYYYY
(11:57:34 PM) golgibody: Hahahaha Zargon
(11:57:35 PM) CaptBeard: brain-tech+++ wow-tilt+++ thumb-blister++++
(11:57:35 PM) FoD: BEST ENDING
(11:57:37 PM) gyms: it's HEY LADY on the kidz bop version
(11:57:39 PM) commandycan: pee
(11:57:40 PM) FoD: ALL 7's
(11:57:40 PM) gyms: no sexy
(11:57:43 PM) MaxVdub: eeeehhhh?!
(11:57:48 PM) sethdonut: fried eggs on toast, nice
(11:57:49 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... no point, no reason — null1024 —
(11:57:52 PM) Xyz_39808: That sounds rude. HEY! LADY!
(11:57:54 PM) CaptBeard: kidz bop version RULZ gyms!
(11:57:54 PM) null1024: not removing that +q either
(11:57:54 PM) ipi: breakfast for kfaraday
(11:57:55 PM) SoiledBargains: null12FUCK
(11:57:57 PM) CaptBeard: HEEEEEEEEY LADY
(11:57:58 PM) Jangler: wet t-shirt contest OHC
(11:58:06 PM) gyms: HEEEEEEY, HEY LADY
(11:58:07 PM) goluigi: what time is it
(11:58:07 PM) CaptBeard: TIME FOR YOU TO GO TO BED
(11:58:11 PM) CaptBeard:
(11:58:12 PM) commandycan: LOL gyms
(11:58:13 PM) MaxVdub: put eggs on head
(11:58:14 PM) BotB: Title: Kidz Bop - Gangnam Style [FULL VERSION] , Uploaded by: jaxratch , Views: 125 546 , Cat: pets
(11:58:18 PM) commandycan: KIDZ BOP GANGNAM STYLE
(11:58:19 PM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... no point, no reason — null1024 (entry 109/215, 50.698% complete)
(11:58:22 PM) SoiledBargains: gyms haaa
(11:58:25 PM) Jangler: haha nice intro
(11:58:30 PM) kfaraday: isn't this from the longest walk
(11:58:32 PM) kfaraday: : )
(11:58:32 PM) null1024: the intro is my favorite
(11:58:33 PM) SoiledBargains: This song came on when I opened Firefox and the intro scared me. xD
(11:58:47 PM) Abigail left the room (quit: Quit: <RoyKirbs> Friends don't let friends play Kinect.).
(11:58:47 PM) null1024: kfaraday: I wrote this not too long after
(11:58:50 PM) SoiledBargains: Like something bad happened.
(11:58:50 PM) null1024: ;3
(11:58:52 PM) kfaraday: :3
(11:58:54 PM) gyms: good nullcore
(11:59:02 PM) sethdonut: beautiful
(11:59:03 PM) golgibody: Yeah, the intro is awesome
(11:59:13 PM) FoD: haha
(11:59:16 PM) null1024: bam
(11:59:19 PM) Jangler: haha nice
(11:59:19 PM) CaptBeard: they actually say "HEEEEEEEEY HEY LADY"
(11:59:19 PM) CaptBeard: wow
(11:59:26 PM) gyms: null, your avatar is 4x more tantalizing now that it rotates
(11:59:29 PM) null1024: haha
(11:59:36 PM) Jangler: it's like whoa
(11:59:40 PM) Patashu: gotta keep it clean for da kids
(11:59:43 PM) golgibody: I liked null's avatar 3 months ago, but now it's on my adblock list :(
(11:59:43 PM) Patashu: btw hi gyms
(11:59:44 PM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Plum Pop — TQ-Jam —
(11:59:50 PM) gyms: hi patashu : )
(11:59:50 PM) FoD: YES
(11:59:53 PM) Jangler: haha golgibody
(12:00:02 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Plum Pop — TQ-Jam (entry 110/215, 51.163% complete)
(12:00:05 AM) SoiledBargains: OOOOH
(12:00:06 AM) AyakaSuda [] entered the room.
(12:00:09 AM) ipi: yesss
(12:00:10 AM) commandycan: yay\
(12:00:10 AM) CaptBeard: this song is great
(12:00:10 AM) Patashu: hello, TQ-Jam <3
(12:00:13 AM) ipi: been looking forward to this one
(12:00:14 AM) golgibody: If TQ-Jam I'll be jizzing all over BotB
(12:00:15 AM) Xyz_39808: this is 3m 19s
(12:00:17 AM) gyms: very enjoyable track, i wish he was here with us now
(12:00:18 AM) CaptBeard: who is TQ-Jam
(12:00:20 AM) SoiledBargains: Taste of Japan-sounding NSF
(12:00:20 AM) Xyz_39808: What a liar
(12:00:20 AM) Patashu: this is 2a03?
(12:00:24 AM) golgibody: If TQ-Jam joins OHCs and stuff I'll be jizzing all over BotB*
(12:00:24 AM) kfaraday: yep, 2a03
(12:00:25 AM) SoiledBargains: !botbr TQ-Jam
(12:00:25 AM) BotB: TQ-Jam :: Lvl 5 Chipist ::
(12:00:27 AM) Patashu: very nice!
(12:00:28 AM) ironclad: yesh tq-jam finally
(12:00:29 AM) FoD: CaptBeard He won FCM9
(12:00:31 AM) CaptBeard: gyms, at least he is up there in the sky
(12:00:35 AM) MaxVdub: whoa this is hella chill
(12:00:38 AM) CaptBeard: maybe he's watching all of us, smiling
(12:00:39 AM) Xyz_39808: He won my heart in fcm8
(12:00:41 AM) SoiledBargains: DAT NOISE
(12:00:43 AM) sethdonut: haha
(12:00:48 AM) CaptBeard: oh by the way it wins nsf imo so yeah
(12:00:49 AM) gyms: i'm cluthing my fist in reflection for him now
(12:00:50 AM) sethdonut: wow
(12:00:55 AM) Xyz_39808: makinoF is also bloody brilliant
(12:01:00 AM) kfaraday: mokimaf :)))
(12:01:07 AM) CaptBeard: Fonikam?
(12:01:09 AM) ***sethdonut with a single tear by the seaside, at sunset
(12:01:15 AM) chunter: Famicom backwards
(12:01:17 AM) Jangler: DJ fonikam
(12:01:24 AM) FoD: those drums :D
(12:01:27 AM) CaptBeard: DJ DAWGZONE
(12:01:30 AM) gyms: that one vocoder stab coming up is great
(12:01:31 AM) CaptBeard: this song is amazing
(12:01:32 AM) chunter: it had a trick in the envelopes that made it sound backwards
(12:01:33 AM) Jangler: dawgzone.nsf
(12:01:38 AM) gyms: OOOOWAAHHW
(12:01:40 AM) ironclad: did you hear his piece from fcm9 exhibition?
(12:01:42 AM) CaptBeard: heart-magic+++ wow-tilt+++ shit-in-pants+++
(12:01:43 AM) SoiledBargains: Cute and funk
(12:01:46 AM) MaxVdub: this is so smooth
(12:01:47 AM) ironclad: the n163 one
(12:01:51 AM) Jangler: i haven't given any all sevens yet oh dear
(12:01:53 AM) CaptBeard: to be honest i didn't know he existed till now
(12:01:54 AM) gyms: OOOOWAAAHHW
(12:01:56 AM) commandycan: these chords make me happy
(12:02:00 AM) chunter: I didn't get around to it yet but perhaps I will later
(12:02:01 AM) ipi: <Jangler> i haven't given any all sevens yet oh dear //DISGRACEFUL
(12:02:02 AM) commandycan: dakadaka
(12:02:08 AM) SoiledBargains: Guys, after this one I think it's going to be a tough, bloody battle for the throne.
(12:02:09 AM) commandycan: \\GRACEFUL
(12:02:10 AM) FoD: I think I've given only 1 all 7 so far
(12:02:13 AM) CaptBeard: yeah
(12:02:19 AM) Jangler: i don't think i usually give all 7s in majors anyway
(12:02:20 AM) Flaminglog: i'm saving my all-sevens for that mega drive entry strobe made
(12:02:24 AM) golgibody: I-Pie, your aura has hearts because of Jangler and people who vote like him. :3
(12:02:26 AM) gyms: i dunno, still a lot of good tracks
(12:02:26 AM) CaptBeard: we all lose bow down bend over for plum pop
(12:02:30 AM) Flaminglog: seriously i CANNOT stop listening to that song
(12:02:32 AM) SoiledBargains: All 7's should never be used unless the entry is universally amazing from all angles.
(12:02:33 AM) ipi: i am currently at 50.30% 7 votes
(12:02:34 AM) Jangler: hearty hearty love
(12:02:35 AM) kfaraday: spread yer plums
(12:02:39 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:02:40 AM) Yibbon: I like this~
(12:02:41 AM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: or if you are ipi
(12:02:44 AM) sethdonut: there it is
(12:02:47 AM) sethdonut: *swoon*
(12:02:52 AM) Xyz_39808: i love the way this one ends
(12:02:57 AM) Xyz_39808: So swoon-ful
(12:02:57 AM) chunter: the last two FCMs I've felt all super-cold all over so I haven't given them very strong listens or even tried that hard in the entries
(12:03:00 AM) gyms: i think zan's big 2a03 winner was the only straight 7 i ever gave
(12:03:01 AM) CaptBeard: imo this one is all 7s
(12:03:09 AM) CaptBeard: in all my definitions for each of the categories, this one wins
(12:03:11 AM) Jangler: yeah pull over was godlike
(12:03:11 AM) ipi: yeah i love this
(12:03:12 AM) sethdonut: this is just a classic
(12:03:17 AM) SoiledBargains: xterm-logger I don't know if I would say that with 100.% certainty :D
(12:03:19 AM) ipi: this is the sort of music i want to create
(12:03:19 AM) SoiledBargains: ALSO AMAZING
(12:03:19 AM) CaptBeard: pull over is good
(12:03:23 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Androida Maid Service — Chip Champion —
(12:03:25 AM) ipi: pull over is incredible
(12:03:28 AM) CaptBeard: i never understood why i never LOVED it though
(12:03:31 AM) ipi: itll be hard to top that
(12:03:31 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(12:03:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Androida Maid Service — Chip Champion (entry 111/215, 51.628% complete)
(12:03:36 AM) Strobe: :D
(12:03:37 AM) CaptBeard: maybe i had a hard time getting into it
(12:03:37 AM) commandycan: bbbbb
(12:03:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Best description.
(12:03:44 AM) Yibbon: I vote so that the radio buttons are checked in the most parabolic arc possiable at this resolution
(12:03:46 AM) SoiledBargains: "Made to order." hahaha
(12:03:50 AM) gyms: captbeard, you'll understand wheN YOU'RE OLDER OWWAWHHW
(12:03:52 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday is this being recorded?
(12:04:00 AM) ipi: yes
(12:04:03 AM) ipi: it is livestream
(12:04:05 AM) kfaraday: i'm saving it to livestream when it's done :)
(12:04:08 AM) ipi: .com
(12:04:09 AM) Xyz_39808: yeah, it took me like 2 years to GET zanzan's music
(12:04:21 AM) ipi: it took me a couple of months
(12:04:31 AM) FoD: I've just noticed we're over 50% through now
(12:04:34 AM) gyms: it's not that you get zan's music, it's that you get YOURSELF OOWWAAHHW
(12:04:36 AM) Jangler: i think a lot of stuff i liked right away but a lot of it took me a little while to get into
(12:04:41 AM) xterm-logger: Yibbon is that 1 5 7 5 1
(12:04:42 AM) Xyz_39808: hehe gyms
(12:04:43 AM) kfaraday: gyms yess~~
(12:04:45 AM) Jangler: i still don't like the really early stuff
(12:05:03 AM) CaptBeard: me like this song!
(12:05:05 AM) CaptBeard: me happy!
(12:05:09 AM) chunter: nice groove here
(12:05:15 AM) xterm-logger: and in a surprise upset, pull over wins winter chip 8
(12:05:19 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:05:19 AM) sethdonut: high grade...
(12:05:20 AM) ipi: hahaha
(12:05:27 AM) Jangler: hey it wouldn't be THAT surprising
(12:05:33 AM) Jangler: aw yeeh
(12:05:36 AM) SoiledBargains: bwuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(12:05:36 AM) xterm-logger: true
(12:05:37 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Beep You Motherbeeper!!! — Baycun —
(12:05:47 AM) goluigi: oh god this one
(12:05:50 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Beep You Motherbeeper!!! — Baycun (entry 112/215, 52.093% complete)
(12:05:53 AM) SoiledBargains: OOOH
(12:05:57 AM) Jangler: whoa arps
(12:05:58 AM) Patashu: woah
(12:05:59 AM) golgibody: I don't get how pull over won WC7. Maybe I'll get it when I grow older. :3
(12:06:00 AM) null1024: timestretched
(12:06:00 AM) goluigi: i love the ambient noise
(12:06:02 AM) BotB: Necrophageon reaches Level 4 Chipist with 73pnts
(12:06:04 AM) Strobe: clicks :o
(12:06:05 AM) CaptBeard: yeah, zx arpppps
(12:06:07 AM) gyms: baycun, greatest newcomer? he got a lot done
(12:06:09 AM) kfaraday: haaa
(12:06:09 AM) null1024: it has that really timestretched sound
(12:06:17 AM) golgibody: Baycun and goluigi are both child prodigies
(12:06:18 AM) ipi: dc offset
(12:06:19 AM) kfaraday: sum 41 on the other side of a wind tunnel
(12:06:21 AM) goluigi: baycun has been here since march 2012
(12:06:22 AM) Xyz_39808: jfgfdagjfjjfjdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
(12:06:24 AM) CaptBeard: zx beeper made in sony vegas
(12:06:25 AM) commandycan: bacooooon
(12:06:30 AM) gyms: oh..
(12:06:30 AM) CaptBeard: held note
(12:06:31 AM) goluigi: thanks you slimeball
(12:06:32 AM) Xyz_39808: the cat thought it would be a good idea to sit on the laptop
(12:06:32 AM) sethdonut: _,.-**-.,__,.-**-.,__,.-**-.,__,.-**-.,__,.-**-.,_
(12:06:33 AM) Yibbon: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(12:06:33 AM) Strobe: there is a note
(12:06:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Horrible note
(12:06:36 AM) Jangler: that second chord is delightfully wrong
(12:06:37 AM) null1024: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(12:06:38 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha Baycun and his stuck notes
(12:06:39 AM) commandycan: there is more of that note
(12:06:39 AM) Flaminglog: i remember baycun as that one guy who kept referring to that video i made titled "moon"
(12:06:40 AM) SoiledBargains: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(12:06:41 AM) commandycan: oh there we go
(12:06:42 AM) golgibody: He does it on purpose
(12:06:45 AM) FoD: C major everywhere
(12:06:46 AM) ipi: that held note
(12:06:48 AM) kfaraday: sum 41 heard over a billowing helicopter
(12:06:50 AM) SoiledBargains: golgibody obvioulsy
(12:06:52 AM) commandycan: lmao
(12:06:52 AM) Flaminglog: "i wanna go to the moon, but i don't know why"
(12:06:53 AM) MaxVdub: this reminds me of the music from the Sonic R
(12:06:58 AM) sethdonut: lol
(12:06:59 AM) goluigi: YESH
(12:07:01 AM) sethdonut: end.
(12:07:01 AM) commandycan: this totally is sum 41
(12:07:02 AM) gyms: gudlord
(12:07:02 AM) goluigi: 23:38 TIME
(12:07:07 AM) null1024: the sonic R
(12:07:08 AM) Jangler: haha oh dear
(12:07:12 AM) CaptBeard: OH
(12:07:12 AM) null1024: wat
(12:07:12 AM) SoiledBargains: How can you NOT notice stuck note in a BBSONG?
(12:07:12 AM) Xyz_39808: it's called a pedal tone morons. Obviously what the great lord baycun meant to do
(12:07:12 AM) sethdonut: OH M Y GOD
(12:07:13 AM) CaptBeard: OH GOD.
(12:07:16 AM) chunter: stuck note
(12:07:16 AM) commandycan: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(12:07:17 AM) gyms: woo intermission
(12:07:18 AM) mJ: what the fuck
(12:07:18 AM) Yibbon: ohgod
(12:07:18 AM) CaptBeard: OH MY GLOB
(12:07:20 AM) xterm-logger: oh god
(12:07:20 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh hey we're over the hill!
(12:07:22 AM) xterm-logger: get ready
(12:07:22 AM) sethdonut: JESUS HELL CHRIST
(12:07:22 AM) mJ: fuk this
(12:07:22 AM) Xyz_39808: pedal tone above the rest
(12:07:23 AM) CaptBeard: seriously though
(12:07:25 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:07:28 AM) golgibody: pedal tone
(12:07:30 AM) MaxVdub: goly shit
(12:07:30 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Endless Journey — KungFuFurby —
(12:07:30 AM) gyms: kungfufurby we love you
(12:07:32 AM) CaptBeard: i wish it was made by acmfan
(12:07:34 AM) null1024: we are really hearing all 23:38 of this
(12:07:35 AM) FoD: 23 minutes
(12:07:38 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Endless Journey — KungFuFurby (entry 113/215, 52.558% complete)
(12:07:38 AM) FoD: oh my
(12:07:39 AM) ipi: well
(12:07:40 AM) Yibbon: does this loop
(12:07:41 AM) Xyz_39808: pedal on E5. put your foot on the keyborad
(12:07:43 AM) goluigi: yes
(12:07:44 AM) commandycan: i dont know what to think
(12:07:45 AM) ipi: at least it isnt acmfan's song
(12:07:49 AM) Jangler: sociopathy
(12:07:50 AM) golgibody: Yeah KungFuFurby will go to heaven just because of this song
(12:07:53 AM) Jangler: HAHA ipi
(12:07:57 AM) CaptBeard: acmfan could've made 23 minutes of zx beeper master
(12:07:57 AM) Yibbon: do we need to listen to the loop
(12:07:59 AM) gyms: kungfufurby straight up has enough material for his own wc album this year
(12:08:00 AM) Strobe: overlay acms song over this
(12:08:09 AM) Jangler: Strobe, yes
(12:08:10 AM) CaptBeard: hahahahah
(12:08:12 AM) Jangler: yesssssss
(12:08:15 AM) Strobe: and use autotuner to fit the current tuning
(12:08:20 AM) CaptBeard: perfect
(12:08:36 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(12:08:44 AM) MaxVdub: reminds me of metroid
(12:08:50 AM) commandycan: 1 minute over
(12:08:54 AM) commandycan: it feels way longer than that
(12:08:55 AM) CaptBeard: next compo i'm entering a cover of acmfan's song
(12:08:59 AM) CaptBeard: using zx samples
(12:08:59 AM) sethdonut: sociopathy++
(12:09:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Look at that waveform guys
(12:09:11 AM) Jangler: lololol
(12:09:13 AM) sethdonut: it's like a broad sword
(12:09:17 AM) null1024: yeah
(12:09:17 AM) CaptBeard: half of the song may be the same thing over and over?
(12:09:19 AM) SoiledBargains: Wow it actually makes the song look pretty tiny
(12:09:20 AM) SoiledBargains: I mean look at that seeker GO.
(12:09:25 AM) gyms: turn the waveform sideways, it looks like strobe's wife
(12:09:29 AM) ipi: it looks like a lightsabre that's been run over
(12:09:30 AM) SoiledBargains: hahahaha
(12:09:31 AM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(12:09:34 AM) null1024: wpw
(12:09:35 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:09:36 AM) sethdonut: ;-*
(12:09:36 AM) null1024: er, wow
(12:09:37 AM) CaptBeard: the song is awesome so far but it's weird how it's like it's pausing between different parts of a song
(12:09:37 AM) Xyz_39808: that second half better be minimlism shit
(12:09:50 AM) Jangler: yeah the stutters are odd
(12:09:57 AM) Xyz_39808: sounds like it was made in EJ Clubworld
(12:09:59 AM) commandycan: the stutters are to fill for more length
(12:10:03 AM) FoD: to be fair, this bit is already pretty minimalist
(12:10:04 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:10:04 AM) ipi: hah
(12:10:05 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(12:10:06 AM) commandycan: very insignificant by themselves
(12:10:06 AM) kfaraday: commandy HAHAHA
(12:10:08 AM) golgibody: KungFuFurby is the only BotBr who actually composes symphonies
(12:10:09 AM) null1024: the stutters are the notes starting
(12:10:09 AM) mJ: really repetitive
(12:10:13 AM) CaptBeard: woah what
(12:10:13 AM) null1024: that's a goattracker thing
(12:10:14 AM) kfaraday: it's subtly long
(12:10:15 AM) SoiledBargains: ooh
(12:10:25 AM) CaptBeard: interesting.
(12:10:25 AM) goluigi: this is soooo repetitive
(12:10:26 AM) kfaraday: it's a n i l l u s i o n
(12:10:26 AM) goluigi: wtf
(12:10:26 AM) Yibbon: pretty.
(12:10:27 AM) chunter: to give some credit, I used to compose like this too
(12:10:33 AM) SoiledBargains: Nuts... I forgot what you called that percussion..
(12:10:35 AM) goluigi: this isnt like a GOOD 23 mins
(12:10:36 AM) SoiledBargains: *..
(12:10:38 AM) SoiledBargains: *...
(12:10:41 AM) goluigi: i thought it would have more variety!
(12:10:43 AM) ipi: triangle
(12:10:43 AM) Jangler: an earptical iilllllieiusn
(12:10:44 AM) CaptBeard: changing.
(12:10:45 AM) chunter: and that's why I know how to avoid it
(12:10:46 AM) commandycan: well, it's an endless journey
(12:10:51 AM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard yer daiper
(12:10:52 AM) sethdonut: goluigi: liking and hating doxic's comment lmao
(12:10:53 AM) SoiledBargains: diaper
(12:10:55 AM) chunter: he's going for Wally Beben's Tetris
(12:10:55 AM) AyakaSuda is now known as Abby|Ys1vrc6
(12:10:58 AM) Jangler: ooh
(12:11:01 AM) Jangler: nice tammer
(12:11:04 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(12:11:07 AM) SoiledBargains: WOAH
(12:11:07 AM) chunter: (unconciously if not on purpose)
(12:11:08 AM) gyms: i can dig it more as it goes, it's set the tone by now
(12:11:08 AM) CaptBeard: this is getting better.
(12:11:10 AM) ipi: wow
(12:11:11 AM) golgibody: I like how KungFuFurby's aura is now a lovely pink-purple ;3
(12:11:14 AM) SoiledBargains: I said that out loud, even.
(12:11:14 AM) Xyz_39808: what? the sid can do this?
(12:11:17 AM) ipi: woahh
(12:11:18 AM) SoiledBargains: "WOAH"
(12:11:19 AM) CaptBeard: reminds me of samurai jack.
(12:11:29 AM) gyms: samarai fack
(12:11:39 AM) SoiledBargains: NO U
(12:11:41 AM) Jangler:
(12:11:43 AM) BotB: bill and ted woah - YouTube -- ted gets mystified Page info: HTML, Flash, Javascript
(12:11:44 AM) CaptBeard: dat arp
(12:11:44 AM) SoiledBargains: ARFS
(12:11:45 AM) gyms: oh yes
(12:11:48 AM) gyms: classic farps
(12:11:48 AM) Patashu: arpz
(12:11:53 AM) kfaraday: ! !
(12:11:53 AM) CaptBeard: made me testicles quiver.
(12:11:54 AM) sethdonut: splarps
(12:11:55 AM) SoiledBargains: farps yes
(12:11:58 AM) gyms: hahaha
(12:11:58 AM) FoD: I'm liking the way this thing evolves
(12:11:59 AM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard haha
(12:12:04 AM) Jangler: i was expecting this to be a lot more painful
(12:12:09 AM) ipi: its not big enough
(12:12:11 AM) chunter: I'll repeat the comment and put details in the song when I get around to it- don't play a and b to get to c, just play c
(12:12:11 AM) BotB: screenSHU - The fastest screen capture ever. -- screen capture now! only 0.3 sec since hitting "capture" button you can share your link. you can also edit, draw, crop, blur, etc. Page info: HTML, CSS
(12:12:12 AM) SoiledBargains: Did they quiver to the farps?
(12:12:12 AM) ***Jangler kicks on woods
(12:12:17 AM) Xyz_39808: yeah, the way the arps evolve remind me of his fcm9 entry
(12:12:18 AM) CaptBeard: just wait until the same part over and over
(12:12:26 AM) sethdonut: KungFuKirby walks the line
(12:12:29 AM) CaptBeard: i can see by the wave form it's gonna be fun
(12:12:38 AM) kfaraday: oh yes
(12:12:45 AM) MaxVdub: back to metroid part
(12:12:50 AM) CaptBeard: yaaaa
(12:12:52 AM) FoD: oooohhh
(12:12:53 AM) gyms: woaa
(12:12:53 AM) Patashu: omg
(12:12:54 AM) Patashu: WHAT
(12:12:55 AM) Jangler: niceeeee
(12:12:56 AM) Patashu: WHAAAAAAAT
(12:12:57 AM) Strobe: that was fat
(12:12:58 AM) Patashu: how is this
(12:12:58 AM) FoD: yyeeaaaaa
(12:12:59 AM) CaptBeard: amazing sid
(12:12:59 AM) ipi: woah
(12:13:00 AM) Jangler: hoooooo
(12:13:00 AM) commandycan: wwwwww
(12:13:00 AM) sethdonut: :O
(12:13:01 AM) gyms: pwm madnesssss!!
(12:13:04 AM) Jangler: beautiful
(12:13:13 AM) SoiledBargains: ;fawefahgpasdhavyipouiwemiopq25vn8w463pm9[
(12:13:15 AM) commandycan: king's quest
(12:13:15 AM) Jangler: okay NOT THE PENTATONIC CRAP
(12:13:22 AM) golgibody: Hahahahaha
(12:13:26 AM) FoD: hahaha
(12:13:32 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:13:33 AM) commandycan: nice pentatonic excersize
(12:13:34 AM) chunter: that's a lovely chord
(12:13:38 AM) SoiledBargains: ooh
(12:13:40 AM) Jangler: powerchord
(12:13:41 AM) SoiledBargains: nice rhythm
(12:13:41 AM) Yibbon: pentatonic is reserved FOR BITCHIN SOLOS ONLY
(12:13:46 AM) SoiledBargains: wow I can't type
(12:13:48 AM) ipi: we're about 25% thru
(12:13:50 AM) Abby|Ys1vrc6: [00:13] <commandycan> king's quest
(12:13:58 AM) chunter: that's the kung fu part of the furby
(12:13:58 AM) Yibbon: CEDRIC
(12:14:02 AM) ***Abby|Ys1vrc6 brings in the 5 town theme
(12:14:04 AM) proswell: 06:10 < Abby|Ys1vrc6> [00:13] <commandycan> king's quest 4
(12:14:39 AM) commandycan: i am actually more reminded of roger wilco
(12:14:40 AM) Yibbon: the SID has the best sounds
(12:14:42 AM) golgibody: I like this part
(12:14:42 AM) commandycan: at this point
(12:14:44 AM) sethdonut: (*?fe43ff40*)
(12:14:45 AM) Yibbon: BEST
(12:14:48 AM) golgibody: Now it sounds like a medieval RPG
(12:15:03 AM) Abby|Ys1vrc6: commandycan: glad to see someone else remembers space quest
(12:15:08 AM) commandycan: haha
(12:15:16 AM) Flaminglog: the longer this entry runs the more i find myself enjoying it
(12:15:17 AM) ipi: ooohh
(12:15:18 AM) golgibody: Yay, the king arrives!
(12:15:19 AM) SoiledBargains: QUEST SONG
(12:15:20 AM) chunter: those were follin tones
(12:15:23 AM) Flaminglog: it's like stockholm syndrome or something
(12:15:25 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha follin indeed
(12:15:26 AM) goluigi: how far are we in the syncz
(12:15:26 AM) ipi: wow
(12:15:27 AM) gyms: honestly tho, this would be mindblowing played from a real sid over a sound system at a pink floyd venue or something
(12:15:27 AM) SoiledBargains: golgibody and he wonders what's for dinner
(12:15:31 AM) chunter: pardon, not follin
(12:15:33 AM) ipi: okay this is getttinng gtbetter
(12:15:35 AM) kfaraday: just over half way
(12:15:37 AM) chunter: huelsbeck
(12:15:37 AM) commandycan: i'm FOLLIN for this song ha ha
(12:15:39 AM) SoiledBargains: >(entry 113/215, 52.558% complete)
(12:15:41 AM) kfaraday: HA HA
(12:15:42 AM) golgibody: Oh wow
(12:15:42 AM) goluigi: gud
(12:15:46 AM) chunter: this is like the can guru song
(12:15:46 AM) commandycan: gold
(12:15:46 AM) golgibody: Bass counterpoint <3
(12:15:47 AM) Xyz_39808: it is an actual musical journey
(12:15:48 AM) SoiledBargains: HA HA
(12:15:50 AM) commandycan: i'm here for the remainder of this song
(12:15:50 AM) Jangler: Heh Hee Hagh
(12:15:51 AM) gyms: ooo
(12:15:51 AM) chunter: before the beat comes in
(12:15:55 AM) commandycan: whoa this is some final fantasy resolving
(12:15:55 AM) mJ: I wonder what's for dinner
(12:16:01 AM) ipi: mmmmm
(12:16:04 AM) sethdonut: wow
(12:16:05 AM) gyms: waiting for that dubstep drop
(12:16:06 AM) Jangler: hi-res music
(12:16:06 AM) Flaminglog: but WHERE'S the DROP
(12:16:07 AM) sethdonut: this is incredible
(12:16:08 AM) ipi: the intro as good as this i dont think
(12:16:11 AM) SoiledBargains: gyms haha
(12:16:12 AM) gyms: whiiiIIIRR HONK HONK
(12:16:14 AM) SoiledBargains: wait really? :<
(12:16:16 AM) ipi: wow that sentence
(12:16:16 AM) CaptBeard: wow
(12:16:18 AM) kfaraday: gyms HONK
(12:16:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh hey acms song
(12:16:23 AM) Jangler: hm
(12:16:24 AM) golgibody: Hahaha this sounds like Special fX
(12:16:25 AM) sethdonut: attack of the flies
(12:16:26 AM) commandycan: that's duckstep
(12:16:26 AM) ipi: acmfan
(12:16:28 AM) CaptBeard: i think that it's about to get as good as it can get
(12:16:29 AM) Strobe: hahahahaha
(12:16:30 AM) ipi: acmfancore
(12:16:30 AM) Jangler: here's the drop
(12:16:31 AM) SoiledBargains: duckstep
(12:16:31 AM) chunter: gyms: lol, 20 minutes to get to a brostep drop would be hilarious
(12:16:32 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(12:16:37 AM) gyms: hahaha, yes
(12:16:41 AM) commandycan: BREOOHH HONK HONK
(12:16:49 AM) Flaminglog: i've heard brostep done in c64 before so it's possible?
(12:16:49 AM) Jangler: vwibvwibvwib
(12:16:52 AM) Strobe: 12 octaves higher and its Special FX
(12:16:56 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:17:00 AM) ipi: haah
(12:17:00 AM) CaptBeard: acmfan, it's time to shine! this song is a collab between two amazing mcs, kungfufurby, and acmfan
(12:17:01 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(12:17:01 AM) Abby|Ys1vrc6: I wish I wasn't stuck on a phone :<
(12:17:09 AM) golgibody: This is acmfan, trapped in his attic, thinking up his masterplan of taking over the world
(12:17:10 AM) Jangler: specialFX O_O
(12:17:13 AM) Xyz_39808: nah nah, just, the drop is in a little bit
(12:17:20 AM) FoD: uh oh
(12:17:20 AM) ipi: oh more waveforms
(12:17:23 AM) Xyz_39808: just wait. Wait. like another 5minutes.
(12:17:24 AM) Patashu: can someone explain Speical FX?
(12:17:27 AM) commandycan: whoa
(12:17:28 AM) FoD: whoa contrast
(12:17:28 AM) commandycan: louder
(12:17:29 AM) Jangler: wat
(12:17:32 AM) commandycan: just to make sure you weren't sleeping
(12:17:33 AM) ipi: woahhhh
(12:17:34 AM) ipi: WOW
(12:17:37 AM) ipi: that was sudden
(12:17:40 AM) Jangler: need more transitives
(12:17:40 AM) CaptBeard: beautiful.
(12:17:45 AM) golgibody: acmfan turns into a real man
(12:17:48 AM) FoD: I actually really don't know how to rate this
(12:17:48 AM) commandycan: need more transvestites
(12:17:50 AM) commandycan: is how i read that
(12:17:51 AM) Xyz_39808: I must be behind on the stream, you guys react like 4 measures before I hear it
(12:17:51 AM) CaptBeard: need more transvestites
(12:17:52 AM) Jangler: yeah FoD
(12:17:59 AM) Jangler: yeah we need more transvestites
(12:18:03 AM) MaxVdub: this track is an epic odyssey god damn
(12:18:05 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:18:05 AM) golgibody: :D questy again
(12:18:08 AM) CaptBeard: here comes the part where nothing changes
(12:18:08 AM) Jangler: i think we can all agree on that at least
(12:18:13 AM) gyms: nice, he brought the theme back
(12:18:13 AM) golgibody: There are so many different moods in this track
(12:18:16 AM) ipi: yes
(12:18:21 AM) commandycan: okay
(12:18:23 AM) commandycan: now this is the long haul
(12:18:25 AM) sethdonut: here we go
(12:18:26 AM) gyms: here we go
(12:18:30 AM) Jangler: here we go
(12:18:31 AM) tri [] entered the room.
(12:18:34 AM) Xyz_39808: Are you ready?
(12:18:34 AM) ***sethdonut high fives everyone
(12:18:35 AM) commandycan: we go here
(12:18:36 AM) Yibbon: it's a little too aimless
(12:18:38 AM) Jangler: i'm
(12:18:41 AM) Xyz_39808: 200 COMBO
(12:18:43 AM) kfaraday: we're at 34 viewers
(12:18:43 AM) CaptBeard: LAWD HAVE MERCY!!! tonight at the plaza...WE GIVE YOU MR STEPHEN HAWKIN !!! crip walking on the 1 2 !!!! we got MR T !!! we got them asian HOs, we got bg, we got this CRAZY WHITE DUDE i dunno where he from, he coming to the PRO-JeCTs !!! we got BARNEY!!! man barney be throwin with the bandanas till 12 baby !!!! everybody get in free with the gay martianS!!!!s...GET FIRED UP BABY!!!!!!!
(12:18:45 AM) kfaraday: just for posterity
(12:18:46 AM) SoiledBargains: We're all on a journey; this is our narrative
(12:18:54 AM) CaptBeard: we're all on a journey to my butthole
(12:19:03 AM) SoiledBargains: no u
(12:19:04 AM) Jangler: how many will remain by the end of the song
(12:19:04 AM) sethdonut: do NOT stop to smell a rose
(12:19:07 AM) ipi: lets have a ascii ohc while we wait
(12:19:07 AM) sethdonut: IT IS NOT A ROSE
(12:19:08 AM) kfaraday: jangler yes
(12:19:09 AM) kfaraday: haha]
(12:19:10 AM) SoiledBargains: We're on a journey to
(12:19:11 AM) tri is now known as tristendo
(12:19:15 AM) CaptBeard: what if it's this over and over
(12:19:17 AM) CaptBeard: till the song ends
(12:19:18 AM) ***gyms goes blind
(12:19:18 AM) SoiledBargains: my butthole
(12:19:18 AM) FoD: endurace challenge
(12:19:22 AM) golgibody: Yeah, what if
(12:19:24 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:19:31 AM) CaptBeard: but it was an illusion, as acmfan's song starts playing
(12:19:31 AM) Jangler: everyone who listens to the end gets +3 CON
(12:19:31 AM) commandycan: this is booty blip proportions but i'm not smiling as much
(12:19:37 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha Jangler
(12:19:40 AM) chunter: these guitarish bits can do without half the repeats
(12:19:42 AM) mJ: lol
(12:19:43 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ golgibody
(12:19:44 AM) gyms: slomo booty blip
(12:19:44 AM) mJ: yay
(12:19:52 AM) kfaraday: fun fact we're JUST now over half way in the song
(12:19:52 AM) SoiledBargains: brb
(12:19:56 AM) chunter: that would leave 15 minutes and probably be a better flow
(12:19:56 AM) sethdonut: 2026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026. __ . __20262026202620262026202620262026
(12:19:58 AM) SoiledBargains: (for a quick bit)
(12:20:00 AM) CaptBeard: kfaraday tries to change the song, but to no avail, as all songs on the site becomes "dis is the beep" by acmfan
(12:20:05 AM) CaptBeard: all hail acmfan
(12:20:05 AM) kfaraday: HAHAHA
(12:20:05 AM) Jangler: hahaha
(12:20:06 AM) commandycan: lmao
(12:20:06 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(12:20:07 AM) gyms: all i see are crystal towers
(12:20:09 AM) ipi: ahahahahh
(12:20:13 AM) sethdonut: 202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026.../2019`: : `\,---`.201e2026202620262026202620262026
(12:20:13 AM) kfaraday: but... the beep refused to change
(12:20:14 AM) FoD: hahaa
(12:20:17 AM) Jangler: come down from your crystal fortress, strong bad
(12:20:18 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:20:23 AM) chunter: because these bits are good, we don't doubt that
(12:20:24 AM) sethdonut: 202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026202620262026../|,-2018`??`\(o)_\,----,,,_202620262026..
(12:20:26 AM) acmfan [] entered the room.
(12:20:27 AM) Flaminglog: listening to this makes me want to write a ridiculously long song
(12:20:29 AM) Jangler: sethdonut: SOP
(12:20:29 AM) commandycan: i can't tell if it's repeating
(12:20:29 AM) acmfan: hey you little niggers
(12:20:32 AM) acmfan: what are you doing
(12:20:32 AM) commandycan: we have summoned him
(12:20:32 AM) commandycan: lmao
(12:20:34 AM) kfaraday: hello :)
(12:20:36 AM) golgibody: :O
(12:20:36 AM) sethdonut: 202620262026202620262026201e~*??`201d\,202620262026... _201e_202620262026( `\(o),,_/` ? : o : : :o `-, 2026...
(12:20:37 AM) gyms: crystal bubble fountains and ice golems
(12:20:41 AM) acmfan: insulting my song it is a work of art
(12:20:41 AM) Xyz_39808: kfarady, you gotta queue up a dubstep drop
(12:20:42 AM) mode (+q sethdonut!*@*) by Jangler
(12:20:43 AM) kfaraday: we're watchin the livestream!
(12:20:44 AM) Flaminglog: but part of me knows that that's a terrible idea because there's no way i could pull it off
(12:20:50 AM) acmfan: the prophecy will come to pass
(12:20:53 AM) kfaraday: jangler haha
(12:21:01 AM) acmfan: next winter chip, there will be a new song that is destined to kill all
(12:21:04 AM) ***golgibody pets Jangler
(12:21:04 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:21:08 AM) gyms: guardian sphynxs, facing inward
(12:21:09 AM) ***Jangler purrs
(12:21:09 AM) kfaraday: humanity will die
(12:21:12 AM) acmfan: it may not be by the name acmfan--no, that would be too obvious
(12:21:13 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:21:16 AM) gyms: you may not pass unless your soul is pure
(12:21:23 AM) chunter: time for bed for me, I must work tomorrow
(12:21:27 AM) acmfan: the song will spread across the radio, album, and all existence
(12:21:27 AM) chunter: thanks for comments and votes
(12:21:28 AM) kfaraday: hey i'm just gonna go ahead and do this
(12:21:31 AM) acmfan: dis is the prophecy.
(12:21:33 AM) kfaraday: intermission
(12:21:34 AM) acmfan: dis is the prophecy.
(12:21:37 AM) ipi: dis is the beep
(12:21:39 AM) acmfan: dis is the prophecy.
(12:21:41 AM) commandycan: that works
(12:21:43 AM) acmfan: dis is the prophecy.
(12:21:45 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday for serious call?
(12:21:50 AM) acmfan: DIS IS THE PROPHECY
(12:21:51 AM) xterm-logger: nooooo
(12:21:53 AM) commandycan: intermission during song
(12:21:54 AM) xterm-logger: you must play the track
(12:21:58 AM) ipi: /topic dis is the prophecy
(12:21:58 AM) kfaraday: :) unless people are enjoyin it~
(12:22:00 AM) kfaraday: oh fine
(12:22:02 AM) xterm-logger: ENDURANCE
(12:22:04 AM) kfaraday: no intermission
(12:22:06 AM) CaptBeard: wow this song is amazing at changing
(12:22:06 AM) kfaraday: well
(12:22:08 AM) kfaraday: intermission after this
(12:22:09 AM) commandycan: you can always do the intermission while the song is going
(12:22:11 AM) xterm-logger: yeah take your poop now lol
(12:22:11 AM) commandycan: i guess
(12:22:11 AM) Xyz_39808: yeah, I would DQ you
(12:22:11 AM) CaptBeard: did he do this on purpose
(12:22:17 AM) xterm-logger: itll still be on when you're done
(12:22:21 AM) Patashu: so wait
(12:22:23 AM) Patashu: does the song ever change again
(12:22:27 AM) CaptBeard: it is an endless journey
(12:22:27 AM) chunter left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(12:22:28 AM) xterm-logger: hell naw
(12:22:29 AM) kfaraday: it's changing!
(12:22:29 AM) commandycan: i...dont know
(12:22:31 AM) gyms: it's an endless journey
(12:22:31 AM) mode (-q sethdonut!*@*) by Jangler
(12:22:35 AM) FoD: lol nope
(12:22:39 AM) sethdonut: *ahem*
(12:22:42 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:22:42 AM) CaptBeard: actually i think the notes slightly changed
(12:22:46 AM) FoD: just when you think it's changing
(12:22:51 AM) MaxVdub: so minimalism
(12:22:51 AM) kfaraday: it's the same top notes
(12:22:52 AM) ipi: maybe he is trying all possible permunations and combinations of notes
(12:22:53 AM) kfaraday: but different bass
(12:22:54 AM) null1024: this bit is a bit boring ;-;
(12:22:56 AM) gyms: he does change the bass note a bit at least
(12:22:57 AM) gyms: i thnk
(12:22:57 AM) ipi: it is a mathematical song
(12:23:00 AM) ipi: mathcore
(12:23:01 AM) gyms: I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE
(12:23:06 AM) Flaminglog: this song is like you spend your entire life trying to come up with new ways to get into space and then you finally succeed and you're in space and you're just like "shit, now what?"
(12:23:08 AM) Jangler: a complete misunderstanding of math rock
(12:23:13 AM) kfaraday: flaminglog :oo
(12:23:16 AM) gyms: haha
(12:23:17 AM) ipi: wow
(12:23:19 AM) ipi: thats poetic
(12:23:21 AM) CaptBeard: " The last part has a single channel that I added more material to than the others, thus allowing it to wander off on its own until it comes full circle ten minutes later."
(12:23:22 AM) golgibody: Yeah, KungFuFurby has a lot in common with Philip Glass, Arvo Part and John Cage
(12:23:36 AM) Jangler: this is a bit like boards of canada maybe
(12:23:42 AM) kfaraday: :)
(12:23:43 AM) gyms: this is maddening
(12:23:45 AM) CaptBeard: i want off of kungfufurby's wild ride
(12:23:49 AM) gyms: like yea, trapped in space
(12:23:53 AM) Flaminglog: THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
(12:23:53 AM) mJ: so he's trying to find out all the possible note combinations?
(12:23:56 AM) golgibody: This is like Mr. Bones wild ride
(12:24:05 AM) CaptBeard: he should've named it THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
(12:24:06 AM) xterm-logger: holy shit this goes on forever
(12:24:08 AM) Jangler: tritoons
(12:24:10 AM) sethdonut: i took an intro film course many years ago, and someone submitted a 30 minute video or them riding a bike
(12:24:10 AM) ipi: dont rattle me furby
(12:24:11 AM) mJ: it's like a trance
(12:24:13 AM) sethdonut: just riding a bike
(12:24:15 AM) FoD: we're not even half way through this bit
(12:24:17 AM) Jangler: hahahaha
(12:24:18 AM) gyms: who played ff8, that part where you're floating through space for 30 mins in your suit
(12:24:20 AM) CaptBeard: this synclisten is amazing
(12:24:22 AM) CaptBeard: so many golden moments
(12:24:23 AM) Jangler: how the hell do i vote on this
(12:24:23 AM) sethdonut: around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around
(12:24:24 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:24:26 AM) Patashu: gyms I remember that part
(12:24:27 AM) CaptBeard: i love you guys
(12:24:30 AM) ipi: ^^^^^6
(12:24:31 AM) Xyz_39808: And then the song cuts off. OP OP OP, OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE
(12:24:31 AM) xterm-logger: <3
(12:24:32 AM) Patashu: didn't it play Eyes On Me the entire time
(12:24:34 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha that tag acmfancore
(12:24:45 AM) sethdonut: and around.... and around... and around... and around... and around...
(12:24:48 AM) CaptBeard: no acmfan is amazing
(12:24:49 AM) ipi: woah
(12:24:53 AM) ipi: i refreshed
(12:24:58 AM) ipi: KFF's aura is really cool
(12:24:58 AM) golgibody: gyms, I remember FF8, and I felt like that everytime I summoned an esper
(12:25:01 AM) ipi: but skulls :(
(12:25:05 AM) commandycan: lol
(12:25:06 AM) kfaraday: black skulls and red outline~
(12:25:09 AM) sethdonut: guardian force
(12:25:10 AM) kfaraday: true demon
(12:25:12 AM) Jangler: skulls :(
(12:25:15 AM) CaptBeard: wow this is too skille
(12:25:15 AM) kfaraday: ooooh!
(12:25:16 AM) ipi: why are you all frickin skulls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(12:25:17 AM) kfaraday: it updated
(12:25:20 AM) acmfan left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(12:25:20 AM) sethdonut: lolol
(12:25:25 AM) Patashu: ahem
(12:25:27 AM) Patashu: they're called GFs
(12:25:31 AM) golgibody: I-Pie, they're all skulls because of us voting high. :)
(12:25:34 AM) commandycan: i think it changed a little bit
(12:25:35 AM) MaxVdub: that feel when no gf
(12:25:35 AM) gyms: woah wtf, i'm tripping now. all i see is a rainbow colored parasol spinning from above
(12:25:39 AM) CaptBeard: you know over the intermission you have to play dis is the beep, right?
(12:25:39 AM) commandycan: but i can never tell
(12:25:41 AM) ipi: pwnd
(12:25:58 AM) ipi: CaptBeard do you want to kill me
(12:26:01 AM) CaptBeard: kfaraday you must do it
(12:26:06 AM) kfaraday: haha
(12:26:07 AM) kfaraday: shit
(12:26:13 AM) FoD: gyms no, it's a trap!
(12:26:13 AM) kfaraday: i'm actually really enjoying this second part
(12:26:15 AM) Jangler: intermission music should be that latin remix of "mah na mah na"
(12:26:16 AM) CaptBeard: i'm reupping all my mp3s as dis is the beep
(12:26:18 AM) goluigi: ipi i will kill you
(12:26:18 AM) Tux left the room (quit: Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak).
(12:26:19 AM) goluigi: :)
(12:26:21 AM) kfaraday: i think it's the perfect length
(12:26:22 AM) ipi: 5 mins left
(12:26:35 AM) CaptBeard: all must reup their songs as dis is the beep
(12:26:39 AM) golgibody: Only 5 minutes of tripping left :(
(12:26:40 AM) CaptBeard: for it is the future
(12:26:46 AM) Jangler: the greatest conspiracy in botb history
(12:26:53 AM) CaptBeard: i'm starting to feel arm and leg pain
(12:26:56 AM) golgibody: The greatest composer in botb history
(12:26:57 AM) CaptBeard: and i hear cracking sounds
(12:27:06 AM) CaptBeard: this is actually scaring me now i love this song
(12:27:13 AM) sethdonut: mahna mahna
(12:27:16 AM) sethdonut: do dooo dodo do
(12:27:16 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha beard has stockholm syndrome
(12:27:23 AM) FoD: can't tell if repeating or..
(12:27:25 AM) Jangler: a new tag
(12:27:31 AM) FoD: this is screwing with my brain now
(12:27:32 AM) ipi: how big is the sid file
(12:27:33 AM) CaptBeard: no it's changing
(12:27:39 AM) CaptBeard: it sounds different now
(12:27:40 AM) golgibody: It's modulating!
(12:27:44 AM) goluigi: 9333333 TB
(12:27:47 AM) gyms: this feels similar to that one time i did salvia, some circus ring master from another dimension was pulling me and some rainbow wheel was smacking me in the face
(12:27:49 AM) CaptBeard: i think the notes are changing
(12:27:52 AM) goluigi: 1 PB
(12:27:52 AM) CaptBeard: but wait now they're back to normal
(12:27:53 AM) kfaraday: it'll be quite small i bet
(12:27:56 AM) goluigi: this is 1 petabyte
(12:27:57 AM) CaptBeard: but now it's doing it again
(12:27:57 AM) sethdonut: that'll happen
(12:27:59 AM) kfaraday: cause it's just manipulating loop points
(12:28:02 AM) Flaminglog: 1 PP
(12:28:03 AM) golgibody: Hehehehehe, salvia. :D
(12:28:08 AM) Jangler: saliva
(12:28:09 AM) kfaraday: so all the material we'll hear has probably already played lol
(12:28:10 AM) CaptBeard: jenkem
(12:28:12 AM) SoiledBargains: modulaasdtaindt
(12:28:12 AM) kfaraday: just at different times
(12:28:13 AM) goluigi: he had to fit it across 1024 hard drives
(12:28:13 AM) Jangler: still kisses with salvia
(12:28:16 AM) gyms: the hardest drug i ever did
(12:28:18 AM) gyms: lawll
(12:28:21 AM) CaptBeard: i am starting to my own blood flowing
(12:28:23 AM) MaxVdub: this is excruciating
(12:28:25 AM) ipi: what if the next entry is only 40 seconds
(12:28:29 AM) golgibody: I never tried salvia because everyone says it's nasty
(12:28:31 AM) Jangler: i don't think i can vote on this
(12:28:32 AM) CaptBeard: i'm not sure how much longer i can take it
(12:28:32 AM) commandycan: then i will be happy
(12:28:39 AM) kfaraday: listeners on stream: 33
(12:28:41 AM) kfaraday: damn you guys
(12:28:42 AM) kfaraday: <3
(12:28:45 AM) golgibody: <3
(12:28:48 AM) MaxVdub: im too pleb for this
(12:28:49 AM) ipi: <3<?<?<?<?<
(12:28:55 AM) gyms: captbeard, you must accept it, only then can you gain from its wisdom
(12:29:00 AM) kfaraday: max haha
(12:29:00 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:29:00 AM) Jangler: +1 WIS
(12:29:06 AM) commandycan: +1 wizz
(12:29:08 AM) Flaminglog: i did ecstacy once and then me and my friend set up a laptop to record his TV to a skype call and we watched the video feed from my laptop and we put inland empire on the TV and we were referring to it as multidimensional viewing
(12:29:15 AM) MaxVdub: this is worse than threnody
(12:29:15 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:29:19 AM) sethdonut: jesus
(12:29:22 AM) CaptBeard: you know the sid probably lasts forever too
(12:29:25 AM) sethdonut: inland empire of all films
(12:29:29 AM) CaptBeard: like, actually forever
(12:29:32 AM) Flaminglog: i was so scared you have no idea
(12:29:33 AM) SoiledBargains: This is 1PB 3==========D
(12:29:34 AM) chunter-droid [] entered the room.
(12:29:35 AM) CaptBeard: the song is 4.88 KB
(12:29:35 AM) gyms: captbeard yes
(12:29:35 AM) sethdonut: did you wet yerselves
(12:29:35 AM) kfaraday: this is probably the inland empire of chiptunes
(12:29:37 AM) Jangler: okay now i'm quite bored
(12:29:41 AM) sethdonut: NO I HAVE PLENTY IDEA
(12:29:42 AM) gyms: it's for those who are truly ready
(12:29:43 AM) sethdonut: TRUST ME
(12:29:46 AM) MaxVdub: inland empire is cool as hell
(12:29:46 AM) Jangler: the spell has broken
(12:29:49 AM) golgibody: This is music for REAL MEN
(12:29:50 AM) gyms: to make the endless journey
(12:29:52 AM) Flaminglog: on ecstacy?
(12:29:56 AM) sethdonut: i think i see a light
(12:29:58 AM) CaptBeard: i'm going to play dis is the beep over it
(12:29:58 AM) chunter-droid: Stream died on mobile :(
(12:30:00 AM) CaptBeard: i'm scared
(12:30:01 AM) CaptBeard: but i must
(12:30:03 AM) CaptBeard: i must.
(12:30:05 AM) commandycan: that's not a light, that's more journey
(12:30:08 AM) commandycan: dont be fooled
(12:30:11 AM) FoD: sethdonut NO, Run away from the light1
(12:30:13 AM) ipi: when we invent faster than light travel, will this song become much shorter?
(12:30:14 AM) goluigi: the only thing this is missing is a stuck note
(12:30:15 AM) commandycan: journey is a mediocre band at best
(12:30:15 AM) kfaraday: an endless one, if you will
(12:30:18 AM) Xyz_39808: Now THIS music, I can sex up quadriplegic ponies to
(12:30:18 AM) sethdonut: i should not... go toward...
(12:30:19 AM) CaptBeard: oh my god
(12:30:20 AM) kfaraday: goluigi HAHA
(12:30:21 AM) MaxVdub: omg its sloooooowing dooooown
(12:30:21 AM) CaptBeard: it's happening
(12:30:26 AM) Jangler: i "have to" go to "the bathroom"
(12:30:26 AM) CaptBeard: i'm playing them both
(12:30:27 AM) SoiledBargains: hjahhaha
(12:30:30 AM) kfaraday: hahahahaha
(12:30:30 AM) golgibody: goluigi :D
(12:30:33 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:30:35 AM) kfaraday: hey you'll have an intermission after!
(12:30:36 AM) gyms: what if hell was the place where this song outro exists? would you all go to church more?
(12:30:48 AM) Jangler: no i "need to go" "right" "now"
(12:30:49 AM) CaptBeard: IT
(12:30:49 AM) Flaminglog: if i ran a radio station
(12:30:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Woah almost done
(12:30:57 AM) kfaraday: hahahahaha
(12:31:02 AM) Xyz_39808: The song has an end? I cannot accept that reality
(12:31:02 AM) goluigi: then this should keep going for 15 minutes and fade out extremely slowly for 10 minutes while the stuck note is sustained
(12:31:04 AM) ipi: 20 seconds left!!!
(12:31:05 AM) chunter-droid: Is that song still on?
(12:31:08 AM) Flaminglog: this would be my themesong for when my show started
(12:31:10 AM) goluigi: this should be a 45 minute song
(12:31:11 AM) sethdonut: OMG
(12:31:12 AM) FoD: oh
(12:31:13 AM) ipi: what if it ends with a fart
(12:31:13 AM) goluigi: loop anyone?
(12:31:13 AM) Flaminglog: easiest job
(12:31:13 AM) sethdonut: DAYLIGHT
(12:31:14 AM) FoD: OMG
(12:31:15 AM) Flaminglog: IT'S OVER
(12:31:16 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:31:18 AM) golgibody: Wow!
(12:31:18 AM) FoD: We're free
(12:31:22 AM) ***ipi fart
(12:31:22 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... come back — cce —
(12:31:23 AM) gyms: holy shit, nice work everyone
(12:31:23 AM) commandycan: hoooooo
(12:31:23 AM) Jangler: it ends with whack-a-chicken wow
(12:31:25 AM) mJ: we're done!!!!!!!
(12:31:25 AM) CaptBeard: thank you
(12:31:29 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... come back — cce (entry 114/215, 53.023% complete)
(12:31:31 AM) SoiledBargains: errr
(12:31:32 AM) SoiledBargains: grr
(12:31:32 AM) goluigi: that wasnt repetitive
(12:31:33 AM) FoD: AGAIN
(12:31:34 AM) MaxVdub: jesus christ
(12:31:34 AM) kfaraday: intermission :))
(12:31:34 AM) CaptBeard: wow
(12:31:36 AM) Xyz_39808: I am now unenlightened
(12:31:36 AM) CaptBeard: wowowow
(12:31:37 AM) commandycan: you're right that was incredibly varied
(12:31:38 AM) FoD: jk
(12:31:38 AM) gyms: AGAIN
(12:31:39 AM) ipi: it was
(12:31:39 AM) Jangler: oh yes it was
(12:31:39 AM) CaptBeard: i feel DEAD
(12:31:40 AM) sethdonut: haha your dad
(12:31:42 AM) gyms: ENCOORE YEA WOOO
(12:31:42 AM) Xyz_39808: AGAIN
(12:31:44 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha did your family hear all that?
(12:31:46 AM) commandycan: LOL kfaradad reflects your sentiments
(12:31:49 AM) Xyz_39808: in reverse!
(12:31:49 AM) sethdonut: HAHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE
(12:31:50 AM) mJ: your dad I hear him
(12:31:50 AM) goluigi: that was amazing!!!!!!!!
(12:31:50 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... 10 minute intermission. Finished entry 114/215, now 53.023% complete.
(12:31:54 AM) Jangler:
(12:31:54 AM) SoiledBargains: There we go
(12:31:55 AM) kfaraday: coda - rude behaviour (7th place, summer chip II)
(12:31:57 AM) BotB: Ma Nah Ma Nah! Original Version - YouTube -- in 1976, the very first episode of jim henson's the muppet show to be recorded (featuring sultry dancer juliet prowse) used "mahna Page info: HTML, Javascript
(12:31:58 AM) SoiledBargains: I have timers for the intermission
(12:31:59 AM) sethdonut: ENDLESS JOURNEY echoing throughout kfaraday's house
(12:32:00 AM) MaxVdub: was that kfaradad
(12:32:04 AM) sethdonut: his dad, crying quietly
(12:32:07 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:32:08 AM) FoD: food time
(12:32:08 AM) xterm: play that acmfan track again
(12:32:12 AM) kfaraday: r.i.p. coda
(12:32:14 AM) Xyz_39808: his dad crying from the revelation
(12:32:14 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(12:32:15 AM) golgibody: <FoD> food time <-- lol
(12:32:16 AM) goluigi: RUDE BEHAVIOUR
(12:32:17 AM) mJ: what is this intermission music lol
(12:32:19 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ xterm
(12:32:21 AM) tristendo: fod time
(12:32:22 AM) goluigi: YESH
(12:32:24 AM) kfaraday: fod time :-)
(12:32:24 AM) goluigi: good song
(12:32:25 AM) sethdonut: this is definitely a welcome jam
(12:32:27 AM) SoiledBargains: mJ kfaraday just said it
(12:32:31 AM) goluigi: coda is alive on every other channel i'm on
(12:32:32 AM) Xyz_39808: fod time
(12:32:38 AM) FoD: fod time is all the time
(12:32:39 AM) Flaminglog: this is fantastic
(12:32:40 AM) tristendo: i wana nsfohc iwana
(12:32:42 AM) FoD: for me anyway
(12:32:43 AM) Zephemeros: I need to know what's playing right now
(12:32:47 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday: do !entry (name of song) along with your thing
(12:32:52 AM) goluigi: !entry rude behaviour
(12:32:52 AM) BotB: coda - rude behaviour ::
(12:32:52 AM) Flaminglog: listening to this is making me want to try learning milkytracker again
(12:32:52 AM) kfaraday: yea lol
(12:32:53 AM) SoiledBargains: !entry coda - rude behaviour (7th place, summer chip II)
(12:32:53 AM) BotB: tl - tl-idontknowwhatsthat.mp3 ::
(12:32:55 AM) kfaraday: i'm just browsing honestly
(12:32:57 AM) goluigi: zepheremos
(12:33:01 AM) MaxVdub: haha song after intermission is fitting called "come back"
(12:33:07 AM) kfaraday: HAHA yes
(12:33:08 AM) ipi: haaha
(12:33:10 AM) goluigi: Zephemeros
(12:33:12 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:33:13 AM) Patashu: yeah I saw that too
(12:33:13 AM) goluigi: i mean
(12:33:23 AM) Zephemeros: goluigi
(12:33:27 AM) Zephemeros: hi
(12:33:40 AM) kfaraday: i wanna see if i actually put an intermission somewhere good. i forgot lol
(12:33:42 AM) CaptBeard: this song is wonderful
(12:33:52 AM) goluigi: [22:32] <@BotB> coda - rude behaviour ::
(12:33:53 AM) CaptBeard: i don't think i can actually comprehend music in the same way
(12:33:56 AM) goluigi: this is the song
(12:33:56 AM) BotB: coda - rude behaviour :: Battle of the Bits -- chips&rhodes&drums&crazymeters all chip sounds are from ni massive Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(12:33:58 AM) CaptBeard: that was musical torture.
(12:34:07 AM) CaptBeard: music isn't just music now.
(12:34:10 AM) CaptBeard: it is life.
(12:34:11 AM) goluigi: that was musical enlightenment!
(12:34:13 AM) xterm: this is a good ear-rinse
(12:34:15 AM) Zephemeros: ah. thank you.
(12:34:17 AM) commandycan: what's in the "im gayer" folder
(12:34:22 AM) ipi: me
(12:34:24 AM) commandycan: ic
(12:34:31 AM) Flaminglog: i feel like by enduring the journey we have all grown as human beings
(12:34:31 AM) CaptBeard: HMA! Pro
(12:34:35 AM) CaptBeard: for when kfaraday watched porn
(12:34:40 AM) Flaminglog: ready to slay the dragon at the end of the cave
(12:34:44 AM) CaptBeard: Flaminglog i am happy
(12:34:51 AM) xterm: Hairy Man-Ass! Pro
(12:34:53 AM) CaptBeard: something in life we get stuck
(12:34:53 AM) goluigi: i love codachords
(12:34:54 AM) CaptBeard: forever
(12:34:58 AM) SoiledBargains: xterm hahahha
(12:35:00 AM) goluigi: coda makes 2good chords asdfasdfasdfasdf
(12:35:00 AM) CaptBeard: you never get out
(12:35:01 AM) mJ: lmao
(12:35:02 AM) CaptBeard: you just die.
(12:35:09 AM) CaptBeard: that is the meaning behind the song.
(12:35:12 AM) mJ: open the im gayer folder
(12:35:16 AM) CaptBeard: you get stuck in life and die.
(12:35:18 AM) chunter-droid: gotten it back, can't watch video and irc at same time on phone
(12:35:18 AM) goluigi: yes
(12:35:18 AM) CaptBeard: the end.
(12:35:28 AM) kfaraday: it's nothing improper it is just like a generic folder lol
(12:35:34 AM) chunter-droid: Gn folks
(12:35:40 AM) goluigi: ALMOST
(12:35:41 AM) Flaminglog: lol beard
(12:35:43 AM) xterm: night chunter-droid
(12:35:46 AM) CaptBeard: do you think endless journey, or dis is the beep will play in hell?
(12:35:47 AM) chunter-droid left the room (quit: Quit: Bye).
(12:35:49 AM) kfaraday: idk what's in it i think i shoved all my desktop stougg there when my desktop got too cluttered
(12:35:50 AM) null1024: I enjoy the concept of endless journey
(12:35:53 AM) null1024: but not the execution
(12:35:59 AM) commandycan: it felt like an execution alright
(12:36:04 AM) Flaminglog: ZING
(12:36:05 AM) goluigi: i enjoyed doxic's comment
(12:36:05 AM) gyms: haha
(12:36:07 AM) CaptBeard: it should be a procedually generated song
(12:36:08 AM) goluigi: but i also hated it
(12:36:10 AM) ipi: welcome back
(12:36:15 AM) FoD: commandcan haha
(12:36:20 AM) goluigi: hi kfaradad
(12:36:26 AM) Jangler: hi kfaradad
(12:36:28 AM) gyms: commandycan gets first prize zinger award
(12:36:33 AM) goluigi: hahaha
(12:36:35 AM) Flaminglog: i want to do the same thing but with a mega drive song
(12:36:41 AM) CaptBeard: can you have your dad narrate
(12:36:42 AM) MaxVdub: teh microfone's swithced off!!!
(12:36:42 AM) Jangler: haha commandycan
(12:36:42 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:36:49 AM) CaptBeard: we hate you kfarday give us kfardad
(12:36:50 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Now playing... intermission. *Ding ding ding.*
(12:36:56 AM) CaptBeard: just kidding. i love you.
(12:36:59 AM) xterm: pit of despair
(12:37:00 AM) SoiledBargains: Anyone get the "ding ding ding"?
(12:37:03 AM) Zephemeros: FACK
(12:37:04 AM) CaptBeard: the blowing offer still stands.
(12:37:04 AM) commandycan: hah
(12:37:08 AM) goluigi: fak u
(12:37:18 AM) xterm: fuc of
(12:37:23 AM) goluigi: not funy
(12:37:27 AM) SoiledBargains: You know... the five minute warning at theaters where they flicker the lights and stuff.
(12:37:30 AM) commandycan: also goluigi your "i hated and liked doxic's comment at the same time" is probably the best thing you've ever produced
(12:37:39 AM) null1023 [] entered the room.
(12:37:41 AM) kfaraday: haha
(12:37:41 AM) Jangler: do a musick
(12:37:42 AM) SoiledBargains: brb
(12:37:42 AM) goluigi: overrated
(12:37:44 AM) Flaminglog: who was that kfaraday
(12:37:45 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:37:49 AM) goluigi: do an addmusick
(12:37:50 AM) sethdonut: lessee here
(12:37:51 AM) xterm: yeah kfaradad can sing
(12:37:52 AM) Flaminglog: because they are adorable
(12:37:56 AM) null1024 left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by null1023!
(12:37:57 AM) Flaminglog: he's adorable
(12:37:59 AM) Yibbon: I am in kfaraday's room touching his things
(12:38:01 AM) MaxVdub: did he say hindu music
(12:38:01 AM) SoiledBargains: w00t
(12:38:02 AM) null1023 is now known as null1024
(12:38:03 AM) Zephemeros: do you have a mechanical keyboard kfaraday?
(12:38:06 AM) SoiledBargains: farther son time
(12:38:06 AM) xterm: :)
(12:38:07 AM) SoiledBargains: *father
(12:38:07 AM) gyms: KFARADAY SING US A SONG
(12:38:08 AM) SoiledBargains: brb
(12:38:15 AM) sethdonut: two ciders, one dogfish head, and a thimble of whiskey
(12:38:15 AM) Jangler: yr the piano man
(12:38:17 AM) Yibbon: YESH
(12:38:19 AM) Yibbon: ME TOO
(12:38:20 AM) gyms: KFARADAY SING US A SONG
(12:38:23 AM) sethdonut: bring on the next half of winter chip
(12:38:24 AM) Yibbon: I HAVE BLANK ONE
(12:38:26 AM) Strobe: Das Keyboards :D
(12:38:28 AM) CaptBeard: sing us the american theme
(12:38:30 AM) commandycan: byeorrnrnnnnnn
(12:38:33 AM) golgibody: Hahaha throat singing!
(12:38:35 AM) CaptBeard: what is that sound
(12:38:38 AM) mode (+o null1024) by ChanServ
(12:38:42 AM) ***sethdonut fist pumps
(12:38:42 AM) ipi: delay lama
(12:38:44 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(12:38:58 AM) Jangler: that was good
(12:39:04 AM) commandycan: song of throats < > ^
(12:39:06 AM) MaxVdub: jhcompo
(12:39:08 AM) MaxVdub: represent
(12:39:12 AM) Jangler: < > ^ v
(12:39:15 AM) kfaraday: jhcompo ( -w-)-b
(12:39:21 AM) xterm: pew pew
(12:39:27 AM) Strobe: xD
(12:39:28 AM) CaptBeard: i don't know how much longer i can stay here
(12:39:36 AM) commandycan: say bjorn but carry the o for awhile
(12:39:39 AM) Xyz_39808: <3 throat singing
(12:39:44 AM) CaptBeard: like, if i get another "endless journey" or "dis is the beep" i can't take it no mo
(12:39:46 AM) gyms: throat lazers
(12:39:53 AM) sethdonut: beard ;0;
(12:39:59 AM) xterm: did we play all the really long ones?
(12:40:04 AM) golgibody: Yay, sitars!
(12:40:09 AM) goluigi: PLEASE DO NOT BE RUDE. THANK YOU
(12:40:17 AM) xterm: rude behaviour
(12:40:20 AM) xterm: heheh
(12:40:22 AM) gyms: sitars and lasers
(12:40:23 AM) Jangler: it's all loopers
(12:40:26 AM) goluigi: my reaction
(12:40:35 AM) gyms: it's another endless journey
(12:40:50 AM) goluigi: wow kfaraday are you in india????
(12:40:51 AM) commandycan: oh no
(12:40:53 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:40:54 AM) goluigi: LOL TUX's PIC
(12:40:54 AM) Jangler: LOL
(12:40:55 AM) commandycan: jangler shield your eyes
(12:40:56 AM) Jangler: LOL
(12:40:56 AM) Jangler left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(12:40:56 AM) xterm: lawl
(12:40:56 AM) ipi: add a pic of rainwarrior's testicles
(12:41:00 AM) Jangler [~brandon@] entered the room.
(12:41:01 AM) mode (+o Jangler) by ChanServ
(12:41:02 AM) Jangler: LOL
(12:41:03 AM) ipi: pwnd
(12:41:15 AM) commandycan: lmao ipi
(12:41:16 AM) CaptBeard: absolutely yes
(12:41:18 AM) gyms: where those real : ((
(12:41:21 AM) commandycan: i hope not
(12:41:21 AM) gyms: were*
(12:41:23 AM) CaptBeard: yes, gyms
(12:41:24 AM) Jangler: nobody knows
(12:41:24 AM) ipi: absolutely SO
(12:41:30 AM) CaptBeard: now put your face on her face
(12:41:36 AM) gyms: i gotta give it to him, HE'S GOT BALLS
(12:41:38 AM) Jangler: put my face on her face
(12:41:41 AM) sethdonut: lol
(12:41:42 AM) Xyz_39808: were what real?
(12:41:44 AM) commandycan: YES
(12:41:48 AM) commandycan: ui haruhi head
(12:41:48 AM) xterm: dual-ui
(12:41:49 AM) golgibody: Yay!
(12:41:50 AM) CaptBeard: they were real
(12:41:50 AM) SoiledBargains: /sl
(12:41:52 AM) commandycan: needs to be an avatar
(12:41:53 AM) golgibody: Haruhi!
(12:41:57 AM) Jangler: hahaha
(12:41:58 AM) CaptBeard: i reverse googled them, they don't exist anywhere else
(12:42:00 AM) golgibody: kfaraday, can I marry your screen?
(12:42:01 AM) Jangler: two ui heads
(12:42:07 AM) CaptBeard: even if he denies it, it's true that those are his nice testicles
(12:42:08 AM) Yibbon: AAAAAAAAAaa
(12:42:09 AM) Yibbon: the HEADS
(12:42:10 AM) SoiledBargains: HarhUI
(12:42:11 AM) gyms: he's more manly that I
(12:42:14 AM) Strobe: oh dear
(12:42:15 AM) golgibody: Thank you. :3
(12:42:22 AM) Strobe: make them sync with the music
(12:42:25 AM) gyms: i'd be too naw-that's-not-appropriate-guys
(12:42:32 AM) SoiledBargains: woohsp
(12:42:32 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... come back — cce —
(12:42:36 AM) goluigi: tuix
(12:42:41 AM) Xyz_39808: I wanna watch that haruhi amv now
(12:42:42 AM) ipi: where is rainwarriror
(12:42:46 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ SoiledBaragins [Sat 23:41:27] <SoiledBargains> /sl <--- what that was supposed to do
(12:42:47 AM) Xyz_39808: the one that's synced to autechre
(12:42:55 AM) CaptBeard: i wish there was a visualizer
(12:43:01 AM) CaptBeard: those are always nice to watch.
(12:43:04 AM) CaptBeard: can watch em for days.
(12:43:16 AM) commandycan: chip champion provides all the visualizers i need
(12:43:19 AM) Jangler: ui's head is a visualizer
(12:43:28 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:43:28 AM) gyms: cce :>
(12:43:29 AM) SoiledBargains: this
(12:43:30 AM) Xyz_39808:
(12:43:30 AM) goluigi: !pic ui
(12:43:30 AM) BotB: Pic of ui ---->
(12:43:33 AM) BotB: Title: Haruhi Suzumiya's autechre. , Uploaded by: mihofolio , Views: 583 , Cat: film
(12:43:34 AM) Jangler: sad.
(12:43:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... come back — cce (entry 114/215, 53.023% complete)
(12:43:35 AM) kfaraday: Sad.
(12:43:51 AM) mJ: Ilu
(12:43:55 AM) CaptBeard: hmm
(12:44:00 AM) CaptBeard: sounds nostalgic
(12:44:11 AM) Jangler: come back was supposed to be an nsf, dammit
(12:44:14 AM) kfaraday: :3
(12:44:17 AM) kfaraday: come back.nsf
(12:44:17 AM) commandycan: this is a fresh new beat
(12:44:21 AM) CaptBeard: i'm leaving after this song ends
(12:44:25 AM) MaxVdub: dorian feel
(12:44:27 AM) CaptBeard: i gotta clear my mind for a bit
(12:44:27 AM) kfaraday: beard COME BACK
(12:44:28 AM) ipi: beearrdd :(
(12:44:30 AM) null1024: ;-;
(12:44:32 AM) CaptBeard: i will come back!
(12:44:35 AM) kfaraday: : )
(12:44:36 AM) gyms: come back has probably been every format by now
(12:44:37 AM) CaptBeard: but first i gotta, clear my mind
(12:44:39 AM) commandycan: this song did not accomplish what it wanted
(12:44:39 AM) ipi: you will cce - come back
(12:44:41 AM) CaptBeard: if you KNOW WHAT I MENA
(12:44:46 AM) commandycan: mena
(12:44:47 AM) commandycan: minna
(12:44:50 AM) ipi: does that mean empty your bladder
(12:44:50 AM) Yibbon: kf do you have facebook
(12:44:52 AM) Strobe: CaptBeard you mean wanking
(12:44:52 AM) CaptBeard: yeah i'll just sit in my bed and try to find something to watch on tv
(12:45:00 AM) commandycan: skinemax
(12:45:04 AM) CaptBeard: you guys are DIIIIRRRTY
(12:45:06 AM) ipi: ^
(12:45:08 AM) SoiledBargains: I LOVE U
(12:45:11 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... disenlightenment — null1024 —
(12:45:14 AM) CaptBeard: well i love you too
(12:45:14 AM) CaptBeard: bye
(12:45:16 AM) ipi: have a nice wank tho
(12:45:18 AM) Abby|Ys1vrc6 left the room (quit: Quit: Metal Slug: Where being fat increases your fire power!).
(12:45:19 AM) CaptBeard is now known as CaptBRB
(12:45:21 AM) Jangler: i can't escape haruhi
(12:45:22 AM) commandycan: yes good luck
(12:45:25 AM) commandycan: on your endless journey
(12:45:26 AM) Jangler: she's on the stream and in the comments
(12:45:27 AM) CaptBRB: GOOD LUCK haha
(12:45:29 AM) CaptBRB: endless wank
(12:45:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... disenlightenment — null1024 (entry 115/215, 53.488% complete)
(12:45:36 AM) CaptBRB is now known as CaptBusy
(12:45:45 AM) SoiledBargains: CaptBusyBeard
(12:45:47 AM) ipi: null likes the phrase "little ditty"
(12:45:47 AM) goluigi: second non ear bleeding zx :)
(12:45:52 AM) ***Jangler adjusts his window manager
(12:45:53 AM) kfaraday: ipi heheheh
(12:45:53 AM) kfaraday: yes
(12:45:54 AM) golgibody: chipchamps entry was also in mono and it was GOOD
(12:45:54 AM) sethdonut: shake shake shake SHAKE IT
(12:45:57 AM) FoD: haha, tux you avatar
(12:46:03 AM) golgibody: AY is mono on 90% of the systems anyway >:(
(12:46:03 AM) goluigi: tux died
(12:46:13 AM) gyms: ipi, i heard you like little ditties
(12:46:14 AM) kfaraday: r.i.p. tux
(12:46:22 AM) FoD: it syncs perfectly
(12:46:24 AM) kfaraday: The Best of Ditty
(12:46:27 AM) gyms: oops, i should have saved that for the rumor ohc
(12:46:27 AM) goluigi: +1 for every song that syncs perfectly
(12:46:29 AM) Jangler: ditty kong
(12:46:32 AM) FoD: almost
(12:46:34 AM) ipi: that's not what i'd call them, but id be arrested if i didn't
(12:46:46 AM) Jangler: ditty or dittent he
(12:46:52 AM) gyms: hahaha
(12:46:55 AM) sethdonut: one of the best endings
(12:46:55 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... splatter wcviii — epic_caterpillar —
(12:46:57 AM) ipi: ahah
(12:47:02 AM) goluigi: golgibody your aura looks like puke why did you steal his aura
(12:47:12 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... splatter wcviii — epic_caterpillar (entry 116/215, 53.953% complete)
(12:47:25 AM) SoiledBargains: B-B-Blender text
(12:47:26 AM) flowerinth: wow look it is amazing
(12:47:42 AM) commandycan: i am a fan of epic caterpillar
(12:47:44 AM) goluigi: i dont like the font but everything else is nice
(12:47:48 AM) commandycan: top contender for best name
(12:47:48 AM) Xyz_39808: looks like that that haruhi gif has LIQUID BOOTY EXPERIMENT playing in the background
(12:47:55 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:47:56 AM) null1024: click click click
(12:47:58 AM) gyms: i'm hoping i'll pick up kfaraday's accent the longer i listen to him
(12:48:00 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Keep the momentum — Warlord —
(12:48:21 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Keep the momentum — Warlord (entry 117/215, 54.419% complete)
(12:48:26 AM) commandycan: doink
(12:48:33 AM) SoiledBargains: Less than 100 entries to go!
(12:48:35 AM) Patashu: woah
(12:48:36 AM) sethdonut: mwormbubuPSSSH mwormbubuPSSSH
(12:48:37 AM) Patashu: what is that bass instrument
(12:48:39 AM) kfaraday: :DD
(12:48:45 AM) commandycan: it's the dadoinka
(12:48:46 AM) Xyz_39808: I hear silence??
(12:48:48 AM) ipi: filters
(12:48:52 AM) ipi: xyz you're deaf
(12:48:57 AM) ipi: sorry acmfan got you
(12:48:59 AM) Jangler: i'm sorry Xyz_39808 :(((((
(12:49:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Xyz_39808 you're drunk
(12:49:02 AM) SoiledBargains: stahp it
(12:49:02 AM) commandycan: haha
(12:49:11 AM) kfaraday: xyz try a refresh?
(12:49:13 AM) Xyz_39808: WHAT
(12:49:13 AM) golgibody: A good sid tune
(12:49:19 AM) Xyz_39808: what you say?
(12:49:20 AM) Xyz_39808: EH?
(12:49:24 AM) ipi: yeah this is great
(12:49:24 AM) golgibody: Good filterbass
(12:49:27 AM) kfaraday: T R Y A R E F R E S H
(12:49:29 AM) SoiledBargains: waoh
(12:49:30 AM) kfaraday: g r a n d p a ~
(12:49:31 AM) Xyz_39808: I SAID I CAN'T HEAR
(12:49:36 AM) Jangler: grab a refesh
(12:49:48 AM) SoiledBargains: H I K F A R A D A Y ' S D A D
(12:49:49 AM) golgibody: grab a rainbow dash
(12:49:53 AM) Xyz_39808: now it's dr. buffer
(12:50:01 AM) Xyz_39808: but the detached arms
(12:50:05 AM) Xyz_39808: by*
(12:50:06 AM) golgibody: SoiledBargains, you should say Hi kfaraday's dad with red svetlanatext
(12:50:11 AM) gyms: damn good c64 jam
(12:50:11 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:50:14 AM) Xyz_39808: I can hear this advertisement just find :|
(12:50:16 AM) ipi: i need to pee brb
(12:50:19 AM) ipi is now known as ipipiipii
(12:50:22 AM) SoiledBargains: golgibody I can't. :(
(12:50:23 AM) goluigi: ipee
(12:50:23 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:50:25 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... unoriginal battle art!!!!! — Tuxxy Brown —
(12:50:33 AM) sethdonut: SUP KFARADAD
(12:50:39 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:50:40 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... unoriginal battle art!!!!! — Tuxxy Brown (entry 118/215, 54.884% complete)
(12:50:44 AM) golgibody: Resident haruhiist
(12:50:44 AM) Xyz_39808: sound! yay
(12:50:55 AM) MaxVdub: hello dad. *silence*
(12:50:57 AM) null1024: church of haruhi
(12:51:03 AM) commandycan: haruhrll
(12:51:05 AM) gyms: who's harooee
(12:51:09 AM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(12:51:10 AM) golgibody: what is this tux
(12:51:11 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Cast Adrift (On the Sea of Time) — Necrophageon —
(12:51:12 AM) golgibody: I like that tag
(12:51:12 AM) Xyz_39808: I CAN't HEAR IT STILL :P
(12:51:20 AM) Jangler: death to cult of haruhi
(12:51:27 AM) MaxVdub: haruhi's face looks like
(12:51:28 AM) MaxVdub: a dango
(12:51:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Cast Adrift (On the Sea of Time) — Necrophageon (entry 119/215, 55.349% complete)
(12:51:33 AM) commandycan: an electrical socket
(12:51:33 AM) Xyz_39808: mannnnn
(12:51:34 AM) Jangler: dango unchained
(12:51:39 AM) commandycan: lmao jangler
(12:51:43 AM) ipipiipii is now known as ipip
(12:51:44 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(12:51:45 AM) Zephemeros: fuck yes necrophageon
(12:51:46 AM) ipip is now known as ipi
(12:51:50 AM) Zephemeros: this is actually ana amazing entry
(12:51:51 AM) SoiledBargains: Wow-oh
(12:51:57 AM) sethdonut: n_n
(12:52:00 AM) Zephemeros: possibly the best...
(12:52:06 AM) Zephemeros: wait for it
(12:52:08 AM) MaxVdub: ooh
(12:52:09 AM) commandycan: i wait for it
(12:52:09 AM) MaxVdub: i like this
(12:52:10 AM) epic_caterpillar: put a underscore in my name when you are making your mouth say it
(12:52:12 AM) ipi: mmm yeah this is nice
(12:52:13 AM) FoD: zephemeros tempted to agree
(12:52:15 AM) Zephemeros: wait for it....
(12:52:15 AM) gyms: very lyrical
(12:52:16 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(12:52:17 AM) Jangler: anaanaanaaanaaanamazing entry
(12:52:20 AM) ironclad: ohh this guy
(12:52:21 AM) Xyz_39808: ipi, I'll trade you my dr. buffer for your dr pepper
(12:52:24 AM) Zephemeros: it's coming!
(12:52:29 AM) ironclad: he made entry 04 in fcm9 originals
(12:52:29 AM) ipi: no
(12:52:31 AM) ironclad: didnt he?
(12:52:35 AM) Zephemeros: fuck yes.
(12:52:36 AM) gyms: brostep drop
(12:52:36 AM) ipi: i think so??
(12:52:39 AM) kfaraday: hoooh~
(12:52:40 AM) goluigi: what time is it in ipiland
(12:52:40 AM) null1024: that pad
(12:52:40 AM) CaptBusy: TIME FOR YOU TO GO TO BED
(12:52:41 AM) commandycan: a happy
(12:52:41 AM) golgibody: Okay I agree this deserves at least a nsf tincan
(12:52:41 AM) ironclad: daaaamn
(12:52:42 AM) SoiledBargains: pads
(12:52:42 AM) Jangler: oh dear
(12:52:45 AM) ***sethdonut raises fist in air
(12:52:46 AM) SoiledBargains: CaptBusy no u
(12:53:00 AM) Jangler: for some reason i dislike this v. much
(12:53:05 AM) kfaraday: :3
(12:53:10 AM) kfaraday: jangler is anti-sentimentalist
(12:53:10 AM) goluigi: TIME TO DIE
(12:53:10 AM) Zephemeros: :<
(12:53:16 AM) Jangler: yes that's accurate
(12:53:17 AM) null1024: dime to tie
(12:53:18 AM) ipi: i will know when i am tired when i stop being able to do basic arithmetic
(12:53:21 AM) sethdonut: heart-magic+++++++
(12:53:24 AM) ipi: like 263+5
(12:53:25 AM) commandycan: well i was very hyped up by what zephemeros had to say
(12:53:26 AM) MaxVdub: hey what do these voting criteria mean lol
(12:53:27 AM) SoiledBargains: But we're only 55.349% of the way through!!
(12:53:32 AM) commandycan: but it's just....okay
(12:53:38 AM) commandycan: i like the feels tho
(12:53:39 AM) null1024: after my last song plays, I'm going to bed
(12:53:41 AM) kfaraday: :) it's nice
(12:53:44 AM) MaxVdub: what is heart magick!!!!
(12:53:45 AM) Zephemeros: But I thought it was amazing u guise :(
(12:53:51 AM) Strobe: i know back 5 years ago when only i used DPCM chords!
(12:53:53 AM) commandycan: im sorry!!!
(12:54:00 AM) Zephemeros: no I am
(12:54:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Strobe hahaa
(12:54:01 AM) Jangler: dat feels
(12:54:04 AM) Zephemeros: :'(
(12:54:05 AM) Jangler: we're all sorry
(12:54:06 AM) Jangler: collectively
(12:54:12 AM) Strobe: im sorry to
(12:54:13 AM) Jangler: sorrowcollective
(12:54:16 AM) Strobe: i dont know for what yet
(12:54:26 AM) ***Jangler nods
(12:54:35 AM) goluigi: i know 5 years ago when i was in elementary school!
(12:54:38 AM) sethdonut: *crying smile*
(12:54:43 AM) ***sethdonut looks toward the future
(12:54:45 AM) commandycan: wow CHILD
(12:54:46 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaaha
(12:54:47 AM) ipi: 5 years ago i was still a foetus
(12:54:55 AM) goluigi: 5 years ago i was dead
(12:54:57 AM) Xyz_39808: sorry for your mom
(12:54:58 AM) kfaraday: anime ( *w*)
(12:54:58 AM) goluigi: now i am still dead
(12:54:59 AM) goluigi: rip me
(12:55:00 AM) Jangler: 5 years ago i... we first met and... anime...
(12:55:00 AM) Zephemeros: I hate that dancing anime girl GIF
(12:55:01 AM) commandycan: 5 years ago i was but a thought in the minds of my parents
(12:55:03 AM) Zephemeros: fuck me, right?
(12:55:05 AM) commandycan: just hangin around in my dad's balls
(12:55:18 AM) golgibody: This isn't very anime if you ask me. >:P
(12:55:18 AM) commandycan: ...i dont want to think about that
(12:55:18 AM) Jangler: Zephemeros, you are not alone!
(12:55:22 AM) Xyz_39808: zeph, you get haruhi ASS
(12:55:22 AM) commandycan: but the music is fitting.
(12:55:27 AM) gyms: 5 years ago i was freshly legally able to drink
(12:55:28 AM) Strobe: ASS :o
(12:55:33 AM) goluigi: bad words
(12:55:33 AM) ***golgibody adds Zephemeros to kill list
(12:55:34 AM) goluigi: ew
(12:55:35 AM) goluigi: Ew!
(12:55:40 AM) commandycan: omg neurotic diarrhea
(12:55:43 AM) commandycan: i thought tux wanted to hear this
(12:55:45 AM) sethdonut: funk. meister. FISH.
(12:55:45 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... neurotic diarrhea — funkmeisterfish —
(12:55:49 AM) ipi: i am messaging him now
(12:55:50 AM) flowerinth: FUNKY
(12:55:50 AM) goluigi: LOL
(12:55:53 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(12:55:54 AM) goluigi: GARAGEBAND
(12:55:54 AM) Jangler: haha
(12:55:55 AM) goluigi: YESH
(12:55:57 AM) ipi: he is not respondig :(
(12:55:58 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... neurotic diarrhea — funkmeisterfish (entry 120/215, 55.814% complete)
(12:56:04 AM) ipi: anyway i <3 FUNKMEISTERFISH
(12:56:05 AM) Zephemeros: so much skill
(12:56:06 AM) SoiledBargains: ipi garageband?
(12:56:08 AM) ***sethdonut giggles
(12:56:11 AM) commandycan: garbage band
(12:56:23 AM) commandycan: sorry i'm on fire today
(12:56:25 AM) null1024: it started like that one Prodigy song in Wipeout XL
(12:56:25 AM) ipi: no, im messaging hertz
(12:56:25 AM) SoiledBargains: So how is this chip?
(12:56:29 AM) gyms: wollycore without the spirit
(12:56:29 AM) null1024: and then changed
(12:56:34 AM) kfaraday: gyms :3
(12:56:34 AM) ipi: its chip because it's great
(12:56:35 AM) ironclad: is this even in beat?
(12:56:35 AM) FoD: I sure don't like the look of this neighbourhood
(12:56:35 AM) Patashu: it's garagebandchip
(12:56:42 AM) Jangler: eqesrtia invaders must die
(12:56:45 AM) SoiledBargains: garagebandchipcore
(12:56:48 AM) goluigi: i love the touch my aura gives to this SCHEME
(12:56:49 AM) Strobe: listen to this tune while viewing
(12:56:50 AM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(12:56:51 AM) kfaraday: the skip
(12:56:53 AM) kfaraday: good good
(12:56:56 AM) sethdonut: girspagecore
(12:56:58 AM) Strobe: it makes you go crazy
(12:56:59 AM) Zephemeros: it contains sounds that vary in frequency and chip music does that too so that makes it chip music
(12:57:00 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday has spoken
(12:57:01 AM) Zephemeros: guys
(12:57:01 AM) FoD: hhaa
(12:57:06 AM) gyms: strobe hahaha
(12:57:06 AM) goluigi: strobe i forgot to upload an mp3 of that pic
(12:57:10 AM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(12:57:17 AM) commandycan: im waiting for beautiful child at heart
(12:57:22 AM) ipi: ^
(12:57:34 AM) golgibody: :)
(12:57:41 AM) Zephemeros: I heard a mistake
(12:57:43 AM) Zephemeros: heheheheheh
(12:57:43 AM) SoiledBargains: I read "I'm waiting for a beautiful child at hear" lolwut
(12:57:45 AM) MaxVdub: i heard teh wrong note
(12:57:46 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(12:57:46 AM) Xyz_39808: strobe, yes!
(12:57:51 AM) SoiledBargains: *heart
(12:57:54 AM) commandycan: hah
(12:58:05 AM) gyms: i like this
(12:58:09 AM) sethdonut: !pic funkmeisterfish
(12:58:09 AM) BotB: No pic of funkmeisterfish yet! :(
(12:58:13 AM) gyms: paints some weird vibes on me
(12:58:14 AM) Zephemeros: yeah it's actually kinda cool
(12:58:16 AM) SoiledBargains: !pix gyms
(12:58:16 AM) BotB: No pic of gyms yet! :(
(12:58:19 AM) Zephemeros: still meh though
(12:58:24 AM) kfaraday: fresh cut from the mystic forest
(12:58:25 AM) commandycan: !pix pecs
(12:58:25 AM) BotB: No pic of pecs yet! :(
(12:58:27 AM) Blarget2 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 380 seconds).
(12:58:27 AM) sethdonut: had this arabic thing going
(12:58:28 AM) golgibody: !pix SoiledBargains
(12:58:29 AM) sethdonut: sorta
(12:58:29 AM) lob31: Epic solo
(12:58:32 AM) MaxVdub: damn sick solo
(12:58:33 AM) golgibody: !pix SoiledBargains
(12:58:34 AM) BotB: No pic of SoiledBargains yet! :(
(12:58:35 AM) ipi: YES
(12:58:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh yeah Strobe, some of these BotBrs wanted to give you some !pix
(12:58:39 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Speed Run — Anti-Cheat —
(12:58:40 AM) MaxVdub: *shreds*
(12:58:43 AM) flowerinth: ~ ~
(12:58:44 AM) ironclad: !dix
(12:58:47 AM) goluigi: !pix nes
(12:58:48 AM) BotB: No pic of nes yet! :(
(12:58:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Speed Run — Anti-Cheat (entry 121/215, 56.279% complete)
(12:58:50 AM) goluigi: !pix ew
(12:58:51 AM) Jangler: here is funkmeisterfish
(12:58:51 AM) Zephemeros: ugh
(12:58:51 AM) BotB: No pic of ew yet! :(
(12:58:51 AM) Jangler:
(12:58:54 AM) BotB: funkys magical tumblr, i drew beebee890 as an indian god hindu deity -- i drew beebee890 as an indian god hindu deity Page info: HTML, CSS, Javascript, RSS Support
(12:58:55 AM) goluigi: !pix pix
(12:58:55 AM) BotB: No pic of pix yet! :(
(12:59:01 AM) ipi: loud
(12:59:03 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(12:59:07 AM) SoiledBargains: Over-amplified
(12:59:11 AM) SoiledBargains: Woah change
(12:59:16 AM) MaxVdub: hahah
(12:59:18 AM) commandycan: where is this goinggg
(12:59:33 AM) commandycan: oh
(12:59:34 AM) golgibody: Yay, speed up!
(12:59:34 AM) commandycan: there it went
(12:59:42 AM) sethdonut: !pic golgibody
(12:59:42 AM) BotB: No pic of golgibody yet! :(
(12:59:57 AM) Jangler: !pic slimbol
(12:59:57 AM) BotB: No pic of slimbol yet! :(
(12:59:59 AM) sethdonut: chkata chkata chkatataaaaa
(1:00:06 AM) Flaminglog: !pic ironclad
(1:00:06 AM) BotB: No pic of ironclad yet! :(
(1:00:07 AM) kfaraday: !pic karfardi
(1:00:16 AM) Jangler: !pic starb
(1:00:17 AM) BotB: No pic of starb yet! :(
(1:00:17 AM) Flaminglog: :(
(12:59:53 AM) golgibody: :D
(12:59:55 AM) Jangler: no pic starb>!>>!!!?
(12:59:55 AM) goluigi: !pic slimeball
(12:59:55 AM) BotB: No pic of slimeball yet! :(
(12:59:56 AM) goluigi: :(
(1:00:00 AM) golgibody: :(
(1:00:02 AM) goluigi: !pic Slimeball
(1:00:02 AM) BotB: No pic of Slimeball yet! :(
(1:00:04 AM) goluigi: : (
(1:00:08 AM) golgibody: : (
(1:00:09 AM) Flaminglog: :(
(1:00:11 AM) Jangler: longface.nsf
(1:00:15 AM) mJ: : )
(1:00:18 AM) goluigi: !pic goluigi
(1:00:18 AM) BotB: No pic of goluigi yet! :(
(1:00:19 AM) goluigi: : )
(1:00:23 AM) SoiledBargains: Strobe how do these n00bz upload pix?!!?
(1:00:25 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... A Nude Tomorrow — Chip Champion —
(1:00:25 AM) mJ: !pic mJ
(1:00:26 AM) BotB: No pic of mJ yet! :(
(1:00:28 AM) goluigi: no pix of me ahhahaaha
(1:00:34 AM) mJ: : )
(1:00:41 AM) ***sethdonut strips in honor of song
(1:00:45 AM) gyms: goluigi, is that your face on your youtube channel?
(1:00:48 AM) null1024: this description
(1:00:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... A Nude Tomorrow — Chip Champion (entry 122/215, 56.744% complete)
(1:00:50 AM) commandycan: i want to vote for the description alone
(1:00:51 AM) Jangler: everyone listen naked ok ok
(1:00:52 AM) goluigi: : )
(1:00:53 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ null1024
(1:00:55 AM) ipi: ahahha
(1:00:55 AM) commandycan: ok done jangler
(1:00:56 AM) goluigi: what gyms
(1:00:56 AM) Xyz_39808: bufferrrrr
(1:00:56 AM) MaxVdub: #nudelife
(1:00:57 AM) Zephemeros: like this
(1:00:58 AM) golgibody: Look guys here is a pic of me:
(1:01:02 AM) goluigi: ^
(1:01:08 AM) goluigi: pic of us
(1:01:09 AM) Jangler: holy shit
(1:01:10 AM) ipi: ahahah
(1:01:17 AM) Jangler: you are good-looking
(1:01:20 AM) SoiledBargains: hahahahah
(1:01:28 AM) ipi: (this song is great i love it)
(1:01:29 AM) SoiledBargains: Newly Formed Testicles
(1:01:29 AM) Zephemeros: you're really sexy
(1:01:30 AM) sethdonut: i like your body folds golgi
(1:01:31 AM) golgibody: I hope you like my trans face. ( 'o')
(1:01:34 AM) mJ:
(1:01:35 AM) goluigi: yes
(1:01:38 AM) Jangler: yes nice curves
(1:01:39 AM) SoiledBargains: "Newly Formed Testicles"
(1:01:45 AM) gyms: elegant lumens, MMm
(1:01:53 AM) commandycan: quite the tune
(1:01:56 AM) mJ:
(1:01:59 AM) mJ: lmao who is gianluigi 2196
(1:02:02 AM) SoiledBargains: GameBoy trakcerzzz
(1:02:03 AM) goluigi: me when i was 14
(1:02:06 AM) kfaraday: giancarlo 2196
(1:02:07 AM) Zephemeros: I bet your mitochondrion is even sexier
(1:02:09 AM) Zephemeros: you animal
(1:02:11 AM) Xyz_39808: sister is sucking the wifi :(
(1:02:14 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:02:22 AM) mJ: giancarlo lmao
(1:02:22 AM) goluigi: sister is sucking the wifi's DICK haahha wowned
(1:02:27 AM) MaxVdub: xD
(1:02:28 AM) commandycan: wowowow
(1:02:37 AM) ***Xyz_39808 has a folder of endoplasmic reticula
(1:02:38 AM) Jangler: hot_18yo_sister_sucking_wifi.avi
(1:02:41 AM) goluigi: sry taht was disgusting :((((((((((
(1:02:44 AM) goluigi: porn
(1:02:45 AM) kfaraday: jangler HAHAHA
(1:02:49 AM) ipi: hahaha
(1:02:54 AM) goluigi: i saw it in kfaraday's im gayer folder
(1:02:58 AM) commandycan: no way
(1:03:02 AM) commandycan: ipi what have you been doing
(1:03:02 AM) SoiledBargains: arps
(1:03:06 AM) ipi: next to lustycanadian.txt
(1:03:06 AM) sethdonut: upbeat ending
(1:03:11 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... beautiful child at heart — MEGAmorrison —
(1:03:13 AM) ironclad: the best entry
(1:03:16 AM) ironclad: right here
(1:03:17 AM) ipi: YES MY FAVE
(1:03:18 AM) commandycan: lmao
(1:03:20 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(1:03:25 AM) Jangler: hahaha
(1:03:32 AM) SoiledBargains: hahah
(1:03:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... beautiful child at heart — MEGAmorrison (entry 123/215, 57.209% complete)
(1:03:38 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Fuzz Aldrin — commandycan —
(1:03:39 AM) commandycan: great
(1:03:39 AM) ipi: HERE WE GO
(1:03:39 AM) goluigi: loop
(1:03:41 AM) golgibody: That song is one orgasm
(1:03:41 AM) Jangler: LOL
(1:03:41 AM) Zephemeros: masterpiece
(1:03:42 AM) FoD: hhuuuuhhh
(1:03:44 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(1:03:45 AM) xterm: all 7s
(1:03:45 AM) sethdonut: ENCOREE
(1:03:45 AM) commandycan: applause round
(1:03:46 AM) MaxVdub: EPIC
(1:03:48 AM) FoD: WHAT
(1:03:48 AM) sethdonut: ECMREPERPR
(1:03:51 AM) Jangler: clap, kfaraday
(1:03:51 AM) SoiledBargains: SUPER
(1:03:52 AM) golgibody: God damnit kfaraday at least loop it :(
(1:03:56 AM) commandycan: i dont know if i can top that
(1:03:58 AM) flowerinth: g ood job
(1:03:58 AM) gyms: woopwoop
(1:04:01 AM) ipi: commandy!! <3
(1:04:01 AM) Zephemeros: cammondycon
(1:04:02 AM) Flaminglog: that was a very wowtilt 3 seconds
(1:04:05 AM) gyms: triflake throw down
(1:04:06 AM) ipi: who can?
(1:04:08 AM) ipi: commandycan!!
(1:04:09 AM) commandycan: aw yish
(1:04:09 AM) SoiledBargains: FTM?
(1:04:16 AM) commandycan: i posted the ftm in the descrip
(1:04:18 AM) Jangler: yessssssssssss
(1:04:19 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Fuzz Aldrin — commandycan (entry 124/215, 57.674% complete)
(1:04:27 AM) goluigi: gud
(1:04:33 AM) golgibody: Oh yeah
(1:04:34 AM) Xyz_39808: buffer, I MISSED IT
(1:04:37 AM) golgibody: That mario paint woof!
(1:04:42 AM) MaxVdub: haha
(1:04:49 AM) goluigi: is that percentage taking the song lengths into factor
(1:04:50 AM) Flaminglog: lol mario paint
(1:04:55 AM) commandycan: you get to hear it again
(1:04:57 AM) Flaminglog: that used to be my ROCK
(1:04:58 AM) ipi: yahaha
(1:05:00 AM) null1024: ah tat, I want to keep listening, but it's 1am EST
(1:05:02 AM) MaxVdub: i like this
(1:05:02 AM) sethdonut: BARK
(1:05:03 AM) Patashu: it is not, goluigi
(1:05:03 AM) ipi: this is swelll
(1:05:04 AM) Flaminglog: YES
(1:05:05 AM) SoiledBargains: RUFF
(1:05:05 AM) gyms: commandycan makes teh most fluid nsf's
(1:05:06 AM) null1024: and I need to sleep
(1:05:06 AM) Xyz_39808: woof
(1:05:06 AM) sethdonut: 77777
(1:05:08 AM) goluigi: Sad.
(1:05:10 AM) commandycan: daww gyms
(1:05:16 AM) null1024: 'niiight
(1:05:16 AM) ironclad: I fucking heard that mario paint dog
(1:05:21 AM) golgibody: :D
(1:05:22 AM) commandycan: lmao ironclad
(1:05:23 AM) sethdonut: such pandering
(1:05:25 AM) sethdonut: shameless
(1:05:25 AM) Jangler: goonit null1024
(1:05:25 AM) null1024 left the room (quit: Quit: In dollars per calorie, the cheapest energy sources in the supermarket are refined sugar, oil, and shortening. -- Randall Munroe).
(1:05:26 AM) Yibbon: woof!
(1:05:27 AM) xterm-logger: this is really close to haruhi speed
(1:05:30 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Amiga Chronicles — Svetlana —
(1:05:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Amiga Chronicles — Svetlana (entry 125/215, 58.14% complete)
(1:05:58 AM) golgibody: AMIIIIIIIIGAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
(1:06:03 AM) SoiledBargains: samplés
(1:06:06 AM) golgibody: ST01:TheEgg
(1:06:09 AM) goluigi: svetlana entries vs golgicore: which are easier to spot out???
(1:06:09 AM) golgibody: ST01:Tinewave
(1:06:16 AM) SoiledBargains: I don't see the egg anywhere
(1:06:17 AM) Jangler: and now for number one the egg
(1:06:19 AM) Patashu: wow
(1:06:20 AM) Patashu: this song owns
(1:06:23 AM) kfaraday: golgishvat
(1:06:25 AM) golgibody: Yeah, I missed the egg and tinewave. :(
(1:06:26 AM) commandycan: dang
(1:06:27 AM) ipi: this is swell yah
(1:06:29 AM) MaxVdub: dat swing
(1:06:30 AM) golgibody: Hence my comment on this song
(1:06:52 AM) ipi: oohohohh
(1:07:00 AM) Xyz_39808: yeah, gonna have to abandon ship. Can't hear shit with hot18yosister
(1:07:03 AM) SoiledBargains: These samples sound like they were put into a GBA game later...
(1:07:05 AM) kfaraday: haha
(1:07:07 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(1:07:09 AM) SoiledBargains: Xyz_39808 hahaha
(1:07:10 AM) ipi: haha
(1:07:13 AM) ipi: see ya xyz
(1:07:15 AM) SoiledBargains: Get her off yer network!
(1:07:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Put her next to a microwave!
(1:07:22 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Diamondilium — kfaraday —
(1:07:31 AM) golgibody: :D
(1:07:33 AM) Zephemeros: commote-or
(1:07:35 AM) SoiledBargains: PLEASE REF
(1:07:36 AM) Jangler: t-ubluhbluh
(1:07:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Diamondilium — kfaraday (entry 126/215, 58.605% complete)
(1:07:40 AM) BotB: Flaminglog reaches Level 6 Chipist with 173pnts
(1:07:42 AM) Rocco [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(1:07:43 AM) Xyz_39808: maybe I should work on my wc8 entry
(1:07:45 AM) Xyz_39808: dun dun dunnnn
(1:07:46 AM) MaxVdub: what is deflemask
(1:07:47 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(1:07:48 AM) sethdonut: PSCHZZZOOOOOOOooooommmmmmmmmmmm
(1:07:53 AM) commandycan: whoaaaaaa
(1:08:01 AM) ipi: i heard this one earlier (sorry)
(1:08:02 AM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut typographically that looks very nice
(1:08:03 AM) ipi: its good!!
(1:08:05 AM) sethdonut: ploopwpowweowopwopwepo
(1:08:07 AM) Jangler: very nice crunchy chord
(1:08:07 AM) Patashu: waoow
(1:08:08 AM) Rocco: Mmm, glad I made it back.
(1:08:09 AM) golgibody: Hehehehe I like the PWM overflow
(1:08:12 AM) Yibbon: totally kfaraday
(1:08:17 AM) kfaraday: : )
(1:08:28 AM) golgibody: Hey this actually good for an entry in a tracker that made you angry at the tracker
(1:08:29 AM) Jangler: envellopian tubes
(1:08:46 AM) Zephemeros: this is truly amazing
(1:08:50 AM) commandycan: whoa for a minute there i thought this was turning into another song
(1:08:55 AM) golgibody: kfaraday, you and Deflemask are a golden duo
(1:09:17 AM) kfaraday: : )
(1:09:25 AM) FoD: kfaraday hey this is cool
(1:09:26 AM) gyms: fuck
(1:09:31 AM) ipi: this is great omg
(1:09:39 AM) sethdonut: this track pinches subconscious nerves
(1:09:47 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler haha
(1:09:51 AM) SoiledBargains: woah
(1:09:55 AM) SoiledBargains: jazzfink
(1:10:02 AM) SoiledBargains: uh oh
(1:10:03 AM) sethdonut: exhale
(1:10:05 AM) SoiledBargains: what happened
(1:10:06 AM) SoiledBargains: com back
(1:10:10 AM) goluigi: brick wall :(
(1:10:11 AM) Jangler: come back
(1:10:12 AM) ipi: woah
(1:10:13 AM) gyms: how are you phasing noise like that?
(1:10:14 AM) commandycan: sprinklers
(1:10:14 AM) ipi: whats that
(1:10:15 AM) Zephemeros: that was damn impressive
(1:10:17 AM) golgibody: That was good
(1:10:18 AM) gyms: never heard that on c64
(1:10:18 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... if i were a bell id be chipped — maxvdub —
(1:10:24 AM) goluigi: that was great until the BRICK WALL
(1:10:29 AM) MaxVdub: :d
(1:10:30 AM) SoiledBargains: lololol
(1:10:35 AM) Jangler: this is real good
(1:10:38 AM) sethdonut: can't wait
(1:10:44 AM) Zephemeros: kah-wai-ee
(1:10:45 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... if i were a bell id be chipped — maxvdub (entry 127/215, 59.07% complete)
(1:10:46 AM) sethdonut: :B
(1:10:50 AM) SoiledBargains: Crapped?
(1:10:55 AM) ipi: vocals!!
(1:11:00 AM) Jangler: cracked, presum. ably.
(1:11:02 AM) commandycan: hurrah
(1:11:05 AM) commandycan: pre sum
(1:11:08 AM) Rocco: Nice lead instrument.
(1:11:11 AM) commandycan: assumptions make a pre out of sum and ably
(1:11:14 AM) goluigi: i wish the lyrics were just talked :(
(1:11:15 AM) SoiledBargains: Rocco haha yes
(1:11:22 AM) MaxVdub: haha why talked
(1:11:25 AM) Jangler: maybe i'll all seven this
(1:11:30 AM) goluigi: it sounds really off :(
(1:11:31 AM) goluigi: sorry
(1:11:37 AM) kfaraday: it's emotinal ( *w*()
(1:11:40 AM) ipi: i wish the description contained lyrics
(1:11:44 AM) ipi: i like reading along
(1:11:45 AM) gyms: i like the vox, it's very sure of itself
(1:11:50 AM) sethdonut: heart-magic readings OOOFFF THE CHARRYTSSS
(1:11:50 AM) Jangler: really? i think they're really easy to understand
(1:11:53 AM) commandycan: yes
(1:11:56 AM) ipi: yes
(1:11:57 AM) commandycan: i aggree gyms
(1:11:59 AM) ipi: i still like reading along
(1:12:04 AM) ipi: it's also 6:11
(1:12:06 AM) Jangler: it's perfect for what it is
(1:12:07 AM) Jangler: haha
(1:12:19 AM) Rocco: Vox needs a compressor and a smidge of reverb. This IS a chip-themed compo, right?
(1:12:22 AM) SoiledBargains: "If I were a watch, I would always be laid"?
(1:12:25 AM) Jangler: late
(1:12:29 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(1:12:30 AM) sethdonut: this song is a perfect example why this is the best winter chip ever
(1:12:30 AM) SoiledBargains: oh duh
(1:12:38 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(1:12:40 AM) sethdonut: spoken as someone whose first winter chip is this
(1:12:44 AM) sethdonut: ;)
(1:12:46 AM) Jangler: hehe
(1:12:46 AM) gyms: i think teh mix is fine, very unicorns-esque production
(1:12:47 AM) kfaraday: :))
(1:12:53 AM) MaxVdub: i love teh unirocns
(1:13:10 AM) Yibbon: this is apocynthion dirve
(1:13:12 AM) FoD: sounds weezer-esque .. to me at least
(1:13:22 AM) Jangler: this shit glows
(1:13:23 AM) SoiledBargains: Only real, man.
(1:13:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Glowing shit
(1:13:30 AM) sethdonut: i get the unicorns vibe too actually
(1:13:31 AM) sethdonut: huh
(1:13:35 AM) FoD: I like it though
(1:13:36 AM) commandycan: that was nice
(1:13:37 AM) MaxVdub: unicorns own
(1:13:40 AM) commandycan: pleasant
(1:13:40 AM) Zephemeros: I don't know I still think it might be fake
(1:13:41 AM) Jangler: sounds more like a pegasus to me
(1:13:42 AM) SoiledBargains: Badass gamma glowing
(1:13:42 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... shred by shrapnel (shear the sheep) — Chip Champion —
(1:13:44 AM) Jangler: pegasus4
(1:13:46 AM) Zephemeros: say that it's real more plz
(1:13:56 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... shred by shrapnel (shear the sheep) — Chip Champion (entry 128/215, 59.535% complete)
(1:14:02 AM) ipi: n00bz like goluigi
(1:14:03 AM) commandycan: well if soiledbargain were the decider this song would go out to me >:(((((((((((
(1:14:05 AM) Rocco: This one goes out to me
(1:14:06 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha pirates
(1:14:08 AM) FoD: Hooolllyyyy
(1:14:09 AM) golgibody: Wow
(1:14:10 AM) SoiledBargains: ipi and you maybe? ;3
(1:14:12 AM) FoD: wasn't expecting that
(1:14:14 AM) MaxVdub: AAAAAA
(1:14:15 AM) ipi: WHATEVER
(1:14:18 AM) goluigi: [23:13] <ipi> n00bz like goluigi
(1:14:19 AM) goluigi: yes
(1:14:21 AM) Jangler: teenager repellant
(1:14:23 AM) goluigi: level 13 n00b
(1:14:25 AM) goluigi: lmao
(1:14:29 AM) commandycan: lmao
(1:14:31 AM) SoiledBargains: Here's what you DON'T do?
(1:14:31 AM) Yibbon: APOCYNTHION DRIVE
(1:14:33 AM) FoD: Well this already gets +1 for shit in pants
(1:14:35 AM) goluigi: the 200000 Hz wave
(1:14:35 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi no no no man
(1:14:40 AM) SoiledBargains: The line is"all n00bz!"
(1:14:41 AM) ipi: apocythion drive yes
(1:14:47 AM) kfaraday: HAHA these time sigs
(1:14:51 AM) kfaraday: fucking lovely
(1:14:52 AM) Patashu: omg
(1:14:53 AM) Patashu: the time sigs
(1:14:56 AM) ipi: woah
(1:14:59 AM) sethdonut: i... what... who... oh gosh
(1:15:00 AM) Rocco: It's 4/4, just syncopated?
(1:15:01 AM) kfaraday: this is like apocynthion parody
(1:15:04 AM) Patashu: wooow!
(1:15:04 AM) gyms: chipchampion never fails to inject hinself into his work
(1:15:07 AM) Jangler: haha yes kfaraday
(1:15:08 AM) gyms: always a treat <3
(1:15:12 AM) Patashu: this is like
(1:15:13 AM) goluigi: its like apocynthion but better
(1:15:14 AM) goluigi: owned
(1:15:14 AM) Patashu: stepmania dump level almost
(1:15:14 AM) FoD: aposheepion drive
(1:15:21 AM) SoiledBargains: scream sample?
(1:15:27 AM) commandycan: cvrrrrrr
(1:15:28 AM) Jangler: +1 for sigs
(1:16:12 AM) sethdonut: boom boom battle
(1:16:22 AM) SoiledBargains: battle boom boom
(1:16:26 AM) SoiledBargains: boom battle boom
(1:16:31 AM) Jangler: you just kissed a boom-boom baby
(1:16:35 AM) kfaraday: : ))
(1:16:37 AM) sethdonut: lol
(1:16:43 AM) kfaraday: !!!!!
(1:16:49 AM) commandycan: obama mama drama
(1:16:52 AM) commandycan: whoa voice times
(1:16:53 AM) sethdonut: ghost vocals
(1:16:57 AM) ipi: woah
(1:16:57 AM) commandycan: it's batman actually
(1:16:59 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:17:00 AM) SoiledBargains: screem
(1:17:05 AM) ipi: ahash
(1:17:07 AM) commandycan: no that was batman going hrrrrrrrrrrr
(1:17:08 AM) SoiledBargains: low volume rock scream
(1:17:14 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Mothership Boogie — Warlord —
(1:17:15 AM) gyms: w00
(1:17:18 AM) gyms: warmod
(1:17:18 AM) SoiledBargains: bewgie
(1:17:25 AM) Jangler: bewgie
(1:17:29 AM) MaxVdub: let all the children bewgie
(1:17:30 AM) Jangler: haha
(1:17:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Mothership Boogie — Warlord (entry 129/215, 60% complete)
(1:17:36 AM) sethdonut: this fucking rules
(1:17:38 AM) SoiledBargains: We're at 60%
(1:17:40 AM) SoiledBargains: !
(1:17:45 AM) Jangler: 60% powar
(1:17:47 AM) goluigi: inaccurate
(1:17:51 AM) kfaraday: HAHA
(1:17:51 AM) golgibody: Hehehehe dorin
(1:17:51 AM) SoiledBargains: ?
(1:17:52 AM) commandycan: well the lead is saying wow
(1:17:53 AM) goluigi: you didnt take into factor the times
(1:17:55 AM) kfaraday: this is my fave warlord entry so far
(1:17:55 AM) commandycan: so i have to give it 7 in wow
(1:17:56 AM) goluigi: of the songz
(1:18:01 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:18:02 AM) goluigi: flael
(1:18:05 AM) SoiledBargains: deven gallo quality arp
(1:18:08 AM) kfaraday: commandy LMAO
(1:18:13 AM) kfaraday: wow wow wow wow
(1:18:14 AM) FoD: wow-tilt of the compo
(1:18:15 AM) ironclad: lmao commandy
(1:18:19 AM) gyms: haha
(1:18:19 AM) ipi: ahah
(1:18:20 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:18:21 AM) gyms: wowowowowow
(1:18:22 AM) kfaraday: holy shit
(1:18:24 AM) FoD: quite literally
(1:18:24 AM) kfaraday: i'm fucking crying
(1:18:25 AM) Strobe: sounds like the standard lead sample in B.O.B xD
(1:18:28 AM) Jangler: whack-a-chicken wow-tilt
(1:18:30 AM) Strobe: also using that wow, wow. sound.
(1:18:37 AM) commandycan: LOL somebody tagged it wow before i did
(1:18:45 AM) Jangler: wow
(1:18:48 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Abstract — TristEndo —
(1:18:50 AM) goluigi: wow who are you
(1:18:50 AM) ipi: wow
(1:18:52 AM) goluigi: goluigi???
(1:18:53 AM) Jangler: wow wtf
(1:18:56 AM) Strobe: you can never make something sound angry with that wow sound
(1:18:58 AM) Strobe: i dare you
(1:19:08 AM) Jangler: haha
(1:19:11 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:19:12 AM) sethdonut: that's great
(1:19:12 AM) Jangler: make an angry wow song OHC
(1:19:16 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Abstract — TristEndo (entry 130/215, 60.465% complete)
(1:19:17 AM) gyms: !seen tristendo
(1:19:18 AM) SoiledBargains: AMAZING
(1:19:20 AM) SoiledBargains: AZMING
(1:19:21 AM) SoiledBargains: hi
(1:19:22 AM) SoiledBargains: cool
(1:19:33 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... plump cat princess' candy adventure — Svetlana —
(1:19:50 AM) SoiledBargains: pee why
(1:19:53 AM) mJ: wow
(1:20:02 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... plump cat princess' candy adventure — Svetlana (entry 131/215, 60.93% complete)
(1:20:14 AM) MaxVdub: wow nice ref to mario level 2
(1:20:21 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(1:20:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Wait really?
(1:20:39 AM) Jangler: awww it almost avoided svet idioms nicely
(1:20:44 AM) kfaraday: :3
(1:20:46 AM) golgibody: Hahahah
(1:20:58 AM) Jangler: the I bIII IV bVII ruined it though
(1:21:02 AM) kfaraday: heeeee
(1:21:04 AM) golgibody: ;3
(1:21:11 AM) MaxVdub: the synth with the gate on it almost sounds like a dog sniffing
(1:21:13 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Battlechip I - Kowloon Walled City — MS —
(1:21:33 AM) epic_caterpillar: !calc 2+3
(1:21:33 AM) BotB: epic_caterpillar: 5
(1:21:39 AM) MaxVdub: golly!
(1:21:41 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Battlechip I - Kowloon Walled City — MS (entry 132/215, 61.395% complete)
(1:21:46 AM) SoiledBargains: !botb
(1:21:46 AM) BotB: IRC Robot Help
(1:21:49 AM) golgibody: Wow those arps
(1:21:51 AM) ipi: woah
(1:21:53 AM) commandycan: nice
(1:21:55 AM) kfaraday: :))
(1:22:03 AM) MaxVdub: those arps sound really wet
(1:22:04 AM) Jangler: the arps ruin it a bit for me
(1:22:07 AM) ipi: time sig?
(1:22:10 AM) Jangler: 4/4
(1:22:14 AM) flowerinth: !calc 2+3
(1:22:15 AM) BotB: flowerinth: 5
(1:22:16 AM) FoD: the melody ruins it a bit for me
(1:22:24 AM) Patashu: I like this :D
(1:22:26 AM) kfaraday: fod hahaha
(1:22:29 AM) ipi: its not bad
(1:22:29 AM) MaxVdub: the high part reminds me of reading rainbow
(1:22:37 AM) Patashu: power music
(1:22:37 AM) SoiledBargains: arpyaseta
(1:22:38 AM) Jangler: but don't take my word for it
(1:22:46 AM) sethdonut: i 'get' this
(1:22:48 AM) kfaraday: :) yess
(1:22:55 AM) SoiledBargains: bass
(1:22:58 AM) gyms: the tinkletime melody screw up the vibe, yea
(1:22:58 AM) MaxVdub: lol this part reminds me of Muse
(1:23:00 AM) goluigi: golgibody, good POSITIVE aura
(1:23:11 AM) SoiledBargains: haha reading rainbow
(1:23:14 AM) FoD: the accompaniment's not bad though
(1:23:14 AM) Jangler: yeah it is a bid muse-ish
(1:23:14 AM) kfaraday: oppressive chipmusiks
(1:23:18 AM) Jangler: i think it is gewd
(1:23:27 AM) Rocco: Everything but those bloated arps is fantastic.
(1:23:35 AM) golgibody: >:(
(1:23:37 AM) gyms: BLURP BLLRARUP
(1:23:39 AM) FoD: yeah, the arps need to go back a bit
(1:23:43 AM) Jangler: sounds like they're doubled or something
(1:23:51 AM) sethdonut: BLURP BLLRARUP
(1:23:54 AM) golgibody: Doubled arps are the best arps
(1:24:07 AM) SoiledBargains: BLURP BLLRARUP
(1:24:12 AM) gyms: tindledinkle
(1:24:12 AM) SoiledBargains: BLL RAR UP
(1:24:13 AM) kfaraday: i like basically everything about this piece hee
(1:24:18 AM) Jangler: yeah it's good
(1:24:20 AM) golgibody: :)
(1:24:28 AM) MaxVdub: this shit is kfaraday's jam y'all
(1:24:31 AM) kfaraday: : )
(1:24:34 AM) MS: Double arps are the new black :)
(1:24:35 AM) MaxVdub: i REALLY like that transition
(1:24:35 AM) Jangler: it has Feels i can Get
(1:24:36 AM) sethdonut: reminds me of Dredd
(1:24:41 AM) epic_caterpillar: !calc 2^45
(1:24:41 AM) BotB: epic_caterpillar: 35184372088832
(1:24:41 AM) gyms: cut time head nods here
(1:25:20 AM) FoD: the sweeps are amazing
(1:25:25 AM) FoD: between sections
(1:25:33 AM) gyms: this is music to bounce hydraulics to
(1:25:48 AM) Jangler: if it had wacky meters i'd probably give it 7s
(1:25:54 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Me Steppin' on da Beat /)^3^(\ — Baycun —
(1:25:56 AM) xterm-logger: wackytech
(1:25:56 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(1:25:57 AM) sethdonut: next entree
(1:26:00 AM) commandycan: bay-kun
(1:26:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh dear got
(1:26:02 AM) golgibody: Sega Genesis, not master system
(1:26:05 AM) goluigi: its a pony
(1:26:05 AM) golgibody: >:)
(1:26:11 AM) Yibbon: NO
(1:26:15 AM) Flaminglog: PONE
(1:26:15 AM) SoiledBargains: JANGLER
(1:26:16 AM) flowerinth: Brohoof
(1:26:17 AM) Patashu: like dush
(1:26:19 AM) MaxVdub: the ears remind me of kyuubey
(1:26:20 AM) flowerinth: Brohoof
(1:26:21 AM) Yibbon: stepping on the BEACH
(1:26:22 AM) Jangler: hello SoiledBargains
(1:26:22 AM) ipi: yeah its digsusting
(1:26:24 AM) SoiledBargains: IF THAT EMOTE GETS IN @MARKOVBOTB
(1:26:28 AM) Flaminglog: |) ^3^ (\
(1:26:30 AM) SoiledBargains: MARKOV MY WORDS
(1:26:31 AM) FoD: SHIP
(1:26:38 AM) goluigi: slash right parenthesis carat three carat left parenthesis backslash
(1:26:39 AM) golgibody: Aaaah
(1:26:41 AM) golgibody: That swing
(1:26:43 AM) commandycan: spongebobxrainbow dash otp
(1:26:43 AM) golgibody: Heart magic!
(1:26:43 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Me Steppin' on da Beat /)^3^(\ — Baycun (entry 133/215, 61.86% complete)
(1:26:48 AM) Jangler: i haven't updated the logs markovbotb uses in a long time
(1:26:51 AM) SoiledBargains: Actually, I have a better idea...
(1:26:52 AM) sethdonut: this cuts right through the bullshit huh
(1:26:54 AM) xterm-logger: swingmagic
(1:26:56 AM) golgibody: Baycun the fountain of heart magic
(1:27:08 AM) Jangler: song structures needs work
(1:27:22 AM) MaxVdub: chords remind me of a daft punk song
(1:27:23 AM) MaxVdub: lol
(1:27:26 AM) Jangler: haha yeah
(1:27:30 AM) ipi: jangler you havent heard my nsf yet
(1:27:36 AM) ipi: that is so awfully put together
(1:27:38 AM) kfaraday: keeheeh
(1:27:39 AM) gyms: i like da bass patch
(1:27:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Don't use these logs because 10% of the words will either be "WC8," "Livestream," "Queue," "next," "entry," "Now," "playing," and "complete."
(1:27:49 AM) SoiledBargains: *of my words
(1:27:49 AM) Jangler: will i have lots of Constructive Feedback to give you
(1:27:55 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... potiger — Kattywampus —
(1:28:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Long time, no see Kattywampus!
(1:28:03 AM) MaxVdub: so epic
(1:28:06 AM) gyms: jangler, just don't mention EQ
(1:28:13 AM) goluigi: pot-i-jurrr
(1:28:13 AM) Jangler: hehe i never do
(1:28:16 AM) SoiledBargains: HaagenBaahs
(1:28:20 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... potiger — Kattywampus (entry 134/215, 62.326% complete)
(1:28:23 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Cheaptunes Crunchy Crunch — goluigi —
(1:28:29 AM) gyms: you will become The Bad Guy in seconds
(1:28:33 AM) commandycan: look at that kawaii art
(1:28:35 AM) goluigi: lol its frozen
(1:28:35 AM) Jangler: haha yes i remember those conversations
(1:28:36 AM) tristendo: who wants to try out my probabally cripled pack?
(1:28:46 AM) ipi: gee-eye-eff
(1:28:50 AM) SoiledBargains: 4.96?!
(1:28:51 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Cheaptunes Crunchy Crunch — goluigi (entry 135/215, 62.791% complete)
(1:28:58 AM) goluigi: this is the dopiest entry
(1:28:58 AM) commandycan: gee-eye-joe
(1:29:00 AM) mJ: gif is pronounced gif
(1:29:06 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi you should've made that a 16 color palette!
(1:29:07 AM) commandycan: jif peanut butter
(1:29:09 AM) CaptBusy is now known as CaptBeard
(1:29:16 AM) Jangler: choosey kfaradads choose gif
(1:29:17 AM) SoiledBargains: jiff
(1:29:20 AM) goluigi: you just did
(1:29:21 AM) goluigi: wow
(1:29:22 AM) goluigi: WOW
(1:29:22 AM) goluigi left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(1:29:22 AM) goluigi [] entered the room.
(1:29:22 AM) SoiledBargains: You just did!
(1:29:24 AM) sethdonut is now known as sleepydonut
(1:29:28 AM) goluigi: bi
(1:29:30 AM) CaptBeard: i watched thundercats and now my mind is cleared
(1:29:31 AM) commandycan: lmao jangler
(1:29:31 AM) gyms: mom's like you choose gif
(1:29:35 AM) CaptBeard: although it was pretty crappy
(1:29:37 AM) sleepydonut is now known as sethdonut
(1:29:38 AM) epic_caterpillar: everyone put hands up for jem apples i think i will go crazy when i hear it is so good thanks will go to the party #1
(1:29:40 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Pumpkin Seed — flowerinth —
(1:29:47 AM) flowerinth: B- )
(1:29:47 AM) golgibody: I'm very hungry!
(1:29:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Pumpkin Seed — flowerinth (entry 136/215, 63.256% complete)
(1:29:50 AM) Jangler: a "ditty" if you will
(1:30:00 AM) ipi: hha
(1:30:01 AM) SoiledBargains: PANNING
(1:30:02 AM) CaptBeard: i can't play anymore sound though, everyone in house is sleeping.
(1:30:05 AM) sethdonut: bullets WHIZZING past
(1:30:10 AM) Patashu: captbeard: use headphones
(1:30:12 AM) SoiledBargains: Stereo waveformzz
(1:30:13 AM) gyms: qt
(1:30:15 AM) ipi: captbeard- headphines
(1:30:16 AM) CaptBeard: don't have headphones.
(1:30:19 AM) Yibbon: 1 - 1/e
(1:30:20 AM) golgibody: two bullets, one in my left ear, one in my right ear
(1:30:20 AM) ipi: POOR LOOSER
(1:30:23 AM) Jangler: what is on blumbo's head
(1:30:23 AM) Yibbon: 1 - 1/e !!!!
(1:30:25 AM) Yibbon: YESH
(1:30:25 AM) SoiledBargains: Get your dad's headphones
(1:30:26 AM) gyms: oh this is great
(1:30:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Yibbon?!?!
(1:30:35 AM) CaptBeard: my dad's only work on the ipod
(1:30:38 AM) CaptBeard: i don't know why
(1:30:43 AM) ipi: what the
(1:30:45 AM) Yibbon: the current progress through the entrys
(1:30:49 AM) gyms: captbeard, yea
(1:30:51 AM) Yibbon: is 1 minus the natural time constant
(1:30:54 AM) CaptBeard: everyone is on their process of sleeping, i'd say
(1:30:56 AM) Yibbon: we have arrived
(1:30:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Woah
(1:30:58 AM) Jangler: lol
(1:30:59 AM) SoiledBargains: I SEE NOW!!
(1:31:03 AM) CaptBeard: i'll just keep the sound really low, won't be voting.
(1:31:12 AM) CaptBeard: i'll just listen and chat because i wuv u guise
(1:31:15 AM) SoiledBargains: !calc (1 - (136/215)) * 100
(1:31:15 AM) BotB: SoiledBargains: 36.744186
(1:31:20 AM) SoiledBargains: eh wat
(1:31:21 AM) gyms: this is so awesome, what did he do to those pulses. some kind of detune
(1:31:28 AM) SoiledBargains: !calc (1 - (136 / 215)) * 100
(1:31:28 AM) BotB: SoiledBargains: 36.744186
(1:31:29 AM) gyms: so much personality
(1:31:34 AM) CaptBeard: maybe in an hour when i'm sure that everyone is actually sleeping i can turn it up a bit
(1:31:35 AM) SoiledBargains: !calc 1 - (136 / 215)
(1:31:35 AM) BotB: SoiledBargains: 0.367442
(1:31:39 AM) Yibbon: eeee
(1:31:41 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha underscore
(1:31:42 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... mouse pad cleanup ~cool — epic_caterpillar —
(1:31:47 AM) epic_caterpillar: yep~
(1:31:53 AM) Patashu: gyms: it could have been using the wav channel to play... something
(1:31:54 AM) Yibbon: cOOOOOOOOOOOl
(1:31:54 AM) Jangler: cooool
(1:31:58 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... mouse pad cleanup ~cool — epic_caterpillar (entry 137/215, 63.721% complete)
(1:32:01 AM) ipi: expantion
(1:32:02 AM) SoiledBargains: CooooooooooooooOOOOOOOoooooOl
(1:32:03 AM) sethdonut: o_o
(1:32:04 AM) sethdonut: O_O
(1:32:06 AM) Yibbon: aaaaaaaaa
(1:32:07 AM) epic_caterpillar: cool
(1:32:09 AM) Rocco: LOUD NOISES
(1:32:11 AM) FoD: whwaaaaa
(1:32:11 AM) Jangler: wow my aura got darked
(1:32:12 AM) SoiledBargains: phazing
(1:32:12 AM) commandycan: yeah ow
(1:32:12 AM) CaptBeard: wow
(1:32:12 AM) ipi: wow
(1:32:13 AM) BotB: maxvdub reaches Level 3 Chipist with 53pnts
(1:32:13 AM) golgibody: Hehehehehe
(1:32:14 AM) CaptBeard: loud noise
(1:32:15 AM) SoiledBargains: wow
(1:32:16 AM) KentaKurodani left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(1:32:16 AM) FoD: fart
(1:32:24 AM) golgibody: Meteors falling from the heaven!
(1:32:24 AM) MaxVdub: lmao
(1:32:25 AM) Yibbon: scary
(1:32:26 AM) sethdonut: is this... trapcore
(1:32:26 AM) Jangler: it was starting to look so nice >:|
(1:32:26 AM) ipi: hahaha
(1:32:28 AM) golgibody: Alarm!
(1:32:29 AM) gyms: breakyoneck cmon
(1:32:32 AM) ipi: twerkin' it
(1:32:36 AM) MaxVdub: swag
(1:32:37 AM) golgibody: Meteors falling upwards towards the heavens
(1:32:38 AM) SoiledBargains: Frat alaram
(1:32:38 AM) kfaraday: twerkmachine
(1:32:39 AM) SoiledBargains: *fart
(1:32:45 AM) Rocco: lol wot time sigg???
(1:32:45 AM) SoiledBargains: *alarm
(1:32:47 AM) gyms: haha, i like frat alarm
(1:32:50 AM) sethdonut: *shakes nearest person*
(1:32:50 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha, now it got all GANGNAM STYLE
(1:32:52 AM) Jangler: get up, get on the scene
(1:32:52 AM) sethdonut: WHAT GENRE IS THIS
(1:32:56 AM) CaptBeard: #twerkin #swag #botb #mousepadcleanup #cool
(1:33:00 AM) commandycan: the genre that makes me sad
(1:33:00 AM) SoiledBargains: #fratalarm
(1:33:03 AM) CaptBeard: that was wow.
(1:33:03 AM) commandycan: looney tunes genre now
(1:33:03 AM) gyms: fratcore
(1:33:04 AM) sethdonut: LOL
(1:33:05 AM) golgibody: Beautiful!
(1:33:06 AM) FoD: is it wierd that I liked that entry
(1:33:06 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... the new laziness — null1024 —
(1:33:13 AM) flowerinth: winneR
(1:33:15 AM) CaptBeard: that was ragtime techno pop.
(1:33:15 AM) SoiledBargains: KFARADAY FAVOURITED THIS
(1:33:16 AM) KentaKurodani [] entered the room.
(1:33:17 AM) Rocco: lol @ fratcore
(1:33:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... the new laziness — null1024 (entry 138/215, 64.186% complete)
(1:33:47 AM) kfaraday: this is my favourite nullcore entry
(1:33:56 AM) kfaraday: the octave bass is too infectious
(1:34:01 AM) gyms: nullbass 4ever
(1:34:04 AM) Patashu: this is like
(1:34:04 AM) CaptBeard: it's musically there, i like it
(1:34:05 AM) Patashu: every sid ever
(1:34:11 AM) Jangler: nullcore would be a lot better if there weren't melody notes ALL THE TIME
(1:34:13 AM) Patashu: CYCLE THAT PULSE WIDTH
(1:34:13 AM) CaptBeard: it's just generic
(1:34:15 AM) kfaraday: jangler hahaha
(1:34:15 AM) SoiledBargains: KentaKurodani:
(1:34:19 AM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(1:34:19 AM) kfaraday: this chorus owns
(1:34:22 AM) gyms: sid and octave bass belong to one another
(1:34:25 AM) FoD: Jangler haha
(1:34:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler heh I guess :D
(1:34:30 AM) kfaraday: the major arps are inspired
(1:34:31 AM) Jangler: there is no space for anything
(1:34:33 AM) kfaraday: it sounds like kraftwek
(1:34:37 AM) sethdonut: this is the most average track so far. which, given what we've seen, is a blessing
(1:34:37 AM) commandycan: i do like the arps
(1:34:44 AM) kfaraday: kraftwerkin'
(1:34:50 AM) CaptBeard: kfaratwerkin'
(1:34:57 AM) Jangler: heh
(1:35:02 AM) golgibody: a-yeah
(1:35:03 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Snow-Coated Suburbs — skinnyhead2000 —
(1:35:06 AM) Jangler: a-yeah
(1:35:06 AM) goluigi: yesh good song yesh
(1:35:07 AM) commandycan: skinny had
(1:35:09 AM) Yibbon: yay
(1:35:13 AM) CaptBeard: kuh-far-uh-day
(1:35:18 AM) CaptBeard: am i right?
(1:35:19 AM) ipi: YES skinnyhead!!!!!!
(1:35:26 AM) goluigi: skinnyhead more like FATTYhead lol Owned
(1:35:31 AM) ironclad: mmmm
(1:35:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Snow-Coated Suburbs — skinnyhead2000 (entry 139/215, 64.651% complete)
(1:35:39 AM) goluigi: this is a good song tho
(1:35:40 AM) gyms: I AM HUHUHH
(1:35:40 AM) goluigi: :)
(1:35:41 AM) Jangler: kah-pee-tee-broad
(1:35:42 AM) sethdonut: 7777777
(1:35:45 AM) ipi: I WILL ALL 1s
(1:35:53 AM) commandycan: goluigi this is the song that i thought you made with no audio during that ohb
(1:35:56 AM) MaxVdub: reminds me of zelda
(1:36:02 AM) SoiledBargains: pitch bendis
(1:36:02 AM) CaptBeard: only 75 more songs to go
(1:36:03 AM) goluigi: no this was the same ohc though
(1:36:07 AM) sethdonut: it has a fairy foundtain vibe
(1:36:08 AM) commandycan: i know lol
(1:36:10 AM) goluigi: yeah
(1:36:14 AM) gyms: nice vibe
(1:36:16 AM) commandycan: that was just the assumption i made
(1:36:20 AM) Jangler: east vibe
(1:36:23 AM) goluigi: and i still dont know how i got first with a deafsong
(1:36:25 AM) Jangler: s/t/y/
(1:36:26 AM) sethdonut: haruhi digs it
(1:36:26 AM) FoD: Reminds me of his famicompo entry
(1:36:29 AM) SoiledBargains: Chords
(1:36:29 AM) commandycan: lol
(1:36:36 AM) golgibody: Yeah, sounds a lot like his famicompo entry. :P
(1:36:37 AM) kfaraday: fod yes :)
(1:36:39 AM) golgibody: Still good though!
(1:36:44 AM) FoD: similar progression
(1:36:45 AM) kfaraday: he is very young~ a lot of potential
(1:36:46 AM) Jangler: haruhi indiscriminately digs all the things
(1:36:49 AM) FoD: I like it though
(1:36:50 AM) goluigi: hes like 10
(1:36:51 AM) commandycan: ooooo
(1:36:53 AM) gyms: aw sweet
(1:36:55 AM) SoiledBargains: ambient
(1:36:56 AM) sethdonut: she's a good gal
(1:36:57 AM) goluigi: actually 14
(1:37:00 AM) ipi: i have reached 302 7 votes given
(1:37:03 AM) commandycan: actually 12*
(1:37:07 AM) kfaraday: ipi :DD
(1:37:12 AM) goluigi: actually -3
(1:37:12 AM) sethdonut: this is actually really awesome
(1:37:12 AM) tristendo: pitchBendisPitchBendis(PitchBendisMIX).mp3
(1:37:17 AM) Jangler: nice
(1:37:24 AM) gyms: fack, bring that sine lead back, god damn
(1:37:37 AM) goluigi: skinnyhead is probably better than like 80% of the people i know who make music
(1:37:42 AM) ipi: ^
(1:37:43 AM) kfaraday: oooo~ dat chord
(1:37:45 AM) golgibody: kfaraday, you shouldn't vote anymore
(1:37:50 AM) goluigi: yet he's so young
(1:37:51 AM) kfaraday: : )))
(1:37:55 AM) goluigi: kfaraday you have the best aura
(1:37:57 AM) golgibody: Your aura is now at such a beautiful blue color
(1:37:57 AM) sethdonut: really high score...
(1:37:58 AM) kfaraday: my aura could stand to be lilacer
(1:38:05 AM) goluigi: i wanted that aura
(1:38:07 AM) Jangler: game the aura system
(1:38:08 AM) kfaraday: keheh
(1:38:08 AM) goluigi: but now i got THIS ONE
(1:38:08 AM) ipi: NO skulls are nEVR good
(1:38:15 AM) SoiledBargains: yes
(1:38:15 AM) Jangler: yeah skulls are nasty
(1:38:16 AM) goluigi: skulls are good if they aren't RED
(1:38:18 AM) gyms: wtf, only one round with the sine lead?!
(1:38:20 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Yesh!!! The Finals!!! — Tuxxy Brown —
(1:38:21 AM) gyms: ENCORE PLOX
(1:38:21 AM) golgibody: God damnit you don't look past the skulls :(
(1:38:24 AM) goluigi: YESH!!!
(1:38:25 AM) golgibody: Hahahahahaha
(1:38:26 AM) goluigi: THE FiNALZ!!!
(1:38:29 AM) Jangler: when i see someone with skulls i'm like, "what an asshole, eh"
(1:38:35 AM) goluigi: :(((
(1:38:35 AM) ipi: ahaha
(1:38:35 AM) FoD: yeah, red skulls are where it's at
(1:38:40 AM) goluigi: red skulls are DUMB
(1:38:43 AM) gyms: gray pride yall
(1:38:45 AM) golgibody: When I see someone with hearts I'm like, lol, gay!
(1:38:46 AM) commandycan: ^^^
(1:38:47 AM) kfaraday: :))
(1:38:47 AM) SoiledBargains: NO EXPANSION CHIPS FOR AP BIO
(1:38:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Yesh!!! The Finals!!! — Tuxxy Brown (entry 140/215, 65.116% complete)
(1:38:49 AM) Jangler: haha gray pride
(1:38:50 AM) commandycan: gray pride everywhere
(1:38:52 AM) ipi: i daresay no expansions in nsf!!
(1:39:00 AM) kfaraday: :DD
(1:39:03 AM) golgibody: Ouch!
(1:39:15 AM) golgibody: What is this awful surround on the noise channel
(1:39:16 AM) ipi: ow i thought 2/4 and 2/5 were the time sigs
(1:39:21 AM) goluigi: lmfao
(1:39:21 AM) Jangler: 2/5
(1:39:22 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(1:39:23 AM) commandycan: haha
(1:39:24 AM) goluigi: 2/5
(1:39:26 AM) goluigi: 2/5 ohc
(1:39:28 AM) kfaraday: hey watch the haruhi avatar dance
(1:39:30 AM) kfaraday: she has been waiting for this
(1:39:35 AM) Jangler: mesmerising
(1:39:38 AM) goluigi: not in sync
(1:39:43 AM) commandycan: that was almost good
(1:39:46 AM) goluigi: all -9's
(1:39:46 AM) commandycan: dangit.
(1:40:02 AM) SoiledBargains: It sounds like there's panning
(1:40:05 AM) SoiledBargains: illusions
(1:40:07 AM) gyms: it's a cool nes arrangement
(1:40:09 AM) goluigi: stereo nsf
(1:40:10 AM) goluigi: good
(1:40:12 AM) goluigi: Good
(1:40:12 AM) goluigi left the room (Kicked by BotB (Spam Detected - (#02))).
(1:40:12 AM) kfaraday: there was :) it's mono though
(1:40:12 AM) goluigi [] entered the room.
(1:40:24 AM) kfaraday: i think it is at least...!
(1:40:26 AM) gyms: the finals, lol
(1:40:35 AM) SoiledBargains: It's 00:40 here :D:D
(1:40:47 AM) gyms: 1:40 up in bmore
(1:40:48 AM) golgibody: The stuck triangle note
(1:40:50 AM) golgibody: Baycun style
(1:40:52 AM) commandycan: in a freudian way i took tux's title for this song and used it for my own
(1:40:58 AM) commandycan: but with a tweets
(1:41:00 AM) SoiledBargains: stuck my butt
(1:41:01 AM) commandycan: tweest even
(1:41:03 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Wall of Fuzz — chunter —
(1:41:10 AM) sethdonut: butts held
(1:41:10 AM) SoiledBargains: We do?
(1:41:12 AM) commandycan: whoaaa
(1:41:13 AM) gyms: wall of butts
(1:41:14 AM) Jangler: kay kay kay
(1:41:16 AM) ipi: no
(1:41:17 AM) commandycan: aw my butt fell off
(1:41:19 AM) SoiledBargains: No
(1:41:20 AM) commandycan: too good ipi
(1:41:21 AM) ipi: chunter's entry
(1:41:21 AM) goluigi: honour of me an kajingsol
(1:41:21 AM) Jangler: No
(1:41:22 AM) goluigi: THanks
(1:41:23 AM) commandycan: but i will have to vote low
(1:41:31 AM) commandycan: because of my lost butt.
(1:41:32 AM) Jangler: kfaraday CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING
(1:41:33 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday we have that after chunter
(1:41:33 AM) goluigi: this is so good
(1:41:36 AM) goluigi: i gave it all 1's
(1:41:42 AM) goluigi: jk <3333
(1:41:43 AM) mJ: [23:41] <goluigi> honour of me an kajingsol
(1:41:44 AM) mJ: what
(1:41:51 AM) goluigi: the TITLE
(1:41:52 AM) Patashu: what about chunter's song
(1:41:52 AM) Flaminglog: is best
(1:41:53 AM) goluigi: aurora
(1:41:56 AM) commandycan: lol
(1:41:59 AM) ipi: YOU HAVE
(1:42:01 AM) commandycan: nbdnbd
(1:42:02 AM) Jangler: haha
(1:42:05 AM) MaxVdub left the room.
(1:42:06 AM) Jangler: seppuku
(1:42:08 AM) ipi: kfaraday you're FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1:42:12 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:42:14 AM) SoiledBargains: you sux!!
(1:42:17 AM) SoiledBargains: 11
(1:42:22 AM) gyms: you suxlol
(1:42:22 AM) ipi: and everyone
(1:42:25 AM) ipi: failure of botb
(1:42:32 AM) Jangler: apologise to every nick in the channel
(1:42:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Wall of Fuzz — chunter (entry 141/215, 65.581% complete)
(1:42:39 AM) goluigi: wtf
(1:42:40 AM) ipi: woah
(1:42:41 AM) goluigi: boom
(1:42:42 AM) gyms: what a SAP
(1:42:42 AM) sethdonut: yikes
(1:42:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler I gotta brb takeover plz
(1:42:49 AM) golgibody: Hahaha, a real SAP
(1:42:54 AM) kfaraday: golgi hahahaha
(1:42:55 AM) Jangler: ok SoiledBargains
(1:42:56 AM) goluigi: sit and play
(1:42:59 AM) golgibody: I wonder if his wife likes this
(1:43:02 AM) Jangler: hahaha
(1:43:04 AM) goluigi: 1% pulse
(1:43:04 AM) ipi: haah
(1:43:05 AM) kfaraday: LMAO
(1:43:06 AM) commandycan: lmao
(1:43:08 AM) FoD: chopper drums
(1:43:09 AM) kfaraday: yeah she loves it
(1:43:35 AM) gyms: i like it
(1:43:54 AM) ipi: deadmau222222
(1:44:00 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(1:44:03 AM) gyms: but i've worn out the like button already
(1:44:08 AM) Jangler: deadmaozedong
(1:44:15 AM) golgibody: The like button is feeling sore
(1:44:21 AM) kfaraday: heheheheh
(1:44:29 AM) goluigi: the like button is violated by several
(1:44:31 AM) goluigi: Ew.
(1:44:49 AM) ipi: haha
(1:44:51 AM) goluigi: no
(1:44:53 AM) goluigi: lets just
(1:44:53 AM) gyms: heeeeey dat's not faiyuuh
(1:44:54 AM) goluigi: stop
(1:44:54 AM) sethdonut: on second thought, that image is WORSE!
(1:45:03 AM) goluigi: lets just end this all
(1:45:04 AM) ipi: rip
(1:45:09 AM) commandycan: rest in p
(1:45:10 AM) ipi: ripi
(1:45:11 AM) gyms: haha qt
(1:45:13 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Aurora Botbrealis — Interrobang Pie —
(1:45:15 AM) sethdonut: rest in peeps
(1:45:15 AM) goluigi: hipi
(1:45:17 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Aurora Botbrealis — Interrobang Pie (entry 142/215, 66.047% complete)
(1:45:19 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... i am my own pet — epic_caterpillar —
(1:45:21 AM) goluigi: rest in pii
(1:45:24 AM) Baycun [] entered the room.
(1:45:24 AM) commandycan: epic caterpillar you win in my book
(1:45:26 AM) gyms: i am my own pet, best title award
(1:45:27 AM) commandycan: what is that going on
(1:45:27 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... i am my own pet — epic_caterpillar (entry 143/215, 66.512% complete)
(1:45:28 AM) goluigi: random notes
(1:45:29 AM) ipi: smooches for epic_caterpillar
(1:45:29 AM) goluigi: oh
(1:45:33 AM) ***ipi smooches
(1:45:34 AM) commandycan: what effect is he spamming to make the background noise
(1:45:36 AM) golgibody: Yay you pronounced the xxx ( *w*)
(1:45:36 AM) goluigi: Ew.
(1:45:40 AM) kfaraday: :3
(1:45:44 AM) Baycun: that's my pet
(1:45:48 AM) goluigi: Ew.
(1:45:51 AM) golgibody: This sounds a troll entry kfaraday would may
(1:45:52 AM) Patashu: amen break lol
(1:45:54 AM) golgibody: make*
(1:45:56 AM) kfaraday: : )
(1:46:00 AM) golgibody: kfaraday = epic caterpillar
(1:46:05 AM) goluigi: Ew.
(1:46:09 AM) epic_caterpillar: i am good thanks
(1:46:10 AM) kfaraday: i actually already entered a troll entry~
(1:46:21 AM) golgibody: I liked it though. :)
(1:46:35 AM) commandycan: chunter is actually off the market
(1:46:39 AM) commandycan: ie cant be sold
(1:46:46 AM) gyms: cee hunter
(1:46:47 AM) goluigi: Touching.
(1:46:55 AM) commandycan: touching where, though
(1:46:58 AM) goluigi: me
(1:46:59 AM) Jangler: Sad.
(1:47:00 AM) commandycan: probably the fuzz wall
(1:47:01 AM) goluigi: incest
(1:47:01 AM) golgibody: When you do not hardpan your amiga mods it is no longer chip music
(1:47:04 AM) flowerinth left the room (quit: ).
(1:47:11 AM) kfaraday: golgibody heheh
(1:47:11 AM) Jangler: yes golgibody
(1:47:12 AM) sethdonut: chunter: great description
(1:47:25 AM) golgibody: Oh yeah live guitar
(1:47:29 AM) Jangler: fuck these drums
(1:47:32 AM) gyms: booowip
(1:47:32 AM) golgibody: Hahahaah
(1:47:32 AM) ipi: nice!!
(1:47:33 AM) kfaraday: dooowip
(1:47:34 AM) goluigi: Rude.
(1:47:41 AM) gyms: doowip vs boowip
(1:47:43 AM) Jangler: jazz blues is superior
(1:47:51 AM) gyms: who will win
(1:47:51 AM) goluigi:
(1:47:56 AM) kfaraday: gyms the stage has been set
(1:47:57 AM) sethdonut: krp. krp. krp. krp. krp. krp. krp.
(1:48:02 AM) ***SoiledBargains back
(1:48:04 AM) kfaraday:
(1:48:08 AM) BotB: chunter - Winter Blues :: Battle of the Bits -- celebrate winter snow with a snowy white blues. to me, the blues are more fun to play than to listen to, but i hope you enj Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(1:48:11 AM) SoiledBargains: woah what have AAY been miiiisssinng
(1:48:12 AM) goluigi: chunter blues
(1:48:13 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Blues — chunter —
(1:48:15 AM) gyms: kfaraday, we both chose three o's too, haha
(1:48:16 AM) commandycan: my blue suede blues
(1:48:19 AM) Jangler: HM well i did some of them
(1:48:19 AM) kfaraday: :DD
(1:48:21 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Blues — chunter (entry 144/215, 66.977% complete)
(1:48:22 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha queue next entry
(1:48:23 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:48:26 AM) sethdonut: The Mask for Super Nintendo
(1:48:28 AM) goluigi: 2late
(1:48:41 AM) Flaminglog: it always makes me happy when people who are composers are also good at real actual instruments
(1:48:56 AM) goluigi: i can play a real instrument but i SUCK at it!
(1:48:58 AM) kfaraday: :D
(1:48:58 AM) golgibody: When you pan your sidleads far to the right it is no longer chipmusic
(1:48:59 AM) golgibody: >:(
(1:49:03 AM) kfaraday: :))
(1:49:05 AM) Patashu: I'm ok at drums and I want to learn piano but atm suck hard at it
(1:49:06 AM) sethdonut: i can whistle real good
(1:49:08 AM) goluigi: im 40000x better at composition than liveplay
(1:49:11 AM) Patashu: so, count me among the non-impressive
(1:49:13 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ Flaminglog I'd love it if BotB was comprised of most of those people
(1:49:18 AM) ipi: i dont play any instruments
(1:49:19 AM) gyms: most the time, being good on an instrument is a requirement i think
(1:49:24 AM) goluigi: ipi you do
(1:49:24 AM) Jangler: we should do another allgear sometime
(1:49:25 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(1:49:28 AM) goluigi: you play the rainbow dash
(1:49:30 AM) ***kfaraday ~improv ohc winner~
(1:49:31 AM) goluigi: you play the baycun
(1:49:33 AM) golgibody: I'm hoping he'll break off with a kazoo solo
(1:49:37 AM) ipi: no i play WITH rainbow dash
(1:49:38 AM) SoiledBargains: :|
(1:49:40 AM) Jangler: hahahaha
(1:49:41 AM) ipi: there's a differnec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1:49:47 AM) SoiledBargains: differnec
(1:49:49 AM) Patashu: lol
(1:49:50 AM) SoiledBargains: differ neck
(1:49:51 AM) goluigi: Differ Neck
(1:49:53 AM) kfaraday: differ encke
(1:49:54 AM) gyms: rainbow dash is in my bathroom
(1:49:55 AM) goluigi: wow Stolen
(1:49:55 AM) commandycan: please defer to my neck
(1:49:58 AM) goluigi: Robbed
(1:49:58 AM) gyms: taking a dump and reading hellboyo
(1:50:01 AM) sethdonut: dont' cut off abruptly don't cut off abruptly
(1:50:04 AM) sethdonut: eh
(1:50:05 AM) goluigi: please refer to my DIC
(1:50:07 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The End — Jahir —
(1:50:10 AM) commandycan: hah
(1:50:11 AM) goluigi: dic-20
(1:50:15 AM) commandycan: the end is jahir
(1:50:16 AM) commandycan: HEH
(1:50:21 AM) Jangler: i don't understand people who listen primarily to the blues
(1:50:22 AM) commandycan: im sorry.
(1:50:25 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh from the avatar I thought it was KungFuFurby xD
(1:50:27 AM) Baycun: goluigi rainbow dash isn't even my fav!!!!!!
(1:50:28 AM) BotB: CT_Bolt :: new avatar ::
(1:50:30 AM) sethdonut: they're full of sorrow
(1:50:37 AM) Baycun: just my icon on botb
(1:50:39 AM) sethdonut: you might say... in constant sorrow
(1:50:40 AM) goluigi: baycun why is your pic RAINBOW CRASH THEN
(1:50:49 AM) Jangler: nice
(1:50:51 AM) gyms: hooolly
(1:50:53 AM) gyms: wow
(1:50:54 AM) commandycan: wasw
(1:50:57 AM) Jangler: :O
(1:50:59 AM) Baycun: cause it's a GOOD drawING
(1:51:03 AM) Jangler: that extra beet
(1:51:03 AM) golgibody: Stereo field biased to the right
(1:51:05 AM) SoiledBargains: The compression actually lends itself to the song
(1:51:05 AM) goluigi: omggggg
(1:51:05 AM) golgibody: What is this
(1:51:06 AM) commandycan: cuba gooding jr
(1:51:13 AM) gyms: whodafuq is this again?
(1:51:17 AM) commandycan: jahir
(1:51:22 AM) goluigi: the one and only
(1:51:25 AM) commandycan: because the end is jahere
(1:51:33 AM) SoiledBargains: OH whopo
(1:51:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The End — Jahir (entry 145/215, 67.442% complete)
(1:51:36 AM) epic_caterpillar: wow i have almost enough boons to host an ohc finally~
(1:51:37 AM) commandycan: this time i spelled out the phonetics to appeal to a wider audience
(1:51:39 AM) SoiledBargains: hahahah
(1:51:42 AM) ipi: ooh
(1:51:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler ^
(1:51:49 AM) sethdonut: one of the most unique entries. i like this.
(1:51:54 AM) Jangler: haha SoiledBargains oh no
(1:52:03 AM) Jangler: yes i like this a lot
(1:52:03 AM) SoiledBargains: OH wohpo
(1:52:04 AM) gyms: reminds me of the ancients village in ff7
(1:52:14 AM) SoiledBargains: Also I feel bad for not talking about this song.
(1:52:17 AM) kfaraday: is fod still here~?
(1:52:18 AM) golgibody: This is the ancients village in ff7 in c major
(1:52:22 AM) SoiledBargains: That's how good it is.
(1:52:22 AM) Flaminglog: i wanna enter an ohc
(1:52:25 AM) goluigi: fodied
(1:52:28 AM) goluigi: ripe
(1:52:34 AM) commandycan: whoaaa
(1:52:38 AM) SoiledBargains: OOoh a transition?
(1:52:39 AM) commandycan: it's winter
(1:52:42 AM) SoiledBargains: Aww
(1:52:45 AM) SoiledBargains: Yes very lovely.
(1:52:45 AM) FoD: yes he is
(1:52:47 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... w/ interdit pâté — ant1 —
(1:52:55 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... w/ interdit pâté — ant1 (entry 146/215, 67.907% complete)
(1:53:04 AM) gyms: winter chimp
(1:53:08 AM) commandycan: milton bradley
(1:53:10 AM) commandycan: gallery
(1:53:12 AM) goluigi: ur MOM
(1:53:13 AM) SoiledBargains: people
(1:53:15 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(1:53:16 AM) sethdonut: pac man on acid
(1:53:16 AM) Flaminglog: my dick
(1:53:17 AM) ipi: i live like right near milton keynes
(1:53:21 AM) gyms: it represents bubble frog
(1:53:26 AM) golgibody: Isn't milton keynes pronounced like milton kaynes?
(1:53:26 AM) goluigi: this represents kfaramom
(1:53:28 AM) Flaminglog: my flaming log
(1:53:29 AM) Jangler: it is a drawing of me i think
(1:53:30 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday overloading his mic
(1:53:41 AM) commandycan: not now
(1:53:42 AM) SoiledBargains: that one laugh
(1:53:43 AM) goluigi: flaminglog's dik is on fire
(1:53:45 AM) commandycan: but sometimes when you breath into it you do
(1:53:45 AM) Jangler: kfaramom haha
(1:53:54 AM) Flaminglog: it burns when i pee
(1:53:56 AM) Jangler: sounds like a big tribal drum
(1:54:00 AM) Flaminglog: make it STOP
(1:54:03 AM) Baycun: flaminglog going to the store to get some milk
(1:54:05 AM) commandycan: icic
(1:54:08 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... the fascinating life of you — ant1 —
(1:54:09 AM) sethdonut: kfaraday you're not weird ok
(1:54:23 AM) sethdonut: thank you!
(1:54:26 AM) Jangler: we accept you and your eccentricities
(1:54:29 AM) SoiledBargains: ya'll are weird and so am I
(1:54:30 AM) SoiledBargains: OH MY!
(1:54:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... the fascinating life of you — ant1 (entry 147/215, 68.372% complete)
(1:54:39 AM) ipi: hah
(1:54:43 AM) Flaminglog: favoriting it just for that descrip
(1:54:44 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday you're not muted
(1:54:48 AM) goluigi: where is roofie the dog :(
(1:54:50 AM) kfaraday: eeeep
(1:54:51 AM) goluigi: !seen roofie
(1:54:52 AM) kfaraday: sorry
(1:54:52 AM) sethdonut: this is fascinating alright
(1:54:55 AM) SoiledBargains: it's k
(1:54:56 AM) ipi: turn your mic off
(1:55:00 AM) golgibody: Aww yeah
(1:55:03 AM) golgibody: Those bells
(1:55:03 AM) Jangler: nice
(1:55:04 AM) kfaraday: hey it was the fascinating life of ~ME~
(1:55:07 AM) sethdonut: old PC adventure games
(1:55:08 AM) Jangler: hahahaha
(1:55:08 AM) golgibody: OPL2 bells are the sexiest bells
(1:55:08 AM) commandycan: doon dinga ding a
(1:55:09 AM) SoiledBargains: Those balls
(1:55:11 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(1:55:15 AM) commandycan: ball bells
(1:55:17 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday hahaa
(1:55:27 AM) gyms: so good
(1:55:31 AM) kfaraday: :))
(1:55:39 AM) SoiledBargains: You'r life's story in bell form!
(1:55:40 AM) sethdonut: this is opressive but i can't get enough
(1:55:59 AM) gyms: deceptively simple, wolly is mad genie
(1:56:03 AM) SoiledBargains: Strobe is comping up.
(1:56:04 AM) Rocco: This entry isn't even almost a hastily created vehicle for an odd ideological message.
(1:56:04 AM) flamingspinach: damn how long has this synclisten been going on lol
(1:56:07 AM) SoiledBargains: *comin'
(1:56:08 AM) Jangler: jesus we have so many more enters
(1:56:11 AM) ipi: bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell
(1:56:13 AM) SoiledBargains: enters
(1:56:15 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... HG Droid IV (The Reassembly) — Strobe —
(1:56:19 AM) sethdonut: oh shi
(1:56:22 AM) Jangler: seppuku
(1:56:24 AM) SoiledBargains: IRC has many enters left
(1:56:28 AM) goluigi: implying there's only one strone
(1:56:30 AM) goluigi: strobe
(1:56:31 AM) commandycan: yes, yes.
(1:56:32 AM) goluigi: STROBE
(1:56:35 AM) SoiledBargains: hah
(1:56:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... HG Droid IV (The Reassembly) — Strobe (entry 148/215, 68.837% complete)
(1:56:37 AM) commandycan: storbal
(1:56:37 AM) gyms: strobe
(1:56:38 AM) Jangler: only one scone :( :( :(
(1:56:39 AM) goluigi: Strone
(1:56:40 AM) SoiledBargains: STRONE
(1:56:41 AM) Patashu: :O
(1:56:42 AM) commandycan: scone
(1:56:42 AM) SoiledBargains: ARE YOU READY
(1:56:43 AM) Patashu: <3
(1:56:43 AM) gyms: strobe, what on earth?
(1:56:44 AM) SoiledBargains: FOR STRONE?
(1:56:44 AM) ipi: owowo
(1:56:49 AM) kfaraday: owo
(1:56:52 AM) Strobe: oh dear
(1:56:55 AM) commandycan: :y
(1:57:01 AM) goluigi: hi STRONE
(1:57:03 AM) Strobe: my little gameboy thingie
(1:57:04 AM) SoiledBargains: Game StroBoy
(1:57:15 AM) Patashu: I <3 this
(1:57:18 AM) SoiledBargains: Game StroBoyé
(1:57:21 AM) Jangler: i dunno if i can coop this up
(1:57:32 AM) SoiledBargains: chicken coup it up
(1:57:34 AM) sethdonut: haha. wait. Strobe, have you played blipfest?
(1:57:38 AM) SoiledBargains: chicken noodle soup it up
(1:57:42 AM) Jangler: coupe it up
(1:57:44 AM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut no
(1:57:45 AM) Strobe: sethdonut never
(1:57:52 AM) commandycan: drrrr
(1:57:53 AM) kfaraday: he would be good!!!!!
(1:57:55 AM) sethdonut: i was gonna say...
(1:57:55 AM) Strobe: ant1 was trolling me ;)
(1:57:56 AM) golgibody: This is a good gameboy song
(1:58:18 AM) sethdonut: i saw someone with a set at blipfest '12 in nyc who had a light show during his set very similar to your icon
(1:58:19 AM) golgibody: +2 points for gentle stereo
(1:58:21 AM) goluigi: kommisar rhythmz
(1:58:23 AM) Baycun left the room (quit: ).
(1:58:27 AM) sethdonut: maybe i missed somethin'
(1:58:28 AM) Flaminglog: i could never in a hundred years get these sounds out of a gameboy chip
(1:58:33 AM) goluigi: wtf
(1:58:34 AM) golgibody: Congratulations!
(1:58:35 AM) Strobe: skulls :o
(1:58:38 AM) Jangler: you can't really have gentle gameboy stereo?
(1:58:39 AM) ipi: CONGRATS
(1:58:40 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday left the skull club... :(
(1:58:40 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Castle V — Flaminglog —
(1:58:42 AM) goluigi: that was a good skully blue :(
(1:58:44 AM) commandycan: i still see skulls!
(1:58:45 AM) ipi: you're NOT a complete POOP
(1:58:50 AM) commandycan: :>
(1:58:51 AM) SoiledBargains: "Castle Five"? :3
(1:58:52 AM) Jangler: commandycan: refresh wit no cash
(1:58:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Castle V — Flaminglog (entry 149/215, 69.302% complete)
(1:58:57 AM) commandycan: oic
(1:58:59 AM) SoiledBargains: haha cash
(1:59:05 AM) commandycan: i have too much money on my computer
(1:59:07 AM) Jangler: spend all your money, then refresh
(1:59:10 AM) kfaraday: : ) roman numerals party
(1:59:13 AM) commandycan: brb amazon
(1:59:14 AM) Strobe: 4FF
(1:59:15 AM) sethdonut: this song.
(1:59:21 AM) Flaminglog: Castle VVVVVV
(1:59:27 AM) ipi: zelda II is right
(1:59:30 AM) Jangler: hey commandycan i happen to have a paypal
(1:59:34 AM) SoiledBargains: I need to spend this #$4FF to get my computer running right again
(1:59:35 AM) ipi: zelda II if composed by rushjet1
(1:59:37 AM) SoiledBargains: will you guys take it
(1:59:39 AM) commandycan: lmao jangler
(1:59:48 AM) Baycun [] entered the room.
(1:59:50 AM) Flaminglog: i love rushjet1 homosexually
(1:59:51 AM) SoiledBargains: ipi haha
(1:59:54 AM) tristendo: 69.302
(1:59:54 AM) Flaminglog: i would bear his children
(1:59:54 AM) kfaraday: CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW BRO
(1:59:57 AM) kfaraday: FISTPUMP IT
(1:59:58 AM) sublmnl3 [] entered the room.
(2:00:00 AM) Rocco: ipi: I can hear these chords coming. Definitely not rushjet.
(2:00:01 AM) commandycan: bum tss bum tss
(2:00:03 AM) sethdonut: ^^^
(2:00:09 AM) tristendo: 69.6998
(2:00:11 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:00:13 AM) ipi: ooh
(2:00:22 AM) SoiledBargains: tristendo the actual percentage(?)
(2:00:22 AM) commandycan: well i like this kind of now
(2:00:26 AM) commandycan: that was a weird transition
(2:00:28 AM) commandycan: but it went into something nice
(2:00:33 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ all three
(2:00:33 AM) gyms: the dancing chick is bumping to this
(2:00:35 AM) golgibody: This is pretty good
(2:00:42 AM) Jangler: someone showed me a video on youtube where a russian dude sang to the pirates of the carribbean theme wearing nothing but a vest and pirate hat
(2:00:43 AM) tristendo: its fun
(2:00:46 AM) SoiledBargains: What da-- oh you mean Haruhi
(2:00:52 AM) gyms: harooee
(2:00:53 AM) ipi: bass isn't loud enough
(2:00:54 AM) sethdonut: arps mercifully sectioned
(2:00:57 AM) golgibody: Castlevania 3 without the nasty DC pops!
(2:00:58 AM) commandycan: haphooeyu
(2:01:02 AM) ipi: it's 7:00 jesus
(2:01:09 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:01:10 AM) gyms: haruhi booty blips
(2:01:11 AM) goluigi: its midnight!
(2:01:12 AM) Strobe: that chord sequence makes me think of Zelda 64 for some reason
(2:01:13 AM) sethdonut: 2AM here
(2:01:13 AM) SoiledBargains: It's 1:01 here
(2:01:13 AM) commandycan: hey man castlevania 3 is like my only inspiration
(2:01:14 AM) goluigi: *party(
(2:01:22 AM) goluigi: 0:01
(2:01:29 AM) Jangler: i think i can take 3 more subpar entries
(2:01:32 AM) FoD: ipi I can see the sun
(2:01:37 AM) ipi: omg
(2:01:38 AM) kfaraday: :D the vib
(2:01:42 AM) goluigi: jangler owning wc8
(2:01:52 AM) ipi: im in derby atm so i wont be able to see it all day
(2:01:53 AM) golgibody: Jangler making a smiley face as battle art
(2:01:54 AM) flamingspinach: has haruhi been dancing for seven and a half hours
(2:02:03 AM) SoiledBargains: flamingspinach nope
(2:02:05 AM) Jangler: i only got three hit points left
(2:02:06 AM) SoiledBargains: Just the past few
(2:02:10 AM) flamingspinach: sup kfaraday
(2:02:11 AM) goluigi: :(
(2:02:16 AM) gyms: that's how she keeps that trim figure huhurrr
(2:02:18 AM) sethdonut: pants-shittingly good last note
(2:02:21 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler ::(((
(2:02:23 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Cave Hideout VIII — rainwarrior —
(2:02:29 AM) commandycan: lmao
(2:02:35 AM) Jangler: when is the next mezzanine
(2:02:36 AM) Flaminglog: i really need to make my progressions less predictable
(2:02:41 AM) goluigi: whinyrawrior
(2:02:45 AM) Jangler: Flaminglog: i do like your musicks
(2:02:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Cave Hideout VIII — rainwarrior (entry 150/215, 69.767% complete)
(2:02:49 AM) Flaminglog: :3
(2:02:50 AM) SoiledBargains: descriptioncore
(2:02:51 AM) FoD: kfaraday your microphone seems to be clipping a little at points
(2:02:54 AM) kfaraday: aaaa
(2:02:55 AM) commandycan: mustacks
(2:03:00 AM) sublmnl2 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 190 seconds).
(2:03:01 AM) goluigi: panningz
(2:03:02 AM) sethdonut: Flaminglog: I understand, but also, they're awesome.
(2:03:07 AM) kfaraday: i'll see if i can't turn it down
(2:03:08 AM) ipi: oohhhohohh
(2:03:09 AM) Jangler: i thought this was going to be footprints at first
(2:03:23 AM) gyms: rainwarrior : ))
(2:03:24 AM) Strobe: Summerchip is going to be lots more descriptioncore for me (promise).
(2:03:28 AM) golgibody: :)
(2:03:28 AM) ipi: <kfaraday> i'll see if i can't turn it down
(2:03:30 AM) SoiledBargains: Echoss
(2:03:31 AM) sethdonut: lmao
(2:03:33 AM) kfaraday: strobe :))
(2:03:34 AM) goluigi: when is the next major compo
(2:03:38 AM) ipi: summer
(2:03:39 AM) ipi: or
(2:03:44 AM) ipi: what about spring tracks?
(2:03:45 AM) golgibody: Maybe there will be spring tracks this spring!
(2:03:46 AM) gyms: a bit tadpolish on the lead
(2:03:51 AM) golgibody: I'm hoping there will be
(2:03:52 AM) Jangler: nah we'll have a few more majors in between
(2:03:54 AM) golgibody: So we can sexmodit!
(2:03:55 AM) Strobe: im fond of that bass
(2:04:00 AM) gyms: strobe yes
(2:04:01 AM) Jangler: just not major major major majors
(2:04:04 AM) sethdonut: going to submit an essay as a description now that i know it'll be narrated
(2:04:12 AM) kfaraday: hahahahaha
(2:04:15 AM) SoiledBargains: too short
(2:04:19 AM) Rocco: Just random words from various languages.
(2:04:22 AM) gyms: oh man, those closing chords
(2:04:27 AM) SoiledBargains: At least loop it one more time!
(2:04:27 AM) golgibody: We also should have an autumn chip with all the unloved formats such as ntrq, channel f, ahx
(2:04:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Just fine.
(2:04:32 AM) goluigi: 2good4me
(2:04:35 AM) flamingspinach: that was nice
(2:04:36 AM) commandycan: it is good now
(2:04:37 AM) Baycun left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(2:04:43 AM) Jangler: it is rad
(2:04:43 AM) ipi: its fien
(2:04:45 AM) gyms: it's good now!
(2:04:46 AM) SoiledBargains: Yeah, I got one breath.
(2:04:49 AM) Strobe: GET CLOSE TO THIS 8====================D
(2:04:52 AM) Jangler: hahaha
(2:04:54 AM) gyms: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(2:04:57 AM) Strobe: okay, that means im getting tired.
(2:04:58 AM) SoiledBargains: hjahahah
(2:04:58 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... arse2 — Alpha C —
(2:04:59 AM) ipi: jhaha]
(2:05:01 AM) tristendo: W0w
(2:05:03 AM) Jangler: jalhalla
(2:05:08 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... arse2 — Alpha C (entry 151/215, 70.233% complete)
(2:05:11 AM) meckz left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(2:05:14 AM) SoiledBargains: Strobe psssh
(2:05:33 AM) ipi: hariuihiui goes in time well with this one
(2:05:33 AM) Strobe: 08:05 here!
(2:05:46 AM) commandycan: hey that was a pretty cool lead part
(2:05:50 AM) gyms: great arrangement
(2:05:52 AM) kfaraday: haaaa haruhi really does go well
(2:05:55 AM) golgibody: :)
(2:05:59 AM) tristendo: 11:08 here
(2:06:06 AM) SoiledBargains: echoss
(2:06:10 AM) sethdonut: :)!
(2:06:11 AM) commandycan: weird fade-in
(2:06:14 AM) Jangler: wat
(2:06:16 AM) Strobe: tuxxys avatar worked with this one
(2:06:17 AM) commandycan: but this is lovely otherwise
(2:06:18 AM) Strobe: almost in sync
(2:06:18 AM) meckz [] entered the room.
(2:06:25 AM) ironclad: yo mex
(2:06:31 AM) SoiledBargains: Four hours of sleep is good enough for a Sunday.
(2:06:32 AM) SoiledBargains: At least this one.
(2:06:32 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:06:36 AM) kfaraday: that waveform looks quite abnormal haha
(2:06:38 AM) SoiledBargains: Who is tux in here
(2:06:41 AM) kfaraday: i'm not sure it's matched
(2:06:43 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi ^
(2:06:45 AM) Strobe: tux
(2:06:48 AM) kfaraday: Hmmmmmm
(2:06:48 AM) Strobe: oh
(2:06:49 AM) commandycan: tux is tux
(2:06:51 AM) commandycan: but tux aint here
(2:06:52 AM) meckz left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) KentaKurodani left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) CaptBeard left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) Fezuke left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) ElHuesudoII left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) SoiledBargains left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) mint left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) Zephemeros left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) vita- left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) xaimus_ left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) Strobe left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:52 AM) flamingspinach left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(2:06:55 AM) commandycan: whoa
(2:07:00 AM) xterm: noooooo
(2:07:03 AM) ironclad: the fuck
(2:07:04 AM) golgibody: Hahahahaha
(2:07:07 AM) commandycan: netsplit haha
(2:07:08 AM) Jangler: noooo
(2:07:11 AM) golgibody: Goodbye Strobe
(2:07:12 AM) goluigi: [00:06] <SoiledBargains> goluigi ^
(2:07:13 AM) goluigi: what
(2:07:15 AM) goluigi: yesh
(2:07:19 AM) Jangler: beware the netsåöot
(2:07:21 AM) sethdonut: wassat
(2:07:28 AM) gyms: split this 8================D
(2:07:31 AM) goluigi: wait until the split comes back
(2:07:41 AM) meckz [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) KentaKurodani [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) CaptBeard [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) Fezuke [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) ElHuesudoII [~ElHuesudo@] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) SoiledBargains [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) mint [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) Zephemeros [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) vita- [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) xaimus_ [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) Strobe [] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) flamingspinach [~hahaohwow@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:feae:79dc] entered the room.
(2:07:41 AM) mode (+o Strobe ) by
(2:07:44 AM) commandycan: there we go
(2:07:48 AM) Rocco: wb
(2:08:00 AM) Strobe left the room (quit: ).
(2:08:03 AM) Strobe [] entered the room.
(2:08:05 AM) mode (+o Strobe) by ChanServ
(2:08:06 AM) sethdonut: o
(2:08:07 AM) Strobe: Hello.
(2:08:10 AM) Jangler: lol
(2:08:14 AM) golgibody: Good day!
(2:08:20 AM) Strobe: Good morning!
(2:08:32 AM) gyms: oh yes
(2:08:40 AM) gyms: charm city
(2:08:43 AM) golgibody: After the devastating netsplit, Strobe arises as its sole survivor
(2:08:45 AM) SoiledBargains left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(2:08:56 AM) SoiledBargains [] entered the room.
(2:09:13 AM) kfaraday: the slow motion avatar gif is intoxicatingly fitting
(2:09:18 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Girls are a drug — TristEndo —
(2:09:19 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Girls are a drug — TristEndo (entry 152/215, 70.698% complete)
(2:09:20 AM) gyms: tristendo i am your biggest fan
(2:09:25 AM) Jangler: brunk
(2:09:28 AM) golgibody: haruhi is dancing in 5/4
(2:09:32 AM) golgibody: Jangler you should like it now
(2:09:36 AM) Jangler: what
(2:09:39 AM) SoiledBargains: tristendo makes some of the most catchy songs.
(2:09:39 AM) golgibody: ;)
(2:09:55 AM) gyms: his stuff is always so warm and charming
(2:09:59 AM) golgibody: Yeah, this is some good tristranjam
(2:10:00 AM) kfaraday: :3 yes
(2:10:08 AM) commandycan: whoa i have 420 chipist points way to go me
(2:10:09 AM) Jangler: quintuplets
(2:10:15 AM) goluigi: !pic tristendo
(2:10:16 AM) BotB: Pic of tristendo ---->
(2:10:16 AM) tristendo: x)
(2:10:21 AM) flamingspinach left the room (quit: Quit: I challenge you to a pilgrimage! A pilgrimage... to the death!).
(2:10:27 AM) ipi: kawaii
(2:10:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Those arps
(2:10:32 AM) kfaraday: really lovely 2a03 sounds eeeee
(2:10:32 AM) gyms: tristanarps!
(2:10:34 AM) flamingspinach [~hahaohwow@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:feae:79dc] entered the room.
(2:10:35 AM) gyms: : )))
(2:10:38 AM) Zephemeros: the heck happened
(2:10:42 AM) kfaraday: netsaoot
(2:10:44 AM) ipi: thid is cool
(2:10:52 AM) flamingspinach: netsplit
(2:10:54 AM) BotB: FRESH n00b :: alexras
(2:10:55 AM) SoiledBargains: This song in particular has echoes that seem almost expansion-provided.
(2:11:02 AM) SoiledBargains: Like right now.
(2:11:05 AM) BotB: HydraForce Engage: alexras :: :: PS= No :: INF= None :: LOC= United States, San F :: AN= :: LHU= :: Conclusion= Not a spammer
(2:11:09 AM) BotB: n00b CONfirmED :: alexras
(2:11:10 AM) SoiledBargains: San F
(2:11:14 AM) goluigi: how the fuk does a netsplit occur
(2:11:22 AM) Jangler: angry IRC gods
(2:11:23 AM) gyms: man, this is so good
(2:11:27 AM) sethdonut: ^
(2:11:36 AM) kfaraday: :) yes
(2:11:38 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi: One server looses a connection with another. And sometimes, that server is a hub.
(2:11:42 AM) goluigi: im being DRUGGED
(2:11:43 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ gyms
(2:11:43 AM) tristendo: thank you gyms
(2:11:49 AM) kfaraday: super lovely
(2:11:50 AM) mJ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(2:11:52 AM) Patashu: goluigi: basically, IRC has multiple servers, and they're arranged in a network
(2:11:59 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Whirligig — kfaraday —
(2:11:59 AM) Patashu: a netsplit occurs when two servers stop communicating
(2:11:59 AM) goluigi: by tristendo and haruhiiiiiii
(2:12:02 AM) Jangler: a heterogenous natwok
(2:12:05 AM) goluigi: oh
(2:12:07 AM) Patashu: the people on server group A cannot see what the people on server group B are saying
(2:12:12 AM) Patashu: until the connection is re-established
(2:12:13 AM) sethdonut: this is the troll entry.
(2:12:15 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Whirligig — kfaraday (entry 153/215, 71.163% complete)
(2:12:23 AM) mq [] entered the room.
(2:12:23 AM) SoiledBargains: Troll mah butteh
(2:12:30 AM) FoD: time signature madnesss
(2:12:31 AM) kfaraday: :3 this one ain't my troll
(2:12:32 AM) goluigi: best 52 secs of my life
(2:12:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Teh notes
(2:12:35 AM) sethdonut: haha
(2:12:36 AM) flamingspinach: ps hi Patashu
(2:12:37 AM) Rocco: Not terrible enough.
(2:12:39 AM) golgibody: It's going to be a close race between this and acmfan's entry for zxbeep gold
(2:12:40 AM) Jangler: this would be better if it weren't past my bedtime
(2:12:42 AM) goluigi: every kfaraday entry but this one is a troll entry
(2:12:43 AM) xterm-logger: zedex hee
(2:12:44 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(2:12:49 AM) SoiledBargains: * ^ Jangler
(2:12:51 AM) FoD: I really like this one
(2:12:54 AM) Patashu: hi, flamingspinach :)
(2:13:03 AM) Jangler: ^ Considered Harmful
(2:13:10 AM) sethdonut: i don't remember one iota of that song and i just listened to it
(2:13:12 AM) commandycan: waaa
(2:13:14 AM) golgibody: Done
(2:13:17 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Song for a Better Present — Tilde —
(2:13:17 AM) sethdonut: 77777
(2:13:27 AM) goluigi: tai-l-day
(2:13:33 AM) gyms: haha
(2:13:38 AM) Rocco: Better present: A friggin check.
(2:13:39 AM) gyms: nice description
(2:13:43 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:13:43 AM) commandycan: song for a better present:my dad got me a DROID and i want an IPHONE
(2:13:44 AM) golgibody: Cool
(2:13:45 AM) goluigi: WTF IS THIS!!!
(2:13:47 AM) ipi: yeahahheyaya
(2:13:48 AM) FoD: hahaa
(2:13:48 AM) Jangler: lol what
(2:13:48 AM) mint left the room (quit: ).
(2:13:51 AM) golgibody: I like how you raped that lame yeah sample
(2:13:52 AM) gyms: haha
(2:13:52 AM) ipi: oh my
(2:13:53 AM) sethdonut: ALmost Sonic 2
(2:13:53 AM) FoD: what
(2:13:56 AM) FoD: what is this
(2:14:00 AM) Jangler: you're 12
(2:14:01 AM) golgibody: Swing bias <3
(2:14:07 AM) xterm-logger: the ui heads on the right are not the same speed as the one on the left :o
(2:14:07 AM) gyms: HAHA, : DDDDDDDD
(2:14:08 AM) golgibody: A shame about the SURROUND
(2:14:12 AM) goluigi: im 12 and what is this <---skinnyhead irl
(2:14:16 AM) commandycan: lmao
(2:14:21 AM) sethdonut: real swing
(2:14:23 AM) sethdonut: omg
(2:14:38 AM) sethdonut: Brian Setzer presents:
(2:14:44 AM) sethdonut: Song for a Better Present
(2:14:47 AM) ipi: flanger drum loop
(2:14:57 AM) commandycan: oh that's cool
(2:15:03 AM) ipi: nice section here
(2:15:07 AM) commandycan: i am a sucker for these sorts of things
(2:15:19 AM) FoD: that arp -_-
(2:15:36 AM) Jangler: arpin' my right ear
(2:15:37 AM) Rocco: BRhahahaha
(2:15:39 AM) FoD: pahaha
(2:15:42 AM) commandycan: br
(2:15:43 AM) ipi: woah
(2:15:44 AM) goluigi: you have no idea
(2:15:47 AM) Jangler: <br/>
(2:15:48 AM) goluigi: how high i am right now
(2:15:52 AM) SoiledBargains: dat pass filer
(2:15:53 AM) kfaraday: definitely waveformcore~
(2:15:54 AM) CaptBeard: wow i'm tired i'm going to sleep
(2:15:55 AM) sethdonut: ptayptayptapyuptapay
(2:16:00 AM) xterm-logger: i wish i had some pretzels
(2:16:01 AM) CaptBeard: i dozed off while listening haha
(2:16:02 AM) ipi: captbeard im tireder
(2:16:02 AM) goluigi: bi breadful
(2:16:03 AM) Rocco: The heck is a <br/>?
(2:16:07 AM) goluigi: ytpmvbr
(2:16:09 AM) Jangler: html line break
(2:16:10 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaaha
(2:16:11 AM) sethdonut: SONIC2
(2:16:16 AM) CaptBeard: niiiight
(2:16:18 AM) goluigi: wtf is thisssssssssssss
(2:16:20 AM) gyms: night beard
(2:16:21 AM) goluigi: bye bye L3
(2:16:23 AM) goluigi: L3
(2:16:26 AM) ipi: goodngiht
(2:16:26 AM) goluigi: new
(2:16:31 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 202 seconds).
(2:16:32 AM) CaptBeard left the room (quit: ).
(2:16:34 AM) ipi: is that beadon
(2:16:40 AM) goluigi: keyadon
(2:16:41 AM) Jangler: apply directly to the bed
(2:16:44 AM) Rocco: Back in my day there were no slashed in line breaks is all
(2:16:47 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Song for a Better Present — Tilde (entry 154/215, 71.628% complete)
(2:16:52 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The winning battle art — Tilde —
(2:16:54 AM) goluigi: arrogantcore
(2:16:56 AM) xterm-logger: self closing tag
(2:16:57 AM) SoiledBargains: haha woos
(2:16:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The winning battle art — Tilde (entry 155/215, 72.093% complete)
(2:16:58 AM) commandycan: wow that's what's gonna win?
(2:17:00 AM) commandycan: lame
(2:17:01 AM) goluigi: no
(2:17:06 AM) SoiledBargains: lolidunno
(2:17:08 AM) goluigi: -7 because arrogantcore
(2:17:10 AM) ipi: no
(2:17:18 AM) Jangler: okay
(2:17:21 AM) golgibody: :D
(2:17:27 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... CHUKULUN — ui —
(2:17:28 AM) Jangler: 0 HP remains
(2:17:29 AM) goluigi: defeatistcore>arrogantcore
(2:17:29 AM) gyms: ui wotwot
(2:17:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... CHUKULUN — ui (entry 156/215, 72.558% complete)
(2:17:36 AM) sethdonut: is there an entry on "defeatistcore" somewhere i can peruse
(2:17:38 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler 'night! :(
(2:17:44 AM) kfaraday: nite jengleh
(2:17:46 AM) Jangler: i shall prepare my body for bedtime
(2:17:51 AM) goluigi: bui bui jangley jangler
(2:17:53 AM) SoiledBargains: Thank you for the help!!
(2:17:55 AM) xterm-logger: bye jangles
(2:17:58 AM) sethdonut: g'night
(2:17:59 AM) ipi: see ya!!
(2:18:01 AM) ElHuesudoII left the room (quit: Quit: Saliendo).
(2:18:03 AM) SoiledBargains: Enjoy yer sleeps!!
(2:18:05 AM) Jangler: hahahaha glad i could attempt to help
(2:18:08 AM) kfaraday: you still have some good entries to go ya know~
(2:18:09 AM) FoD: cya Jangler
(2:18:09 AM) commandycan: heh
(2:18:09 AM) kfaraday: :3
(2:18:09 AM) goluigi: you better give a gnight message
(2:18:11 AM) commandycan: goodnight
(2:18:12 AM) goluigi: quit message
(2:18:15 AM) goluigi: for ALL
(2:18:17 AM) SoiledBargains: You did, though!!
(2:18:21 AM) Jangler: i will give you all goodnight massages
(2:18:24 AM) goluigi: :3333
(2:18:26 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(2:18:28 AM) commandycan: mass ages
(2:18:32 AM) SoiledBargains: ui's goodnight pplz song
(2:18:41 AM) xterm-logger: lullabui
(2:18:41 AM) gyms: ^haha
(2:18:53 AM) ipi: i think im gonna go nap for 30 mins
(2:18:56 AM) commandycan: well i'm staying
(2:18:57 AM) Jangler: i would stick around but i got nothing to eat and i don't want to screw up my sleeping schedules
(2:18:59 AM) goluigi: golden FUCK grand finals hahahaha owned
(2:19:00 AM) commandycan: for what's queued next :y
(2:19:02 AM) sethdonut: bom. CHIbom. CHIIbomCHIbomCHIbom.
(2:19:04 AM) kfaraday: mandy ( >w')-b
(2:19:09 AM) ipi: oh yeah ill stay for that
(2:19:12 AM) SoiledBargains: Jangler 'sright
(2:19:21 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Golden Puck Grand Finals — commandycan —
(2:19:23 AM) Jangler: 'night everyone
(2:19:25 AM) Jangler left the room (quit: Quit: byebye).
(2:19:28 AM) goluigi: wow
(2:19:29 AM) SoiledBargains: G'night, Jangler.
(2:19:30 AM) goluigi: rude
(2:19:32 AM) goluigi: no message
(2:19:35 AM) goluigi: 0/12222
(2:19:39 AM) xterm-logger: "byebye"
(2:19:46 AM) goluigi: not4us
(2:19:48 AM) goluigi: wowowow
(2:19:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Golden Puck Grand Finals — commandycan (entry 157/215, 73.023% complete)
(2:19:50 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha danooCT1
(2:19:58 AM) Rocco: I'm out too. Nice to meet y'all.
(2:20:03 AM) goluigi: bi roccobotte
(2:20:04 AM) ipi: dan-o-oct1 you pops
(2:20:08 AM) Rocco left the room.
(2:20:09 AM) SoiledBargains: Nice to meet you too, rocoo, see ya!
(2:20:12 AM) kfaraday: :3
(2:20:15 AM) SoiledBargains: OOOOOO
(2:20:16 AM) flamingspinach: arps
(2:20:17 AM) sethdonut: yes
(2:20:19 AM) xterm-logger: danoo C T 1
(2:20:21 AM) xterm-logger: heh
(2:20:30 AM) kfaraday: isn't that what it is
(2:20:35 AM) kfaraday: (-n- )
(2:20:37 AM) goluigi: dant(-o-t)ct1
(2:20:37 AM) Flaminglog: HOLY FUCK
(2:20:39 AM) xterm-logger: (2:20:04 AM) ipi: dan-o-oct1 you pops
(2:20:40 AM) golgibody: It's dan-o-oct1
(2:20:43 AM) golgibody: Daniel of octave 1!
(2:20:49 AM) kfaraday: hahaha what
(2:20:51 AM) sethdonut: gatdamn
(2:20:51 AM) commandycan: dan the man as i calls him
(2:20:52 AM) golgibody: Yeah :)
(2:20:54 AM) golgibody: I asked him!
(2:20:55 AM) Flaminglog: THIS IS AMAZING ;~;
(2:21:01 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(2:21:06 AM) Patashu: my fucking computer crashed again
(2:21:07 AM) ipi: anyway hyeah this is toOO great
(2:21:10 AM) Patashu: omg I missed two songs :(
(2:21:12 AM) golgibody: This needs more mario paint woof
(2:21:13 AM) kfaraday: crash bandanooct1
(2:21:14 AM) commandycan: lmao golgi
(2:21:15 AM) gyms: man, so good. listen to that watery nes arrangement
(2:21:16 AM) SoiledBargains: arpy chord things
(2:21:17 AM) goluigi: Sad.
(2:21:20 AM) goluigi: seaweed time
(2:21:24 AM) SoiledBargains: hahah golgibody
(2:21:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Is anyone actively logging this?
(2:21:45 AM) sethdonut: my second actual 77777
(2:21:48 AM) ipi: key change
(2:21:57 AM) commandycan: indeed ipi
(2:21:57 AM) ***SoiledBargains is, but lost the before it started logs
(2:22:02 AM) commandycan: :)
(2:22:03 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... pixel kabum — ui —
(2:22:06 AM) ipi: GOOD
(2:22:06 AM) gyms: commandycan needs to make some youtube tuts
(2:22:11 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... pixel kabum — ui (entry 158/215, 73.488% complete)
(2:22:14 AM) flamingspinach: oh no, pokey
(2:22:17 AM) ipi: gonna go nap for some 30 minutes
(2:22:18 AM) mint [] entered the room.
(2:22:20 AM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: i started a log around 4pm eastern
(2:22:25 AM) xterm-logger: thus the nick ;)
(2:22:27 AM) ipi is now known as ipinap
(2:22:30 AM) ironclad: youtube tits
(2:22:31 AM) SoiledBargains: oh yeah DUH
(2:22:33 AM) flamingspinach: dat detuning
(2:22:34 AM) commandycan: aw gyms owo
(2:22:35 AM) FoD: oh yay, the detuning
(2:22:42 AM) flamingspinach: hi FoD
(2:22:51 AM) flamingspinach: I learned about pokey detuning from one of your videos lol
(2:22:52 AM) sethdonut: ui sells the percussion... somehow
(2:22:55 AM) FoD: heya
(2:23:09 AM) gyms: just like a real SAP
(2:23:12 AM) FoD: yeah. the detuning problem on the pokey is hilarious
(2:23:13 AM) flamingspinach: assuming you're fearofdark anyway
(2:23:16 AM) golgibody: ui's tunes is charming major key jingles and slick beats
(2:23:22 AM) kfaraday: ja he am
(2:23:30 AM) FoD: yeah, I'm Fearofdark/fodsteve1
(2:23:43 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Jhaow — ui —
(2:23:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Jhaow — ui (entry 159/215, 73.953% complete)
(2:23:50 AM) gyms: yes
(2:23:53 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh yes it does.
(2:24:04 AM) sethdonut: nativeAmericancore
(2:24:08 AM) SoiledBargains: pukey mansion
(2:24:22 AM) SoiledBargains: I didn't notice that!
(2:24:29 AM) SoiledBargains: :X
(2:24:34 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... 18 guinea pigs walk into a bar — epic_caterpillar —
(2:24:47 AM) gyms: hahahaha
(2:24:51 AM) SoiledBargains: buy an alcohol
(2:24:51 AM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: should i post the log online when this is over?
(2:24:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... 18 guinea pigs walk into a bar — epic_caterpillar (entry 160/215, 74.419% complete)
(2:24:59 AM) golgibody: Whoa
(2:25:00 AM) SoiledBargains: xterm-logger of course
(2:25:00 AM) kfaraday: oo yes please
(2:25:01 AM) golgibody: OONTZ
(2:25:02 AM) xterm-logger: kk
(2:25:04 AM) sethdonut: 18+ alcohol ~_~
(2:25:06 AM) golgibody: I'm standing right outside of a club
(2:25:09 AM) gyms: look at the waveform, haha
(2:25:15 AM) kfaraday: seth heeee
(2:25:19 AM) SoiledBargains: As long as it has decent timestamps and control codes still in it.
(2:25:21 AM) Strobe: there is panning
(2:25:25 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(2:25:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Nothing on left..
(2:25:29 AM) Patashu: ok
(2:25:31 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh it's over!
(2:25:42 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... dizzy light might — null1024 —
(2:25:56 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... dizzy light might — null1024 (entry 161/215, 74.884% complete)
(2:26:02 AM) golgibody: Discobass!
(2:26:08 AM) goluigi: i have obtained seaweed
(2:26:14 AM) goluigi: and will be feeding it to golgibody
(2:26:17 AM) golgibody: :O
(2:26:21 AM) FoD: null1024 bass
(2:26:24 AM) golgibody: :P
(2:26:25 AM) Patashu: does it2nsf do the reverb automatically
(2:26:26 AM) kfaraday: :)))
(2:26:27 AM) SoiledBargains: nullbass
(2:26:43 AM) golgibody: null1024 the disco king of botb
(2:26:45 AM) goluigi: haruhi sure loves this song
(2:26:47 AM) SoiledBargains: Patashu elaborate on reverb.
(2:26:51 AM) Patashu: same channel delay echo
(2:26:52 AM) kfaraday: haruhi LOVES music~
(2:27:05 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh... um... I don't know.
(2:27:14 AM) Patashu: a simple 'no you're dumb patashu' is ok
(2:27:17 AM) gyms: golgibody is a disembodied jigglypuff smile in my brain
(2:27:18 AM) SoiledBargains: That beat
(2:27:22 AM) golgibody: Never call single channel echo reverb again or goluigi will eat your liver.
(2:27:24 AM) SoiledBargains: Patashu well I don't know!!
(2:27:35 AM) sethdonut: where was this all song!
(2:27:39 AM) xterm-logger: SoiledBargains: yeah i'm pretty sure it does timestamps
(2:27:44 AM) xterm-logger: and join/quit etc.
(2:27:50 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Temporal Refractive Index — Flaminglog —
(2:27:57 AM) SoiledBargains: Wat
(2:28:03 AM) FoD: you forgot flaminglog
(2:28:06 AM) Strobe: :D
(2:28:11 AM) Flaminglog: oh
(2:28:13 AM) Patashu: the description is: "Fuck."
(2:28:14 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Temporal Refractive Index — Flaminglog (entry 162/215, 75.349% complete)
(2:28:42 AM) sethdonut: that title is suitably overwrought
(2:28:51 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Fun With Laser Guns — Fearofdark —
(2:28:59 AM) SoiledBargains: Great FDS usage!
(2:29:09 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Fun With Laser Guns — Fearofdark (entry 163/215, 75.814% complete)
(2:29:19 AM) SoiledBargains: FUNK
(2:29:27 AM) commandycan: yes
(2:29:28 AM) gyms: is that a chibikick?
(2:29:29 AM) commandycan: i love this
(2:29:30 AM) FoD: or lack of :P
(2:29:32 AM) goluigi: plz make this the pic of me
(2:29:34 AM) kfaraday: gyms heheh
(2:29:42 AM) SoiledBargains: I don't know how to describe it... it's that kind of song where things HAPPEN.
(2:29:45 AM) kfaraday: does remind me of love is insecurable~
(2:29:54 AM) gyms: at least the intro kick
(2:30:04 AM) Patashu: this song sounds great
(2:30:06 AM) FoD: it's probably the arp "sidechaining"
(2:30:06 AM) SoiledBargains: Not in the song, but in the thing it's describing.
(2:30:07 AM) Flaminglog: i really liked love is insecurable
(2:30:21 AM) Flaminglog: it deserved its win
(2:30:26 AM) sethdonut: this song is like a lullaby
(2:30:29 AM) gyms: smoooth modulations : P ~~
(2:30:43 AM) epic_caterpillar: lemme teach u bout fds
(2:30:46 AM) Patashu: waoow
(2:30:50 AM) Strobe: xD
(2:30:51 AM) gyms: that kid got me!
(2:30:59 AM) SoiledBargains: ha ha!!
(2:31:11 AM) FoD: gyms that was precisely what I was going for
(2:31:12 AM) sethdonut: its portamento, so sweet, so sensual
(2:31:14 AM) SoiledBargains: > I don't know how to describe it... it's that kind of song where things HAPPEN. you know maybe you should read the song title
(2:31:21 AM) gyms: it's okay tho, got some distance now
(2:31:22 AM) commandycan: lol
(2:31:27 AM) SoiledBargains: But the good thing is is that even taken out of context it still makes sense
(2:31:31 AM) kfaraday: REGGAETON BEAT
(2:31:36 AM) kfaraday: (usagi??? ;3)
(2:31:37 AM) Flaminglog: the way the arps rise and fade sorta reminds me of dandelion ride
(2:31:54 AM) gyms: the visual arp hits are so great : ))
(2:32:03 AM) sethdonut: this gets a high rating
(2:32:12 AM) SoiledBargains: yes
(2:32:22 AM) gyms: i guess the round is almost over
(2:32:23 AM) SoiledBargains: It's placement will surely be interesting!!
(2:32:27 AM) commandycan: mmhm
(2:32:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Luvin' that wave
(2:32:44 AM) SoiledBargains: 10 minute intermission. 164 entries down, 51 to go. 76.279% complete.
(2:32:46 AM) sethdonut: :B
(2:32:53 AM) xterm-logger: whew
(2:33:02 AM) goluigi: i love how all these entries were submitted in the last few days
(2:33:04 AM) FoD: I think I probably could've worked more on the ending
(2:33:12 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi haha
(2:33:13 AM) FoD: now that I look back on it
(2:33:20 AM) sethdonut: yeah like 30% of entries were 4 days ago or something
(2:33:24 AM) kfaraday: :DD
(2:33:34 AM) gyms: fod, how so, in length or in details?
(2:33:37 AM) SoiledBargains: Just look at how many were submitted in the last six hours!
(2:33:39 AM) SoiledBargains: !compo
(2:33:40 AM) BotB: Winter Chip VIII :: 215 entries :: voting deadline 16d 15h 53m :: final results 16d 15h 58m ::
(2:33:41 AM) FoD: in deatil
(2:33:42 AM) commandycan: a little over 2 weeks
(2:33:46 AM) SoiledBargains: 16 days, 15 hours
(2:33:53 AM) SoiledBargains: brb
(2:33:54 AM) Fezuke left the room (quit: ).
(2:34:03 AM) commandycan: i really want to make it to the end
(2:34:07 AM) commandycan: we'll see what we can do here
(2:34:26 AM) epic_caterpillar: i will have a shower so quick
(2:34:28 AM) epic_caterpillar: brb
(2:34:44 AM) kfaraday: HAHAHAHA
(2:34:46 AM) kfaraday: this owns
(2:34:49 AM) commandycan: we're stuck in a temporal loop
(2:34:56 AM) Strobe: Add a donk to it and you have a gabba track
(2:35:02 AM) goluigi: fadeout
(2:35:07 AM) goluigi: 70 loops and fadeout
(2:35:23 AM) commandycan: what the
(2:35:24 AM) Strobe: xD
(2:35:28 AM) flamingspinach: wat hapen
(2:35:36 AM) Strobe: now make it a 5th
(2:35:37 AM) flamingspinach: stop using a loop pedal on your mic kfaraday rofl
(2:35:39 AM) commandycan: oh no
(2:35:41 AM) commandycan: i see what's going on here
(2:35:47 AM) goluigi: kfaraday's wildchip entry: acoustic liveset edition
(2:35:51 AM) commandycan: lmao
(2:36:07 AM) Strobe: this is so going to be his next wildchip entry yes
(2:36:11 AM) Strobe: just add a sid drum
(2:36:23 AM) commandycan: lmao
(2:36:23 AM) Flaminglog: oh my god
(2:36:25 AM) goluigi: harmoniez
(2:36:25 AM) mq: This is a cool font
(2:36:27 AM) commandycan: haahahaha
(2:36:27 AM) Flaminglog: what did i come back to
(2:36:28 AM) Strobe: scary
(2:36:32 AM) Flaminglog: this is amazing
(2:36:39 AM) golgibody: Now come on, sing a major minor seventh chord!
(2:36:40 AM) Strobe: :D
(2:36:44 AM) commandycan: doopledoopledoopledoople
(2:36:45 AM) flamingspinach: dohodohodohodohodohodohodoho
(2:36:48 AM) mq: BOLDFACE
(2:36:51 AM) goluigi: yeah start making golgicore!
(2:36:55 AM) goluigi: maj7 everywhere!
(2:37:03 AM) mq: golgicore = shit
(2:37:04 AM) mq: ownd
(2:37:05 AM) Strobe: one octave higher
(2:37:06 AM) Strobe: you can do it
(2:37:08 AM) goluigi: someone record this
(2:37:12 AM) goluigi: this is amazing
(2:37:19 AM) Strobe: xD
(2:37:20 AM) commandycan: hahahahaha
(2:37:29 AM) commandycan: how did this even start
(2:37:29 AM) goluigi: ohc based off of this
(2:37:29 AM) commandycan: lmao
(2:37:34 AM) GreaseMonkey: it looks quite different on this comp
(2:37:35 AM) Strobe: this is his mating call
(2:37:37 AM) goluigi: make an a perc track
(2:37:38 AM) GreaseMonkey: but it's definitely text
(2:37:40 AM) golgibody: Hahahahaha Strobe
(2:37:44 AM) mq: lmao is this kfaraday
(2:37:45 AM) commandycan: this is an impressive mating call
(2:37:46 AM) FoD: strobe hahahahaa
(2:37:47 AM) mq: singing
(2:37:47 AM) goluigi: yes
(2:38:06 AM) FoD: swoon, damnit!
(2:38:08 AM) goluigi: apparently the little deliquent found a repeat looper
(2:38:09 AM) mq: who is the other person
(2:38:12 AM) mq: doing the voice
(2:38:14 AM) gyms: what is happening??
(2:38:15 AM) commandycan: i think he's lost track
(2:38:15 AM) goluigi: its kfaraday
(2:38:15 AM) flamingspinach: loop pedal
(2:38:18 AM) gyms: i left for a minute
(2:38:19 AM) goluigi: yes
(2:38:19 AM) mq: oh
(2:38:22 AM) commandycan: lmao gyms
(2:38:26 AM) commandycan: you came back to something special
(2:38:29 AM) mq: This is still the best font
(2:38:30 AM) Strobe: its feedback-core
(2:38:33 AM) xterm-logger: is this live?
(2:38:37 AM) Strobe: yes
(2:38:38 AM) gyms: is this kfaraday singing right now?
(2:38:38 AM) commandycan: jeapordy
(2:38:40 AM) xterm-logger: oh wow
(2:38:42 AM) commandycan: jeopardy
(2:38:43 AM) flamingspinach: the best unicode subrange
(2:38:43 AM) GreaseMonkey: for me that font looks like a particular X font
(2:38:44 AM) xterm-logger: i was gonna have a snack but i guess not
(2:38:47 AM) goluigi: we should have an ohc where we make something like this
(2:38:50 AM) goluigi: allgear
(2:38:51 AM) Flaminglog: YES
(2:38:53 AM) golgibody: He is improvising and making us all feel inferior. ;(
(2:38:55 AM) commandycan: i would do that
(2:39:02 AM) mq: X font
(2:39:04 AM) commandycan: and the fade
(2:39:05 AM) mq: oh god
(2:39:06 AM) flamingspinach: actually this isn't a loop pedal
(2:39:07 AM) GreaseMonkey: X11
(2:39:08 AM) goluigi: best intermission yet
(2:39:08 AM) mq: now it's normal again!
(2:39:09 AM) mq: no
(2:39:14 AM) flamingspinach: it's the five heads in the lower right corner of the video
(2:39:14 AM) commandycan: hahahaha
(2:39:15 AM) flamingspinach: singing in harmony
(2:39:16 AM) gyms: he's cheating with his perfect pitch powers, it's okay ; PPPP
(2:39:19 AM) Flaminglog: faraday how did you do that
(2:39:20 AM) mq: 大树
(2:39:23 AM) golgibody: Hahahahahahaha
(2:39:25 AM) mq: 美国大树
(2:39:29 AM) goluigi: kfaraday do you have perfect pitch
(2:39:35 AM) BotB: Zero has logged in.
(2:39:38 AM) flamingspinach: ah
(2:39:39 AM) mq: 开发日阿达一
(2:39:39 AM) flamingspinach: feedback
(2:39:56 AM) GreaseMonkey: <goluigi> we should have an ohc where we make something like this <-- i recall doing an entry where i just made shit up per instrument
(2:39:57 AM) flamingspinach: that explains why the older segments were fading out as you recorded new ones
(2:39:59 AM) SoiledBargains: Not yet
(2:40:00 AM) sethdonut: *HOLY SHIT*
(2:40:01 AM) goluigi: kfaraday you cheater
(2:40:01 AM) Flaminglog: that was the prettiest feedback ever
(2:40:05 AM) gyms: goluigi, yes he does
(2:40:08 AM) commandycan: oh we shall
(2:40:09 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I'm on a timer right now
(2:40:10 AM) goluigi: CHEATER!!!!!
(2:40:13 AM) golgibody: :D
(2:40:17 AM) goluigi: perfect pitch=cheating
(2:40:17 AM) sethdonut: i'm going to listen to this later
(2:40:20 AM) gyms: haha
(2:40:21 AM) goluigi: sing an Ab!!!
(2:40:22 AM) gyms: : DD
(2:40:24 AM) gyms: hax
(2:40:28 AM) golgibody: Sing an Ab!
(2:40:33 AM) gyms: jrlepage has hax too
(2:40:33 AM) flamingspinach: would perfect pitch really help you harmonize
(2:40:44 AM) SoiledBargains: *Ding ding ding.* 2 minutes left in intermission. Please return to your seats.
(2:40:46 AM) goluigi: sing a J
(2:40:48 AM) goluigi: J#
(2:40:50 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(2:40:55 AM) mq: play an Ab and G harmony
(2:41:02 AM) goluigi: ha bet u cant do that >: )) ) )
(2:41:05 AM) flamingspinach: wasn't J# some microsoft abomination of a programming language
(2:41:10 AM) goluigi: what
(2:41:26 AM) flamingspinach:
(2:41:31 AM) goluigi: wtf is this
(2:41:32 AM) goluigi: wtf
(2:41:45 AM) golgibody: what is this kfaraday
(2:41:47 AM) flamingspinach: play it for us kfaraday
(2:41:51 AM) mq: I'd like
(2:41:53 AM) gyms: yes play it plz
(2:41:54 AM) Flaminglog: yes
(2:42:01 AM) goluigi: anyone with perfect pitch is autohax
(2:42:07 AM) gyms: NO, SING IT INSTEAD
(2:42:09 AM) gyms: : DD
(2:42:10 AM) flamingspinach: is anyone not familiar with pachelbel's canon
(2:42:11 AM) goluigi: yes
(2:42:25 AM) golgibody: :D
(2:42:27 AM) mq: lol
(2:42:29 AM) goluigi: offtune
(2:42:33 AM) goluigi: in a CONVENTIONAL SCALE
(2:42:36 AM) golgibody: This is a badass version of the canon
(2:42:37 AM) goluigi: but this isnt real life
(2:42:44 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Current System — Strobe —
(2:42:48 AM) gyms: oh man, cool
(2:42:48 AM) sethdonut: awesome
(2:42:55 AM) commandycan: haha
(2:43:09 AM) gyms: what are these emotions i'm feeling
(2:43:10 AM) Flaminglog: this is interesting
(2:43:14 AM) gyms: they're somewhat...brown
(2:43:18 AM) flamingspinach: ennui
(2:43:24 AM) goluigi: LOL
(2:43:25 AM) goluigi: the lead
(2:43:27 AM) flamingspinach: what is this j scale again
(2:43:33 AM) sethdonut: yeah getting that ennui
(2:43:35 AM) kfaraday: bohlen-pierce scale
(2:43:35 AM) goluigi: Juck you
(2:43:42 AM) ***flamingspinach googles
(2:43:43 AM) mq: Jane scale
(2:43:52 AM) goluigi: yes
(2:43:52 AM) mq: I know Jayne
(2:43:53 AM) GreaseMonkey: zzo38 scale
(2:44:19 AM) flamingspinach: this is cool
(2:44:22 AM) mq: I don't even recognize it as canon anymore
(2:44:27 AM) Patashu: what song is this
(2:44:31 AM) kfaraday: canon in d in a strange scale
(2:44:32 AM) mq: Canon by pachelbel
(2:44:39 AM) Patashu: it can't be canon in d
(2:44:40 AM) Patashu: it sounds good
(2:44:43 AM) kfaraday: : )))
(2:44:50 AM) FoD: the key of s
(2:44:52 AM) golgibody: It doesn't sound CHEESY like canon in d
(2:45:01 AM) mq: who speaks chinese here?
(2:45:06 AM) gyms: reminds me of early modest mouse
(2:45:38 AM) gyms: sounds very american folky
(2:45:54 AM) goluigi: perfect pitch more like perfect BITCH ahahahhahAHhahAHA owned
(2:46:02 AM) Flaminglog: for some reason this is reminding me of that one episode of "look around you" about music, when they demonstrated the boite diabolique
(2:46:09 AM) gyms: needs some horns and and fiddles
(2:46:10 AM) Flaminglog: which housed the "forbidden notes"
(2:46:12 AM) goluigi: sry ofensive
(2:46:18 AM) flamingspinach: 我看不懂中文
(2:46:22 AM) FoD: Flaminglog yes
(2:46:31 AM) goluigi: i like this song
(2:46:38 AM) Flaminglog: yes good someone knows what i was referring to
(2:46:46 AM) goluigi: its so nicely out of tune :)
(2:46:50 AM) kfaraday: :)
(2:46:51 AM) FoD: any minute now, your ears will start to bleed
(2:47:03 AM) gyms: i can recognize the melody there for a second
(2:47:07 AM) gyms: bah, now it's gone
(2:47:09 AM) goluigi: someone create a tracker where you track using this scale
(2:47:13 AM) kfaraday: :D
(2:47:19 AM) kfaraday: bohlen-pierce OHC
(2:47:22 AM) goluigi: make it a botb ohc
(2:47:23 AM) goluigi: yes
(2:47:24 AM) Strobe: overlay this with the acmfan beeper track and you have an instant mental rape hit
(2:47:24 AM) gyms: Pxx in famitracker
(2:47:29 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha Strobe
(2:47:31 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(2:47:31 AM) goluigi: ohc category
(2:47:34 AM) FoD: goluigi it's called the artari pokey chip XD
(2:47:38 AM) goluigi: LOL
(2:47:42 AM) golgibody: :P
(2:47:46 AM) ***SoiledBargains back
(2:47:50 AM) goluigi: no
(2:47:51 AM) goluigi: end it
(2:47:52 AM) goluigi: now
(2:47:53 AM) sethdonut: yes
(2:47:53 AM) SoiledBargains: We've been ready for a while
(2:47:56 AM) golgibody: The final countdown!
(2:48:02 AM) Pootie: dananaaa naaa
(2:48:04 AM) Pootie: etc
(2:48:17 AM) Flaminglog: oh fuck
(2:48:19 AM) Flaminglog: this entry
(2:48:21 AM) goluigi: change the pixxxxxxxxx
(2:48:30 AM) golgibody: Good day!
(2:48:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Current System — Strobe (entry 164/215, 76.279% complete)
(2:48:37 AM) Strobe: Good day!
(2:48:37 AM) gyms: strobe 8=D
(2:48:39 AM) mq: 我不知道中文:(
(2:48:40 AM) SoiledBargains: Echo?
(2:48:52 AM) golgibody: A message in morse code that says "lol kfaraday is queer"
(2:48:55 AM) FoD: sounds a bit like my entry. haha
(2:49:01 AM) kfaraday: :))
(2:49:04 AM) goluigi: 2strobe4me
(2:49:12 AM) kfaraday: aaaaaaaaa
(2:49:16 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha!
(2:49:17 AM) golgibody: Wow
(2:49:19 AM) commandycan: holyyy
(2:49:19 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:49:26 AM) FoD: hahahaha, what?!
(2:49:27 AM) mq: 三八!
(2:49:38 AM) golgibody: Three rivers!
(2:49:42 AM) SoiledBargains: 21 viewers!
(2:49:49 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha what
(2:49:49 AM) sethdonut: hah it's in J scale
(2:49:51 AM) commandycan: lmfao
(2:49:52 AM) Strobe: people are still alive!
(2:49:52 AM) SoiledBargains: HONK HONK HONK
(2:49:56 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(2:49:56 AM) gyms: give me a sega genesis game with this music, please
(2:49:57 AM) Flaminglog: i'll admit that the first time i heard this i didn't know what to make of it
(2:50:01 AM) kfaraday: HOBM HOBM
(2:50:04 AM) Flaminglog: and then i could NOT STOP LISTENING TO IT
(2:50:06 AM) SoiledBargains: Strobe I didn't mean it like that!!
(2:50:10 AM) Patashu: awesome strobecore
(2:50:11 AM) Strobe: :D
(2:50:15 AM) gyms: benis goes to mars
(2:50:16 AM) Strobe: Honk is the best troll sample.
(2:50:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Bad timing to make that statement. xD
(2:50:24 AM) SoiledBargains: time
(2:50:28 AM) kfaraday: bleep! ( 'w')
(2:50:33 AM) goluigi: senis
(2:50:37 AM) goluigi: Snes
(2:50:41 AM) golgibody: Ah man
(2:50:42 AM) flamingspinach: mq: then why did you ask lol
(2:50:43 AM) Strobe: blebleblablebloop bleep
(2:50:47 AM) Pootie: snezzy
(2:50:48 AM) golgibody: Now it sounds like 60s modular synths
(2:50:51 AM) gyms: slick denis goes to the dentist
(2:50:52 AM) golgibody: Noooooo
(2:50:52 AM) goluigi: mqueero
(2:50:53 AM) commandycan: wow
(2:50:56 AM) golgibody: Not a singing girl :(
(2:50:58 AM) SoiledBargains: The Gensis can do this?
(2:50:59 AM) golgibody: Instant song ruin
(2:51:22 AM) Strobe: SoiledBargains i surely hope it can, since deflemask allowed me to do it.
(2:51:25 AM) Strobe: ;P
(2:51:28 AM) SoiledBargains: ;F
(2:51:31 AM) sethdonut: webrwrbwrbrwbrbwrb
(2:51:35 AM) mq: lol I was just wondering if people here spoke chinese
(2:51:58 AM) golgibody: We're good!
(2:51:59 AM) SoiledBargains: HertzDevil does.
(2:52:00 AM) goluigi: I Love The SGA Genis
(2:52:02 AM) SoiledBargains: We're good.
(2:52:04 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Random Title Song — ggamer77 —
(2:52:04 AM) mq: oh right
(2:52:04 AM) pfcode [] entered the room.
(2:52:07 AM) mq: he lives in hong kong
(2:52:17 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Random Title Song — ggamer77 (entry 165/215, 76.744% complete)
(2:52:29 AM) goluigi: defeatistcore
(2:52:50 AM) ipinap: gagaagag
(2:52:52 AM) Pootie: xD
(2:53:17 AM) Pootie: I really like the sample quality AddMusicK can do. C:
(2:53:19 AM) golgibody: No Winter Chip shall be without defeatistcore
(2:53:26 AM) sethdonut: what is defeatistcore!
(2:53:39 AM) kfaraday: seth oh~ i'm no good at music~
(2:53:45 AM) sethdonut: haha
(2:53:49 AM) sethdonut: oh, yeah, that
(2:54:04 AM) golgibody: Yeah, the sample quality is really good
(2:54:05 AM) kfaraday: i pooed this out in the minutes while dangling from a window sill
(2:54:13 AM) ggamer77 [] entered the room.
(2:54:14 AM) sethdonut: XD
(2:54:17 AM) ggamer77: ...
(2:54:20 AM) Pootie: lolol
(2:54:20 AM) ipinap: oaky so its not time yet ill be back
(2:54:23 AM) Pootie: great track! :D
(2:54:28 AM) SoiledBargains: Hello ggamer77!
(2:54:30 AM) ggamer77: no...
(2:54:34 AM) ggamer77: Hi
(2:54:37 AM) gyms: haha : ))
(2:54:37 AM) SoiledBargains: Have you been watching our stream?
(2:54:39 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... (that's it) — zanzan —
(2:54:42 AM) gyms: >(:B)3=<
(2:54:45 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... (that's it) — zanzan (entry 166/215, 77.209% complete)
(2:54:49 AM) sethdonut: nice tits
(2:54:50 AM) ggamer77: Pootie told me.
(2:54:50 AM) gyms: >(:B)3=<
(2:54:51 AM) gyms: >(:B)3=<
(2:54:55 AM) Pootie: lolol yeah
(2:55:06 AM) mq: ( = )
(2:55:13 AM) SoiledBargains: Wow this is short.
(2:55:18 AM) mq: (' = ')
(2:55:21 AM) gyms: zat's it
(2:55:21 AM) kfaraday: that's it~
(2:55:30 AM) goluigi: thats it im leaving the call
(2:55:32 AM) Pootie: kkkkkkkkkkkffafkfarkafkarkkkfakrkfa
(2:55:40 AM) kfaraday: eeee
(2:55:43 AM) tristendo: winrar
(2:55:44 AM) kfaraday: that last part is so emotinal
(2:55:47 AM) FoD: zanzan's instruments are the best
(2:55:55 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Top Down — MandraSigma —
(2:55:55 AM) FoD: and his sense of harmony
(2:55:57 AM) Xyz_39808: I tuned back in at a great time!
(2:56:08 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Top Down — MandraSigma (entry 167/215, 77.674% complete)
(2:56:15 AM) sethdonut: UH YA
(2:56:16 AM) sethdonut: UH
(2:56:18 AM) sethdonut: GET DOWN
(2:56:22 AM) Xyz_39808: GET UP
(2:56:26 AM) sethdonut: UH
(2:56:27 AM) sethdonut: UH YA
(2:56:33 AM) goluigi: from now on every spc i do will be with ko0x
(2:56:36 AM) Xyz_39808: ooomph BAH
(2:56:38 AM) SoiledBargains: chords
(2:56:47 AM) golgibody: I like MandraSigma's vibrato
(2:56:48 AM) ***sethdonut spins in place, does a split
(2:56:53 AM) kfaraday: yes :)
(2:57:00 AM) kfaraday: really luscious chords too~
(2:57:01 AM) golgibody: He always uses the same setting and somehow it's really charming
(2:57:06 AM) kfaraday: i love when all parts move at once
(2:57:10 AM) Xyz_39808: very nice echoes
(2:57:15 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... safe colours for work — HertzDevil —
(2:57:26 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... safe colours for work — HertzDevil (entry 168/215, 78.14% complete)
(2:57:34 AM) goluigi: i love tilde's comment lmfao
(2:57:50 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi yep
(2:57:51 AM) Pootie: wait what hertz made another entry?
(2:58:00 AM) goluigi: that was his best comment ever
(2:58:01 AM) ironclad: Teal. Thanks.
(2:58:01 AM) Pootie: oh
(2:58:03 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(2:58:07 AM) golgibody: Wow I-Pie has lost his hearts!
(2:58:09 AM) commandycan: haha
(2:58:10 AM) goluigi: LOL
(2:58:12 AM) goluigi: HAHAHAHAHA
(2:58:19 AM) commandycan: i laughed kfaraday!
(2:58:20 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Resonance Avenger III — Strobe —
(2:58:21 AM) goluigi: so much for WHITE HEARTS
(2:58:22 AM) commandycan: i swear!
(2:58:37 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Resonance Avenger III — Strobe (entry 169/215, 78.605% complete)
(2:58:43 AM) commandycan: waffles are food.
(2:58:43 AM) sethdonut: can't argue there
(2:58:46 AM) commandycan: this much is true.
(2:58:49 AM) kfaraday: yes :)
(2:58:49 AM) flamingspinach: strobe made a fuckton of entries
(2:58:50 AM) Xyz_39808: They are not food. They're minerals
(2:59:01 AM) SoiledBargains: drumsmsmsmsm
(2:59:03 AM) golgibody: Hehehehehe
(2:59:08 AM) Xyz_39808: can't tell of motorik or if speedcore
(2:59:08 AM) SoiledBargains: phazzinzz
(2:59:09 AM) kfaraday: it is LIFE FORCE
(2:59:15 AM) golgibody: Another AY without hardpans
(2:59:17 AM) gyms: very wafflecore
(2:59:17 AM) golgibody: And really good too
(2:59:18 AM) kfaraday: like final fantasy potions
(2:59:24 AM) golgibody: +7
(2:59:29 AM) Strobe: xD
(2:59:40 AM) Strobe: im not particularly good in the tracker
(2:59:44 AM) Strobe: im just screwing around!
(2:59:48 AM) kfaraday: : 0
(2:59:48 AM) tristendo left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(2:59:49 AM) Strobe: but at least i made an AY entry!
(2:59:58 AM) goluigi: "screwing around"
(3:00:02 AM) kfaraday: hahahahaa
(3:00:05 AM) golgibody: Only subconsciously making really good music
(3:00:13 AM) kfaraday: oh~ i'm so bad~~
(3:00:15 AM) golgibody: defeatistcore!
(3:00:16 AM) goluigi: who has perfect pitch
(3:00:19 AM) SoiledBargains: ooh
(3:00:20 AM) Strobe: ahahahahahhaah
(3:00:21 AM) sethdonut: baahhaha
(3:00:22 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Gesticulating Squidette — Svetlana —
(3:00:26 AM) goluigi: good title
(3:00:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Gesticulating Squidette — Svetlana (entry 170/215, 45 left, 79.07% complete)
(3:00:50 AM) goluigi: neat
(3:01:05 AM) golgibody: Svetlana tropes all over :P
(3:01:07 AM) golgibody: But good swing!
(3:01:09 AM) goluigi: 1:00 wooohoho
(3:01:10 AM) flamingspinach: I can't understand the tunes she's trying to play *rimshot*
(3:01:10 AM) flamingspinach: jk this is cool
(3:01:14 AM) kfaraday: :))
(3:01:15 AM) SoiledBargains: Lead is nice
(3:01:22 AM) sethdonut: dinga dinga dingading PLLLING
(3:01:32 AM) mq: 1AM
(3:01:33 AM) gyms: what constitutes a svet trope?
(3:01:36 AM) sethdonut: 3AM
(3:01:43 AM) kfaraday: !entry erinkrieg
(3:01:43 AM) BotB: kfaraday - ::
(3:01:45 AM) ironclad: 2AM
(3:01:48 AM) Xyz_39808: yeah, so many styles I have no clue that they are styles
(3:01:58 AM) Xyz_39808: icp is in the best timezone
(3:02:07 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... He is a New Man — Chip Champion —
(3:02:13 AM) Xyz_39808: Pretty good I geso
(3:02:19 AM) Flaminglog: HE IS A NUDE MAN
(3:02:25 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(3:02:27 AM) mq: lol
(3:02:27 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... He is a New Man — Chip Champion (entry 171/215, 44 left, 79.535% complete)
(3:02:28 AM) commandycan: haha
(3:02:34 AM) gyms: kfaraday, ah i see
(3:02:35 AM) goluigi: its 15:02 somewhere!
(3:02:46 AM) sethdonut: can't wait to see where this goes
(3:02:47 AM) gyms: he is a new man, haha
(3:02:56 AM) mq: I don't like this intro
(3:02:58 AM) flamingspinach: the 7th disappeared
(3:03:03 AM) mq: it's going to get better
(3:03:10 AM) sethdonut: .....
(3:03:11 AM) commandycan: hah
(3:03:12 AM) Strobe: :D
(3:03:13 AM) mq: um
(3:03:16 AM) sethdonut: ..................
(3:03:17 AM) FoD: mq there you go, haha
(3:03:19 AM) SoiledBargains: chipchamp's voice is really quiet.
(3:03:20 AM) flamingspinach: a vst of his own design
(3:03:20 AM) gyms: : DDDDDDD
(3:03:22 AM) mq: yay lol
(3:03:23 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(3:03:24 AM) kfaraday: :3333
(3:03:33 AM) Strobe: wildchipping all over the place
(3:03:34 AM) epic_caterpillar: BACK
(3:03:44 AM) Xyz_39808: gross, it's everywhere
(3:03:45 AM) sethdonut: chip champion lives up to his name effortlessly
(3:03:58 AM) kfaraday: : DDD
(3:04:17 AM) Xyz_39808: sounds like the kind of singing you'd hear in Always Sunny
(3:04:18 AM) Strobe: He enters all categories all the time!
(3:04:22 AM) Xyz_39808: NIGHT MAN
(3:04:23 AM) Strobe: the little bastard
(3:04:26 AM) Strobe: Chip Bastard
(3:04:27 AM) kfaraday: :3
(3:04:29 AM) sethdonut: aaaAAAAAAAAAAhhh
(3:04:30 AM) gyms: very david bowie
(3:04:34 AM) goluigi: i wish i wasnt so NARROW MINDED about trackers :(
(3:04:43 AM) GreaseMonkey: i really need to finish this 4-pattern piece i started for FCM9
(3:04:55 AM) kfaraday: :o
(3:05:04 AM) mq: goluigi the NJ
(3:05:04 AM) golgibody: chipchampion is the kind of guy who can make good music in any tracker no matter how bad the tracker is
(3:05:10 AM) kfaraday: :D yes
(3:05:59 AM) goluigi: golgibody has a good gooood aura
(3:06:07 AM) goluigi: good transition from GRAY
(3:06:10 AM) SoiledBargains: Huh that waveform has a little hump
(3:06:11 AM) Patashu: chip champion is truly the champion
(3:06:14 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... War Crime II — rainwarrior —
(3:06:18 AM) goluigi: good title
(3:06:21 AM) goluigi: all 7s
(3:06:23 AM) Flaminglog: whenever i think about starting a new tracker i just remember how long it took me to switch from mario paint to famitracker and how glad i was that i made the transition
(3:06:31 AM) Xyz_39808: because apparently VortexTrackerII is "a warcrime"
(3:06:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... War Crime II — rainwarrior (entry 172/215, 43 left, 80% complete)
(3:06:38 AM) Patashu: dat hardpan
(3:06:39 AM) goluigi: oh sorry
(3:06:40 AM) SoiledBargains: My kind of jazz
(3:06:42 AM) commandycan: lovely
(3:06:43 AM) Xyz_39808: which system exacly has AY panning?
(3:06:44 AM) goluigi: i dont have a left ear
(3:06:53 AM) goluigi: one instrument
(3:06:54 AM) mq: this is good
(3:06:54 AM) Pootie: oh, van gogh
(3:07:02 AM) goluigi: one little square lead
(3:07:08 AM) Xyz_39808: I think, for how the chip works, VTII works just fine
(3:07:09 AM) gyms: whew, lovely lovely
(3:07:12 AM) sethdonut: :3c
(3:07:18 AM) SoiledBargains: awww
(3:07:19 AM) goluigi: is this a mod????????
(3:07:28 AM) gyms: dammit, why can't be longer
(3:07:28 AM) SoiledBargains: That's it... :(
(3:07:32 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Syrvan Mechanoid — Strobe —
(3:07:33 AM) goluigi: im leaving the call
(3:07:48 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Syrvan Mechanoid — Strobe (entry 173/215, 42 left, 80.465% complete)
(3:07:52 AM) commandycan: my aura hurts my eyes
(3:07:53 AM) gyms: haha
(3:07:57 AM) goluigi: graaay
(3:08:03 AM) gyms: yknow, just a story about syrvan machanoid
(3:08:07 AM) Strobe: Yes.
(3:08:10 AM) commandycan: i am no longer gray
(3:08:16 AM) kfaraday: commandycolour
(3:08:20 AM) Patashu: how do you set your nationality? on botb
(3:08:22 AM) commandycan: i have been reborn into a very angry red
(3:08:29 AM) mq: you just show up a lot
(3:08:30 AM) kfaraday: it's determined my ip but the iptable is not very god heheh
(3:08:31 AM) goluigi: that was my aura!
(3:08:33 AM) goluigi: earlier
(3:08:36 AM) kfaraday: *by
(3:08:40 AM) goluigi: now im a cute red+blue thingy :)
(3:08:40 AM) Patashu: oh, really?
(3:08:43 AM) Tilde [] entered the room.
(3:08:47 AM) Patashu: it thinks I am [?] but it should think I am [Australia]n
(3:08:51 AM) Patashu: plz fix
(3:09:06 AM) mq: I should have been in kr when they set the IP
(3:09:14 AM) Patashu: mmm, this song is aweaome
(3:09:22 AM) mq: but they put in my US IP anyway
(3:09:38 AM) SoiledBargains: boopity beep boop boop bip
(3:09:38 AM) goluigi: it thinks I am [USA] but it should think i am [?]
(3:09:40 AM) FoD: lol, that ending
(3:09:40 AM) goluigi: plz fix
(3:09:41 AM) Xyz_39808: that was SMS???
(3:09:42 AM) sethdonut: o.o
(3:09:44 AM) golgibody: Your IP is set whenever you log in
(3:09:45 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Lady With A Cute Smile — jrlepage —
(3:09:47 AM) Strobe: :D
(3:09:49 AM) gyms: wonderbread
(3:09:50 AM) Strobe: that was SMS.
(3:09:51 AM) Tilde: zed
(3:09:54 AM) SoiledBargains: Cahnadia
(3:09:59 AM) mq: oh this is the white noise beepola one
(3:10:04 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Lady With A Cute Smile — jrlepage (entry 174/215, 41 left, 80.93% complete)
(3:10:08 AM) goluigi: 2happy
(3:10:17 AM) mq: that annoying thing on the background
(3:10:17 AM) Pootie: 3happy5me
(3:10:18 AM) commandycan: that cute smile is a FRONT
(3:10:18 AM) goluigi: second zx that doesnt HURT my ears
(3:10:20 AM) Tilde: Finally get to pop in.
(3:10:21 AM) goluigi: good job
(3:10:23 AM) gyms: she has a cute smile and very sharp teeth
(3:10:23 AM) golgibody: This is jrlepage's love letter to acmfan
(3:10:23 AM) Xyz_39808: wtf is an aura?
(3:10:29 AM) mq: it hurts my brain
(3:10:30 AM) kfaraday: golgibody :))
(3:10:31 AM) goluigi: you mean
(3:10:32 AM) SoiledBargains: heartcore
(3:10:37 AM) flamingspinach: classic progression
(3:10:39 AM) goluigi: this is jrlepage's love letter to kajingsol
(3:10:42 AM) mq: lmfao
(3:10:42 AM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(3:10:45 AM) golgibody: Hahahahahahahah
(3:10:47 AM) goluigi: after he flew back to quebec
(3:10:52 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(3:10:53 AM) sethdonut: these melodies resolve in a manner which appeals to me
(3:11:01 AM) sethdonut: I CAN ONLY VOTE HIGHLY
(3:11:10 AM) ***xterm-logger solemn nod
(3:11:16 AM) golgibody: jrlepage knows how to resolve his melodies ( -w-)
(3:11:25 AM) Tilde: Is neat.
(3:11:27 AM) Tilde: My first time using ZX :| small comforts~
(3:11:43 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... ERROR 518: Everything is Fucked — Tilde —
(3:11:48 AM) goluigi: twilter
(3:11:49 AM) gyms: everything is fucked
(3:11:56 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... ERROR 518: Everything is Fucked — Tilde (entry 175/215, 40 left, 81.395% complete)
(3:12:06 AM) sethdonut: thumb-blister+++++
(3:12:08 AM) commandycan: well
(3:12:08 AM) SoiledBargains: oooh
(3:12:10 AM) commandycan: that is a loud
(3:12:10 AM) golgibody: Bluesy
(3:12:23 AM) gyms: oh snap
(3:12:24 AM) Xyz_39808: reminds me of that pause album by ???
(3:12:25 AM) goluigi: everything is fucked including my ears
(3:12:32 AM) goluigi: beeeeeper
(3:12:36 AM) kfaraday: cramcore
(3:12:38 AM) golgibody: ZX tunes are only for old people
(3:12:38 AM) gyms: tight riddim
(3:12:39 AM) Xyz_39808: fuckin' jamming rhythm
(3:12:41 AM) gyms: for real
(3:12:47 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday how much do we have left in terms of time?
(3:12:54 AM) kfaraday: will check :)
(3:12:59 AM) Tilde: | loop
(3:13:11 AM) FoD: I'm gonna take a short nap
(3:13:13 AM) kfaraday: hour and 20 minutes
(3:13:14 AM) FoD: haha
(3:13:20 AM) Pootie: :U
(3:13:25 AM) Xyz_39808: seriously feels exactly the same vibe as track 3
(3:13:26 AM) kfaraday: :D
(3:13:26 AM) SoiledBargains: Yikes!!
(3:13:28 AM) golgibody: -200 points for looping in a compo with more than 200 entries
(3:13:30 AM) goluigi: this will end at 02:33
(3:13:31 AM) Flaminglog: how many channels does the beeper have again?
(3:13:32 AM) GreaseMonkey left the room (quit: Quit: alt shift c like a boss).
(3:13:36 AM) Tilde: 2.
(3:13:37 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi haha
(3:13:38 AM) Tilde: Plus drums.
(3:13:50 AM) Flaminglog: ah
(3:13:54 AM) Tilde: And at max tempo on phaser1, drums cut out tonal channels.
(3:13:56 AM) sethdonut: this is nasty fun
(3:13:59 AM) Flaminglog: that's what it sounded like, just wasn't sure
(3:14:00 AM) Strobe: actually 1 channel.
(3:14:02 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... ᏐᏁᎳ ᎢᏯᏂ ᎤᏃᎴ ~ Nine Winds — Willow —
(3:14:07 AM) gyms: once all is said and done tho, it's one channel
(3:14:13 AM) Tilde: Huh.
(3:14:13 AM) goluigi: wow inaccurate
(3:14:20 AM) goluigi: you forgot to read the rest of the title
(3:14:21 AM) commandycan: a for effort
(3:14:25 AM) Flaminglog: oh
(3:14:33 AM) goluigi: good url
(3:14:38 AM) Flaminglog: in that case making anything decent with it is impressive, good work tilde
(3:14:42 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... ᏐᏁᎳ ᎢᏯᏂ ᎤᏃᎴ ~ Nine Winds — Willow (entry 176/215, 39 left, 81.86% complete)
(3:14:43 AM) Tilde: Oh! Thank you.
(3:14:47 AM) Tilde: It was challenging but fun.
(3:14:48 AM) Tilde: Oh hey.
(3:14:51 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 195 seconds).
(3:14:54 AM) Tilde: Welcome to Castlevania.
(3:15:11 AM) SoiledBargains: We're approaching the Winter Chip VI barrier!
(3:15:16 AM) Xyz_39808: is beeper one channel like how AY is 3 channels?
(3:15:24 AM) commandycan: air man vania
(3:15:34 AM) Xyz_39808: that is, 5 oscillators crammed into 3 channels
(3:15:50 AM) flamingspinach: ok good night people, kfaraday
(3:15:55 AM) goluigi: buy
(3:15:58 AM) kfaraday: gnight fs :D
(3:15:59 AM) Tilde: I mean, you have two-note polyphony, that's all I know.
(3:16:00 AM) sethdonut: nitr
(3:16:02 AM) Strobe: sell
(3:16:07 AM) goluigi: buy flamingspinach NOW
(3:16:18 AM) mq: this is okay
(3:16:22 AM) mq: why does this sound like castlevania
(3:16:25 AM) goluigi: yea not bad
(3:16:26 AM) Tilde: This has some impressive stuff in it.
(3:16:28 AM) asiekierka [] entered the room.
(3:16:30 AM) commandycan: i think i'm gonna go to sleep after this one
(3:16:32 AM) Tilde: Like that riff there.
(3:16:34 AM) asiekierka left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(3:16:35 AM) commandycan: i suppose i'll vote after
(3:16:37 AM) kfaraday: commandy :-o
(3:16:39 AM) Flaminglog: i am very seriously enjoying this entry
(3:16:41 AM) SoiledBargains: commandycan :(
(3:16:41 AM) Tilde: This'd benefit a lot from new mixing, I think.
(3:16:43 AM) asiekierka [] entered the room.
(3:16:43 AM) Flaminglog: or was
(3:16:43 AM) Xyz_39808: I like the bass porta
(3:16:43 AM) commandycan: i've got to get up early :>
(3:16:46 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... spacebend — null1024 —
(3:16:57 AM) Tilde: wait
(3:17:01 AM) Tilde: That's not what the screen says!!
(3:17:04 AM) epic_caterpillar left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(3:17:07 AM) SoiledBargains: Not for long!
(3:17:10 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... spacebend — null1024 (entry 177/215, 38 left, 82.326% complete)
(3:17:19 AM) goluigi: kommisar bass
(3:17:27 AM) golgibody: Poor null1024
(3:17:37 AM) golgibody: He got a 16 bit bass but it still feels out of tune
(3:17:37 AM) goluigi: in an infinite rotation
(3:17:48 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday I gotta brb, can can you !sl the next entry?
(3:17:49 AM) golgibody: Probably because the squares aren't tuned to the bass
(3:17:59 AM) goluigi: DOG TUNZE NEXT
(3:18:00 AM) goluigi: ASDFASDFASDFAS
(3:18:05 AM) commandycan: alright, peace friends
(3:18:07 AM) golgibody: Dog :)
(3:18:08 AM) commandycan: i'll see you fellas later
(3:18:09 AM) goluigi: bui
(3:18:11 AM) SoiledBargains: See ya commandycan!!
(3:18:14 AM) SoiledBargains: Thanks for joining us!
(3:18:17 AM) commandycan left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(3:18:18 AM) goluigi: roofie RAVEZ
(3:18:19 AM) Xyz_39808: YES THIS IS DOG
(3:18:35 AM) goluigi: all 7's 4dogz
(3:18:37 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Doorstop Symphony — Roofie —
(3:18:42 AM) goluigi: roof roof
(3:18:49 AM) goluigi: where is roofie :(
(3:18:50 AM) Tilde: You know it's pronounced "zee"
(3:18:51 AM) SoiledBargains: brb
(3:19:04 AM) golgibody: Kicks!
(3:19:05 AM) Tilde: oh god
(3:19:09 AM) Xyz_39808: haha
(3:19:10 AM) Xyz_39808: zee
(3:19:12 AM) Tilde: vengeance kicks
(3:19:16 AM) Xyz_39808: Ecks why zee
(3:19:23 AM) Tilde: You bet.
(3:19:24 AM) goluigi: sex why sed
(3:19:27 AM) goluigi: sex ed
(3:19:31 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(3:19:36 AM) Patashu: my computer crashed again >_<
(3:19:45 AM) goluigi: patashitty comp
(3:19:45 AM) Pootie: :<
(3:19:46 AM) Xyz_39808: make sure it wears a helmet
(3:19:46 AM) Patashu: currently on brother's pc while I roll back to before a driver update on mine
(3:20:05 AM) Patashu: it black screened once and soft locked 3 times
(3:20:06 AM) Patashu: today
(3:20:08 AM) Flaminglog: it is 3:19 AM here curse you east coast
(3:20:10 AM) Patashu: so I'm hoping this will fix it
(3:20:16 AM) goluigi: it 1:20
(3:20:21 AM) goluigi: 3 hours until 4:20!!!!
(3:20:24 AM) ***sethdonut is fading fast
(3:20:48 AM) goluigi: doggie drumz
(3:21:03 AM) Tilde: Jazzy swing.
(3:21:06 AM) sethdonut: lol
(3:21:12 AM) goluigi: song about changing your song
(3:21:13 AM) Patashu: haha
(3:21:13 AM) Tilde: Waiting for the drop
(3:21:14 AM) Strobe: :D
(3:21:20 AM) golgibody: Yeah, waiting for the drop
(3:21:28 AM) goluigi: skrillsex WUBBY
(3:21:32 AM) Tilde: Because this much vinyl distortion is completely unjustified >:O
(3:21:35 AM) sethdonut: here's a pie in the face
(3:21:44 AM) Patashu: hahahahaha
(3:21:46 AM) golgibody: YAY BREAKDOWN
(3:21:52 AM) Tilde: well
(3:21:56 AM) Tilde: that's a sort of wob I suppose
(3:21:58 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Doorstop Symphony — Roofie (entry 178/215, 37 left, 82.791% complete)
(3:22:00 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... A Change of Pace — mootbooxle —
(3:22:00 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... A Change of Pace — mootbooxle (entry 179/215, 36 left, 83.256% complete)
(3:22:01 AM) Flaminglog: when i heard this song i almost shat myself
(3:22:09 AM) golgibody: Wow
(3:22:12 AM) golgibody: Harpsichords
(3:22:13 AM) ***SoiledBargains is back
(3:22:22 AM) Flaminglog: hi!
(3:22:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Helloz
(3:22:37 AM) golgibody: ( *o*)
(3:22:38 AM) sethdonut: this is wonderful beyond words
(3:22:38 AM) goluigi: i like the offtime feel
(3:22:58 AM) Patashu: is this all live?
(3:23:00 AM) kfaraday: i feel like downvoting other songs i've given all 7s to just so this all 7 can mean something eheheh
(3:23:03 AM) goluigi: i think so
(3:23:04 AM) golgibody: I almost feel bad for giving other entries 7s
(3:23:07 AM) gyms: patashu, yes
(3:23:11 AM) Patashu: damn
(3:23:16 AM) Patashu: this is beast
(3:23:16 AM) gyms: one track at a time, at least
(3:23:22 AM) Patashu: yeah obv
(3:23:23 AM) Patashu: I mean like
(3:23:25 AM) Patashu: 'as opposed to sampled'
(3:23:27 AM) goluigi: all 8's
(3:23:28 AM) Tilde: Just because it's great doesn't mean I have to like it.
(3:23:31 AM) goluigi: and not skinnyhead 8
(3:23:33 AM) gyms: yea, it's live play
(3:23:35 AM) kfaraday: tilde :)
(3:23:37 AM) Patashu: ver nice then
(3:23:39 AM) Strobe: keep in mind though that wildchip is rather broad in terms of what you are allowed to do ;)
(3:23:46 AM) goluigi: its really cool but it isnt my type imo
(3:23:47 AM) Patashu: in wildchip you can do anything
(3:23:49 AM) Patashu: (anything)
(3:23:49 AM) Patashu: such as
(3:23:50 AM) Strobe: you can obviously not make a track like this in AY
(3:23:51 AM) Patashu: submit a second .nsf
(3:23:53 AM) golgibody: Hey it's FM and I consider FM to be chip
(3:23:54 AM) Xyz_39808: 0/40 using your genesis as a snare drum does not count as chipmusic
(3:24:04 AM) golgibody: Even if it's a Yamaha DX7 or any fancy stuff like that
(3:24:04 AM) goluigi: you could make this in xm though
(3:24:07 AM) goluigi: something like this
(3:24:11 AM) Patashu: no you couldn't
(3:24:13 AM) goluigi: or it or whatever
(3:24:19 AM) goluigi: yes if you had the samples
(3:24:24 AM) Strobe: oh you can make this in XM with no problem
(3:24:26 AM) Patashu: you'd need 1000 sample
(3:24:29 AM) goluigi: not really
(3:24:29 AM) Xyz_39808: speed changes EVERYWHERE
(3:24:30 AM) Strobe: just not in a 24kB tune
(3:24:30 AM) Patashu: since the velocity and shit is different each time
(3:24:35 AM) kfaraday: and the exact timing and volumes lol
(3:24:36 AM) goluigi: probably a 64k
(3:24:40 AM) kfaraday: and tone
(3:24:44 AM) goluigi: if you beat the shit out of the samps
(3:24:48 AM) Xyz_39808: Record whole track to single wave, import that wave as instrument
(3:24:49 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(3:24:51 AM) Xyz_39808: done 8)
(3:24:54 AM) kfaraday: with a transcendental staff
(3:24:56 AM) goluigi: 4000000 kb
(3:24:57 AM) Patashu: xyz has the right idea
(3:25:03 AM) gyms: lol@ trying to track the personality of live play
(3:25:09 AM) goluigi: dos modules are underrated!!!!!!!
(3:25:10 AM) SoiledBargains: Yeah... have fun with a 23MB XM
(3:25:12 AM) kfaraday: lol@anomaria
(3:25:23 AM) goluigi: um i think you could do this in 2 mb honestly
(3:25:29 AM) Xyz_39808: This entry could be done on NES
(3:25:32 AM) goluigi: well 2 mb of samps
(3:25:34 AM) Xyz_39808: SUPERNSF :D
(3:25:36 AM) golgibody: lol@trying to humanize ftms and then ending up with people liking the humanized ftm less >:)
(3:25:37 AM) Tilde: I did this entry on the Beeper, no big deal
(3:25:39 AM) gyms: kfaraday, yea
(3:25:43 AM) goluigi: probably like another 100 kb of patterns
(3:25:45 AM) goluigi: 2.1 mb
(3:25:47 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi that was for > Record whole track to single wave, import that wave as instrument
(3:25:53 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Ice Speedway (WIP) — Patashu —
(3:25:56 AM) goluigi: lol
(3:26:07 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Patashu_!
(3:26:08 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(3:26:14 AM) SoiledBargains: VLC6?
(3:26:17 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Ice Speedway (WIP) — Patashu (entry 180/215, 35 left, 83.721% complete)
(3:26:20 AM) SoiledBargains: oh VRC6
(3:26:21 AM) SoiledBargains: duh
(3:26:23 AM) kfaraday: :3
(3:26:30 AM) SoiledBargains: 35 left!!
(3:26:48 AM) Flaminglog: VRC6 is such a solid soundchip, it's a shame it didn't see much actual use in games
(3:26:59 AM) goluigi: yeah
(3:27:05 AM) goluigi: vrc6 is amazing
(3:27:13 AM) golgibody: Nah
(3:27:16 AM) Xyz_39808: VR<ワ
(3:27:19 AM) golgibody: Vrc6 is overrated. ;3
(3:27:22 AM) Tilde: MKC VRC6s like a champ.
(3:27:24 AM) goluigi: too bad nsf is 2dumb4me
(3:27:31 AM) Xyz_39808: golgibody, tell that to Demo Compo 5
(3:27:45 AM) goluigi: i'll tell everyone in #famitracker
(3:27:49 AM) goluigi: that famitracker is overrated
(3:27:50 AM) kfaraday: 2a03 is bessst~
(3:27:50 AM) SoiledBargains: hah
(3:27:55 AM) gyms: 2a03 is best
(3:28:02 AM) SoiledBargains: ^
(3:28:02 AM) gyms: it's hard to make it sing tho
(3:28:03 AM) golgibody: I expect VRC7 and N163 demo compo will be even better~
(3:28:22 AM) Flaminglog: i'm gonna sound so dumb for asking this but is there a difference between 2a03 and 2a07
(3:28:27 AM) Xyz_39808: I'm considering instant downvoting any 8channel namco entries
(3:28:33 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... underground cave complex — SexyElf —
(3:28:34 AM) Tilde: Ad-lib?
(3:28:36 AM) Tilde: Oh, that.
(3:28:38 AM) golgibody: It'll be better than VRC6 for the same reason VRC6 was better than the 2A03/classical democompos ( 'w')
(3:28:42 AM) acmfan3ds [] entered the room.
(3:28:43 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... underground cave complex — SexyElf (entry 181/215, 34 left, 84.186% complete)
(3:28:44 AM) Xyz_39808: 2a03 runs at 60hz, 2a07 runs at 50hz
(3:28:45 AM) gyms: flaminglog, i don't think so.
(3:28:50 AM) SoiledBargains: 3DS?
(3:28:51 AM) kfaraday: : o
(3:28:54 AM) Flaminglog: oh that makes sense
(3:29:00 AM) Tilde: 3DS what now?
(3:29:04 AM) Xyz_39808: 2a03 is for all NTSC NES's, and 2a07 is for all PAL NES's
(3:29:06 AM) acmfan3ds: hm?
(3:29:09 AM) Flaminglog: ah
(3:29:14 AM) SoiledBargains: What's with the 3ds?
(3:29:23 AM) SoiledBargains: In yer nick?
(3:29:28 AM) SoiledBargains: intense interrogation music
(3:29:37 AM) golgibody: Hi acmfan, we liked your tune. :3
(3:29:37 AM) Tilde: Oh, acmfan.
(3:29:43 AM) acmfan3ds: can't turn on computer yet
(3:29:45 AM) golgibody: It was unique
(3:29:51 AM) Tilde: Eli's mother
(3:29:56 AM) Tilde: everyone
(3:30:00 AM) SoiledBargains: But you are using a 3DS w/Mibbit?
(3:30:01 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Chocolate Fluff — Grumskiz —
(3:30:10 AM) Tilde: Chocolate Fluff is your mother?
(3:30:13 AM) Xyz_39808: haruhi is your mother
(3:30:20 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Chocolate Fluff — Grumskiz (entry 182/215, 33 left, 84.651% complete)
(3:30:24 AM) golgibody: Yay!
(3:30:29 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(3:30:30 AM) gyms: hahaha 909
(3:30:31 AM) golgibody: Roland TR-909
(3:30:31 AM) Xyz_39808: dat 909
(3:30:31 AM) Tilde: Oh dear lord that panning.
(3:30:31 AM) Strobe: Fluff :o
(3:30:32 AM) Tilde: PAN IT
(3:30:32 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(3:30:34 AM) golgibody: Best drum machine ever
(3:30:35 AM) Tilde: PAN IT FURTHER
(3:30:36 AM) Tilde: HARDER\
(3:30:42 AM) kfaraday: eeeee really lush chords
(3:30:46 AM) golgibody: Hardpans like a real AMIGA!!!!!!!!
(3:30:48 AM) ***Xyz_39808 simultaneaously fives gyms and golgibody
(3:30:52 AM) acmfan3ds: online webchat
(3:30:57 AM) gyms: 909 snare is my fav
(3:30:59 AM) golgibody: It's just I-bVII but I like it too yeah
(3:31:07 AM) Tilde: well then
(3:31:08 AM) Strobe: cla-clap
(3:31:15 AM) gyms: cla-clap
(3:31:16 AM) SoiledBargains: Here we meet the WCVI Barrier!
(3:31:17 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Deserted Circus — jrlepage —
(3:31:18 AM) Xyz_39808: Plastikman - Spastik made it's "melody" on that snare :)
(3:31:24 AM) golgibody: Nope
(3:31:24 AM) Patashu: jah le pahge
(3:31:31 AM) golgibody: Plastikman- Spastik was a TR-606
(3:31:31 AM) gyms: oh man, this one is great
(3:31:34 AM) Patashu: LOL
(3:31:37 AM) Tilde: uh
(3:31:40 AM) Tilde: oh god what
(3:31:41 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Deserted Circus — jrlepage (entry 183/215, 32 left, 85.116% complete)
(3:31:42 AM) kfaraday: (+n+ )
(3:31:46 AM) acmfan3ds: but i can't synclisten
(3:31:51 AM) Xyz_39808: really? 606? shit
(3:31:54 AM) golgibody: Hahaha sad clown smiley. :P
(3:31:56 AM) xterm: golgiball
(3:31:56 AM) golgibody: It's okay
(3:31:58 AM) gyms: what for that modulation at :58 !!! so gooood
(3:32:03 AM) gyms: wait*
(3:32:09 AM) golgibody: coda mistook a TR-909 snare for a TR-808 snare a while ago ( 'w')
(3:32:12 AM) golgibody: It happens to the best
(3:32:12 AM) SoiledBargains: golgibody haha didn't see it ghahaha
(3:32:14 AM) kfaraday: :D
(3:32:18 AM) Patashu: lol
(3:32:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Though theres' nothing to laugh about here.
(3:32:25 AM) SoiledBargains: *there's
(3:32:26 AM) kfaraday: another CMSHT in this too heheh
(3:32:31 AM) Xyz_39808: hahhaha
(3:32:41 AM) gyms: here it is
(3:32:42 AM) Xyz_39808: CMSHT'ing like a pro
(3:33:02 AM) kfaraday: ( -w-) he neutered one of the progressions from an earlier version that i really liked
(3:33:05 AM) SoiledBargains: One of the tags is "wendy carlos." wat?
(3:33:06 AM) acmfan3ds: how many of my entries have you listened to?
(3:33:12 AM) goluigi: wtf
(3:33:13 AM) SoiledBargains: 183
(3:33:16 AM) SoiledBargains: after this one
(3:33:17 AM) goluigi: google chrome crashed
(3:33:19 AM) goluigi: Sad.
(3:33:19 AM) kfaraday: acm yer wildchip's next
(3:33:23 AM) kfaraday: Sad. (+n+ )
(3:33:23 AM) gyms: wendy carlos, lol
(3:33:29 AM) Tilde: The attitude of this is great.
(3:33:30 AM) acmfan3ds: oooo
(3:33:35 AM) Tilde: This'd make a great scenescape.
(3:33:41 AM) Tilde: Love it for that.
(3:33:49 AM) Tilde: Hell, I forgot the description already.
(3:33:50 AM) golgibody: Yeah, jrlepage usually goes more over the place with his harmonies
(3:33:54 AM) acmfan3ds: can't listen though
(3:33:55 AM) golgibody: In a good way of course
(3:33:58 AM) SoiledBargains: This sad song fits well enough.
(3:34:03 AM) golgibody: This is a bit tame for him ( -w-)
(3:34:14 AM) goluigi: someone link me the liveriver
(3:34:15 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... False Harmony — acmfan —
(3:34:34 AM) acmfan3ds: \o/
(3:34:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... False Harmony — acmfan (entry 184/215, 31 left, 85.581% complete)
(3:34:47 AM) golgibody: That growl
(3:34:50 AM) goluigi: what is the livey stream link
(3:34:56 AM) Tilde: This is cool...Kinda want to maybe integrate this...
(3:34:56 AM) kfaraday:
(3:34:59 AM) BotB: kfaraday - live streaming video powered by Livestream -- kfaraday on livestream. - watch live streaming internet tv. broadcast your own live streaming videos, like kfaraday in widescreen hd. live Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
(3:35:05 AM) goluigi: thx
(3:35:12 AM) SoiledBargains: acmfan this entry broke the WCVI barrier and make WCVIII the largest compo we've ever had!!
(3:35:20 AM) kfaraday: yes! well done :)
(3:35:27 AM) SoiledBargains: Is that noise 2A03?
(3:35:30 AM) acmfan3ds: yeeeeeee
(3:35:36 AM) Strobe: :O
(3:35:40 AM) Tilde: Neat.
(3:35:48 AM) acmfan3ds: and some n163
(3:35:49 AM) mq left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(3:35:52 AM) gyms: yea, this is cool
(3:36:10 AM) Xyz_39808: I want that growl
(3:36:18 AM) gyms: i love that phucked up bass
(3:36:23 AM) acmfan3ds: ok
(3:36:42 AM) Patashu: wow lmao
(3:36:45 AM) golgibody: Hehehehe
(3:36:46 AM) Patashu: my video driver is now seriously fucked up
(3:36:47 AM) golgibody: Harmonic mixture
(3:37:02 AM) acmfan3ds: i forgot fade-out, noooes
(3:37:25 AM) gyms: growll...doomdoomdoomdoom
(3:37:29 AM) golgibody: The bass is creating nice chords out of the squares
(3:37:38 AM) gyms: yes
(3:37:45 AM) acmfan3ds: 3 squares
(3:37:50 AM) golgibody: Only sunsoft bass :(
(3:37:59 AM) golgibody: Only sunsoft bass in this compo*
(3:38:06 AM) golgibody: There needs to be more DPCM bass in the world!
(3:38:10 AM) golgibody: It will be a better place
(3:38:16 AM) SoiledBargains: Just looking at the amount entries we have left to cover and the rate we're going at... I think we'll be going waaay past the 1:20 estimate, and maybe make it more like 2 hours.
(3:38:20 AM) Tilde: Welp.
(3:38:30 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... DeepMariano - B1nary C0des ( Jeremy flagelo LSDJ version ) — quemada —
(3:38:31 AM) Tilde: Cool...
(3:38:31 AM) Xyz_39808: I may have to sleep with headphones on, but no irc
(3:38:36 AM) acmfan3ds: lol, not much of it though
(3:38:37 AM) goluigi: dont you mean
(3:38:39 AM) Tilde: This another cover?
(3:38:47 AM) SoiledBargains: Another cover?
(3:38:48 AM) Tilde: Huh.
(3:38:49 AM) goluigi: Bonenary Czerodes
(3:38:50 AM) Tilde: Cool.
(3:38:59 AM) Tilde: Another Cover meaning kfaraday's
(3:39:04 AM) Tilde: GANGNAM LSDJ
(3:39:08 AM) kfaraday: l ol
(3:39:09 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... DeepMariano - B1nary C0des ( Jeremy flagelo LSDJ version ) — quemada (entry 185/215, 30 left, 86.047% complete)
(3:39:09 AM) SoiledBargains: oh
(3:39:13 AM) SoiledBargains: l ol
(3:39:13 AM) goluigi: nice OFF SONG LIST
(3:39:15 AM) golgibody: Instant hardpans
(3:39:19 AM) ggamer77 left the room (quit: Quit: night).
(3:39:21 AM) Tilde: Crankin' that voice channel.
(3:39:22 AM) Tilde: Nice.
(3:39:23 AM) SoiledBargains: lol and titty
(3:39:33 AM) Xyz_39808: GBS can do pcm?
(3:39:33 AM) goluigi:
(3:39:38 AM) Tilde: Yeah.
(3:39:40 AM) Tilde: The wave channel.
(3:39:42 AM) SoiledBargains: Xyz_39808 with a lot of clicking, yes.
(3:39:46 AM) kfaraday: hey is thsi strobe Kappa
(3:39:47 AM) Tilde: Although the speech takes a while.
(3:39:50 AM) Tilde: Very tiny samples.
(3:40:07 AM) Flaminglog: almost 4 AM here, can't keep eyes open
(3:40:09 AM) Tilde: Aww, that wasn't the progression I was expecting.
(3:40:11 AM) Flaminglog: good night
(3:40:15 AM) Tilde: Nightnight, log.
(3:40:16 AM) kfaraday: oops :)
(3:40:18 AM) kfaraday: night log!!
(3:40:20 AM) Tilde: Hope you sleep like a log.
(3:40:22 AM) SoiledBargains: lol and titty
(3:40:30 AM) Flaminglog left the room (quit: ).
(3:40:31 AM) kfaraday: and then there were nineteen~
(3:40:35 AM) kfaraday: STILL QUITE A LOT
(3:40:37 AM) kfaraday: (*o* )
(3:40:38 AM) gyms: wait, kfaraday did you skip a couple?
(3:40:41 AM) Tilde: This is nineteen?
(3:40:42 AM) golgibody: Everybody who's going to bed is in the US
(3:40:42 AM) Tilde: Or tracks?
(3:40:43 AM) SoiledBargains: gyms no
(3:40:46 AM) kfaraday: nah i screwed up the scroll list
(3:40:47 AM) Tilde: I'm in the US...
(3:40:47 AM) kfaraday: haha
(3:40:53 AM) kfaraday: this is where we are
(3:40:55 AM) Tilde: I keep wanting that progression to go higher.
(3:41:04 AM) Tilde: Ooh, neat.
(3:41:05 AM) Tilde: Nice sounds here.
(3:41:08 AM) gyms: ahh okay
(3:41:17 AM) goluigi: hey it is 01:41
(3:41:23 AM) Tilde: 3:41 AM here.
(3:41:25 AM) Tilde: East coast.
(3:41:27 AM) goluigi: dum
(3:41:27 AM) SoiledBargains: 2:41
(3:41:27 AM) Patashu: rofl the snare rolls
(3:41:28 AM) Strobe: oh it was a cover of this
(3:41:31 AM) BotB: Title: DEEP MARIANO - B1NARY C0DES , Uploaded by: PhobiaTV , Views: 2 261 , Cat: Music
(3:41:33 AM) goluigi: EST=DUMB time zone
(3:41:35 AM) kfaraday: Hmm
(3:41:40 AM) SoiledBargains: It's a cover!!
(3:41:40 AM) kfaraday: it is a cover then~
(3:41:45 AM) xterm: ;_;
(3:41:46 AM) SoiledBargains: Alert!
(3:41:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Alert!
(3:41:50 AM) acmfan3ds left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(3:41:54 AM) kfaraday: give it what you will gentlemen~!
(3:42:13 AM) Strobe: To be fair, he says in the description that he has the rights from the author to do it, so its not blatant violation to all terms available.
(3:42:18 AM) kfaraday: hmm
(3:42:20 AM) Strobe: but vote accordingly anyway
(3:42:23 AM) Tilde: Well done.
(3:42:37 AM) Tilde: Really liked the SFX.
(3:42:40 AM) Tilde: Heh.
(3:42:48 AM) xterm: from HIS MOM
(3:42:48 AM) SoiledBargains: !botbr someone
(3:42:49 AM) BotB: Someone :: Lvl 8 Mixist ::
(3:42:50 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... smeakny — Baron Knoxburry —
(3:42:51 AM) xterm: hahhaha
(3:42:59 AM) Tilde: :3
(3:43:01 AM) Tilde: same
(3:43:03 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... smeakny — Baron Knoxburry (entry 186/215, 29 left, 86.512% complete)
(3:43:05 AM) SoiledBargains: ;_;
(3:43:18 AM) Xyz_39808: gonna leave irc off
(3:43:21 AM) Tilde: Look at that waveform.
(3:43:23 AM) Tilde: So fangy.
(3:43:27 AM) Xyz_39808: good to see ya back gyms, btw
(3:43:30 AM) xterm: yeah!
(3:43:33 AM) kfaraday: ouch! really cruel tags
(3:43:34 AM) kfaraday: who put those
(3:43:35 AM) Tilde: Sexy vampire dragon teeth.
(3:43:41 AM) xterm: kfaraday: he put them himself
(3:43:44 AM) Xyz_39808 left the room (quit: ).
(3:43:46 AM) Tilde: lol
(3:43:46 AM) Tilde: go figure
(3:44:02 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Benus removal — Captain Dork —
(3:44:06 AM) Tilde: lol
(3:44:07 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Benus removal — Captain Dork (entry 187/215, 28 left, 86.977% complete)
(3:44:11 AM) SoiledBargains: :O
(3:44:13 AM) gyms: xyz_39808, good to be back : ))
(3:44:33 AM) gyms: i missed everyone tremendously, for real
(3:44:34 AM) SoiledBargains: These samples... this comp— nevermind
(3:44:49 AM) frantic left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(3:44:50 AM) kfaraday: gyms :)))
(3:44:57 AM) goluigi: welcome back gymz
(3:45:05 AM) Tilde: nice to meet you gymz :V
(3:45:09 AM) SoiledBargains: neetz
(3:45:15 AM) xterm: w000000
(3:45:17 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... VICarious — Warlord —
(3:45:17 AM) Tilde: i didn't
(3:45:17 AM) ***xterm cheers
(3:45:21 AM) Patashu: whale cum back !!
(3:45:24 AM) Tilde: because I know nobody
(3:45:30 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... VICarious — Warlord (entry 188/215, 27 left, 87.442% complete)
(3:45:32 AM) kfaraday: keeeheee
(3:45:33 AM) gyms: yea, nice to meet you guys, goluigi and tilde
(3:45:33 AM) goluigi: tilde i was in llcompo!
(3:45:35 AM) Tilde: What'd the description say?
(3:45:35 AM) kfaraday: funny detunes
(3:45:36 AM) Patashu: tilde we should be friends
(3:45:42 AM) Tilde: I know YOU, goluigi gosh
(3:45:44 AM) Patashu: I only know like kfaraday :3
(3:45:45 AM) goluigi: WOW!
(3:45:46 AM) kfaraday: : )
(3:45:47 AM) Tilde: Hi patachu.
(3:45:48 AM) Tilde: shu.
(3:45:51 AM) ipinap is now known as ipi
(3:45:51 AM) Patashu: hi
(3:45:53 AM) SoiledBargains: arps
(3:45:56 AM) goluigi: hipi!
(3:45:57 AM) Tilde: Hi ipi.
(3:45:58 AM) Patashu: also yes
(3:45:58 AM) Patashu: arps
(3:46:02 AM) SoiledBargains: Does the real VIC20 sound this compressed?
(3:46:03 AM) ipi: hi hey
(3:46:12 AM) golgibody: Hi heartless ipi
(3:46:16 AM) Tilde: I really like this compression.
(3:46:17 AM) Tilde: And that sweep.
(3:46:18 AM) goluigi: hi no heart ipi
(3:46:19 AM) kfaraday: ipppy~
(3:46:23 AM) Tilde: I should check out this chip some time, for real.
(3:46:23 AM) goluigi: no heartz 4u
(3:46:27 AM) Tilde: It sounds great.
(3:46:33 AM) ipi: what
(3:46:35 AM) kfaraday: :3
(3:46:36 AM) goluigi: you have no soul
(3:46:40 AM) kfaraday: vic20 is really nice
(3:46:41 AM) kfaraday: and cute
(3:46:48 AM) ipi: DISASTEROUS
(3:46:48 AM) Tilde: It sounds hardcore.
(3:46:51 AM) Tilde: Which is good.
(3:46:54 AM) goluigi: owned
(3:46:54 AM) kfaraday: yes
(3:46:57 AM) ipi: ill 7 ebverything else
(3:47:02 AM) gyms:,%20the%20last%20place%20is%20mine,%20thank%20you.%20_).png lol
(3:47:13 AM) kfaraday: hahaaa it breaks the roulette
(3:47:32 AM) Tilde: Did you put visuals on this list somehow?
(3:47:39 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Defeatist to the Core — ElHuesudoII —
(3:47:48 AM) ipi: also im gonna go to bed actualy
(3:47:51 AM) ipi: ill find the logs
(3:47:54 AM) Tilde: Oh.
(3:47:55 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Defeatist to the Core — ElHuesudoII (entry 189/215, 26 left, 87.907% complete)
(3:47:57 AM) ipi: time fro proper slepep
(3:47:57 AM) gyms: is good
(3:47:58 AM) goluigi: my aura is so cute ^o^
(3:48:02 AM) ironclad: but mine is in like 4 entries pie
(3:48:06 AM) Tilde: Well, goodnight, then.
(3:48:08 AM) ironclad: lol Im kidding go sleep
(3:48:13 AM) ipi left the room (quit: Quit: you're all darlings).
(3:48:17 AM) SoiledBargains: 'night ironclad, ipi
(3:48:19 AM) goluigi: bipi
(3:48:22 AM) Tilde: Too late :<
(3:48:26 AM) Tilde: lol @ this
(3:48:26 AM) gyms: rainwarrior's bit is my favorite
(3:48:26 AM) kfaraday: lyrics in comments
(3:48:29 AM) ironclad: oh Im not sleeping yet
(3:48:31 AM) Tilde: XD
(3:48:34 AM) Tilde: this rules.
(3:48:37 AM) SoiledBargains: ironclad I see now
(3:48:47 AM) Tilde: If Thieves learned some more music theory, it'd be this.
(3:48:47 AM) Strobe: makes me think of "You suck!" by SYL :D
(3:48:57 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Patashu_))).
(3:48:59 AM) Patashu_ [] entered the room.
(3:49:00 AM) Patashu_: WOW
(3:49:01 AM) Strobe: except that this track is way too calm for to be compared!
(3:49:02 AM) Patashu_: it crashed again
(3:49:03 AM) kfaraday: tilde hehe
(3:49:04 AM) Patashu_: so it's not even my video driver
(3:49:06 AM) Patashu_: or maybe it is
(3:49:09 AM) sethdonut: ack. cant do it
(3:49:14 AM) kfaraday: seth :-((
(3:49:19 AM) Patashu_: but if it tissio then I don't know how to fix it
(3:49:21 AM) asiekierka left the room (quit: Quit: Quit message removed due to a complaint by #mzx @
(3:49:29 AM) Tilde: :3
(3:49:31 AM) goluigi: i hate this song
(3:49:33 AM) SoiledBargains: yes
(3:49:35 AM) SoiledBargains: vocallzz
(3:49:37 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Starlight — Warlord —
(3:49:43 AM) goluigi: I HATE THIS SONG
(3:49:56 AM) ironclad: Mad.
(3:50:03 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Starlight — Warlord (entry 190/215, 25 left, 88.372% complete)
(3:50:04 AM) Tilde: I don't think you need to read that eli
(3:50:07 AM) Tilde: uau
(3:50:09 AM) Tilde: yay good
(3:50:11 AM) kfaraday: unu
(3:50:12 AM) goluigi: how is this 24k
(3:50:14 AM) golgibody: Yeah good!
(3:50:16 AM) Tilde: I mistyped.
(3:50:16 AM) Patashu_: wow uh
(3:50:17 AM) goluigi: the samps are so hi-qual
(3:50:20 AM) Patashu_: chrome crashed so hard I lost some tabs
(3:50:27 AM) Tilde: 24k.mp3
(3:50:36 AM) sethdonut is now known as sethdonut|schleep
(3:50:43 AM) Tilde: Nightnight, sethdonut.
(3:50:49 AM) Tilde: A.K.A. user Bump.
(3:50:52 AM) Strobe: Only bad people sleeps.
(3:50:54 AM) SoiledBargains: I gotta say... in terms of ambiance, nothing will beat Orbital Debris.
(3:50:54 AM) goluigi: i bet this is 24575 bytes
(3:51:01 AM) sethdonut|schleep: HUMANS SCHLEEPS
(3:51:04 AM) sethdonut|schleep: :(
(3:51:04 AM) kfaraday: show of hands!! who's been here from the beginning
(3:51:07 AM) goluigi: wow bi
(3:51:10 AM) goluigi: ME!!!!
(3:51:11 AM) ***Strobe raises
(3:51:11 AM) golgibody: It's 19.4 kb!
(3:51:12 AM) Strobe: HELLO
(3:51:14 AM) xterm-logger: ME!
(3:51:15 AM) xterm-logger: sort of
(3:51:15 AM) ***goluigi hi
(3:51:16 AM) kfaraday: :DD
(3:51:18 AM) SoiledBargains: (which is also a Warlord track for those who don't know)
(3:51:21 AM) ***SoiledBargains raises
(3:51:21 AM) xterm-logger: i took a shower and ate though
(3:51:21 AM) Tilde: If I was here from the beginning, I'd probably be commentating with you.
(3:51:24 AM) ***goluigi has been here since 199
(3:51:27 AM) Tilde: But I couldn't be, I figured ~
(3:51:31 AM) goluigi: 199 literally
(3:51:31 AM) kfaraday: : )
(3:51:33 AM) kfaraday: sorry~
(3:51:37 AM) Tilde: It's okay.
(3:51:37 AM) sethdonut|schleep: i'll listen until the end but i'll vote tomorrow
(3:51:38 AM) goluigi: 199 AD
(3:51:39 AM) Tilde: I understand.
(3:51:41 AM) sethdonut|schleep: hands asleep
(3:51:41 AM) SoiledBargains: 25 entries left after this!!
(3:51:42 AM) kfaraday: seth :D
(3:51:47 AM) SoiledBargains: sethdonut|schleep enjoy your sleeping!
(3:51:47 AM) ***gyms was here at beginning, but left for an hour or so and came back
(3:51:51 AM) sethdonut|schleep: so... much... chip
(3:51:52 AM) goluigi: WOW
(3:51:52 AM) kfaraday: 40-50 minutes or so left
(3:51:55 AM) goluigi: i havent even left
(3:51:56 AM) goluigi: :)))
(3:52:02 AM) sethdonut|schleep: i admire all of you
(3:52:05 AM) kfaraday: well. one of them is a little intermissioney
(3:52:05 AM) sethdonut|schleep: peace
(3:52:05 AM) kfaraday: hee
(3:52:17 AM) Tilde: Nice bluff.
(3:52:18 AM) Tilde: Night.
(3:52:21 AM) gyms: i grabbed a subway sammich and played skate 3 for 30 mins
(3:52:21 AM) Patashu_: ok
(3:52:23 AM) SoiledBargains: 'night Tilde
(3:52:24 AM) Patashu_: I'm still in a bit of shock
(3:52:26 AM) Patashu_: my fucking tabs are gone
(3:52:29 AM) SoiledBargains: err whoops
(3:52:30 AM) Patashu_ left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(3:52:31 AM) Tilde: I meant seth!!
(3:52:33 AM) SoiledBargains: I did it again
(3:52:34 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(3:52:35 AM) goluigi: the next song is what happens when you run out of battery acid
(3:52:35 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... batteries not included — CybeR PunK —
(3:52:35 AM) Tilde: >:O
(3:52:45 AM) SoiledBargains: goluigi haha
(3:52:51 AM) gyms: did the original et sprite have a dingle?
(3:52:52 AM) Strobe: the guy with the E.T. avatar :o
(3:53:01 AM) Tilde: Nitrotracker?
(3:53:02 AM) Tilde: Homebrew.
(3:53:07 AM) Tilde: That's not an e-app!
(3:53:09 AM) Strobe: that might be a hand
(3:53:11 AM) Strobe: not a dingle
(3:53:11 AM) SoiledBargains: and music
(3:53:17 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... batteries not included — CybeR PunK (entry 191/215, 24 left, 88.837% complete)
(3:53:23 AM) golgibody: Hahahahaha
(3:53:26 AM) golgibody: What is this
(3:53:27 AM) Tilde: Clip the shit out of this mother!
(3:53:30 AM) gyms: hahah
(3:53:30 AM) Patashu: wow
(3:53:31 AM) Patashu: uh
(3:53:33 AM) kfaraday: skrillex tag
(3:53:33 AM) Patashu: I think I'm going to cry
(3:53:36 AM) Tilde: Hells yeah.
(3:53:36 AM) Patashu: I just lost all my tabs
(3:53:40 AM) Patashu: and I have no clue what I had left open
(3:53:41 AM) SoiledBargains: batterystep
(3:53:43 AM) gyms: (3:51:52 AM) golgibody: What is this
(3:53:44 AM) gyms: looooool
(3:53:45 AM) kfaraday: pat :-(
(3:53:49 AM) kfaraday: hey just have the stream open :)
(3:53:51 AM) kfaraday: we're all ye need~~
(3:53:52 AM) Patashu: I
(3:53:53 AM) Patashu: yeah
(3:53:54 AM) Patashu: but
(3:54:01 AM) SoiledBargains: BUT BATTERYSTEP
(3:54:02 AM) kfaraday: oh my god are you serious
(3:54:04 AM) kfaraday: what is this
(3:54:05 AM) Patashu: but
(3:54:06 AM) Patashu: but
(3:54:06 AM) golgibody: I like how he calls nitrotracker an app
(3:54:08 AM) Patashu: btuhnjothjooifoihjgfoihjhpohjdspogkespofkeg
(3:54:08 AM) Patashu: pokrd
(3:54:09 AM) Patashu: g[kfdhpgodfjk
(3:54:09 AM) Patashu: ohjkfd
(3:54:10 AM) Patashu: ho[dfjgopjb'fog
(3:54:13 AM) kfaraday: pat :3
(3:54:13 AM) Patashu: (I'm ok!)
(3:54:14 AM) kfaraday: :D
(3:54:17 AM) Tilde: Thanks for the lyrics pat
(3:54:20 AM) Patashu: np
(3:54:20 AM) Tilde: to this song
(3:54:47 AM) acmfan3DS [] entered the room.
(3:55:21 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Sea World Scouse (Hoops 5) — IroncladPhazon —
(3:55:24 AM) Tilde: nice commentary.
(3:55:28 AM) acmfan3DS: so, you guys enjoyed my stuffs?
(3:55:29 AM) lob31: MY BOY IRONCLAD
(3:55:32 AM) gyms: ^haha, tilde
(3:55:47 AM) ironclad: g
(3:55:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Sea World Scouse (Hoops 5) — IroncladPhazon (entry 192/215, 23 left, 89.302% complete)
(3:55:50 AM) goluigi: phazoooon
(3:55:54 AM) kfaraday: i enjoyed about half of them
(3:55:54 AM) Tilde: :O
(3:56:00 AM) Tilde: >_>
(3:56:02 AM) goluigi: i LOVED your beeper
(3:56:03 AM) kfaraday: : )
(3:56:11 AM) golgibody: Phazon the mentally healthy brother of KungFuFurby
(3:56:16 AM) Tilde: lol
(3:56:16 AM) kfaraday: gahahaha
(3:56:17 AM) SoiledBargains: heh
(3:56:20 AM) ironclad: lol yesh
(3:56:23 AM) acmfan3DS: :}
(3:56:27 AM) goluigi: ytpmv
(3:56:30 AM) kfaraday: kff is fantastic i don't care how weird he is
(3:56:35 AM) Tilde: This is clear prejudice against the mentally unhealthy.
(3:56:38 AM) goluigi: at least he isnt JOULE
(3:56:41 AM) Tilde: Wow this track.
(3:56:41 AM) golgibody: :3
(3:57:06 AM) gyms: lol wats rong with joule?
(3:57:11 AM) goluigi: joule is so weeeird
(3:57:23 AM) goluigi: but his music is <3 <3 <3
(3:57:27 AM) ironclad: ^
(3:57:29 AM) golgibody: No.
(3:57:34 AM) golgibody: joule is CHEESY
(3:57:37 AM) golgibody: >:)
(3:57:39 AM) acmfan3DS: i can't listen, so i'm sad :(
(3:57:43 AM) goluigi: i LIKE chippop!
(3:57:44 AM) kfaraday: acmfan :-(
(3:57:56 AM) golgibody: chippop is CHEESY >:)
(3:57:58 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... dog in a strange land — ant1 —
(3:57:59 AM) lob31: benus
(3:58:05 AM) ironclad: removal
(3:58:05 AM) goluigi: kfaraday said you have to be insanely good to write good pop music
(3:58:08 AM) gyms: joule and malmen
(3:58:09 AM) goluigi: that is joule
(3:58:11 AM) goluigi: YESH
(3:58:16 AM) golgibody: ant1 is better than joule and malmen
(3:58:16 AM) goluigi: joule and malmen
(3:58:20 AM) acmfan3DS: 3ds doesn't support flash, or java
(3:58:21 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... dog in a strange land — ant1 (entry 193/215, 22 left, 89.767% complete)
(3:58:25 AM) gyms: ant1 is better than everyone
(3:58:26 AM) Patashu left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 194 seconds).
(3:58:26 AM) Tilde: o..o
(3:58:38 AM) Tilde: Strange how it sounds like it clips.
(3:58:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Slightly weird on the ears in the beginning, there.
(3:58:40 AM) golgibody: :O
(3:58:42 AM) Tilde: Mario Paint mod
(3:58:45 AM) Tilde: for zx beeper
(3:58:45 AM) golgibody: That tuning!
(3:58:58 AM) goluigi: i like cheesy pop music okay thanks you
(3:58:58 AM) Tilde: @..@
(3:59:09 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(3:59:10 AM) SoiledBargains: BARK
(3:59:11 AM) Tilde: lol
(3:59:12 AM) ***goluigi is arguing with himself
(3:59:12 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... what is a bep — ant1 —
(3:59:13 AM) golgibody: the woof chord
(3:59:16 AM) gyms: HAHAHA
(3:59:17 AM) Tilde: XD
(3:59:18 AM) xterm-logger: (3:58:25 AM) gyms: ant1 is better than everyone
(3:59:25 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... what is a bep — ant1 (entry 194/215, 21 left, 90.233% complete)
(3:59:27 AM) acmfan3DS: it's silent to poor little me
(3:59:29 AM) SoiledBargains: bee oh tee bee
(3:59:32 AM) Tilde: ow.
(3:59:35 AM) golgibody: Remember goluigi, you're my dark side. >:)
(3:59:40 AM) SoiledBargains: haha you rhymed acmfan3DS
(3:59:43 AM) Tilde: Beautiful.
(3:59:45 AM) SoiledBargains: with kfaraday
(3:59:50 AM) goluigi: yet i like happy pappy music
(3:59:52 AM) golgibody: You liking chip pop is just your black soul showing
(3:59:54 AM) Tilde: >:|
(3:59:57 AM) goluigi: lmao
(4:00:05 AM) Koishi is now known as HertzDevil
(4:00:05 AM) ***HertzDevil is no longer away : Gone for 4 hrs 55 mins 59 secs
(4:00:08 AM) kfaraday: :D
(4:00:10 AM) Tilde: Hi hertz.
(4:00:11 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... sunset machine — null1024 —
(4:00:13 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... sunset machine — null1024 (entry 195/215, 20 left, 90.698% complete)
(4:00:13 AM) goluigi: hi nicetas
(4:00:18 AM) goluigi: go to school
(4:00:19 AM) SoiledBargains: dwhoops
(4:00:25 AM) golgibody: Hey this is cool
(4:00:26 AM) acmfan3DS: how soiledbargains?
(4:00:27 AM) kfaraday: we're nearin the end 'ey
(4:00:30 AM) SoiledBargains: 20 left!!
(4:00:38 AM) gyms: holy cow, non octave nullbass
(4:00:43 AM) kfaraday: haaaaa
(4:00:44 AM) kfaraday: yes!
(4:00:44 AM) goluigi: golgicore i dont have skullz okay
(4:00:51 AM) goluigi: golgibody i mean
(4:00:52 AM) goluigi: wowo
(4:00:54 AM) kfaraday: +1 braintech
(4:00:55 AM) golgibody: You're still dark!
(4:00:56 AM) goluigi: im 2high4this
(4:01:02 AM) gyms: kfaraday : ))
(4:01:03 AM) goluigi: no im really high
(4:01:05 AM) xterm-logger: high420this
(4:01:06 AM) goluigi: my aura is like
(4:01:13 AM) goluigi: the epitome of high
(4:01:15 AM) goluigi: red and blue
(4:01:31 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Ice Cavern — Grumskiz —
(4:01:36 AM) acmfan3DS: mine is green
(4:01:38 AM) golgibody: Damnit!
(4:01:42 AM) goluigi: kfaraday stop voting MEANLY
(4:01:47 AM) gyms: i like grumskiz avatar
(4:01:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Ice Cavern — Grumskiz (entry 196/215, 19 left, 91.163% complete)
(4:01:50 AM) Tilde: pokemons
(4:01:50 AM) kfaraday: garish skullz
(4:01:55 AM) kfaraday: :3 grumskiz avatar is great
(4:02:01 AM) Tilde: There's the panning.
(4:02:03 AM) goluigi: my aura blends in perfectly with zanzan's page
(4:02:08 AM) SoiledBargains: THIS IS SUM GOOD GENESIS lul
(4:02:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Looks like my timing was the one off :x
(4:02:32 AM) golgibody: Yeah grumskiz has a good avatar
(4:02:40 AM) golgibody: Oh SoiledBargains~
(4:02:50 AM) Tilde: someone's flipping switches and making different tones happen above
(4:02:51 AM) acmfan3DS: i can't stand this... bai!
(4:02:54 AM) golgibody: Mixolydian cadence!
(4:02:55 AM) kfaraday: :) bye
(4:02:58 AM) golgibody: Bye!
(4:03:00 AM) SoiledBargains: acmfan3DS see you later!
(4:03:00 AM) Tilde: Oh...see you...:|
(4:03:05 AM) xterm-logger: mixolydianist pnts
(4:03:08 AM) goluigi: wtf chrome
(4:03:09 AM) goluigi: thanks
(4:03:20 AM) acmfan3DS: yes, i hope
(4:03:21 AM) goluigi: for CRASHING
(4:03:48 AM) Tilde: Kinda neat.
(4:03:58 AM) golgibody: Mixolydian cadence again!
(4:04:05 AM) Tilde: Interesting harmonies there, probably just the scale in question.
(4:04:07 AM) goluigi: matching your palette with your aura is good asdasfasdfasdf
(4:04:08 AM) xterm-logger: +1 for not being usual lsdj-core
(4:04:11 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:04:15 AM) SoiledBargains: ^ xterm-logger
(4:04:16 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Leftovers — Warlord —
(4:04:17 AM) Tilde: My aura rules.
(4:04:28 AM) Tilde: hee.
(4:04:37 AM) goluigi: my aura is amazing
(4:04:38 AM) goluigi: Good.
(4:04:41 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Leftovers — Warlord (entry 197/215, 18 left, 91.628% complete)
(4:04:51 AM) SoiledBargains: 19:35 ?!?!
(4:04:57 AM) SoiledBargains: (For dog's entry)
(4:05:08 AM) golgibody: Hehehehehe
(4:05:12 AM) golgibody: Good old dog. :)
(4:05:20 AM) kfaraday: RUFF :O3
(4:05:20 AM) goluigi: !entry good old dog
(4:05:21 AM) BotB: dog - good old dog.s3m ::
(4:05:44 AM) Tilde: I need to make a song with dog in the title.
(4:05:47 AM) goluigi: from now on i will match my colour palette with my current aura
(4:05:51 AM) goluigi: no you DONT
(4:05:54 AM) Tilde: That was neat...
(4:05:55 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday how much do we have left after dog?
(4:05:56 AM) goluigi: unless you're a dog
(4:05:57 AM) Tilde: This chip rules.
(4:06:02 AM) Tilde: Why did no one tell me.
(4:06:06 AM) SoiledBargains: The ending was sudden, but kind.
(4:06:07 AM) gyms: nice final chord
(4:06:11 AM) goluigi: tilde get your dog to write chiptunes
(4:06:20 AM) gyms: 13th thingie
(4:06:21 AM) Tilde: But he's my sister's dog and he's a chihuahua :|
(4:06:25 AM) goluigi: then tell him to make an account on botb
(4:06:26 AM) ***SoiledBargains will go brb for the song.
(4:06:27 AM) Tilde: Wait, halfway point? What?
(4:06:29 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... a pile of leaves — dog —
(4:06:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... a pile of leaves — dog (entry 198/215, 17 left, 92.093% complete)
(4:06:40 AM) gyms: haha : 33
(4:06:41 AM) ***SoiledBargains leaves for a bit
(4:06:43 AM) kfaraday: oh my god
(4:06:47 AM) goluigi: 19:32
(4:06:49 AM) goluigi: 19:35
(4:06:49 AM) acmfan3DS left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(4:06:50 AM) ***xterm-logger gets pumped
(4:06:51 AM) goluigi: LOL
(4:06:55 AM) gyms: HAHAHA
(4:06:58 AM) goluigi: i am listening to all 19:35
(4:06:59 AM) golgibody: Hehehehehe :)
(4:07:02 AM) Tilde: ...more rihanna samples?
(4:07:08 AM) Tilde: Was this based on mine!?
(4:07:14 AM) gyms: oh man, wtf, that harmony
(4:07:20 AM) Tilde: Neat thing there.
(4:07:21 AM) gyms: towards the end of the loop
(4:07:23 AM) golgibody: I really like the swing on the bottlw blows
(4:07:24 AM) goluigi: 2nd longest
(4:07:27 AM) Tilde: Slowed vocals is silly.
(4:07:32 AM) kfaraday: oh my god
(4:07:34 AM) golgibody: Slowed vocals are good
(4:07:38 AM) kfaraday: i can listen to this for 19:35
(4:07:39 AM) goluigi: loopy loopy loop
(4:07:41 AM) goluigi: loop
(4:07:47 AM) golgibody: Real men listen to this for 19:35
(4:07:48 AM) Tilde: OH GOD
(4:07:49 AM) xterm-logger: i really really hope this is not the same 30 seconds 40x
(4:07:57 AM) goluigi: LOOP!!!!!!!
(4:08:00 AM) kfaraday: WOOF
(4:08:02 AM) Tilde: welp
(4:08:09 AM) Tilde: you know what to do s1rnight
(4:08:20 AM) golgibody: Every time you listen to another loop of this, you discover a new detail in this song you've never seen before.
(4:08:22 AM) Tilde: Hell, just look at the waveform.
(4:08:24 AM) gyms: ant1's good at that, taking some happy major melody and twisted it up and tastylike
(4:08:28 AM) gyms: er, i mean DOG
(4:08:34 AM) goluigi: listen to all 19 minutes of this song???
(4:08:39 AM) Tilde: noooo D:
(4:08:46 AM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(4:08:50 AM) goluigi: YES
(4:08:52 AM) gyms: all 19 yes
(4:08:56 AM) goluigi: what if
(4:09:00 AM) goluigi: the ending is different
(4:09:04 AM) kfaraday: if there's an overwhelming call for me to skip i will haha
(4:09:08 AM) goluigi: what if there is a little difference
(4:09:10 AM) kfaraday: loop-negative society
(4:09:17 AM) goluigi: we will miss it
(4:09:21 AM) goluigi: no one will ever know
(4:09:32 AM) kfaraday: lmfao the melody is dog woofs
(4:09:35 AM) goluigi: plz keep play this for all 20 mins
(4:09:35 AM) Tilde: Watch haruhi dance.
(4:09:38 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:09:39 AM) gyms: this is a time for reflection with dog
(4:09:43 AM) golgibody: Hahahahahha
(4:09:45 AM) Tilde: Just skip to the end, damn you.
(4:09:49 AM) goluigi: NO
(4:09:50 AM) goluigi: ASDASDASD
(4:10:02 AM) goluigi: there MAY be DIFFERENT THINGS
(4:10:06 AM) Tilde: >:|
(4:10:08 AM) goluigi: what if he CHANGED THE KEY in one of the loops
(4:10:22 AM) Tilde: Why don't you just
(4:10:23 AM) Tilde: goluigi
(4:10:25 AM) golgibody: I wonder what Jangler thinks of this
(4:10:28 AM) golgibody: It isn't dorian mode
(4:10:29 AM) kfaraday: hahahahaha
(4:10:32 AM) golgibody: And no truck driver's gear change either
(4:10:39 AM) kfaraday: +1 tritone +1 not dorian mode
(4:10:43 AM) kfaraday: +1 dog
(4:10:45 AM) golgibody: :)
(4:10:48 AM) goluigi: all 7's for dog entries
(4:10:58 AM) Tilde: I shouldn't be laughing.
(4:11:01 AM) ***Strobe woff
(4:11:02 AM) goluigi: every entry made by a dog
(4:11:03 AM) Tilde: This is serious.
(4:11:04 AM) goluigi: gets all 7s
(4:11:11 AM) golgibody: Hehehehe ;3
(4:11:12 AM) HertzDevil: SEWIOUS
(4:11:15 AM) goluigi: because dogs>humans
(4:11:15 AM) Tilde: What does this remind me of?
(4:11:17 AM) goluigi: okay
(4:11:21 AM) HertzDevil: SOCIOPATHY
(4:11:22 AM) Tilde: Some game, when that synth comes in.
(4:11:24 AM) Tilde: The glassy one.
(4:11:29 AM) goluigi: dogs are underappreciated in society
(4:11:36 AM) Tilde: Maybe some Windows thing.
(4:11:36 AM) goluigi: why dont we appreciate them more
(4:11:42 AM) kfaraday: woof
(4:12:08 AM) Tilde: Boy I'd love to listen to some chip music
(4:12:34 AM) goluigi: Boy I'd love to listen to some more dog music
(4:12:34 AM) gyms: yes, but first bask in the glory of contemporary classical
(4:12:37 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:13:08 AM) kfaraday: loop X
(4:13:16 AM) kfaraday: i just realised the first part of the three blind mice is the wrong key
(4:13:17 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(4:13:20 AM) goluigi: tilde if u dont like dogsong why dont u just get a time machine and tell us how 13 MINUTES FROM NOW is SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!
(4:13:25 AM) miau [] entered the room.
(4:13:26 AM) mode (+o miau) by ChanServ
(4:13:39 AM) goluigi: pls dont bully doges ok
(4:13:42 AM) Tilde: :|
(4:13:48 AM) kfaraday: :O)
(4:13:51 AM) kfaraday: roof
(4:13:52 AM) gyms: the three blind mice end up so discouraged at the end there
(4:13:54 AM) goluigi: i like the clarinet
(4:14:01 AM) goluigi: i like the bass
(4:14:04 AM) goluigi: i like the dog
(4:14:10 AM) goluigi: i like the funny LEAD
(4:14:15 AM) goluigi: i like the lyrics
(4:14:19 AM) goluigi: i like everything about this song
(4:14:24 AM) Tilde: I hate you so much
(4:14:27 AM) xterm-logger: lol
(4:14:27 AM) goluigi: :(
(4:14:30 AM) Tilde: j/k
(4:14:31 AM) Strobe: i am going slightly insane actually
(4:14:33 AM) goluigi: :)
(4:14:34 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:14:46 AM) goluigi: strobe dont you mean you're going more insane because you're already INSANE
(4:14:50 AM) Strobe: why am i even laughing
(4:14:54 AM) kfaraday: my loooove iiiiiiis
(4:15:00 AM) goluigi: because this is a funny song
(4:15:04 AM) Tilde: All I can see is haruhi.
(4:15:05 AM) Strobe: :D
(4:15:07 AM) xterm-logger: oh god not even halfway
(4:15:12 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:15:13 AM) gyms: you are acquiring the natural high of dog
(4:15:13 AM) goluigi: YES
(4:15:15 AM) Tilde: That's some bitchin' swing on that synth, I guess.
(4:15:15 AM) goluigi: EXPERIENCE
(4:15:17 AM) goluigi: THE WRATH
(4:15:19 AM) goluigi: OF DOG
(4:15:23 AM) Tilde: HELLO
(4:15:25 AM) Tilde: YES THIS IS DOG
(4:15:35 AM) kfaraday: dog wildchip
(4:15:41 AM) Tilde: skip to the end
(4:15:42 AM) xterm-logger: dogchip
(4:15:42 AM) gyms: this is how dog feels when you leave him at home and go to work all day
(4:15:45 AM) Strobe: so i have about 12 minutes to silence the stream, watch some porn, wank, come back.
(4:15:45 AM) goluigi: i am not skipping
(4:15:45 AM) Tilde: skip to the bleeding end
(4:15:47 AM) goluigi: ONE SECOND
(4:15:48 AM) HertzDevil: beautiful doge
(4:15:49 AM) golgibody: This song is getting better the longer I listen to it
(4:15:55 AM) goluigi: of this ONEDERFUL song
(4:16:06 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:16:13 AM) xterm-logger: ok someone should mash up this + kff sid + acm beeper
(4:16:13 AM) Tilde: do not let goluigi do this to us kfaraday.
(4:16:14 AM) goluigi: i agree with my good counterpart golgibody
(4:16:15 AM) Strobe: me and dog is going to have a conversation
(4:16:24 AM) gyms: cos we are all slowly synchronizing with its rhythm
(4:16:26 AM) kfaraday: official halfway point
(4:16:29 AM) gyms: becoming one
(4:16:30 AM) Tilde: asfdjasfhdsjkl
(4:16:38 AM) goluigi: tilde you will sit
(4:16:40 AM) kfaraday: Dog Zenith
(4:16:43 AM) gyms: halfway
(4:16:43 AM) goluigi: through all 19 minuntes
(4:16:44 AM) KentaKurodani left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(4:16:45 AM) kfaraday: Dog Nexus
(4:16:47 AM) golgibody: We should have an OHC where we remix this song
(4:16:50 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:16:50 AM) KentaKurodani [] entered the room.
(4:17:00 AM) Tilde: I will make it hardcore if we do.
(4:17:02 AM) goluigi: if i could
(4:17:03 AM) kfaraday: i wonder if john cage would like dog
(4:17:12 AM) Tilde: But no one ever has wild chip / allgear compos around here >:|
(4:17:19 AM) Tilde: And that's my element.
(4:17:23 AM) goluigi: i would downvote every other entry -5 just to make my all 9's mean something
(4:17:26 AM) gyms: he's too busy talking about john lennon and eating beans
(4:17:44 AM) goluigi: i literally hacked botb and added a 9 option for this song
(4:17:52 AM) kfaraday: hahahaha
(4:18:12 AM) goluigi: [02:17] <Tilde> But no one ever has wild chip / allgear compos around here >:|
(4:18:13 AM) Tilde: OH LOOK
(4:18:15 AM) goluigi: we have allgears
(4:18:18 AM) Tilde: :|
(4:18:19 AM) goluigi: a lot of them
(4:18:22 AM) goluigi: actually
(4:18:28 AM) Tilde: how
(4:18:28 AM) Tilde: about
(4:18:30 AM) Tilde: THAT
(4:18:32 AM) goluigi: hey
(4:18:32 AM) Tilde: dog
(4:18:34 AM) Tilde: right there
(4:18:36 AM) goluigi: you dont know
(4:18:41 AM) goluigi: what the next 7 minutes hold
(4:18:45 AM) goluigi: what treasures
(4:18:48 AM) goluigi: and secrets
(4:18:50 AM) xterm-logger: ruff
(4:18:54 AM) goluigi: and even if it is all the same
(4:18:56 AM) goluigi: it is GOOD
(4:19:03 AM) golgibody: This is one of the best parts of the synclisten
(4:19:08 AM) goluigi: this is the best part
(4:19:15 AM) goluigi: there were 40 viewers here earlier
(4:19:22 AM) goluigi: well i feel bad for the 22 people missing out
(4:19:26 AM) goluigi: on this part
(4:19:37 AM) gyms: oh man, now i'm singing along
(4:19:40 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:19:51 AM) ***SoiledBargains is back
(4:19:53 AM) Strobe: Dog ruined my childhood.
(4:20:04 AM) Tilde: like holy shit
(4:20:06 AM) goluigi: SOILED
(4:20:13 AM) goluigi: REWIND YOUR LIFE 13 MINUTES AGO
(4:20:30 AM) Tilde: Oh my god every single one of those waveform shapes is a loop.
(4:20:35 AM) kfaraday: i wonder if i could transcribe this from memory now
(4:20:36 AM) gyms: okay it's getting to me now
(4:20:41 AM) gyms: i can feel it taking hold now
(4:20:51 AM) kfaraday: gyms is becoming dog-like
(4:20:57 AM) goluigi: gyms is a dog
(4:21:02 AM) goluigi: vote every gyms entry all 7's
(4:21:04 AM) goluigi: because dog
(4:21:07 AM) kfaraday: dogisvatha
(4:21:13 AM) Strobe: why didnt we use this song as the intermission song
(4:21:17 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:21:21 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(4:21:29 AM) Tilde: I don't even know why I'm laughing.
(4:21:29 AM) xterm-logger: doodoodoodoodoot doot, doodoodoodoodoot doot
(4:21:32 AM) Tilde: It's partly desperation.
(4:21:34 AM) kfaraday: maitreya dogga
(4:21:39 AM) golgibody: This is the theme song to my chip battle art
(4:21:46 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:21:54 AM) Tilde: What's your chip battle art?
(4:22:05 AM) golgibody: The one at the top of the page :3
(4:22:18 AM) xterm-logger: RUFF
(4:22:21 AM) Tilde: Oh. Neat.
(4:22:24 AM) Tilde: The systems?
(4:22:35 AM) Tilde: Winter Gayms?
(4:22:36 AM) golgibody: The happy person :)
(4:22:39 AM) gyms: this song makes me feel sad, like little kid sad, like when you wondered what was underneath wooden floorboards
(4:22:43 AM) Tilde: Ohh, you're Slimeball.
(4:22:44 AM) Tilde: Oki, then.
(4:22:48 AM) goluigi: this better get 2nd
(4:22:48 AM) kfaraday: gyms
(4:22:49 AM) kfaraday: :o
(4:22:51 AM) goluigi: no
(4:22:54 AM) goluigi: i am slimeball
(4:22:58 AM) goluigi: slimeball is goluigi
(4:23:02 AM) goluigi: we are one
(4:23:05 AM) Tilde: *mindblow*
(4:23:10 AM) Tilde: @..@
(4:23:11 AM) kfaraday: :) i think this is rekindling everyone with their childhoods
(4:23:17 AM) Grumskiz [] entered the room.
(4:23:20 AM) golgibody: goluigi is a troll account I made just to annoy jrlepage
(4:23:22 AM) kfaraday: a nursery rhyme that takes us all out of our comfort zone
(4:23:23 AM) Tilde: Yeah, don't rekindle my childhood, please.
(4:23:24 AM) Strobe: it would be good if at the end, instead of ending with a "woof" it would be a "meow"
(4:23:26 AM) gyms: ant1's music always does that
(4:23:29 AM) Strobe: just to screw with peoples heads
(4:23:32 AM) gyms: is his bandcamp still shutdown?
(4:23:35 AM) Strobe: just 1 time.
(4:23:36 AM) kfaraday: yea :-(
(4:23:40 AM) kfaraday: he's sent me a buncha music tho
(4:23:49 AM) kfaraday: i'll see if i can't get him to send me more~
(4:23:50 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:23:59 AM) KentaKurodani left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 194 seconds).
(4:24:04 AM) Tilde: Oh thank christ the progress bar just jumped on mine.
(4:24:07 AM) Tilde: We have four loops left after this.
(4:24:14 AM) golgibody: See, it's not so bad :)
(4:24:19 AM) goluigi: only 4 more :(
(4:24:25 AM) Tilde: After you've stared into the abyss, nothing is so bad.
(4:24:27 AM) golgibody: The 4 best loops
(4:24:27 AM) kfaraday: :)
(4:24:30 AM) gyms: Ebm6 is a very sad chord
(4:24:30 AM) Tilde: I could take a hammer straight to the face now.
(4:24:31 AM) kfaraday: my love iiiiiis~
(4:24:35 AM) Strobe: I wasn't here from the beginning, i think i've missed most of it, can we restart it.
(4:24:39 AM) goluigi: why
(4:24:41 AM) kfaraday: HAHA
(4:24:43 AM) goluigi: why does it have to end
(4:24:44 AM) xterm-logger: Strobe: why of course
(4:24:44 AM) kfaraday: the experience
(4:24:45 AM) goluigi: YES
(4:24:45 AM) golgibody: And when this song ends, I'm left wondering why it was so short. :(
(4:24:46 AM) gyms: er Eb6*
(4:24:47 AM) goluigi: plz restart
(4:24:48 AM) ***Tilde smacks Strobe
(4:24:48 AM) Strobe: thanks
(4:24:48 AM) puke7: fuck this song
(4:24:56 AM) goluigi: wow hi puke7
(4:24:57 AM) Strobe: puke7 :D
(4:24:58 AM) kfaraday: :O3 ruffg
(4:25:00 AM) Strobe: Hello!
(4:25:02 AM) golgibody: :O
(4:25:03 AM) Tilde: Hi puke seven.
(4:25:04 AM) goluigi: wow nice greeting
(4:25:08 AM) puke7: i came home to this
(4:25:13 AM) kfaraday: wow we are actually GAINING viewers
(4:25:13 AM) goluigi: LOL
(4:25:15 AM) puke7: you guys are still streaming?
(4:25:16 AM) kfaraday: dog magic
(4:25:18 AM) goluigi: yea
(4:25:19 AM) Tilde: Well kfaraday decided to play the whole entire song so.
(4:25:20 AM) Strobe: puke7 well duh!
(4:25:21 AM) goluigi: almost done :)
(4:25:21 AM) golgibody: I don't think Eb6 is any sadder than C6 >:)
(4:25:25 AM) HertzDevil: doge monarchy
(4:25:32 AM) Strobe: just a couple more of the last day entries left!
(4:25:38 AM) Tilde: The whole entire track, really. The song was played about fifty times.
(4:25:44 AM) Tilde: Christ, that might actually not be an exaggeration.
(4:25:47 AM) gyms: i'm sad teh song is over
(4:25:49 AM) xterm-logger: last loop ;____;
(4:25:53 AM) golgibody: ;_________;
(4:25:56 AM) kfaraday: gyms :) we must retreat from this elysium
(4:25:57 AM) golgibody: Let's all shed our tears
(4:26:00 AM) Tilde: savor it you fucking mongrels
(4:26:01 AM) goluigi: can we play this again
(4:26:03 AM) kfaraday: all is fleeting
(4:26:03 AM) Tilde: you...bitches
(4:26:08 AM) gyms: stockholm syndrome, i'm way too prone
(4:26:12 AM) SoiledBargains: w00t it's over
(4:26:15 AM) goluigi: :(
(4:26:16 AM) Tilde: OH WAS IT
(4:26:17 AM) Tilde: THANKS
(4:26:17 AM) puke7: i think if i had noticed this i would have cut it short :P
(4:26:19 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... VIC 20 gangsta — Slimeball —
(4:26:27 AM) goluigi: at least it's a golgicore entry next!
(4:26:28 AM) goluigi: woohoo!
(4:26:28 AM) gyms: GANGSTA
(4:26:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... VIC 20 gangsta — Slimeball (entry 199/215, 16 left, 92.558% complete)
(4:26:40 AM) SoiledBargains: No?
(4:26:47 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh I'm off by one
(4:26:49 AM) goluigi: all slimeball entries are now golgicore
(4:26:57 AM) Tilde: Neat.
(4:27:02 AM) Tilde: I am really liking this VIC chip.
(4:27:10 AM) goluigi: high tex
(4:27:15 AM) Tilde: Heh.
(4:27:16 AM) SoiledBargains: Math is teh fixed!
(4:27:17 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... VIC 20 gangsta — Slimeball —
(4:27:18 AM) Tilde: Yay new music.
(4:27:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... VIC 20 gangsta — Slimeball (entry 200/215, 15 left, 93.023% complete)
(4:27:24 AM) Strobe: golgibody that was a really long song
(4:27:25 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Dream Destination — jrlepage —
(4:27:28 AM) gyms:
(4:27:31 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Dream Destination — jrlepage (entry 201/215, 14 left, 93.488% complete)
(4:27:38 AM) golgibody: Yes, I felt I needed to compensate for that short song ant1 made
(4:27:38 AM) SoiledBargains: tony thai
(4:27:44 AM) HertzDevil: yibbon
(4:27:44 AM) Tilde: Neat...
(4:27:46 AM) Tilde: Kirbycore.
(4:27:53 AM) goluigi: yea golgibody way to make it longer than dog's entry -_______------------------
(4:28:04 AM) goluigi: you positive delinquent
(4:28:09 AM) golgibody: :(
(4:28:15 AM) goluigi: its okay ilu <333333
(4:28:21 AM) HertzDevil: yibbon
(4:28:29 AM) Strobe: we obviously need a Remix compo of the Dog track later
(4:28:34 AM) goluigi: christopher hines
(4:28:35 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:28:47 AM) goluigi: yes lets do it NOW!!!!!
(4:29:01 AM) Strobe: absolutely not!
(4:29:05 AM) goluigi: what time is it
(4:29:09 AM) Strobe: 10:30 and i havent slept yet!
(4:29:11 AM) kfaraday: 9:28 ( 'w')
(4:29:15 AM) goluigi: 02:29
(4:29:20 AM) SoiledBargains: 03:29
(4:29:26 AM) SoiledBargains: This better hurry up!! :D
(4:29:27 AM) puke7: this like 9 hour stream?
(4:29:29 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:29:31 AM) kfaraday: 10 :3
(4:29:31 AM) Tilde: This is very, very good.
(4:29:42 AM) Tilde: Really well done.
(4:29:44 AM) Strobe: puke7 we had lots of fun!
(4:29:45 AM) golgibody: Yeah, it's very good
(4:29:45 AM) goluigi: puke you should have come here like 12 minutes earlier
(4:29:47 AM) golgibody: ^o^
(4:29:52 AM) goluigi: when dog's entry started :D
(4:29:52 AM) Tilde: And I thought it was still Slimeball's for some reason.
(4:29:58 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Rock Bottom — Warlord —
(4:30:21 AM) Strobe: oh noes
(4:30:22 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Rock Bottom — Warlord (entry 202/215, 13 left, 93.953% complete)
(4:30:23 AM) goluigi: me, my positive side, kfaraday, gyms, phazon, and tilde listened to all of it
(4:30:31 AM) Tilde: Cool.
(4:30:36 AM) Tilde: You forgot to move the roullette.
(4:30:38 AM) CaptBeard [] entered the room.
(4:30:41 AM) goluigi: because we're 2cool
(4:30:45 AM) CaptBeard: keep it chuggin kfaraday
(4:30:45 AM) goluigi: hi bread!
(4:30:48 AM) CaptBeard: you're almost done
(4:30:50 AM) goluigi: you just missed dog's entry
(4:30:51 AM) kfaraday: : ))
(4:30:53 AM) kfaraday: danke
(4:30:56 AM) Tilde: Move the damn roullette.
(4:30:59 AM) kfaraday: hey this special fx is good
(4:31:00 AM) golgibody: Special FX is excellent
(4:31:04 AM) goluigi: yea wow
(4:31:08 AM) goluigi: update the LIST
(4:31:10 AM) CaptBeard: good job for special fx
(4:31:14 AM) golgibody: It's not about the engine, it's about how you use the engine. >:)
(4:31:17 AM) gyms: warlord knows how to make great sounding arps
(4:31:17 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:31:18 AM) CaptBeard: still not a "dis is the beep"
(4:31:20 AM) Tilde: This is really cool.
(4:31:21 AM) CaptBeard: but it's good
(4:31:31 AM) Tilde: I kinda like what he does with all this.
(4:31:36 AM) goluigi: gymsong next
(4:31:41 AM) SoiledBargains: haha the end
(4:31:42 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... reach for the stars — dog —
(4:31:47 AM) goluigi: DOG!!!!
(4:31:49 AM) Tilde: :|
(4:31:54 AM) goluigi: can we look at this for 20 minutes
(4:31:55 AM) Tilde: what
(4:31:56 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... reach for the stars — dog (entry 203/215, 12 left, 94.419% complete)
(4:32:06 AM) gyms: haha
(4:32:07 AM) Tilde: I guess you're doing visuals after all.
(4:32:08 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(4:32:12 AM) Tilde: So there they are.
(4:32:21 AM) Tilde: lol
(4:32:23 AM) goluigi: is this roofie
(4:32:33 AM) KentaKurodani [] entered the room.
(4:32:34 AM) Tilde: lol
(4:32:36 AM) SoiledBargains: Borderline of getting banned?
(4:32:37 AM) miau: what is this still going
(4:32:38 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... all i did was sit — gyms —
(4:32:38 AM) miau: LOL
(4:32:40 AM) CaptBeard: woof woof
(4:32:40 AM) gyms: dog is so pleasant and polite
(4:32:44 AM) goluigi: plz dont ban dog
(4:32:46 AM) golgibody: Borderline of getting banned? :(
(4:32:48 AM) CaptBeard: he sat.
(4:32:49 AM) gyms: ode to my shame
(4:32:49 AM) SoiledBargains: miau WELL DUH
(4:32:50 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... all i did was sit — gyms (entry 204/215, 11 left, 94.884% complete)
(4:32:53 AM) gyms: that's what i say
(4:32:54 AM) golgibody: What are you talking about :(
(4:32:57 AM) miau: hah!
(4:32:58 AM) CaptBeard: short song here.
(4:33:04 AM) kfaraday: ( ' w')
(4:33:07 AM) CaptBeard: i wish there was more to it :0
(4:33:17 AM) SoiledBargains: CaptBeard this song?
(4:33:19 AM) SoiledBargains: yeh
(4:33:19 AM) CaptBeard: yeah
(4:33:21 AM) SoiledBargains: MEGA YEH
(4:33:31 AM) golgibody: Oh gyms, you could've used DPCM to reset the counter instead of dreaded Zxx :(
(4:33:33 AM) CaptBeard: yehweh
(4:33:35 AM) Grumskiz: was the stream seriously going all this time o.o
(4:33:41 AM) CaptBeard: yes grumskiz
(4:33:41 AM) SoiledBargains: Yeah.
(4:33:42 AM) goluigi: yes
(4:33:47 AM) goluigi: time 4morespritez
(4:33:52 AM) Tilde: I got the item!
(4:33:53 AM) Tilde: Now we can move on.
(4:33:54 AM) SoiledBargains: And I've been chained to it as a convenience lackey!!
(4:33:55 AM) CaptBeard: don't stop till you reach the top
(4:33:58 AM) xterm-logger: w00t
(4:34:00 AM) goluigi: i have drank 25 sprite cans
(4:34:06 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... nightshifter (falling off the bridge) — xterm —
(4:34:08 AM) Grumskiz: wow...I don't know whether I should feel bad about sleeping this whole time xD
(4:34:17 AM) goluigi: since the beginning of thestreamy
(4:34:17 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... nightshifter (falling off the bridge) — xterm (entry 205/215, 10 left, 95.349% complete)
(4:34:17 AM) CaptBeard: i didn't even sleep when i left
(4:34:23 AM) Tilde: Cool.
(4:34:30 AM) CaptBeard: goluigi dies of sprite spree
(4:34:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Too much triangle!
(4:34:38 AM) goluigi: if i die
(4:34:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Ow
(4:34:41 AM) goluigi: then slimeball dies
(4:34:42 AM) goluigi: :(
(4:34:56 AM) golgibody: :(
(4:34:58 AM) SoiledBargains: A little better volume management, m8.
(4:35:07 AM) SoiledBargains: 10 entries left!!
(4:35:11 AM) golgibody: Hey this was pretty cool
(4:35:25 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Winter Gayms — Captain Dork —
(4:35:26 AM) Tilde: Cool.
(4:35:31 AM) BotB: goluigi :: bio update ::
(4:35:32 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Winter Gayms — Captain Dork (entry 206/215, 9 left, 95.814% complete)
(4:35:37 AM) Tilde: It really evokes
(4:35:39 AM) Tilde: something
(4:35:40 AM) SoiledBargains: w00t Captain Dork :D
(4:35:44 AM) xterm-logger: yeah i was experimenting with volume envelopes
(4:35:53 AM) Tilde: the pic I mean
(4:35:56 AM) CaptBeard: ren and stimpy
(4:35:57 AM) Tilde: A pack of gum.
(4:35:58 AM) CaptBeard: woohoo
(4:35:58 AM) Tilde: I guess.
(4:36:05 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(4:36:05 AM) Tilde: lol
(4:36:08 AM) puke7: lol
(4:36:10 AM) Tilde: nice.
(4:36:20 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Pride Break — Interrobang Pie —
(4:36:25 AM) goluigi: oh noes this is my last sprite :(
(4:36:30 AM) CaptBeard: gray pride break
(4:36:36 AM) goluigi: pride break
(4:36:47 AM) Tilde: nodnod.
(4:36:47 AM) goluigi: is this what i listen to after looking at tilde's chipart
(4:36:50 AM) CaptBeard: yeah that's the title
(4:36:52 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Pride Break — Interrobang Pie (entry 207/215, 8 left, 96.279% complete)
(4:36:53 AM) Tilde: :3
(4:36:55 AM) SoiledBargains: oooh
(4:36:57 AM) CaptBeard: yes
(4:37:05 AM) CaptBeard: ipi makes the nice nsf
(4:37:10 AM) SoiledBargains: Triangle sounds Naruto-ish...
(4:37:13 AM) CaptBeard: yeah
(4:37:14 AM) goluigi: why i didnt enter nsf
(4:37:15 AM) CaptBeard: it does!
(4:37:22 AM) CaptBeard: the whole song sounds a bit naruto-ish
(4:37:26 AM) Tilde: Well that's well damn done, isn't it.
(4:37:34 AM) goluigi: proof that me and slimeball are the same person: we didnt do the same formats
(4:37:41 AM) kfaraday: !
(4:37:45 AM) SoiledBargains: Eh, I think it can only be safely said about the triangle. Maybe I'll need to revisit his stuff.
(4:37:50 AM) BotB: HertzDevil :: bio update ::
(4:37:56 AM) CaptBeard: it's mostly the second part in the beginning
(4:37:57 AM) Tilde: I mean, this is obviously good stuff here.
(4:37:59 AM) kfaraday: triangle is lusssh
(4:38:02 AM) CaptBeard: it's when he uses the triangle.
(4:38:03 AM) SoiledBargains: Oh yeah with these leads it's definitely more of a triangle-only thing.
(4:38:03 AM) golgibody: We both did a chipbattle art, silly~
(4:38:11 AM) goluigi: hey
(4:38:13 AM) goluigi: that doesnt count
(4:38:14 AM) goluigi: okay
(4:38:15 AM) SoiledBargains: (leads from 10 sec ago)
(4:38:19 AM) golgibody: :P
(4:38:23 AM) Strobe: HertzDevil :DDDD
(4:38:24 AM) goluigi: the goluigi entry was a troll entry
(4:38:28 AM) goluigi: the slimeball one was srs
(4:38:29 AM) CaptBeard: still great wow
(4:38:31 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:38:34 AM) SoiledBargains: AMEN
(4:38:34 AM) Tilde: Jesus.
(4:38:36 AM) Strobe: xD
(4:38:37 AM) Tilde: Oh don't do that you ass.
(4:38:39 AM) golgibody: AMEN BREAK!!!!!!!!!
(4:38:42 AM) golgibody: All 7s
(4:38:47 AM) CaptBeard: yeah, it isn't naruto-ish here
(4:38:56 AM) CaptBeard: but there was this one part where it was really, just for a bit
(4:39:02 AM) HertzDevil: why is ipi's heart aura GONE
(4:39:03 AM) CaptBeard: i love this.
(4:39:03 AM) Tilde: I'm really trying not to envy this.
(4:39:14 AM) CaptBeard: i love hearing energetic, frantic songs like that!
(4:39:14 AM) Tilde: It's an exercise in self-discipline listening to this.
(4:39:24 AM) SoiledBargains: kfaraday did you even read the comment for that? :o
(4:39:25 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... The Last Hour of Winter — jrlepage —
(4:39:32 AM) golgibody: <HertzDevil> why is ipi's heart aura GONE <-- skinnyhead outvoted him
(4:39:35 AM) CaptBeard: kfaraday is just ready to drop ded
(4:39:36 AM) Tilde: Oh yeah, we're in the last hour here, aren't we.
(4:39:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... The Last Hour of Winter — jrlepage (entry 208/215, 7 left, 96.744% complete)
(4:39:46 AM) Tilde: So how many entries left.
(4:39:48 AM) CaptBeard: 7
(4:39:49 AM) kfaraday: :o
(4:39:53 AM) CaptBeard: 208/215
(4:39:55 AM) Tilde: Neat harmonizing here...
(4:39:59 AM) golgibody: Hahaha, it was lush up until the fartbass came
(4:40:03 AM) CaptBeard: unique sounding farts
(4:40:06 AM) kfaraday: heheheheh
(4:40:07 AM) Tilde: Hey, I like the fartbass.
(4:40:08 AM) Tilde: Okay.
(4:40:17 AM) CaptBeard: yeah, the farts are fartistic
(4:40:21 AM) CaptBeard: they add to the song
(4:40:29 AM) SoiledBargains: that was it?
(4:40:30 AM) Tilde: tee-hee
(4:40:32 AM) golgibody: Mixolydian cadence!
(4:40:34 AM) Tilde: That was it.
(4:40:35 AM) Tilde: OH GOD
(4:40:36 AM) Tilde: NO
(4:40:37 AM) Tilde: NO
(4:40:38 AM) Tilde: AUGH
(4:40:38 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Snowy Story — jrlepage —
(4:40:43 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:40:43 AM) goluigi: DOG ENTRY NEXT
(4:40:45 AM) goluigi: YESH!!!!
(4:40:52 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Snowy Story — jrlepage (entry 209/215, 6 left, 97.209% complete)
(4:40:52 AM) CaptBeard: dog is dog is dog!
(4:40:59 AM) Tilde: Charming.
(4:41:03 AM) goluigi: dog is a Good Dog
(4:41:04 AM) Tilde: Very nice.
(4:41:07 AM) kfaraday: hahaha
(4:41:15 AM) kfaraday: is this gourmet race
(4:41:22 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha, kotos
(4:41:24 AM) goluigi: this is the fanfare for the dog entry
(4:41:27 AM) goluigi: this lowly entry
(4:41:35 AM) SoiledBargains: Pretty. <3
(4:41:36 AM) kfaraday: goddamn haha
(4:41:39 AM) kfaraday: so fuckin lush
(4:41:44 AM) goluigi: this is neat tho
(4:41:47 AM) CaptBeard: it's nice
(4:41:48 AM) goluigi: good jobbb
(4:41:59 AM) CaptBeard: it needs some fart bass to be even more lush
(4:42:04 AM) kfaraday: koto <3
(4:42:08 AM) Grumskiz1 [] entered the room.
(4:42:16 AM) CaptBeard: this is a yum-yum entry
(4:42:20 AM) golgibody: kfaraday I will show you a song tomorrow with a really cool koto
(4:42:28 AM) kfaraday: ! ooh :)
(4:42:31 AM) Tilde: This is great, good work.
(4:42:36 AM) Tilde: Really ace.
(4:42:39 AM) ***SoiledBargains is hanging in there...
(4:42:47 AM) Tilde: There's been some wonderful sad songs in here.
(4:42:51 AM) ***SoiledBargains sleepy... sleepy pea...
(4:42:54 AM) Tilde: I love that lead instrument, too.
(4:42:55 AM) Patashu [] entered the room.
(4:43:00 AM) golgibody: Yes, and they're all made by jrlepage. ( 'w')
(4:43:02 AM) Tilde: Great release effect.
(4:43:03 AM) Grumskiz left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 194 seconds).
(4:43:04 AM) goluigi: sleepybargains
(4:43:05 AM) Tilde: Oh yeah.
(4:43:07 AM) Tilde: How about that.
(4:43:10 AM) Patashu: ok, I give up. computer wins. I lost all of my chrome tabs and it has forgotten they ever existed
(4:43:10 AM) goluigi: DOG
(4:43:10 AM) Patashu: lmfao
(4:43:12 AM) goluigi: DOG!!!
(4:43:15 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... fanfare of the common dog — dog —
(4:43:19 AM) CaptBeard: dog
(4:43:23 AM) Tilde: Fanfare OF the common dog you prick.
(4:43:33 AM) Tilde: THE END
(4:43:38 AM) CaptBeard: END
(4:43:40 AM) SoiledBargains: lol spoilers
(4:43:40 AM) Tilde: :|
(4:43:41 AM) CaptBeard: THANKS FOR LISTENING
(4:43:42 AM) CaptBeard: <3
(4:43:43 AM) SoiledBargains: I mean SPOILERS
(4:43:44 AM) SoiledBargains: waaaaah
(4:43:46 AM) puke7: is that google docs?
(4:43:51 AM) goluigi: excel
(4:43:53 AM) goluigi: i believe
(4:43:57 AM) CaptBeard: i never heard fod's sap
(4:44:01 AM) HertzDevil: DOGE COMMONWEALTH
(4:44:05 AM) SoiledBargains: (with animated GIF support apparently)
(4:44:06 AM) puke7: kfaraday must be exhausted
(4:44:08 AM) CaptBeard: i can't wait to hear how much it kills me to listen to how GOOD it is
(4:44:18 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... fanfare of the common dog — dog (entry 210/215, 5 left, 97.674% complete)
(4:44:21 AM) Tilde: ...byyye
(4:44:23 AM) golgibody: :D
(4:44:27 AM) golgibody: SNES RPGS
(4:44:28 AM) goluigi: aw yea
(4:44:29 AM) goluigi: YEA
(4:44:30 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(4:44:30 AM) Strobe: aahjjssjahhahaah
(4:44:31 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(4:44:32 AM) Tilde: god damn it.
(4:44:33 AM) golgibody: Dog hiphop
(4:44:37 AM) golgibody: Dog <3
(4:44:38 AM) goluigi: this is like
(4:44:39 AM) Tilde: god fucking damn it.
(4:44:40 AM) CaptBeard: woof.
(4:44:42 AM) goluigi: +33
(4:44:42 AM) golgibody: Dog is so amazing
(4:44:42 AM) puke7: woof
(4:44:43 AM) CaptBeard: these pans?
(4:44:44 AM) HertzDevil: arf
(4:44:46 AM) HertzDevil: ARFS
(4:44:50 AM) CaptBeard: wow
(4:44:54 AM) gyms: haha, what's wrong tilde?
(4:44:57 AM) CaptBeard: it's panning.
(4:44:57 AM) kfaraday: oh my god
(4:45:01 AM) goluigi: tilde is a dog hater
(4:45:07 AM) ***Strobe is not laughing
(4:45:07 AM) kfaraday: i can't fucking this is the first time i typed a thing
(4:45:11 AM) ***Strobe promises
(4:45:12 AM) kfaraday: i can't breathe
(4:45:23 AM) puke7: mods are hardpanned strobe!!
(4:45:25 AM) gyms: strobe has not human emotions so it's okay
(4:45:26 AM) CaptBeard: i'm not even laughing
(4:45:28 AM) golgibody: :P
(4:45:31 AM) CaptBeard: this is amazing
(4:45:33 AM) golgibody: Yeah
(4:45:35 AM) goluigi: im crying
(4:45:36 AM) golgibody: Heart magic
(4:45:37 AM) Strobe: :D
(4:45:37 AM) Tilde: I'm secretly laughing underneath all the indignance.
(4:45:42 AM) CaptBeard: i giggled for a second
(4:45:42 AM) Tilde: So there's that, don't tell anyonebody.
(4:45:43 AM) goluigi: because of how amazing this is
(4:45:49 AM) CaptBeard: woof.
(4:45:53 AM) CaptBeard: raise your candles.
(4:45:55 AM) golgibody: Everything is so unexpected in this song
(4:45:56 AM) Strobe: why did i even like that
(4:45:59 AM) CaptBeard: raise your rawhides.
(4:46:00 AM) golgibody: Fantastic. ^o^
(4:46:01 AM) goluigi: wow all the doge entries are done
(4:46:02 AM) puke7: shit in pants!!!
(4:46:05 AM) golgibody: If only dog was here
(4:46:06 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... A Compo Of Epic Proportions — Fearofdark —
(4:46:07 AM) goluigi: why should we even bother
(4:46:12 AM) goluigi: with listening to the rest
(4:46:13 AM) golgibody: FearofDogs
(4:46:13 AM) gyms: this fod is incredible
(4:46:15 AM) Tilde: I remember not listening to this.
(4:46:19 AM) CaptBeard: i can't wait to listen
(4:46:21 AM) CaptBeard: i love my fod
(4:46:28 AM) gyms: this is one of the best imo
(4:46:30 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... A Compo Of Epic Proportions — Fearofdark (entry 211/215, 4 left, 98.14% complete)
(4:46:32 AM) Tilde: Kyeh.
(4:46:34 AM) goluigi: caninophobia
(4:46:48 AM) goluigi: good song
(4:46:49 AM) Grumskiz1: oh yeah, I'm hearing POKEY :o
(4:46:53 AM) CaptBeard: so far i hear the god
(4:47:07 AM) CaptBeard: yeah, the whole note-slide-manual is so fod
(4:47:12 AM) Tilde: Reminds me of pokemon card game the game.
(4:47:14 AM) kfaraday: : )
(4:47:21 AM) kfaraday: put the fear of fod into ya
(4:47:21 AM) Tilde: 2.
(4:47:24 AM) Tilde: probably.
(4:47:26 AM) CaptBeard: oh my fod
(4:47:31 AM) CaptBeard: lovin these arps
(4:47:33 AM) kfaraday: fearoffod
(4:47:34 AM) goluigi: Fod.
(4:47:39 AM) CaptBeard: feed me fod.
(4:47:39 AM) HertzDevil: Food.
(4:47:48 AM) HertzDevil: give me thge fod
(4:47:58 AM) CaptBeard: munch munch munch
(4:47:59 AM) CaptBeard: beep
(4:48:00 AM) golgibody: And it's in tune as well.
(4:48:09 AM) gyms: yea
(4:48:15 AM) gyms: he was careful to pick the right key
(4:48:19 AM) goluigi: gude song
(4:48:19 AM) CaptBeard: woah
(4:48:20 AM) CaptBeard: yessss
(4:48:27 AM) CaptBeard: there needs to be more filterusage
(4:48:35 AM) CaptBeard: woah yessss
(4:48:42 AM) CaptBeard: that was wonderful.
(4:48:43 AM) SoiledBargains: Not enough emphasis on the chords.
(4:48:53 AM) SoiledBargains: IMO.
(4:48:54 AM) CaptBeard: i like pancake department better.
(4:48:55 AM) goluigi: i wiked it
(4:48:58 AM) golgibody: You don't need to emphasise the chords
(4:49:00 AM) CaptBeard: it's good though.
(4:49:02 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Take one for teh team — TristEndo —
(4:49:04 AM) golgibody: This is much better than pancake department!
(4:49:14 AM) gyms: woooo
(4:49:18 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Take one for teh team — TristEndo (entry 212/215, 3 left, 98.605% complete)
(4:49:19 AM) gyms: tristendo genesis track
(4:49:20 AM) CaptBeard: i think it's good, and one of the best pokeys
(4:49:26 AM) CaptBeard: but i do like his nes works best
(4:49:37 AM) Tilde: Great finale.
(4:49:41 AM) CaptBeard: exception is: his zx beepr this year and rolling down the street is good.
(4:49:43 AM) SoiledBargains: VRC7-sounding
(4:49:51 AM) CaptBeard: teh...why
(4:49:53 AM) Tilde: Very good way to cap this off.
(4:49:54 AM) CaptBeard: why use TEH
(4:50:01 AM) goluigi: teehee
(4:50:06 AM) Tilde: Maybe he misspelled it, you goober.
(4:50:06 AM) kfaraday: teh :)
(4:50:11 AM) Tilde: Jeez~
(4:50:23 AM) golgibody: This sounds a bit like KungFufurby
(4:50:26 AM) golgibody: In a good way
(4:50:28 AM) CaptBeard: yeah, a little
(4:50:33 AM) CaptBeard: i like this.
(4:50:36 AM) Grumskiz1: there should be a shmup that uses this song
(4:50:36 AM) SoiledBargains: dancy
(4:50:41 AM) kfaraday: fantastic epilogue track
(4:50:49 AM) goluigi: not even the last track
(4:50:51 AM) goluigi: #wow
(4:50:55 AM) SoiledBargains: Really? Furby? Huh.
(4:50:57 AM) CaptBeard: next song is the longest song so far.
(4:51:03 AM) kfaraday: beard :))
(4:51:13 AM) HertzDevil: no
(4:51:29 AM) CaptBeard: it's good, a bit too chaotic at times for me
(4:51:32 AM) HertzDevil: beautiful child at heart is longer
(4:51:39 AM) kfaraday: haha DEFILED biyatch
(4:51:49 AM) SoiledBargains: :o ?
(4:51:51 AM) HertzDevil: kf :)
(4:51:54 AM) CaptBeard: it's like he took a few songs and mashed them together, sometimes
(4:51:55 AM) kfaraday: :-)
(4:52:06 AM) CaptBeard: and that can be good, but this song could be expanded on where it starts at
(4:52:10 AM) Strobe: it had a strobe ending
(4:52:14 AM) SoiledBargains: haha
(4:52:14 AM) Tilde: Thanks for having this be a thing this year, everyone. I hope you enjoyed my entries to some extent and I'm grateful that I got a chance to take part in something as great at this. You all impress me a lot and I strive to be like you.
(4:52:15 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... End of Chapter 8 — Shock —
(4:52:17 AM) goluigi: lmfao
(4:52:22 AM) Grumskiz1: 3 seconds
(4:52:23 AM) golgibody: Hahahaha
(4:52:23 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... End of Chapter 8 — Shock (entry 213/215, 2 left, 99.07% complete)
(4:52:24 AM) CaptBeard: thanks tilde
(4:52:28 AM) Grumskiz1: WHOA
(4:52:29 AM) CaptBeard: WE DID IT
(4:52:29 AM) golgibody: Good gameboy song!
(4:52:30 AM) CaptBeard: WOOWOWOWO
(4:52:30 AM) Tilde: Great work.
(4:52:33 AM) SoiledBargains: That felt longer than 3 seconds!
(4:52:34 AM) SoiledBargains: YATTA
(4:52:34 AM) goluigi: now is a good time to enter my final entry into wc8
(4:52:35 AM) golgibody: :)
(4:52:37 AM) HertzDevil:
(4:52:37 AM) xterm-logger: YAY
(4:52:40 AM) CaptBeard: YEA
(4:52:42 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... Hello, the last place is mine, thank you. :) — Slimeball —
(4:52:43 AM) golgibody: Yes you should!
(4:52:43 AM) CaptBeard: LETS DO
(4:52:44 AM) Tilde: Sure.
(4:52:47 AM) goluigi: YES
(4:52:49 AM) CaptBeard: wow
(4:52:49 AM) goluigi: YES!!!!!
(4:52:49 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... Hello, the last place is mine, thank you. :) — Slimeball (entry 214/215, 1 left, 99.535% complete)
(4:52:50 AM) Tilde: Neat.
(4:52:50 AM) gyms: yes
(4:52:52 AM) CaptBeard: WE WIN FOREVER.
(4:52:54 AM) SoiledBargains: WINNER
(4:52:54 AM) gyms: hahaha
(4:52:55 AM) goluigi: !entry YES
(4:52:56 AM) Grumskiz1: really good
(4:52:56 AM) CaptBeard: TODAY AND TOMORROW.
(4:52:56 AM) BotB: mootbooxle - Yesterday's Hero.nsf ::
(4:53:01 AM) SoiledBargains: Wait waht about miau?
(4:53:09 AM) ironclad: Hero.nsf
(4:53:10 AM) puke7:
(4:53:10 AM) CaptBeard: miau?
(4:53:10 AM) gyms: self portrait
(4:53:11 AM) Grumskiz1: yeah...that is a late entry
(4:53:13 AM) BotB: miau - aaaaaaaaa :: Battle of the Bits -- does this work Page info: HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, RSS Support
(4:53:14 AM) FoD: YES
(4:53:18 AM) Tilde: Huh.
(4:53:18 AM) FoD: We did it
(4:53:19 AM) Tilde: Well.
(4:53:21 AM) CaptBeard: oh no
(4:53:22 AM) BotB: FRESH n00b :: ChipJockey
(4:53:22 AM) xterm-logger: thanks kfaraday :)
(4:53:23 AM) SoiledBargains: ja
(4:53:26 AM) Tilde: Might as well.
(4:53:28 AM) goluigi: illegaaaaaal
(4:53:32 AM) Tilde: He's an illegal~
(4:53:32 AM) goluigi: ya
(4:53:33 AM) BotB: HydraForce Engage: ChipJockey :: :: PS= No :: INF= None :: LOC= Poland, Tomasz\xf3w :: AN= :: LHU= :: Conclusion= Not a spammer
(4:53:34 AM) SoiledBargains: Yes
(4:53:35 AM) Tilde: Go ahead.
(4:53:40 AM) Tilde: No reason not to.
(4:53:44 AM) SoiledBargains: \xf3w
(4:53:45 AM) CaptBeard: don't be racist
(4:53:48 AM) CaptBeard: let's do it.
(4:53:49 AM) HertzDevil: respect the miau
(4:53:54 AM) goluigi: yes we did tilde
(4:53:58 AM) goluigi: best 20 mins of my life
(4:54:06 AM) CaptBeard: i wish i was there physically
(4:54:12 AM) CaptBeard: but spiritually, i was there all along.
(4:54:16 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... aaaaaaaaa — miau —
(4:54:39 AM) SoiledBargains: Whoops called it too early. x(
(4:54:42 AM) CaptBeard: dj funkyman is fun though.
(4:54:50 AM) xterm-logger: key man
(4:54:54 AM) CaptBeard: makes me want to do more songs with FL Studio samples.
(4:54:57 AM) CaptBeard: GO. ACTIVATE.
(4:54:59 AM) gyms: dj funkyman is in my top 5
(4:55:12 AM) Tilde: -..-
(4:55:18 AM) SoiledBargains: Will troll entries really take over this Winter Chip?
(4:55:22 AM) SoiledBargains: hahaha
(4:55:22 AM) CaptBeard: haha
(4:55:23 AM) FoD: right, yeah, gonna get some more sleep now
(4:55:30 AM) Tilde: <..<
(4:55:32 AM) CaptBeard: we all ironically vote the troll entries 7
(4:55:33 AM) FoD: thanks for hosting this kayfaraday
(4:55:33 AM) SoiledBargains: Now playing... aaaaaaaaa — miau (entry 215/215, 0 left, 100% complete)
(4:55:35 AM) CaptBeard: and they actually win
(4:55:38 AM) kfaraday: :)))
(4:55:41 AM) BotB: n00b CONfirmED :: ChipJockey
(4:55:42 AM) Tilde: Epilogue track.
(4:55:45 AM) gyms: dj funkyman isn't troll : <
(4:55:45 AM) SoiledBargains: ( :) )
(4:55:47 AM) CaptBeard: it's a good epilogue
(4:55:49 AM) Grumskiz1: Credits roll
(4:55:51 AM) kfaraday: it was a pleasure to host~~
(4:55:53 AM) Tilde: Very great.
(4:55:58 AM) Grumskiz1: participating BotBrs:
(4:55:58 AM) Tilde: Good job hosting, kfaraday.
(4:56:05 AM) CaptBeard: dj funkyman isn't technically troll but, it's silly for sure.
(4:56:06 AM) xterm-logger: kfaraday rulz ok
(4:56:07 AM) kfaraday: ten and a half hours!! we deed it
(4:56:09 AM) ***SoiledBargains sheds a single tear
(4:56:10 AM) CaptBeard: also, thanks kfaraday
(4:56:10 AM) Tilde: Special thanks to:
(4:56:10 AM) Tilde: ME
(4:56:11 AM) golgibody: We did it!
(4:56:15 AM) CaptBeard: that was SO long
(4:56:16 AM) gyms: yes, kfaraday you were very pleasant to listen to
(4:56:18 AM) ***Strobe sheds oil
(4:56:19 AM) CaptBeard: we pulled through
(4:56:21 AM) kfaraday: :)
(4:56:29 AM) Tilde: I was gonna help host the stream this year as kfaraday's foil but it ended up not being feasible :<
(4:56:32 AM) FoD left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(4:56:34 AM) Tilde: So I hope you guys get to listen to me next year.
(4:56:34 AM) goluigi: I LASTED ALL 10 HOURS AND 26 MINUTES
(4:56:37 AM) CaptBeard: we are the survivors. twas fun listening to songs with my friends here.
(4:56:44 AM) kfaraday: now let's hope livestream doesn't fuck up saving this. hahaha
(4:56:47 AM) Patashu: sick wc8
(4:56:47 AM) SoiledBargains: aaaaaaaaa.nsf — how we will look at WC8 after it's all been said and done.
(4:56:54 AM) CaptBeard: so did i goluigi, i just wasn't in the chatroom the whole time
(4:57:03 AM) ***SoiledBargains calp calp calp calp calp calp calp calp
(4:57:06 AM) xterm-logger: :)))))
(4:57:08 AM) CaptBeard: thank you for being there for us, i loved spending time with you guys in the midst of music.
(4:57:10 AM) HertzDevil: Entry 8411-8499:
(4:57:10 AM) HertzDevil: Entry 8501-8594:
(4:57:10 AM) HertzDevil: Entry 8606-8699:
(4:57:10 AM) HertzDevil: Entry 8704-8789:
(4:57:12 AM) Strobe: calp calp calp calp!
(4:57:14 AM) BotB: -- Page info: HTML, CSS, Ajax
(4:57:17 AM) ***goluigi slaps kfaraday around a bit with a large trout
(4:57:18 AM) SoiledBargains: WC8 Livestream: Queue next entry... aaaaaaaaa — miau —
(4:57:20 AM) CaptBeard: you're all my best friends
(4:57:23 AM) goluigi: :3
(4:57:24 AM) SoiledBargains: whopp
(4:57:25 AM) CaptBeard: online at least
(4:57:26 AM) golgibody: NO U R THE BEST ;3
(4:57:28 AM) Tilde: :|
(4:57:33 AM) SoiledBargains: THANK YOU!
(4:57:34 AM) goluigi: woohoo
(4:57:35 AM) Strobe: "not as good but beyond amazing" :O
(4:57:36 AM) Tilde: thank you.
(4:57:39 AM) CaptBeard: it was good.
(4:57:44 AM) goluigi: now time to do it again
(4:57:51 AM) CaptBeard: this time
(4:57:52 AM) Tilde: dog dog dog
(4:57:55 AM) SoiledBargains: Time to get SLEEP
(4:57:59 AM) SoiledBargains: I mean jeez!
(4:58:03 AM) goluigi: this time all dog entries get 5x playback
(4:58:04 AM) kfaraday: i hope this saves
(4:58:05 AM) Strobe: now i feel alone after 10 hours of kfaraday
(4:58:05 AM) CaptBeard: only dog, dis is beep, and endless journey songs allowed
(4:58:06 AM) kfaraday: gahahahah
(4:58:17 AM) CaptBeard: 10 HOURS.
(4:58:23 AM) puke7: insane
(4:58:33 AM) Tilde: Now for a Ford ad before seeing if I can watch stuff from before.
(4:58:56 AM) SoiledBargains: really insane
(4:59:32 AM) goluigi: look slimeball we have the same palette!
(4:59:41 AM) kfaraday: alright i hit save
(4:59:42 AM) kfaraday: i hope that worked
(5:00:08 AM) CaptBeard: i'm bedding now.
(5:00:09 AM) Tilde: It looks like I'm already watching??
(5:00:12 AM) CaptBeard: night, FINALLY.
(5:00:16 AM) Tilde: Goodnight
(5:00:17 AM) Tilde: .
(5:00:19 AM) xterm-logger: goluigi: slimeball has no palette set so it looks like yours
(5:00:24 AM) goluigi: :(
(5:00:28 AM) xterm-logger: yeah
(5:00:36 AM) goluigi: i have been deceived
(5:00:37 AM) SoiledBargains: Good night everyone... for reall!!
(5:00:41 AM) xterm-logger: night soiled
(5:00:45 AM) golgibody: :D
(5:00:45 AM) goluigi: V vi ending
(5:00:47 AM) xterm-logger: thanks for being vanna white hahah
(5:00:48 AM) Tilde: Nightnight.
(5:01:06 AM) SoiledBargains left the room (quit: Quit: I need so much sleeeep.).
(5:01:08 AM) kfaraday: how long does it take to show up
(5:01:14 AM) goluigi: 10 hours
(5:01:18 AM) kfaraday: lmfao
(5:01:21 AM) goluigi: better do the livestream again
(5:01:22 AM) CaptBeard left the room (quit: ).
(5:01:29 AM) kfaraday: ahahah
(5:01:32 AM) Tilde: Re-do
(5:01:35 AM) Tilde: Go for the SSS
(5:01:47 AM) goluigi: this time with dog entries and roofie entries played back 5x!
(5:01:48 AM) BotB: plrusek :: new avatar ::
(5:03:31 AM) kfaraday: haaa ok
(5:03:50 AM) xterm-logger: hahah golgibody nice profile update
(5:03:55 AM) golgibody: :)
(5:04:00 AM) kfaraday: i have i think... something in my videos
(5:04:08 AM) kfaraday: erp
(5:04:10 AM) xterm-logger: veeeedius
(5:04:24 AM) kfaraday: HAHA
(5:04:25 AM) kfaraday: yea. got it
(5:04:28 AM) xterm-logger: yay!
(5:04:29 AM) kfaraday: 2.45 gigabytes
(5:04:31 AM) kfaraday: 11 hours
(5:04:33 AM) kfaraday: how do i upload this
(5:04:34 AM) xterm-logger: is it downloadable?
(5:04:35 AM) kfaraday: gahahaha
(5:04:36 AM) xterm-logger: oh
(5:04:40 AM) xterm-logger: you have it locally
(5:04:42 AM) kfaraday: yea
(5:04:54 AM) kfaraday: wow i'm fucking amazed i had the hard drive space
(5:05:12 AM) kfaraday: i hope it's not cause it's corrupt
(5:05:12 AM) Tilde: same.
(5:05:13 AM) xterm-logger: :)
(5:05:26 AM) gyms: when the system got overworked it would start slowing down
(5:05:35 AM) Tilde: Hey, I can make an OHB now.
(5:05:36 AM) puke7: woah
(5:05:39 AM) Tilde: I'll use that wisely.
(5:05:42 AM) puke7: it saves to your drive
(5:05:58 AM) xterm-logger: yeah i guess it wasn't but the local software he used
(5:06:06 AM) kfaraday: i'll rar it
(5:06:12 AM) kfaraday: uhm
(5:06:18 AM) kfaraday: i'm like terrified of losing this file hahaha
(5:06:26 AM) puke7: lol
(5:06:26 AM) HertzDevil:
(5:06:27 AM) xterm-logger: do you have a dvd burner?
(5:06:29 AM) puke7: bluray release
(5:06:29 AM) BotB: Title: final meal 2 , Uploaded by: funkmeisterfish , Views: 2 , Cat: people
(5:06:32 AM) lob31 left the room (quit: ).
(5:06:39 AM) xterm-logger: haha yeah
(5:06:41 AM) gyms: extremely demanding on the hardware
(5:07:54 AM) xterm-logger: kfaraday how is your uplink?
(5:08:00 AM) kfaraday: uhh
(5:08:04 AM) kfaraday: hold ons
(5:08:14 AM) kfaraday: lemme check the video is working~
(5:08:47 AM) kfaraday: oh god
(5:08:49 AM) kfaraday: beyond perfect
(5:08:50 AM) kfaraday: okay
(5:09:07 AM) kfaraday: oplondin'
(5:09:14 AM) decinoge left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(5:09:16 AM) xterm-logger: yeah someone needs to rip the part where you acapella :)
(5:09:23 AM) xterm-logger: ok you have somewhere to host it?
(5:09:51 AM) kfaraday: yea i got a host hee
(5:10:09 AM) kfaraday: it's upping at a decent speed, giving me an eta of about 2 hours
(5:10:18 AM) kfaraday: :D you'll be able to download it then~!
(5:10:29 AM) xterm-logger: yay!
(5:10:31 AM) Grumskiz1: you're awesome!
(5:10:38 AM) xterm-logger: ^
(5:11:16 AM) Tilde: Neat...
(5:14:09 AM) golgibody left the room (quit: ).
(5:14:13 AM) Yibbon: winnerchiop
(5:14:24 AM) HertzDevil: yibb
(5:14:33 AM) HertzDevil:
(5:14:36 AM) BotB: Index of /DumbMusic Page info: HTML
(5:14:39 AM) Yibbon: no
(5:14:47 AM) Yibbon: that directory is forbidden
(5:18:28 AM) HertzDevil: My fam is now dead ty ;) ;) ;)
(5:19:36 AM) Yibbon: ?
(5:19:45 AM) goluigi: oh my positive counterpart died :(
(5:19:48 AM) goluigi: so i will die too
(5:19:53 AM) goluigi: bye :)))
(5:19:54 AM) HertzDevil: noo
(5:20:35 AM) goluigi left the room (quit: Quit: bye hertzdevil).
(5:23:28 AM) lunar [~daveharri@] entered the room.
(5:23:34 AM) Tilde: Hey lunar.
(5:23:50 AM) Tilde: I'll see you guys later, I need to take some care of myself.
(5:24:01 AM) Tilde: Thanks again for having this.
(5:24:02 AM) Tilde: See yous.
(5:24:05 AM) Tilde left the room.
(5:24:13 AM) lunar: alright
(5:25:07 AM) kfaraday left the room.
(5:27:10 AM) You have parted the channel